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Mar 2014 · 1.9k
Straight Up with a Twist
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
Confounded by misunderstandings
Believing the lies
While choking on truth
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
♦ Become a friend
♦ Learn her secrets
♦ Swallow her demons by choice
♦ Tell her she is wanted always in all ways
♦ Choose time shared over all else
♦ Pick weakness out of need
♦ Push hard while showing kindness
♦ Sincerity and pain
♦ Wanting all, yet giving nothing
♦ Prove dependability
♦ Turn fear into reality
♦ Use her heart against her, gutting her invisible

And with the final lie that defines a gender
"I want you to always be here"
Turns into a silent, wordless exit
Mar 2014 · 8.8k
Disguised in Fantasy
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
To love the dream
More than the man
Isn't love
Mar 2014 · 1.4k
To the Right of Grayscale
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
Right or wrong
Yes or no
Black or white
All or nothing
Drowining in darker
Shades of gray
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
-Believe it
-Trust it
-Nurture it
-Feed it
-Love it
Mar 2014 · 742
The Youngling
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
Arrogance was strong in this youngling
A child playing at being a man
An air of confidence unfaltered
Unrelenting desire
A wanton yearning to consume flesh

Black rules in a white world
Where all is in hues of ash and cement
Self-knowledge builds strong shelters
Past pain is present mortar
With blocks of crystal tears

So this boy, sweet and tender
Loved withoout learning
Longed without grace
Fell without balance
And cried in darkness to an uncaring diety

Cried for those long gone
Cried mostly for the liars,
The cheaters, the judges and friends
The demons grew in the shadows
Lit with the embers of pain

Now, caged in his tear-stained walls
Transparent and safe
He sees without flinching all he once did
Finding home in strict command
Of all he holds dear

No place for frivolity
No needless emotion
All or nothing in matters of the heart
To break, lest he be broken
To own, lest he give too much
To push against pleasure
And claim happiness in humiliation
For it would never again be him

Clear walls like a skyscraper
A firmament of glass shards
Hanging in wait
Of vibrations to set them free

A man's mind
A man's body
A man's need
With a child's heart

Though hardend with experience,
Scarred with it
And struggling to survive

He will not leave his prey
Though she has lost his interest
He will not leave to cause pain
To cause guilt

Responsibility squarely on her shoulders
A burden she could never understand
So he pushes
And she goes...broken

And the child cries
Unseen within himself

He carries no blame
Feels no guilt
For it is she that turned her back
And the walls remain

The man with rules in bold
Burned darker with each failure to comply
Tantalized by a lady much like himself
Black lines in a white world

She challenged him
He taught her freedom
In giving him everything
He was afraid to return

He pushed, She tried harder
She pushed, He ran
He pushed, She faltered
She pushed, He attacked

They paused for a moment
Her broken and him afraid
Shards shaking as  he fights to maintain control
Loosening bit by bit

This child
Longing to believe all he chose to forget
Fredom in love
Trust in another
Welcoming the truth about love

Which is simply:
When you love someone
You get out what you put in
Your only concern is their happiness

He looks like a man this youngling
Devouring the innocent
Unwaverng in his vision
Of truth and self-granduer

Soon, he will learn
That a real man nurishes that banished child
And shares himself openly
With the one his soul adores

Yes, this child resembles a man
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
Bludgeoned and bleeding,
     my heart caved in
You chewed up
     the bits and pieces
And fed them back to me
     in the sweetest kiss
Mar 2014 · 1.3k
Inspired by Nothing
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
She found peace
In the dark
With her **demons
Mar 2014 · 1.4k
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
Every day is good
even when it's bad there's always tomorrow
For Kat :)
Mar 2014 · 981
necropathy of the heart
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
when your heart is heavy
and your mind is blank
and the words just will not come
sadness is too strong a term
for the emptiness that drowns you
thankful for the distance in between
for the moments in silence
without harshness
without the verbal daggers
gaping wounds begin to scab
grated off with the next conversation
each exchange naught but a reminder
of a past that held a different future
Mar 2014 · 1.4k
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
Sprung forth from wishful thinking
Overwhelm the mind
Mar 2014 · 4.6k
Taken (a Senryu)
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
enchanted with words
mesmerized by eyes unseen
body, mind, heart, soul
Mar 2014 · 1.3k
Watchers Beware
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
Sun cracks the moon
Light fills shadows
Blinding the onlookers
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
Distance looms
In close proximity
A thousand miles away
Close enough to touch
Together alone
Alone Together
No words
Silence is deafening
A smile and a nod
Polite discomfort
Alone together
Together alone
Mar 2014 · 1.5k
PrttyBrd Mar 2014
**** you Thin Mints!
****   you   all   to   HELL!!!

