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5.8k · Aug 2018
Standing in Silence
Kim Essary Aug 2018
Sometimes our eyes don't see even though they are wide open.
Mistakes are plenty but humbling ourself to admit them is few and far between.
Could we survive only on our needs instead of our wants?
Do most even know the difference?
So many things in life we take for granted.
Why is it so hard to compliment the things done right yet so easy to point out all you believe to be wrong.
The world as we use to know it was full of morals, manners and respect.
The world as we know it today is is full of rudeness, hate and violence .
A man use to stand for what he believed and his word his honor.
Now he stands behind nothing and speaks no words of what he believes or doesnt.
Who made the world as it is today I ask, as I already know the answer.
It's easy to blame our "leaders", our neighbors, or the generations before or after, but my friends, my brothers and sisters, if we speak the truth as we know it, it was you and I that changed this world when we stood silent.
If we all stood for what we believed in and stopped standing back in silence each and all of us are to blame for the ways of our world today.
4.4k · Nov 2018
Kim Johanna Baker
Kim Essary Nov 2018
As her words grab my heart with each and every message or poem I read,
It truly saddens me to be so far in distance, I can't offer her what she may need.
Never have I layed my eyes upon her, I can only Invision her beauty by her poems and words of wisdom.
Her soul sweet as the blooming flowers and heart as pure as gold.
It's as if her soul is that no less than angelic as she has touched many on this site and more.
What saddens me is soon she will no longer be with us as her illness is growing worse day by day,
My Dearest Kim Johanna Baker, there will be a sadness and void on this site and in my heart the day the Lord takes you away.
I hope that she may see this before it's her time to go, for when the other angels come for her I want for her to know.
The impact her sweet soul has left for all of us here on HP, some more than others , some of you like me.
So if you would or care to join me in my dedication to a very loving soul that makes this site so pleasurable, feel free to leave a comment below.
We love you our dear friend , our dear friend Kim!
Please feel free to repost this for the ones I don't know
Never met this wonderful lady but she has touched me and my life so dearly. Kim Johanna Baker
3.4k · Aug 2018
Beauty From Within
Kim Essary Aug 2018
The image of beauty is what our eyes see, however the arrainment of truth comes from within.
We can makeup our face and wear perfect attire,
At the end of the day it's a pure heart you desire.
The rose of so many colors  so beautiful to the eyes
As you reach down to touch  it,  beauty is it's disguise .
Covered down it's long sleek stem, sharp thorns await your touch.
Things and people of this world aren't always as they appear as you see the rose is to your touch.
As we read our children a fairytale , painting a picture as this,
Once upon a time, not long ago, was once or never to be.
Though we painted their eyes a picture of what we wanted them to see.
Our choice of reading how is it we make our choice, seemingly from the title , the cover of the book is most.
It's not until we go beyond what our eyes can see that we decide our interest in what we read. So you see , the rose of beautiful colors , the fairy tales of whats not will ever be , the book you judge by it's cover, until you look inside , beyond what your eyes can see, you never know the truth of the beauty from within .
Simple truth of the saying never judge a book by it's cover, the same message applies to everything
3.2k · Aug 2018
Helpless Heart
Kim Essary Aug 2018
A heart beats and gives you the gift of life but a heart breaks and and leaves you lifeless with no sense of hope.
Feeling as though you have a gift to see in others souls, comes with the curse of sadness of bearing their pain as well.
Something I've got to be missing in this life, why would you be given a gift to see and feel what others do if there's no way of changing or stopping their pain and hurt then what is the good of knowing it and the purpose if feeling it .
It's like being caged and chained to a floor as you sit back and watch as life's are being destroyed and all you can do is speak to them what you see while your heart feels the pain and hurt of what their life has been and shall be .
I'm searching for the answers of what it is I'm to do , I cry because I know and feel not only my own sadness but everyone else's too.
Some call it being an Empathy and give description I fit so well , I call it for the most part a curse of living hell.
Sorry for the vent I'm lost and so confused having this all my life and never knowing what to do.
2.9k · Aug 2018
Swimming in a fish bowl
Kim Essary Aug 2018
Did you ever imagine your life to be ,  like a fish swimming around a fish bowl wanting to be free
One minute you are surrounded by family and friends, to swimming around a bowl that never ends.
The question haunts you every single day , why did my family just throw me away,
I always thought blood was thicker than water, now I don't believe.
Now I see blood can clot and family will deceive.
