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987 · Jul 2015
She says she's fine,
"But she's going insane"

She says she's feels good
"But she's in a lot of pain"

She says it's nothing
"But really it's alot"

She says she's okay
*"But really she's not"
I love you baby girl. I'm sorry things are the way they are
im sorry you feel so miserable.
I know, I always have...
You're not a very good liar...
966 · Aug 2015
Im not strong enough
To carry on

Im not brave enough
To ask for your help

Im not open enough
To show how I really feel

I dont care enough
For how I am

I dont eat enough
Choosing starvation

I dont want life enough
To wanna continue

I just feel empty inside
Screaming silently
Will you notice me...? My daily hell
965 · Jun 2015
One last time
...tell me im not a failure...
Tell me one last time... I know its not true...
The tears wont stop flowing
952 · Nov 2015
Too Late Now
Nothing I can say is gonna fix things,
No use begging and pleading.
Ill be right there when the phone rings,
Without you, my heart is bleeding.

I'm just a pathetic cry baby to you anyway,
Weakest at the times I'm meant to be strong.
Not going to just sit there and cry like you say,
I'll bite my tongue just to prove you wrong.

If ever there were a monster, it is me,
For the way I've treated you, it's true.
I'm the worst boyfriend there ever was to be,
Those unforgiving words that are stuck like *glue.
Oh man... the longer im awake the more i think... i cant get over it... am I really a cry baby? Am i pathetic? Am i weak? Do me? Or is it still a "meh."?
951 · Jun 2015
Is a has a meaning but each to its own,
I. Am stronger than you think
Stronger than I look...

My mental strength is minimal and im breaking down losing the plot

Physically Im weak and have nothing to me, a pushover

Im expected to be strong
If im not strong for us and those around me who will be?
Im expected to be strong when im not
Yet I push that fact aside and put a smile on my face so it pleases you

Are you happy now?
Look im stronger...for you...for us hehe...

I may be more broken than I appear
But then again I may appear more broken than I am...
...whose to even know anymore

To truly smile....I have forgotten how
When Im going insane with everything in my head now
Ive gone mad inside and I need some clarity
The only person who can help me is me...
...isnt it a pity Im too lost in my head to figure out how

We'll work on it
Until then I will be strong for you and for us
I am not strong...
...I am you'll find actually quite quite weak...
940 · Nov 2015
I write this
Through watery eyes
and trembling hands.
Who are you?

Am... I a monster?
I don't remember doing anything...
Last night you confessed
You felt so happy and loved...
Till i went to sleep.
Awakening to y-you...


That wasn't you...
You acted like... I hated you...
Saying I wanted you gone...and
Didn't care...

I began trembling in fear...
Scared and worried if you were okay
You said you were sorry... that you were just stupid so...
I asked you what was wrong... worried
For the way you were acting
You told me... it didn't matter...that I d-didn't care...
By n-now im shaking and crying... what did i do?
I asked you again... why you were saying these things...
You...yelled...told me you didnt know and to get off your case...
I apologized... I was in the wrong... I guess...
Sunken into myself i jusy shook and trembled quietly...
Till you told me to...stop and be happy...
Be nice to you... and when i again questioned what you w-were saying... that was wrong... it w-was just me not caring again...
I put on a smile and wished you a good day in the hopes thats what you wanted anf that it'd make you happier... cept...
It wasn't the case... you called me out...
So I told you I wasnt happy... but afraid and confused...
Sorry for ruining your day i guess...

I dont know what just h-happened or w-who that was... but it happened three times... you'd apologize and then something would happen...

Im sorry
This is a mind scramble of thoughts.
I needed somewhere to put it... im so...what....i don't understand...what happened? What'd i sorry?
930 · Dec 2015
I Miss. . , Me
I miss* being the type of guy I was
I miss being WHO I was
I miss that happiness, that joyous emotion
I miss being happy-go-lucky with everything
I miss being an optimist
I miss the pain my cheeks felt from always smiling, always laughing
I miss being free, stress free and worry free
I miss being a kid
I miss having an excuse to be who I was
I miss waking up, feeling better the next morning
I miss my sense of humour
I miss how easy everything was
I miss making others happy

I miss**  *me. . .
Depression. . . *******
924 · Oct 2015
Feathers Across the Seasons
The powdery snow flutters down,
coloring the mountain ridge white
The two inside a run-down house in a desolate village
huddle together in the winter night

