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Mar 2019 · 606
chitragupta Mar 2019
My extinction
is your biggest
Liquid rage crackles like
the snores of an inferno
slumbering deep within
Do you want to
pelt another stone,
drill another hole?
But then,
you'd best run home
and run for your life
for I shall emerge
from dormancy
to bring forth hot tears
across your cheeks

So halt your assault
Cease your trials
The fire burns
too close to my skin
I feel my restraint rapidly diminish -
it is the last wall
that stands in between
Mar 2019 · 655
chitragupta Mar 2019
Again the winds have shifted
The light swings another side
The shadows start dancing
Abandoning me in plain sight

swing :)
swing >:(
seek solitude
Mar 2019 · 503
chitragupta Mar 2019
As children,
playing outside
to our hearts' content
was only when
we came home filthy

As society,
then why must we
clean up our act
and turn a blind eye
to censorship?

Remembering George Carlin and his comedy.

"Better a witty fool than a foolish wit."
-Feste, Twelfth Night, William Shakespeare
Mar 2019 · 440
chitragupta Mar 2019
Mirrors reflect the truth
sans embellishment
Built with fragile glass
So easily shunned,
so easily shattered

A lone mirror
hung up on a wall
to serve the pleasures of the vain
But when two
face each other
and manage to hit the right angle
Limitless images are formed
Miracle and magic! alone no more
You need two people for a party.  Finding that second person is the challenge.

Inception for this was largely inspired by this:
Mar 2019 · 315
chitragupta Mar 2019
We are happy to chirrup with the others
but would the peacocks dance with us?
Our coats not exotic but shabby and plain
And we like being in places close to our nests
We love the sky and to breathe the clean air
But do not aspire to go where eagles dare
Do not pity us, oh great birds of pride
Our songs are sweeter- never mind our size
For vanity and attention is not why they are sung
But to plug the holes you skewered in our hearts
This piece is very close to me.
Because between the lines it tells my story.
They say I'm alone. But they don't know.
I'm a sparrow.
Mar 2019 · 1.4k
chitragupta Mar 2019
I am usually an amnesiac
Which is why there is always
cheap stationery in my pockets

- "An inexpensive set from Faber-Castell"

I look to my scribbles when I'm lost
unless an unexpected shower
has been tasked to ruin them

- "Pages stuck together, smudged and stained"

Three monsoons have come and went
I don't carry an umbrella or run for cover anymore
I stand in the middle of the downpour, drenched
But I guess some inks are just too hard to wash away
Use the sharpie on the whiteboard at your own peril, fans of irony.
Mar 2019 · 247
chitragupta Mar 2019
A fork
we came across
and you said
this is where
our journey ends
for we must walk our separate ways

Why assume
that I would not
have shattered the Earth
to carve our own road?
Why so callous
in the manner you let me go?

My heart was your dominion,
oh Empress
And I put all my faith in you,
oh Faithless
bad memories ----- but atleast I'm thankful I can write because of them.
chitragupta Mar 2019
Wise one! Hearken to me,
for I need enlightening
-there stands a tree
in a part of me
once where flowers of love blossomed
and sparrows used to sing
to the mornings of eternal spring
Now the flowers have wilted
the birds have flown from their nests
yet the branches continue to grow
and the roots still run deep
I have not the courage
to task myself with its rearing
My memories of springtime
are still fresh, still endearing

I'm afraid there is
but one cure for this disease
Along with the soil
that so graciously hosts it,
You must uproot this tree
and spend the rest of your life
as an amputee
The heart is too kind to fell a tree.
So the mind added an axe to the shopping list.
Mar 2019 · 326
Venus Flytrap
chitragupta Mar 2019
I can't move my wings
I can't move my feet
Stuck and suffocated
under a slowly closing lid

My ignorance invokes my ruin
I have been so stupid
If that justifies this punishment
then yes, devour me

Mar 2019 · 905
chitragupta Mar 2019
Her bright red sweater
surrounded by the yellow of the sunflowers
Captured is the heart
it seems - though the lens has failed to focus

