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8.6k · Jul 2014
Caitlin Jul 2014
We are always planning for it-
yearning for it.
Saying things will be better-
in the future,
but what is the future, really?
The next day? The next moment?
The future is what we make of it.
Stop waiting for tomorrow-
for it may never come.
Live your life <3
5.9k · Jun 2018
Tipsy Love
Caitlin Jun 2018
In the in-between stage where there is just enough alcohol in my veins to try and convince me that what we had was good.
The sweet spot.
Too little or too much and all I see is the problems and why it ended in goodbye,
but here-
here I see “hey princess”-
all the “I love yous”
“I’d do anything for you”
“You’re worth it, no matter the cost”
and I know in an hour or two I’ll be thinking clearly again-
but **** right now-
I know why I stayed for so long.
I’m tipsy and we’re flirting again and I’m sorry.
3.8k · May 2014
Caitlin May 2014
I am a collection of scars.
Each tells a story.
Some from a childhood of laughter and a carefree attitude,
others from lonely nights in the shadows with anxiety riddled thoughts pressing down on me;
as I pressed down on the blade.
Excerpt from a short story I am writing.
Caitlin Mar 2016
Thank you.
Thank you for helping me through every panic attack.
Thank you for holding me close when I started to shake,
for never walking away...
even when I told you to.
Even when I cried, "it would be easier for you"
You just told me that you didn't want easy,
and that you were here to stay.

Thank you for understanding that some days I just wanted to be left alone.
You always seemed to know that it would wear off and all I would want for hours on end would be to hold you close.
Thank you for understanding that even in my moments of blind rage,
you were never really the target of such hate.

You helped build me up, and stood by as I fought my demons.
Reminded me that they didn't make me any less of a wonderful person.
You will always be my safe harbor,
regardless how many miles I travel.
Thanks Zak.
2.9k · Jul 2014
Caitlin Jul 2014
I am a ******* human being-
not some project to be worked on,
tweaked or fixed.
I have learned to love myself.
Flaws, scars, mistakes in all.
If you don't like who I am-
do me a favour and leave.
That's more useful than you trying to fix me.
Caitlin Apr 2016
There are men in this world that agree with your jokes.
Men that believe women have too many rights.
Men that believe women are too dumb to have the right to vote.
There are still men who believe that I should thank god for my large ******* as my husband will be happy. As if they were created for my husband's pleasure.
Men that believe my ****** should also belong to my husband. And that I should take cat calls as compliments because hey "that guy wants to sleep with me."
There are even men out there that believe I shouldnt be talking public speaking classes and should be spending my time in home ec because we all know "a woman's place is the kitchen." And that I shouldn't be pursuing a law degree when all I really want is an MRS.
Well I believe a woman's place is in the "house" and the Senate. And I used to think you were there fighting beside me, not across from me.
Now- you're egging on the movement to take my rights away.
That's why your sexist jokes aren't funny.
Yes I am really annoyed.
2.2k · Jun 2014
Caitlin Jun 2014
I've missed this.
The dare I say giggling.
The blushing
The smiles and butterflies.
I thought this had gone away for good.

Yet all it took to bring this back,
was a blonde haired boy in combat boots.
I need a title...hmmm
Caitlin Feb 2016
Don't get me wrong,
the mushy- gushy, shy tender first moments of love are important.
But too many people have spent their lives writing about it.
Comparing the beginning of love to:
budding flowers,
the list goes on and on.
I say this not to be critical, as I too have spent hours writing about first encounters, and awkward yet tender first kisses and the beginning of love stories.
But I will spare you another poem about the honeymoon phase.

Society teaches us that "love" is always romantic and it's not real if it doesn't look and feel like a Nicholas Sparks novel.
If we aren't feeling butterflies and being swept off our feet, then it isn't worth our time.
Or, that our partner is wrong for us, if these attributes should fade over time.

However, I have learned that society's version of love, is the version that sells, it's embellished to attract the masses.
At the end of the day sometimes all love is,
someone who checks up on you,
someone who asks about your day and is genuinely interested.
It's the person who has your back through thick and thin,
who would never abandon you because they are angry or disappointed in you.

