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neth jones Apr 2020
beating on the rough skins
tummy to vibration ;
              the strum
                    that actions
               your cutting heart
wetting out for mammal
i clown on the drums
go to town
vetting out the taughtless thought within you
it's tough
it is trough
seeking you out
your sputting heart
a mation behind the curtain
a certainty somewhere
gulls creation
your bird of weather
your brimstone
your ***** of feather
your tell
your chore
and your wreckage yard
I pass you a code
to rive free your missive
with glee
you can mare
yawn over into public
with folds
and a sodden little battle cry

I drum for this
I drum for your honest heart
that you can be
you can be domicile to yourself
neth jones Apr 2018
...and 'oh my God' did I cry
I sparked like I was made of knives
and it carried me
I was adopted
It took me and I gave up me
This had become dimensional
Life seamed
I was played
I was playing
I was addressing reasoning
and burying it fiercely and fare
Pounding clay over it
and enhancing my surroundings
content and without trust
Welled and sad
Sick excited
A primal plug
Theses words seem borrowed, adolescent and unpracticed
But they are a correct description of the manner in which I cried for the first time as an adult
Sometime between the age of 24 and 28
neth jones Apr 2022
pry it open
      clan of lies    libido            and lily lunged persuaders  
             etching wounds                   ills upon those you itched after
        letching tightly in patterns            
               then blooming out          in a ring of your 'brothers'
                        again tightening
                     breaths oppress breathing
                             a clenching jellyfish action
                         offends the natural      teaming in a derangement
                                a loyalty of cowards    each one initiation edgy
                            paid up members     linked in ceremony
                                 a skeleton grid channeling away responsibility
                          thick distaste of the unsightly      and abrasive scent
                              of your speeching spatters
                        it's unmother worldly
                             a clutch of an abusive family thing
                      that psychology      that bonds for life
                         and spans love       in all its distrustful ******
                     not a truth
             to mould in his raspy mouth
                this is a reputation
             repeated sellings
     this is not a truth
       this is just repetition
 persistently boomed      into adjustable history
     dying over and again
each hand that takes up the stylus
       muster evidence
   of our mad insistences
         the 'sharing' game
     snaring the population bulk
           and lording over it with
       your repulsating power on display
neth jones Jul 2018
right hand - cack hand
an inebriant
a heat of intoxicants
'Recover Your Presence Of Mind'
i don't even have my mattress raised
from upon the floor
spilled drinks
and pages soaked to the boarding
snoring in spores
infested with messages
in nest with it all
best to withdraw
the artist
the 'madder than'
the inebriant
right ?
can one practice as a sober ?
I've never wanted to create more or been this capable before...or are the results missing something ?
something splayed
hellish even ?
is it the reader ?
will we not be pleased with the results without some evidence of a soul in suffering
and numbing isolation?
neth jones Jan 2021
Let's chew gum
   chew on the fat
      rustle up conversation
         rodent upon the rat


Let's trip traps
communal fear
of God smite-y creation
not communication
why tussle with language
when we all carry firearms
wrestle free the tongue
skim the wisdom
bellow the lung
muscle up a tune
and spit out your gum
neth jones Apr 2020
i dream warm
      and wing-ed
about a modern city ;
               a monster
                 sprung to being
                   in one urban print
       (the absence of any organic revision
                                                is occult)

a dominating mind
a commandeering mouth
many adept labourers
in an afternoon of rhythmic effort
erected this :
a raising
an orchestrated coral

                                        - formation

no one hives here
     this metropolis waits....
it is a bait of 'utopia'
for the next population spate
                     to occupy and ode upon its grandeur
                       in a single arrival of mass gratitude

                                       - composition

here i am
vagrant for company
a playground
but an echo and a hurt

i step beyond
into a solitary joy

                                        - duction

the preening eye
      the dreamers keep
this city

an endless day of a veiled away sun
projecting a steeped climate
a distil of the figment

                                        - set

i flit my core
    over public art
up drainage flumes
  over rooves
high leaps that do not deplete me
every move energizes

                                        - action

i am naked
each contact is a ****** nudge
i am welling and mammary
and guided by unassigned swollen parts

i fling my beast higher and further
           until i reach a bell tower
i grip the lightning conductor
          and with the other mitt
                  i directly grab the bells tonsil

tapping the energy of the scape
and my own reservoir
with the command of a primed surge ;
i toll out madly for a mate
bludgeoning a vibration
to sate my urgency
a call placed

