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Sep 2019 · 289
like an Echinopsis
I feel like im dying
Im not even crying

Im always lying
To you especially
Cant you see
Im not happy

Like a rose I bloomed
Like an Echinopsis
I was gone in a day
Too weak to stay
I could wait for you all my life
With only simple glances to keep me going
its sad
like you push them away
but did they ever even wanna stay
Sep 2019 · 470
Ripped and Kicked out
I feel like everyone's letting me go
Like they kicked me out their minds
Like they ripped me out their heart
its sad
like u push them away
but did they ever even wanna stay
Sep 2019 · 345
Its sad to think
That when we drifted apart
It was because you let me go
You stoped thinking about me
You stopped "wasting time"
Sep 2019 · 137
Sep 2019 · 244
Draw on my shoes
They ask what wrong
If only they could hear my screams
And the voice in my head
Maybe then
Maybe they could understand the way I am
And why I do what I do
And draw on my shoes
Sep 2019 · 312
That Guy
I never thought you could be that type of guy. Yet deep inside I always knew you were, I could see it in your eyes when you looked at girls. I could see it in your smile when you talked to them. I could see it in your legs when you walked to them. Everything about the way you looked and acted showed you were a bad guy for me. But I couldn't get you out my head, so I started to think about all the good things you would do when we were kids. I started seeing that little boy in you. I was too naive to see the truth. Even when it was right in front of me. The truth is that you use girls, to you they are something you can throw away. Sadly, I wished you could have used least got to know me… that something about me could make you change and stay. But nothing I do could make you see. Cant you the person that really cares. But you cant see that. We haven't had a conversation longer than 3min in 4 years. We drifted apart. And now I wont see you again. Ever again. Next month is the party I will see you. I wont see you , I will see a boy who was once my world but is now a memory of a painful hell he didn't know he was giving me. I never thought you could be that guy, but you are.
this is not a poem i think
Sep 2019 · 90
She made me realize what a bad person you are
Sep 2019 · 282
You Are So Bad For Me
Everything you do seems to be bad
From the way you walk and talk
I could tell you think your all that
I think I hate you
For hurting me a way no one has
But I know I love you
Sep 2019 · 557
I wish you saw me
As something other than a friend
Sep 2019 · 191
Him Her I Him
I know I said I liked him
But the truth is I like you
But you like her
“Why do you always distance  yourself when we get if you don't want to be friends just say it”
“Okay... I don't want to friends”
When I was 8:
I met this guy
He was nice and kind
He was short and shaped like a ball
He still made me fall
Deep in his eyes
I felt alive
After a while we stoped talking and I never saw him again

When I was 9 my best friends of all my life:
With no regret in their eyes
Like they see something they despise
And all those night thinking I wasn't enough
Were very rough
Losing the only people you love is very tough

When I was 11 :
I understood that they were gone
And I moved on
Thats when I met him
The only one that could make me laugh
Like back then

When I was 12 :
He didn't like me anymore
Says he got bored

When I was 13:
I saw him again
The short was shaped like a ball
Except he wasn't like that at all
He got taller
Taller than my father
He got toned
And it showed
I felt a blush creep on my face
I said hey and he smiled

When I was sure there wasn't any love left:
I trusted her
I told her I liked him
She understood I could never walk up to him
So she did
She got his number
His hoodie
His love