It's time we as a society look a bit deeper than the surface of such a complex emotion and understand that love isn't always about blushing and stealing kisses in the dark.
It's also about having a hand to hold, when you feel like it's you against the world.
It's time we let the honeymoon phase become a perk, but not the definition of love.
first poem in a while, sorry it's so long
2.2k · Aug 2014
Caitlin Aug 2014
Most people wait for the glowing neon sign-
the sign that points them in the right direction.
The "life-changing" moment.
I spent a lot of time inside my own head-
waiting and waiting for that moment and sign to appear.

When I finally realized-
the world is mine to grasp by the horns.
There is no neon sign- telling me when to change.
To make it in this world I need to go out-
and be the change I want to see in the world.
1.8k · May 2014
Caitlin May 2014
I love you.
Not like a child loves ice cream,
or like a child loves a new puppy.
I love you like the magnetic pull of opposite ends of magnets.
I love you like that deep seated feeling of satisfaction.
Loving you doesn't feel like some childish whim.
It doesn't feel like the short lived euphoria of enjoying ice cream.
It doesn't feel like the love that fades as the puppy grows up.
It doesn't feel like the unintentional fleeting love that children posses.
Loving you feels like the most natural, basic process my cells can do.
1.7k · Oct 2015
To My "Baby" Brother:
Caitlin Oct 2015
You're not really a baby, no more than I am an adult at 20.
I'm struggling to find the words to tell you that I understand.
I have been where you are.
I went through those days and nights when it felt like the world was against me.
Oh the nights were worse than the days, nothing like the ticking of a clock to make you feel alone.
Growing up isn't easy, kids at school are cruel and dumb.
I coped the way you're coping too.
Turned my body into a canvas in which I only painted with red.
Hid behind hoodies and long sleeved shirts.
Told mom and dad white lies about my newly painted "artwork".
So I'm not just some concerned family member condescendingly saying that I understand, I actually do.
I have fought that battle, and some days I still do.
I've been stuck in that darkness, felt the need to open myself up to fight my demons.
But baby brother, opening yourself up, painting those canvases will only win battles, and only for so long.
It takes family to really win that war.
no 12 year old should be suicidal and self harming because some kid calls him gay...
Caitlin Jun 2015
They say when you stand in front of an ocean,
the person you think about is the one you love.
But I see you, and her, and them.
I see you moving on,
I don't see you fighting for this..
I see you off in college, making "college mistakes"
girls with names you won't remember a year from now.
And I see me,
still stuck on you.
ughhh why are you 5000 miles away right now?
1.4k · Aug 2015
Day Drinking
Caitlin Aug 2015
There is not enough ***** in the world
to help me forget the feeling of your skin on mine.
The burn in my throat is nothing
compared to the sting in my heart.
The innocent kisses,
are the ones that hurt the worst.
we decided after 4pm it wasn't day drinking but its 3:53 pm.
Yes, I'm listening to mayday parade again.
You shouldn't have kissed my nose.
Caitlin Apr 2016
I think that there will be some people you never lose feelings for.
Not completely anyway.
Regardless of the circumstances, that spark remains year after year.
Like one of those candles that reforms from the melted wax.
Always ready to be relight-
just waiting to see if that spark burns bright enough again to warrant a second chance.
Caitlin Mar 2016
He is loyal, my god is he loyal, to a fault really.
Don't abuse this quality like I did.
Don't push his buttons and test him limits needlessly,
yes he will stay. Even after you yell and scream,
He does have a temper. Sometimes it is scary.
Don't match his anger with yours.
Just sit him down and help him calm down.
He will apologize profusely for scaring you.
His anger turns to fear quickly,
it is a delicate scenario.
Be patient with him,
I may have taught him how to love,
but I also left scars.
He is idealistic, he will plan a future with you,
if you're anything like me, it will be before you're ready,
just be honest with him about it.
The worst thing you can do is shut him out,
be honest with him and you will get honesty in return.
Most of all, love him.
Love him hard, and with everything you have,
because he deserves that.
you know who you are
1.2k · Sep 2014
I "hate" you.
Caitlin Sep 2014
You say it will never work.
We're too different,
yet you still have feelings for me.
You tell me-
you "hate" me.
I make things too complicated.
I just wish you knew-
I love you too.
1.1k · Aug 2014
5 word story
Caitlin Aug 2014
You aren't worth my time
1.1k · Aug 2014
A G-Rated One Night Stand.
Caitlin Aug 2014
That's what you called it-
with that lovely little smirk on your face.
I should have know then the conversation was not
headed in the right direction.
The way you "classified" our night of cuddles and laughter-
as a one night stand.
I thought we were working things out-
that you were going to take a chance.
I should have known you were too much of a calculated person for that.
The risk was too great.
1.1k · Apr 2016
Caitlin Apr 2016
I’m not sure I believe in auras but I do believe in vibes.
Different people make me feel different ways.
Instinct, I guess.
I have a friend who makes me feel like I just drank 3 Monsters, and can’t sit still, constantly moving, too nervous to be calm.
Another who feels like waking up late on a summer Saturday, curled up in bed, like sunshine and freshly washed sheets.
And a third who makes me feel like I just chain smoked a pack of Marbolo Reds and can’t focus, because everything is spinning.
I believe I have loved them all, at different times and in different ways, but I’m still not sure which of the three was the best for me.
Or if everyone I’ll come to love is going to give off a vibe,
I hope they do- maybe these “vibes” are my sign,
making it painfully obvious that these people are going to mean something to me.
A reminder to stick it out and keep my heart open.
1.1k · Dec 2015
Lotto of Life (TW)
Caitlin Dec 2015
I self harm the way some people play the lotto.
Not every day, or even once a week,
but when I end up on a winning streak
I can't stop.
I keep feeling like one of these days I'll get lucky.
I relapsed for ***** and giggles, you still proud of me?
1.1k · Mar 2015
Up in Smoke
Caitlin Mar 2015
I started smoking thinking I could burn you out of my throat, but now I watch the smoke coil and float. I'd never understood the phrase "gone up in smoke", but now it makes total sense. Here one moment gone the next, without a trace. We caught like a flame and went out just a quickly. Our romance was a slow burning candle, that one swift blow burned out. It's been a year and the smell of your cologne makes me look around the room for you. Even though I know you are no where to be found. A candle with a burnt out wick, wont relight no matter how hard you try, you just get burned.
Caitlin Sep 2014
It's been so long now.
The anger is gone-
we talk-in passing- just a simple "hello"
nothing serious, nothing about the past.
Maybe it still hurts too much, or maybe-
you simply don't care anymore.
But I can't help but think-