The bend took me away.
- Snap!
Ever felt your heart race faster than the shutter of a camera?
Or maybe my camera is defective.
Either one of those.
Mar 2019 · 374
Safe house
chitragupta Mar 2019
No need to knock
I don't mind
But I request you not to
carry the lantern inside

For I am afraid of the light
and this is the only place left to hide

My sleeves unfolded
Do you mind?
To conceal the cuts on my skin
and the stench of necrosis alkaline

Yes I am afraid of the light
and this is the only place left to hide

If you seek welcome
in my mind
your heart must bleed darkness
and restless should be your eyes

Are you afraid of the light?
Come, friend - this is our place to hide
I may not be able to show you the light.
But I won't turn you down when you need a place to hide.
Mar 2019 · 609
chitragupta Mar 2019
How the night turns cold
as I sit under the stars
The grass grows moist
around the plastic mat
Droplets of dew appear
on the walls of the tent
As I tune in to the nocturnal
song of the crickets

The fire dies, the fire dies outside.

Mar 2019 · 737
Letter to Grandma
chitragupta Mar 2019
Dear Granny,

I saw someone
a week ago,
In the streets
on my way back home..

Her wrinkled skin burnt by the Sun
Her attire frayed and patched with dust
An empty oil can of crumpled tin
A humble sum peeks shyly from within
Her hand stretched, a cup formed from her palms
It shakes too furiously to beg for alms
She speaks a language alien to me
Yet her eyes tell me a universal story
A tale of a debt that was never paid
Kindness was dealt a hand of apathy instead
And the care with which a seedling grows
Was not returned as winter crept close
Because fall came and went, and the old leaves are spent
Shed across the city streets, with none to speak for the dead

Like the world around me I know not
why I should care
Her face is that of a stranger to me
Yet I keep waking up
on account of these dreams
A similar picture, a similar scene
And at the heart of it
The face is yours,

Do not neglect the old. As you wouldn't be neglected as the young.
The golden rule.
Mar 2019 · 403
chitragupta Mar 2019
What you've heard
is not fact
but an opinion
What you've seen
is not the truth
but a perception
Welcome to the generation of fake news
Mar 2019 · 252
chitragupta Mar 2019
Your skin honeydew smooth
I shudder at the touch
From the break of dawn I crave you
With an abnormal lust
I know I shouldn't, yet I must..

I breathe you into me
With every kiss I place
Hoping that it lasts forever
But I know you'll never stay
All I'll be left with is the aftertaste..

You race within my veins
And run across my soul
Enticing me, exciting me
Till the sweat exudes through my pores
I never want to let you go..


I turn a blind eye to your poison
Although you're killing me
For my heart obsesses like a fanatic
And my mind reasons like a devotee
I always have this sense of achievement
when I create something with multiple interpretations.
Hope you enjoy reading it as much.
Mar 2019 · 1.2k
chitragupta Mar 2019
Love is a phenomenon
Not dissimilar to gravity
Like an ignoramus
The stoic heart denies it

Until it falls.
My dear friends,
should you fall,
I hope the surface is soft.
Mar 2019 · 679
chitragupta Mar 2019
Colour me in your mind
Am I vermillion red
or prussian blue?
Maybe a mix of the two?
Or just a hue
Of simple forest green
No wait, aquamarine
like an underwater scene
Deep and darkness within
Yet maybe you enjoy shades
that are bright
and they look so
under the sunlight
But true colours show
only under the grayest skies
to the most observant eyes
You only get to know a person truly when they are at their darkest moments.
Oh, happy Holi from a Norman Gortsby ;)
Mar 2019 · 215
Spiteful eyes
chitragupta Mar 2019
Lend an ear,
hear me whisper -
all I wanted you to do

If I still felt
that you had ever cared,
I would probably ask you..

Did I deserve
to be terrorized
by your spiteful eyes?
I didn't need to read between the lines.
I could read the hate.
Not sure I deserve it.
Wish I could fool myself to believe you cared enough to answer that question.
chitragupta Mar 2019
What genre of music do you like?

What to declare
My love for soulful old melodies
Or pragmatic modern beats?
For there is no room for error here

I am but a simpleton
As far as I am concerned
There exists just two genres -
The one I love and the one I don't.
When you are asked as a socially awkward person about your musical taste, a war in your mind to make a good impression, to avoid being charged with oddity in your taste but then, you like what you like, you hate what you hate.

