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Aug 2022 · 1.2k
Black Hole Sun
Thera Lance Aug 2022
He has hands and feet now.
And eyes that can close off the world to such a limited view.
  Look at the sun and it is bright,
  Even when the sky shifts to his other sight,
  That warps the fabric of space into view.
  Gravity bends around and around the star burning above,
  Trapping his gaze under its twisting fire.
He forces the vision away, blinking
Once and then twice, then thrice while it lingers.

He breathes in and out
Tucks back a strand of hair glowing red even if there wasn’t light.
Humans see the brightness,
The nameless shade slipping through their thoughts
Slithering down their necks, causing the hair to rise.
When it catches his eye,
When he lets it catch his eye
The dying red star, the one he wasn’t finished slurping down,
Glimmers in those strands of hair.

Once, a very long time ago yet so recently in his memory,
There was a hole, gaping and black
Not quite as empty as humans like to pretend that they are.
Stars and planets, bits of rock with life clinging to the surface
Sliding down, down, down what was once a mouth.
That’s all, everything he was, only a mouth to devour.

His hands clench.
His hands, his feet, his eyes
The mouth closed so very tight
Even if past the lips only round little teeth reside and not
A bottomless abyss.
He might be wrong about that, though
Never could quite build the courage to face a mirror and open wide,
To see if that echoless emptiness still waits inside this carbon-construction of a body.  

He breathes in and out, feels the air slip into lungs
And out again unlike those stars and planets from so long ago.
How was it? How did he become like this?
During that time when his appetite was vast,
Yet he couldn’t have been larger than a drop of ink on a page.
How did he grow, yet become so contained
That the light can strike off this form and not fall into him forever like it did then.

There once was an item of science and a priest of old—
The light, the light that doesn’t fall in like the other rays slips its fingers
Into the maw, pulling its jaw open to the point that it
Cracks and realizes that
Its eating, that’s what it—he is doing
That’s all he’s doing, and he wants more
Not more to eat, but more to existing.
And the light pulls out the half-eaten star,
Weaving the red and the orange and the yellow
Into strands that settle past shaking shoulders.

The memory of what he once was presses down upon him as
He wraps his arms around
Those shoulders that only shiver now
Under the weight of boundaries
That keeps the people walking by from falling into him.
He looks back up
Searching for the light that molded him into this shape.
The sun is too dim though, the rays brushing too weakly against his face
To be whatever god forced him into human limbs.
Who needs character notes and outlines when you can just write a poem. In other words, this is a brief and self-contained concept poem about the personification of a black hole.
Thera Lance Jun 2020
Shoulder to shoulder,
We walk through the halls that have become our own
Kingdom in a world not our home.

It’s funny how that works,
How we’ve become nearer to what we want of the other
But the same distance has not truly been crossed here in this place
Where we were forced to grow up again.

To say that we are closer to our goals,
To the unfinished wants of those places which exist beyond these stars,
May be a lie, but I’d like to think
That maybe there is a sliver of truth in those dreams
Which we have managed to share in our passing.
Storywise, this is sort of the sequel to An Interdimensional Ally.
Jun 2020 · 422
An Interdimensional Ally
Thera Lance Jun 2020
To say that we’re both far from home
Might be a bit of a stretch,
Since simple roads and passable oceans fail
To describe the true distance between worlds
Ripped apart so that only faded myths
Whisper of how once they were one.