Feb 2014 · 1.1k
PrttyBrd Feb 2014


Appropriating an arsenal of verbal weaponry
Feb 2014 · 885
PrttyBrd Feb 2014
whipped back across the line
in harsh tones of childhood trauma
vile acidic tongue
lapped and corroded the biodome,
which maintains the constructs
of who I am needed to be
white smoke fills the black space
changing gray as it wafts through
ever so slowly

Patch the chemical burn!
Patch it NOW!

before it compromises emotion
before it spreads and corrupts
the foundation of all
the slightest justification
can stop the seepage
Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies
honesty isn't truth
when used as a weapon

watching the dome slowly fail
smoke seeping through pinholes
waiting for the death of hope
frozen in place by hateful expressions
of those who claim not to care
Feb 2014 · 1.1k
PrttyBrd Feb 2014
Build* your *new illusion
                               The bones of your **reality
Feb 2014 · 1.6k
Because You Asked
PrttyBrd Feb 2014
I gave*...

Finding agony in the giving of a heart*.
Feb 2014 · 2.0k
PrttyBrd Feb 2014
Do not let me trust your
Mouth full of lies
Kisses of saccharin-sweet hemlock
Eyes of angelic innocence
And heart of iron, forged in Hell
Set me free before you hurt me
Let me go and fair thee well
Feb 2014 · 871
PrttyBrd Feb 2014
Wanting to relive yesterday
When you were still who I thought you were
Never wanting to realize
You pretended all that I loved

Caught off-guard
By the way I felt at the news
I realized that I was drowning
In the blood of my broken heart
Feb 2014 · 1.8k
PrttyBrd Feb 2014
heart pounds like crashing thunder
at the mere thought of the idea
blood burns hot
and time stretches through space
our eyes meet...again
and steam fills the air
a quick lean without a flinch
and electricity breathes life
into a wink and a nod
and the nerves rise
a smile, and blood rushes to the surface
hands gracefully glide over flesh
chain reactions need no words
a gasp and a sigh
attest unspoken passion
lips meet and sparks fly
as breath is stolen, so is a kiss
then so is one more
dancing tongues and fireworks
synergy and floods
blood drains to fill
and fills to feel
the heat rises
taking with it the knowledge
that tomorrow is when "never" comes
Feb 2014 · 986
PrttyBrd Feb 2014
Once lived...

could've been                                                  
used to be
                                                  and *never was
Feb 2014 · 1.6k
PrttyBrd Feb 2014


A mere *wIncE
deals a fatal blow
Feb 2014 · 1.4k
All is Given
PrttyBrd Feb 2014
Unto You




Feb 2014 · 1.4k
Excerpts From a Txt
PrttyBrd Feb 2014
Have you ever just wanted to hold someone so desperately, and hope against hope for the days that hugs used be magical and heal all that ails? It is now that a tear falls, because 1000 miles is too far, and my arms aren't long enough, and I can't change that.

