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SelinaSharday Apr 2018
The beast loving the beast he didnt have
sympathy for beauty and the way that beauty should be treated.
Beauty she didnt have the ******* nature of
reality that means the way a beast should be. Beauty and her Beast
The tender love and affection that beauty needed.
Was often ignore rejected and neglected.
from the beast.
The same way, that beauty wasnt able to
saddle the ******* meaness
and the rocky foundation.
That the beast was used to. To accept him being what he is.
Unloving uncaring ungiving.
because he is better known as this beast.
Beauty and her Beast.
Beauty would often be torn ravished and taken for granted.
While the beast would often feast on the tender meat.
Of Beauty! Ravishing and seeking, beastly taking.
Barely ever having anything descent to be giving.
No kindness no loving ways, no maturity.
Because the beast didnt even love himself.
This beast he be!
Sometimes as beauty would be recovering
she'd reach for him in his rocky
******* places and it would leave her torn.
In tragedy torn ripped places because Beauty.
Needs peace beauty needs sweet relief.
That couldnt be provided.
By a ravishing Beast.
Beasty and her beast.
The way he seeks,, the way he treats the way he harms.
The way he rings alarms.
Beauty would sigh love me! The Beast would say Hate me.
Hate me I am Beast!
My Features are beast My ways are Beast.
My Heart is beasty. For I remember am Beast.
Beauty would cry Love me, desire me, want me,
Cherish Me, feed me nourish me.
comfort me, cradle me.
For I am beauty and I seek love and maturity.
I am Beauty. Do Not Devour me.
But nourish me and treat me kindly  
And Know that I am beauty.
I seek sweet sleep sweet deliverance
For I am Beautiful I need not  a Beast!
Don't be beasty let me transform you into my Prince charming
my romantic knight and shinning armor.
can I kiss the beast and he turn into my romantic beast.

By SelinaSharday.. All Rights reseved S.A.M 2018
hear it on soundcloud
SelinaSharday Feb 2018
IS THERE A y.o.u!

Confidently waiting
Confidently hiding. comfortably chilling..
waiting On Nothing but Y.U.O to come along..
I'm relaxing in a tub filled with caressing roses.
Me soothingly preparing me!..
Enjoying me and this time getting to enjoy this new me and
who I've come to be.
Working with dedication, personally I'm sure your relating.
As your working On you too. And laboring hard day after day.
I'm not wasting this time till we are found.
Love waiting to unfold.
Its wanting to be released and be yours to keep and hold..
I'm here and sometimes I do feel that lonely.
Knowing your not holding..Me!
Yet I am enjoying this new Me!
I'm confidently enjoying.
I have my family and my friends and them I'm enjoying.
But can't wait to laugh and smile and be loved by Y.O.U.
Wondering thinking of what would it be like to touch on Y.O.U.
You..You.. You.. Feel the touch of you..
In my heart sometimes I have conversation with Y.O.U.
Thinking what If I never be found by you.
Then I'll be content to live imaginatively with you.
My perfected Y.O.U. Soul mate in you..Perfect for me kinda you.
Blessed to be tapping my fingers musically because of you.
Desiring.. confidently praying.. silently hoping there is this Y.O.U!
By SelinaSharday S.A.M. TM 2018
waiting on H.I.M THE most compatible love..
SelinaSharday Mar 2018
I feel empowered..I'm here to love on me..
here to support me.
love on some me..
after seeing how others will take me for granted.
take my sweet gentle nature and ignore it.
fail to appreciate it.
Hurt and abuse me
My time I give my attention I give.
Others may play the games of neglect with me.
After I bring the positivity.
My sunshine my smooth uplifting gift.
I've adopted a better spiritual outlook.
Not goin to lay my pearls at their foot.
My love don't belong on the ground.
To be kicked all around.
Nah nah nah no!
I'm going to say the things I've failed to let flow.
I'm going to release my tongue..
Building up my self esteem a useful weapon.
Its about me keeping going, not being injured by the tragic done.
Stop others from trappling my precious rose petals.
I realize the gift in me, some will not get my specials.
I'm seeking to stay focused.
and enlightened, Aware of my spiritual.
As the purest forms of me unfolds.
By selinasharday
S.A.M 2018
recognized this beauty in oneself, even when others treat you so poorly off and aware stand up fot the gift you are.
SelinaSharday Sep 2023
After many working days of giving of myself in love patience and endurance There are joys in the mist  and I'm Thankful
The days past have had their struggles and blessings.. I have been facing the challenges ..
The mentals cares and the growing pains that comes with time experience and rough edges..
I know Sleep has  been  a thing I have chased, and tried my hardest to pin down.. by accidental falls..
Sleep where are you my heart calls.
But yet my days catch her sometimes..lolzz I mean really..
I crave for certain events on days.. its absence quite chilly.
Yet there are many delays..
But this Wednesday I needed Wednesday the rains fell and poured me replenishment to my thirst, and dear love Wednesday loved me.. dearly  gave me the rest I needed.
Wednesday fell upon me, and gave love, like cloud nine times eleven sent.
I tried to hold on to Wednesday and pouted as it had to carry on...
Now its Thursday and as I labor my eyes cry for rest to sleep as I'm pushing and working strong.
This day has been long..
  My off days are Thursday and Friday..
Sunday and Monday may bring, rest and love, flowers, and kisses and sweet misses
of sweet napping's I'll say..
ahh don't delay..
@ selinasharday_rose H.E.R #POETRY 2023 S.A.M Published.
Its about love
SelinaSharday Jul 2018
This Gen Z Kid..
This teen of mine..
This Young Man I'm reminded..He's my final Son.
This fast growing radiant dark horse
runnin around under the blaze of the hot sun.
Now He's grown into this tall knight champion.
Radiant chilled dark stallion.

He is unique admired and I'm in awe of His Being.
  @Times I'd call him the hurricane..
Inwardly lays talents that can become gifted fame.
I believe He hears.. That voice of God.
When God calls his name.

This new kinda techno son.. Video emerged.. Youtube is his tv..
This son is Gen Z!
The cusp of millennials the beginnings of Generation Z.

Our Norms and traditions bothers them none. Open free and caring emotional nomes..
In the virtual reality chemistry..
Chilling inside their rooms in the safety of homes.

My Sons a precious commodity.
What technology wiz will he turn out to be.
Gaming entertaining.. mental challenging.
The Sons who'll be parents to the next Generation of Alpha's..
Babies entertained by notebooks of cellphone tablets.
More then societies adopted habits.