                                        - resonate
neth jones Dec 2015
a catalyst in my nosebag
treks into a lung
the atlas of the sponge I inhabit
recognises the chore
but takes the spore in hand
when it should have humiliated it as the enemy
and talks to its information

a new and playful thought is born
a youthful rebel
passed into storage
but be prepared when there's trouble
there's a mutation stirring
and it's not fond of the authority
neth jones Sep 2021
                summer night
city                                                            ­
unwelcomely cast                    
                               with blighted solution
an abrasive wash on the senses
like an orange filter                                        
                                    of muted television static
everything is one lit shade                                  
                         ­                    budged shy of a reality

streets city
        between the housings                 
          the baked on drain spoilage    
             munched under my tread
dwelling units weigh
                 loud down above me

beat in silence
             no one alights balconies            
a clustered population bulk
no one shares light in this building
             and no one is known to their neighbour

anxious of their fellows                          
they coil
around their trusted genitalia
              and despise
neth jones Mar 2016
becomes my Oedipus
Restlessness is my Vein
I spy from the Windows
upon the Exterior ;
It's Humid, Night and Rain
I pave my Thoughts ;
all bark and froth
I Pound in Drinks
It Powers tight my Bellows
I Hound the Clock
My energy thrives out a fan of nerves
I create an idea of what's soon to be
A plan of a posable culture
forms flossy in my Tide
(as the Night Out steps up)
It Bites firm in my mind

I stride across the threshold
Betraying nothing
Of the Savage I've put together
Slough Suited in neat Disguise.
neth jones Apr 2019
(not ringing)
Bringing shrill
in a sense vacuum
a violence

Mewing, gut string taut
shock shell
instrument strung
along the centre of a tester tube

Abused sense-fully
with over leaden silence
packed tomb
provision tank
a violence

admin crowding
crowning grin
audience of labcoaters
a tinny able
a stint completed in this pressure test
out come;
all fists and winning
soldier born
a re-spun sinner
Guinea Pig
neth jones Nov 2019
ever so clever

the wind toys with the weather

observing 'god' sway
neth jones Mar 2021
i ring life to a cigarette
lit from off my stove
i review an organic future
and stew in idea features

the great ***** failure
a break from my personal regret
and the burnt soup
            on the back burner
on the global state
           i must dutifully reflect
i huff upon my cigarette

i feed to life a forrest fire
engorges beyond the expected
life fends suffering their airways
      and their burns
          all the rage in the cities
meets the harbour
           and sets out to sea on great swirling patterns
               buoyant garbage
charred underground
gas eruptions
it's an opening invite
      to the earths core and furnace
                                     and the devils
                                     and forks
to recreate all habitation
cleared igneous surface
tough, porous, fertile grip
neth jones Mar 2019
Are thieves ants ?
And are ants up on my pillow ?
Can't count all the trees
that villain up the wallpapers
In silent non-light

A Percher weighs himself upon my chest
Fidgeting and hurting the spurring of my breath
I can't speak to he
Nor he to me
I've not made any friends here
I'm always the quiet one.

The tools of the drapes make-eye new fashion
I yawn in-breath the scenery
Til I'm replumbed a fear familiar
I've not taken note
And they'll be a cell toss in the sorrow light
And stern disused adults
With their 'on clockwork troubles'

I turn in this muffle scape
I'm feverless and struggling
In the ample warm bright shade
Capsized in an umbrella
Of an altered canopy nest
Lovingly bed laid
And to the falling
And fawn the ceiling
Well in for teething
Water floats the basin
Town in for weening
The coast of new morning
I gorm to life
Jump started and fit fused
From the perspective of a bad night of sleep. Told nonsensical to match the wax and wane of the dreamworld and the ‘Real’. Aspects of sleep paralysis and infiltration of the visual room in which the irrational slumber took face. Kind and fearful but more at comfort in which world ? All my strive used to be this way... t’was in days when I was less active against my disorder and pandered to its practice oft. Interesting results but impractical depression.
neth jones Sep 2020
turmeric leaf wilts
the root is ready to eat
and be replanted

Geese trading seasons
formation against grey sky
'Traitors !' (just kidding)