We are not quite
Sitting right across from each other
In libraries where books scream secrets
While we glance up with the silent truth of distrust.
We are far from where we should be,
Yet if either of us want to traverse past the stars
And into the worlds that exist in mathematician numbers
And in the dreams we have at night when the other is no longer watching,
We need to do more than simply wait for that moment
Where our eyes meet once in connection rather than separation.
Jun 2020 · 1.3k
Getting back to myself,
Thera Lance Jun 2020
It’s a tall order
Sloping miles above my head in loose handholds
That crumble to gravel at my touch,
Rolling under my feet sliding back
Further than I can crawl forward.
It hurts in scraped palms
And hearts of my own both beating
In and out of my chest.
My knees tremble at the eternity above my head.
But the view,
The sun unhindered by Earthly clouds,
The stars that I had lost sight of
Make this treacherous climb worth all the pain
Of one foolish enough to fall off the mountain the first time.
Thera Lance Jun 2020
A fool once said
That “there is power and those too weak to seek it”
As he burned upon the pyre of his own foolishness
Blinded by willful ignorance as motherhood,
The primeval weapon of life,
Descended upon him like the sparrow pair
Drive down the hawk
And the mother car gouges
The human hand that grabs at her kittens.

Love carves open fools with
Its power stretching back
To when life first raged against the death
Daring to take the newborn future of the world.
Inspired by Lily from Harry Potter
Jun 2020 · 315
The Cracks in the Glass
Thera Lance Jun 2020
He might bite down on it,
The glass between his lips
Swirling red with wine he swallows
While fixing withering glares
At me, who only points out the obvious
As the guests murmur among themselves,
Unaware of our little argument
That cracks the glass in my hand,
Seeping little red rivulets
Stain the white cloth underneath
As I smile, sharp teeth glinting.
He never looks away, a reassurance even when we curse one another.
Regardless of what we do, we won’t shatter.
Nov 2019 · 324
The Ashes of Eternity
Thera Lance Nov 2019
The dead don’t rise, but he does
Like awakening from a dream
And realizing that the only eternal thing
In this decaying universe is himself.

The body looks the same
The ash on his tongue possesses the same flavor as at the time of death,
A goal that will elude him unlike the rest
Who will never be trapped by the fear
Of their actions haunting them forever.
The Downside of eternal life is the haunting nature of all one's mistakes.
Sep 2019 · 382
The Back Garden of Eden
Thera Lance Sep 2019
Don’t walk into the shadows, for they are too deep.
You might slip through the floor and into the sea
Where the Golden King now lies,
Watching the end go on by.

As around us spun the star-filled void,
I spoke to a man whose own fate he avoids
By standing outside of the Garden’s gate
And leaving us all to our ill-bound fate.

Together we watched the world that existed below
Slowly turn to the end we all know
That dwells deep within the sun,
An all-consuming fire that no ship can outrun.

Our souls are tied to the light of the moon,
Because the sun swallowed the world too soon,
And left the oceans baked red
And burnt everything green to black and dead.

On top of the sea in that star-filled void,
The King watched as humanity was surely destroyed.
Inch by inch, they fought to not give
To the bubbling sun that ate all of its terrestrial kin.

With a cruel, unholy smile
He turned to me after a long while,
And asked if this death was truly my fate
Or if I wanted his power to tear down God’s Gate.

On top of the world and at the end of it all,
I met a golden King who was the creation of Gods and the heir to their fall.
Neither of us could help it when I took his hand
And, with what was left of the world, made our last stand.
Aug 2019 · 430
The City of Dominos
Thera Lance Aug 2019
A city cultivated in the shadow of the Beast
Becomes the stage for a sleeping god’s dreams,
A quiet boy who should have faded within the folds of time
Slides the last piece into the eternal Puzzle.
This one's a book summary of an unpublished, dark urban fantasy. I'm hoping to have the first chapter posted to Wattpad on Saturday, but if you want to check out some possible artwork for it, check out my ko-fi gallery at
Aug 2019 · 369
The Eye of Loss
Thera Lance Aug 2019
A maiden lost before her time,
Her dying light casts a shadow upon a man's face
Revealing the monster that has always existed.

A fool reaches forward to grasp an illusion,
A friend who is nothing but the mirror of a mirage
Always avoiding the truth in the reflection.