Babes that are digital natives on cellphones genetic cultures.
Terminology texted media exposures.
Data and gigabytes.. downloads and high speeds.
Swiping before being taught a first school lesson.
This is the generation..Z The Digital Sons.
Written by SelinaSharday~@H.E.R (C)2018
"New Breeds of our times with even more complexities.. products of growth and technologies.
seasoned by what we dare to add of our own historical beliefs  ahh we better sprinkle in some faith and some beliefs and hold to our seats.
SelinaSharday Dec 2022
It's Pouring Ova here, Its falling..
Just look at the rain you've allowed..
It's raining , it fills my room...
This rain inspires though its pouring lightly..
It increases gently..
You said you can feel it too.
The rain is growing flowers, in my room..
The grass grows with energy..
Pouring within me respectively..
Raining... I can still hear you saying.. its raining for you too.
abundantly.. fun while... dancing meaningfully.
Rain.. Raining excites destiny.. Pouring fully..
Spilling from my room...
Sunlight above the cloud as its pouring.. Blissfully..
So luxuriously. keep raining..Over me..

keep pouring..
keep falling sweetly..
Raining.. Inside.. Raining outside.. Love reigns...Beautifully..

Such Rains...
a Good thang..

SelinaSharday_H.E.R#POETRY 2022......S.A.M
When Love is falling its like refreshing rains thats a good kinda thang...
SelinaSharday May 2021
Evenings a lovable sensitive thang.
Opting to pass usual good morning greetings as some sang.
Skipping morning bits.. rushing into the afternoon.
She welcomed the mid day
Knowing  with it a smile was on the way.
She allowed early evening to greet letting things bloom.
Working away late evenings as sleepy eyes rang.
Conversations a quick cute head nodding overhang.
Good nights are like lullabies of verbal hugs sangs.
Wasted evenings are snatching from beneath feet taken for granted rugs.
All to start another night in shimmering thoughtful plights.
Tugging away ribbons in flights.
Meaningful minds quietly dreamin.
As others may be secretly scheming.
Attentions paid to faded good morning hello's.
With hollow tones from yesterdays grading zero's.
Wash rinse and repeating..
Behaviors seems to be overwhelming.
Creativity craves new feelings.
Rare moments  seems to be fleeting.
Evenings are acceptable, noondays are welcoming,
as are the rushing of mornings.
selinasharday rosePoet s.a.m 2019-5-1
Just saying passionate about the passing times..
SelinaSharday Mar 2018
Left with no suga for lemonade..
You didn't give me any.
Its the bed you made.

My suga hidden locked away I always keep plenty.
Yet you should've  given me some.
You didn't give me any.
Should things become unraveled undone.

Like gentle flavors
Gifted courtesies.
Texting etiquettes.
Is like a lumpy  preserved sugar cube.
Know that rules in texting has its magnitude.      
Proper mannerisms set for the right attitude.
Like sensual videos from youtube.

Proper texting skills.
Sets the flow for good word adjectives.
If texting don't just walk away.. at least say bye  have a good day.
You were texting me and simply vanished away.
Didn't hear from you till some other day.

No good morning no how are you.
No Sorry I hadn't replied back to you.
The stems that builds proper relationships.
Simple actions that can untie good friendships.
Rude mannerisms, actions, bad timing..too many crazy smilies.
Too much giving, too much doing, way too many gifs cheezies.
Texting at wrongful innappropriate times.
Like at the movies or on a date no good signs.
Manners gone like public phone booths uneeded dimes.

Your rudeness Your going I can't miss.
You have no suga cubes.
Just sour lemons..
Easy to dismiss.

You gave me nothing to make lemonade.
Can't fix this mess you have made.
No suga for lemonade!
By selinasharday all rights reserved..3-2018
texting skills learn some.. like if you were on the phone you wouldn't just hang up,, be kind be considerate.
SelinaSharday Apr 2020
Throwing Away The gift.. {Poem}
Love this wealthy intangible invisible gift.
Yet you hide it deny it seek to do away with it.
Toss it in the trash like a disposable rag dirtied with stains of, I don't believe this gift.
I don't have time in my life right now for this gift.
The stains of Unappreciative feelings for this gift.
Ignoring the prize of the infancy the baby in this gift.
The newness of  life in this gift.
Like a deadened zombie with no feelings at all to recognize the gift.
How can you throw away the richness of such a gift.
The desire to grow with you grow in you, be nurtured by you of in this gift.
There's  innocent of life in the gift.
The failure to protect the power of this gift.
You dropped it away like disposable trash, Millions of uncountable blessings in the possibilities of a freely given precious value of soul..
You need love for the shattered Soul.. Will you Throw the baby out with the bath water.
It's trying  to Rescue the hearts that walk away from these gifts...
Blinded hearts wounded spirits. Deaf ears that can't hear it, can't feel it.
Can't savor the love of gifts...Stop and try to feel and believe this gift.
Gifts of hearts, Gifts of souls, nonjudgmental.. Precious Gifts to behold.
This is a GIFT!
Selinasharday_H.E.R/Poetry 2020-4-12
hardened souls
SelinaSharday Jun 2021
Hoping the sun don't fail by your eyes be seen. hoping light don't fail to show in the darkness where hope need grow.
Reaching where cruelty always strikes mean, as it's stealing comfort where love wants to gleam.
reflecting on a day was born.. and realizing this is where landed earths storm.
Trying to be grateful, and gives thanks. while being punished in sorrowful branks.
Imprisoned and legendary.. worldwide outside or small roomed inside. Your eyes can see whats visionary,. And nothing can steal your imaginary. Till away you go soaring where earthly eyes can't see... man can't understand God forgiving plans... Or how he makes you whiter then snow in his cleansing hands.
For every fed up day..
Just pray .... pray away walls.. scars.. pains and alls.. faith walk  just walk.. and heavenly talk.. God frees the caged lions...Gives them his blessing new beginnings..
Better then where you are.. you are better then what you have done..
your are better then what's said by any man.. Lift your hands.. Clap your hands oh earthly man..
LIFT Your HANDS.. IN WORSHIP LET FLOW God praise from thy lips..
Be ye comforted.. down to your bones...wrapped in psalms 91.. be covered..
selinasharday s.a.m 2021
confined, alone
SelinaSharday May 2018
Just you smile....
Your troubles are only gonna last just a little mo while.
baby you smile.
You've got a right to smile..
Smile when your feeling blue.. your smile looks good on you.
Smile when your abandoned by your friends.
A smile draws some sunlight in.
Smile in the midnight hour..
daylight will bring the promising hour.
Your smile is a gifted flower.
Oh babeh you can smile.
Turn that frown around.. listen for a hopeful sound. your faith can be found.
When you remeber to carry that smile around.
Oh Just you smile
Your troubles are only gonna last just a little mo while..
Please smile..
Your pains will become only a memory in time for you.
A testimony that you've made it through.
tell others they can make it too.
pass along that smile, looking happy is a fitting style.
Its looks so good on you.
By heavensrosepoet aka selinasharday
Just You Smile.
All rights reserved 2018 S.A.M
The joy from the inside is our medicine.. I want to see you allow in a smile. and feel it way deep down. breath and hug yourselves.. Oh bae just allow your soul to be made whole..
SelinaSharday Jan 2019
Contact/receive/text sender

Talking wit meh
Conversing with me.
texting ta meh..
I'ma give ya a bit of me.
like pieces of my heart.
sips of my soul.
I don't like ta leave conversations unfinished.
We start so let's appreciate the end
I don't share for foolishness.

