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13.7k · Jan 2014
The Art of Acting
Pale skin that's
so beautiful in comparison to the sunset.
Her eyes,
the perfect concoction of blue and green, stare away.

Deep in thought,
tears on her cheeks, a smile pasted on her face.
Although her scenery
is lovely, the thoughts she has are not.

Dark demons
swirl in her mind and pick her brain.
They travel through
her veins, and pull her apart at the seams.

On the inside,
she's going crazy; she is undeniably insane.
On the outside,
she is smiling just like you; she's unwillingly happy.
8.2k · Jan 2014
My heart has the delicacy of lace,
and is as intricate as the patterns of my brain.
His hands are rough and soft at the same time,
and his eyes are as unforgettable as the sunset at sea.

And my God, he could crush me.

When I'm with him, he's the only one I see;
the world is empty in the moments we spend together.
Late at night, I picture him on my side;
holding me, kissing me, loving me like I'm the only girl.

And my God, he could crush me.

To be without him could destroy me.
My porcelain heart could shatter like thin glass.
My mind could be set ablaze and simply
collapse as my body melts and my lungs turn to ash.

Yes, he could crush me.

But, I've decorated my love for him in bows and
ribbons, and handed it to him on a diamond platter,
in exchange for his beautiful heart. Cautiously, he
gave it to me, and I realized we felt the same.

My God, he could crush me.
But, I could crush him, too.
The thing is that the
thoughts have never crossed our minds.
6.3k · Oct 2015
Betrayal (12 Word Story)
Incapacitated, infuriated,

In doldrums.

Cardiac explosions,

Waterfall eyes.

You are

My downfall.
5.4k · Mar 2016
The Green Goddess
A demon masquerading
as the almighty dollar;
she is cunning,
and she is tricky.
She is beguiling,
and she is illusory.

Deceitful and avaricious,
yet believers follow
aimlessly. To have her
in your possession is
nothing like how it
feels to be stripped of her.

Those who succumb to
her seduction are granted
luxury and leisure;
the pledge to idolize
her mindlessly is
engraved into our brains.

Indigence, starvation;
the deprivation of the
green goddess is malicious.
Free yourselves from the hold
she has on you; from the
worldly power she possesses.
Isn't it astonishing,
   The amount of hate
That humans have for
        Each other?

If only that same effort
    Was used to threaten
The crooked hand holding
          Us captive.
5.0k · Oct 2019
Inside a Marcus Theater
Nerve wracking,
Gritted teeth
Fascinating and

A kid in a toy store,
Overwhelmed and
Joyous, I can
Feel the magic
Surrounding you.

Violet hue around
A face of blue,
No one wears excitement
Like you do.
How I want to kiss you.

My hands aching,
You’re breathtaking.
Touch me so that
I may stop shaking.
I’m yours for the taking.
For “R” series
5.0k · Feb 2016
The Wailing Willow
Her soft leaves tremble as
the clouds clash and collide
above, revealing their deafening

Tremors ripple through her,
beginning at her roots; the
poignant sky tears straight through
her rind.

Vicious tears fall from melancholy stars,
and she quakes under the bellow
of the outraged clouds; she is

but she will remain.
3.9k · Mar 2019
Lovemaking in Bloom
I love the sight of
flower petals on creased sheets;
they remind me of
how you'd undress and expose
my bare skin to the spring sun.
3.8k · Oct 2019
I’m Okay
I wanted to scream
Until I heard the
Whistling in my ear.
I wanted a song
To pair with the freight
Train crashing through
My heart.
I wanted to feel my
Bones shatter
At the impact.

But instead,
I implode
And my lips pull
Into a smile.
"Don’t worry,
I’ll be fine
In a while".
3.5k · Jan 2020
Fall Short
Desolate and barren,
The canyons call to me
Like the coyote calling the moon.
It feels so familiar,
Feels just like home.

Lugubrious and dwelling,
This weight cannot leave my
Chest until I relieve it;
And I can’t succeed,
Not this time.

Swallowed up into a sea,
I forfeit to a controlled fate.
Yes, I feel the downward spiral.
Yes, I sense the impending disaster.
No, I cannot bring myself to change it.