The nervous surface
puddle clipped at by light wind
Even cupped, can't light match
neth jones Nov 2020
crowding the inner-ear
and clung

drum lightly
on the porcelain
'Tung - tung'
and its a simple world
peacefully distant
in a bathing bell

purse the breathing
an interspersed need for air
submerged ****
i lung for longer
with peace
i could
neth jones Nov 2019
thrifty fat tree rat

hibernal conditions bid

burrow and becalmed
neth jones Feb 2020
at a bend in the night
(early in your sleep program)
our vermin stained rancor
batters its ****** limbs
upon your double glazed windows

we kick a thistling up your vents
putting 'the ghoul' up your lightly clothed backs
and disrupting your 'conditioned' environment

scattering the lawn toys
our demented energy
aggressively makes collage
the muted spirit
of your suburbs

all of your 'homeware'
ignites nothing true
just taking options out
on your own life packaging

our baying notes
our rapid chatter
reminds the family homes
that they are only snug for now
for they remain subject to nature
and due reprimand

our message :  
conclude evacuate
and leave ruin
neth jones May 2021
all manners new 
                               all worlds

even in memories certain
                     fizzing change holds court
    over hard rock
                over the stern human

i open my dreaded wardrobe
moth eaten moths
                        and unaired storage
there is nothing here that i wear
its all in black
one black unreadable musty dough
                  slouching off of bending hang wires

thin bin liner
i bag up some clothes for charity
i close the wardrobe
and open a window

river flows and is new
when I am next compiled
will it be subtle
or aggressive in action ?
which character shall play me ?
i take a hefty breath
the time is....

(i stamp one foot
  seal this contract)

sleeven suit is filled
my next brush with life
is sacredly sworn in...

i am
mischievous to be
humorous and
malicious in spirit type

what of family ?
memory attaches responsibility
for all the shared
and built upon relations

do i brutally shuck
or grow sick in a false nature ?
costume myself
as myself past ?

i know all of the habits
of his guise
but arson seems
the healthier alternate
neth jones Mar 2016
This Wallow Pad of the Ground
Is my Nesting Place
For the Riddle of my Fault Lines
My Skin is Held
Rag Drum to my  Hacked up Face
This New-new me  is
The Result of a Peculiarity
Events Resulting in Butchery

My Time Remains Expanding
A Warm Spool
A New Slumberless Spill of Years
All this Time
To Study this Horizon of Footfalls
To Retreat to my Summary Report
That is Now the Retread of my Drying Mind.
neth jones Dec 2019
lay down on my back

breath sleep into the being

supped and charmed in dreams
neth jones Mar 2022
gallows on the rooftop
where window washers go
                            to suspend
metal gibbet
            quick hinge, raise and lock
secure against the weather

  combed and packed snow
    ice crusted dunes
strain the winds over the buildings roofing
                                 an extreme combing exposure
they'll be no labor done today

On the seventh floor
i watch from behind
              an environment sealed window
              wolfing my lunch on a short break
                                in the warm fire escape

i watch
a solitary worker is ejected from a hatch in the exterior wall
                                      cuffed by a spasm of wind
he descends a short bolted ladder
              and makes a geared approach
his weight against the wind  
          he drags a heavy kit
            mummified in protective clothing
              passing my spot and he then heads outward
                    towards the bounds of the rooftop
he mends a stable stance
one foot close to the edge
the rest of him
in a low defensive pose
clips his harness to the gallows
stands to take a confident beating
            of the breath stealing
                      brawling winter gale
he radios for the gantry to be raised
neth jones Aug 2018
Billy got violent
It used to be an apparition
And now it fights for a vast attention
A geist clear and present
A feast for the mealing viewing of a gross company
:This explosion tuned on tide
And now it is our SwearHeart

Billy was so silent
Now it votes out all its crushings
All its firing angers
It's unnamed energy

The progenitor speaks :
Turn that Clown upside down
You Hanged Child
You Fool Card
By your age I'd joined the military
Had friends
Knew a girl
You are hard work ;
Our little SwearHeart

You're Thin Skin
Worn outside in
Understand (blinkered)
You must live in vain sight
You mustn't cut smart sound
Be team, be trophy
Make us proud
Our little SwearHeart

You play this part brightly
Perfect this Art
Turn in The Performance
And make us quite proud
Our Bitter SwearHeart
With our backing
Join in the game
And plea tame
Our Vicious SwearHeart
neth jones Sep 2017
Medically speaking
It is you for me
You are a joker
and a flight for my heart rate
Colder than eyes
and just as gelatine
You offer a hand
(a graft quite meddlesome)