What if we just met at the wrong time?
What if we did make things work down the line?
I smile for you and tell you things are going well-
you have her- and I him.
Yet I still find myself wondering "what if?"
If I run into you a year from now-
will that spark still be there?
At least then this heart ache would be worth it.
1.0k · Dec 2015
On Being Home
Caitlin Dec 2015
I still hope for the best for you even though there is no future for us.
Not anymore, you made your choice, and I made mine.
Still miss you sometimes though- there are a lot of memories here.
Someone will crack an old joke from years ago, or comment on how long my hair has gotten,
(I haven’t cut it since that time you said you liked my short hair)
Here’s to hoping we both find our missing puzzle piece someday soon,
the longer it takes, the more I start to think it’s still you.
it's one of those days and the poison in my veins
Caitlin Jan 2015
We sit in class and "learn"
We "learn" how to write a paper,
or how to calculate the distance from the sun,
or that "datum" -is the singular of data.

But we never learn how to pull ourselves off the floor,
or how to write a resume to pay off those college loans,
or how to simply love yourself.

Fill my head with mindless facts and I will regurgitate them back to you.
Tell me to love myself, be my self, and be financially secure,
only then will I stare blankly at you and say
I'm in astronomy and my professor just taught us the word hypothesis...
Caitlin Mar 2016
At 18 I made the mistake of telling you I had the heart of a poet.
That the way to my heart was through written word.
You only smiled and took it as a challenge.
The next two years were filled with both romantic and sensual gestures, in written  word.
I fell in love with the fact you were in love with me.
Well, if I have the heart of a poet you have the soul of a writer
and the world you created for us on paper, was better than any fantasy novel I have ever read.

