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Feb 2024 · 1.1k
Sam and Bibi
Mane Omsy Feb 2024
Is it cruel to silence a pregnant woman with a dozer
Sold their souls to a war criminal's thirst
Rationalizing every lies with more of them, so kosher
Ask the children died of starvation and thirst
Ever felt threatened by the fire they spit
Lessons never learned, or was it a skit
It's inhuman to take side with criminals, we all learn about our homeland freedom fighters or conflicts against oppression. This is not history, this is happening in front of our eyes, yet we are blind.
Media influenced wars gathering support from logical people filling their lives with lies.
In the end, truth shall prevail
But at what cost??
Mar 2021 · 509
And Only I Fear...
Mane Omsy Mar 2021
I confiscated many things
That don't belong with me
I tried to return my sins
Even now, they haunt me

I seeked the better life
People posted on their stories
All illusions makes memories
For always what I thrive

Legacies where heroes die
And pass on through centuries
I shot one to the moon and sigh
One day, as I die, leave memories
Nov 2020 · 663
Midnight Robbery
Mane Omsy Nov 2020
Broke into my house, and
Laid by my side, in bed
Caressed my hair and said, in a sweet voice
Wake up sweetheart, I'm here
Don't sweat with fear, I'm near
Let me sing a lullaby, sleep tight
Embrace my body,
I will let you calm down.
And she hummed all night long
Her face buried in my chest
She unlocked all my pain away
Just listening,
Just inhaling her perfumed hair
Just absorbing all her warmth
She robbed me of my troubles
And then we...
Nov 2020 · 790
Colds in the Pandemic
Mane Omsy Nov 2020
Hello world
Tell me something
(clears throat)
Afraid of a little cold?
Tell 'em I'm not affected
Squeeze the checker harder
37 and going down temp.
No Sir, no admission now
Yet the whole squad passes through
Let my normal fever in
I assure no one will be sick tomorrow

Emergency evacuation!
Residents, clear the floor
Nurses coming through
Catch a small fever with cold
We won't let your sick *** in here

Let go, it's obvious
Death is not painless, Sir
Sep 2020 · 413
belief systems
Mane Omsy Sep 2020
sickness from life
alive and well, they say
you are your own destiny
they said

I stepped on the stage
and showcased my talents
rotten tomatoes they share
believe, in your self - they taught
Sep 2020 · 369
u & u, then i
Mane Omsy Sep 2020
when the tides rise above your passion
and your hips above the mountain
when the slightest touch of your hunger
and your breath weighs and wonder
how the magic flows through my veins
you created,
will glow in my everlasting thrive for you
I dare not to believe it will ever slumber
the love for you with skin, tears, and laughter
brings me enlighting energy from the stars
that could nourish and bring life to mars

- beloved
Jun 2020 · 797
Mane Omsy Jun 2020
You played Tetris
Saw everything as wits
Between worlds, far away
Held a grudge, held on it tight
Things we say to stay away
Lost the appetite for a bite

Grab on it as it never will go away
Take the stand and never let it go
I don't ever want to make promises
That will lead me to my self-destruction
Mar 2020 · 185
The Pandemic
Mane Omsy Mar 2020
Take me home
Whether the weather is harsh or long
Place me down
Six feet underground
Pray for me while I decompose
Raise your voice and strike the force

Loose the chains
To prepare for changes
Mar 2020 · 480
Soft and Kindling
Mane Omsy Mar 2020
Coffee brown lit light skin
Silk rolled glowing lights
Heal my heart, mere smile
Shining through berry lips

Rose petal imprint on my cheeks
With a racecar engine
Beside fantast filled lungs
Her warmth touch, current spikes
Melodies, vocals can't compete