“It’d also been snowing the day we’d met,”
you murmured with a smile
And I’d hidden my face flushed from the hearth
within the shadow of your large sleeve

With a breath of joy,
I sang of spring’s arrival along with the chirping birds
“Your voice is beautiful,” you told me,
and that alone, just those words, made me so happy

“If someday, I no longer had this beautiful voice,
would you still, even then, love me?”
“Of course,”
you said, smiling gently
as your large hand softly stroked my cheek

One leaf-lit summer afternoon,
you collapsed from illness
Our poor married life
couldn’t afford the medicine to cure it

The next day, along with the following,
I did nothing but intently weave
I wouldn’t let your life
fall like the short-lived autumn leaves

The seasons flow by
The bell crickets mark the end of summer with their cries
“Your fingers are beautiful,” you told me,
gripping my wound-covered hands,
but yours were much too cold…

“If someday, I no longer had these beautiful fingers,
would you still, even then, love me?”
“Of course,”
you said, coughing
as your large hands caressed my hurting fingers

Day and night, don’t stop weaving
Hurry, hurry, I need to buy the medicine…
Just a bit more, ony a bit more; before the autumn leaves fall
Until these fingers can’t move… Until these feathers are used up…

“If someday, I were no longer a human,
would you still love me?”

The truth I feared left unable to be told,
I softly pluck the final feather alone…

“Of course,” I say, smiling
I promised I’d embrace you when you lost your wings
And that crane which had beautifully taken flight that day,
I’ve never forgotten, and still remember, even now

And just like always, I love you
A story, written in song sang by Kagamine Rin and *** -

I couldn't help but find myself in tears over this
913 · Sep 2015
If It Was
That kisses were stars, I'd give you the sky.
That touches were tears, I would cry.
That love was water, I'd give you the sea.
And be with you for all *eternity.
Something for my girl. She'll never realise how much she means to me.
Sorry this is cheesy
909 · Jan 2016
This is Who I Am
My name is Ryan
Im currently 18yrs old.
I live in a tiny country called New Zealand
Extrovert by nature
I'm happily dating someone younger than me and couldnt care less about societies opinion on her ♡

This is who I am

So I walk a little different
So I'm a little more feminine
So I'm overly charismatic
So I'm into weird things
So I'm romantic and cheesy mixed with cliché

This is who I am

So what I have almost as many photos of Korean boybands as I do my beautiful partner
So what I watch Japanese anime even though I don't speak nearly any Japanese
So what I sit inside all day and game
So what I'm a massive star wars nerd

*This is who I am
And there isn't a thing or person that will change that
This is who I am, and im proud of it
901 · Oct 2015
To She, Who Holds My Heart
The sight of you brightens my day
Hearing you stops my heart for a beat and,
Unto this world I am reborn in your arms
Over and over
Day in
Day out
Time and time again
I am reminded what It means to love
You make me whole
Complete me and
For that
I love you will never suffice
To she
Who holds my heart...

*Thank you,
        I love you
894 · Jul 2015
I'm just the boy inside the man,
Not exactly who you think I am.
When I could only see the floor
You made my window a door.
So when they say they don't believe
I hope they see you and me.
Thank you, for picking me up when I was down,
And for fitting all the pieces back together with your love
888 · Nov 2015
I'm not tired
No, not in the slightest

I'm not upset
No, just mellow

I'm not sure
No, I really don't know

I'm not smiling
No, my face is straight

I'm not empty
No, there's emptiness to me

I'm not together
No, rather I'm apart

I'm not sane
No, try insane

I'm not saying it
No, I've said enough I think

I'm not done typing*
*No, I have plenty more I could give...
This stuffed cat toy is my only sense of physical companionship right now. Even then, the more I hug it,  the more I cry. Sorry... im just down...
885 · May 2016
Such A Nice Guy
“What’re you up to?” His simple text said.
“Just eating cereal and lying in bed.”
“What if I was with you?” he responded with ease,
“I guess I’d get more cereal if I please.”
And that’s when he said it, that simpering lad, that stupid response that makes all of us mad.
My mind filled with dread, with a twist in my gut,
I picked up my phone and read: “Haha, and then what ;)”