At 20 I can still see your writings, declarations of love that you swore would last forever,
but I can no longer see myself as the heroine in your story.
I read your words and I see her living out my fantasy.
Do you write for her, as you did for me?
For her sake, I hope not.
So she doesn’t end up like me, reading and re-reading your words, trying to find the disaster and warning signs in your perfect world that you created for the two of us.
While you're busy becoming the writer of a different love story.
926 · Aug 2014
Lovers Remorse
Caitlin Aug 2014
I want to be selfish.
I want to tell you I started talking to you for a reason.
That I felt that spark-
that was no lie.
Being around you made me blush crimson,
and made my heart flutter in such a way-
that I had only felt once before.
I want to apologize-
for running away from the butterflies.
I just couldn't bear to watch them die- *again
924 · Apr 2015
Belly Flop
Caitlin Apr 2015
Losing you was like jumping off the high dive.
At first I was in free fall.
I felt nothing.
Everything was calm.
Just atoms floating through time and space.
Like hitting the pool stomach first.
The pain radiated out to my entire body.
No limb left unhurt.
Stinging, aching, unable to get over it and
Just climb out of the pool.
902 · Apr 2016
The Purpose of Sunrise
Caitlin Apr 2016
It’s almost 5 am.
I remember the weeks I stayed up this late just to talk to you.
To hear your voice, and see your smile.
Crazy how a few bad mistakes and bad timing change your world.
Regardless, today I’m not staying up for you.
I’m staying up for someone far more special.
I’m staying up to watch the night to turn to day.
To watch the blackest night, turn into my favorite shade of purple, before turning pink and yellow, and finally breaking into a blue sky.
To remind myself even my worst day is only 24 hours long, and that the night will always turn to day.
As a reminder- that I can tackle whatever is thrown my way.
All by myself.
843 · May 2016
I Guess This is Moving On
Caitlin May 2016
How odd a feeling,
unrequited love;
it’s a lot like a switch in some respects.
Some days- it’s all butterflies and sunshine,
other days a hurricane of sadness because I’ll never have you.
But lately, the switch has been stuck in the middle,
as I don’t feel giddy and high off love, nor do I feel sad.
I think I’m finally getting to the point where,
if you were to come back, I could love you again,
but your absence does not haunt me anymore
804 · Oct 2014
The World in Which We Live.
Caitlin Oct 2014
We've become a generation where-
suicide is glamorous-
self harm becomes a game of hide and seek
and eating disorders become a competition.
But nobody talks about the friends, and lovers who get left behind-
when things go too far.
The people who shudder at gun shots in movies,
and the people who can't walk past rope in a hardware store;
without choking up.
The people left with nothing more than memories.
Stuck remembering birthdays- and death days of people who left us too soon.
Friends and lovers, who were helpless in their efforts to change the situation for the better.
Those who are left behind, look for someone to blame-
ourselves, the world, society-
but in reality we will never know who to blame-
or if we could have even made a **** difference.
Our generation romanticizes pain and suffering-
"where it's all fun and games until someone gets hurt."
Cal and Ian... I miss and love you guys so much <3
801 · Jun 2014
Caitlin Jun 2014
I used to have to light up
to help our memories go up in smoke.
Inhale and exhale until I could calm down and see straight.
Even if that meant I went through half a pack.

Now, in my worst moments- he calls.
Unknowing of the savior he has become.
It has become second nature-
to accept the end-
without a cigarette
mostly because it is hard to smoke when I'm too busy laughing.
Caitlin Apr 2016
I tend to run when I am not reassured that people want me to stay. Normally this isn’t an issue with us- you were always there as a reminder that I was loved and needed just the way I was. But the situation has changed, you remind her of this fact first and me secondly- if you get around to it- and lately you’ve been forgetting. So I feel that it is time to jump ship, and I’m terrified that this time you won’t even notice me fleeing through the exit.
756 · Dec 2014
Things I'll Never Tell You
Caitlin Dec 2014
The mere thought of your smile still lights up my day.
2. I still have the necklaces you bought me.
3. I regret throwing Rex away.
4. I still sit around waiting for you to text me.
5. When you don't - I resist the urge to text you...everyday.
6. It's been almost a year and I still can't listen to "our" song.
7. Even my dad misses you.
8. I've thought about you while in bed with other guys.
9. My friends think you are hotter than my new boyfriend.
10. Even the friends who disliked you- like you more than him.
11. Some days I still accidentally call you my boyfriend-
instead of my ex.
12. I think I still love you.
746 · Aug 2015
The Observer
Caitlin Aug 2015
She sits alone.
Many think she's lost in her own thoughts.
Sometimes she is.
Most of the time she is lost in the world around her.
The people around her serve as a distraction from her own life.
She'd rather create stories for the people who pass by,
than think about her problems.
Fabricating stories of love for the couples who walk by.
Wondering if those who walk alone need a friend,
like she does.
She almost gets up to ask the people with the long faces if they're okay.
But then she remembers-
no one asks if she's okay.
Partly, this makes her angry, but
mostly she feels relieved.
What would she tell them?
Would they understand how she's feeling?
She doesn't even understand how she's feeling.
So she stays aloof, distant.
The observer.
Ironically soon after I finished this,a guy walked up to me and we had a nice talk.
745 · Feb 2015
Hooked on Intimacy
Caitlin Feb 2015
There is an urgency in his kisses-
I've never experienced before.
A determination in his smile-
As he pulls me close.
A need I can only describe as longing-
As he wraps his arms around me.
His embrace is a drug and I'm hooked.