Here hear my heartbeats sweetheart
With a kind response, patting kisses
Mar 2020 · 218
Mr. & Mrs. COVID
Mane Omsy Mar 2020
Push the words with your hearts
Never let the brain do the work
When the doves die whilst their flight
Sizing every little problem in your house
In the midst of a pandemic, hell to the no!
Build up your promotions on occasions
People die, hell on earth, the resemblance
Devils rule the world; war against the good
See the truth with a **** on your hand
When the innocent help the hope & help-less

Religious outbreak and battles over a place
Feed it to your ego, Mr. and Mrs. COVID
I see "leaders" in their vacation plans
Give them the finger to heal their roasted brains
Every penny stacked for the tax exploited
For a stupid statue standing straight up to his ******

Man stop, we're just animals
But you're a mad dog, a monster
Neither fame nor fortune can tame
With a fire burning in your eyes
For a calamity to happen in your way
For a better future phasing from your burrow.
Mar 2020 · 132
For My Angel
Mane Omsy Mar 2020
I have,
Fallen for a fallen angel
I see her eyes caring for me
I have not been any grateful
To marry a soft and lovely,
Feb 2020 · 150
Painful Leave to Joy
Mane Omsy Feb 2020
The blurred visions
The farthest symphonies
Melting to the rhythmic voices
Merging by inches into shallow sounds
Where am I?

Wanted to wake up
Help was on the way
Looking up to the passing lights
On the ceiling, body paralyzed
Something has changed around

A slight pinching feeling
In my arm,
They hurried,
What are they trying to figure out?
Little traces of pieces to join me back to
Life, to come home
When the fluid light blurred in front of my eyes
Finally, awaited darkness and garden lights
Has taken me.
Death and Life
Feb 2020 · 195
Ugly Pitcher Plant
Mane Omsy Feb 2020
For a thousand reasons they've hated me
Waiting in the shadows, for a daily treat
Stuck in this hell hole, to be the predator
Never was the intention to hurt others
Even my sweetest words can harm them
Condolences on behalf of my mourning
In the middle of a terrible story, I stand
As the hero and the villain, a modern drama

Let me dry out under the sun rays
Falling, shattering leaves all over the ground
As their celebration begins in this beautiful evening
As death comes forth, I await a merciless judgment
It's hard to live satisfying every people around us.
Jan 2020 · 324
You Didn't
Mane Omsy Jan 2020
Tell me the truth
Let your soul take a deep breath
Before we get into the depth
I remember giving you my heart
Now I don't even care what you do
Fill it up with jealousy or worst
You never kept the promise "I do"
Oct 2019 · 178
Falling From a Height
Mane Omsy Oct 2019
Loving blue purses and cassettes of beautiful voices
But tuning the voice overs of actors as an emotion
Lurking in yellow meadows with imperfect intentions
They join the line and take the vows as if they lose, they die
All of these in vain, there's no structure in pain
Of whatever they gained, in this life
Their pointless lives, dead to them
Oct 2019 · 299
Mane Omsy Oct 2019
Peel off the pain piercing your palms
Ornaments owned out of obituaries
Elsewhere endless errands of evil
Moaning for money and medication
Mane Omsy Sep 2019
The force of gravity is smiling at the stars
Someday we will join the galactic court
Where do we stand right with all the scars?
Inventing thoughts never meant to sort


The clouds ran away from men's magic
Stuck in between the winds and roars
Her aching heart blew havoc, nature's logic
It's hard for the earthlings, useless crores


Innocent killers stride through stages
Ineffective endangered species on the brink
God! Help them stride back to their cages
Millions of warning signs, where they blink
With recent incidents happening all over the world with our beautiful mother nature, we need to act on it NOW. There will be no second chances when coming to our survival. It has become a living hell to people who wonder and generations to come how nurturing and aesthetic the nature really is. #GreenPeace
Sep 2019 · 525
'Ts a Fayn Woald
Mane Omsy Sep 2019
A little bit of rain
Expecting more from the lord
Just now, the right way we sway

