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Mar 2018 · 489
Moving through planets
Kellin Mar 2018
I've heard that the first and last are those remembered, but neither stays, nor all those in between, the then and now.

We lose first the face then the feeling, like a thing we hold a little too tight, but then suddenly we have no tenderness, no memory of holding, no memory of soft beds.

Just standing in the hallway between here and there, wondering what could we have possibly said to fill that void.

First breaths, the walls echoing soft moans or thunderous wails.
Frozen prision pizza, the last meal of a dying relationship.

Maybe in that space beyond anything we known, perhaps your tiger tails of dash and dust will cross mine, an arcadia light years from now.

Perhaps I will remember your sent, your smile, the arch of your back, or the way your nails dug into my skin as your lips curved to whisper my name
     before black arcs
Scre­aming past planets and memories that have no name to me any more.
However, what truly stays? Even this moment is now
Thinking out loud
Mar 2018 · 374
Tattooed stories
Kellin Mar 2018
To the girl with the notepad
Scribbling war into my skin
Tell it well this time
Mar 2018 · 543
Singing away demons
Kellin Mar 2018
Sing To me I beg
deafen me
Shattered this emptiness
Rip away this loneliness
Replace her voice
Fill the void
Calm this ******* storm inside of me
Replace the part of me she took
Sooth my soul
Mar 2018 · 257
Sleepily crashes
Kellin Mar 2018
Sometimes it feels
like I am
through a plane crash
Mar 2018 · 370
Moonlight moans
Kellin Mar 2018
The words have faded
I am lost
Pale skin dances across mine
Moonlight seeps through
My eyes shut
Breathing stills
The walls echo my name
You exhale
Mar 2018 · 1.9k
Loving scared
Kellin Mar 2018
Feb 2018 · 344
The weak inferno
Kellin Feb 2018
I wish I was less reckless
Less weak
For you
I wish that I could have
Stayed away
Stopped opening that door,
******* throw away this
Write your name on a piece of
And toss it into this
You left me in
Feb 2018 · 605
Empty hands
Kellin Feb 2018
You take me apart with every touch
These walls of reserve crumble like sand with each caress, with every breath

I beg you take me, unravel me
I reach out for you
As I disintegrate, but touch nothing but empty hands.
Feb 2018 · 515
The museum of heartbreak
Kellin Feb 2018
Here is to the wreckage we are.
The strength of war running through our veins,
Bruises that burn our insides,
The hollowness of our right chest cavity,
The hurt in our eyes,
The loneliness,
Let me make museums of it all
Feb 2018 · 769
The empty gem
Kellin Feb 2018
Fire in her viens
Longing in mine
Eyes of pale topaz
Steele emerald in mine

Ignite my soft soul
Burn away the
Feb 2018 · 871
Losing the universe
Kellin Feb 2018
No longer do I fear the day someone who swore I was their universe can
no longer see the stars in my eyes
As long as they still choose to look
they will find them again
Feb 2018 · 661
Love is......
Kellin Feb 2018
Love is
Love is a
conscious decision
What does love mean to you?
Feb 2018 · 1.1k
Kellin Feb 2018
Are you even real,
I moan as I caress the ghost beside me
Before I drown in the loneliness of my sheets
Feb 2018 · 2.9k
The fire opal
Kellin Feb 2018
Sunshine radites though her hair,
Soft moonlight liummantes through mine

Thus the moon chases after the sun

Eyes of steel emeralds,
And pale opals
The best perhaps ever mined

Blackbeards most precious find

Moonlight dances along her skin
And fire on mine.
Feb 2018 · 2.3k
Kellin Feb 2018
To the girl
With fire
for hair
Animate my soul  
Burn away the loneliness
Feb 2018 · 282
Your indigo skies
Feb 2018 · 649
Ending the brokenness
Kellin Feb 2018
If it makes you feel broken
in any way,
end it before it ends you
Feb 2018 · 727
Seven minutes
Kellin Feb 2018
After the heart stops there are seven minutes of brain activity left. Seven minutes, where the brain plays back movie memories of what shaped it- like a homage to the *****, like a final goodbye to the restless dreamers that lived by it, and the unwavering capacity by which they loved through it.
During the first minute, I saw you. I saw you as if it was the first time, and my god you were perfect. I saw the coy smiles, the terrible dance moves, and the genuine laughter. I saw you lean in for our first kiss. I saw me beaming on my way home, spellbound thinking, "This is something big. This is going to ruin me."
Minute two and three I saw the flicker of our flame, saw the way your bones played with moonlight, saw the endless letters you wrote me, scrawled in graphite along the surface of my skin. I saw the person you were working towards, awe-inspiring.  I saw the clock, as we counted down the the days, gripping tighter and tighter within our within our false reality, until I saw goodbye. The colours of every sunset I had ever witnessed, come together to build the contours of your face. I saw the purples of your under eyes. I saw the whites of your teeth. I saw the pink of your lips, and the reds that made the flush in your cheeks. I saw the person who had shaped me, the person who dig my heart up like dinosaur bones.I finally saw the person you were and the person I had made you become. But more importantly, I saw me, the dark shadow in the corner of your mind. I saw you whisper goodbye and god i wish there wasn't a billion souls because all I see in them is ur absence and it that moment, in the beauty of your night sky I finally closed my eyes and with my last breath your poison escaped my bones.
Feb 2018 · 482
The fossilized forever
Kellin Feb 2018
I wonder if years from now
The imprints you've left in me will
Still be
Forever fossilized,
Etched into my bones
Jan 2018 · 706
A forever gone
Kellin Jan 2018
Your absence leaves a dull ache,
a phantom limb.
On occasion I can forget,
But then it's a sharp pain
to realize you are once more
a forever
Jan 2018 · 793
Loves prisoner
Jan 2018 · 447
The great expanse
Kellin Jan 2018
I looked at you across the chasm that had grew between us
and marveled at the beauty and sadness there.
In me
In you
Jan 2018 · 1.3k
These lies
Kellin Jan 2018
I looked at her and it broke my heart to see my lies dripping down her
I really am ****** this time around
Jan 2018 · 469
The nonexistent forever
Kellin Jan 2018
I have got to stop living in someone else's forever
The forever that will never be
Jan 2018 · 598
Kellin Jan 2018
It does not hit you until it's over
You then realize how achingly lovely it was to be missed by someone who gave you their best days