"And then what?!" Shocked by his assumptious pleas,
"Leave me alone, I'm begging you please."
And just when I thought it couldn't get any worse,
He muttered those three dreaded words.
Yes, I kid you not. That little *****.
I opened his next message that read "Pic 4 a Pic?"
I then retorted; "No, don't send your unsolicited 'pics', I surely can see past your little tricks."
And that's when things took an alarming switch.
The boy with a wounded ego replied, "You're just an ungrateful *****."
The very next morning, the boy put on his fedora and let out with a sigh,
"Why does no one like me? I'm such a nice guy."
I got sent this by a friend, thought it was amazing and thought I'd share it.
I'm sick and tired of males giving us all a bad name, stop manipulating women, stop exploiting women and for ***** sake, stop being ***** little ******* about it...
Yes, I'm mad. Thank you :3
876 · Jul 2015
To Write Love On Her Arms
To* Refuse to let her slip away...
Write To pass another day...
Love is all there is to us...
On her arms should our love be spelt out...
Arms** to remind her everyday...
874 · Jul 2015
Just Like the Wind
Just because you cant see or touch the wind,
Does not mean its not there. Right?

Just because you cant see or touch love,
Does not mean its not there. Right?

So just like the wind...

You cant see or touch a broken heart...
Does that mean its not there...
Whats the difference..?
861 · Mar 2016
I know MY abc's (Acrostic)
Abusive* & Apathetic
Bashful & Brash
Careless & Corrosive
Depressive & Destructive
Exaggerative & Egotistical
Forgetful & Fake
Glum & Guilty
Horrible & Hurtful
Insensitive & Intimidating
**** & Judging
****-joy & Kidling
Lazy & Lousy
Menacing & Mean
Nasty & Negative
Opposing & Offensive
Paranoiac & Pathetic
Quarrelsome & Quiet
Reckless & Rude
Stupid & Selfish
Troublesome & torturous
Useless & Un-changeable
Vindictive & Veracious
Who the **** cares anymore...Sick of thinking for this...
I spent a long time evaluting and coming to terms with every term I could use to describe how I feel about myself and who I am, or atleast who "I" see "I" am.

Dont give me pathetic pity, Its here to make me feel better, not you...
850 · Sep 2015
16 Wishes
1.) I wish I could live up to everyones expectations

2.) I wish People wouldn't double standard me

3.) I wish I was more than just a mistake to you

4.) I wish You could see what I do to me,  and just what I feel

5.) I wish I wasnt subordinate. Actually held meaning

6.) I wish I hadn't ended up at the nurses office from collapsing at school from crying too much

7.) I wish I could remember how to smile

8.) I wish the broken pieces of my heart would fit back the way they were before

9.) I wish I had an ounce of intelligence that might serve me well time to time

10.) I wish you'd stop blaming me for everything and making me try to live up to (fail) your high expectations

11.) I wish I could take back the horrible things I've said and done

12.) I wish I could give you a life you deserve

13.) I wish I was with you more... closer perhaps

14.) I wish I didn't have a reason to live anymore

15.) I wish that people will read this and choose better than to judge me

16.) I wish I wasnt always afraid...
Inspired by Nicole Dawn's "16 wishes"
844 · Aug 2015
Awakening (10w)
I thought I knew pain
**Then I looked at you...
This is no stab, no offence, no hate, no sass
My dearest girlfriend is in a dark place and I cant be there for her
I thought I was dealing with **** and people are beginning to see the toll its REALLY taking on me physically and mentally,
However day in and day out im reminded it could be so much worse
Cause I look at her, I see her suffering and her wish to end her miserable existance.
Its knowing youre not good enough to keep her happy but she wants you there, more so she wants you "here"
Why did long distance have the be the least of my worries...?
843 · Jan 2016
Botanical Garden
Roses are red,
Violets are blue
I'd give anything
Just to be next to you
~ ♥ ~
Daffodils are yellow,
Daisy's are white
I'd give my arm and leg
To have you in sight
~ ♥ ~
Cherry blossoms are pink
Carnations of green
I can no longer remember since we met last
How long it has been
~ ♥ ~
I miss you so much, this feeling for you
Its as strong as a Delphinium is blue
839 · Dec 2015
I wish there was someone,
or somewhere to go.

A place to seek help.
For anything or any reason,
Without fear of anything,
or anyone.