Lighten the lost souls in the darkness
Let them wander with ease
Occasions that occur very often
A mild notion to be burned
dizziness causes to sleep very happily. Sleep tight at night.
Jun 2019 · 477
They Die Sooooo...
Mane Omsy Jun 2019
Some worst neighborhood is this
Lucky people draw no attention
They woooooooooooooooooooo
They rise, and
Kind words to describe my love
Kindness they enchanted in ears
Love for one reason, couldn't be
More suitable to the wooing crowd
They will retain reasons to forge
Death out of lives don't matter at all

Still, they boooooooooooooooo
Blessed are these creatures, dumb
Affectionate and passionate lust
They scream cry and laugh at times
Admire, the boooooooooooooo
To beat the mass in genocide
Life has short hints that hurts more
More than their booing in the light
They die at the very end of dark
Jun 2019 · 370
Your Perfect Marks
Mane Omsy Jun 2019
Stretch marks along your thighs
Stroking your legs up to the heights
Making you moan in your short tights

I love it when you grab it while I,
Enjoy the sweet melody in your heart
That drums beating harder together
Along with the sweat we making when,
We're making love under the moonlight.

Not that I enjoy scoring every night
Taking you placing where you've never been
Lust in the shore and making it sure that enjoy time
Lasting longer than Netflix and we chill
May 2019 · 155
Feathers in Love
Mane Omsy May 2019
Was it true love in their faces?
Kissed a long way from home
Just passing by the grieving widow
Telling stories about her love
When she wiped her tears alone
The kids were shouting, one more
Mane Omsy May 2019
Values unclear, what to be?
A fighter, a definition of life
A martyr, the fallen don't die
A scholar, the partitions made
A writer, confusing the truths
A major, to sit back and watch
No one else to believe in me

I'm here just noting down
Every strength that wore down
Life expectations that won't drown

Legacy is everywhere, proud to belong
I have to see the fighter, just bear along
When I seek the light I see the dawn

Follow the footsteps that crushed-
lives and decided to erase what washed

A teacher, that yells to stop
A leader, that won't take off
A knight, inspiring to get back up
Despite, all these nature dries
In front of us, witnesses of ******
Inspired from EARTH by Lil Dicky ft. (JB, AG, ES, AL, KH, SD, WK, Halsey, Leo...etc)

Must maintain OUR planet.
Apr 2019 · 435
Mortal Icarus
Mane Omsy Apr 2019
Say something sweet
Beautiful and blind
Caressing my heart
That wonders to fall
In to your arms

Sound melodies that harvest
Love for an angel
With broken wings that bled
Dreaming to fly back
To heaven

An unpleasant surprise
When it all stays the same
But you, leaving this mortal
Behind, lost and doomed.
To leave behind the loving heart is the most hurtful of all pain.
Mar 2019 · 505
Little Melody that Hurts Me
Mane Omsy Mar 2019
Reasons to fall back into my haunting dreams
Tears that climb back into my eyes watching the memes
I've tried to walk past my troubles and gain strength
Little that I know they would run behind to any length

Catching the scent of disapproval and ignorance
Lasting for years to come ahead of this nonsense
Feel my wrath breaking my wishes one by one
Taking away the little beliefs I had for the only one

Drag my soul through the dust and dirt to teach me
Lessons that I witnessed and forgot within seconds
If life would be easy on me until death reaches me
I could've done more than just kiss you and tie loose ends
I should never have broken up with you AH. I could've just held on to you.
Mar 2019 · 254
Being Single
Mane Omsy Mar 2019
The worst that could happen
The words that could sharpen
The worlds that could darken

My soul in the dark mist, fallen
My legs trembled on the ocean
May love teach them a lesson
By thee God we have risen

Be the judge in the jungle
Be the wild amongst to mingle
May the strong beat the humble
And life is good being single.
Life is as good as it is.
Mar 2019 · 361
Those Naked Truths
Mane Omsy Mar 2019
What else among your routines?
They never expressed to my face
Lurking in their minds,
Thoughts to pull me down,
Kick in bruises all over me,
Stabbing in my back again.

