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neth jones Jul 2022
i awake from dreams about not eating certain things
and eating certain other things  ....i wake

i dream sub-marine
submariner flossed at sea

i lost the race
astronaut untraceable
pacing out a heartbeat

obscene dreams
by the plunderful

digging like a thirst
carving out a craving
digging like a dog
ever unquenchable
neth jones Dec 2016
Let's discuss The Redpath...

It's a way of base-studded energies

It is an expression of pains
With brief relief and heavy repercussions

It has ,in mind, the idea of a powerful hunter
But creates, instead, a coward of heady minded ignorant opportunity

It feeds with an already full and greasy belly

It's a wealth of pleasure exceeding to become sickness

It discards friends and favours ugly company

It is extremity
It is ****** and criminal imagination stretched foul and giddy
It forsakes cloth less and honest art

It takes to the air but comes up biting

It rids horror
Only by taking the part of horrors drama until it bonds no more

It spacks you open
And spares you scrappy litter

It degrades you when it promised you bliss by annihilation
And sleep upon oblivion

There's just futility when you pound on the the remaining closed door with bratty fists of anguish

It's pollution ; a rotting expense
Don't play with The Redpath

                      - Coal bitter heart tar
neth jones Aug 2019
Chorus of Traffic

Draw up short at the Stoplight

Compile in Anger
neth jones Feb 2020
the wind beasts upon the frills ;
       the hills that border the woodland
the skies are busied
      and plum heavy to grey
everything is weighed down upon
         damp and thick

who is lupine for this forest scene ?

a crew
an approach of the laboured breath
  guns and hunters
   bonded in shared intent
   they slow their knackered *****
   this is
   for them
this is
new map

glances to their guide
they ferry her much mistrust
   a suggested local
    she promised them wolves
    canines of the mythology
they assume they'll take pelts
she assumes
the wolves will take the hunters

they break at the skirting
  just free of being overshadowed
gentle creaking bellows
  hauling and uffing ;
    an action amongst the trees
        a filtered drawing of nutrients
          a gill work
the men view this enemy dimension
and make ready their advance

peek inside for derelict conflict....

feel strung upon
        by the permeable substance of the climate
follow the underdrum
    the spelling heart
observe trinkets of sign ;
   an exposed nest of eggs
      a silver comb
       a cracked hand mirror
        a meaty welling of fungi tongue
       and a scissored up ladies bonnet
and trophies

in the dank woodland setting
  you bear foreign faces
    and you become
      tacked to your ration-less actions
refined within growth
   the blood'll quicken
life stories of abuse-ment
   have made a tumid bruise of Mothers udder
this feast has history
and sitting
  and wit
this selection of trees
this marred ground
the gathering weather

what are the wolves to their guide ?

she walks
  Fathers axe loose in one hand
    pre welcomed
      into this unfettered fancy
she takes off her red velvet cap
  and lets it to litter
     ; token

she has crossed the barrier with company
   no pity for her fellows
those she escorts
are offerings
and she a returning guest
  most welcome

all the forest characters
the 'monsters'
  shall greet her teeth to teeth
   and the meal on their breath
     shall match hers

the hunters pick into the womb
       and stalking
their weapons point their way
the guide follows
      revisiting childhood
neth jones Feb 2020
Mothers Udder
& Fathers Axe
She broached the Forest
sporting a Red Velvet Cap

there to greet the Wolves
there to croon with the pack
Lunar Wane & Lunar Wax
left to litter
is her Velvet Red Cap

she flinched over one shoulder
but furnish a reason
that she'd ever return ?
why become a tracker
of your very own tracks ?
why leave a life of abuse
only to scuttle right back ?
Gone to Inhabit the Forest
one Little Red Cap
neth jones Apr 2016
.....the love showed up...
..mocking at my door..
...scratching imperfections...
..into the paint..
...till my senses jarred...
..and the manor with which I viewed this world..
...was declared
(feast in maw)
"Dealt with"

