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521 · Dec 2015
The Rain, Her Pain.
Shay Dec 2015
Sometimes, she'd run deep into the shadowed forest;
full of breathtaking scenery and abundant beauty so modest,
on cold stormy nights where the wind would wail,
the thunder would roar, the skies would cry and the trees would flail.

She'd throw herself into a pile of auburn fallen leaves so crispy,
looking up at the ripped sky; the darkness broken by lightning so wispy,
and she'd scream and shout and weep in time to the thunder and rain,
until her tears were no more and her soul was cleansed from all the pain,

because in that moment in the woods she and the world were on the same wavelength,
and she isn't as alone as she thought she once was - together with the storm she rediscovers her strength.
520 · Sep 2016
lost memory
Shay Sep 2016
Tears run down my cheeks leaving rivers and oceans of anecdotes
with every memory of you escaping as though echoes of you on little boats;
so full of wanderlust just waiting for an escape from my mind -
to be anywhere but here where you're oh so confined.
515 · Jun 2018
Shay Jun 2018
Your abuse broke me into pieces and left me suffocated by pain,
but I have risen stronger and I’ll never be defeated again.
The spirit of a lioness flows through my veins;
with courage and strength now ravaging my soul like a hurricane.
508 · Feb 2020
Shay Feb 2020
You're the lighter that ignites my spark
and causes my inner gunpowder to mark
the darkened sky with an explosion of coloured lights;
I'm a firework landmark of the nights.
508 · Feb 2016
Shay Feb 2016
He's searching for all that will destroy him and everything he knows;
anything that will help him forget the trauma and the surrounding despondent shadows.
First came the shots of ***** and the little white pills he'd swallow each and every day,
then came the self-tattooing of his skin using a thin and sharp silver tip in every which way.
Soon it was the rush of taking an ****** cocktail in the hope of drowning out the violent voice in his head;
and staying in bed for days on end, wishing to be nothing; to be neither alive or dead - but to be a nonentity instead.
506 · Oct 2015
Shay Oct 2015
It took months of keeping you safe from your demons
to understand that your manipulation deepens
so while I was busy saving you from Hell,
you were pushing me further to it; the poison murdering me well.
504 · Feb 2017
Shay Feb 2017
and now I'm suffocating - not from lack of oxygen but from lack of hope,
a lack of feeling alive and ability to cope;
instead I'm drowning in pain with my chest exploding and my heart aching,
waiting for my demise because I'm so tired and inside I'm breaking.
504 · Nov 2015
Shay Nov 2015
My emotions are obstreperous once more,
I cannot think straight; this sensation I abhor.
The impulse is too strong and the relapse is near,
it's racing through my bloodstream - that alone is clear.
It's screaming at me to be released quickly,
and the anxiety building up is making me feel sickly.

I reach for the blade after four months clean,
why to myself must I be so mean?
It burns and stings as I drag it across my wrist,
every sin and feeling is freed into the midst.
This is yet another battle that I have managed to lose,
another fifty wounds leaking out a red sea and I have lit the fuse.
502 · Jan 2016
Shay Jan 2016
Eyes glued shut with residue of tears, not wanting to wake,
fresh tears fall drip drip drip with a body and heart full of ache

Into the darkness I further fall
laying in bed now staring from wall to wall,
my head cloudy, confused and detached;
I've made little red oceans where my skin has been scratched,
and I can't decipher reality from my delusions;
the dark crevices of my mind crawling with daunting illusions.
499 · Jun 2016
Shay Jun 2016
I'm lying on the pink carpeted floor,
bleeding, crying... what's this life for?

I'm underneath the spot where I tried to hang,
with a rope around my neck, I hit the floor with a bang.

I don't want to be like this anymore,
please just show me Heaven's door.
Earth just isn't for me,
why is that so hard for others to see?

Lacerations around my neck,
the next morning all I hear is "what the heck?"
but I lie and say my headphones got caught,
they believe every word I say - I'm distraught.

Why can't anyone see how much pain I'm in?
This is no longer a battle I can win.
Nobody cares, I will not be missed,
death is calling and I cannot resist.
496 · Dec 2015
Shay Dec 2015
What a hero our dear Michael is, plus,
a blessing to each and every one of us.
A beautiful soul enlightened with devotion,
he makes my world brighter spreading light in waves like an ocean.