I felt the pain growing every day,
They aim to gain my pain to rise up,
Scars that never heal, leftovers.
Tell me something that will ease,
This hell on my head, boiling,
Sound the alarm, get naked truths behind.
I work at a place where I hear most of my negative feedbacks through other people who talk behind my back. Those made-up lies about still hurt me like hell. When these lies become truth eventually, they would say, I told you so.
Feb 2019 · 196
To Merry Land
Mane Omsy Feb 2019
Holding on to my wishes
I've never felt so.... alone
Sometimes I wonder
About the ways I do things

If this doesn't make any sense for you
Let me go
Let me die for no reason
But as a sacrifice for a blind purpose

When you believe I worth something
I'll be long gone
Time lapsed so fast, I counted just one
You and me in a plane to merry land.
Jan 2019 · 234
Scars off your smile
Mane Omsy Jan 2019
You have become my nostalgia
Standing in the brink of my memory lane
Leaving behind clouds of tension
As my passion grew younger for you

If the time rewinds itself,
I would close my eyes and embrace you
Again, to leave me with scars
That won't heal soon

The first memory of smiles and giggles
Is the worst thing that hurts me more
I hate to admit to being addicted
To your curves and bountiful heart
Dec 2018 · 442
Cut Me Down
Mane Omsy Dec 2018
Take a saw
And cut me down deeply
Starting from my head
Through my heart,
Down to my sick belly
So, I could feel the agony
You poured on me
Vengeance might be a way
But I will settle down for a say
Like a boiling water on ice
Dripping the pain into my veins
You shall succeed being a monster
A stranger after all we did
Together, snitching out on me
Being suspended from work with my friend snitching on me (lies actually). There is nothing but pain for what he had done after all we have been through.
Dec 2018 · 262
Desert Rain
Mane Omsy Dec 2018
Long across the grains
Watching the hills float
Screaming till he faints
A droplet in his throat

Straight shooting arrows
Vaporized his proud entity
Raising both arms in sorrow
He cried his eyes empty

An attempt to beg forgiveness
Fell on his knees and rose
When hope struck the witness
On a lost mirage long across
Dec 2018 · 290
nOt mY mIsTakE!
Mane Omsy Dec 2018
Stressing up the nerves
Where they have some levels
Where pride will fall off
And the righteous always lose

There were many wrongs
To be corrected, to be proven
Neither they will nor us will learn
From the deeds we have entertained.
Nov 2018 · 594
Believing the Lies (Heroes)
Mane Omsy Nov 2018
Leverage for an escape
The fearest of them all
Last time he wore a cape
The dearest of them all

Perished, in dirt and blood
Vanished, from hearts and hoods

You witnessed nothing but the lies
Impossible to believe,
Still awakening the witnesses
They don't seem to believe.
Having said that the impossible matters are hard to believe, here, I remind you that's what it makes a man a hero. Several years after when the hero is no more, people tend to forget their effort. Just the slight memory of his existence makes most of them wonder what he was as a person and judge him from that perspective.

Heroes are always heroes. No matter the time or place.
Oct 2018 · 435
Congrats Loser!
Mane Omsy Oct 2018
They'll just let you
A few amounts of strength
Just to pull you out
And dip back into the darkness

Hear your voice trembling
Underneath their shoes
Won't they believe in you?
Won't you matter to them?