I battered open the door
And let in
An overwhelming nutritional excess....
.....refeeted in this way
I was handed all this :
The damage was
a Rinth of Life
when all I wanted
was a page to unfold
neth jones Jun 2018
I must reflesh my memory
It's getting gammy in here
Flush it
Charcoal silt, pured water and oxygen
Prey attention to memory
Tend to it
Till it
Till it's clear and consistent in it's dishonesty :
A single picture
One linear note
And no deviation.
neth jones Apr 2019
I want to understand human purpose ;
The doubtless impaired devotions that deviate from
‘The Human Idea’
There’s something ‘recovered’ that persists in each life
in each life
it is usually
quashed habitually
These purposes are mused from off of the makings of our lives
when applied
can become true
unearthed work
a driven propulsion
a ‘*******’ or offering to the ‘Creator Idea’
a truth of an individual view
at least
some sort of an approximation.
neth jones Jan 2021
moment met
awful mounts familiar
an umbilical knell
wrench away
             from any flare up of communication
                                 any trail that could form
                                                 saliva stretched
                                     from our shared space
                                                            and span

before a diseased gut rebinds us
neth jones Nov 2020
like the tide withdrawn
a farming hamlet
from a shared day of labor
to face solitary scrutiny
under the night-full eye of slumber

beyond the sown fields lies a thick forest ...
neth jones Oct 2021
sun supping                             
eeling at the gland
baiting at the flosses of night
breaks in the dossing vandals
                    sipping at their tempers
they earned their flare             
                    burned out of their daily favour
they mumble home
heart half rowdy
extended version

in the mug of night
                 when tugged
                                            earn their flare

the park
bored out with teen wrath        
         they brawl at the green space idols ;
            these monuments
jarringly dispersed eyesores
of marble decor
                                                 and ancient greeks
rattled, tagged, spray painted and chipped
defaced at the frenzied hands      
                                of mentally matted groinal youths

a fostered rage

the fiends and furies                        
            occupy the play set
suspended at rest with stain        
reclined at odd angles            
                    with rush in the system
wary and glowing
feeding each other's gaze

they feel now dew and cold
shaking gestures
awkwardly shared
huffs on each others
vapor, smoke
and oder


glint :
sun supping
eeling at the gland
sips the flosses of night
nocturnal waning hauled
draining of the nerve

morning gulls and tree rats
raid the trash
indifferent gods)
for the dossing vandals        
              burned out of their favour
half heart rowdy                
          grumbing obscenity
they attack recycling bins
put the boot to chained bicycles
and ******* a mail box
flaking their way
tweaking the gasp remains of the humour
fumbling their way home
                                     to decline into a tumorous sleep
neth jones Nov 2020
snare is sprung
flesh from the forrest fruit
the humming drum
         of its fright
an untamed meat
          struggles like the life
wirey noose tightly
wrist hook and thumb
ridden to bone
energy shrugged
        in fits of the struggle
     and then the meat
        is untenanted
neth jones Aug 2020
down to the river
to wash my hands free
of another sots mud

i relieve my lies in the bushes
i shrug acts
           lax from my shoulders
bathe off soft data

merely a being
and that is all

neth jones Feb 2020

winter neat

branches bare,
as roots upturned

beautiful bleak crop
neth jones Nov 2015
Course splinters as I brush my hair.
I deal with my brittle armor
One external body plate at a time
I rub on layers of oil
And stand in a warm place
I try to cure the tough weathering of my proceeding age
But this is just maintainance
And now this morning task is done
It's time to turn my mind to the rust of the day
And the leaves from off of the list
At designated times I shall take my pellets
Bend my limbs
And take a rest for the energy
Then quiet my stirrings
And return to the excercises of a daily span
Bed to a bed
And all the focuses accordioning inbetween
neth jones Oct 2020

threadbare feline
retreats under my porch
cold Autumn rain falls
integrating my soul
part of a greater sadness
neth jones Sep 1
i watched a movie today                                            
        and it made me think a lot about houses
what a threat they are to us                                       
                        how they tighten in on our fears
  and contain ***** hobbies
    adjust our moods and personalities                             
                  tuning us to match their wallpaper
  their architecture  angling our minds                         
they make us fierce tail tiger chasing captives
presence extends                                                          
                      and we are for always on a leash of expenses                    
            leased out to the world   only for toil                                   

                 houses shelter us from the elements
so that we may lament                                              
                                          and carry our damage
like mourning  through generations                        
                             and fill them with rewarding
     gummy treats                                                                   

                                            what ugliness is made  
         without the weather to worry it all away
...anyway.. that's how i felt                                               
                             after i watched a movie today
neth jones Mar 2016
no bottles broken
but nothing gained
no hurtful words escaped
yet so much
remains unturned
and passed unspoken

no steps were undertaken
no token on the pathway
but no ankles sprained
so passes a safe day
neth jones Nov 2015