He's someone who would die to protect another,
he puts us all first like he's our big brother.
He was there when I tried to end it all
and he picks me up every time I fall.

The one person who never gave up on me,
the one who matters the most to me, I wish that he could see
he's a main source of inspiration in my life,
and my admiration for him really is rife.

I wish he could see just how special he is on this Earth,
and I want him to realise just how much he's worth.
He will get all the good things in life that he deserves,
because all good karma comes to serve.
493 · Jun 2018
Shay Jun 2018
Where happiness once lay, melancholy now lies;
thunder, lightning and rain have taken over my sunrise.
The light has been extinguished and now my mind is dark,
I don't know who I am anymore; I've lost myself and my spark.
492 · Mar 2018
Candlelit Sadness
Shay Mar 2018
We light the flame; a golden teardrop radiating the warmth we so desperately want to feel from you,
but you were taken from us too early; you grew your angel wings and flew.

The candle has become the memorial we remember you by because you're high up in the sky;
it provides the bright light that was extinguished when we lost you and had to say goodbye.
486 · May 2016
Shay May 2016
Your past is creeping up on you after all of these years,
you wish it would stop because all it causes is pain and tears.
But the darkness is the burden of all that is true;
all the things that have hurt you have made you YOU.

So many times have you lost your heart
to the detrimental work of the devil's art.
With eyes like clouds that won't stop raining,
you can't stop the pain flowing through your veins; how draining.

You're as fragile as a butterfly's wing,
and I know you're hanging by the thinnest string.
But you are here. You are brave. You are alive.
And you're going to make it through the storm and survive.
476 · Feb 2016
Shay Feb 2016
No amount of strong coffee or sleep
can cure my tiredness; it runs too deep.
It’s the kind of exhaustion from lack of exuberance and hope
and a perpetual state of desolation in which I’m unable to cope.
So worn down by life and the trials it brings every single day,
this is not the kind of fatigue that can easily be taken away.
467 · Dec 2018
Shay Dec 2018
Through all of this, I grow strong against the wind and rain,
blooming from the dark place I was buried; growing from the pain.
464 · Jan 2016
Shay Jan 2016
She was so lovely but then she changed.
The cards her life dealt her made her deranged.
But it wasn’t the drugs that transformed her at all,
it was the pain and trauma that pushed her to fall.
463 · Oct 2015
Dying Is An Art
Shay Oct 2015
As Plath once said, "dying is an art"
and just like her it is something I'm good at by heart.
You see, I've died not once or twice but fifteen times,
always by my own hand; sometimes by rope and sometimes
by pills stocked up to the max - always dying
and also always, to my own misfortune, surviving.
456 · Jun 2016
Shay Jun 2016
I lay entwined
in incongruous melancholy
and beguiling sorrow,
held within its
duplicitous, detrimental grasp.
453 · Oct 2015
No Longer Yours
Shay Oct 2015
I gave you all the power to destroy and **** me,
and piece by piece you mutilated me to debris.
You left more than a bad taste on my tongue;
and you forced stories within me to go unsung.

While I held onto your toxicity I failed to grow,
but once I'd fled your ghastly hold, I began to glow.
I stopped being a **** and grew my petals,
I blossomed into a beautiful flower while you remained a stinging nettle.

Now the tastes of alcohol and cigarettes no longer
remind me of you in the way they once did. No, I'm stronger.
The things you did to me are memories that have stained,
but I will not let you define who I am; by you I will no longer be drained.
453 · Dec 2015
Hidden Truth
Shay Dec 2015
Don't tell me you know who he really is in all his madness
until you know the ways he tried to **** his sadness.
Until you know of the blood running like a river down his thighs
from the gaping wounds he makes all the while he cries,
until you see the crimson waterfalls rushing from the veins on his wrist,
as he tries his best to succeed at ceasing to exist.

Don't tell me you know him until you know how he spends every waking moment at war with his mind,
guided by the black dog incredibly prominent; the same darkness that has him so confined.
Until you're aware of his tendency to seek amnesia at the bottom of endless bottles of whiskey,
until you understand that this crisis leads his behaviour to become most risky.