PS. Sorry for the looooooooooooong title, but the heart gets the better of the mind this time :)
Mar 2019 · 318
chitragupta Mar 2019
When you said,
"Your secret is safe",
is how I felt.
The art of spotting a liar is cultivated through severe emotional stress that stems from betrayal by people who you think are close to you.

Like a plot twist of a cheap thriller, liars stand out by the setting of their premise.

Well, I'm a liar as well. Born out of the need to keep the liars happy.
chitragupta Mar 2019
है अयसे ये लब्ज़ जो उनसे में केह नहीं सकता
फिर किस लिए ये खामोशी में सेह नहीं सकता
These words are such that I cannot utter to her
Then why cannot I bear this silence, I wonder?
Mar 2019 · 652
The sunset by the sea
chitragupta Mar 2019
The sunset by the sea
My feet naked, embedded
in the sand
As the waves greet me with ferocity

Punching back with clenched fists
Saltwater foam, elegant comb
through my hair
The ocean with all its depth condescending

All the colours of the universe in
a sky tainted, so gloriously painted
like a fresco
Of an olden cathedral I'd never seen

Sweat and salt and sand in my clothes
My eyes swollen, their whites stolen
Innocent are not the tears of the sea

Slow as the waves recede
with the retreating tide
So does the venom in my veins
and come loose the nails in my head
The shore sprayed with new hope
The night sky of a new moon arrives
Darkness heralds doubt
Yet I'm relieved to be
in the absence of the light
that seeked to
blind me last night
Went to my grandma's place by the sea.
Needed a little headspace, and a lot of grandma's cooking :)
I feel light after spending an afternoon at the beach, letting the waves hit me.
And all this without a single smoke!
Mar 2019 · 256
chitragupta Mar 2019
You were fire
I was ice
You thought
you'd melt me down
Melt I did
Turned to water
and put you out
Till there was nothing left
of both of us but
Smoke and ashes
Fire and Ice
are never nice
(to each other)
Mar 2019 · 281
chitragupta Mar 2019
What is home?
Welcome steps?
Mother's love?
Father's hate?

What is home?
Is it even a place?
Is it like Heaven?
Or is it another Hell?

What is home?
Is it a someone
who believes in you
when others say you're done?

What is home?
Is it a thought
that shelters your memories
when you're distraught?

What is home?
Is it the place
I'm searching for
or the one that I left?
Flying home tonight. You'd think I would expect rest and respite - far from it. We all search for the abstract 'home' all our lives. But what does that word really mean?
Mar 2019 · 448
Dialogue I : Mind and Heart
chitragupta Mar 2019
Why must you always reconcile?
Do you not have a sense of self-respect?

You see, wise one,
I used to believe that
I'm not the only one who cared.
I know the heart is but a poetic device. These conversations all happen in my head. But a well rounded conversation is more fun than a superb speech.
All in my opinion.
Mar 2019 · 245
chitragupta Mar 2019
Crescent moon on a summer night
You remind me how beautiful
it is to smile
Shamefully, it is often Nature that has to rescue us who call ourselves humanists.
Mar 2019 · 413
Peddler of Darkness
chitragupta Mar 2019
Hello there, stranger.
Come for a little darkness, have you?
Trade me a cigarette,
and I'll dive into the depths of time
to conjure some horrors true,
Scars old and wounds anew
Would it not be easy if the past could be shed like a lizard's tail?
It would give space for new memories to grow
Mar 2019 · 207
chitragupta Mar 2019
You may think
I'm the monster
It is just the skin I wear
Warm to myself but
Intended to scare
The real ones out there
I'm so tired of explaining myself.
Mar 2019 · 730
তুমি (You)
chitragupta Mar 2019
আঁধারে দুর দিগন্তের কোমল আলো তুমি
ভূবনের অন্ধকারে আশার প্রদীপ জ্বালো তুমি

গ্রীষ্মকালে দুরন্ত স্রোতের কালবৈশাখী তুমি
মধুর চেয়েও মধুর কণ্ঠের কোকিল পাখি তুমি

