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736 · Jul 2017
Shay Jul 2017
Her eyes used to shine so bright
until the world extinguished her light;
now she’s given up the hopeless fight
and lies beneath the earth, sleeping tight.
735 · Feb 2016
Shay Feb 2016
She ran as fast as her brittle legs would allow
without catching her breath once as she ran miles somehow.
And she reached her favourite bench overlooking the countryside
surrounded by swaying trees and an air of grace as she sat and cried.
There's creatures in her mind that won't allow her to think clearly;
the belief she should go beyond the veil plays on her mind severely.
So she swallows a bag of pills washed down with strong tequila,
and stands upon the bench with her earphones in, dancing like a ballerina.
732 · Dec 2015
Everybody's Mistake
Shay Dec 2015
When he caught you staring he would smile
and say that everything was fine, meanwhile
he hid drawings made by a blade under his sleeves
and had stockpiles of "magic" pills, more than ready to leave.

It wasn't until he departed this Earth that everyone recognised
they should've known he was lying, if only they'd realised
every time that he said he was fine,
he was dying inside; oh so confined.
715 · Oct 2015
Beautiful Moments
Shay Oct 2015
Think of the true beauty in the world,
where you find that artistry doesn't need to fit expectations that have been furled.

I find mine in captivating laughter of babies; which reduces me to tears,
not those of sadness or melancholy - but of overwhelm as their giggles enter my ears,
because there is nothing more exquisite than the mere notion of existing and of life,
the feelings of love and hope in my heart are strife.

What about beauty in those who refuse to give up, ever?
I often wonder how in the world people grow such seraphic strength within and keep it forever!
They get knocked down over and over again,
yet time after time they get back up, pushing aside their pain.

These elegant people keep moving forward - some have no choice,
but they prove the only way is up and they do not waste their time; instead they have an active voice.
They are inexplicably unstoppable,
and are the true essence of beauty - and are in fact unbreakable.

Or what about the beauty of fate?
The pulchritude of chance encounters await.
That moment when you meet someone special and become star-crossed lovers,
and recognise you both have an exceptional purpose; and a connection that hovers.
A time when your eyes lock and your souls connect?
The magnificence in these bespoke experiences *****.
To share your journey in another's grace,
and get to encounter their beautiful embrace.
712 · Jan 2016
Music of Delight
Shay Jan 2016
I hold dear the melody that escapes the ray of sunshine upon our faces all the way from the lungs;
everybody sings the symphonies even though we may speak in different tongues.
It echoes through the hall and makes everybody smile in unity;
the euphony of laughter creates community and is full of beauty.
711 · Apr 2016
Shay Apr 2016
A bloodstream full of tragedy,
I'm a walking travesty.
Bones created out of despair,
I often wonder whether I'm beyond repair.
A mind full of sadness and skin full of poison,
the desolation within me has arisen once again without reason.
702 · Nov 2015
Shay Nov 2015
Today I introduced myself to my mum again.
Knowing she has no remembrance of me caused a lot of pain.
It’s harder now than ever because with time
She’s lost 98% of her memory and is losing more as the clocks chime.
But I went in and read her favourite book as I held her hand,
and to her I sung her favourite song by her beloved band
knowing it would put a smile on her face
as with love my heartbeat grew quicker pace by pace.
I asked her “may I have this dance?”
And we waltzed around the nursing home garden taking a chance.
I did all this because although her brain is fading away,
She is human and she’s the only one who’s loved me always.
Now it’s time for me to visit and look after her each and every day
so that she’s never alone as the end is on its way.
692 · Feb 2017
Shay Feb 2017
If you touch her, even softly, you might cause her to break;
for she is porcelain, made of hopelessness, despair and heartache.
Her soul is destroyed, her bones are heavy and her determination is crushed;
the fire in her eyes has been extinguished and even her quietest whisper has been hushed.
There are explosions of blue, green and purple that litter her legs and thighs
and crimson slits that lace her skin; all of which she makes while she sits and cries.
She’s exhausted in a way that cannot be fixed by sleep,
for the darkness that smothers her is in her veins and runs far too deep.
684 · Sep 2018
Shay Sep 2018
Remember that you cannot find healing in people who broke you,
instead you have to let them go and cleanse your soul of devalue.