There isn't a place,
With anonymity for those problems that are,
Less common than most,
The ones you can't say aloud.

We are forced to suffer in silence.
Because the fears in which control us...
...are the fears of people finding out.
Just what it is we have to say, and just what's on our minds
837 · Jun 2015
I am a child
Will I ever stop being a failure?
Will there come a time that I do something right?

Cause right now...
I cant live like this.
Feeling this way...
Knowing how I am.

When all I seem to be is a child.
Unable to look after myself,
You shouldn't need to waste your time on me...
I waste enough of yours already.

Sorry I'm impossible to deal with...
I just hope I'm not too big a ***** up...
And you can still love me no different come morning.
I wanna be here and i wanna help but i seem to do the opposite
837 · Nov 2015
Did You Know?
Did you know?
Everytime you smile, your eyes get a little wider and more full of life. That almost, just almost, there may even be a faint twinkle in 'em

Did you know?
The shy girl who turns on her skype video camera, even after shes been crying. The girl who tells me she looks a mess... gives me 101 reasons to fall in love with you again.

Did you know?
Every single night, I message and wish you goodnight & sweet dreams. Each night before I sleep, so to do I, tuck that toy kitty you gave to me - the one which meant so much to you - in on the otherside of the bed and kiss it goodnight. That is helps me sleep better.

Did you know?
I hear my name on a daily basis. Often too many times I feel - thank you mother - and yet its only when you say it, that it makes me smile. Its so much more personal, so much more meaning to hear you say my name. 'Tis a shame I struggle to find the right time to use yours. I do love your name.

Did you know?
"The number of stars that you can see on a clear (moonless) night in a dark area (far away from city lights) is about 2000" and despite each and everyone of them... you shine just a little bit brighter to me.

Did you know?
There are 21 letters in the english alphabet... If you take out the letters "U R A Q T"
Or that perhaps it is that there are 26 letters in the english alphabet, yet all I ever need is "I O U" my life, my love* ♥

Did you know?
Out of all the art galleries in the world, they are worth nothing, because the most beautiful work of art I've seen... is you when I wake up next to you.

Did you know?
People drool over celebrities, famous people and idols. But to me, they're worthless. Everyone gets to see them and fall in love with them. Only I get to see you and be in love with you, and only you. Love me back.

Did you know?
If I had a dollar for everytime a thought of you entered my mind, I wouldn't be sitting from my computer sending this to you. I'd be in your arms and living the rest of my life by your side.

Did you know?*
I miss you my love... I miss you so much, and I love you, so much...
Just wanted you to know that above all else. You mean the world to me. I do hope you get to see this, which I'm sure you will. I hope you don't think this is cheesy and stupid.
♥ So tell me... Did you know? ♥
824 · Mar 2016
Microsoft... Me?
I feel like
I've run a Windows restore...
Cause no matter how much little I guess I tried...what's different from last time....?
812 · Jun 2015
My Reflection
I woke up this morning
No different than anyother day.
As I do every morning
I made my way into the shower

I couldn't bring myself to look in the mirror

They reflect back to us ourselves
Physically they show how we appear before others
Metaphorically they show how we are inside
Reflecting our inner emotions and thoughts

I couldn't bring myself to look in the mirror

Who I saw was no longer me
That boy,
If he truly is human...
Was not me

Perhaps I am but a former shell of who I was
Or is it that I didnt see the changes so obvious to others?
I make more mistakes than I can keep up with
Snapping at you
Turning on others
Making poor decisions and ultimately

You said im pushing you away...

Id rather die if I didnt have you
Petty and pathetic as that is
There is no meaning to my life otherwise

Who is this person in the mirror before me?
I cant recognize him and I dont know how to bring me back
Just..I..... *looks down sadly weeping*
801 · Jul 2017
Dear Diary
I still type,
Those things,
We would say to eachother.
They all go,
In my notes,
Because I cant say 'em to you.
I still pretend,
That it's okay,
When I'm only kidding myself.
Call me stupid,
Maybe I'm ignorant,
But I wish my notepad could type back.
I really dont know what I was going for, the things we used to always say to eachother are now nothing but words in a notepad for me, my only way of coping. I didn't choose for things to be this way, so not saying them is nearly impossible, I just wish at least once... I could hear them back.
798 · Mar 2016
Annual Love
Today marks a very special*  day,
Id ask for a moment of time to  say...