Typos and Errors.
Figure it out without sorrows.
huhs...  ¯_(?)_/¯,   fingers, question marks or arrows.
It's easy to see where smiley faces goes.
Texted..Oh man..
Give me creative bits and new pieces.
Show me your unseen faces.
Open your mental deeper places.
I keep confident what's been texted.

Not hip with what's common with people.
Truth reaches deeper than what's deceitful.
So talkin wit meh I want it meaningful.
abbreviated..timely awaited, cutely animated.
The screen is excited when It's been fondly TEXTED.
You are like a Star when ya Text.
So I can't wait ta see what comes Next.
❤ ❤♫ ."¨'"..¸Sharday ¸."¨'".♫❤ ❤

By SelinaSharday Rose 2019. s.a.m ©
get real be expressive.. open up and say something ya neva have before enjoy your texting.. Liven up.. more is better than a crumb
SelinaSharday May 2018
EX'd Out!
Or Ex'iting
No matter what the who is or the they are.
And Why!
Finding ourselves in the
Ex'd out zone.
Balancing the tender spaces and delictae places.
We must be Ex'iting to fill our hands with better things.
Ex-employee..facing situations where your No longer..
in a top ranking position.
Coping, handling managing emotions.
Being in these tender places will make you stronger.
Failing to will cause you danger.
Being Ex'd Out can bring
Anger, fear feelings of rejection loss of hope..
Despair..pain within, anguish, turmoil, feeling like you can't cope.
Springing up emotions of hatred and bitterness.
Sowered things like unforgiveness..
rage and defeat.
Roots of loneliness and cravings so strong to regain
back again the place you were before all this began.
Soured..Its Time to move forward.
You have to be Ex'd out to move into new beginnings.
You have to Ex'it to seek the things much more perfect.
You don't have to see it as losing.
View it as Time to move to achieve your dreams.
If you needed to be Ex'd out for being corruptive.
Let the just live.
Allow em to live peacefully free from fear.
Free from any retaliation We have no right to rebel.
When someone wants our Ex'its from their situations.
Put your peaceful shoes on.. and move along.
Some Ex's have become harmfully dangerous.
It gives them no right to destroy any of us.
Cry to be delivered from evil..If being Ex'ed causes you pain.
Know the heart needs healing and is in critical condition.
Enter the spiritual ER emergency.
Until you can make a successful recovery.
Ex out all the negative..You have more life to live..
When you Ex'it successfully
Life has much more to give!
Writer SelinaSharday
S.A.M 2018
Constantly seeing more and more Ex's On the rampage. Making it a danger for innocent others. tragedies becoming commonplace. Its times to takes extra measures to doctor up the hearts and minds and prepare the souls for coping with being Ex'd out and or  Exiting the places you need to be removed from.
SelinaSharday Oct 2018
"Da Dramatics"

when I hear I don't do drama..
It makes me..
Pull back my hands..
Cover my face again..
Look away.. shy away..
No miracles can be performed here today.

If You don't do drama..
See drama may be rolled up in my sleeves.
As I act out my creativities..
Share my masterpieces,, drama may be what bleeds.

Drama in the sense that.. How I color my days..
How I blur out the craziest of ways.
How I finger paint with audio lyrics..
How I try to make sense of dimensional physics.
Confessions and testimonies,
bleeds from my knees.
And if I have to hide so much inside.
Zip my lips...Be ashamed of my slips.
Hide shades of identity.. Blur what bothers me.
Only offer out the candy..
The weather hasn't always been kind to me.
Your telling me there's no place for me.
because there are days times I need to be
as naked as can be.
And I need you to be naked around me.
To Dance naked with me.
Well I'ma need you to be able to take it.
As I can't fake it.
Drama is musically.. parts of my harmony.
Tamed/drama .. You have to be strong enuff cinematically
With ears of christianity
  Embrace me theologically  and love me.
Don't fear the pets I have chained. On leases beside me.
I'm a soldier dramatically.
Drama does not define me.
But It can be calmed made to behave spiritually.

Except the dramatics as you accept my harmony.
SelinaSharday S.A.M 2018
Drip Drip.. shall I hide my slips.
Shall I only show my dainty perfections..Pretend my roses don't have thorns.
Don't be blown away by my storms.
Don't be afraid when drama performs. Allow me to sound my alarms. I need you to Drip da drama for such is life and life is not without strife.
SelinaSharday Sep 2018

I keep..
Minding my own business.
in the kitchen doin the dishes..
minding my own business..
keep trying ta forget..
Not wanting to digress..
To where I feel your absence and my loneliness.
Seeing your conditions..
Reminded in my visions
I see your hands through my own hands.
I remember the simpliest things..
Even though your absent finally from my dreams.
I've been seeing you even down to the basics of you.

The unstraight lazy walk the deep sound in how you talk.
I'm still minding my own business I must confess.
I'm a little wounded yet healing.. Coping well with my feelings.
Missing those interpersonal roles.. naughty ways to console.
So old and foundational..
With you so long that our chatting.
It used to get kinda confrontational.
So close I don't think you ever truly knew.
The closeness now makes me blue.
But right now i'm just kinda tired of spiritually seeing..Y.O.U!

