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KHY Jul 2019
If you act like you act;
and I act like I act;
We can continue acting forever
#act #acting #forever  #love
KHY Nov 2024
my fingers are laced in a chalice
of drugs that **** my sensations.
i used to resist them as a loner—
until the white coat angel
ignited my fouls with
radio-**** tweaking.

now i sprawl in expiring
fictions that come anew
and reprint their additives;
making me a king
of numbers, of colours,
of game.

until my world is all
mold and brain.
KHY Nov 2024
i kiss his heart,
surrounding it—
and it dips with grace
inside me.

it's imbued with rose
pulsing veins; a living choir.
so let's recite our communal desire;
and bloom this flower.
KHY Oct 2023
It's hard to speak openly as a man
who only knew how to be a boy.

My credentials are lackluster,
I only have my mothers words

on how I never learned patience.
My heart fears big men in small places,

I guess that's why I never grew up...
I was afraid to stand tall and speak up.
KHY Feb 2021
the waterfall pours from my eyes
pedals fall underneath the guise
stunting growth, lethargic dope
cogs and knots, perched atop  
Frozen locks, offset and lost
denial of fact, unravelling fiction
dine in solitude, reset and listen
KHY Oct 2020
It feels more natural
Than a capsule
Talking with you
Even though you make me blue
Medication puts me through
KHY Mar 2022
Tangling temperament fouls my mood
Whispers of paradise; illicit and ****
Conquers my femur, my patience-
I brood.

Lips kiss of magic, twisted with soot
Who comes to split me?
To carve me in twos...
Magnificent folly, cement me in glue.
KHY Mar 2021
Bliss is in the heat;
Life is in the cold
KHY Jan 2019
Unraveling the mystery in her spine
Knots all throughout time
I break it in;
I cave my mark,
I show her how I like to start
KHY Jan 2019
My lovely precious bee,
The hive isn’t for you
It’s for us;
But we’re dead together ?
So its dust
I have a broom
KHY Oct 2023
The peace inside me is cracking blue

the hatred of men and the loathing of women
***** lonely tombstones from coast to coast

and I can't help but think
our violets are rotting at the root
KHY Jan 2019
Words are knives in my heart;
I am dull to the world

When I keel and I peel;
My aftermath is sealed
KHY Oct 2019
I understand nothing
I feel everything
What I do not know, I feel
when i do know, I heal
KHY Jan 2019
Write it off as a coincidence;
But she will forever influence the way you are
KHY Apr 2020
So much for them;
I'll forget them
So much for me;
I'll forget me
Forget. In these trying times I find it hard to keep everything in. By forgetting my problems I forget myself. By forgetting others I forget myself. I forget.
KHY Mar 2022
I’m not so thoughtful
When it comes to plastic bags

Wrapping around lampposts,
Sneering through the leaves

Thoughtless as a buckled leaflet;
Advertised for kin

I kick it in a circus of payouts,
Reflecting all my dues

One day it will return,
Latent and breaking.
KHY Dec 2024
down a hole
a boy grows words
from his tonuge.

he speaks dirt
to sprout flowers;
so nurture his love

so his vines can
reach your garden
nurture those that matter most to spread their love, and yours.
KHY Nov 2024
i hope you know I always was,
in my head with a million guns,
spraying leads and speaking duds.
KHY Oct 2019
In a weird way, I'm okay
In a normal way, I've never been okay
I feel this way a lot, I've never felt normal. I've never felt okay being normal either.
I hope that's okay.
KHY Jan 2019
Sin is a real evidence keeper
Expose it to your equals
Or it will eat you
KHY Oct 2020
rain bends leafs to their depths
they ring out colour that fills the earths chest
a coat of white on a heap of life
unto death
KHY Oct 2023
I wake with stone eyes that
plaster tears through my crevices;
petrifying my momentum.

I'm stuck here perpetually,
praying only to those who can't hear.
I'm a stone wall; a mountain that
passes no breeze.