You mean the utmost to  me
I hope after 365 days you've begun to  see
You're the greatest thing in my life that there could  be
Babyboo I love you less than  three!

No one has ever meant as much to me as  you
I am grateful for every little thing you  do
If what they say indeed is  true
Then sweetheart, you and me are stuck like  glue!

I know somedays we feeling like giving  in
When all else fails and our patience is wearing  thin
Just remember that loving you will never be a  sin
After all I was never a man made of  Tin!

This very day is marks the  end
But here's to another year just around the  bend
with gracious words and deepest affection do I  send
To you, the one and only, greatest  girlfriend

You are to me what are moon and  sun
Endless thoughts of you are often why thy head  run
Let us now rejoice and laugh in  fun
Till the day we're wed hub and  ***!

From there comes prosperity and eternal  life
With none other than you as my  wife
Although the road may be full of  strife
We cut through with the sharpest  knife!

So tell me now my  dear
I know our future together grows ever  near
Another lonely night is one we cannot  bear
But I will be here for you always so have no  fear.

I love you,
I love you, you know it,
I love you
*I love you, your baka the poet ♥
This I swear was plain *******, but hey
My love was always foolish love
Happy Anniversary Tiana ♥
788 · Jan 2016
Beautiful is not a word I throw around lightly
More than pretty
More than gorgeous
You are absolutely beautiful

I love your munchkin height
Think it's perfect
To hug into you in the middle of the night

I love your precious lips
Think they're perfect
To kiss you as towards you my body tips

I love your delicate figure
Think you're perfect
To **** me with your looks as babe you pulled the trigger

I love your adorable smile
Think that's simply perfect
To melt away my problems as the world dissappears for a while

I love you and you as you
Think you're perfect in each and every way
To make me fall this in love with everything you *do
Don't take it from anyone else. You're beautiful babyboo.

Would I lie to you? ♡
785 · Jan 2016
I think I fell
Into the hole I'd dug
Trying to fill the one I'd just
**Climbed out of...
Hand in hand we climbed out of the hold we'd dug ourselves, relished in the sunlight as it beamed onto us, brighter, purer.
To fill one hole I'd dug me another, simple misplacement of movement and I find myself head first right into another one
784 · Jan 2016
Intangible Memories
All of these picture frames
Each one lies empty
How I wish I could find a way
**To capture you and me
783 · Jul 2015
You're the Reason
You are the reason,
My heart melts inside.
It never ceases to amaze,
Just knowing that you're mine.
Through every season,
So many ways you let me know;
There are many things,
That make your aura glow.
You are the reason,
My heart joyously sings.
Babygirl, what you mean to me;
Is more than anything.
You are my forever,
My lover, my life
You are the only reason,
My life feels so *right.
Try go for something a little more positive and a little more #optimism in it... I tried, I'm not much of a romantic
783 · Jan 2017
Under Pressure
Like a vacuum, it *****,
Pressure, produced by people,
Who'v'nt given two *****.

Under pressure

They expect this, and ask for that.
Unknowing, undying in nature,
I sit around, treated like a domestic cat.

Under pressure

No time to think, no time to act.
People, poignant, persistently pushing.
Why does this all, feel like an attack?

*Under pressure
"I've been feeling under pressure" - Logic
777 · Oct 2015
The Perfect Love Letter
This is a note to thank you, with all my heart, for showing me how precious and amazing love can be.

The nicest times in my days are the moments when I think about sharing a beautiful life and a priceless life... with you

What we have is so far beyond anything I have ever known before! The relationship I've always dreamed of... is the deeply real and enormously special one i share... with you

I think the words "with you" are two of the sweetest words ever spoken. And I want you to know that I'd like nothing better than to go on saying them forever because...

It is such a joy to be with you, to have so much to look forward to, and to wake up feeling like everyday is a gift I've been given.

I love sharing my life...

                         *With You
"Happy Birthday
to the love
of my life"

The sweetest thing ive ever read in my life! My amazing girlfriend brought me the sweetest of gifts and this was in the card that came along with, I wont put her personal message in but this was so sweet and made my heart flutter and die, isnt it just so cute! Oh my ******* god I love you babygirl, Oh yeah and I hope you dont mind that I posted this, I just love it so so much and I apologize about the language, just the only emphasis I have to express my love **
771 · Jun 2015
By Your Side
"But mum, he did it first so i did"

if he jumped off a bridge, would you follow?