Sometimes, you crawl
And they watch
Sometimes, they fall
And you watch
It's Just Business.
Sep 2018 · 795
Her Strength
Mane Omsy Sep 2018
She works all day and night
Even if it is wrong or right
She races to the sky,
Until her child can fly

All of the pain nailed to her head
Just so she would collapse down
On her knees, for some bread
Trying hard, not to drown
Aug 2018 · 370
Sweet Dreams, Darling
Mane Omsy Aug 2018
Sometimes it feels like
Something reaching inside me
Pulling every hard memories
Pushing me down the pit of agony

Then I see your smiling face
And all of it drowns, deep down
When you climbed on my waist
Enjoying every bit of us together

Babe, darling, sweet dreams
Aug 2018 · 395
Tell Me You Love Me
Mane Omsy Aug 2018
Get on with it
Just tell me
You love me
Been so long time

Bearing my heart with you
I didn’t realize
Caring my words in you
Erase all the lies

Just let me know
What’s troubling your mind?
To forget the past and cuddle
A single crib for two
Under a single sheet with you
Aug 2018 · 265
But, Leave You
Mane Omsy Aug 2018
Elsewhere I need your presence
Not here,
Since you've been far away
Neglected me as I started to move
Forward with you

You were focused on yourself
And I needed to leave you

Must confess you're too beautiful
That a moon will shy away
And a night sky shining aurora
Would stand behind your smile
Jul 2018 · 357
Just a Fault
Mane Omsy Jul 2018
Too powerful to resist
It's the pain, I couldn't suffer
Every time your words assist
I wish I had held on tight

Traumatized, has my brain been
We could've been beautiful
Under the sheets all day long
Why didn't I? As my tears fall

It was all just a fault
Then I remembered
Your smiles haunted me
Jul 2018 · 355
You Are With Me
Mane Omsy Jul 2018
Referring your skin to roses
And your eyes to glowing marbles
Your sweat is my aroma
That smile that turns my mind
The mesmeric charm, you own
Helps me get high, it's known

Tell me, darling
Do you shower with heaven's water?
Your fragrance touched my heart
And it's fighting hard
To reach out to yours
Making it worse for me
to believe,
You're with me
Jul 2018 · 261
So I write
Mane Omsy Jul 2018
Legs trembled on the chair
I tried
But it only fails to stop
Am I in this mode solo?
I never held a thought alike
They never turned my hopes
Grabbed it, stacked up high
Where I try my lungs out
To reach, to jump higher

When frustration hits me
A pair of eyes haunted my moves
Spying every step I take
Is this how it goes on?
Jul 2018 · 327
Words on Water
Mane Omsy Jul 2018
Wrong words hurt less
Toxic in your lungs spreaded
To our ultimate brain
Washed in your true words

Bet you'd release me now
Seeing the worst has passed
I'm imperfect as you are
As the sun shines in the day

I'm impressed, by your heart
Must be worthless in heaven
Maybe you'll bargain with god
As you crushed hopes carelessly
Jun 2018 · 251
Then Who?
Mane Omsy Jun 2018
Scorpions poison with their tales
But they can't speak poison
Tigers **** with their claws and teeth
But they can't spread lies
Snakes hiss fear into hearts
But they never rip your mind
Jun 2018 · 637
Lifting Myself
Mane Omsy Jun 2018
Up to the limit
As they wish those bad things
Dreams haunting at mornings
Yes I dodged with excuses
Pushing to the limits

Yes I bailed out from a job
Hesitated to work
Just a hunch for liabilities to come
Only for this time
Hustling for the next time
Hope there is a next time
Like in queues over me

Though I need a lifting
Lifting Myself
Up to the limit
Jun 2018 · 331
Dragonfly Eyes
Mane Omsy Jun 2018
Higher than an eagle can fly
Suited with objectives to see
Whether we match or try?