I'm on a balcony on the third floor. I'm on my own. It's my first time trying Salvia. It's a mild form. The experience lasts approx 10 mins. I feel timid and tired afterward. It took strength not to leave my position on the balcony over the railing.
The Shudder Naughts
And Shutter Doors Fury
And The Violent Folds
And God Commands
And Violent Slams
Of The Deathening
Loud Slips
Of This Short Burn In Reality
neth jones Oct 2019
leisure-head of communication /
a detritus of S.O.S.
and a true wealth of emotion sickness /
fell us
by what we ‘really’ feel

an ultimate distraction
a played out interaction /
a begging
porous surface
encouraging corruption
and strategic duping

our code made bare
and fashionable /
a disposable plaque
of bereavement and humour /
the human mission splayed /
a vulnerable apparition /
a haunting with a weak attachment
and a confectionary
hiding the culture
Impermanence of all the available information and culture
neth jones May 2020
all sky up on the mighty
begging of your own boundaries
heady with the ego

you present leadership
in a blunt tottering charge

an unfastened distraction
fear dominated
  and flinging fear
   as a sense blunting weapon
  scattering the people
cleaving them confused
polarized and susceptible
neth jones Jan 2016
i write this litter to you
this **** of determination
to pile upon what went wrong
between the you and us
and the wash that lapped oily over us

these pickings form these words
and riddle this confusion
i intended this as a cleansing incineration
but didn't tack
into account
the polluting smoke
a signal pointing us out
for the investigation of others
they see only the ugly pillar
and smell the plastics
and melting paints
and consider our whole deal
vile and criminal
they see none of what an aura
we once created

that's now a scrap
i try to net and haul
neth jones Feb 2023
two barks don't make a bite
it takes two dogs
to make a dogfight
neth jones Mar 2021
life is ...

much is laid out
          to shuck 'stragglers'
               and fetter the 'off kilter'

passive weeding ?
               or bleeding with medicinal leeches ?

there is a structure facing inward
people making unkind demands of one another
a fussing
a fusing of their time made 'important'
a holding bond
   alluring and repulsing
                  maintaining a close hovering gap
in the name of a darkly compromised species dream
neth jones Feb 2022
unkempt drey
a winter white bone tree of lungy dew
grey squirrel in an urban way
curious for shelter
checks out the drey
      and scuffs about
      but the scruffy drey
      falls into its pieces
     (in spring to decay)
the creature is left
      grappling for a purchase
      and a posture of dignity
neth jones Sep 2019

not fool
not madness
crash water in your morning face
select your character in front of the gaper
harness the void in your recess
and begin the act that voices the business ;
the   trade   that   will   be   this   day ;
the interaction,
the fist and the currency
neth jones Dec 2022
eyes are
quite gelatine
mending bubbly detail
mocking  up  fact   to suit user
/the ears ?  crinkled dishes of pinkened veins
robbing blood to probe the gossip
/digits  bud on the feed
in polyp growth
and ****** a
pepper mill from off the
coffee table/tongue  leeches lips
retaining massaged notes from food oils past
/spatting nostrils   puncture the air
punching out breath purling
inhale a stressed
neth jones Nov 2022
my eyes are heady    **** bloating
                                       from within the sun
       white embellishment lasers out  
                  lending provision
     setting life   to the organic cog and clock
provoking muted growth  to retch a bloom
                                     ­ spending
                                                       ­         seeding

my tread  destroys nothing
each step    frictionless  
patterning little hovering eddies
                              a fraction above ground
minimal is my disruption
enough    only to promote a deeper observation
    tender fanning     of the life that i am fawning over

how to feel this spritely at all times ?   t'would be a spell
                                                 a fondled thing

         it’s from our night of shared tether
our infection threw out an extra pleasurable souvenir
it carried its energy    into the ensuing day

i am launched affection
beckoned     into the true employment of my surroundings
carrying my socks and shoes in one hand
and my heart?  it is a possession of the senses
i am truly led
i am emitting
neth jones Nov 2019
pangs of the hunger

give you the mosquito kiss

a wet signature
Anti haiku
Quotes come from a friend, a doctor and a lawyer
neth jones Mar 2022
Inuit art
framed in medical waiting rooms
famined behind glass
wronged chime

the grazing eye passes through the greed of it
little need
with such clement weather