Here, I fall so short.
I never claimed to be an angel;
In fact, the Devil loves me.
I take his demons and allow
Them shelter within me.

Yes, I know the damage done.
Yes, I will never stop the spiral.
No, I cannot bring myself to change,
And that is where I continue
2.9k · Jan 2016
The Daughter of Indigo
She's never been the type
that loves large crowds and
booming parties;
the stress of conforming
weighs too heavily on her
sensitive heart,
and quite frankly, most
people don't fall on the same
end of the color spectrum.

Everywhere on this earth is
home to her, and Mother
Nature is her muse.
A black sheep born with a
wild heart; an indigo
child infatuated
with change and fueled
by tranquility. She is the
virtuoso of her own authenticity.
2.7k · Feb 2018
Zodiac Tanka Series
You bathe at night; soak
in the indigo twilight.
Exhausted from the
overload of emotion,
the lunar light cleansed your soul.

Charming and cunning,
like the lion, you stalk your
prey. Find the weakness
and exploit it; start the fire,
and then claim your innocence.

You are the end and
beginning of the cycle.
Take the heat, and rise from the
ashes in your final form.

Water bearer, you
bring life to this alien
landscape. Barren and
undiscovered, this is your
chance to change the world. Long live
your work of innovation.

Tree branch rib cage and
ivy veins that nurture your
winter-bitten soul.
Precious sunlight has returned;
your garden will bloom again.

The war going on
inside your brain is growing
tiresome. Your strength
is that of the ram, but you
can't always be the hero.

Submersion. Scared and
eye-level with the Angler.
Take pleasure in the
aesthetic. Perhaps a change
of perspective was needed.

Sagittarius (Father Jupiter Would Be So Proud):
Goddess of the hunt,
your need for adventure and
fearless heart combines
and incarnates the wander-
lust warrior that you are.

Eyes like a doe; she
is wise, nurturing, and vast.
Motherly strength is
the coat worn over bared bones
and bruised knees. She's her own crutch.

Neither side of your
scale may touch the ground.
Chaos may welcome
you with open arms, but she
will grow cold and deranged, love.

Though you are stubborn,
your heart is made of feather,
you fierce, burly ox.
Romantic and devoted,
the darkness in you is gold.

Gemini (The Twin Flame):
How exciting and
infuriating it must
be to look in the
mirror to face your best friend
and your greatest enemy.
What's your sign? Can you relate to any of these?
2.6k · Jan 2016
Spring Will Come
Darling, don't forget,
    or regret,
       the depths of this pain.

Wild flowers bloom
   only after
       it's been pouring rain.
2.5k · Nov 2016
If I Were A Mermaid
If I were a mermaid,
I'd float out to sea.
If I were a mermaid,
I'd feel bad for me.
The oceans are scorching,
and we can agree
that the death toll is rising,
no hyperbole.
If I were a mermaid,
I'd beg you to see
there's no hope for your land
if you can't save me.
I fear that these
issues will ever be
plaguing this Earth
for eternity.
2.5k · Nov 2015
America's Thirst
"Black Man Murders White Cop!"
"White Man Shoots Up Black Church!"
"School Shooter Targets Christians!"
Media paints the canvas of
The world in black and white.

The canvas is torn and taped
Back together; the cracks filled
In and covered up, like they were
Never there. Ignorance is bliss, and
What isn't seen isn't there, right?

Unfortunately, the thirst for
Hatred erased all of the
Colors of the rainbow, and
Pitted the remaining, black and
White, against each other.

It's impossible to paint the entire
World in one color and expect
It to be beautiful, unique, diverse.
One cannot just take away the colors
That are vital to such a masterpiece.
2.4k · Dec 2015
Daylight Savings
Broken and barren.
This frostbitten air haunts my
Soul; I'm going mad.
And I'm not sure if it's the
Change in the weather
The changing time,
The change in me that
2.2k · Sep 2015
I feel the passion smoldering my vision;

I am enraptured by your earthly eyes,

And your delicate, bare skin against mine

Is the ultimate nirvana; it's an addiction.

My skin crawls where you have touched;

My neurons detonate, triggered by your voice.

