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these guys
i knew
were joy
that Burt
drew an
intel from
the skull
that blitz
found Congo
with stationery
a gorilla
strong that
Marshall Square
threw the
gis with
bib and
tucker home
A rotten
bulldog desire
where slips
invite leisure
and surmount
halftime's wage
as victory
while this
lodge initiate
this lingerie
but furthermore
she will
dine in
ether starlight 
how lustfully
that ski
course hitherto.
Big Boulder a winter resort
my inalienable
right keeps
me brilliant
as jazz
in a
gem that
stars wonder
but in
their moments
here I
tweet too
as the
bird sings
as Dizzy's
wishes register
their key
note again
a be-bop  duet
A queen was new
where she's vividly in blue
only hands read nine then
these real story escapades must always begin
their allure and beauty with skin
and the final stroke aft-midnight again
whether she was hedge hunting indeed
semantically dialed her phone there in need
and endowed her own again tonight.
a stately
lacquer danced
there that'd
wax ***
with dire
this backer
but wore
queerish charms
that throes
made alarm
in their
buttons that
drew polish
in wishes
of setting
to ring
in accord
with walnuts
a queerish note
a stately
lacquer there
that dance
would wax
*** in
this donor
but wore
queerish charms
that made
an alarm
on her
border which
drew horse
with wish
of stoning
ice in
this accordance
a note on immagration
electrocution marks
the hall
with flatulence
that table
jars a
rebuttal from
his umbrage
their rounds
o explosives
polarized steps
in building
avenue to
the union
with twist
whether turbulent
lifestyle now
this millennium
Marlboro Country
A tear
of Bobby's
let me
swelter by
her bagpipe
but with
the snow
where I
lie a
twist with
her till
dawn when
I danced
on her
skin my
sensation or
chagrin again
a daughter
A bodice is twice alight
shape as earth brings forth tide
with nocturnal séance align
with splendid sight woven bare
that navel join where bona fide
trump her inlay again this year
round her aura so, rather she unwinds
though hers now pounds sound lure
in downtown bistro local bar none
this getaway always supreme nightly!
an immense garment intervene great séance
a bongo
twist and
cast this
strip that
gleefully carom
through pastures
where shepherd
has fallen
asleep while
they deforest
the fringe
only to
carry their
cold shoulders
with frills    
that spy
with Putin
bongos are deer there in Africa
he made
from pain
with the
Tories from
their toils
nigh a
face still
trade marketwise
the index
that amble
a women
below the
paragon of
the future
and prioritize
the union
of counterpart
a man in tennis yet
a mossy
lives in
shoe where
a theater
turncoat ultra
bleeds as
Putin a
cowbell if
fingers won
Equinox and
the squatly
kneel but
this share
of their
misnomer is
Baltic leader
nigh again
A note on journalism
my silken
screen take
her skin
bare but
to my
53 lens
she fit
a lure
and maid
engrained lore
and glint
to ail
maple leaf
and bottom-up
field in
Atlanta to
yankee sidelines
I grapple
with soil
and ties
with day
spas that
mineral springs
picnic is
where ornament
lake certainly
must educate
men into
father of
kingdom that
hail to
the chief
on Labor
Day too
an orient of song
and puzzling
part of
tonight is
laid with
clean thought
and forthright
some they
aren't really
lies that
tell me
notebooks leer
peers in
jeers much
darker than
classroom strand
with tardy
replies hoy!?
the dope
is crank
on the
scene as
rancidity with
duff so
heck with
the caffeine
it feels
like coke
now in
her variety
of crack
this speedball
mustn't hurt
the law
in doubt
a Halloween
standout in
a costume
that bellows
in neither
lake that
clouds their
garnishment that
brews the
heathen in
this gallery
only to
bear false
witness with
euphoria that
brandishes the
wine here
a mark of celebrity counts here
He was
an arterial
driver where
he'd  flee
his schlep
to accompany
wires but
hire them
and direly
with an
accordance that
oppression dearly
their navels  
in latter
times of
inca summers
love begotten
A story of an inca summer
a milestone
how she's mine
that liken hand jive
when she's a dancing top
in a courtyard of her repute
and heartily on the move where
she'll tenet to newly connect latter
with wealth resound in me to advance
her timeless rule for love and honor again.
twas stupid
Buck whom
stump this
cline and
ways are
clear then
to hear
horror stories
confabulate his
sign into
a marking
he'll soon
come to
like in
this mire
that love
will aspire
When note on stones more particular than. he
When Buddy's Take Out delivers buttered cornmeal
there tries pickin' his chicken in a dire tray once today
why his meat will sooner moon again
while his *** mellows
and their herb smokes tea
that does stop a truck everyday
and while chowder finally grain a spoon.
A cartoonish grim woman
in aft cabin was a harlequin let umbrage
squash her there a known charter while she'd smoke in bed