প্রথম বর্ষায় রাঙা মাটির ভেজা গন্ধ তুমি
আমার মনের সংগীতের সুর ও ছন্দ তুমি

ভোরের বেলায় কানের পর্দায় কলরব তুমি
একঘেয় দিনের অন্তরালে উৎসব তুমি

বরফ মাখা কাঞ্চনজঙ্ঘার সোনালী ভোর তুমি
বঙ্গোপসাগরে ঢেউয়ের কোলে কল্লোল তুমি

এ কি অদ্ভূত খেলা, চেতনা আর নেই এ মনে
খুঁজে পেলাম না, হারিয়ে গেলে যে হৃদয়ের কোণে
People say when I'm at my worst, I write my best.
I think they're telling me not to fall in love again.

Gentle twilight in the horizon at dusk, it is you
A lamp of hope in the darkness of the earth, it is you

The furious speeding summer tempest, it is you
The call of the cuckoo, sweeter than honey, it is you

The smell of wet red soil on the first rains, it is you
The tunes and rhythm of the song of my heart, it is you

The chirping of birds at dawn on my eardrums, it is you
A festival at the heart of a mundane day, it is you

A golden dawn above snow capped Kanchenjunga, it is you
A strong current amidst the waves of the Bay of Bengal, it is you

What is this strange game, my mind has lost all consciousness
Couldn't seek you, hidden somewhere in the corner of my heart.
Mar 2019 · 763
chitragupta Mar 2019
We are all misunderstood
The only thing that changed
is that I care
no more to explain myself
I'd rather remain misjudged
And far, far away.
Yesterday I would have consciously raised my voice as a result of unconsciously raising my temper - to prove to you that you're wrong in what you perceive.
Today, I just want to leave things as they are.
I just want to leave.
Mar 2019 · 459
chitragupta Mar 2019
When you tinker with broken glass
You must not complain for getting hurt
For so mercilessly,
so delicately it cuts
Why should I ever apologize for being broken,
when those who broke me never once did?
Mar 2019 · 154
chitragupta Mar 2019
Tell me oh fleeting cloud
Tell me oh passing breeze
Is my suffering in vain, or
Does she ever think of me
Yes and no.
Mar 2019 · 150
chitragupta Mar 2019
One question
to ruin my sleep
to shatter my dreams
to derail my life

Just what am I to you?
I'm afraid of the answer I know
Mar 2019 · 295
chitragupta Mar 2019
I see letters float before my eyes, form words when I struggle to get them out
Little and a lot, millions of worlds form in my mind
Worlds with knights and dragons, ones with spaceships and lightsabers
And those where a hand reaches out to meet mine

I dare not shut my eyes, even as torpor sets in to counsel
A mosaic of bittersweet memories decorate my delirious porch
Heat courses through my blood, away from my heart
The sweat on my forehead feels like a familiar touch

My fantasies are real as long as I endure this stupor
Imagined reality is what I should live for
Love for
Because there, we're together.
Until I've had a vacation, she's gonna be coming back in my writings. Can't help it.
Mar 2019 · 6.9k
A pledge to women
chitragupta Mar 2019
I know today the world celebrates you
But in my heart, your festival plays all season
To craft songs in your praise is honour
And this wordsmith is honorable aplenty

I know I'll never know the pain
The way societies have pushed you when
You blinded them with your radiance
Now enlightened they can only apologise

Justice is the cry!
Tell me it is not my lone heart
I do not strive to appease,
it is just what every woman deserves
Even if I lend my hand to
just the ones close to my heart
They say intelligence comes from one's experience,
and wisdom from those of others'
Wise I have become,
so I pledge to be better than my fathers
Happy women's day, world.
As we celebrate the day, let us pledge to make a woman's life easier at work, school or at home.
And lend them our courage and support whenever we see institutionalised gender injustice.
Those little drops of individual effort can create oceans collectively even if governments are unable to.
Mar 2019 · 874
chitragupta Mar 2019
Furnished rooms, refined cooling
An angry Sun, a helpless ozone layer
Lavish resorts, palatial homes
The Ents are silent in their prayers
Roaring turbines, whirring motors
****** waters, crying to be set free
Clicks and clacks, a touch and a swipe
Birds fall to the alien magnetic field
Travel the world, not fast enough
Dig and mine, crashing harbour wave
Fossils spent, air wears the smoke
Dinner is served on the tectonic plates

