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43.7k · Apr 2014
Storm Clouds
ms reluctance Apr 2014
storm clouds blown in
by the turbulent winds
haven’t enough rain to wash off
your pain.
NaPoWriMo Day 11
Poetry form: Cinquain (traditional)
20.1k · Apr 2014
Love Affair
ms reluctance Apr 2014
she goes
once again
ignoring life
as she falls in love with another song.

This fleeting love affair however brief,
is the only
time she feels
NaPoWriMo Day #18
Poetry form: Double Tetractys
14.4k · Apr 2014
Monday Blues
ms reluctance Apr 2014
It’s day seven of NaPoWriMo;
I have to write a fresh poem.
But it is also Monday
and I have no topic,
no inspiration.
So this feeble
nonet will
have to
NaPoWriMo Day #7
Poetry form : Nonet
13.5k · Apr 2014
ms reluctance Apr 2014
Every day now my mind grows weary,
Shards of broken dreams wound me daily.
Caught in a web of endless expectations,
All I can do is quietly daydream;
Plan every step of my grand escape,
Even if I only do it to get through the day.
NaPoWriMo Day #16
Poetry form : Acrostic
7.0k · Apr 2015
Spirit Animals
ms reluctance Apr 2015
People find it strange
that someone like me
who gets out of breath,
after two flights of stairs
considers the horse
to be her spirit animal.

Ironic though it may be,
isn't it natural
for the somatically lazy
to have a wild soul
that runs free?
NaPoWriMo Day #30
Poetry form: Free Verse
6.5k · Apr 2014
ms reluctance Apr 2014
Guarded dreams, whispered secrets,
summer crushes, December flings,
inside jokes, confessed regrets…

These are but a few things
that we share with each other
without any fear, any misgivings.

You were once a stranger
and now you are my best friend.
my partner in crime, my soul sister.

After all, friendship is all that matters in the end.
NaPoWriMo Day #22
Poetry form: Terza Rima
6.4k · Apr 2014
A Limerick for Her
ms reluctance Apr 2014
There’s a girl with curly brown hair
Whose sense of humour is so rare,
She leaves people baffled,
Their simple brains addled
As she spouts one-liners with flair.
NaPoWriMo Day 6
Poetry form : Limerick
6.1k · Apr 2014
Pipe Dream
ms reluctance Apr 2014
I attempted to
ensnare my darkest desires
with the help of dreamcatchers.

Filter out all those
recycled thoughts to unveil
a pipe dream that is just mine.
NaPoWriMo Day 12
Poetry form: Sedoka
5.9k · Apr 2015
I Just Want to Want You
ms reluctance Apr 2015
I have wanted you
for so long
and with such hunger
that now I think
I would rather not have you at all.
For once you’re mine
I will lose that sense of longing
and there will be nothing to
fill the agonizing empty spaces
that time inevitably blows in.

I know it is strange
and slightly moronic
but I just want to want you
for a little while longer.
NaPoWriMo Day 5
Poetry form: Free verse
5.5k · Apr 2014
Perfect Fit
ms reluctance Apr 2014
I can see you are broken
in such exquisite fashion
that your jagged edges fit
perfectly with mine.
NaPoWriMo Day #29
Poetry form: Dodoitsu
4.5k · Apr 2014
ms reluctance Apr 2014
Trembling, wrecked, broken into two,
I stand here, alone, in the rain,
Waiting to be whole again.
I know I need to start anew.
So, at last, I let go of you.
NaPoWriMo Day 1
Poetry form : Quintella
4.5k · Apr 2014
Summer Days
ms reluctance Apr 2014
It is quite strange how
I always run out of these
endless summer days.
NaPoWriMo Day #2
Poetry form : Haiku
3.7k · Apr 2015
ms reluctance Apr 2015
There is a certain thrill when you are
teetering on the very brink.
An intense, almost perverse
curiosity to
see whether you will
continue to
stand tall or
will you
NaPoWriMo Day #12
Poetry form: Nonet
3.7k · Apr 2014
Neon Nights
ms reluctance Apr 2014
There’s something special
and ethereal
about neon nights like this
that makes the world seem new.
I’ve known you so long.
Definitely not the first time
I’ve heard this song.
And I think
I’m in love.
To be honest, I can’t tell
if I’ve fallen for the song or you.
What difference does it make anyway?
For now, the universe aligns perfectly;
Life almost makes sense.
So as long the music keeps playing,
I suggest we keep moving
together. As one.
And when the song ends,
after the last note,
if I still crumble at your touch,
we’ll just get ‘em to play it all over again.
NaPoWriMo Day 10
Poetry form : Free verse
3.1k · Apr 2014
ms reluctance Apr 2014
Unzip your eyes,
A surprise waits,
Blue skies today.
NaPoWriMo Day #23
Poetry form: Thanbauk
2.8k · Apr 2014
Apathetic Mind
ms reluctance Apr 2014
Today was nothing more
than a woeful echo
of my life yesterday.
And the same is true for
every day I have lived
ever since I gave up.