Maybe this isn't love.
Maybe it's just a case of dependency,
It may be selfish,
But most adicts are.
Call it what you want,
All I know is your touch is what I need.
734 · Aug 2014
Caitlin Aug 2014
People talk about lovers touches lingering,
long after they leave.
I always found that concept absurd.
It wasn't until I crawled out of your bed at 3 am-
with sleep in my eyes and a smile on my face-
did this concept make sense to me.
I could still feel your thumb tracing circles on my back-
and for once I felt at peace.
718 · Jan 2016
Happy *Not* 4 Year
Caitlin Jan 2016
I can’t wait until tomorrow is just a date again.
When it’s not a Friday night full of giggles and blushing and over-excited chatter.
When I don’t see myself running around telling anyone who will listen,
that I have the cutest boyfriend ever.
When it’s just my friends birthday-
not the night where I thought I’d smile for the rest of my life.
When it no longer makes me smile-
yes- It still makes me smile, even though things have changed.
I can’t wait until January 13th is just that-
another day.
mom made a stupid joke about calling you to wish you a happy not anniversary...
717 · Aug 2016
Caitlin Aug 2016
Yesterday we talked about your ideas on the Multiverse theory and how the universe’s on either side of us are similar to the world we live in and as you go further away from our universe things get more and more different. Some days I want to move to one of those universes on either side of us because it feels like my heart has been switched with one from another universe. The universe where this worked out.
Now I’m not saying I want you back or even that I still love you. I’m just saying that your theory is wrong because the matter is fluid it isn’t absorbed when it comes into contact with our universe. I know this because some days because I have the heart of the version of me who ends up with you.
i dunno
702 · Nov 2014
Ego (I)
Caitlin Nov 2014
I am not indecisive,
I am cautious.
I am not anti- social,
I am selective.
I am not rude,
I am blunt.
I am not a *****,
I am healing.
700 · Mar 2015
Head in the Clouds
Caitlin Mar 2015
"Fight for the things you want in life."
"Don't be afraid to climb that ladder."
"Don't give up on your dreams."

These are the things I was taught as a kid.

But, none of them prepared me for losing you.

The rules change when it concerns love.

"Stop fighting for someone who isn't there."
"Move on, you are only hurting yourself."
"There are other fish in the sea."

I know all the lines, read all the "get over him quick" books,
but I'm still stuck in the don't give up mentality I was taught as a kid.
I want to run up to you, and whisper "I love you"
I know it won't change a thing,
but I wish it would.

I "moved on".
Dated a great guy who respects me, understands me, cherishes me.
Never lets me go to bed angry, always communicates with me
(something you ****** at)
Yet his love isn't enough.