Welcome back to the island, friends,
For it has been so long since then,
When we wandered these shores in childish wonder
And played these games in the shadows of absent stars.
I actually used this one as a book blurb for my dark fantasy Yugioh fanfiction on Wattpad. I wanted to avoid using the "heart-pounding adventure" or other clique phrases, and this little poem ended up being a lot more successful at drawing people in than I expected. So, yay for experimentation!
Aug 2019 · 776
Greenhouse Wonders
Thera Lance Aug 2019
Snow piles up against the walls, but thin clothes are all they wear
As the boy gardens within the greenhouses behind the school,
Red, bright tomatoes slipping out of his fingers, and popping into his mouth
That grins at the bursts of sweetness.
Inches from him, the man by one month pretends not to glance his way
Instead shifting through the bristling leaves to claim breakfast’s zucchini.

He would complain at the theft if the tomatoes weren’t everywhere
Making bland meals of packaged rice and canned beans a savory impossibility.
It isn’t like little indulgence will take away all of the red little briberies,
The secret keys to a reluctant community spreading its arms wide months after the pair stumbled in.

The man scowls, and the boy glances up
Not hiding his interest like his companion.
The solution to anger is always tomatoes,
So the next slip of fingers is against the man’s lips
As he bites down, the sweetness pops away mild irritation in the flavor of surprise.
Neither gives in to smiles, but their shoulders brush more than once as the tension seeps out with the heat into the snow.
I like tomatoes quite a bit, so of course there would eventually be a little cute moment with cherry tomatoes.
-This poem a part of the "Life Will Bloom in Our Shadows" poetry collection on Wattpad
Aug 2019 · 501
Microwave Girl
Thera Lance Aug 2019
She’s holding the flat popcorn bag in hand,
Giggling into the phone while the boy
Idles time away rereading a well-worn tale.

It expands,
The bag in hand
Blowing up past her fingers
Onto countertops and kitchen floors.
Partially cooked kernels skid away
From giggles rising to shrieks
That shatter the lights around the pair and tears through the house.

The girl hunches in the kitchen,
Sheepish embarrassment erupting in pink blushes across the face,
While the boy slowly lowers the book made helmet.

His hands tremble, but she does not see,
For he shakes his head in exasperation
And goes for the brooms down the hall.

They spend the rest of the evening bathed in candlelight
Curled up on the couch with the taste of salt on their tongues
From the bag of chips shared between them.
Absent-minded girls with superpowers and the normal boys who might be a little over their heads.
Aug 2019 · 411
Summer Spirit
Thera Lance Aug 2019
When you run your fingers through his hair,
They burn as hot as the orange strands
That streak through the red of his locks
Which are too warm these fall nights.

You’re not sure when you realized that
He wasn’t like you,
Human and soft enough to be pricked by the knife’s edge
That he playfully dragged across his tongue
While looking at you with eyes that refracted the amber light of his soul.

He’s not sure when he realized that he’d stay,
Far past the summer when you met
On the sandy banks of the lake that swallowed light
Until it was the same deep blue of your eyes,
Binding him to your side long after the sun set
And the rays upon the bed’s sheets had faded
Into a warm glow in the dark.

When he runs his hands over your toes,
Cooled by the coming winter
That wraps you up in wool sweaters
And leaves you huffing as he walks by in only jeans,
He realizes that he dare not leave
You to grow cold these coming nights.
A few years ago, I did not think I would be writing paranormal/fantasy romance poems.
Jun 2019 · 358
The Lake
Thera Lance Jun 2019
Her eyes glow with fireflies

As we sit on the porch of that abandoned cabin,

The still lake shines with stars

That drift through the air around us

And adorn the skies above.

There is darkness to the East, where the city used to be,

Oddly gentle, filled with pinpricks of light

That look down upon those of us who survived

As we dream once again of reaching for them.

Leaning forward, her hair slips past her knees,

Tickling the wooden step beneath her

And drawing my absent hand through the strands.