I don’t remember
what led me down this
lonely desolate
path of nihilism,
of self-destruction.

I don’t recall
a time I felt
Blank mind. Blank walls.

So I wait,
stoic, numb,
as silence


NaPoWriMo Day 24
Poetry form: Diminished Hexaverse
2.6k · Apr 2015
ms reluctance Apr 2015
Intentions, aren’t they always good?
You tried to do the best you could.
Though finally it came to naught,
you never gave up, never stopped
saying it’s for the greater good.

Intentions, aren’t they always good?
Seldom taking the path they should.
Noble, with a worthy cause wrought,
intentions rust.

Intentions, quite misunderstood –
even the best ones never could
right any of the wrongs they bought.
The well-meaning battles you fought
hardly could have done any good.
Intentions rust.
NaPoWriMo Day #13
Poetry form: Rondeau
(well, almost)
2.5k · Apr 2015
ms reluctance Apr 2015
Something about her
makes you curious.

Her beauty
turns many heads
as she glides across a room.
Her laugh,
a mellifluous sound,
envelopes you like mist
on a winter morning.
She has pearly, neat handwriting
that leans in a different direction
every other day.

She is also kind.
An incorrigible affinity to broken wings,
she likes to fix people
and their problems (on occasion).
Is her heart full of compassion?
Or is she trying to escape
her own life by finding the solution
to any problem
other than her own?
NaPoWriMo Day #18
Poetry form: Free verse
2.4k · Apr 2014
Sleep Now, My Love
ms reluctance Apr 2014
Close your eyes, sweetheart, wish all your wishes
as your mother sings you this lullaby.

Wrapped in a flurry of goodnight kisses,
soar high on the wings of a firefly.

Shatter the moon in a thousand pieces;
sprinkle some bright stars across the night sky.

Sleep now, my love, dream your troubles away -
You have more dragons tomorrow to slay.
NaPoWriMo Day #4
Poetry form : Ottova rima
2.3k · Apr 2014
Nostalgia is a B***h
ms reluctance Apr 2014

When we had too much time on our hands
yet never ran out of things to say.
When we thought we knew everything,
when every path was the right way.

Silences used to be complete;
silver nights after a sparkling day.
Something about the days gone by
makes us want to rewind them and replay.

But maybe it is not that simple.
Maybe we are looking back the wrong way.
Maybe it seems easier because we fought
and lived to fight another day.

We can take a stroll down memory lane
but it’s not a worthy place for us to stay.
For nostalgia is a sepia toned b*h
who distracts you as today slips away.
NaPoWriMo Day #8
Poetry form: Quatrain
2.1k · Apr 2015
ms reluctance Apr 2015
Chocolate on chocolate,
the faintest tang of
apricot jam with a side
of whipped cream. Oh, yes!
Decadent, scrumptious
NaPoWriMo Day #4
Poetry form: Epulaeryu
2.0k · Apr 2019
ms reluctance Apr 2019
It’s broken, they say –
the modern world lies in ruin.
It’s easy to believe them.

I also believe
broken things can be precious
if looked after lovingly.
NaPoWriMo Day 15
Poetry form: Sedoka
2.0k · Apr 2015
ms reluctance Apr 2015
Insomnia and I, old friends are we –
awake by each other’s side,
fidgeting, through the night.


Insomnia and I, old foes are we –
ever struggling to conquer,
to defeat the other.
NaPoWriMo Day #10
Poetry form: Kimo
2.0k · Jun 2013
An Empty Fridge
ms reluctance Jun 2013
Three times
and four….

Like clockwork,
every five minutes,
he opens the fridge door.

He knows it is empty
but he’s got the munchies;
he can’t help himself.

Maybe he’s hoping to find
a tasty treat left for him
by a fairy, a pixie or a kind elf.

This seems like a plausible excuse,
the only way to explain
why he keeps peeping into an empty fridge
over and over and over again.
2.0k · Apr 2015
ms reluctance Apr 2015
It is time to wake up
from the languid daydreams
that once I treasured so.

The place that used to be a haven,
an escape from life’s banality,
now feels like a gilded cage.

The mind wanders, untethered,
through sunlit corridors of indolence
pushing to see how far it can go.