Like a fish swimming around a bowl with no end
I'm learning more each day nobody but you will always be there not family or a friend
No matter how many times a fish swims around his bowl it never finds it way
No matter how much you love and trust someone in your time of need they always go away
no matter what you do for family or friends in there time of need they are nowhere around in yours
2.1k · Mar 2018
The Beautiful Gem
Kim Essary Mar 2018
We search hopelessly for the love of our life. Basic reality leaves us to compare in most of the choices that we make ,  
Problem is we choose the things appealing to our eyes and leave the the rest alone  
Perfect point to understand the worth of a gem, some cut and polished and shine like the sun but once touched by the hands of man the worth of the gem is less valuable in comparison to the love we find the value of a beaten soul that's been torn and hurt by another, when you see her bruised face you pass her by for she wasn't appealing to your eyes.
Have you ever inquired the behind the scenes of a gem at the glance of it when it's dug from the ground, beneath the dirt and mud tossed and turned and beaten by mother nature and her wrath, it's initial find much like the passing of the bruised , is tainted by this world we live , ever wondered in your closed mind the true value of it's worth   go beyond what appeals at your first glance , wipe the Earths  **** from the gem and shine it up now do the same for the person you passed that another person abused, take them in let their bruises heal get to know their true worth, for the next time you walk about on a life journey in search of a gem or true love , don't pick the ones that are so appealing to your eyes , dig through the rubbel or see through the bruises and there my friend is the finest most expensive beauty of a gem and the true love your in search of  to spend the rest of your life with.  Beauty is only skin deep but knowing what's beyond the skin and outer core of appeal is the find I would treasure much more than the fakeness of the appeal
A man is only as good as his word and with every book to get to the end you must start at the beginning , you will never know the book by judging what's on the cover just like you will never know the worth of the gem until you remove the tainted earth.  For the things we see on the outside may not be what they tell are on the inside
1.9k · Aug 2018
Kim Essary Aug 2018
Have you ever wonder what is at the end  of a rainbow. Or do rainbows ever end?
Believing or not believing that would all depend.
The Irish, such as myself have always believed at the end of every rainbow, a  little man called a leprechaun awaits protecting his *** of gold.:
If the rest of the world can see  UFO's and green little men called aliens,  then why is it so hard to believe in a leprechaun and stories our ancestors told .
The magic of the rainbow is it is  caused by the sunlight,  yet always appears on the opposite side of the sun.
The colors, an array of beauty as it's pattern always has seven.
They say in Ireland if you sit and listen you can sometimes hear the sound of the leprechauns gold coins hitting hos iron pail.
Beware of trying to find him or ask from him his gold because he will never tell .
But there is one thing he will do to make you see his trickery and play you like a fool
He will grant you three wishes but before you know it he will run off  to never be seen again because leprechauns live by only the leprechauns Rule,
Some call it a myth some believe it to be true
Me , aw yes I believe in leprechauns and his *** of gold too
1.8k · Jan 2019
A Wounded Healer
Kim Essary Jan 2019
Of this world so darkened by evils, evils that taint and tarnesh all the good in it's path..
Love bares a soul that only our creator can claim, hands that heal the wounded and a heart that breaks by day.
Hidden souls that crawl from the cracks left behind to wait for the coiled serpant like powerless pray.
They walk amongst us in a field left open , to be struck by the venome  as they lay hopeless and face their death ,.
The Wounded Healer kneels beside them with hands to lay, ******* the poison,  giving them purity to rinse their veins.
The Wounded Healer now weakened by the goodness of thyne heart but expects nothing in return
Now her age upon her,  taken over the beast of I'll, not one soul of the once wounded stands before her to show they love her,  as she asks of nothing more before she goes.
Is this what I see and feel before me to be A Wounded Healer yet die with painful sadness as I lay here all alone .  
Tis true to never expect the good you rein upon God's children to rein on you in return. Keeping your heart good and love without regret for This is the Only honest love that of a wounded Healer is certain they will get
Healing of anything is self serving in itself
1.6k · Sep 2021
There is a Place
Kim Essary Sep 2021
There is a place of peace where beauty lies far beneath
Where your eyes peer across the horizon as far as they may see
A place where your ears invite the soothing sound of the endless waves as they roll onto the shore then swiftly back out to sea
A place where the breeze softly blows a salty kiss you can taste upon your lips
A place so magical and mysterious far down on the oceans floor
Where the plants come to life some even have an array of light
Where there are fish that resemble the stars that light up our sky
Sand dollars are formed in a circle with the resemblance of birds inside
How mystical is the sea horse that swims in the sea or the eel filled with electricity
A shell that when you place it to your ear the sound of the rolling waves can be heard perfectly clear.
There is no better place to find yourself and so much more we don’t know
Than the beach and all the mystery far beneath our oceans floor.
The ocean is filled with Pearce and serenity
1.5k · Mar 2018
Kim Essary Mar 2018
Look onward out towards the crashing waves of the sea.
It's there I dare to compare the rock holding form upon the crystal reef.