I'm infatuated with the high of desire.
2.0k · Jan 2014
I'll lie here and curse your name
and try to be angry with you,
even though I know my attempts
will end as a massive failure.

I'll cry my eyes out and
scream until my lungs are weak,
although it's pointless because
I will always come running back to you.

I'll put myself through Hell
and tear myself to pieces for ******* up,
simply because I will feel it's my fault,
even if you tell me that it isn't.

I'll pretend that I'm okay
and slap a fake smile on my face,
because it's all I can do without you.
Don't you know that I need you?

just need me, too.
1.8k · Jan 2014
Because when I'm alone
  and have had too much time to think,
                              I over-think.
I wonder if you'll see
the bad in me, and find better within
                                    somebody else.
I wonder if you'll notice
that sometimes I miss you, and all I
                                    need is you.
And I wonder how someone
like you could possibly love someone
                                  like me.
1.8k · Jul 2019
Blue Moon
Sparking that fire in you
Is a rarity; taboo;
Once in a blue moon.

I miss the feeling of being higher
Above all else, the only desire,
More special than any prior.

But it’s clear I’m just a factor;
And on this stage, we’re just actors
Waiting for a red carpet disaster.

I miss writing about you,
Immortality for just us two;
But I want to be remembered, too.

I wish I could care less,
Be a little more fearless
To lose that of which I’m blessed.
1.7k · Dec 2015
The City of Bright Lights
She tells me that
she's weird,
that she doesn't know how
someone like me
would even talk to
someone like her.
Honestly, if she is weird,
then I have been living
a very bland life,
and I'd rather
join in on insanity with her.

She's got eyes like the
Earth itself,
and long brown hair
like the Weeping Willow
in October. I want
to see her morph into the
disastrous hurricane that
she claims to be;
I want to transform her
into the pearl
that she really is.

I want to observe her
and find out what
makes her tick,
and what
makes her smile.
(She's got the most beautiful smile.)
I want to travel to
New York City
and dance with her in the rain
until she is smiling to
the sky again.
And in the city of bright lights,
her eyes were the brightest.
1.6k · Oct 2015
The Tides Have No Worries
Bitterness and envy

Engulf my soul; I am

The tides of the sea,

Crashing to shore with

Rage and beauty.

The only difference is that

The ocean is courageous, and

I am flawed.
1.5k · Oct 2015
Soul Garden
You replaced my sternum
With a tree, and my
Ribcage became its roots.
Flowers grew in my lungs.
You exchanged my
Internal organs with eternal
Butterflies; you made a
Nest in my heart, and I
Swear I could feel wings
Flutter every time I looked
Into your eyes. I was
Forever in bloom with you.
But the season changed,
And you left home. I
Didn't hear your song
In my head anymore.
Dear, winter tore me
To pieces without you
Here to protect my
Petals. The winds
Froze the flowers, and
They began to wilt. I
Swear, I tried to thaw
Them with my tears.
The leaves tumbled from
Their branches, and the
Roots deracinated; the
Butterflies have died.
And just when I thought
That I could never
Recover from losing you,
Spring came back around.
I felt the sun for the
First time in months;
Wilted stems began to
Produce buds again.
I'm not fully healed; the
Garden, not fully grown.
You caused a lot of damage,
But you'll always have a home.
1.5k · Dec 2017
Coffee Grounds
I stalked our horoscopes;
I deciphered the coffee grounds.
I even took the time piecing
the broken mirror back together
to read between the cracks,
in hopes I'd receive a sign.

The Universe told me to
stop searching the unknown
for answers I already know.
My coffee grounds suggested
that I needed to sleep, and
the shattered mirror crooned:
"Put yourself back together
before you try to mend another."
1.5k · Sep 2019
Guilty Pleasure
Violet emotion,
Dark and sensual.
These secrets kept,
I confess,
Are protected by a
Soft guilt.

Seemingly rude,
Peer through your
Rose colored glasses;
I confess,
It honors me to wear
Your fingers like a necklace.
1.3k · Aug 2019
Goddess Tanka Trio
Hecate the great,
A being of magical
Origin. She’ll make
Your crossroads feel clear again,
A kind of sweet sorcery.