When I gave up:
“Yeah he likes me a lot but I dont”
I then understood  that if you love someone
They will leave
So sorry
But I dont want to be your friend
Sep 2019 · 275
See My Pain
I remember the day I saw you again
I wanted to pretended
Pretend you still cared
That deep in your heart im still there
But I wasn’t ever on your mind
So please dont waste my time
Sep 2019 · 1.1k
Mexican Girl
“Your soooo pretty... for a Mexican girl”
Ive heard this many times. For a Mexican girl
Sep 2019 · 242
Why I Write
“The only reason I write  poems is ... is to say  the things I could never  tell you”
“So can I read it”
Sep 2019 · 292
Poems but im speechless
You make me want to write a poem
But at the same time
At the same time you make me speechless
"What did you do this summer"
Flashbacks of me waking up at 2am to eat
Flashbacks of me up all night watching the office
Flashbacks of me sleeping in the day
"So much" I answer with a smile
umm yea tht pretty much it
i practically hear the vsco girls "and i oop"
Sep 2019 · 369
How Dare You
How dare you make me love you
me to myself at night:
how dare he
take my heart
tht i keep innocent
and take it with him
not returning it
he dosent even know he has it
that **** making me love him
but... he dosent even try to make me love him
i just do
Sep 2019 · 901
She Would Fall For Him
One glance
One look
Once smile
And she would fall for him
And she would love him forever
even if the smile wasent meant for her lol
Sep 2019 · 376
He would fall for her
One glance
One look
One smile
And he would fall for her
Sep 2019 · 318
Look At Me
Back then when we talked you couldn't look away
Now you look anywhere
Anywhere but my face
Anywhere but my eyes
Everywhere else but me
but... the last time he looked at her.. he was talking to her (sum other girl)
she went to talk to her (the other girl)
and for the first time
in a very long time
he stared at her the way he used to
at her face at her eyes
she realized this
being she shy girl she is
she went under her float and swam away
taking the floaty with her
leaving the other pretty girl confused
leaving him
leaving him to forget her
like he always dose
Sep 2019 · 277
"Sorry there isn't enough seats for all of us"
"Sorry I forgot to tell you"
"Sorry you don't have that shirt"
"No your my best friend too... its jus-"
"Stop... no worries"
the last part was whisper
uR tHe FaKe OnE
umm yeah sure
Sep 2019 · 209
Quick, Save Yourself
Sep 2019 · 257
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I bloomed into a flower
So will you
my other poem flower or sum
But it has to do with it
Sep 2019 · 254
Everyone bloomed
But i'm still a baby bud
Waiting for enough sunlight to bloom
Waiting for  water to keep me strong and bright
Sep 2019 · 149
Rainy days
Rainy days make me want to sleep
And never wake up
Sep 2019 · 314
The only thing I want
The only thing I want is for all the tears to stop
The only thing I want is for everyone to smile
The only thing I want is for people to love each other
No matter race
No matter gender
No matter size
Because at the end of the day we are all born and we all die
Might as well make life the best of it
Lets smile
While we still can
Sep 2019 · 303
Can you see me
Can you see it?
Can you see the tears that make my world blurry?
Can you see the scars in my heart and arms?
Can you see my pain when I hear your name?
Can you see my eyes slowly dying?
No you don't see me crying
No you don't see my pain
Because its hidden with a soft smile
Sep 2019 · 206
Why Would You Give Up
Sep 2019 · 131
Once he left
She new things would never be the same
He would inevitably change
Sep 2019 · 228
She isn't weak
She really isn't but she was scared
Sep 2019 · 302
I love that its raining
Makes me think the sky is crying for me
That its putting a whole show for the world to see
Showing the world i'm too tired to cry
So its crying and screaming for me
I love that its raining
Sep 2019 · 253
I Hate you
I hate you
I hate the face you make when you see me
I hate the way you look at her, with love
I hate that after all these years of knowing you
I still love you
I hate that you can comfort me without touching or looking at me
I hate the power you have over me
I hate that your my weakness
I hate that you don't love me the way I love you
And I wish I could tell you
yupp its true
i love tht its raining
makes me think the skys crying wiht me
Sep 2019 · 273
From a girl to a woman
Before she thought he was cute
Now she thinks he's handsome
Before she would like him
Even though he was shaped like a ball
Now she loves him
But not because he has a very tall, toned body
She loves him because of who he is
Before she would laugh and blush at his jokes
And if he ever got close to her
She would blush and look down
She would suddenly be a tomato thanks to her pale skin
Now shes a woman and now he's a man
Now she wishes she would laugh at his jokes
Now she wishes he were close enough to blush
Now she wish they were at least friends
ahhh how people change. like he dont even smile or joke around his heart is black like his hair lol. im not a woman yet tho lol but god he looks like a handsome man lol were not even adults by law yet cant wait till i am tho
Sep 2019 · 146
He hugged her
He hugged her
He hugged he like if she was the world
And letting go meant death
Sep 2019 · 119
Smile for me
"Smile for me"
he never did
Sep 2019 · 265
"Funny, isn't it... how they find their way back together"
she smiled as she felt her eyes wet
this girl. is she the protagonist. dose she have her own story. when will it start
Sep 2019 · 134
Like every other Day
The sky was a bright blue
But to her it was a dark grey
Like every other day
Sep 2019 · 310
Didn't believe it
"Why would you do this" she asked looking down
He grabbed her chin and made her look at him in the eye
"Because I love you too much"
She didn't believe it
If you love someone you wouldn't hurt them
I read a book of an affair. The girl waited for him for years. And he treated her so badly but still she loved him
Sep 2019 · 9.1k
This time
She changed
He noticed it in her eyes
The last time he acknowledged her was
before he left
When fresh tears came out her eyes
When she dedicated her love to him
But no matter what she did she couldn't stop him
from leaving
Her eyes held sadness and love
That he had never seen in anyone before
The kind of eyes when someone betrays you
This time
Her eyes had fire
And as he stood and looked at her
Her hair and the wind
Her eyes and the sun
This time
This time he saw her worth
Her love
Her strength
But this time she was strong enough to fight
Strong enough to say no.
folllow me on instagram
Sep 2019 · 1.3k
Were not touching
But I tingle
But I get butterflies
Your hands beside mines
But not touching
I feel warm
I feel loved
But were not touching
I feel scared
But then your beside me
Not touching me
But I still feel better
You look at her and smile
I still love you
Its attraction
A strange attraction
But its enough
Enough for me to wait a life time for you
We were getting on this ride. It was fast. And scary. She sat on the other side. My firend was beside me. But I was still scared until I saw you. You saw me and stood beside me. I felt tingle and butterflies. You werent touching me but I felt warm in Febuary. I breathed out. A puff of smoke in this cold. Yet I felt warm. I opened my eyes. Your hand was so close. The ride was fast but just for this secound time had stoped.
Sep 2019 · 221
Even though
Even though you stare at her
Even though you smile at her
I still love you
its true
Sep 2019 · 486
Do you understand how your eyes shine?
Do you understand how I love you?
Do you understand how I could never live without you?
Sep 2019 · 158
Time separated us
It grabbed my heart and forced it into your chest
You now had a heart
I gave you everything
It grabbed "your" heart and gave it to her