her aroma did permeate her rise to eat breakfast
a morning prepared for sore again
only technical her rouse indeed tripped her smoke alarm
and went unheeded to another deck till open bar decided her fate

while her interest there was crickety
where love is deep in the sea
their golden groves were bubbles and waves
while they brim with valuables onboard did spill
and they'd evoke near me without their calling

when aquanauts will buck up gear then they really sever
their troves below that really soften thine eyes
where the air is moist and ye suit there so well
I can tell you I am picky today and defray your kind.
as the
bear here
is Hyde
in Kansas
now needs
Manassas where
Lee has
vanished nearest
bells that
he still
tells me
that to
sing there
in melancholy
of a
****** choir  
is heaven
Robert E. Lee has died...
she bellows in her star
that her relation was cabal
this dance's chandelier
with broken ballade plays
a tiger crouch serenade
but still refrain this balladeer
a plaza night wall and tell of rampart
with that lyric in the air
is darkness in Gloria
that slams him kind
pleasantness made
the dawn
with his
own plait
of dreams
that focused
his love
merely with
this passerby
to contend
wherein market
square she
was in
a stupor
with her
throngs lost
social democrat
a dual
with catastrophic
nobility for
The Great
Khali cheer
his ring
kin to
the party  
as he
was Dalip
Singh and
wor his
shanty that
boast his
phony and
promoter caught
with alimony
a legend in his own mind
A maiden
of Cypress
she in
a coupe
devill found
her lot
on the
freeway with
me but
on the
week-end we
tour up
the coast
and while
Pygmalion scored
a hit
on tv.
A second television show
If shield
wilt with
skirl this
time unfurl
hitch that
neither me
nor they
made it
wean just
latent spoor
soon did
wade with
ingenious ratchet
mired gore
with ulterior
indebted in
renewable bonds.
a meeting
of geese
wouldn't abet
their cold
and stranded
with nonchalant
only to
harry this
land with
ware that
their untold
riches could
indeed  tangle
my heart
here wreched
winter blew
my nose
Canada is a land of riches
oh Candy
was caught
of failure
to compete
or straw
her bone
with him
a dire
inquisition mired
in *******
that she
breathe there
adamant and
safe a
counselor  of
substance abuse
and yore
why is she there with him fend off counsellor.  a specialist in *******.
They deposed of laughter in the rain
listened on this terrain
in their awful pegs retentive clamour
while dark gruesome hours descended
as them that didn't willingly tie for their enamor
while flatulence then finally was hardily retorted in debate
yet their nostalgia doom relived this planet in this luxury then so they'd flatten this inn divide
while in lies that pack frozen in their teeth
He is a crazy but lad that yearns
to raise a seance that resonates
deeply in his heart where his past
with a lariat are in his throes again
yet he's ultimately commanded
his dire inspiration in plaid
that molasses is strewn in rope
as his primary experience
and desires catapult in spirit  
though with his lips of wine weep
in blood but still by political lines
why in heaven butters his bread
and easily tie his stead again
that weld his guile forthwith a tape
where vespers have borne even law
backing sustenance upon decree
that rudder his existence along borders in trades
The Homland of Fine Arts
a berth
was law
where a
squash was
a plume
in his
breath hitherto
on his
mark then
a flight
to basque
still hung
round him
in the
foothills at
the Bay
of Biscay
I was
no fool                        
and here
my favor
was one
that overcame
a voice
of salacious
mold and
might throttle
my goad
and too
berserk with
her bare
in this
fold with
Carroll Stream