Maybe first loves never die,
and maybe that's my problem.
Or maybe I'm just a dreamer who never learned to get her head out of the clouds.
Blahhh. My head is so confused.
692 · Dec 2015
The Bench by the Water
Caitlin Dec 2015
When we walked to that park bench after the years of separation,
memories began to flood back to me.
I said “I remember how in love I was the last time we were here, how we had everything figured out, distance couldn’t keep us apart.
We were planning apartments in 2 different states, with the knowledge that we were two distinct but complimentary people.
I truly thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with you. I was ready at 17, to get hitched and start a life of full commitment.
Life had other plans.
…. Or at least that was what I has planned to say,
All I managed was a heavy sigh and a half hearted smile as the memories crashed into me.
I know you felt it too. You just said yea, and shoved your hands in your pockets.
How cruel life is when it separates two people but forgets to separate their hearts.
Sunday park will always hold a special place in my heart because of you- that park bench out of the way off the beaten path in the woods.
672 · Jun 2018
Heart Strings
Caitlin Jun 2018
It was the way we were two people with the same heart beat-
the same wave length-
that’s what I miss.
I miss knowing you were in the same room without having to look for you.
Now the silence is deafening- it’s how I imagine it feels after conjoined twins are separated.
I used to be able to tell how your how day went from just a look,
and now I battle with myself to send a text because I don’t want to bother you.
Someone cut our fate yarn, but not my heart strings
665 · Aug 2014
"Cured" (TW)
Caitlin Aug 2014
I've been out of therapy for over 2 years.
As far as my parents are concerned-
my self hatred was just a blimp.
A spot in my seemingly perfect high school career.
I pulled over a 4.0 so I must be okay.
She got a boyfriend.
She got healthy.
She must love herself now.
Little do they know-
my pulse still quickens at the mere thought,
of tearing into my own flesh.
My body pumps with adrenaline if I don't automatically push the idea away.
Sorry mom.
Sorry dad.
I'm not really all that better.
Just better at lying.
645 · Jun 2014
5W Story
640 · Aug 2014
Caitlin Aug 2014
I don't need someone to sweep me off my feet
or be my knight in shining armor-
and fight off my depression for me.

All I need is someone who will stay with me-
on the days of sunshine and laughter,
and more importantly-
on the days I hate everything, including myself.
I need someone to stick around and befriend my dark cloud.
624 · Jan 2015
6 word story
Caitlin Jan 2015
Why can't I just love you?
it would make my life easier.
617 · May 2014
Loss and Love
Caitlin May 2014
I once met a boy born on Valentines’ Day.
A boy with love practically built in his veins.
But after 3 years of an on again off again heart wrenching relationship, he told me falling in love with me was the worst decision he had ever made.
As if you choose who you fall in love with.
I once met a boy born near Valentines’ Day.
A boy who was more timid than the one before him in some ways.
A boy who may have not had love blazing through his veins
but a boy who had plenty of love in his heart,
and after 2 years of fighting and making up and fighting and making up, together we still stand. better than ever. closer than ever.
He still tells me loves me every night before we sleep,
and most importantly after 2 years of being together he still tells me that falling in love with me was the best thing that ever happened to him.
Falling in love isn't a choice, but that doesn't make it any less real or magical.
too bad the heartbreaker is around and you're gone
606 · Aug 2015
Head in the Lion's Mouth
Caitlin Aug 2015
Yet again, I find myself here.
Walking into the lion's den.
Unafraid, unarmed.
Fully aware of the consequences.
Putting my life in your hands again.
As fragile as a baby bird,
hoping you'll take me in.
Knowing, all I'm really doing is,
putting my head in the lion's mouth,
and praying he's not hungry today.
whoops. writing about you like you aren't sitting right next to me- as usual.
604 · Jul 2014
Head and Heart
Caitlin Jul 2014
Head: (bold)
Heart: (Italics)

He's moved on.
He doesn't mean that.
Hell I've moved on.
He is your sun and stars
It wasn't working.
He makes you happy.
We were fighting
Think of all the good memories.
yelling such hateful things-
The way you felt curled up-in his arms-
things we didn't mean.
safe from the hatred of the world.
He's too immature.
You two can fix this.
The love is gone*

(Can't fix what isn't broken)
Can't change the *past

Yet the battle rages on.
I've dreamt of you every night this week.
read bold and italics  - two poems
596 · May 2014
Bottled Up
Caitlin May 2014
Don't ask don't tell doesn't work too well
when this has become an epidemic
Homes broken, trust shattered, lives lost.
All to uphold a standard and at what cost?
Don't talk about it and it'll go away,
or so they say.
If you can't trust those closest to you..
where do you turn?
Not him. not her. not them.
You bottle it up, because
if you don't talk about it, it goes away...right?
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