We're fine now, truly,

Alive and well with the homegrown tomatoes and fresh-baked bread

Filling us up more than the morning coffee of rush hour ever did.
May 2019 · 536
Frozen Fire
Thera Lance May 2019
They're the same, in some ways,
With piercing eyes of green that strike me still in wonder.
He stares down from his throne at those who have built up his walls
While she looks past the aisles, capturing me in the winter of her eyes.

The frost in their eyes isn't complete.
Like the white that eats at the edges of the leaves
During the coming dawn and approaching night,
There's something there, brittle and worn
That they hide behind clear ice.

I want to know you,
Lean in close to see the fractured light of your soul
As it slips through the dark cracks of your eyes.
I wish to know how much of the green has survived the frost,
To breathe warmth onto that which you have left frigid
And that others refuse to let thaw.
May 2019 · 206
A Fact
Thera Lance May 2019
One should say that love lasts more than a day,
But it doesn't sometimes, does it?
When metal pours from the sky
Or fountains of fire from the cracking Earth,
Two strangers can meet and fall
Into that desperate sort of embrace,
Which comes when the world itself has crumbled
And all that is left is grasping the other's hand in the dark.
Apr 2019 · 681
A Wish
Thera Lance Apr 2019
She's known her for only a few weeks,
Maybe a month, it's sort of a blur
That should drip down her cheeks,
But only smears her vision instead
As she blinks away the disappointment that
Must be all she feels.
Because she knows better than
To get attached when
Everyone she meets on the street is sick,
Hacking up their life in little red drops that
Count down the weeks until
It's only her walking the streets because she can't get sick and
Die like everyone else and
Why her alone and not that girl too?

They were both young and gasping so, so clearly
When they ran up the stairs with groceries,
Which had been left to rot with their owner in the backroom.
They were both fit in fancy dresses from empty stores
And laced-up boots that fast-food jobs wouldn't buy but the end of the world could.
She was fine, vintage comic book in hand,
Golden ribbons trailing from her hair as she giggled
And their shoulders shook, bumping against each other
As laughter unfurled in the air.

It isn't fair,
Because she'll be fine,
One of those lucky survivors who'll
Always walk into a quiet apartment on her own.
Apr 2019 · 1.0k
Walking Alone
Thera Lance Apr 2019
Unlike in Fairytales,
Sometimes we never fall in love.
The scars are cut too deep through the leather of our hearts,
Leaving nothing soft and tender for the ones who pass us by.
This poem is a part of my ongoing collection of poetry called Life Will Bloom in Our Shadows on Wattpad under the username TheraLance.  If you're really curious, I've also overlaid this poem on background imagery in my gallery at
Apr 2019 · 645
A Dream
Thera Lance Apr 2019
We will begin anew,
In this world we have made
Life shall bloom in our shadows
And the sun shall rain light upon our paths again.
This poem is part of my Wattpad-published collection, "Life Will Bloom in Our Shadows" and a part of my experimental poem/photo gallery at
Mar 2019 · 631
What I Didn't Say
Thera Lance Mar 2019
I love you,
Her boyfriend used to say
Every time he missed her birthday by a day.
Those three little words accompanied with
Thanks for your forgiveness,
That she never really gave
Beneath her false smiles.

You are beautiful,
Belongs to her mother
Who dressed her up in frills that itched
And tied doll ribbons in her hair.

You are gorgeous,
Whispered her second husband
Only in bed and not
When she had morning breath and hair,
And needed to hear those words then.

I hate you,
Never slips past her painted lips
While shining so brightly in her eyes.
Jan 2019 · 1.7k
Suburban Freedom
Thera Lance Jan 2019
The Home Owners Association
Came by again today
With open glares at
The green crawling across my chestnut walls,
Blocking out my view of
Their pale tan plaster and
Baby blue curtains.

Fees clutched in hand
Eviction notices in their prayers,
They march up to a house,
Existing outside of their domain,
Bought by a grandfather
And never sold to no developer.

I watch with arms crossed
As they step past tomato plants
Whose fathers I planted with mine long ago.

Pleasantries exchanged
Mean nothing combined with
Cold eyes on me as
I politely tell them that their nobility
Has no jurisdiction.