Stretch out those eagar linkers
and read those signals
        you were nursed to read

being tactile
induce swelling
and poke at holes

There is no dignity
and we look ridiculous
        within its service

share a meal of teeth
family of whitened grins, laughs and interdependent stares
a formula
for props and catalogue

Cash in my reflection
at retail it'll fetch its metal


                       t h e          e n d
neth jones Sep 2020
a gust of life
one day bellows another
so collapsable
guests stumble in fallen tent
a temporary social
Tanka style
neth jones Dec 2020
singing notes of the sick dawn
a bird makes off with my heart
pins it to the notice board
I'll not retrieve it
be witnessed
neth jones Jan 2018

Pick teeth in maw
shuttering ;
I imagine you

You mail me voices
you unmend each night
I clothe the window
but you are brighter
you fill

I replenished your alter
re-burdened the sill
new meats from the Butcher
it's quite an arrangement
for a carnival such as yourself

A fortunes soil of gutting
it's the best I'm willing to offer
a meal
a wealth
so here it is
a tilt to your health
I back out of the room
I close the light
                                                  ­         CUT TO :


I dress up my morning
and enter the room
a tiding,
a horror,
a vacuum !

You have scatted and cast
and made gore of my gift ;
made rent and wipings of the curtains
made leavings off of an ill stomach

What can I give you ?
how much more ?
how may I appease you
my Minotaur ?
neth jones May 2020
withdrawn from our colour
retreat to the basement
with unillustrated lives fled
reflush our pallor
and flesh out lily liveried
astray from the light
bottled mighty in our culture dish
and reinvent
look ** ;
to the silverfish !
neth jones Jan 2017
This is a Me
(hands indicate the body that they are a part of)
A responsive sock of meats
flush with The Other
and stringy with Thinker

From The Other
opperations may be performed
Within this mix
a View dwells
and this could be said
to be a Me

It's a bit of a confusion
but it can be worked
It could be tidier
With this as thought
The Being makes
a physical step forward
A Me indicated that it ought to
and it did
neth jones Sep 2016
We've bin' in this graveyard
For many a year
So I cough
To sully the still
And I tender this query
To you're ever wilting ear
''Can you see through me now ?'
neth jones Jun 2019
With Wild
Such as These
I Need Not
Concern Myself
Foreign Body Enemies
neth jones Jul 2019
Suckling at the ghost ****
full-feast in your slumber
button beast in a swaddle-veil
bellying about
in your dream business
free of reference
and unlearned

Sleep people
Sleep staff
Sleep doctors and Sleep teachers
mental attractions and morphing playmates
recasting to the tune
of your barbaric vagary
flashing charm for your attentions
flicking at the inner eye

Pup napping
is now ghost scrapping
you have a sleep grin
in your very first fight
perhaps you are winning ?
Two Months Today

The Factory of your Recreates
and Docile Development
neth jones Jul 2022
questions drop dumb weight from the night
they distribute anguish and fright
battle tight against comfort
moral prattling defeats sleep
international distress weeps
from my seeping device fraught
Cywydd Llosgyrnog  
Brevity Homework

original version

a plumage of anxiety

questions drop dumb weight from the night sky
ample plumb                                            
they plate anguish
       offence of any moral comfort in my sleep
like senility   milking                              
         suction on thumb
           with pained dental needs
         no answers
                     no sleep tonight
                   no piping pan
                            no kingdom come and feed
neth jones Apr 2022
life is vaporous
life is sleep and within life vapour I take a slumber
limbered keen and nimble I kip travels
unraveling lumber
  the annual rings a lolling carpet
   life is but a pencil sharpener
at my shoulder
                a nap sacked boulder
peppered quartz for schemes
  as an investor in dreams
                          i am larval

mumbling some verse nonsense
gavel for gorge
clouted by The Greats
the knowers who silk spin
     the freedom of sleep and the imagination
                                                            into­ rule and bard
the thirsty claws of the snared dream
the shared laws that barter with hurt
even as though we know ;
'ignorance is no excuse for the law'
         we ****** not forward with our 'self'
we have a trust of 'no confidence'
                      and an obedience to follow

i am some frown of traveller
        and a knowledge trawler
self-made unaware
an incomplete idiot with a knot of care
life is sleep and within that sleep i take my life
and with it
          any the fool that follows
neth jones Aug 2018
I Sleep ;
I Slip
In Doze, I Seep out into the Scenes ;

In Potions Deep
In Notions Cold and Preasuring
I Fit and Knit my Crown
I Coral
I Knot and Concrete a Frown
But though I Invite my Efforts
My Thoughting is Leaks and Tearing *