2. Guru of healing,
Darling Gula, patron of
The Sumerian
Followers. Nurturing
And motherly, her embrace.

3. Goddess of the pen,
The brain, the stars, all in one.
Nibida reads the
Stars and writes the story to
Keep it immortal and free
1.3k · Apr 2017
The Mollusk
Garbage, filth,
the literal ****
stain on your
perfect, porcelain abode.
Wash me away with all of
the heat that
you can muster. The
burn is vital.
I flourish
on the notion that
I'm needed.
An inadequate being,
I'm bound to this misery;
living in
a hollowed shell like
the mollusk.
1.2k · Nov 2017
You can find my grave
buried beneath the practiced,
perfected simper.
Don't confuse the glow behind
my lids as life. No one's home.
1.2k · Apr 2017
Hurting You is in My Blood
I've always seem myself as
the empath,; the savior;
the bandage on the wound.

Until now, this careful heart
has set aside and ignored
that to which it's attuned.

For the savior has turned
foe, and the bandage ripped
clean off of bloodied skin.

It couldn't be chance,
nor accidental, because
I know that I'll do it again.
1.2k · Jan 2014
The Craving
(I) You are the aching addiction
that's raging through
and destroying
my body.
My veins explode at the thought
of you; you're a drug.
I want you.
I need you.

(II) The cold sweats that'll keep me awake;
the blissful thoughts of you make me shake.
Dear, you don't understand what's at stake,
but I can't stop craving you, for my sake.

(III) The risks are high
with you, and so am I.
You're my personal brand of
every drug I'd ever need:
my ******,
my *******,
my everything.
Oh, darling,
don't you understand

(IV) Relief...

Oh beautiful, terrible relief.
You craves me just as I
craved you;
you provided me with temporary

My drug, my personal brand.
You're dangerous and
you're lovely;
you're slowly killing me and providing
pure ecstasy.

In my state of nirvana,
I will never know that
I've done wrong.
I will never understand that
you're my addiction

and my relief.

Sweet, sweet relief.

(V) My high is gone,
and so are you.

Where did you go?

I know the craving will come back;
God, why did I have to do this?

Where did you go?

I'll lie awake: shaking, begging for your return,
for the deadly happiness that I miss so much.

Where did you go?

The demons inside shriek for you;
my blood barely flows from the lack of you.

Where did you go?

My poison, my drug,
please come back and cure my cravings again?

Where did you go?
1.2k · Sep 2014
Your Worst Nightmare
Tonight, I'll be at it again.

I'll search the streets like
A detective searching for a
Lost child. Ironic, isn't it,
that detectives are looking for me?

But I'm undetectable, because
I look just like everyone else.
Except I'm not like everyone else;
I'm a monster, Satan in the flesh.

I'm a skilled hunter, just like
A lion. I'll sneak up on you,
And you won't know I'm there
Until I'm tearing into your skin.

The media is saying I get off on
This, well, maybe I do.
Every scream and cry for help
Is stored carefully in my brain.

The term "serial killer" is so
Unfitting. Although I do prefer
Pretty blondes with blue eyes, I'd
**** just about anyone.

Their eyes are my favorite;
That's what gets me every time.
The way they fill with horror
Just before the life drains from them,

It's exhilarating; it's ****.
I cannot deny that it
Gets me off, it's the biggest
Thrill I've ever felt.

And the media lies to the
People, saying I'll be caught
And you'll be safe. I am
Unstoppable, I'll never be found.

I'm your worst nightmare;
Lucifer is my middle name.
This is all a game to me,
And it will never end.

Tonight, I'll be at it again.
1.2k · Sep 2019
The Silver Lining
An echoing dream,
Realize sacred vision.

Falling toward the
Obscure sense simply

The surrounding color
A lining will be revealed.
1.2k · Oct 2015
Solitary Confinement
Confined to this cell that's
filled with everything and everyone
that I have ever known;
How did I get stuck here?

Memories play like films in
this oubliette that is my brain.
****, they're torturing me,
and my distress is apparent.

My internal screams are inaudible,
but I swear I'm calling out.
These shadows in my cell shriek
to me from the darkness; I surrender.