But you see
For you
I would happily

Love is living inside your heart
Forever by your side
Love is dying beside you
Forever by your side

I would follow you anywhere
You never have to be alone
Id no sooner follow you through the door
Into the grocery store
Than I would
six feet underground
Let that one sink in...
770 · Mar 2016
Wǒ Ài Nǐ
I love you* for giving your heart to me
and trusting me with your pride
I love you for wanting me
and need me by your side
I love you for the emotions
I never knew I had
I love you for making me smile
In those times I feel sad
I love you for your thoughts of me
where im always on your mind
I love you for finding that part of me
that I never thought I'd find
I love you for the way you are
and for how you make me feel
but most of all I LOVE YOU
'cuz I know you're mine for real
Wǒ ài nǐ, wǒ de nǚ péngyǒu
Wǒ huì yǒngyuǎn ài nǐ
770 · Apr 2015
Save Me From Myself
These feelings of darkness come creeping in
Is longing for you truly my deadly sin
I don't need a lecture, i understand this is fact
But the pain i feel, leaves me numb to my tract
I know their reasons and i know their fuss
Yet for you i feel, i threw you under a bus
With all you had, you placed your faith in me
All that pain i caused i begin to see
You were always alone, and alone you are
Seeing you like this leaves a nasty scar
For the day i can hold you, ill truly be free
Perhaps even, finally save myself from me
Perhaps it is true i complain too much
When in reality, my life isn't as bad as it appears and such
To truly smile, i have forgotten how
A miracle or two, is all i wish for *now
Long distance relaitonships can be tough, but one learns to push through
761 · Mar 2016
I cuddle your teddy
You cuddle mine

I sleep in your top
You sleep in mine

I have your heart
**You have mine
I have you
You have me **
760 · Oct 2015
This is Goodbye (POV Piece)
I'll be forgotten in time.
No matter how hard I try,
I'll be a wasted life.
So this is my goodbye.
Wake me when I
have no need to cry.
Cause I'm too tired to try
I am a wasted life
So this is my goodbye
I tried stepping into your shoes, and seeing how you might feel... I don't mean to be harsh, these are song lyrics but I hope I atleast somewhat understand where you stand...

Title ideas?
756 · Jun 2016
Once or twice have I been knocked around,
On several occasions I was lost but found.
There came a time when enough was enough,
Put my foot down, "I've had it to here with this stuff".
I've realised I can't take it anymore,
Words my be cheap, but they leave a nasty sore.
Bullet and bandaids are but nothing to a grenade,
To sustain more injuries, I must say I'm afraid.
I'm not strong, I'm certainly not tough,
Life for an eighteen year old should never be this rough.
They say you get dished was you serve,
Guess when it comes to me, there's a bit of a learning curve.
No matter how much you may scream and shout,
I was always the type to hide away and pout.
Rhymes do little in the way of healing,
But it's helping me forget this horrible feeling.
Like a twisted joke, that I've seemed to miss,
An shaken faith is hardly fixed with a half-hearted kiss.
Been told many things, I am and I'm not,
I guess who I used to be, is the main thing I forgot.
I point no fingers, and push no blame,
When it comes to this madness, they and I are exactly the same.
When one is hurting, the other is to,
Tell them you'd sacrifice everything, never thought it'd be true.
I don't mean that as harsh as it seems,
Just wish things would work out like they do in my dreams.
What hurts the most, is how often I break,
Being reminded, I'm nothing but a *mistake.
To you, and all that I do,
A mistake in words, and words unspoken
From actions, to inaction I'm truly at fault
And I simply don't know what to do...
All the tiny things that others would take for granted, are the things I love most.
Your hair in the morning, the way you drink, the sound you make when you're embarrassed. I love it all so much
752 · Jun 2015
These cuts, these bruises in time shall heal,
Nothing overrides the pain one can feel.
The scars on our hearts are harder to hide,
Nor the guilty pleasure knowing we tried.

Scars arent meant to be pretty,
They represent a life nothing but ******.
They represent our suffering and pain,
When the blade runs so shall it rain.

Dont take my words to heart,
My words arent the painful part.
Put down the blade and think this through,
There are those out there who care for you.