SelinaSharday..2018_09 .S.A.M
I really don't like it.. and i really wanna forget..
SelinaSharday Apr 2023
Such a manly man very rare
Dripping with forbidden
Complexities bringing out the besties in me.
Touching places imaginatively.
At thoughts of beauty.
Guilty guilty..
Diamonds sparkly out shining reality.
I was driving to the store for some seasonings and something refreshing.
As the sunlight kept appearing rays of bright.
Pulling down my sun visor.
The heat of the evening. Gets hotter temps are steaming.
As my mind starts to reflect.
Trying hard to redirect.
Flowery thoughts best to forget.
Walking down grocery store isles.
Looking for black pepper, and onion powder.
As emotions inside scream for hearts attention gets louder.
I need to get some tomato sauce, parmesan cheese,
Feelings leave me alone please,
hearing that voice "come here baby I'm recalling.
Woman quit running suga your stalling.
He states I see you truly I've been going thru my own
lonely thangs I'm a man. Living day by day
working hard laboring with these hands. Meeting life demands.
Your cool such an Angel Brush me with cool wings.
I do compel.
I admit I fail. Just need water from glowing wells.
Mercy for me..
You run away from me.."
Guilty guilty ..please forgive me if I trouble.
I'm shopping isle hopping escaping. All I want is to find my own paper.
That will belong to the words I scribble on it by my own flavor.
Pen courting simple free good dots careful no out of the line spots.
Finally at the register ready to check out.
Tempting treats thoughts to grab them mind plots.
Don't grab any candy junk at the register. Keep it moving.
Guess who's entering.
As I'm exiting. Beautiful luxury manly casually strolling up to me.
@SelinaSharday_H.E.R POETRY S.A.M 2023
SelinaSharday May 2018
I  Rose. More than a Rose.
She stands there posing, strikingly.
Beauty glowing  flowing tastefully
Wrapped in history adorned with knowledge draped with class.
A eye for the future a smile for the present inspiration that will last.
Heart filled with peaceful emotions, seasoned with experiences involved
in current events.
Free from bitterness, hatred, prejudices the things that normally prevents.
Eyes infiltrating,
Nose detecting, inhaling, exhaling.
Clarity, rationality, dignity.
Expressions for all to be equally free.
Rejecting any unsavory thought.                                            
Pushing past all things unrightfully bought.
A smile, a frown, lips that perk, lips that pout.
Lips that speak of what  loves about.
Quietly gazing at her surrounding.
Admiring people as they are passing.
With a mind in tune,
Words kept not to be spoken too soon.
Never over estimating hardly judging
Tries to keep from merely speculating.
Baring six sons seasoning knights for the future.
Having laid down a foundation studied by lecture.
HeavensRosepoet more than a rose battled storms and tribulations.
Rains came to wash away burdens traces bringing jubilation.
Not many knows her story.
In future may be known her glory.
Come abide with her, read of  her, share with her comparing life its history.
We all stand like zillions of Roses protected by our thorns.
Singing our stories with the word as our swords.
Much more than just a dozen Roses.
All singing our stories with striking poses.
Giving much needed testimony it’s like healing word therapy
Inhale the fresh crisp breeze that flows from HeavensRosepoet so justly so poetically.
Despite the roughest of elements Ms.HeavensRosepoet.
She stills stands, She survives and grows.
Poem on self..
SelinaSharday Feb 2018
Ø It ain't safe Ø
Rejoice for every missed soul a bullet fails to slaughter..
Anguish and sorrow for every soul  bullets used to masecure.
Bullets..weapons of war.. used for hunting of innocent humans.
Others giving resistence saying rights to carry over rights to live.
No Rights to be protected..from demented minds and unholy mentions.
A Country that fails to nurture and keep safe its citizens is perplexive.
Can't  relate to being (safe).. Homes Ø safe.. schools Ø safe.. work place Ø safe!
It ain't safe!.. America we aint Ø safe!
WithOut God in your Space!
By selinasharday
ma-secures, slaying shooting innocent victims, killings school shooting, work place killings assault weapons laws,
SelinaSharday Mar 2018
Bye Bae!
Your so sweet your so kind.
Bye my boo.
always admire you.
aye aye.
waves and smiles..babe.
sorry you didnt want me around bae..
still smilin cuz in my face you seemed so sweet bae.
I'm walking with..
comforted in what I'm use to, my old ways of working building and creating it hasn't failed to keep me company.
a coat on my cold shoulder..
with it I've grown fonder.
At least now I don't have to wonder.
if its me..or if it's you.
who dunno what to do.
about the harmful ways we fall into.
sunlight so bright appears as a new connection.
a bright new friend.
I want to let its light in.
sunlight come hold my hand.
A glow..willing sweet without demand.
winks.. blows kisses my old boo.
wishing the best to you.
I've ******* gloomy and doom.
Tucked them up away in a locked off room.
Hope just kissed my cheek.
Loves dancing teaching me new steps at my feet.
Peace is feeding me dreamy new treats.
and doubt has fled from my door.
As I'm handed a broom to  make sure losers can't enter any more.
Fly swatter in hand to chase out the pesty flies of despair.
Losing we are no longer a pair.
No worries ex boo.
I'm gettin over you.
Text me again.. bae just text me once more again..
Call me again just Once more again.
Never mind we'd just probably repeat the same steps all over again.
Destiny get a hold of run away desires.
Ropes tie away unwanted admirers.
Hey hey.
Bye bae!
selinasharday rose. S.A.M
After losing days will come that are waiting hoping, desiring to be reached just once again.. to reach back just one more time.. But keep company with new friends.. And you will survive again.
SelinaSharday Sep 2021
Ok Ok so.. Lemme go..
I'm about to be pushed so.
Over the edge from Nice and Pretty.
Cute Woman Queendom, sitting quietly.
Gone  and push me.
Unquote just prose.
I'm coming with ink dropped worded sorrows of long awaited ****** blows.
Rock some sense with unpinned fellows. Leave ya crying Oh there she goes!'
I'm not feeling these fingered twisted rhyming lines. I need to break free of this kind.
Hit that like button utubers redundant pushin.
That constant cries style influencin.
Bossy commenting well im in my feelings.
Gonna speak my own mind. Nothing of nicety whines and rhyming fines.
I need to Grab and twist foolishness into mental jabs and knock out some bull* fist of
Minds mental blocks.
Brain washed dead locks.
Of what should be cute friends. Taking away my time on romantics.
Due to blows behind our backs fighting instead of igniting.
Social caves for love drought hungered non slaves.
Assisting in climatic mental dynamics.
To sooth dehydrated souls. In a long over spent Pandemic.
Wiping tears by phones lines, from pictures of systemic vlogged services.
Sick of the youtube beefs in the youtube streets.
Where everybody is against somebody.
Haters be gone!
Battle backs from controversies wrong.
Too many Vlogged accounts operates from inner hates.
Not in the club of rejoicing from online down falls.
Cause the wicked want to judge Advocates for the wounded  by spilling of pains.
Not understanding why a caged bird sangs.
My venting.
Is where I release for healing.
Haters would never seek to help others be free.
I can see why the angry delivery.
Why the rough words from ones mouth flow freely.
Why A vloggers delivery may not be for you but rocks for me.
But has its place in society.
So Let them be.
Stop, anxiety we can move in better differential views.
Keeping hate on back burner stoves, waiting on smoked signal cues.
Or there would eventually be an explosion in corruption.
And like a mass event would be just wasted consumption.
Don't Judge. You can no longer even tell your
striking and causing unneeded reactions. Obsessing.
Boom Boom speculations are not factualization..
Drop your theories of conspiracies.
If you think your standing rejoicing at others down falls,
Soon your own drama will be called.
I'ma sit back and stay paused stay clear in my empathy
and watch rise the cleansing of opinionated hands.
The truth for nonjudging fans. The Tv social media free lands.
A Creator's channels  rights to their own fans.
Clear of hateful bandits and tyrants!
Nuff time on spilled rants.
SelinaSharday rose s.a.m 2021 9-3
The Vloggs and the sobs, the bickering's. I've just been watching! Seems we should be excepting the ways of peaceful ****** boxing wrestling rings. The Defense to the offenses lets survive the rumblings.
SelinaSharday May 2018
Surfacing Tides-Storms Come
It's so dark !
I'm whispering
Where fore art thou Oh my Lord!
My soul only seeking this Why.. Oh God how, Lord why!
My God from where did evil get in among us.
Please help!
I am smiling I look normal I am holding conversations, engaging
at times small giggling.
She seems alright. Am I ok!
The Tides roll ashore upon the beaches sand.
I feel sane ok.
That Pulling me away from the shore line this tides withdrawing,
I'm drowning at bay.
I dont feel safe, I'm Lost, sad, angry, questions, tears sobs drowning.
Lost at sea.
Lord reach for me.
The tides pushing me back to the shore line.
Things seem a little fine. a touch of peace of mind.
Socializing, guessing playing investigator.
People chatting family saying comforting things.
I seem to be breathing.
At times hearing things seeing things feeling the weakness,,
The helplessness.
Watching the tides subsides.
sanity, reasons logics, I don't know the whys or the hows.
Killings are happening on local tv scenes.
Tides are low,,
Then they are high.
We wonder where and when will each soul rest.
lookin up to a storm in the sky.
each one has a reason why.
The storms come.
s.a.m selinasharday
searching, losing, dealing, the grieving times, the tides, life storms
SelinaSharday Jun 2018
Cyber Kids R Us!