Find healing in yourself and how far you have come despite all of the hurt,
and in how much hope and inspiration to others you exert.
683 · Apr 2018
Shay Apr 2018
I look at you the same way people admire art;
your quirky ways captured both my eyes and my heart,
and still you are a masterpiece – beautiful and captivating,
and everything you say or do, I find most fascinating.
678 · Dec 2016
Shay Dec 2016
Time ticking like a bomb as I fall back into self-destruction,
my life taking a turn into a disordered direction;
the pain sweeps through my body like a hurricane
ripping every part of me apart as it twists through every vein.
I’m suffocating with every breath I take,
so fragile I am, it’s causing me to break.
I don’t wish to be a part of the earth any longer
the wish to come to one’s own end grows ever stronger.
674 · Feb 2016
Shay Feb 2016
The shadows of my despondency continuously dart
between the dark crevices of the forest born in my mind
with the river of thought flooding violently, tearing me apart
and drowning me unhurriedly as it sweeps me under, most ill-timed.
Shay Oct 2015
I looked at the time, it was seven o'clock,
we were having a party and I was in my best frock.
We were partying away - my friends and I -
dancing around in the moonlit sky.

Drinking away I was starting to feel funny,
when my friend Harry said to me "come in, honey".
Drunk, I followed - I trusted him dearly.
He was going to look after me, I could see it clearly.

But soon I found out that he actually wanted me,
and as he got on top of me, darkness was all I could see.
He lifted up my dress and pulled down my knickers,
and as he did what he had to do, all I could taste in my mouth were liquors.

I told him "no" and told him to stop fiercely,
but instead he carried on and laughed in my ear harshly.
He ****** himself deeper inside,
as he chose to ignore my cries.

I couldn't push him off, he was too heavy,
all colour drained from my face and I began to feel empty.
He was high on drugs and alcohol fuelled,
and he carried on throughout the night until he was fulfilled.

The next day I woke up ****** and feeling *****,
I was covered in bruises and I was full of worry.
My lipstick was smeared and my hair full of knots,
and on my body there were scratches - lots and lots.

Now I'm sitting here three months on,
I've been dealing with this pain alone for far too long.
I swallow the hundreds of pills I've saved up,
and wash them down with alcohol from the drinking cup.
663 · Jan 2016
Shay Jan 2016
The tip is a silver thread
but the ink is red
gushing like a waterfall
through the lines vertical and horizontal.
Ink blots and splatters staining all that which surrounds it
a wave o' sensation running through the veins; the feeling of which you are an addict.
659 · Apr 2017
Shay Apr 2017
These sweet little pills flush my fears away,
eradicating every content of my gut until I feel okay.
The pain burns like a ravaging fire within, yet I am numb -
for I know that once I am empty, the calm will come.
648 · Jan 2016
wild rose
Shay Jan 2016
You fell in love with my crimson petals so fragile,
and the way I'd laugh as I danced around the room so agile.
Though you could not handle my treacherous thorns incredibly aculeate
which could cut you like a knife in the blink of an eye; a particularly mad trait.
Always so willing to thrive upon my kindness and my nature of a good heart
but never could you deal with the madness that came within every time I fell apart.
647 · May 2016
Shay May 2016
I sleep in the foreboding dark,
haunted by your unrelenting mark;
and I figure I always will be -
until death do us part, I believe.

The damage you caused is embroidered on my skin like a tattoo;
a permanent reminder of the torture you put me through.
Yet the hundreds of jagged scars and bruises on my skin
are no match for the lacerations on my soul within.

You led me to begin this war with my very own mind;
now all I can see is death and destruction - to happiness I am blind.
So sharp blades came to breathe upon my statuesque wrists
and crimson rivers run across them in coagulant twists.