Compare to whom for there is no capable being upon this Earth holds claim to equal such
I know only one strong enough to withstand those  violently crashing waves , my hero , my daddy, his back totes the weight of the world every day , this rock standing firm in the heart of the crystal reef, holds little force to compare
Journey with me for your eyes won't believe
Young but recalling the blizzard one winter my hero, my daddy that returned from the mountain
Eyes of sky blue shining through crystals of icicle hanging from his lashes, his face purple from the wicked freeze of sleet.
I peered with pain while my mother laid warmth over my hero's frozen face, it was the rock in the reef that cold winter's day far across the fierce mountain snow he tracked to provide a meal a for his family
A wife and four girls , a back that had been broken not one but three times , I couldn't hold the tears in my eyes as my bus passed him walking as it drove me to school  there was no money for a vehicle, my hero, my daddy, five miles to and five miles home, every  single day for over six months and never missed a day , walked with his *******  back to provide for us
His hands were covered with hard labor of his life as the mines collapsed sparing his life as it ripped his finger away
His job led him underground just miles from hell for to long
Turning his lungs to it's likeness of the coal
Three days went by what seemed forever as the rubble they lifted from that mine was like holding a gun to the head of the men trapped in below
For the chance of that bullet one wrong move would send the mine and it's beings far beneath the earth to never be found.
We glared at the pile of rubble they said time was running out
Wait what does that mean as the families begin to weep
When all of the sudden the minor let out the words that sounded angelic to my ears, Men I see a light shining in the hole and it's coming towards me.
I could see as what looked in the form of a man but was covered with black from the coal the light from his hard hat turning side and up and down as he had one man on his shoulder he lifted him out and disappeared to retrieve the other men still down in that deep dark hole. One by one my hero my daddy brought them to their safety , this my friend is the rock from the reef that can withstand the crashing waves,  the man that tracked through a freezing blizzard to make sure his family ate, and the man that returned the husband's home safe to their family's from the depths of hell that day Always and forever this man will be , My Hero , My Daddy!
If I could have one wish I would wish to spend just one more day with my daddy. He was my rock
1.4k · Aug 2018
Kim Essary Aug 2018
Time has gone by so fast, yet not one day has gone by without thinking of you.
My body has grown so tired yet I continue to fight .
In hopes that one day you will love me to.
I can't tell you the sadness I feel in my heart.
There are no words to describe the pain.
Thinking of all these wasted years we've spent apart .
I've missed out on my precious grandsons life, and yours just the same.
I never dreamed my life to be this way.
I am only human but it's all me that you blame..
Just when I thought I had my baby girl back in my life .
Something else happened to make me the bad guy again.
Now we don't talk at all and I feel like my heart is being stabbed with a knife.
Baby girl there is going to come  a day
A day when I will be gone from this Earth never to return.
I only pray you have no regrets for secluding me or for all the hurtful things you say.
Just always remember one thing  your momma loves you and my little Roo , I just only wish you loved me too..
I miss my daughter and grandson terribly
1.4k · Aug 2018
HP Challenge !
Kim Essary Aug 2018
Looking back in my life, where has the time gone?
I have lost so much, yet gained so much more.
I have had so many unanswered Prayers, but later realized in life that those unanswered Prayers was infact answered by not being granted.
I have had material things stolen, ruined in a tornado, and burned up in a fire, but received more than enough to replace them and give to others in need.
I have lost relationships that I thought would last forever,
But realized to trust in God because he gives for a reason and he takes for a reason.
I have carried many struggles that weren't my own just to be hurt, but those struggles helped me to be a better person in the end.
You see I've learned alot throughout my life and have so much more to learn.
But one of life's greatest lessons have taught  me that for every negative there is a positive and if you dwell on the things you don't have or lost or never received, then you miss out on all the Blessings you will overlook because you never tried to find just one positive to every situation!
No matter my state of mind or attitude, I do my very best to wake up every morning, look in the mirror and find just one positive about myself to carry me through the day. ,
I would like to challenge each and everyone to try this for one week . At the beginning of your day look in the mirror and find one good thing about yourself, it can be anything your smile your eyes just anything and all throughout the day Everytime a negative pops in your head cover it with that one positive. Ex.  Your car won't start!  Before you get all down think of your positive, my car won't start but I have pretty eyes , it will clear your mind and give u a chance to find a way to fix your problem. I challenge each one of you to try this and let me know your results
Kim Essary Apr 2018
I messaged a friend that is one of our own on this wonderful sight HP., Her spirits are down as she's not doing well, . She brings brightness to all of our writes and takes so much pride in the comments she leaves, I was hoping we could all say a Prayer or send a kind thought her way. She has truly inspired so many of us , she has a heart of gold. Her name is Kim Johanna Baker. I know she will appreciate any and all kind words as we all have appreciated hers. This will lift her spirits so I thank you all in advance , for I have never met this beautiful woman that lives across the sea but she lays heavy in my heart as if I've known her for ever. Please leave her a comment if you have the time God Bless. Please repost this as I am new and have few followers and she has many so everyone can see.