Your Facebook took over my Myspace..
I had to Tag you on my Tagged Place.
Your so Tagged.
I Googled you and was wide eyed to my surprise..
I found you world wide web styled.
I found you had gleefully Twittered beautifully.
I searched you on Instagram.  
And like dang Peeps on your page going ham.
And on Skype! Your tag line is so hype.
So your on my laptop. Owwee Bop bop!
I can even touch you on Imvu.
So owee baby @Yahoo..
Let me stop Twittering this thing.
Instagram @ Instagram strings.
Its making me google eyed.
Has my Facebook all hooked.
You have places and video's I ain't even looked.
It's like your my new Candy Crush game.
I'm all lit by your social media fame.
Yet I'm the Unheard girl lame.
But I wanna dine in your Cafe
or play on your Poker holdem staff.
Being your follower is such fun.
Add me to your Snapchat.
I'd be so down with that.
I am so here to Comment you've peeked such interest.
Gosh I made you a collection in my Pinterest.
But its a shame how I over looked your Youtube.
I feel a bit *******.
Your such a Gift I need ya to know.
Long as we don't end up on Bill Cunningham show.
we can stay surfing on this web thing anywhere we go.
Oh I'm not a virus...
Just a cyber Kids R Us...

By selinasharday the HeavensRosepoet.
aka Heavens.Ebony.Rose #H.E.R
All rights reserved..S.A.M
if you repost plz post with credits to Author. Me!
went over to Myspace
oh its been taken ova by my FaceBook
I'm all shook!
I can finger twitter on yahoo till I'm
Google eyed. All over my Facebook..
Instagrams my lil nook..
SelinaSharday Sep 2021
Over the quiet distant moons @Pretty soon
I feel it coming like a long awaited cartoon.
That stallions ship.
passing in moonlit flights, rearing its engine again.
Telling me stories on the how's where's and when's.
Rewriting my pains repeatedly. What was The beautiful love story.
In all of its old glory.
That was now used to be.
It I will not let recapture me.
H/I/M wanting me back wanting me to believe again.
Never again want, a need to back  up and pack.
No more sad dreams of hopes I can't get back.
H/i/m Lied lied once,  lied more then twice, became uncountable.
Excuses timed out. Good wishes and desires @undiscernable.
Actions ought to show out and speak of our good intents.
Honorable, let me show you my good deeds.
If I want better.. How can I  u-turn back to where I was lost.
Be it I'm a lover of commitment, giver of faithfulness equipped for stabilities.
logos of inner peace, removing foolishness at all cost.
Patiently listening.. full ear on learning. having hands full of pleasantries.
No room to be considerate of your unreasonable pitch.
Come now shut down
turn it down.
Cut off hustles handles of  this hopeful switch.
Computers on a sudden glitch...
Must be time to release turn up your frown.
Let us accept these fields are pleased as we realize its over.. DONE.
selinasharday H/E/R 9/24 S.A.M
SelinaSharday Mar 2018
Wondering if this is the day
Maybe you decided to just slip away.
You haven't called this morning to simply say.
Have a good day bae.
I call but there's no answer.
Guess your too busy today to be there.
Guess today you just don't care.
Emotions are left suspended where.
Just hanging somewhere.
If you find it difficult to say goodbye.
Still doesn't mean my heart won't cry.
When ever I thought we were doing great.
The sweet way we like conversate.
Seems we be getting along well able to relate.
Next thing I know you'd say you'd call me back in a few minutes.
And it'd be many hours after pushing me to the limits.
Feelings of us ending revisits.
Feelings of losing is like dying.
Shallow emotional Breathing.
Then your calling  like all is fine again we're talking.
Never admiting.. Pulse and respirations needs to be taken.
Palputations..Resuscitating.. Rightly breathing breaths shaken.
Thoughts of leaving. who will be the first to make it a goodbye.
Resuscitate before its too late...Beautiful conversations are all a lie.
Stumble.. rocky.. deleting..unfriending..unbelieving ..Today!
By SelinaSharday all rights reserved. S.A.M 2018
should you get those gut feelings someone you like is leaving..should be leaving or you should be leaving.. even if it seems good appears good like all is good.
SelinaSharday Apr 2018
The many ways he is legal.,Legit and lit..
With 3 A.M to finish it!
He ever so slightly gives..
Her a passions mind hickey. savory
Like shivering kisses mind hiccups.
unspoken...................................attention given.
Make's her shiver he's a mental ******* giver..
Make's her mind moist and inquisitive.
At the sign of any confusion.
It's his  penetrative foreplay.
Its the lyrics used to seductively play.
Tools He uses..their selective differences.
Just before 3 a.m.
She floats adrift softly melting H.i.m.
Talking  everything  comprehensively through.
  Rocks her mindful  emotions.
Mind Fkin sweet potions.
non-trivial notions.
Following every word she's relaying.
All before the 3 a.m. relating.
By day he's catering appetizers of verbal compliments.
Sharing of the days events.
when they are away from one another.
They are texting each other.
By evening.........
his texting feels like gentle
                                                                ­    whispering!
Making His next text something she's craving.
Neva leaving her guessing what He is doing.
Neva askin her wyd?
                                             Mental interactions are tender touchings.
                              Mind F
kin..   A tender kind of existing.
                                                       ­    As they both be falling.
By the time its 3 a.m.
Oceans colliding.. erupting.. exploding. mental explosion.
3 a.m. dammn she's already had many ******* heightened chills.
Body follows every moment. No hesitations so receptive.
They are such Intellectual souls..
The body is prepped it always follows.
3 a.m Anything Goes.
By 7 a.m exhaustion so good sets in.
Physical resting  so sweet.. yet mentally he's ready with a grin.
Just to start a new day all over with her again.
by selinasharday 4-2018...H.I.M (he is mine)
Mental whispering, detailing finishing sweet tempting mental savory things Prepping for the emotional and the physical.. intimacy colliding.
SelinaSharday Jun 2023
Cry,-sob, wail, shed tears, snivel,
quall, lament, bewail, bemoan, moan,
howl, keen, whimper, weep over, lift up the voice, complain.
I was out walking, just glancing