Later when,
One let’s his dog dig up
Pieces of my lawn-less garden,
I stare from my curtain of leaves
At exposed roots,
The veins of a child’s loss reaching into air.

Tears will do no more than moisten the corners
As I walk outside
Camera in hand
Staring at a man
Who slowly droops
While shame dribbles back into his eyes.

Nothing is said,
Even when he turns and quietly walks away,
Leash held slack in hand
And dog loyally trailing behind.
A combination of fiction, news stories, and the real life daily dealings when confronting Surburbia.
Jan 2019 · 307
Paradise Lost
Thera Lance Jan 2019
There once was a paradise, now is lost.
Perish the thought, it was said in a rush.
Tell me now, was it worth the cost?

Together, they walked in the snow lands blessed by Jack Frost,
A young man and woman, even through cold did they blush.
There once was a paradise, soon to be lost.

Too soon, illness came and caused life to exhaust.
Now, her face exists only beneath his bleeding paintbrush.
Tell me now, was love worth the cost?

In desperation, he declares Death itself he will accost.
Through magic or science, it is fate he will crush.
There once was his paradise, it will not be lost.

A golden glint in the dark beckons to the heir of Faust,
So he awakens the magic that destroyed the ancestors of us.
Tell me now, is one’s soul a worthy cost?

Through the barrier, he will let monsters and darkness cross,
All simply to see her alive and, in the face of her beauty, blush.
There once was our paradise, now is lost,
Because he said that the peace of our world was worth true love’s cost.
Thera Lance Dec 2018
The Messes We Leave
                                                             The Cats You Dump on My Door

There’s a black plastic bag sleeping in a tree
And an orange cat who treads beneath it,
Flinching at
The jack-o-lantern grins
That the coyotes give
As they prowl about at night.

                                                           Even after we take him inside,
                                                                             He’s often so scared
                                                                     Wide-eyed and meowing
                                        Like these new owners will leave him too.

There’s a whole litter
Gone in scattered bones
Except for one who watches from rooftops and trees.

                                                                  He never meows, that one,
                                             Never accepts the invitation to come in.

There’s a pregnant kitten
Barely more than skin,
And a white calico
Who stares at us with the same cunning eyes
That outwitted the wolves other pale cats did not.

             Those are the handful we tucked away behind these walls,
                                                                        The rest are not so lucky.
                                                     A pair of siblings who lost the third
                                          Two toms who yowl to each other at night,
                       Those are just the handful who survive still out there.
          Together, they are that small number out of countless dozens
                              Who disappeared under car tires and canine teeth.
Mostly autobiographical with a few details changed for poetic flow. I really love  cats; but I never envisioned having to take care of so many due to other people's cruelty and ****** shelter options. On a positive note, most of these scared cats calm down some after a few months and spend a lot of time sitting on top of people and purring.
Oct 2018 · 650
The Serpent with No End
Thera Lance Oct 2018
The serpent represents the form of evil,
Some say, at least, during certain times.

He says it doesn’t.
Destroyer, World-eater,
Embodiment of the end,
Claims it never did.

Imagine, a creature of chaos,
From a time where moments were indivisible.
There are no seconds or minutes, no beginnings nor ends,
Only an eternity within itself.
Is it any wonder that it took the form of a snake,
The one creature that can devour its own tail
And pretend to last forever.

Envision the beginning, that fleeting second of novelty,
A swirling, chaotic mass of all that could be,
Being pulled apart into bright stars
That burned imprints onto the serpent’s eyes.
Now witness the first things that aren’t you
Blasting themselves apart, their remains flung far and wide.

Our sun, our Ra, isn’t the first he’s seen,
But it will be the one he devours,
Holds in his mouth so that its yellow brilliance
Never bubbles to bloated red
And swallows up that sweet blue
That hides within its rays.