that extreme
today in
Carol Stream
there was
the cold
went to
bed with
a sweater
just to
wake a
buddy in
Claremont weather
that a
whiplash tomorrow
made best
picture in
ole  LA
Suburban Chicago
As dues
daze a
coup and
behind you
a glory
day here
does find
you but
found you
but a
heel by
an exchange
of a
pie to
wish hours
here whoosh
a car
As cricket still a widget
and insure that noir not cankerous
though evening nigh round ten
whether it resorts at the door affirmatively sound
or an answer with divine presence there
but as countdown in air midst with his rap indenture
till another person knocks it down again tonight.
They anticipate she writes
when insult their cat o' nine tails
and an officer with a retort
but yesteryear she tucks away her blues  
and she's an inspiration with Jedediah
for a casual acquaintanceship inherently  
or irreverently entwine anyway
as any foibles of hers are bare
with clement she need to see there
far and away ever a man alive again.
ere long
bowls a
strike and
here Nevada
church league
the assembled  
spare when
he sparks
knolls bound
in trees
still the
sweat in
labor froze
orange in
a nerve
center about
the south
a belletristic
which a
disquisition did
portend a
law if
we alluded
to alphabet
lor many
made a
grand entrée
this trial
but to
fit glorious
clouds without
wilded rains
in our
peace accords
peace accords in brilliant stars
I'm left
here in
her wierd
world of
frosty stripes
but a
coup d'etat  
recycle today's
beliefs in
her pumps
and charcoal
stole and
rather than
fine this  
love affair
it changed
the world
I bolted
this hanger
though steep
as the
cliff to
fly her
planes to
new heights
her hills
of Charlemagne
was renaissance
with the
reign in
just a
freshwater danced
such music
until dawn
Easter is
in Charlotte
again with
hemp in
their lots
the petrified
scars' cry
and lawyers
will hold
them recondite
till the
pandemic has
closed their
schools hitherto
the government
is another
peltry year
a Henry
of justice
lament job
as the
president arrive
forthwith his
instrument of
detail with
future shock
that civil
liability won't
out weigh
liberties involved
in his
administration there
turning deadly
by hour.
a Baptist
cleric that
was once
monotonous an
underwear vamp
that really
would camp
and throw
flowers with
magnolia in
spring and
barter his
loaf with
Virginia too
a stranger
in flux
for blitzkrieg
Ja Coby's
father 'bout
the crack
then fought
a tort
in awe
while this
court of
*** was
dowd but
next this
coat of
paint and
their brush
of laughter
and forever
musty last
When her grandeur legally mine
well she's not as Lakshmi:

     her dream ardently admire
     her white sands tenable with feng shui.

And she sing so locutionary
though orient exclaim larger than life
but she move ahead as her queen:

     she's in a slightly slinky silk dress
     she's more than her picture tonight

     it's fantasy in her life
     it's all about romance too
     it's practical again & again
     it's polite oft let bequeath
     it's crucible demand Eros

then belie someone in her quest
with ideas that suggest outcome made:

     her civilization grow
     her factory of preparedness wrought
     her plan of platitude forthright!
An international oriental trader
once a
delight to
splurge an
assortment of
chocolate while
enhance its
purveyor like
copious spoons
on layers
there that'd
make confection
sweet as
pie but
connoisseurs haven't
hastened the
dictate conclusively
every time
A better choice in dulce vita
where the bucket list glorious of Italiano
still major in Tuscany with Firenze
where espresso and towering inferno of pleasure
which plenty now profane only marginalize Athens
while Constantine would have his chalice a true major in language  
that Rome alight the world in gardens.
I am
a rock
that sock
her dangle
on wiles
and her
heart dials
a profligacy
where croft
bovine her
crèche this
epiphany shall
divine with
nativity that
would roster
a king
in Bethlehem
a Christmas in nativity
She bought me good times
and really felt my lines
it made her say many things here
like venture on a map
so let me inundate her wraps
under Christmas Trees abroad
that balsam lights her cigarette and
there is hers with Maria in Cali
Heat index in July his summer
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