around in a scenic and colorful(online) place
I walked into a (online) museum.
Inside were huge displays
being awesomely displayed in colorful arrays.
Some with dark shadows of greys.
Some with much to say some with very little.
After walking and gazing, viewing,
smiling being so excited I went into a carnival zone.
What a wonderful place to stumble upon.
Music and festivities so much for the eyes to see.
So much to explore even ****** creativity.
There were games that brought out the Little girl in me,
I started to make some friends among this exciting place,
people of all sizes and colors.
Time would come to go back home,
but often into this new found place
I would come play and rome.
There were times some would just follow me around,
some would tell me what a lovely friend they had found.
Yet I always kept my feet on the ground.
Life has taught me one day those you think
are friends won't be around.
They just leave with an empty sound.
Even when its happiness you share,
some will become jealous and choose not to be there.
Some are spiteful and choose not to play fairly.
I tried to spread myself like love around
never was mean nor murmured an ugly frown.
I set up my own unique boutique and
said come one come all. Let us be friends
let us share. As a friend I really do care.
Coming and going always knowing
that outward my heart was pouring.
Somedays the show was boring some
days it was exciting, mentally challenging.
There came a day some bully from
no where knocked me to the ground.
Felt that tear start to wail.
But I held on like a little girl who's
gotta be strong and I adventured on.
Some friends asked things I couldn't give
so they would began to privately strike with silent meaness.
Tears started to mount.
I put my heart into my own show
began to feel good and to grow in this great wonderful show.
Many came to read what I'd proclaim,
many came to sup from my cup and greedily drank it up
and only a few would come and say why thank you.
While the takers, the easily shakers,
the down right haters came and
quickly went never a moment spent.
To build up, or lift up felt you had to be quickly sliced up.
Or your somehow taking from their show,
they forget God gives blesses and multiplies.
There's no reason to be haters or spies.
I felt their jabs and stabs hoping I'd be a failure.
Most failed to be the friend they claimed to be.
They join your team and fail to simply post.
The tears Fell
Thought to just hang on to a few
close friends from this museum within.
After all on the outside I had my life.
The more that you do some came to bully too.
Some just up and walk off leaving you no clue.
The rains came winds blew look
around no ones still standing with you.
A blow, in the storm a twist to my arm,
a knife in my back, a slap in the face,
a bitter taste, I'm lost in this race.
How much more do I take?
This used to be such a friendly beautiful place.
Just make some new friends
Tears are falling I can't hold back,
Cry,-sob, wail, shed tears, snivel,
quall, bewail, bemoan,
moan, keen, whimper,
weep over, lift up the voice, complain.
This is why I know what it is
To Weep
In the Virtual Museum
Some of FB, Insta, Twitta, A few of them.
Sorta gaming Social Oceans.
Beware swims..
By SelinaSharday of S.A.M All Rights Reserved 07
DISCOVERY, social media's online findings
SelinaSharday Apr 2018
Today I worry even mo so..
Son I worry even more when you go out that door.
Mistaken identity.
Victim of false accused identity.
The Armed  who carry behaving like assasions.
with Armed badges.. Ganged up armed trained men with fear.
Claiming fear makes them killers of our unarmed souls.
Be it against petty theives.. or mistaken innocent individuals.
Community left to weep uncosolable tears and fears.
God bring my son/daughter home safe today.
I fear letting my children out to play.
I fear being in my home  where even cops bullets fly astray.
God is it gonna be a safe day.
I protested in the streets today.
I wept in my neighborhood.
I wept.. I weep. I wail.
The burden goes beyond my inner soul.
I'm not unbreakable till you console.
I fear who will be next to be tragically slain.
Only a moment a day in time fearing the pain.
Will I see my sister, my brother, my mother my loved one again.
Even though today I'm able to hold their hand.
Lord bring them home safe again.
I just don't knew when.
Mercilous killings will strike again.
By seriel killers..murderers, or armed men with badges.
We march we pray we protest we bury our youngs  ashes.
Let us anoit our heads with oil we have much to bear.
No matter our race, creed or culture.
We have to unite against these tragic things.
Be tired of hearing our community screams.
S..T..O..P. with the
slaying- tragedies -oppressive- power
stop slaying us by tragedies of oppresive power.
S-suffocating, Slaying, slandering.
T-tyranny-cruel and oppressive government or rule.
tragic events cause for tormoil.
O-Oppressive-unjustly inflicting hardship and constraint.
especially on a minority or other subordinate groups.
oppressive laws.
P-people under abuse of authority. Of unfair punishments.
The people are perishing. The people are being punished
with persecution and unjust prison terms.
this madness.
we are
Protesting Over Tragic Slaying.
Of all forms.
Son on Today!
We Must Pray!
Even the more So..
Lets go!
by selinaSharday S.A.M 2018
When our sons and daughters are oppressed..when almost every branch of office and home of safety is threatened turned upside down. our communities..our homes our lives.. our country
SelinaSharday Jul 2018
Good morning new day..
I arise early I pray..
I'm humbled and grateful..
Not too sure as to which tasks to tackle at first.

There's a hint of thirst..
The desire to get accomplished what was left undone yesterday.
Good morning again new day..
I'm reminded its still so early..
Don't know what will feel the worst.

Not getting done all the mind usually has rehearsed.
Or not getting something new done first.

Ok breakfast.. no nothing till lunch..
Maybe do a brunch.
when do I fit a workout in..
Best time about ten..a.m
Be sure to get your vitamins taken.

Anxious to get prepared for today's work.
Allergy flared up..
Showered and all cleaned up.
All kinds of task yelling for my attention..
Some for work, some about business.
And some for my own pleasure.
Twenty four hours is the length of measure.
Yet theres this sense of pressure.