We spend time in costume
We hack an appetite to commune
You offered a hand
and I became quite greedy
Feeding our life astray
We claimed a nightmare
Shared territory
A bed unaware
A tale after all
We mould quite the pair
neth jones Sep 2022
the city is gruffly petted with heat  
       buildings quiver in the primeval whither
wide mouthed and whiskered
         the catfish thrive in the sewers
taking aggression to the air and fixing to the trees
        the insects speed into vigorous breeding

in the populated afternoon    city is sternly scored    
pressed down on    its wilted fur pushed    from back to front
each itchy person   is its own greasy hair
salt beads from brows    and stinging eyes are blinded

scolded and bonded      the witless humans slow
natures patient pace is not kin to their will
ticking noises and electric whines whittle the air
discomfort makes life immediate
       a deal to be flustered with
every enduring breath is consciously felt
       alive and in suffering

i crouch my form in shelter
a jilted couch to lean against     bordering a grown over lot
watching the foxes patrol in sweltering sun
what expected prey   brought them into the light ?
i release my hurt understanding   (it patrols also)
my hurt snakes through the long tough grass   and tacky broken glass
it moves further   raised in a mirage hover
over welting heat from the melting tarmac
this way   i please my way into nurture
this way   i ease my suffering
hum with the wires
and smile at a good day putrefying
july 2022
a sump cleansing
raiding the filth back to the surface
neth jones Jun 2020
ground swell
and furniture at odds
storage collage
the breathing flutter

head blood flush
rush until taunt
and breathing...
                     an ail

off of still
pudding the chamber
tow my breathing
as ought

a gentle petitioning
takes effect

my senses are hooked back up
and i observe i am sat awkward
; floor and wall
untightening into feeling
Read like The Shipping Forecast if you like
neth jones Dec 2021
abused aromas
fuse the dwelling
throats slacken and tighten
good cooking can make a home
a rooted clut of tallow

         sweaty home
ignite another cigarette
scrape a fingernail on the sofa
a white grippy trail
scrunch your toes in the deep greasy carpet
and salivate on the wender of smoke
from the cooking of the roast
neth jones Aug 2019
the world frowns on me

all of my colours form clowns

make ****** jesters
neth jones Jul 2021
humans sunbathing
spread like dying starfish
stranded drying
for the attention of tourists and vendors

the tide rises
the sunbathers retreat
to a controlled poolside setting
neth jones Jul 2020

muscled through passage
birthed into his life
quick to the breath
wordless, you pass me your name
Nicholas wasn't on our list


muscled through passage
birthed into his life
quick to the breath
relieved, i release my worry :
promised beauty is fulfilled
Tanka, homework, birth, event
neth jones Jul 2020

My friend gets published
fans himself with magazine
printed on the face
I feel joy at his good work
no impeding jealousy
neth jones Sep 2020
absent of mind
i fleece medical gloves
full disposal
thoughts on a trivia spree
refine a vacuous headspace

Springs breed of Spider
crosses the bathroom mirror
breaks the barrier
daze over ; i ponder Warmth
i fumble to find it
3 Another Side

[disposable gloves]

a habit ; absent of mind
i fleece protective hand skins
into a full disposal

my mind trills
and sprees on trivia :
practice attentive thought

Springs breed of Spider [Arachnid]
crosses the bathroom mirror
breaks the world between

out of a daze
i ponder Warmth
i fumble to find it

Kigo is subtle ... use of word fleece to indicate Sheering time in warm weather Spring.

refine an echo free belfry
neth jones Sep 2020

autumn eve sun sinks
The lowest insect projects
long shadows
criminal fingers like yours
took lighter being from me


the reply

shade swells to dusk
a cloak for lovers 'crime'
give freely and take
balanced nature
listen to the night ferals
first version :

autumn eve sun sinks :
from even the lowest bug
long shadows project
fingers criminal like yours
took lighter being from me

reply :

shade swells into dusk
a cloak for the lovers 'crime'
give freely and take
a fair balance of nature
listen to the night ferals
neth jones Jun 2020
Floods of relief
supplants the Thaw
bathed of pollution
i peacock my presence
fashioned for new company