This persecution is unlawful. I have
done nothing to deserve such agony.
Solitary confinement is leading me to madness,
but madness feels like home to me.
1.1k · Aug 2019
The Art of Letting Go
September was a
Porcupine kiss.
My tongue, swollen
And aching to
Spill these words
And thoughts
And feelings
On why it hurts to talk.
My lips, fat and
Speckled in ruby,
September is a jagged
Blade, rusted by
Memory and
"Why did you go?"
September tasted like
Pennies and
Smelled like morning breath.
It sounded like
Grinding teeth and
I couldn’t move for days.
September felt like

Until I saw the color,
And it was like
My eyes were brand new.
Another who could see
Them in his own way
Lifted some of the
He’s a reminder to exhale,
To appreciate the loss
Of the ones we love;
The poster child of
This type of pain.
So I breathe,
And September is here

But now September
Tastes like sweet *** and
L&M, the gemstones
Kissed from my lips.
September smells like
Warm sheets and apples,
And it sounds just
Like your laugh.
September is a
Drunken kiss and
101 "I love you’s",
And even that isn’t
Enough to express
How much it all means.
September feels like
As it should have felt.
1.1k · Apr 2015
The Thirst:
You know, I think I've known
For quite a while now.
The constant sneaking around,
The ******* up.
Oh, honey, you're not
As smooth as you thought.

No, you're not sly at all.
You don't think I've heard
You giggling and
Groaning at three in the morning?
You must mistake me
For a fool, dear.

And I guess that nothing
Feels as good as her skin
On your's, right? Her
Moans of ecstasy are music
To your filthy ears. You
Can't keep your stained hands off.

I'll pull the knife out of
My back and cut your heart
Out, because baby, all I
Wanted was your heart. I
Hope the blade feels like
Your frigid fingertips.

"How does that feel? "
Your body is covered in her
Sweat, your blood, my rage.
Oh, darling, have you ever
Felt anything like this before?
"Does that feel good, baby? "

Blood thirsty, love turned me
Into a psychopath. Let me tear
You apart, limb by limb,
Just like you've done to me.
Feel my pain;
Suffer like I have.
1.1k · Dec 2017
Seashell Solace
I remember pressing my
innocent ears to the mouths
of discarded seashells, just to
hear their secrets; and I shared mine.
They told me secrets in the form of
ocean waves and whispers of wind
between the fingers of the palms.

On days that I feel the world
crumbling and combusting
around me, I press my wiser
ears to the same lips that kept
all my secrets safe. I remember
the advice seashells gave to a
young girl who'd felt discarded.
Be like the ocean, let it flow.
1.0k · Jan 2014
Lying quietly on the other side of the room,
ignoring the fact that
the couple in the house is your only company,
and you are merely dust in the wind.

Them together only reminds you of how
much you miss him,
and how badly you wish that he was
here with you, because you're left out.

The sounds of their kisses,
their giggling,
it drives you mad
simply because you can't do the same.

Because you are here with them,
their only company is each other,
and he is too far away.
Their "togetherness" is enough to drive you mad.
934 · Apr 2017
Ritual of a Masochist
I've never been one for burning bridges.
Every time I've tried,
I rebuild to watch it crumple again.

The ashes aren't as strong as the cinder
used the very first time.
But, if I'm honest,

the fragility makes the spiral
much more meaningful.
How cowardly it
is to hide behind the scenes
and play puppeteer,
while my children are starving
in the streets your Benz drives through.

How selfish it is
to ignore paying taxes,
while I scrape and search
for meaningless currency,
with auditors on my ***.

How luxurious
it must be to slumber in
silk and satin sheets,
while my unclad family
bunches together for warmth.

Oh, the nerve I have
to speak loudly against those
harboring every
cent, while there are thousands of
us without one to our names.
872 · Sep 2016
The frosty morning
caresses the summer-kissed lake
while the fish dance below the waves.
The harvest's breeze
tickles the fingers of the Oak.
How beautiful, the romantic
gestures of an autumn morning.
853 · Oct 2015
Advert Your Rage, My Dear
Silence shattered, like your mother's
favorite China, with a voice that
is equivalent to a sonic boom.