Don't tell me you know him until you know of how he starves himself and strives for perfection,
because tormentors told him that he's not good, thin or man enough - so it's all he sees in his reflection.
Until you've seen him punching holes in the walls wanting the pain to cease,
until you've seen him popping hundreds of pills hoping from an escape from the world, looking for release.

So don't tell me you know who he really is in all his madness
until you know the ways he tried to **** his sadness,
you only see the parts he wants you to see -
you cannot understand he's broken into merely debris.
452 · Feb 2016
Shay Feb 2016
I'm screaming at the top of my lungs so why won't anyone take heed?
Painfully visible yet ignored and pushed aside by all those that I need.
Nobody is listening to my cries asking for help with this despondency
and now I'm drowning in the ocean of despair unable to set myself free
just waiting patiently for the grim reaper to come and claim me as his own
so I can go beyond the veil and enter the dark abyss full of the unknown.
451 · Apr 2016
Shay Apr 2016
I've got to write poetry; I am full of it.
It fills my lungs & keeps my heart beating I confess & admit;
the words and creations flowing through each vein -
a need, a want, that I just cannot constrain.
447 · May 2016
Shay May 2016
Searching for something to make me feel alive,
for it's no longer enough to carry on and merely survive.
Life has lost it's flavour; rather like eating cardboard each day.
Where lies the tragedy in the things I continue to say?
Is it in waking up each morning against my very will?
Or is it in having each second tainted by the darkness painfully still?
Everything is (and I am) depression;
the tragedy is in my never-ending tribulation.
442 · Nov 2015
Shay Nov 2015
O how I wish for an escape from all this trauma surrounding me;
Sometimes I wish I could disappear forever and never come back; just flee.
Discover the world in all its glory and forget just who I am,
And forget where I came from; anything to not care or give a ****.
I crave to become lost somewhere unknown to me and explore –
Anything to not have to live my own life or be me anymore.
439 · Dec 2015
Voice of Depression
Shay Dec 2015
When my victim wakes up in the morning, I am by his side,
he know me all too well so I have no reason to hide.
I smile sinisterly at him and tell him he is weak,
lazy, disgusting and convince him that his future is bleak.
I shriek that he's not trying hard enough;
and I make him feel worthless and rough.
I constantly whisper that he is broken and beyond fixing,
"you are undeserving of love" I can't help but keep hissing.
My lies destroy him beyond compare,
and to my delight he is full of despair.
I crush his world into infinite emptiness - I know it's uncalled for -
then give him a plan and say "ssh baby, nothing matters anymore".
I slowly cut off his friends and family so they cannot save his life,
and soon enough I make him go to the kitchen to pick up a kitchen knife.
I convince him suicide is the only way out of this mess,
and cutting vein by vein he takes his life after a long while of distress.
429 · Oct 2015
Tick Tock
Shay Oct 2015
I cannot help but think of the time,
of the hours ticking by with every chime.
I can't help but notice all that I haven't achieved,
the minutes and hours always have me deceived.

I often ponder all the books I have not read,
of all the things I have not said.
I contemplate all the songs I have not sung,
and of all the slips of my tongue.

I muse over all the people I want to be,
over all the places I want to see.
I realise I'll never acquire all the skills that I'd like
because time is always ready to strike.

I think of all the time I've spent surviving
instead of living; all the times I said my dead soul wasn't worth reviving.
I feel that I have wasted precious years
simply drowning in my own tears.

Time is a mystery and must be well spent,
we should all remain focused on the present.
Take our dreams and make them happen,
otherwise our lives will become meaningless and misshapen.
428 · Apr 2019
Shay Apr 2019
I’m fragile like glass and I fear that I might again break
after piecing myself back together flake by flake;
too many times have I fought for happiness in this war,
so I give in and let myself drown in the darkness and be no more.
424 · Nov 2020
Shay Nov 2020
As I walk into the sea,
I am encapsulated.
My lungs filled with the cold air debris,
I become asphyxiated.