I wish I could talk to you
But we are separated by too much time
can u put your mine craft bed next to mine
Sep 2019 · 146
I fear you will love her
But you never even loved me my insta go follow
Sep 2019 · 727
I had a Dream
He looked at me and smiled
We got on another ride
The stars shined like his eyes
There were no lies
There were no tears
He grabbed my hand
He grabbed the side of my cheek
I noticed his hands had gotten rougher
Bigger and tougher
He had grown into a young man
And I into a young woman
We were no longer kids
My eyes opened and just as fast as they opened
They closed
I had a dream
Where you were with me
I cried myself to sleep
I had a dream
And it was just a dream.
I miss u pls LOVE ME
Sep 2019 · 229
Her Eyes
She grabbed your hand as you tried to leave
I love you
Shes says trying to get you to stay
You look at her
Tears running down her face
You see then her beauty
Her eyes bright and wet
Her eyes full of life
Her eyes full of hope
makes me think tht this is what sauske thought as he left he never looked at her in the eyes because that would have made him stay
Sep 2019 · 424
Her tears
She smiled and laughed
But you never saw her beauty
Not until you saw her tears
Then you saw as her eyes sparkled
And how she glowed
Because you noticed she was strong
With tears down her face
But a smile on her lips
Follow me on insta
Sep 2019 · 336
The Thing About Our Mind
Our minds are surrounded
Our minds are trapped
Of memories of people who
We love but will never love us back.
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