I find it so simple to pick out the best traits in somebody. I like to know what makes people tick and what makes their pupils dilate. I can fall in love with the way they talk about their favorite shades of color and the way they pick out groceries.
I am interested in the way people take their coffee and if they prefer tea better. and why herbal caffeinated
I find myself loving people for their laughter and the crinkles beneath their eyes when they smile. And I think it’s so cute whenever they suppress their grins when they think of something funny or memorable. I love the way people talk about life and what’s on their mind; it’s nice to know that there is more more to discuss than the sounds on mattresses and the type of plant they inhale. You are beautiful. I love the way people spill their hearts out when they’re happy or when they’re sad.
Sometimes, when they don’t let me love them, it makes me want to love them even more.
And even when they don’t love me back, I still continue to love.
You will learn how to sleep alone how to avoid the cold corner but still fill a bed always be friends with the broken people they will teach you how to survive you can love someone and hate them all at once you can i have you can miss them so much you ache but still ignore your phone when they hall ignore them in the hall You are good at something whether it's making someone laugh or saying hello don't ever let anyone tell you that you don't matter you will always be hungry for love always even when someone is sleep next to you you will envy the pillow touching their check you will yearn for a love much bigger than you or i or him or her you want a love of a higher power and a long life you want serenity and you want heaven you want love and life and light
I miss the way you looked in my eyes you were more than enough from me I loved every part of you I miss the way you look at me The way I fit perfectly in your arms this poem doesn't even rhyme is just captured my stupidity.
I sat there on the grass, watching the sun set in your arms perfectly content your hands on my hips my head on your chest I believed you were it all I knew it in my heart My lips and your lips were all that I thought.
You held me as I cried I cried for us and I cried for you You held me as I cried I wept and I wept I said
What if this love ends what if it fails don't give up I will love you forever and you said you would too I wanted you forever you wanted me forever the deep the dark the good the sad You wanted to hold me when it was a mess I wanted you to be there too forever and ever and we sealed it with a kiss and the sunset kissed our kiss the grass held our love and you held me
And here I am writing this and there you are with another girl giving her your mighty world and here I am writing this We even sealed it with a kiss