We are all depraved
                   You just embrace the darkness
                                          Most choose to ignore

All I want is to hold you and let you eat me alive so that your emptiness is filled with me and you are never alone.
A Haibun
Feb 2014 · 1.6k
Deveined or "Rorschach Test"
PrttyBrd Feb 2014
I pour my heart in ink on paper
In shades from black to red
From darkest shadow's deepest demons
To a soul laid fully bled
Feb 2014 · 1.4k
the key to 4ever
PrttyBrd Feb 2014
Perfection found
personality flaws
broken souls
Feb 2014 · 1.2k
PrttyBrd Feb 2014
The ****** of a soul
In the form of ultimatums
Feb 2014 · 1.5k
PrttyBrd Feb 2014
I am heavily

Is tantamount
To **happiness
Feb 2014 · 1.3k
Not A Love Poem
PrttyBrd Feb 2014
To say that I love you
Is an empty gesture
Overused and meaningless
You know my heart
You see me through the darkness
You know beyond all reason
That it is you
and you alone
Those words will not be whispered
Their sweetness will not pass my lips
My heart is held deep within you
Waiting to be filled with all that you are
Yes, waiting for logic
To catch up with longing
And trust to override fear
Words don't matter here
In this altered reality
In this space created just for us
You know what you know
And it is I who lays in wait
PrttyBrd Feb 2014
Shadows of pain block the sun
Joy turns sour in the shade
Twisted desires nauseate
Self-hatred masquerades in smiles
Demons come out to play
Casting nets in daylight
Trapping hearts and twisting dreams
Nightmares turn beautiful in time
Charcoal and ash
Charcoal and ash
Burn memories into scars
Marking territory
Claiming all they see
Making them beg to be taken
Beg for more
Begging for the honor
To be twisted unrecognizable
Freedom in acceptance
Relinquishing all
Feasting on the beating hearts
Of the innocently depraved
Gambling souls
Playing for keeps
Feb 2014 · 904
PrttyBrd Feb 2014
Drowning in verbosity
Lost in time
For I cannot express
In prose or rhyme
The beauty that enlivens
Kindred by chance
A victim by choice
or circumstance?
A victimless crime?
A passionate flare
Unexpected rawness
Enter, enter if you dare
Challenges accepted
Without hesitation
Jump into darkness
Accede consummation
Oh my pretty, pretty one
Whatever have we done
With hell deep in your eyes
The claiming has begun
Every calculation
And each strategic move
An action for an action
Every step it does behoove
How easily the game is played
When lines are drawn in black
Maneuvering each bitty piece
Not giving any slack
Training like a solider
Satisfying every need
Holding on to nothing
The past promised to impede
Eating demons in the flesh
A Knight in rusted armor
Feeding darkness innocence
Inherently a charmer
There you are so handsome
Seemingly sweet and kind
Hidden far behind those eyes
Lives a *****, evil mind
Feb 2014 · 1.0k
The Truth of Who She Is
PrttyBrd Feb 2014
High upon a pedestal
Backlit by Angels
A vision of perfection
A smile resplendent and healing
A magical site to behold

She does not see all she does
She just does what needs doing
Trudging through clumsily
Never thinking she hangs the moon
And the sun is merely a reflection of her soul
Feb 2014 · 888
PrttyBrd Feb 2014
Snuck in like fog and enveloped me in slumber
Tainting my dreams with every breath
Losing myself as I exhale
Filling me with the truth of desire
Pulling me deeper into the beautiful nightmare-
Turned hopeful longing
For to become a part of you as you breathe me in
Is all that there is
copyright©PrttyBrd 07/02/2014
Feb 2014 · 2.9k
Concession: a limerick
PrttyBrd Feb 2014
There once was a boy over yonder
Who gave the girls something to ponder
And I must confess
Though loathe to acquiesce
Despite my denial, I've grown fonder
Feb 2014 · 856
PrttyBrd Feb 2014
heart beats
in the hand of another
grated like cheese
and utterly...

                                                     ­           unlovable
Gotta love poetic license ;)
copyright©PrttyBrd 02/02/2014
Feb 2014 · 3.9k
PrttyBrd Feb 2014
I gave
You have taken

I am empty
You are gorged

I am nothing
You are all

I've been broken*
You have won
Thanks for playing
copyright©PrttyBrd 01/02/2014
Feb 2014 · 649
PrttyBrd Feb 2014
Relinquishing self                                                 

Ab­sorption by another                    

Eternally **void
copyright©PrttyBrd 01/02/2014
Jan 2014 · 1.6k
PrttyBrd Jan 2014
He turned around and looked at me
And his vision made me sick
So I ****** his eyes out of his skull
And skewered them on a stick