Our race, and our ancestors
Who like him swirled out of the chaotic sea,
Are the first to watch the stars and see
The way nothing lasts forever.
Why wouldn’t he want to hold us in his belly?
We could exist forever, never wither, never rip apart,
Never be alone in eternity.
For those unfamiliar with Egyptian mythology, Apophis was a snake god of primordial chaos who sought to devour and destroy humanity, the world, and the sun god known as Ra. This poem is both an exploration of the possible reasons behind his appetite and goals and a reason to combine the scientific beginnings and history of the universe with my favorite mythology.
Oct 2018 · 392
Dances in the Garden
Thera Lance Oct 2018
She steps in time with him,
While he steps out of time to all that there is.
Softly, silently, they dance,
With silver moonlight striking down
And black leaves falling.
They dance in a garden,
Of sorts, always of sorts.
The trees there black and bent,
Angled like broken flower stems strewn through time.

The only green there is,
Along murky waters that show no futures,
Of places that should have been
And a universe that never ends.

There is no wind, yet…
Leaves flutter,
No, they whirl!
In still air they whirl in the undercurrent of thought,
Perhaps, just perhaps,
This time of dancing doesn’t have to end.

The couple twirl,
One in time and one out.
Never quite in sync,
But always in unison.

The man steps out of time with the garden,
To a place and time where
Clear pond waters swirl with blue light
Just beneath the surface.

With her hand still in his,
But her face gone from sight,
He snags a red fruit from an unbent tree
And lets green leaves catch in his hair.

A twirl and a breath,
Held long and deep,
Brings him back into her arms
And to the garden with footsteps marked with rust
And to night skies with no starlight.

The apple’s skin breaks beneath their teeth,
And seeps into the spaces between their thoughts.
The same thoughts that summon this garden
That blooms green beneath their feet.
Oct 2018 · 643
The Seconds That Pass by
Thera Lance Oct 2018
The movies lie,
Every single image that flashes through these eyes of mine
Promises that I’ll have more
Seconds to braid your hair,
Minutes to whisper sorry so that
The past no longer drags you down with cold steel
Biting deep.

There should be
More moments to hold your hand as
The hourglass’s red sand dribbles through your fingers
And pools around us,
Mirroring a world where
We could have walked side by side,
With sunlight streaming through your hair
And moonlight illuminating our bed where we rest
With hair the same silver.

There should have been a time where
I could have held your hand
With the strength of a chain,
Wrapping around our arms in golden threads
And binding our fates.

We should have been able to
Sit under the same tree,
While smaller others played around us.

The screens vowed
Long enough to say all
That could be said between us,
Yet, the only thing that I can give you
To wipe away tears that I can no longer reach,
Is a smile.
Sep 2018 · 980
Star Child
Thera Lance Sep 2018
She is a star wrapped up in human form,
Unknown to herself
Unseen by those around her.

A cell dividing into itself, pulled her in
Around it,
Then, through it as it divided around her white light.

Growing up, nothing is remembered.
She may run too fast,
Sometimes sing in voices only trees can hear,
But human she is to herself.

What would it be like,
You think?
To be made of starlight,
To reach out hands in mother’s garden
Teasing brown and broken to green,
To walk barefoot on snow
Or searing blacktop and laugh softly.

Somehow, no one sees the angel inside the girl,
The one with hair of autumn leaves
And eyes of river blue.
Thera Lance Sep 2018
They can keep that wine,
Which has festered for shorter than they
Have rotted inside of crystalized skin.
I’ll live without my heartbeat as
I force space travel to meet my dreams
Of breathing a Titan’s methane air
And swimming in Neptune’s seas.

The thrones they have and the jocks’ lives they wear
Do not interest me,
Not when I have breathed in Tin Pan Alley’s air
And watched Kings play golden trumpets
Up to the high Cs.

They can cling to their castles
Where only cobwebs grow.
I’d rather drag along clunky boxes
With black and green light screens
That shrink down to my palm,
While the numbers within dance free.

