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8.9k · May 2015
Jordan Fischer May 2015
The purity is mysterious
Questionable at best
Subjective additives aiding the escape from a benign reality. 
Harsh sedatives cloud my body
Instant relief from the mundane
It's flame burns in my veins
This beast, is becoming difficult to tame
Beat it or fall prey, it's really all the same.
8.0k · Aug 2015
Other, brother, bother.
Jordan Fischer Aug 2015
Is it nature to change yourself for a mate even when that change exiles the ones who didn't require a change from you?
Changing for a mate that only lasts a fortnight, this sudden respect for an other
Makes everyone question, where is your brother?
It's not that I don't love my brother
It's what he becomes in the presence of the other that gives me all the bother
Possible work in progress
6.8k · Aug 2015
Desire to travel
Jordan Fischer Aug 2015
The desire to travel starts at birth
Such a powerful and common dream
To explore the earth
From opening forbidden cupboards as a toddler
To learning a new drinking game in a hostel in Europe.
Travel is a necessity to life,
Living properly
Almost as important as breathing
And should be as exercised just as much.
6.0k · Oct 2015
Jordan Fischer Oct 2015
I can't sleep
who am i kidding? I never can
Sure my body get's 
Twelve hours a day
but me? no sleep for me
My mind that is
I don’t even dream anymore
I just think
My mind is growing weak
No sleep
Catches up with you
I'm losing my edge
but nothing i can do about it
Another twelve hours of this
I need a hobby
4.4k · Jun 2013
Nighttime Dreamer.
Jordan Fischer Jun 2013
I am a nighttime dreamer.
It's then my mind flickers on
And everything is clearer
But a nighttime dreamer
Has it all wrong
For a nighttime dreamer
Lacks the day time song
It's the day time dreamers
That are the lucky ones
The dreams they see in light
Can be made true  
With the slightest of might
But I am a nighttime dreamer
And what I see at night
Is gone by the light.
4.0k · Oct 2015
Jordan Fischer Oct 2015
On a new conquest, I embark
Travel light
I found the temple in the dark
Wet, yet warm
Beautiful stems
Curl around my arm
Deeper I go
The water does flow
I feel it in the walls
I hear all of your calls
Carrying on, through the dark damp walls
I found the spot, The spot that has eluded all
A trophy in the form of a waterfall
Cascades over me.
3.7k · Feb 2014
Handshakes and Orgasms
Jordan Fischer Feb 2014
The world needs a new currency.
And I will be the first to offer a suggestion
It’s something we all love, and already know.
Something that has been around as long as man
Well, half of it has been around that long.
The other may be relatively new

I honestly believe that the world can survive on
Handshakes & *******.
That’s the new currency I am proposing.
As humans we should obviously do what it takes to survive
But if that means that some people get to survive in luxury
And others have to actually survive, then **** that system.

Hypothetically, I have a skill, a skill people need.
Others have skills that I do not have, but I need.
A simple handshake should be agreement enough.
This whole 'greed' thing has gotten out of control,
As a matter of fact, it shouldn't ******* exist.
A person has no right to live better than any other person

Now this may come off sounding like communism.
But in all fairness communism has never actually been properly tested
And I know the world would ******* implode, if their “freedom” was infringed upon.
But their idea of freedom is *******, it’s just getting lots of money
Buying **** they don't need to impress their neighbor, who is doing the same.
Money is a human invention; it only has value because we let it.
All these people think they are free, but they are slaves to themselves
And Society
I can't tell you, how many times I have heard people say,
They are going to get out there and do what they want to do
“I can't right now, I have blah blah blah to do first”
But the thing is, only a small amount of people who say that
Will actually do what they want.
Most just keep saying that, over and over.
Because something always comes up.

As for the ******* part of my philosophy,
*** is the second most sought after thing, after money.
But it’s considered taboo.
Which is *******.
Everyone loves it, and it keeps our species alive.
A negative attitude towards *** causes ignorance.
If it were widely accepted and discussed
Proper knowledge would save more lives than anything.
Kids these days have *** to rebel, because it’s something they are not supposed to do
but in school they are simply told not to do it at all
Instead of how to do it properly and safely.
Which leads to rebellious, misinformed kids ******* and getting pregnant at 16
Because they thought they could just flip a ****** inside out and pass it to a friend for him to use.