No one's ever told you that your temper
could cause such  unrest, like the tides
against the adjusting position of Earth.

At first, they resisted, just like  I did;
but then the barriers broke and the ocean
began to pour down my cheeks,

salty tears and sandy beaches.
Baby, don't you know that
I'm just as fragile as glass?

Dear , your thunderclap bellow is
enough to splinter this heart of mine;
and dear, I am weak.

Be gentle with your winds,
and quiet in your soul when the storms
rage on. I will always keep you dry.
799 · Aug 2019
Blossoming in the
Snow globe are technicolor
Ornaments, inhale
The melting *** of sweet
And musky. Welcome, Flora.
797 · Apr 2019
11:11 PM
The silence is filled by
Slowed breathing and quiet
Quakes in your chest.
Your heart a heavy
Drum and my burdensome
Lids can hardly make it
Through the symphony.

I give up my fight
And take one last glance
At the clock before surrender;
Just in time to
Witness the universe
Just for us.
770 · Sep 2014
Fairy-Tale Ending
Love me like your favorite novel,
The one with the crinkled corners and
Worn out spine; the one that reminds
You of yourself through the words of
An author.

Love me like your favorite song,
The one you took the time to learn
Each and every lyric and chord; the one
That spoke to your heart and gave
You hope.

Love me like your first memory,
The one that seems like it happened
Just yesterday; the one that you hold
On to the strongest and remember
The longest.

Love me like today's our last and
Tomorrow is non-exsistent. Love me
Like I'm all you have left. Love me
Like I've dreamed, like I've been told in
Fairy tales.
719 · Sep 2017
Here we go again:
I get the choice between
fight or flight, but I
chose to remain frozen.

Icebergs congeal in
my bloodstream. I'm freezing on
the inside, erupting
molten lava from my pores.

Uncontrollable magma
falls from igneous eyelashes;
swallowing the inferno
like a glass of apple cider

that's traveled down the wrong pipe.
Coping with emotion
is something that my self
cannot handle.
697 · Sep 2014
Lake Ozark, Misery
The L.O.Z.,
The place to be,
The party town of Missouri,
Is what I call home.

The hills of the Ozarks
House every known allergen, as
Well as families that are cooking
Something to be paranoid about.

This man made body of
Water holds the rumors of
Dead bodies and piranhas
That parents tell as wives tales.

The forever changing lanes
Of highway will lead you
To the same place; once
You're here, you'll never leave.

The rolling landscape is covered
In litter and overgrown weeds.
Crosses from car wreck casualties
Line the roads like misplaced bones.

Everyone that isn't from here
Thinks that this is paradise.
Everyone that lives here
Calls it the State of Misery.
695 · Feb 2018
Awaken the beast.
Tremors and quakes rattle this
vessel of flesh like
a storm that ravages the
spring sky. You do the same to

me. Fingertips like
cold raindrops trace my landscape,
I'm electrified.
Quiet moan breaks the silence;
every cell has come to life.
691 · Mar 2019
Favor of the Moon Goddess
On this Earth, there are
millions of people that
walk these moonlit streets.
And nothing compares to the
favor the moon has for you.
You're so magical, and the moon is envious.
My birth control is making
Me crazy again.
Breakdown, rage, comfort,
Repeat. Repeat.

Like clockwork,
I have to remind myself that
"I'm no monster", "it's the hormone",
"I swear I still crave you".

My love for you is
A radiant bloom, being
Suppressed and bullied by the
Bushes bearing thorns.

My hatred for you is
The shell of the bird that
Traps the life inside, leading
It to claw it's way out to breathe.

Wait for me to emerge,
My shell is holding me back
As a safety protocol.
I have not been born yet.
637 · Dec 2019
Til I Get It Right
All I want is to grow.
My heart aches for it,
My bones scream.
In the dark silence
That sits inside and listens,
A lilac endlessly grows,

Its petals float to sea
And carried away by the wind.
They’re brought back to me
In forms of seashells,
Cracked and crooked.
I piece them together like
A riddle on my tongue.
All I want is to create,
And destroy,
And rebuild.
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