Every day the water becomes a little fuller to the brim
Every day the air becomes a little less thin
Every day the world becomes a little too big
Every day the land becomes a little less green
My second favourite colour next to blue.
But you've guessed what this is about haven't you?
Mar 2019 · 368
chitragupta Mar 2019
I say,
if you have hate in your gut
Set it free
Make me the outlet
for I have the depths
of the sea
And the little drops
of venom
won't matter to me
A drop more, a drop less - all the same in the sea.
So unleash your negativity on me.
Mar 2019 · 217
chitragupta Mar 2019
Your God, my wishes, never came true
Would He mind, if instead, I prayed to you?

The heart failed to reason, so the mind has to.
Putting someone on a pedestal. Bad idea.
Mar 2019 · 410
chitragupta Mar 2019
Wait not for dawn
Wait not for the first bird's song
Wait not for the trees and their leaves
Wait not for the dew on their skin
Wait not for the rays of the Sun
Wait not for them to kiss the Earth
Wait not for the woken faces
Wait not for their curious gazes

Honor the wishes of a dying night,
and a dying heart,
and retreat
For ever were you
another species
Conciliation was
never meant to be..

I just want to leave. Never say goodbye. Never turn back.
I know not where to. But I know I want to.
Mar 2019 · 1.0k
chitragupta Mar 2019
क्या कहूं उनके हुस्न के बारे में
क्या तारीफ करू उनके आंखो की
क्या तौसीफ करू उनके जुल्फों की

हसीन तो उनकी बातें है
हसीन तो उनकी यादें है
जिनकी वजह से ना गुजरते ये रातें है
What should I say about her beauty?
Should I praise her eyes?
Should I admire her hair?

The beauty is in her words
The beauty is in her memories
Because of which these nights are unspent
Mar 2019 · 631
Water cycle
chitragupta Mar 2019
You were the glacier
that fed the rivers in my eyes
You are the sea -
kissing the horizon with guile
You'll be nothing more
than a speck in the sky
Sorry for the stupid title
Mar 2019 · 153
chitragupta Mar 2019
Sufficiently suffocated,
Do we abound in blood?

Reason abandoned, our
masters have merchandised war

Irrationality the only currency
The penniless to the churn
Mar 2019 · 118
Ants on the wall
chitragupta Mar 2019
Look, there's a trail of fire
across my gray wall
The scent of honey
within concrete and dust

The minutest of creatures
march on with impeccable conduct
Mar 2019 · 786
chitragupta Mar 2019
I admit
I made
a mistake
But the only one I owe
an apology to
is myself
So there's no reason
for you
to wait
If I said
I'm sorry
that's not how I felt
Mar 2019 · 356
chitragupta Mar 2019
I thought
I needed a break
From you
What I needed
Was a vacation
From my mind
Mar 2019 · 309
chitragupta Mar 2019
I'm not heartless
Just choose when to
use my heart less
Mar 2019 · 399
A free soul
chitragupta Mar 2019
Those who tried to claim me
Were unable to tame me
They stopped to blame me
Then started to maim me
Ever caught the wind, have you?

I care not for our defaults
I care not for societal norms
I wouldn't dabble in white lies
But take the bull by its horns
Did I break your rules, too?

A free soul cannot be caged so easily
They say I'm alone, but
I know there are more of me
Our love of freedom unites us
Soul siblings from green Mother Earth
They are too set in their own ways
To observe the world as I do
They desire a mirror, and me a window
Non conforming rebels unite!
Apologies for the rhyming pattern, it became a free for all :(
Mar 2019 · 366
chitragupta Mar 2019
All I wanted was a piece of your soul
My beating heart the bargaining chip
Expecting no guarantees of reciprocity
But for your own promises

Your scales deemed my currency weak
The bid defeated, picking up my coin naked
To your deception of camaraderie
I may have lost some pieces..

Second choice to none, friends. Never make the same mistake twice. That's what I try to live my life by.
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