It’s a simple philosophy I know will never come to fruition
unless the world ends and we get to start again or something.
But just because we can't do it to the fullest
That doesn't mean all the points are moot
Money can still exist, but peoples fixation on it should decrease.
If you can't simply give up a possession that isn’t needed to survive
Then you are an *******, stuff is stuff. Get the **** over it.
Some stuff is nicer than other stuff, sure.
I’m not perfect, I love new clothes, but I don’t need them.
And I agree it is the right thing to do, paying back debts to corporations
But just remember, at your funeral, those corporations won’t be there
Praising you for how on time you paid your bills.

The ****** part is easy, Adults in charge of schooling are idiots.
Stop being scared and trying to pass that fear onto the children
In hopes they don't have ***.
Instead teach them what it’s for and that it’s natural to experiment with
Teach them safe *** and treat them like ******* equals.
Nobody likes being talked down too.
More knowledgeable kids will result in *** being more positive.
Stupid rebellious kids will result basically how things are now.
Any reality teen pregnancy show.

Handshakes and *******.
3.1k · May 2015
Canvas skin strikes again
Jordan Fischer May 2015
The Canvas Skin strikes again
With a breakdown of mental boundaries
My mind has never stretched so far
Or expanded to such an extent
That the former impossible
Is now within such short grasp
And the idea that was harboured within
Is now beautiful ink
Underneath skin.
3.1k · Jun 2013
Drunk Sledding.
Jordan Fischer Jun 2013
She is holding me tight
Our breath in plain sight
Her nose adorably red
From winters bite.
Our minds compromised  
From the wrong drinks made right
The liquor warms our blood
As we push off the top
And slide into childhood
Her hold begins to tighten
As this becomes more exciting
We hit the bottom and take a tumble
This is the girl I love
With her in my life, I cannot act humble.
2.7k · Aug 2015
Everything can calm
Jordan Fischer Aug 2015
In the dead of winter, a wolf howls at the moon
In the silver light you can see its breath
A rabbit darts, a chase ensues
Caught his mark, blood does pool
Mix the red with the white, such is sustenance of life
Pain from hunger is calming
This is his life.
In the dead of night, my hand shakes, a pen stills it
My mind ignites and pounds
And paper calms it.
This is my life.
2.1k · Dec 2015
Scratch in a casket.
Jordan Fischer Dec 2015
A scratch in a casket is not something you would expect.
With the meaning attached, you think someone would have checked
But with you I expected nothing else.
A public flaw presented beautifully.
You did just the same.
Wore your flaws beautiful and proud
But some remained hidden
These were flaws of the spirit
Flaws you didn't show
Flaws we didn't know
If you only showed like the casket
A scratch we could have prevented
Or maybe we should have just asked
And your casket wouldn't be cemented.
1.9k · Jun 2013
Jordan Fischer Jun 2013
A loose brick in a castle wall allows the wind to seep through,
Carrying with it the whispers of the outsiders
The soft spoken words influence the beings within
They begin to come alive and demand to be free'd
Overthrowing the king and breaking down the wall
All protection is lost now, through the rubble they crawl
Out into the world
With no fear of rejection.
1.8k · Jan 2016
Unfit leader
Jordan Fischer Jan 2016
Cracks run deep and cracks run long
Damaging a wall, once thought strong
Weakened by words, squandered by force
Decisions made, followed by deep remorse

This damaged wall is a woman broken
Caused by fists and words unspoken
Flesh replaces plaster
This being, destroyed by her master
An unfit leader.
Jordan Fischer Oct 2015
Sunshine on my face
Grass underneath my feet
I just want to be pure
People search for a better way
I just hope
Hope that my nerves won't be the death of me
1.6k · Jan 2016
Jordan Fischer Jan 2016
I need to calm my nerves
End this feeling
Escape this situation
Light a smoke
Nerves fail to calm
Hit filter
Feeling better
Calmed nerves
Light a smoke
Much better
This news was terrible
Cancer is a scary thing.
1.6k · Dec 2015
Land of faith.
Jordan Fischer Dec 2015
We live In a land where the people romance the reality
Instead of embracing and facing the realism  
In attempts to make it better for these little boys and girls  
Not realizing they are implanting pessimism
Causing their minds to be closed with frailty
And the creativity within that should spark and swirl
Instead lies dormant, Suppressed and concealed.
Leading to people who know nothing and have faith
That they know everything.
1.5k · Jan 2016
Jordan Fischer Jan 2016
An island somewhere
The only place with delicacy so rare
Found only by luck, Most would consider me stuck
But I'm living joyously in my delusional haze
No longer counting days
Since I lost ten through twenty
There is happiness in my veins
Believe, I have plenty.
The hunger is perfectly numb
What shall I dine on next
Perhaps a thumb.
based on a short story by Stephen King
1.3k · Jun 2016
Aliteration in progress
Jordan Fischer Jun 2016
A beautiful butterfly beams by in the brisk bright morning hours.
The alliteration of the first line is enough to make you swoon.
Beauty comes in many forms as such as an amazing altogether auspicious line of aggressive, aggrandizing well written word play

But just think of the amount of well written expression that was possible with any of those starter lines.