After the snows
landscape runs conjugal
Decay to Life
I yawn in gelid air
wake to the view
neth jones Jun 2020
man whales on a man
penalty out of law
a violence observed
i bare to get anger  
instead I view cold  

courtly on my birthday
a candle forest of flame
blaze of age
marked memories
struggle for the trail ahead
neth jones Aug 2020
"Although I try
to hold the single thought
of Buddha's teaching in my heart,
I cannot help but hear
the many crickets' voices calling as well."

                      by Izumi Shikibu

My Reply

The Buddha once heard
noisy Crickets at their play
received good teaching
did the crickets from the man
who practiced great stillness
neth jones Aug 2020
"While I gaze upon it
I feel a certain distance:
The moon light
Makes its way to dwellings
Everywhere, I feel."

      by Ki no Tsurayuki

My Reply

Bright Issues the Moon
dusts the landscape with pale ash
slackens our taut customs
we're brought closer to our hearts

[Bonus Material. Earlier looser version :

When brighter the Moon
unknots our taught habits
spends our ideas
freely in its pale light
we act closer to our hearts]
neth jones Jun 2020
a dog night of heat
yet a clear scan of heavens
nourished universe
my mind untravels it all
sleep when I am depleted

hot night
yet visible stars
busy creation
inspires thought
delays slumber
neth jones Sep 2019
We treadmill experience
through the repetition of act
and retapping of memory

We loot from ourselves
trying to obtain
a moment absent from the self

We put essence to exhaustion
and wind ourselves ground

We have moulded a depression

Since WE have achieved this
WE can muster an opposing goal ?
neth jones Jul 2019

[Note : i am flushed with heartbeats,
fast panic breaths
and thought.
i have overwhelming stream of ideas]’s ridden through in our flooded veins

it’s furnishing our museums

  it’s marred out on parchment

     it’s mated together in privacy

      [Note : i tighten my eyes closed for relief]



     tried and executed

    preserved in wetland peat

   it can be called out

without the feed of the moon

without the woe of the ocean

 [Note : i clamp my hands over my ears]




genetically vetted

it can be rutted out

  falling **** through the generations

    the speed of the molecule

   or flitted across our grid electrically





      morse distressed




  and invested against

through historical text

it’s collected in your visage

and yawned back at you

  off of your morning mirror

   it’s in your needings

    your trolling of prayers and personalities

     and the breaking of your vocal jockery

     [Note : i dry gag and go silent]

     information is energy

    not erased

  but converted...

   ...and then nothingness

    an unwearable yelling void

     expanding pressure-less



     the immense feeling

    of feeling nothing

   the code/no-code

  the necessary ill behind the facade

of the purpose currency

[Note : my thoughts slow,
i note my breath
and my heart]
neth jones Jul 2018
Suiside upon instruction
Through institution
By relation to another
And being bared upon
By your own misfiring soul

A shaky exit ;
Or lonely, with company
Approach The Pig Empty
With a mind and not a rattle
; a pressure of Taughts

  in loving nothing
  glove oblivion
  a pardon from suffering ?
  a finite mime

       Signed   - a guest
neth jones Mar 2019
You know you are wrong
when you bed me in our own litter
and The Feaster raises its head
to feed our relations with its attention
We persist
and you're having none of my boring objections
This bed has become a field
of mammal ply and spell craft
We sign out glyphs
in energies and positionings
In The Feasters eyes
we have meaning
we are positive
we glow for it
Feathers from air
we tap out
with a shared vocal hark crash the mind ;
plan flown on
an excercise of oblivion
Criminal tide rising
to feel upon the doggy moon
When The Love has only known The Night Time
with little illumination
the revealed is a frightful thing ;
a Medicine and a Leviathan
neth jones Mar 2022
busy verbalizing my merchandise                                                      ­        
a display of teeth reefed behind my smile
                                                      becau­se merchandise is what i am after
                          and The Revels watch over me
                                and laughter drains down through sewer grates
i am watched over                                                             ­                             
my potential client walks away                                                                 
    but returns again with queries                                                          ­             
on this hot day                                                              ­                                   
a smell like burnt hair raises from the gutters                                            
and these are the streets that radiate                                                          ­  
on this hot day                    

an honest clash and not some some touchy bout
and here we are                                                              ­
the costly coil of pushing business together ;           
                                   a lively thrive
thrifty "*******"s and a dressing down       
circling the other and striking their buttons   
                   interlaced within is a genuine pressing
               toward each other goals  
this partnership                                                      ­                    
swiftly made                    
                                          has an extreme edge and chaotic balance          
the both of us must master or abandon our productivity             
shall we be served by this union
                                     or sever fighting ?