No wonder I feel tired already..
It's only the beginning..
Yet so much is already awaiting..

Thanks for reading this lil dose of new day waiting..
selinasharday's @H.E.R Poetic Collectionz
s.a.m copy right..2018
new day starting assignments pressure, needs, wants, must be dones today is the day.. procrastinations and the more.
Between the P's of Pressures and pleasures!
SelinaSharday Feb 2018
He's just a vapor appearing on the horizon..
offering me some.
He's just a musical tune,
a story that I zoomed in on ta listen ta its toon.
And I don't wanna feel a thing.
Feeling is costing me somethings.
I don't want that vapor of smoke..
I have wings to keep me afloat.
Baby your wanting that private moment.
I'ma wonder where it went.
I need ta feel    what your flying on.. what keeps ya strong.
Has you holding on..Makes ya wanna bring me along.

I'm tired of wondering.
Tired of witholding.
Maybe I just need scolding.
Cuz I knew all along
yah was just a vapor of smoke on the horizon.
Wanting and needing yah some...One!
Maybe meh.
what ever it is your experiencing.
imagining... and playing within your mindful melodies
be at ease ALLOW ROOM for my perplexities.
and excuse my exits when I need em.
Cuz you are like Mr. give me some relax have fun.
And I must be mindful of meh.
And not feel a see.
by selinasharday Rose 2017 S.A.M
That kinda thing!
SelinaSharday Apr 2019
Eve's a lovable sensitive thang.
Opting to pass usual good morning as some sang.
Skipping morning bits.. rushing into the afternoon.
She welcomed the mid day
Knowing  with it a smile was on the way.
She allowed early evening to greet letting things bloom.
Working away late evening as sleepy eyes rang.
Conversations a quick cute head nodding overhang.
Good nights are like lullabies of verbal hugs.
Wasted evenings are snatching from beneath feet taken for granted rugs.
All to start another night in shimmering thoughtful plights.
Tugging away ribbons in flights.
Meaningful minds quietly dreamin.
As Other are secretly scheming.
Attentions paid to faded good morning hello's.
With hollow tones from yesterdays grading zero's.
Wash rinse and repeating..
Behaviors doomed to be failing.
Creativity craves new feelings.
Rare moments  seems to be fleeting.
Evenings are acceptable, noons welcoming,
as are the rushing of mornings.
selinasharday rosePoet s.a.m 2019-5-1
creatively expressing and carefully attending to evenings
SelinaSharday Feb 2018
The world is crying!!

poets where are you, we all need you God has gifted you!

To help hearts of this world make it through..

Where are you?..

The World around us is falling..

Parts of it feeling tragedy feeling disastrous.

feeling help us Lord stand with us.

Poet, Leaders, Teachers, Ministers, come through,

Motivators where are you!

Rain is pouring..

Don't sleep on us hope your not snoring.

We are standing we are fighting, we are protesting.

We don't know what to do, our world is troubling.

Days appearing cloudy, whats our world coming to.

Is the world being punished for its iniquities,

Is this meant to bring us to our knees.

It's hard for many to see eye to eye,

We see a grey cloudy dark sky.

As the world is crying.

Some parts of it are laughing and mocking.

Most are denying, That things are coming apart by its seams.

As the Minority are bleeding. Our World is crying.

Many are denying,,. its the quiet before the storm.

It's the beginning of a tragic alarm.

It's history in the making!

It's very alarming..

The storms are rolling..
Poets speak your volumes..
Speak your views.. Speak in colorful hues.
On the things of today.
Help wipe some tears away.

SelinaSharday aka
heavensRosepoet 1-22-2017 S.A.M ©
In today stressful times with President Trump.. many are protesting.. tragedy the world is digesting.. many different political views..Speakers can help us deal, we need the comedy relief the poetic defense/offense. Poets/Motivators. SPEAK your truths..
SelinaSharday Jan 2019
Lemons are lemony and kinda pretty..
A bit sour. But bright and glowy.
Like Lemony days
With a Chance of sugar
Its takes a while just to figure.
Where and when to apply sum sugar.
Apples some aren't ripe so leave them hanging high
Some days are ready and good for preparing Apple pie.
Oranges nice sweet  round and juicy plump.
But Rolling around on
em can be wack and make things go bump.
A variety of cherries..
Can be good on days of pleasantries.
Laughter is good with a bowl of fruity goodies.
Lemons  oranges  apples  and cherries.
Makings of goodness makes for days of
Better weather..
Slushies and Icees no matter where ever.
Especially when a day is Lemony.
You can make it sweet and juicy.
So no worry should a day be lemony.
By selinasharday@H.E.R
Create your days make the best of your days.. spiritual.. mental and physical.
SelinaSharday Apr 2018
high intoxicating.
free ..
smooth. rich..
makes me silly. gets me giggly.
I crave yah..
Your mental mind addicting..
You be my Joint..
                                         I tried to make it through the whole day.
                                              I couldn't breath dannng just no way.
I wanna like the air you exhale in.
I see you fulfilling my lungs with curiosity.
Mmm.. I wanna inhale you so deeply.
                                             Should I grasp for you and your not
                                             It's like reaching and there's no air.
                                             Don't be a imaginary glow.
                                            Your the musical thang igniting my flow.
           Did I tell you just how high.
           My temps get in your absence.. I am weak.
           And my thoughts oh you they seek.
           You are my indulging high.
                                                                                      Future crave.
                                                            All the days.. danng I crave.
                                                                          I bathe in all you be.
                                                       Sheer divinity incense smoked.
                                                        The many ways You fulfill me.
                                                                      I crave all that you be.
Puff Puff.
heated high.. I wanna stroke your ego.
I want to keep you stuffed in the twinkle of my eye.
I want to pucker up lips ready I won't lie.
Idea's live the positive things we will grow.
Every event every season is a reason.
To bath in your good stuff.
Danng baby puff puff.
by selinasharday S.AM TM 2018
When somebody makes you feel so danng high and with them your so intoxicated.. yass!
SelinaSharday Oct 2018
Shall I..

This is my moment..
Apple crispiness..juicy sweet.
I'm feeling vulnerable. way down to my feet.
Shall I..

I'm so dang vulnerable...Something fluffy to behold.
Soft plushable..
I'm gonna melt richly fulfilling someone's precious soul.

Shall I...

If I walk into your galaxy.. look into you deeply..
Search you intensely..
Do you take it personelly.

What's in your universe..
Will what I find be just rehearsed.

Uncovering Your galaxy..
Will it be welcoming to me.
Stepping away from poetry..
run away with me..

Shall I..

With you spread my wings and fly.