There are so many times where I cannot think or shed tears
and I simply want to sleep for a thousand years -
or not exist at all; just to stop the pain.

I want it all to stop spinning again.
647 · Jul 2017
Shay Jul 2017
He wants to disappear
the way that sugar dissolves in tea;
just enough to be unseen but have his presence felt,
enough to end the pain others were too blind to see.
629 · May 2017
Burnt Out
Shay May 2017
It’s worth burning myself out like a match
so long as others receive the light and warmth I dispatch.
626 · Nov 2015
Shay Nov 2015
How tragic it is to be in such despair.
To have to pretend like I just don't care.
Sitting in bed with tears running down my face;
thoughts of suicide are in place.
I cannot see the point in fighting anymore,
I wish to heaven I could soar.
I'm nothing, worthless, a failure, a burden,
my future is very much uncertain.
I'm not brave anymore; I have no courage,
I've been broken into a million different pieces; it's caused much damage.
And who would want to save someone who doesn't wish to be saved?
When this dark monster within has me well and truly enslaved?
I think I'll go now, it's time to say goodbye,
I will make my way to Heaven now; into the blackened sky.
626 · Dec 2016
Shay Dec 2016
all my life has passed by in darkness; my life black and white,
I've never known the meaning of colour or seen the meaningful light -
in a perpetual state of destruction and self-hate;
the need to be calamitous must be innate
and my veins are tangled while weeping out debris
of the tortured, shattered, dying life within me.
624 · Jul 2017
Shay Jul 2017
His lips, soft like the inside of a rose,
meet mine as the fire within my soul grows -
and suddenly the world stops spinning and time has come to a standstill;
there is only he and I in this moment along with love, lust and thrill.
His fingertips lace my skin, caressing my body
and fireworks explode within every part of me.
*He is the colour in my world so monochrome –
and being with him in every moment feels like home.
621 · Jan 2022
Shay Jan 2022
In 7 years time all the cells in my body will be obliterated
and brand new ones will be created;
which means that one day I will have a body that you won’t have touched or destroyed
and that brings a sense of comfort and brings me back from the void.
612 · Apr 2017
bleeding ink
Shay Apr 2017
I do not write so much as bleed out onto the paper in moments of catastrophe,
baring the pain of my soul for the whole world to see -
the words spill out from my heart until it aches no more,
until the wounds from the battles I’ve fought are no longer sore.
609 · Apr 2018
Shay Apr 2018
Your fingertips run along every inch of my skin,
evoking a kind of fiery passion from within;
close enough to feel the warmth of your breath and hear the sound of your gasp,
as our bodies entwine in desire and I am held within your grasp.
607 · Jun 2016
Amor vincit malitia
Shay Jun 2016
When you find yourself trapped in a desperate, despondent hole
and you feel that one person has torn apart every piece of your soul,
but you find yourself able to live, laugh and love again even after the pain of heartache,
that is the day you realise that you're stronger than (and love conquers) all hate and heartbreak.
606 · Jan 2016
Shay Jan 2016
Bottles without their seals or caps - just sitting there,
little foil packets torn open in despair
empty of their contents to make me feel less blue,
leaving nothing in the bottom but white residue.

A pile of poison o' so sweet in a capsule form bundle,
travels down the claustrophobic and murky tunnel,
and sits within the pit of my stomach with it all
drowning in a stream composed of ethanol.

Euphoria sweeps through my veins,
I dance; a ballerina at 4am,
making the very most of my ability
knowing I'll soon breathe my last with docility.
604 · Jan 2016
Soul Loving
Shay Jan 2016
I saw the burning embers in his eyes,
the light produced could fill a hundred skies.
He's a natural wonder in my world
I thought as the galaxies in his eyes swirled.

I notice the dimples in the corner as he smiles,
and my heart tells me - for him I'd walk miles.
I told myself I'd never fall in love,
but as I watch him laugh; I realise it's him whom I'm in awe of.

It's the way he talks about his passions,
that makes me feel this mixture of emotions.
The way he hums, the way he reads a book,
I can tell I love him - it only takes one look.