This isnt the way, this isnt an option,
You act as though the world put you up for adoption.
Hear me now, know even I a stranger care,
Find the one thing you alone hold dear.

Repeat what it is that brings you joy,
Your life is meaningful and not some old toy.
I perhaps am not your savior this time round,
But I wish not see more blood spilt upon the ground.

We are human, we withstand an extent,
Look at yourself and see your potent'.
Let the blade go, your fists subside,
Its enough to have let it out and cried.

You are perfect
You are unique
You mean something
You deserve better
You are strong enough to go on
You are *you
747 · Sep 2015
No Resolve
Dont lose who you are,
In the blur of the stars.
Seeing is deceiving,
dreaming is believing

*It's okay, to not be okay
745 · Apr 2018
Time, I am Eager and Ready
Once upon a time,
I would see myself off to sleep
Eager to see the sun rise in the morning
Ready to face the world with open arms
It didn't take much time,
For the world to hurt me when I was open
Eager to forgive and forget I moved on
Ready to face the world with open arms
After some time,
I saw myself fall apart at the hands of others
Eager to find a reason to exist anymore
Ready to face my death with no regret
It took time,
For my wounds to heal and my body to cope
Eager to find myself and rekindle my fire
Ready to open myself up to the world
Lost track of time,
I stand broken, mended and broken over again
Eager to share my story of adversity and strength
Ready to open my experiences to the world
736 · May 2016
Single Cell Organism
... Whatever is left inside me ...
... is a sorry excuse for an endorphin ...
Like a grain of sugar, sweet, pure and joyous
Lost in a container of salt.
Nothing but lost
It doesn't belong...
732 · Oct 2016
I Need Help
You can't
You couldn't
You won't
and you wouldn't

But I need help

Not your help
not yours either
Definately not your help
You couldn't

But I need help

It's a bit much
A lot much
More than I want much
I shouldn't

I just need help

Should ask him what's up
Maybe get him to talk
He can trust me
No you shouldn't
I hope you wouldn't

He doesnt
He can't talk
He can't trust you
He just needs help

You can't
You couldn't
You won't
and you wouldn't
I seriously need help, only you're not gonna be the one to do it. Period
730 · Nov 2015
I Want To Wake Up
I feel sick to my stomach
Unable to move
These tired bones ache
With a desperate plea to be awoken
I want to wake up

I feel confused from everything
Unable to think
Not having that comforting certainty
Torn between how to think or feel
I want to wake up

I feel a hole in my heart
Unable to feel
The blood spilling internally
I want to find a way to patch this hole
I want to wake up

I feel im caught in a bad dream
Unable to awaken
My mind is a trap
It ensnares you and leaves you to fend
I need to wake up
I'm getting more and more sick as a result of my mind. My stomach aches, my head hurts, my heart beats irregularly and ive shattered my own perception of reality.  I just...wanna wake up, but I'm afraid of the dark...
727 · Apr 2015
I am sorry mother
I am sorry father

I never meant to make you worry, or to cause you pain,
I realise that whilst I may have been thinking, it was not with my brain.

I came back a brand new me you helped see me through" - Eminem

I have had my ups and ive definately had my downs.
Its time I smiled through the frowns and watch as my hopelessness drowns.

~ Every dawn is a new day ~

Hold me tight, in physical comfort or in metaphorical essence, hold me close to your heart and forgive me for being so lost

I love *
726 · Jun 2015
Ease my restless soul
Mend my aching heart
It will yearn for you until death do us part
725 · Jun 2015
Eternity (Acoustic)
Everything I've ever said, I meant with all I had,
This love isn't something that you get from just anyone.
Each day I fall in love with you over and over,
Relishing each moment in which I share with you.
No one could ever replace you my dear,
I am yours,
Till the very end and after.
Y*ours forever and after my love. Together for eternity.
As if a poem could get any cheesier or I could be anymore cliche we pull this from no where xD
723 · Aug 2015
Just Enough
Broken just enough
To feel empty inside
But still manage a smile

Hurt just enough
To have cried myself asleep
But still got up in the morning

Pain is just enough
To leave my arm burning red
But not cut

Heartbroken just enough
To find no worth in continuing
But remaining strong enough for us both

Everything just enough*
To break my spirit
To break my will
To break my faith
To ruin my happiness
To ruin me
But I keep going with a smile
To smile with the intent of joy...i have forgotten
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