unfit                                                         ­            
  it swerves and suffers a pity                  
let's keep this one brief                                                     
we manage business
and scowl away with our wares
each of us feeling equally scammed
(we've made useful enemies at best)

i break out laughing all the same-how
and howl because i feel
that feeling that this could go on forever
and business has roots in all my moods

i crouch at the curb       
the curb is abrasive               
              i sit
i look at the dry heat radiating off the tarmac
the slight greasy lime taste of the air passing
the roof of my mouth
the electric wires running hum into the buildings
the storm drains at the edges of the roads
where laughter siphons down to the magma of Hades

it is waning off now                         
and i feel vague
i stand and i scan for more players
i spot a vivid orange one
one that i may barter their aura of vigour
traded for my sketchy wares
neth jones Aug 2019
forfeit life wholly


start and tend again
neth jones Jul 2019
Don’t let the medium dry
Moisten This Creation                                   
by ANY MEANS necessary

It’s vulnerable

For This Creation to become pedestal WE MUST :

feed it
off of a capillary bag

mist it
under a dense healthy breath

lead it
to suckle an engorged breast

we risk it becoming husk ;
good only for digs and dust shops.

For This Creation, WE MUST queue

with our blood tapped
and ready

our breeding fluids
our various flows carefully labelled
and in sterile pouches

our donor cards filled out
steady for sacrifice

Keep This Creation wet
and it shall be a beacon
a call to awareness
a beckon of craft for us all
and not some common art-hole
Arts’ Monster
It’s vulnerable
(a toothed Whale out of water
  awaiting a machine strong enough
  to return it to the ocean)
neth jones Jul 2019
and then the churches
not a climbing peel
not the telling of bells
but an absense felt
a spirit skin hammering out the pressure
the clung tongues of worry
Babel Tolls

then following
and opposing this
A deprevision blow to the senses
a ballooning calm
A nature of electricity makes itself stage, tone
and is source of beacon
A strobe of invitation
past the the mid mark of night
This is verse  ? of an ongoing project. It overlaps words I’m using in current poems.
neth jones Oct 2019
on Stage
a peacock of makeup  
the comedian
bating thunderous uproar
knighting fury
turning humour over the belfries
of the overcharged assemblage

he fouls with them
utilizing his vile material
putting together ideas that no brain wants scribe
you create yourself
your twist at his bidding)
you become broken down and ******
applied apart by his gagging speech
and his splintering costumes of mood

the comedian builds from this
until rage
and ruptures of relief

a berserk laughter is result
kettled in the mob reaction
a collective convulsion
a need
more than a mirth
japes dressed in death
have foraged a credible rebirth

his soldiers attired
he has seized his corps of souls
his Mad recruits of Chaos
the comedian pulls out a plastic toy Sabre  
and directs the revulsion
(the Grand Prank)
in a charge against
the wealthy neighbours
(with a deviant tap upon each left shoulder)
neth jones Nov 2018
My hard earned soul
Has been unsigned of its fibrous callouses
Results of a de-stubborning
Racked over a long and testing period of time
Smaller for it
And freer
Welling and interactive
Curious and reading stinging songs
A child of maintanence
Much work
Good and computable
neth jones Jan 2020
Even the Gum-Skulls
are playing
between the legs of the dancers
in this hall

Even the impaired are dancing
ever trusting
they could fall

The partnered are whoever
are who they please be

The hands are often wanderers
the wonderers drink their mead

The animals hide
under the table
til the time to take their bleed

they're upon the table
accompanying the mead
A Winter Pair
New Years Eve
neth jones Jun 2021
I offer up                                     
the stubborn prideful self
to a dispersal action
ink drop into moving water
to be included in the greater thirst
married with laughter
buried in the great humour of it all

What remains                              
can be free to operate ;
unrestrained by queries
based off of monstrous analysis

- Of Use Shall Be
neth jones Mar 2022
now ;                                                                                         
­                                   til the begging of our next death
bragging of our savage past chiming ovations
occupying the company of our hostages
when scavenge is all there truely is
'dealt with' seems a felony
shriney irredeemable
to some
quite fertile
and a breeding pulse
taking out our bludgeoning
womb of demoting anger and the elements
and blaze out your heart-pace                                        
in a most volcanic emission                                                         ­ 
                                                               ­              - the ignition
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