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Amy Duckworth Nov 2018
I love you.
I said it.
I. Love. You.
please accept me.
Amy Duckworth May 2018
It stands tall
But it falls far
It makes no noise
When it fall is booms, Roars, Screeches
Towers stand tall
Until they fall
Amy Duckworth Apr 2018
It may hurt you
But it helps more in the long run
Even if it hurts you its the truth you can't change it try to accept it the best you can
Its ok if you can't
It was hard for me too
Dont worry
Amy Duckworth Sep 2018
There's always a little
Behind every
"Just kidding"

A little
Behind every
"I don't know"

A little
Behind every
"I don't care"

And a little
Behind every
"It's ok"
Amy Duckworth May 2018
We all wait for someone
Whether it is in
Or friendship
We all wait
Sometimes that waiting helps us
Sometimes it dosent
I am waiting for someone
Out of love and care
We all wait
It takes time
Take your time
They will understand
Wait for it and be patient
Amy Duckworth Oct 2018
We are like spiders making our own web we call home;
That web is one of life.
If our web is destoried,
We get to build it again;
But some are unfortunate and are destroyed with it.
Life is like a web,
And we are the spiders spinning it.
Amy Duckworth Dec 2018
I found someone,
they make me whole,
but one thing,
well, maybe more than one thing,
those things are,
I am insane,
But she convinced me other,
or she thought
but I still plan things that people will say I am crazy for planning,
She still loves me
and that is what love is.
The ability to hold someone's hand when they are not perfect or are having a bad day, or maybe just crazy.
That is what love is the ability to stand by someone no matter what.
Amy Duckworth Apr 2018
Life is upside down
I messed up so many times
I am not luck
I don't get to confess until the turn to someone else
I hurt so much
My crush likes my harasser
I hide my scratches
My dark circles
My sadness
I broke
Like glass
I was brittle
I was dropped
Many Many times
I wish my terror would end
I am not lucky
Is this what happens when you try to help
If so I wont
I didn't mean to
I snapped at my other friend
I yelled I was so mad
or was it just sadness..
Will they tell the rest of friends I have left
Will everyone hate me
I am ready to end it all
Just give me the word
Amy Duckworth Nov 2018
I want to love someone but I simply can't love them.
What happened to my emotions?
I only feel numb with sadness.
I want to be happy for those who see me as a friend.
So I lie,
To myself,
And them.
I refuse to see the truth because I am scared.
Amy Duckworth Apr 2018
I wish I could be like those confident people in movies
But I am to scared
I don't want to step up
I want to be happy
My crush is mine
I want to be able to tell him
He needs to see the whole picture
How though
I wish to be happy
I wish to be able to be confident
I wish this all could be over
I wish I knew what I should do
I wish I had the guts to let it all go
I wish though
Please help me
I can't change him to her so sorry about that because it won't let me change it
Amy Duckworth Oct 2018
Words can be lies,
Or partial truths.
Don't believe what you hear all the time.
Amy Duckworth May 2018
Its a way I let myself go
I become what and who I want to be
Try it it may make you happy
I get lost in it
But have something that guides me back
The thrill makes me happy
I am almost never happy
It removes the tears I hold back
It lets me fly away
Free like a bird
Maybe I am a bird
Maybe I am a lion
Maybe I am a Dragon
I get lost in thought
It can lead you to a peaceful place
Try it and let your thoughts go
Good Luck
Amy Duckworth Sep 2018
Your Life
isn't a film
Don't end it

— The End —