I'm no longer afraid of the water covering my head,
I just let it take over and stop fighting.
My breath becomes the bubbles in the water instead;
the image of being pulled under is my final sighting.
depression, drowning, sad, mentalhealth, mental, health, depressed, tflers
424 · Feb 2018
Shay Feb 2018
This insidious slithering being
rises inside of me guaranteeing
to extinguish the light that was once inside
and leave a hole where my soul no longer resides.
424 · Dec 2015
Shay Dec 2015
Another night of overthinking,
unable to sleep with all the sinking
into the darkness fuelled thoughts that cloud my mind -
the mistakes of the past I cannot leave behind.

Another morning of oversleeping - so free,
desperate for the temporary state of nihility,
wanting to remain safe from the world around me,
just call me a reality escapee.
exhausted depression depressed anxiety phobic suicide suicidal ptsd bpd
420 · Oct 2020
Loss of Light
Shay Oct 2020
I watch the sunset but it’s tainted blue,
all the flowers are dying and the ocean’s empty too.
The world as I see it has lost all colour and life;
all that’s left is the dead weight of darkness and despair that is rife.
418 · Mar 2018
Suffered Loss
Shay Mar 2018
Yesterday I ran into the bathroom and dropped onto the floor,
crying out “please make it stop” as the blood began to pour;
my stupid body had let me down once again,
it took you away in a whirlwind of blood and pain.
Forget the colours blue and pink and who you would’ve been,
for all that’s left now is the colour red that cannot be unseen.
Now I am blanketed by only grief and sorrow,
knowing that my love wasn’t enough to keep you living through each and every ‘tomorrow’.
412 · Feb 2016
Shay Feb 2016
So lost within her own madness,
she was addicted to the sadness.
The voices in her head were so violent,
yet she opted to remain silent.
Death crept up on her and whispered callously in her ear,
then encouraged by its words, she took action so as to help the end grow near.
411 · Jul 2018
Shay Jul 2018
As I sit down in the garden, rivers of tears drown my face
but the sun's rays beam down onto my back radiating warmth at a fast pace.
And I place my bare feet onto the breezy grass where, for once, I feel grounded and at peace,
and instead of suffocating, I can breathe again - a newfound release.
408 · Apr 2018
Shay Apr 2018
I am a phoenix who has risen from the ashes of torment and remained strong and brave in every aspect,
and I have known profound darkness, yet still I shine like the sun, and its warmth I project.

I am scarred and fragmented but my heart is whole and I still see the world not as it is, but as it should be,
and I am no longer held down by the chains I was once entangled in; instead I am free, happy and who I want to be.
407 · Dec 2018
Shay Dec 2018
I am torn into pieces like confetti,
                   tired from this fight; my soul is empty.