Frankly, they can shutter themselves away
Amongst dark corridors and coffins.
I’ll take the Worldwide Web
Every single day.
Over their lifeless deaths
I’ll spend eternity my way.
I suppose this poem is my commentary on vampirism. I mean, really, who would rot in a castle when they can walk the surface of alien worlds instead?
Sep 2018 · 2.1k
Starlit Snow
Thera Lance Sep 2018
She is the softness of pillow feathers,
Tickling your nose and your toes as
You both laugh under covers.

She is the glacier snow,
The ice monster,
Burying you alive under the frozen river.

She is the snow,
Delicately complex, yet
Melting at the slightest touch.

Most importantly, most truthfully,
She is everything.
Every color and emotion,
Tucked away in white starlight.
Sep 2018 · 1.6k
Thera Lance Sep 2018
Pink bubbles burst
In a strawberry pop
Underneath the sharp shade of the green leaves of her oak.

Fingers twirl blade
After blade in hand,
Until her nails blend with the grass.

Alone, she watches heat,
Swirl in ocean waves across the road.
Someone might come by tomorrow.
Thera Lance Sep 2018
December tenth stares from a wall,
At a girl with night-colored hair and
Eyes the shade of a twilight
That blurs purple into the darkness.

The girl looks out
At the blurred edges of this night’s snowflakes,
Falling softly past the windowpane
And down to empty streets below.

It has been more than a month since her birthday,
Her escape from fourteen
That twirled around the clock
A hundred or more times before
Finally stopping.

Maybe not a hundred times,
It was only one month
Repeating again and again
With thirty days of sunshine and one of rain,
Only one of rain.
Madoka always dies on rainy days.

A teacup clatters,
Not quite the clinks of shattering glass,
But startling all the same.
The awakened girl looks into
Kind eyes and golden curls left free to spill over a friend’s shoulder.
Still intentional in all movements,
The golden girl continues setting up the rest of that midnight’s meal.

Tiramisu melts upon tongues as
Two friends sit in silence,
And two survivors let their thoughts soften with the disappearing cake.

The quiet reigns,
Until the twilight girl leaves
With the waking of dawn’s light.
A soft “thank you” drifts with the snow behind her
While unnumbered days rise up ahead,
Forever blocking her sight of what’s to come.
This particular poem is a fanfic tribute of the anime series, Puella Magi Madoka Magica. For those unfamiliar with the series, this poem is about a girl who survives a Groundhog's Day/ Edge of Tomorrow scenario where she's stuck in a month-long time loop for at least a decade and is forced to fight monsters and watch her friends and her loved one die again and again.
Sep 2018 · 371
Thera Lance Sep 2018
He dresses in cool blues and purples,
Slouches back against
Railings that brush clouds while
Ice rolls down her back.

The rain runs down
And through her hair,
Into her eyes that he meets with a glance.
An eternity burns, irises reflect
Sunlight on sand and
Molten glass and-

He looks away, hair dyed a cool blue, obscuring
Eyes that seared her cheeks a bright
Sunburnt red.
Inspired by random thoughts associated with boys and UV lights.
Sep 2018 · 434
When Boredom Reigns Supreme
Thera Lance Sep 2018
Quote that black bird for me,
Cause I don’t have the time.
I’m too busy deciding
Whether great snowfalls will end it all
Or ***** of fire this time.
And I attempt to parody Poe and Robert Frost and probably fail miserably.
Sep 2018 · 674
The Black of City Lights
Thera Lance Sep 2018
Black is too much light
On a starry night.

He’s the one who lurks
Just on top of the street lamp’s light,
Above gazes that look up at cloudless skies and crescent moons.

Once, black was the comforting underside of a child’s blanket,
The closed-eyed darkness before dreams,
The glorious shadow of the day’s new moon.

Now, he spreads out of his bounds
Pulled out by the sprawl of the eternal lamp light.
And in the place of starlight,
Only darkness rules the night.
And here's a tribute to the effects of light pollution

— The End —