Tantalizing me with possibilities,
never reality, this limbo
is only good for the occasional vacation.
NaPoWriMo Day #26
Poetry form: Tercet
2.0k · Apr 2015
Why I Like You
ms reluctance Apr 2015
You see the beauty.
I see only questions
which need no answers.
I am at once
vulnerable and defiant.

You cut through the pretence
of the important trivial things.
The morning news
is enough to bring me down.

I sulk in bed, wondering
what is the point of getting up.
You make sure I find one every day.

You know the significance
of not taking my navel-gazing
too seriously.

And when I despair at the futility
of trying to fix the broken world,
you show me with your endless zeal
and unwavering hope
that just trying
can make all the difference.
NaPoWriMo Day #29
Poetry form: Free verse
1.9k · Feb 2013
ms reluctance Feb 2013
All it takes is a gust
Of the whispering wind
To breathe life into the wanderlust
Slumbering within me.

I pull on my leather boots
And slip away at dawn.
Don’t look for me in the morning
For I will be long gone.
1.9k · Apr 2015
Guardians of the Night
ms reluctance Apr 2015
The wolves come out to watch
when night falls.
They mean you no harm.
They will not leave.

When night falls,
your silent guardians rise.
They will not leave
until you are ready to wake.

Your silent guardians rise,
sentient of your dreams
until you are ready to wake;
their firefly eyes aglow.

Sentient of your dreams,
they mean you no harm.
Their firefly eyes aglow,
the wolves come out to watch.
NaPoWriMo Day #24
Poetry form: Pantoum
ms reluctance Apr 2015
Few possess the quiet faith to see past today’s tangled mess.
Most of us, victims of self-doubt, will accept what we call our fate.
Some though, know we must strive to silence the voice that says “You cannot.”.
NaPoWriMo Day #23
Poetry form: Sijo
1.9k · Apr 2015
ms reluctance Apr 2015
unbearable, arid
blistering, irritating, sweltering
mirages, sunscreen, umbrellas, puddles
splashing, drumming, pouring
blissful, cool
NaPoWriMo Day #20
Poetry form: Diamante
1.7k · Apr 2014
ms reluctance Apr 2014
My story is a mess, it’s going nowhere;
Continuous, never-ending like Penrose stairs.

So let me be the hero of your story —
I’d like to save you, taste some of that hero’s glory.

I will fight off your demons; for you I’ll bleed.
I will listen to you talk if that’s what you need.

I will hold you to me and never let go.
Breathe life into your stone heart, I will kiss you so.

I will help you break the chains and set yourself free
And maybe, someday, you can do the same for me.
NaPoWriMo Day #15
Poetry form: Couplet
1.6k · Apr 2015
Well Done
ms reluctance Apr 2015
You have done it –
Created such a spectacular façade
no one will even try
to see what’s behind it.
No one will get a peek
at the wreck you are within.
So rejoice.
You have achieved what you set out to do.
Kept everyone out.
No one knows you are broken;
no one is looking to fix you.
And you are so busy
keeping up your false pretences,
you haven't noticed
the walls you built
to keep the world at bay
have also fenced you in.

The world shall only see
what you want it to see.
You are safe
in your steel cage.
well done.
NaPoWriMo Day #21
Poetry form: Free verse
1.6k · Apr 2014
The Next Morning
ms reluctance Apr 2014
hot, heavy
spinning, throbbing, aching
drinks, smoke, music, electric guitar
dancing, bumping, tapping
bruised, sore
NaPoWriMo Day 14
Poetry form: Diamante
1.5k · Apr 2015
Break Free
ms reluctance Apr 2015
Break free
of the limits
you have set for yourself.
The only one who can save you
is you.
NaPoWriMo Day #25
Poetry form: Cinquain (traditional)
1.4k · Apr 2015
Street Lamps
ms reluctance Apr 2015
They turn on the street
lamps to commemorate the
dying of each day.
NaPoWriMo Day #16
Poetry form: Haiku
ms reluctance Apr 2014
Life is like a roller coaster —
Up and down, down then up we go.
Or so I read once in a motivational poster.
Well, life must knock me down pretty hard
Because somehow I keep missing the good part.
NaPoWriMo Day 13
Poetry form: Pentastich
1.3k · Apr 2020
ms reluctance Apr 2020
Can’t move
Three, two, one, go!
Open your eyes. No. No.
It’s not real. OPEN YOUR EYES NOW!
Eyes, not yours, watching; hands, not yours, reaching.
Who… what is that at the window?
A dream? But you’re awake,
paralysed, still
can’t move.
NaPoWriMo Day 5
Poetry form: Rictameter
1.3k · Apr 2015
Cacophonous Lullaby
ms reluctance Apr 2015
A savage storm has laid siege to the night.
But I am warm and cozy in my bed.
Finally, I can get some sleep tonight;
the thunder drowns the white noise in my head.