I want to     F
                                   away and be here no more,
          to find a peaceful place where I’m no longer in this war.
405 · Jan 2016
Shay Jan 2016
Overcome with emotion; so compressed
as if filled by a fatal venom on a quest -
a beautiful release founded within circumfusing
my entire soul onto parchment - my secrets oozing.
Art is not my craft - but a lifeline that stops me from fading away;
although I wish not to live, I live to write one more day.
405 · Apr 2018
Shay Apr 2018
My heart is ablaze with the raging fire you started within my chest,
burning me from the inside out, leaving nothing but debris and decay as it manifests.
It's causing pain and desolation with every single heartbeat;
for your venomous spite is murdering me well - and I must admit defeat.
405 · Dec 2015
Shay Dec 2015
With golden curls, snow white skin and eyes
full of fervour while sparkling like lightning lit skies,
she was a free-spirited girl unlike any I've ever seen,
who believed in everything and saw the world as it could've been.
She spent so much happiness that she alone didn't have on people who ****** the life out of her,
Still she gave all the kindness that she possessed hoping that one day the same for her would occur.
Then the world she loved burned and crashed - fell apart overnight,
and the light within her no longer shone bright,
she suffocated under all the debris
asking herself "why does this always happen to me?"
and the pressure to be perfect and be everybody's hero broke her in two,
so she sits on the edge of Seven Sisters cliff with her life hanging by a thread, watching the view.
One shuffle forward could send her to her death;
and the excitement for oblivion catches her breath.
The river below screams "head into my waters so deep,
and let me offer you the protection of an eternal sleep",
With unkempt hair, snow white skin and eyes
so lifeless; the world succeeded in their attempt to demonize
a once free-spirited girl - she no longer believes
so she takes that shuffle forward, grows her angel wings and everybody grieves.
404 · Jan 2016
Ghosts of the Past
Shay Jan 2016
Maybe it’s the fact that it’s 4:03am
but the ghosts of her past are catching up again.
She wants to forgive herself for the mistakes that she’s made,
but she’s her own worst critic and she thinks of all those she may have betrayed.
Tonight her sadness is her blanket and guilt is her insomnia keeping her awake,
and her tears are drowning her; she’s breaking down, there is unfortunately no mistake.
387 · Dec 2015
Shay Dec 2015
You left me with a click of your fingers,
when I was at my worst you didn't want to linger.
In hospital after attempting to create my demise,
you decided I wasn't worth the hassle; you couldn't empathise.
Until that day, you had said "you and me forever babe"
and made me feel like we had it made.
You'd given me a diamond ring and told me it was love,
but you'd lied and decided that I wasn't someone to think the world of.
You abandoned me at a time when I was broken and fading,
when I truly needed you, you simply left my heart breaking.
And now that I'm happier I'm so glad that you flew away,
because now I know what I'm truly worth - thank you is all I can say.
385 · Apr 2016
Last Farewell
Shay Apr 2016
Butterflies fluttered while your lips brushed against my cheek as you said your last goodbye,
as you left me for the last time and left me yearning for the answer to the burning question "why?"
384 · Jan 2016
Shay Jan 2016
I miss the days of my toothless grin where I found everything funny.
I miss my big blue eyes being full of light and hope, and believing in Santa and the Easter bunny.
I miss my wild, curly blonde hair au natural,
before I cut, dyed and straightened it to fit in and feel beautiful.
And I miss the days of innocence where I trusted everyone and wore my heart on my sleeve,
before I met the callous people of the world and found that in goodness I could no longer believe.
380 · Jul 2018
Shay Jul 2018
How could anyone understand what's going on in my mind?
And if they found out, would they be horrified by what they find?
Will they hate me when they realise that instead of opening my mouth and knowing where to begin,
I cut open my skin to get rid of the monsters within, like this is a war that I could even win?
380 · Apr 2016
Shay Apr 2016
I thought you were going to make it out of this tribulation alive,
but your words to me formed a wretched goodbye; you just could not survive.
378 · Oct 2015
Shay Oct 2015
How strange it is to think of how every single person has experienced this day in a multitude of ways;
that not one person has felt exactly the same as anyone else or had an exact experience today, will continue to amaze.
A few, young and old, are taking their last breaths as God takes them away from earth.
Some are bringing into the world more beautiful souls as they spend their day giving birth.
Several have just experienced their very first kiss and are high on love as they dance around their room,
while more are lying in bed, crying silently as their hearts have been broken by the person they thought would one day become their bride or groom.
A number have had the most optimal day of their lives; they’re in a good place and couldn’t be more content,
whereas others have spent their distressing day writing out their suicide notes wondering how best to say goodbye without causing too much torment.
Yes, how strange it is to think of how every single person has experienced this day in a multitude of ways; that not one person has felt exactly the same as anyone else or had an exact experience today, will continue to amaze.
368 · Apr 2016
Shay Apr 2016
Hope leaves you vulnerable and fragile;
it’s prone to shattering in a way most agile.
And once it has broken in every way it can,
you end up bleeding more than before it all began.
You drown in the sea of disappointment;
suffocated by desolation so poignant.
The world seemingly survives on hope,
and also dies because of it - hope is a slippery *****.
360 · Jul 2018
Silken Poison
Shay Jul 2018
Once again I fall backwards into the abyss,
all by lifting the silken poison to my lips in the search for bliss.
The burning liquor has become my 'tonic' and my 'cure',
and it makes the reality of life so much easier to endure...

But the days are a haze and the nights are obliterated from my mind;
could this poison be my enemy that has me confined?
It's killing me slowly; its toxins flowing within my veins -
yet I am addicted and I'm ******* and held within its reins.
333 · Feb 2020
Shay Feb 2020
Like a wolf chasing and attacking its prey,
my body has turned on me and I’m fading away.
Breathing is harder and my body is on fire,
will this pain and torment never tire?
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