The way his eyes crinkle as he laughs silently,
makes my heart flutter and my stomach beat wildly.
The way our hands become entwined
makes me feel free and well refined.

The way our lips meet?
Nothing can compete.
Fireworks and universes explode between us
and the feeling they brought to me? I can never discuss...
Shay Oct 2015
I snap elastic bands around my wrist
as retribution for craving food; eating I must try to resist.
I spend hours in the cubicle purging everything from within,
this monster attacks me from inside and ignites beneath my skin.
I cry when I look in the mirror and see my grotesquely fat reflection,
and my cheeks are red and extra puffy and I have a pale complexion.
I weigh myself at every opportunity that I get,
and if I haven't lost a single pound I break out in a sweat.
I exercise and exercise until I feel faint and dizzy,
and run around abstaining from eating by keeping busy.
It's sleepless nights with painful tummy twinges,
writhing in discomfort and filling the air with screaming whinges.

And it's dealing with comments like "you don't look like you have an eating disorder"
because I am not stick thin, no - I am a normal weight and on the other side of the border.
596 · Feb 2016
Shay Feb 2016
How liberating and freeing it is after months of despair
to be overtaken by your old self once more out of nowhere;
to find your spontaneity and find yourself overcome with valour
to finally get up and battle your demons head on with great strength and ardour.
582 · May 2016
Shay May 2016
Mistakes are embellished upon my skin,
a permanent reminder of the past hidden within;
mnemonics of the delinquent, disastrous path
I once trod; these marks are just the aftermath.
580 · Apr 2018
Shay Apr 2018
Today, I finally breathed and set myself free
from all the torment and debris you left for me;
you no longer have power, for I’ve taken my power back,
and I’m finding myself again and putting my life back on track.
577 · May 2016
What Is Love?
Shay May 2016
What is love?
Handing over your impuissant heart to someone who could break it in a heartbeat?
What is love?
Falling in deeper - though irrational, crazy, irresponsible - we do it to feel complete.
What is love?
Convincing ourselves that it exists; that our soulmate is in waiting?
What is love?
Acting in ridiculous ways while their expressions we are analysing and translating.
What is love?
Throwing all logical decision making skills down onto the floor?
What is love?
Allowing a single soul to disturb and influence every moment of our lives more and more.
574 · Oct 2015
Shay Oct 2015
There lies the difference between you and I,
the reason you're exuberant whereas I want to indefinitely say goodbye;
I let my past define me for all this time
but you only learned from it and moved on; so sublime.
558 · Dec 2015
Shay Dec 2015
How freeing it is to fall through the sky,
the rush of adrenaline as you begin to fly.
Flying high like a bird once you've jumped from a height,
eyes closed and arms spread out in the midst of the moonlight.

Feeling breathless as you near the ground,
wind flowing through your hair feeling like the lost being found.
Not knowing how this leap could end,
neither caring what'll happen as you continually descend.
554 · Dec 2016
Shay Dec 2016
You are the daisy that refuses to drown in the rain,
instead you continue to grow even through a hurricane.
You are the special work of art that no artist could ever recreate;
such a beautiful creation that there are many people you captivate.
You are the scattered sequin-silver moon dust in the sky
illuminating the darkness, giving people hope with your own lullaby.
You spread light in waves like the sea;
you’re incredibly inspiring to many including me.
You are tanzanite - a precious stone- so rare and valuable;
to everyone you meet, you have infinite worth - and that is admirable.
553 · Dec 2015
Shay Dec 2015
The person I see in the mirror is not me.
I hear you say “how can that be?”
The answer is simple; the demon inside has taken my place,
it punches my skin and tells me that I’m the biggest disgrace.
My arms are stained red and my mascara has run like a river,
I discover the monster that's where I should be with a shiver.
549 · Mar 2018
Shay Mar 2018
We lay down on the grass, with one another we’re entwined
and my eyes look up at the midnight skies to where the stars are aligned;
but you only have eyes for me, and say the brightest stars are to be found in my eyes,
and the most beautiful constellations run through my veins rather than through the sky.
544 · Feb 2016
*Writer's Block*
Shay Feb 2016
Pen in hand waiting to glide across the lined sheet
and yet no blood is spilling upon the page so I admit defeat.
I am void of prodigious literary expression;
my spark has gone and now I must face temporary repression.
543 · Jan 2016
Shay Jan 2016
The simple whisper of the word "commitment"
can make men and women run in an instant
without one look back at the broken pieces they've left,
you were no different and so my heart became your theft.