Instead you are full of nagging narcolepsy that nags at your knees.
Falling below even the fewest standards
1.3k · Mar 2016
My life as of last
Jordan Fischer Mar 2016
My life as of last has been and eye opening, head first dive of exploration interrupted by one, sometimes two day long binges of unpleasant sobriety.

Three long years after writing the first stanza,
The drugs still being explored
This has led me to a more beautiful understanding of myself and my few remaining friends
However it seems that I have taken a significant tumble down the socioeconomic ladder
At least my writing has gotten neater
No longer shaken by the withdrawal of a still desired drug

Alcohol has a way of calming and inspiring me
Bringing forth the thoughts I cannot make into sound
My few remaining friends cut down into a seemingly impossible smaller number
I now awake in the night with cold sweats that interrupt my slumber.

Dreams of panic and anxiety, Now clouded with past faces.
Personifications of things inside me
Faces made of thoughts and feelings, Taking over occupied spaces
Forcing out the beautiful and imaginative
Subconscious taking charge, So the conscious may live.
1.3k · Jan 2016
Love and War
Jordan Fischer Jan 2016
All is fair in love and war
War is fair when love is all
Love is war and all is fair.
1.2k · Jun 2013
Rumble Rumble.
Jordan Fischer Jun 2013
Soldiers surround a battered building
Weapons to the wall, lest it does fall
Rumble Rumble, shakes the men
Rumble Rumble, again and again
Vibrating their bones, constricting their veins
Relentless Rumble, cracks the wall
The men hold strong, one for all
Rumble Rumble crashes through
Weapons clash, blood is spilled,
Bones are crushed.
I am healed.
1.2k · Oct 2015
Jordan Fischer Oct 2015
I stumbled upon a chapel last night
Inside was a man with a mirrored face gesturing for me to enter
He does not speak but continues to motion and reflect my demeanour 
Hesitant to oblige, I survey the inner-workings of the religious structure
No where in my sight lies the truth
A building built on lies and stories
Fables and myths 
The man says " You feel lost little sheep, please flock to the power, for I am you, no longer shall you scour, you found yourself within these walls"
I reply 
" You are not me, you are a just a reflection, A manifestation caused by fears and I will make peace with what I am by searching inside of me 
Not flocking like sheep to a fabled entity"
1.2k · May 2015
Jordan Fischer May 2015
All I see when i look at me is a goblin
A monster, an insatiable beast
A zombie with the urge to feast
I try to repress the hunger with gin
Or any other type of sin
But that only adds to the madness
Like Edgar i live in total darkness
My sanity is slowly slipping away
I've been like this forever and a day
I drift through day's in a heavy haze
I wish to be caught up in the happiness craze.
1.2k · Aug 2015
Not the Life.
Jordan Fischer Aug 2015
I live not the life of a thousand men, but rather the life of myself.
To compare me to even one is to underestimate me eternally.
And to underestimate that which has never before existed is an error of pre-judgement that will result in you existing forever unfulfilled.
1.2k · Jul 2016
Time to heal
Jordan Fischer Jul 2016
Avoiding positivity,
You feel like dirt,
So you decide to sweep yourself under the
Hiding and cowering described as
Self enlightenment

Trying to get relief from the immense pain
that suffocates daily,
You act out with a bandaid
The short relief, blessed relief.
However great it might feel,
Only distorts the reality of effectiveness.
Sudden relief mimics an intense high