I solidify in this coffin waiting
bitterly for a lovers kiss
that will never come.
for my worth isn't written on my lips;
its plastered on my obituary.
KHY Nov 2019
I can't promise you the world,
But I can give it to you
I cannot promise you, but I can show you.
KHY Dec 2024
there is a ****** tension
between my ego and my self-loathing

they both love to **** each other,
it's almost alarming

looking in the mirror I'm so alluring,
I could blow a kiss

while plotting to sedate myself,
to fabricate a bliss

I legalize hate for myself
to encourage my fouling

I pollute the good in me,
so why would it surround me?
KHY Oct 2023
O, it is definite.
I submit to your summit,
And linger there indefinitely.

Like my father did,
O, so perfectly lulled;
took the pill

His mother nursed him with,
To forget his father, he who
Met his grace

Earlier than the stripling of your years.
O, how he reset your communion,
Traced your strength asunder-

Compacted you into diamonds;
Your violence mined them with duds.
Recall me now, you recalled me then-

Never now, do you see me,
Without yourself as him.
Him for his failings.

I am your mirror to you,
The roses you gave me
Have been rotting since 1962.

O father, I just wanted you to be true
But you took your dead father,
And gave me him too.
Trauma passed down throughout generations.
KHY Dec 2024
i think of tragedy
to imagine a stream of love
pouring out for me

i think of cataclysm
to imagine big arms
comforting me

i think of death
to imagine life
radiating from me

i think of shade
to imagine colour
seeking me

i think of you
to imagine love
loving me

i think of tragedy
to imagine the good
i need
KHY Mar 2
there is an indifference in the steam
that clouds the undeserving

their effigy is finely plastered
on the buckled femur of the contemptible

who transcribed their vapid fate,
a day sleeper, or night dweller?

i think there's a split in their feminine and masculine; a pubecently, adolescently poignant

infant-grown mongrel bewitched by neurons obsessed with cyclical "whys"

reveal themselves as ignorantly circular
in a functional world of squares
over thinking over thought
KHY Oct 2019
I'm glad I was given what I got
I am so lucky this time around
being born to peace
I know I have always been very fortunate. But we will always find misfortune no matter where we start... it all depends on how we look at it, and what we do with it.
KHY Sep 2019
Are you okay?
No, are you?
I'm not okay. Will we ever be okay?
KHY Jan 2019
Look at your own reflection;
it’s a metaphor for your internal dimensions
KHY Oct 2020
You’ve infected that part of me
that cries when I’m alone
Now my tears are iron chains
that block me from the sun
I feel none
I feel none
KHY Jul 2019
I should resist you;
like you resist me
it's not easy
#resist #noteasy #resistyou #resistme
KHY Oct 2023
A little daft in the head
She said, she said,
So many things
I tried to
Squeeze it
In my head
KHY Jul 2019
I'm on my way but I don't know
I'm slinging sacks over everyone I know
I'm on my way but I don't know
They all go in different directions I'm left alone
I'm on my way but I don't know
Why I gave anything to anyone
The feeling remains
KHY Feb 2020
You know what I did,
But not what it meant
Just because you know what someone has done doesnt mean you understand what it meant
KHY Oct 2023
I failed all my poetry
by belching words
that isn't me
I bob and weave and stitch the
adverting mental catastrophe
with one eye flush and one eye
I spew the jargon that lights me up
I post it here I post it there
and hope it sticks and fills
the air
KHY Mar 2021
writing spiral
I'm writing the spiral
I'm on my paper
drawing my pencil
I am on my paper
and I'm drawing my pencil
as all these faces that I see
are just not adding up
into anything I want to be
or anywhere I want to go  
and no matter what you say
I will never endorse it
back to the life
that takes your soul
and make it go away
an abstract poem on my insecurities about writing poetry, lyrics, or just creating art in general.
KHY Nov 2020
You are greater than that which you are named
Until that which you are named becomes that which you are

— The End —