Over Whale but Underwater
I Recover Nothing Reassuring
Slowing to a Pale
In Ocean Cold
My Feedings are Slurring to a Drown
My Motions ; Enwombed and Collected
An Unfoetal, my Body Undertakes a Vulnerable Mould

The Surface
The Ship Blinks, on Fire
And Gifts from the Broken Hold Sink to me
It's all a Wink Directed at me
A Humour

But I am become Prepared Still
For the Next Life
I Discard, Decending Still
A Treat Sunk Below
A Monsterous Breakfast

                                                 *note­ : as in, secreting saline, watery fluid
neth jones Oct 2019
drown by the lake pier

i fish to sleep forever

never wash ashore
self semi plagiarized
Anti Haiku
neth jones Nov 2018
Under the curse
There is a loss of humour :
Childlike excitement is friction in memory
and become
a tinnitus of love
upon your compressed exhaustion

It takes a persistence
the insistence of the stubborn
a guesting
to transverse the yawn within
to make you a new spell

This could bring about your
day-to-day skills and willingness
Regain the hum
Observe the silliness and the tune of your make
Recognise the scope
and think a smile.
Written after reading 'When the world lost a smile' by Poetic T.
neth jones Jun 2018
all that surface area
all us beings make
creates too concentrated an environment
a sick air

it's not a sacrifice
it's healthy release
neth jones Nov 2021
cloth-ed as clown                               
a spilt generation                        
within our moral delirium
                       who would care-claim us now  ?

paint your scrutiny
with our baffling strife of operations
as we lather up and ****** social
in the slaggy loft of our hive
plug uz from our heated terrarium
let's be proper met
examined with manner :
our morbid request

let us claim
something that is not yours
that we might budge on a generation
of spatty breeding
Extended from missing verse of 'Blemishes'
neth jones Apr 13
i enter the river
later the woods
tour natures suicide spots
snub them for a man made bridge
snub the bridge
    because i find life pretty today
    too pretty to bend deaths ear
                             and suspend
26/02/23 : date of earliest version
notes -
you go to the woods to end your life
to bend deaths ear and suspend
mending your feedback of strife
neth jones Nov 2019
a convulsive shaking of the head

a tremble ;
it's no trouble
and i've slipped this disarray

shrugged off the character ;
an avatar i've maintained
for a dedicated period

a return to The Cunning

quake the sleeper agent
and unburden the actor

a return to Cunning

the weight is clipped
and the pouch rises to the surface
geesing the code

the dog program :
click the assignment
into a bleedable port

quake the sleeper
and unburden the act

charge up joy for the task ahead
start cleaning the toys of the trade  

re load the literature
retrain your physical form ;
blessed with muscular memory
and a breathing plan

the domestic ailments of the house
are striped and packed into the guest bedroom
the body hair is shaved to minimum
the workplace is given a sick call
then all the tech is despoiled
and the signal singed out

no more Mr. civilian

the soldier
with unmarred purpose
is gratefully reattached to physical function
and mental manner

the soldier makes channels of the streets
tags favoured places
****** in relished corners
puts out an advertisement
a secretion
seeking to rejoin his staff
of instigation
neth jones Sep 2020
Last of Summer Sun
Cast through Atrium Window
Catnap on the Job
Bloated in Absorbent Slum
Replenishing Chimera
earlier version

Last of Summer Sun
Weighty Slumber on the Job
Atrium Window
Blotted and Soaked into Sleep ;
Bewildering Recharge
neth jones Nov 2021

She dresses
colors for the autumn
her hair naturally so
metallic in ginger
she wants to summon in the season early
ring it to her heel
to match her charge



welling purple and grey sky
a steady cold rain
the automatic sprinklers
douse the neighbour's lawn


for mid October it's not cold
people dress up out of habit


aged couple occupy a park bench
Old Cold White & Doughy
Hand in Hand
     sloped into each other like children
i never figured out how to make a public bench mine
neth jones Apr 2022
so    very   sewn
the doleful mind is sung
post  to  pillar    weeping  bedlam
unplugged and unsnug smutting out ugly
stopper  in        now  properly  so
property now preserved
dammed up river
so     very     so
woefully  head is hung
side to side sweeping pendulum
frothing out malware and mad medicine
saner  cure     joins  the  jettison
salmon         up  a  river
g o d s  deliver
( s o r r o w )

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