You repeatedly vociferate that you're not ready to settle down; not ready to grow up,
but in my heart I know you're lying to my face close up.
I know you'd settle if you found the ideal inamorata tomorrow,
but I'll never be "the one" for you so I will leave now and drown in sorrow.
543 · Apr 2016
Shay Apr 2016
I close my eyes; the whole world has just ended -
the slough of despond within has crawled back to the surface, unintended.
Although thine own mind & heart be desolate, sinking and painful,
still I do not cry - but wait for my quietus; an act most baneful.
541 · Feb 2016
Prisoner of Her Own Mind
Shay Feb 2016
A little girl grew up too fast
drowning in secrets of the present and past.
Left with scars both visible and unseen,
voiceless and powerless to stand up and be who she should've been.
540 · Jan 2018
Shay Jan 2018
Our marriage is less about the rings and ink on paper
and more about the unity between two souls that will never taper,
and two hearts that beat as though one,
bound together by a connection that can't be outdone.

Our love is the beautiful warmth of the morning sun blazing,
and the burning inferno of passion within us rising.
Togetherness, to us, means peace, happiness and love that feels like home,
bringing colour to each other's lives in a world that was once so monochrome.
537 · Apr 2016
Shay Apr 2016
The irony of the words you say - "I think I'm losing my mind."

Because how on earth can you think when you've left your sanity behind?
533 · Feb 2016
Shay Feb 2016
And my mind often wanders to think of all those who have the most beautiful souls and the kindest hearts,
and how they're always the victims of the mind who wish they could just breathe their last -
how unfair it seems to me that those who give the most to everything and everyone
are the ones that are the most disconsolate and stuck in a darkness where they can't find the sun.
530 · Apr 2017
Shay Apr 2017
The colour red drips like paint down the snow white canvas that is my arm;
the thin silver thread held between finger and thumb has brought a sense of calm.
527 · Dec 2015
Shay Dec 2015
Despondent people are not puzzles to decipher
and we are not broken vases to be fixed, either.
We are not projects for you to put together
just so you can boost your ego over "saving" another.
524 · Dec 2015
Shay Dec 2015
Once again it's a new year where we become the writer of the book of our lives,
and this time there are 366 blank pages to write in when each and every day arrives.

This is the year that you finally focus on just you -
and concentrate on things that make you euphoric too.
Make your dreams and chase them with passion;
realise you have the power to make them happen.

The stars will align in the sky for you my dear,
and your courage will see you through any fear,
you will be stronger and more carefree,
and be the you that you deserve to be.
521 · Dec 2015
The Rain, Her Pain.
Shay Dec 2015
Sometimes, she'd run deep into the shadowed forest;
full of breathtaking scenery and abundant beauty so modest,
on cold stormy nights where the wind would wail,
the thunder would roar, the skies would cry and the trees would flail.

She'd throw herself into a pile of auburn fallen leaves so crispy,
looking up at the ripped sky; the darkness broken by lightning so wispy,
and she'd scream and shout and weep in time to the thunder and rain,
until her tears were no more and her soul was cleansed from all the pain,

because in that moment in the woods she and the world were on the same wavelength,
and she isn't as alone as she thought she once was - together with the storm she rediscovers her strength.
520 · Jun 2016
Shay Jun 2016
Fresh out of bed I get ready for war,
but this is no ordinary battle.
For this is a fight rendered invisible
to anyone but me.

People say that I must be weak,
but to battle the same war day
in and day out,
takes much more courage
than anyone could ever
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