Roasted on an open flame
Turning evenly to toast
Hoping as his pupils pass
It's me he sees the most

Tongue chewed from within his face
No screams of discontent
He tried to say, "you're beautiful"
But lies on the tongue ferment

His rancid meat is useless
So I feed it to the worms
Now, wasted words are gasps for air
And no longer my concern

He tried to write, "I'm sorry"
With fingers drenched in blood
So I chopped them into pieces
And spread them through the neighborhood

So as I whispered in his ear
Of all his evil ways
I saw that bitter molten tube
Grow solid as it swayed

So I ground it into sausage
While it was still attached
And wondered, quite in passing,
Why unto me he chose to latch

So here we are me and my feast
And him bleeding on the ground
As buzzards rend the flesh from bone
With me laughing at the sound
copyright©PrttyBrd 29/01/2014
Jan 2014 · 2.5k
PrttyBrd Jan 2014
Hold fast to your hearts inside your chest
Succubus seeps in while you sleep
Hearts turn liquid in her arms
As she drinks it off your tongue
Consuming souls from hapless victims
She fills her voids with stolen flesh
Leaving trails of broken spirits
With the glint of a smile, and a shrug
The wind carries her off
In clouds of blackened ash
copyright©PrttyBrd 29/01/2014

A warning to men everywhere
Jan 2014 · 866
PrttyBrd Jan 2014
Pretty pretty princess
Locked in her tower
Built of bricks forged of mud and tears

Naked in the window
Save for her hair
Only glimpses allowed throughout the years

No knights in shining armor
No damsel in distress
Foundation of logic cracked in disrepair

Too far from the bottom
A lifetime of neglect
Walls crumble as she sits unaware
copyright©PrttyBrd 27/01/2014
Jan 2014 · 694
Checkers is For Children
PrttyBrd Jan 2014
Sacrificial pawns
An evil necessity
in checking her king
copyright©PrttyBrd 27/01/2014
Jan 2014 · 868
Black Ice
PrttyBrd Jan 2014
Darkness shades the soul
Permeating sparse moonbeams
Glint of black glitter
copyright©PrttyBrd 27/01/2014
Jan 2014 · 1.0k
PrttyBrd Jan 2014
Push/pull, give/take
Where there is desire
there are possibilities
Rigidity hinders bliss
Concession is not surrender
Surrender is not submission
Acquiescence is acceptable
While descrying harmony
copyright©PrttyBrd 26/01/2014
Jan 2014 · 730
PrttyBrd Jan 2014
Time ticks on
Second by second
Ego too thick to cave
Wanting it
Wanting more
Not willing to surrender
Not willing to lose
Match met
copyright©PrttyBrd 24/01/2014
Jan 2014 · 797
PrttyBrd Jan 2014
I wonder  
If you could
Or if you would
Or if you'd even dare

I wonder
If you're shy
Or if you'd try
Or how much you would share

I wonder
In your cage
So filled with rage
If you feel alone

I wonder
If you're free
To come with me
Where demons are condoned
copyright©PrttyBrd 23/01/2014
Jan 2014 · 1.1k
PrttyBrd Jan 2014
Tonight we lie alone in wait
Thoughts slowly gaining speed
Solitude breeds demons like rabbits
As blood boils to black
copyright©PrttyBrd 23/01/2014
Jan 2014 · 1.7k
Souler Eclipse
PrttyBrd Jan 2014
Cloaked in the dark of night
The soul breathes
Inhaling deeply
The shadows breed within
Devouring all
Leaching out to maculate
Disseminating its wicked tendrils
Consumption is absolute
copyright©PrttyBrd 22/01/2014
Jan 2014 · 4.5k
PrttyBrd Jan 2014
the feel of fingertips on the skin
the rush of blood surprises
a spark that sets the soul ablaze
the ticking clock stops turning
eruptively raging fires keep burning
forging a path in dewy maze
the melded body realizes
consumption is from within
writing prompt, abcddcba
Interesting to do, but awkward to read.

copyright©PrttyBrd 22/01/2014
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