Lightning flashes and my eyelids turn red.
And yet I feel the blessed heaviness
guide me slowly into vast nothingness.
NaPoWriMo Day #17
Poetry form: Rhyme Royal
1.2k · Apr 2015
ms reluctance Apr 2015
Inside each person, a battle raging.
Every instance posing a new question –
what you want to do and what you ought to.
A choice; will you take the right decision?
And that is what keeps life interesting.
NaPoWriMo Day #27
Poetry form: Envelope Quintet
1.2k · Apr 2018
To Hope
ms reluctance Apr 2018
Find me before I am forever lost;
This madness tastes too sweet.
Give direction to these stumbling feet;
They cross lines that can’t be uncrossed.

I gave you up before I knew the cost.
How easily I admitted defeat!
Find me before I am forever lost;
This madness tastes too sweet.

Save my heart before it hardens to frost;
I need your warmth, your burning heat.
Will you please cling to me when we meet?
Find me while my heart is still soft.
Find me before I am forever lost.
NaPoWriMo Day 21
Poetry form: Rondel
1.1k · Apr 2019
Cuddle Puddle
ms reluctance Apr 2019
fluffy,  cute
wagging, frolicking, toppling
happy, hungry,  sleepy, curious
purring, climbing, playing
adorable, soft
NaPoWriMo Day 23
Poetry form: Diamante
1.1k · Apr 2015
ms reluctance Apr 2015
There was a man, let us call him Mack
who always had the perfect comeback.
But he kept missing his cue.
So he decided to spew
random retorts to pick up the slack.
NaPoWriMo Day #8
Poetry form: Limerick
Trepverter (n.) (Yiddish) A witty riposte or comeback you think of only when it is too late to use. Literally translated, it means "staircase words". Another variation is the French word, L’esprit de l’escalier .
1.1k · Apr 2015
Lost in Thought
ms reluctance Apr 2015
Some days, I recede
too far back into my mind.
Thoughts are like a maze –
it’s so easy to get lost,
the way back is hard to find.
NaPoWriMo Day #14
Poetry form: Tanka
1.1k · Jun 2013
ms reluctance Jun 2013
There is absolutely
nothing else
in the universe
that can fill my heart
so with joy,
nothing else
that I value more
than the quiet smile
that touches your lips
and the kindness
that softens your eyes
when you see
how hard I am trying
to be worthy.
1.1k · Nov 2016
ms reluctance Nov 2016
I need to dance with you and listen to you sing. I need to look at you, and  catch your eye at the exact moment you turn your head and smile at me. You have shown me that magic exists; kindness is not a myth. You, I need to do so many things with you. I need to follow your fingers as they move rhythmically to the tune of the universe. I need to breathe in your effulgent happiness. I need to touch and feel your scalding soul. The sadness that grips you and the darkness that stains your eyes, I need to partake in its lilting stillness. And as you float and stumble, crash and burn through life, I need to be there, pulsing, writhing, drowning in the abyss of wanting you.
Poetry form: Prose
Also posted on
1.1k · Apr 2015
Alone Time
ms reluctance Apr 2015
The times in a day
I am alone, not lonesome
are the ones I hold precious.

I despise the hours
wasted punishing myself
with needless glum solitude.
NaPoWriMo Day #22
Poetry form: Sedoka
1.1k · Jun 2013
Dancing With You
ms reluctance Jun 2013
without music,
just sand between our toes,
swaying in rhythm to the sound
of waves.
Form of Poetry : Cinquain
957 · Apr 2019
False Alarm
ms reluctance Apr 2019
He saw her when he opened the door,
motionless, spread-eagled on the floor.
For a second, he lost his head
and thought she lay there dead
only to chuckle when he heard a snore.
NaPoWriMo Day 25
Poetry form: Limerick
956 · Apr 2020
ms reluctance Apr 2020
Bottom heavy, firm to touch,
summer flushed round cheeks,
pleasantly pitted. Stripped ****,
swerve curve, mellow flesh
deseeded. Cubed, served
NaPoWriMo Day 24
Poetry form: Epulaeryu
954 · Apr 2015
Bad News
ms reluctance Apr 2015
I can see the light,
it surrounds them.
It shines from within.
The light,
it spills from their mouths
and winks when they blink.
I see it spark from their fingertips,
roll in waves behind their footsteps.

Luminous beings,
such surreal things,
and I, a mere spectator.
Set apart from the rest
by the sharp pain in my chest,
I can do nothing
except concentrate on my breathing
and think about what I should do next.
NaPoWriMo Day #11
Poetry form: Free verse
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