Now you are walking down the street with empty hands
Hoping your entire body stops aching
Hang on till the hurt is gone
Dec 2017 · 1.2k
Loves Funeral
Kellin Dec 2017
Love was suppose to
give you wings
Not visit you at
your funeral
Dec 2017 · 341
The far away moon
Kellin Dec 2017
The moon reminds
me of you.
So beautiful, so far away
Dec 2017 · 682
Kellin Dec 2017
You saw museums
in me
I saw empty hallways
Dec 2017 · 1.8k
Empty love
Kellin Dec 2017
Can I sleep
Nov 2017 · 314
Reckless compassion
Kellin Nov 2017
My soul loves
reckless compassion
Nov 2017 · 1.1k
The love gambler
Kellin Nov 2017
Love was a casino
I continuously kept putting in
Hoping I would get a jackpot
Nov 2017 · 1.8k
Fading painfully
Nov 2017 · 506
The silent poet
Kellin Nov 2017
Two hearts separated when misunderstandings took the role
One took the side of expressing guilt by writing poetry,
The other chose the help of silence to bury the emotions
Nov 2017 · 389
Let good in
Kellin Nov 2017
What you allow in your relationship is a reflection of how you feel about yourself
Nov 2017 · 460
The poets
Kellin Nov 2017
We are all poets,
Some write poetry
Some become the poetry
Nov 2017 · 555
Sand & Sea
Kellin Nov 2017
I tried to hold on to you
but you were
nothing but sand
And I was the tide
Who tried to drag
you out to sea
Nov 2017 · 1.2k
Kellin Nov 2017
I let you in so I
could feel whole but now my body doesn't feel like home
Nov 2017 · 251
Second hand love
Kellin Nov 2017
Broken hearts can only mend
when they stop trying to fit into someone else's second-hand love
Nov 2017 · 6.8k
In your absence
Kellin Nov 2017
Almost eight billion souls
And all I see in them
is your absence
Nov 2017 · 305
Kellin Nov 2017
Find a passion
Exhausts your pain
Nov 2017 · 488
Unrequited love
Kellin Nov 2017
I sit here and mourn
the lost of love
that never happened
Nov 2017 · 695
Hopeful coffee
Kellin Nov 2017
My morning coffee was bitter;
Like it had been up all night replaying your words again.. and again;
Like it was tired of hanging on to hope
But it was strong too..oh so strong
You will get through this god ****** and you will be better for it.
Nov 2017 · 425
In your absence
Kellin Nov 2017
I tried to lay with another sin
But all I could exhale was your name

Pry you out of my mind
You can't love a ghost
Will there be a day when I don't think about you ?
Nov 2017 · 456
Kellin Nov 2017
I hope you find someone, someday
Rare, beautiful, and brave enough,
To rob you of your emptiness
Maybe just maybe the person might even be me. Might of been me.
Nov 2017 · 2.3k
Self destruction
Kellin Nov 2017
I want to be there for others who need me.
But I am barely there for me and when myself shouts for my embrace, I kiss it with violence.
Self destruction
Nov 2017 · 754
Pendulum swings
Kellin Nov 2017
Oh how I want to be loved,
And accept love
But how my pendulum swings
From crowning myself worthy
To fearing I'll never be good enough
Nov 2017 · 356
Car wreck
Kellin Nov 2017
Assault so hungry for your bones
Your shadow resides on my wall
Void in my chest
I hope you can find rest
Nov 2017 · 459
My painter
Kellin Nov 2017
Tell me great painter?
Do I end up Happy?

Or was my fate decided the day you chose to paint me black and grey?

No pastels of vivid lush meadows
Or bright sunsets

No; just soft hues of inky misconfiguration
Blurred lines on page
Depression as its finest. Questioning why i was born this way. What is normal?
Nov 2017 · 604
Kellin Nov 2017
My eyes roll back
As the world fades.
exhale desolation,
And let my phone die just like the feelings inside me.
Oct 2017 · 425
Selfish me.
Kellin Oct 2017
If the man in the mirror wasn't always first, then maybe loving you wouldn't have to hurt.
I am a selfish, destructive, lying human. Why do I exist?
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