It's time to understand that all
are fleeting.
Some cause more than they cover
Countless marks of addiction and desperation,
cover your skin
Come out from under the rug
It's time to heal
1.1k · Sep 2016
Twenty four
Jordan Fischer Sep 2016
I wrote previously about the electronic implications on the written word
But the smoothness of this pen upon paper has made me neutral on the subject
It's insanely intoxicating when your words flow onto the paper just as they do from your mind
But, death has a way of bringing you back to reality
A birthday, In which the birth boy has passed
Twenty four red balloons, caressed gently by the wind as they are carried beautifully skyward.
Red of passion
Red of love
Because twenty four is infinite
Also is the love and the friends you left behind
But we love you,
I love you
And we will forever follow you
Upon these rising currents
Like those twenty four red balloons.
1.1k · Jun 2013
Chest to chest.
Jordan Fischer Jun 2013
When we lay close, touching.
Chest to Chest
Our hearts thumping and thrashing about inside
Out of sync
They sway back and forth
And it's not clear which gives in first
But soon,
they beats become methodical and uniform
Pounding at each other in a quietened drum
Until the beat becomes a deafening silence
Our chests sore
Euphoria overwhelms as it should
And our beating will never stop or slow
No matter how sore.
1.1k · May 2015
Jordan Fischer May 2015
You're beautiful and overpowering
I love the effect you have on me
Uplifting and reassuring
I need you when I'm down
and I love you when I'm high
'Oh sugar how'd you get so fly?'
A gorgeous creation
That's to unique to come from man
A place from up above
Is where you began.
I want you all the time
You soothe my nerves like a nursery rhyme
The first time heard you, My life did start
And tonight, I fall asleep with you in my heart.
1.1k · Dec 2015
Jordan Fischer Dec 2015
A crooked frame of a picture perfect family
Hangs in the hallway
With the eyes cut out
To imitate the blindness of suburbia
The family dog remains in the frame
To tell the tales of an animal
Caged in a four sided box
And the frame itself is a darkened oak
With each side representing a member
To show the strength of family
And the dark times that cover them all.
1.0k · Jul 2016
Next jump, Happiness.
Jordan Fischer Jul 2016
It's amazing how much living you can miss out on with a simple polite refusal.
In an instant you must jump off the carousel
Landing among the infinite paths that intersect into oblivion
That instant you jump can feel like a lifetime, but do not weigh it as such
To dwell on a single leap is to miss the opportunity still ahead.

Just jump with confidence
Confidence instilled by knowing that wherever you may land,
happiness or not, you are always one chance, one jump away from that happiness.

The carousel is spinning to fast to jump back on.
So never regret the jump you made, for it is gone.
Spinning into oblivion with the jumps not taken.
And there is no way of getting it back,
But why would you want it.
Next jump, Happiness.
1.0k · Jan 2016
Cold sweats
Jordan Fischer Jan 2016
I wake up in cold sweats more than I wake up
Dreams of flying and floating have turned to
Finding and fear
Bodies of new and friends forgotten
My skin may bear what once was there
But forget not I will, the friends of young thrill

You still haunt and frequent my dreams
Tearing apart my sanity at all of its seams
Happy and somber, I remember it all
Liquor brings it out most of all
But it also calms that calls

Whatever liquor makes seem true
I can question without fighting
Because liquor is my choice and the
Lack thereof makes others king
993 · Jan 2016
Cold bites
Jordan Fischer Jan 2016
The cold bites bitterly at my face
Figures, the night I decide to go for a walk
This unseasonably warm winter turns to mace
Liquor warms but ultimately steals

The breath turns to ice on my face
The ice has a way of boiling my emotions
Bringing them to the surface
Until they're all out of space

The liquor causes flushing
Not only in the cheeks
But in the skin and in the the weeks
My skin tells more than I ever could

Time tries but can't tell all
Just like my cheeks the story comes from nothing
But it blossoms nicely
Into a beautiful rendition of the emotions within
940 · Jul 2016
West, In search.
Jordan Fischer Jul 2016
There is nothing extraordinary here
A city built on the river, with it's outskirts burning.
Anger and salary mimic personality

Creativity seeks happiness and inspiration
Those imbued with creative wealth, leave and search.
Those without, settle and gripe.