A tree could fall on its shadow
But when we fall for fantasy
Absence of humanity grow

Hate to tell the stories are lies
Then to see the infants cry
The truths aren't worth the lies

How come rest in peace is after doom?
When we hope peace for the living
And die in vain in a darker room

Let the hopes of a thousand eyes
See the clear image of the reality
And words to console are too lies
Jun 2018 · 305
Mane Omsy Jun 2018
Hell with in one night
One glance at your beast
And it roared aloud at me
I tried to tear my throat out
No one would hear us
This struggle is mine only
It was a perfect crime for you
When I breathed my last
It wasn't revenge for anything
Until your face smiled
I've regretted
I was dealing with the devil
Jun 2018 · 250
An easy Question
Mane Omsy Jun 2018
People aren't made for it
Nature does it
Figure it out
May 2018 · 333
Love is the Foe
Mane Omsy May 2018
Soaking wet, I am
Trembling fear, in me
Where was I?
During the crisis
I don't remember your touch
Love, was it?
That tore us apart
Then, love is the foe for us
May 2018 · 330
I think
Mane Omsy May 2018
That was my weakness
I think
A lot
When someone says
You must do it the right way
What if it isn't?
Maybe the wrong could be the right
Maybe all along, we were all wrong

So what happens when we die?
For that
Why are we living in this world?
Are we being watched by some force?
Or are we just some parasite
Like the old age dinosaurs?
Why does people believe in the past
When future is progress?
And past was rust
Do we belong in here?
Or the galaxy is empty with lonely stars
Situated far away from one another?

There are a lot of things
I think
That might destroy my faith
Or restore it with solid evidences
Apr 2018 · 618
Life Sucked
Mane Omsy Apr 2018
I shot down opportunities
Then stared at the wall
Watching them painting
Differences from their hearts
Building new stairs upward
While I managed my downfall

The lights weren't bright
Then I coughed on the dust
Pushing my vitals to decay
I spoiled my life and now I pray
God please help this pathetic
To raise both hands in joy
To raise my head in pride
Apr 2018 · 667
Little Asifa
Mane Omsy Apr 2018
Till her scream faded
Inside the temple walls
She had cried o'er a week
And she tried to get help
They came and *****
Tore her cloths off
And never came kindness
She was mere eight
Yet they tore her apart
She was choked
Beaten to death
After they satisfied themselves

Her body was dropped
On the side of the road
Bribery shut the cops
They never talked about it
Let the days fade the scent

Did they ever know?
The world would know the truth
And when it does
It'd be their doom
RIP Asifa
Justice for Asifa
Her screams weren’t heard outside the temple. For more than a week they abused her, tortured her and ***** her, violently. Still the authorities failed to save this little young girl from Jammu Kashmir. She didn’t survive. They choked her to death. There was still an inch of life left in her before they cracked her head with a rock. There were several ‘beasts’ who ***** this poor little eight year old Asifa. They are still breathing the fresh air over there. They are walking freely like they have served their religion. But, unfortunately, they ought to be hanged even if the constitution of India save its words for consolidation and mess it up again for the safety of women in India.
This was never about the girl. They hated the religion her parents were devoted to. They wanted to show how cruel they can be if they still stay in this country. This country will never achieve to be a democratic, social nation until the illiterate leaders on the top of the seats get the hell out of there. No more partialities, no more violence, no more religious troubles. We expected it to be a great country while the new prime minister won out of promises he can’t keep. When will it ever be a country without racism and cast partialities?
The convicts must be hanged. In fact, the ones who tried to cover the story should also be put in trial. They must be punished at least with a life sentence. This horrifying incident that occurred a month ago was buried under by the one and only authority who were supposed to arrest these pathetic *******. The police were bribed. But that wouldn’t have stopped them from arresting them if it was their baby girl. Enough with mercy, they must not walk on this soil unless the country is filthy enough to bear their actions.
What are the aftermaths of this terrible ******? If it was a ****** that could be hidden by the skilful media now-a-days, it could’ve been easy for them to walk away from the court. This little innocence was destroyed when they pierced through her private parts with their vicious filth. Not only they kept her captive inside the temple, they starved her until she lost the energy to scream later when they constantly used her to fulfil their thirst. Her face will never be forgotten from the minds that has a little amount of humanity.
We mourn her death and must avenge her against the weak Indian laws which give more importance to wealth and power. Laws must change. More security and extreme punishments for those who neglect certain laws meant to protect the citizens of India.
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