Like chewing spearmint gum.
Minty fresh.
Popping Bubbles..
secrets in my chest.
Glowing cause I'm at my best.

Are your skies friendly..
Are your intentions  sacred given purely.
Like diamonds treasuring me favorably.

Will You!
Be vulnerable with me oh gentle you.
Trust me to be what you should pursue.
Take my heaven its something new.
Creative awaiting you.

Will You......................!

selinasharday rose..S.A.M 2018
@She's ready, flowing, giving,, ripe and vulnerable
SelinaSharday Apr 2018
I give my creation freely.
sought by wisdom..
You give me silence.
void of thank you's.
Whats walking in dem shoes.
Of Yours!
I share with you holiday decors.
And You make me wonder do I bore.
So neglectful.
Down down fallin down goes my frown.
My smiles turning upside down.
You say all the things I like to hear..
But when its time for action..
You have such poor interaction.
Oh darling you.
What's walking in those shoes of yours.
I'm not gonna beg you to be complimentary.
be a gentleman in the way you handle me.
I will not make you..
I'll just choose to lose.
Don't wanna walk a mile in your shoes.
How is it walkin in Dem shoes.
By SelinaSharday s.a.m 2018
some people are often too caught up in their own world to give you responses. compliments, feedback or be gentle and thankful to hear the audio version go to soundcloud link provided thanks..
SelinaSharday Apr 2018
The pain in this..
pain where it aint nobody business.
The Pain in this.
Beautiful Hour..Pain in this us hour.
Where I should have nothing to complain..
Type givin me kinda pain.
Broken glass window pane, I ain't in sane.
Leaving me out in the rain..
Hurting me ova and ova again kinda pain.
Driving my heart insane type pain.
Neglecting meh ova and over again.
Oh but Its all you not me sad kinda you thang.
Make me write about it for the release of it.. and sang.
Type thang!
The Pain in this..
It'***** and Miss.
It's all of this.
Private Business.
Happy when I'm with.
Lonely then I miss.
Type bliss.
yet it isn't nobody business.
Stupid with the Pain in This.
Oh this *hit.. Come with the blame game.
Nothin but pain in a horricane.
s.a.m tm selinasharday 1-2018
SelinaSharday Apr 2018
Action ..wrong attraction
It stopped my working, my interactions..
My satisfactions.
It stopped my eating my sleeping. my wanting my being..
His pain left blood stains.
And shuttering crashing deadly kinda pains.
Wrong companions
left children calling. heart beats stalling.. families falling
Tender hearts reaching..
Love ones seeking..
Justice bleeding..
dreams misleading.
He killed her after he had loved her..
The actions..unfair.
Didn't he care.
He was internally bleeding yet no one was seeing.
Didn't stop the bleeding.
Now we all are bleeding,
we all are crying.. more hearts feel like dying.
Killing kinda connections..
Fatal Attractions.
Sorrowful use of weapons.
Slayed by guns.
Harmful Interactions.
God redeem This Bleeding Son
Redeem this One.

by selinasharday rose..S.A.M All rights reserved
A families loss..A son with a weapon in bleeding hearts hands. Boy loves a girl it falls apart. children left with out a parent, a mother grieves a son/daughter.
how do we see tragedy before its too late. How do we save a broken heart from deadly decisions.
SelinaSharday Aug 2019
By Mr. Ced.. To SelinaSharday Ros3y
Life is a fraction of what time could be.
Standing in the midst of what things could be.
Waking up with her is not hard to conceive.
Enduring the pleasure of what might could be.
She's thought about to this world as status quo.
But no one ever truly knows what makes her Go.
Her beauty is only elevated by the consensus of her
smile as you sit back and wonder.
All the worthwhile what makes this woman so formidable.
Sleek and agile though she's instinctively intelligent sensual and fragile
She endures a man that would be more than just handsome.
With a smile for she needs a man to be there ready even when things are not so mild.
To be all the things she needs to make her want to stay awhile.
With the entire package of a grown man and not a child.
by Ced.

Her smile is like hands that transition into time.
That flows thru you like numbers trapped and embedded in your mind.
Like a soft melody that rings & chimes.
Even for the existence of being the very first time.  
I induce this parade of getting deep into the crevices of  your sublime.
Even when its hard for you to Let go the thought of doing that at any given time.
I plan on treating u with the benevolence of class & respect that reassures your mind.
And not having any regrets even when we travel into this mystery in time.
As I foreplay this moment of being with someone so fine.
Captured by the thoughts of her laid-back and sipping wine.
And her knowing that we could do this more than just one time.
As I played with her intellect and she starts to unwind.
keeping those thoughts she could explode at any given time.
By Mr.Ced
Words from Poet MR. Ced being Ceddie.. to H.e.r Sharday Rosepoet
SelinaSharday Mar 2018
Knowing befriending A poet!
When your friends with a Poet..
Oh you'll truly know it.
It will flow poeticly. With rhythmic divinity
You may say talk plainly to me.. And feel they move in fairy tales.
With Lyrics that sales.
sublimes through times.
Confusing lines.
Just compare their flow to a songs lyrics.
Maybe that'll help you clearly hear it.
Word justice.
A class in metaphors.
May help open up your spiritual doors.
As ryhmes pour through their veins and pores.
A poets thoughts are like gifts.
Able to genuinely make its shifts.
Trying to express things to you more creatively.
In love with a poet
Oh you'll know it..
Word therapy will massage your inner temples.
Create gentle mental dimples.
Excite you or rake you over coals fire.
Just depends on which feelings you inspire.
By SelinaSharday S.A.M 2018
the writing life of a poet and the expressive lyrics oh you will get to hear it read it live it, always show sum love compliments don't cost a thing. give some critics can be rewarding and helpful do it positively.
SelinaSharday Sep 2021
Tired Of Texting U
I've been audio and texting ya for a while now well just feels like..
I mean what can I say...
Feels like many days due to the deep rich tones of it..
Gravel toss tirelessly shift.. reality uncalmly wanna lift..
waves crashing emotional sweets gifts roping..
Throws Thirsty Craves.  
searching..  longing.. like tidy bow tied falling.
Soon the feeling to Shift Lanes.
And  roast toasty words of flames..
Lets get ugly like realness and reality...
As of now we are teasingly..
and it's wearing on me and I want to find a way.
Or Just
Put on my church shoes and preach a sermon.
After the deeds are spoken and people have had their fun.
Fatigued is occupied and limited by time.
Being stimulated by what we find.
Show me your hidden Juggling hands.
Behind the scenes calming down of the fan.
I'll show you how I sort through my minds confines.
When I grow weary of the limitations and burst free of lines.
Sharday's Soul.
water falls
and then down ta 5 sec drips
tiny sips..
that went quick
a bitter sweet end..
A bond between friends.
May that never end,.

— The End —