West I will wander, In search of inspiration.
Basking in knowledge,
Will result in happiness.
940 · May 2015
Anxiety Tornado
Jordan Fischer May 2015
In an anxiety tornado
The views and angles spin and
Whirl around me,
Slicing and chipping away
At the frail and vain mask,
I allow the public
There is a desire,
To let in the few that care to
Delve so deep
But with such few explorers in my life
I am left to keep these thoughts in the infinite cycle
of my mind
Until they encounter a
Back pressured alcoholic truth filled geyser
908 · Jun 2013
Temporary Warmth.
Jordan Fischer Jun 2013
The icy dread of Old Man Winters breath
Eats through my flushed skin, causing the leaves to meet their scheduled deaths
He steals the Warmth that I once called "mine"
This Warmth, no longer mine, now sails through the air
That Warm air, carries on past my cold hands
Burning and forcing them to seek out a new Warmth
A new immediate Warmth that comes only from touching the skin of a Sinner
Embracing and becoming the Sinner, releases a powerful new Warmth,
A heat. That battles The Old Man himself.
Melting and christening the frozen world around me
Thawing the ground and blooming the trees
Changing the season, if only for a minute
As the beautiful heat begins to fade, I am left cold and fighting for warmth, in a quickly freezing puddle of shame.
882 · May 2015
The Grim.
Jordan Fischer May 2015
It haunt's me every night 
That Immature primal urge
Ruined my night and for some time, My sight
Unbeknown to all
This broke down my sanity wall. 
Now different as a whole , a poorly lit soul
innocence will quickly drain
Prior excitement seems mundane
You stole the light from my world
I am a monster, I am him
And now, You'll fear the grim
857 · Dec 2015
Sleep with a smile.
Jordan Fischer Dec 2015
I want you to go to sleep with a smile
Thinking you at least got what you wanted
It makes my life unbearable
But my decisions never controlled you
A breeze that blows freely
Amongst the trees
Because of you, I will model my life accordingly
Free from all,
Never stopping
I'll just restart from the power you've given me
Move on, and bring any smiles to the friends I can, even if my power starts dropping.
795 · Jun 2016
Keep beauty alive.
Jordan Fischer Jun 2016
Some say real poetry can only be written on paper.
Technological advances numb the emotional flow that surges through the pen and lays itself upon the paper.

However, it is with the notes on my phone that I have written almost everything.
Poems within notes.
Stories within docs.

The amount of times within a piece of writing that emotions or inspiration falters or flickers, can be infinite. Does something need to die just for me to etch my thoughts into its skin?

Thoughts and emotions written and shared with such ease.
Is one of the greatest advancements in recent times.
Being heard and being able to hear.
Write and edit forever.

Keep things alive, and think of all the more beauty there will be to write about.
785 · Jan 2014
Girls are idiots.
Jordan Fischer Jan 2014
Girls are idiots.
Insensitive ******.
They actively try not to see
What is directly in front of them,
What fits their ideal check list

They just sit there and *****
About the guys the do see
Guys that have nothing they want
Except they’re attractive.
Shallow *****.

A guy who makes you laugh
But won’t give you his sweater
On a cold night, and walk you home
Is a ****.
You deserve what you get
For choosing him
You know the guy you want?
The one who calls you pretty,
The one who makes you laugh?
The one that would walk you home
In the cold
In a t-shirt,
Because you have his sweater?
He is in your life
Now, look around once in a while.
775 · Jun 2013
Coffee Shop.
Jordan Fischer Jun 2013
It's absolutely everyday that I see you
Walking through the same little coffee shop
Those never ending legs enter only to be followed by a  
Bold brunette take over and a heart stopping sapphire  
If only I had picked you like the flower whose beauty you effortlessly surpass
Then maybe you'd be mine  
And not just a memory in my caffeine riddled mind.
765 · Jul 2016
Fuelled by memories.
Jordan Fischer Jul 2016
Towards the end of a mans life
A moment flickers into his mind
A reflection of happiness
A feeling of happiness floods his brain
Fuelled by his memories
This is the help he receives for his unfortunate journey
It makes it palpable
This is what happens when he is not in control

But if he is in control
Then the moment becomes his life
The flicker becomes a weight
The weight blocks the happiness
All thats left is the depressing weight
Of the memories he isn't receiving
Now his unfortunate journey feels needed
Because his happy memories
Are not being remembered

Control or not, it's what you leave behind
You will live on
Through everyone you made smile
744 · Jun 2013
Proud Surrender.
Jordan Fischer Jun 2013
I've loved and lived and lost it all
My voice never carried through that wire
Telling you that I'm okay, That I didn't fall
The battle wages on, I surrendered to the fire
Watching over you now, I'll await the hallucinations that transpire
I'll be watching over you as you grow and age
I'll be the wind that overturns your page
I gave my life for my country
So do not cry for me because I did not die
713 · Jun 2013
Canvas Skin.
Jordan Fischer Jun 2013
My canvas skin is a simple freedom  
Ink infused with individual wisdom
An image important enough to save in Ink
The artist skill flows with ease
Now my thoughts and memories have a place to rest
Infinity and vividly they lie on skin
Aging and breathing alongside the man within.
702 · Jan 2016
In the cold and the snow
Jordan Fischer Jan 2016
I find myself walking the alone now
In the cold and the snow
Not the same routes, but the same destination
Younger years had brothers with me
Twilight walks of care free chaos,
Bonded and made us,  'we'

But women and death have stripped them from me.
I find myself walking alone
In the cold and the snow
Only now it's towards the warmth and laughter
The times of old,
Our memories so bold

I only hope that my future endeavours,
Bring about the same boldness,
The same type of  friendships,
I have such a problem attainting
So I'm no longer walking alone
In the cold and the snow
688 · Jul 2015
Jordan Fischer Jul 2015
Reality doesn't seem real to me
A mundane reality laughs mockingly
Towards me, Knowing I cannot escape
But I will fight on, My future is mine
And, I am the master of my fate
For reality not seeming real
Only mean's I am living my dreams.
685 · Mar 2016
Good and Evil
Jordan Fischer Mar 2016
A real battle of Good and evil occurs anytime a game of chess is played.
Equal pieces, equal spaces.
Differing only in color for a purely aesthetic reason
Because battling forces that are aestheticly similar would be lost on the savagely competitive
So a simple white and brown is implemented
But a simple blink of the eyes can make you realize
Same pieces, same moves just mirrored,
One color does get to always go first, but this had to happen either way, and if you feel bad about going second, just think that you got more time to think about your move, and also to just call the white pieces first next time,  if that kind of a thing matters to you.

The chess pieces themselves have no ability to win the game, they are tools for you to use based on your strategy.
The same goes for good and evil
They have no solidified definitions

A good decision to you, could ruin another's life.
Like chess you must think deeply about your decisions and why you're making them.
If someone told you, the way to play chess was to always flick your piece in the direction you wanted it to go and just have faith it would go to the spot it needed.
Then I would hope you would be open minded to other strategies to find the one that works best for you.

People might argue that there are definitive good and evil decisions in life, but that could be based on the fact we are all humans and you would assume that one humans decision on something is made because it would be beneficial in some way to them, so it is possible to be beneficial to you too.
So similar things are desired by humans, but that doesn't mean they are definitive.
So just know and always study your chessboard of life so you're always playing to the best of your ability.
But also remember that chess does have rules, life does not.
So do your own thing
Chess just fit my earlier comparison of this or that and the freedom of choice that lies within.
684 · Sep 2016
I haunt myself
Jordan Fischer Sep 2016
Blue and black
Mixed with red and tin
The pen always rips through tear soaked paper
Tears always bring tin
Tin always brings tears

For every time that you died
I've killed my liver ten fold
I know and hope I was your best friend
But anxiety and depression have nothing but questions
But I know I was almost your last call

That last call is entirely burden and curse
Any positivity is pushed down by desired silence
I'm sorry I did not answer
But am I sorry to you or your family?
I am sorry to myself

Ghosts are not real, I haunt myself
The phone I did not answer, haunts me
The grief of the world, or maybe
Just the coppery taste of blood in my beer, haunts me.
I write, drink, and act in your memory because you are forever my friend.
668 · Oct 2015
Jordan Fischer Oct 2015
I will continue to write
Until the day that I fall
Fall into the ground
Or let my thoughts overrun me.
The day will eventually come
When I can't get them out quick enough
My mind runs out of space
As it overloads and explodes
and rips apart my sanity
The pieces fall down
Leaving my memories on the ground.
668 · Jan 2016
Jordan Fischer Jan 2016
You've heard the rumour?
It's true
I do sleep with one eye on my heart
Why do i do this?
I have let my heart get stolen
One too many times
And we all know thief's aren't the most careful people 
and wouldn't you know, It's been broken
More than once 
How do i keep an eye on it?
Let's just say
It's easy to watch something that has been
Torn out and stepped on
You are probably wondering
How my heart has survived all these years?
That's easy
You can't **** something
That was never alive.
662 · Dec 2015
Epicentre for Death.
Jordan Fischer Dec 2015
Is your life an epicentre for death when two of your best friends, mother and brother, are dead before you can grow a beard.
What if you add the mothers of two more best friends, followed by your own grandmother?

It's the thoughts like these that lead to the bottle or the nearest crutch.
What if the crutch you seek was the cause of half those tragedies?
Should you look elsewhere even if it holds you up?

You were always happier than me, but maybe you had help.
Maybe this help numbed instead of soothed.
And maybe I shouldn't have been sleeping when you needed to talk.
But maybe now the crutch that let you fall is the only thing helping me walk.
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