Dedicated to Kim Johanna Baker in need of our love kind words and prayers.
1.3k · Sep 2021
Back in the Day
Kim Essary Sep 2021
This journey called life seems so unfair
There’s very little good to be found
But so much evil everywhere
It’s hard to imagine the way things
Were  way back in the day
When family stuck together and didn’t
Morals were valued and respect was
A must
When a mans word was all that he had
To earn trust
Love was cherished and loyalty was too
For back in the day this is all that we knew
There were no cell phones, video games or the internet heard of
Back in the day time was spent with the ones we love
Things of this world were so much better when Gods children could openly pray
The world was a much better place back in the day.
Missing the way things use to be
1.1k · Aug 2018
Burning Bridges
Kim Essary Aug 2018
I believe it's time, time for me to run down this long and winding road full of bridges and every memory we ever made.
I've got to put it all behind me now and learn to live without you, it's so hard for me to face:
The first bridge was the hardest, as I poured the gasoline, wondering what went wrong, did I give up to soon, maybe I should have stayed.
As I lit the match, I watched as it turned to Ash;
I'm Burning Bridges along the way:
Ive got to keep pushing forward like the water in the creeks, Never looking back, no turning around , I'm setting our memories free. I don't want to relive this anymore:
I'm Burning Bridges along the way:
I don't want to remember how you held me in our bed at night or woke me with a good morning kiss. I don't want to remember the feel of your touch, or the way I could see the love you had for me shining in your eyes, it's time to set our memories free:
I'm Burning Bridges along the way:
Tears roll down my cheeks as I pour the last drop of gasoline, one more match, one more memory, as I turn around one last time with nothing left to say, One last bridge up in smoke:
I'm Burning Bridges along the way:
One step forward towards the rest of my life, I've set all our memories free,
I've Burned every Bridge along the way!
Just something I wrote
1.1k · Mar 2021
Please let her Stay
Kim Essary Mar 2021
Today I sit remembering all the memories we made and how we planned to make so many more
I have never lied to you nor will I start today, I am scared as hell of the thought of losing you it rips my heart to the core
You will never know what you mean to me and how much I need you to stay
I have been on my knees Praying that God gives you another day:
You are so much closer to the road you want to be on, I want to see your dreams come true
I want more than anything to have that walk on the beach just me and you:
So see you have to pull through this , there’s no other way
We have so many more memories to make Dear God I’m begging you,  Please let it be your will to let her stay:
I can’t see me doing life without my best friend by my side
Lord I pray to you give her strength through all these tears I have cried :
I know you can make miracles happen so if you have any to spare
Please use it on my best friend Dear God for I don’t know what I would do without her there.
Praying for my best friend to pull through
946 · Sep 2018
I am my own fear
Kim Essary Sep 2018
The fire raging from my body is filled with hate and memories of a man I rid myself of years ago, only this fire is so different, filled with numbness  for the man whose now supposed to protect me now of the way he's become with spit flinging from his mouth , his body engulfed in raging veins and words as he stands in my face like a king with all control when he is now just a coward in his own flesh .
Am I bound to a curse , certainly this is not the life God intended for me to live . Life is free will. The creation of the evil that surrounds this life it haunts some like myself, it  is powerful but the fear isn't what they can do to me , the fear is what I am capable of doing to them .
Being scared of someone holds no fear being scared of myself does .
945 · Apr 2018
Nature's Healing
Kim Essary Apr 2018
Dancing merely along,  my hair blowing in the warmth of the sun,  through the ever green meadow as the softness of grass tickle my bare toes .
This burning bliss of freedom caressing my body like the silken feathers of a swan. Dancing along no worries to hold me down. Closing my eyes , my senses aroused by the sweet scent of  luscious Jasmine in the air.  Nature has it's way of healing our souls, wind blowing the worries from my head, followed by the rain to wash them away, The sunshine comes to dry the rain as the moon awaits another day .
Fresh air works wonders to open your mind
934 · Jul 2018
Grandmother's Love
Kim Essary Jul 2018
I sit here this morning and stare as he sleeps.
So precious and perfect in every way, if I could only erase the memories he keeps.
He was born into this world to love and raise ,
to teach him morals and respect and give God his praise
He's seen more in his life than a little boy should .
I would take it all away only if I could.
He looks up to you now in every way.
At least he has up until he asked me today.
A question I didn't want to hear or respond
Although I'm sure I know the answer and it's all wrong ..
You're the one special man he was so proud to say .
Maw maw , Corey is going to be my step dad one day.
I can only hope that you love him  enough that you won't let him down.
This little boy, my grandson, deserves a happy home and a good father figure around.
The love of a grandmother is not made of blood nor water it's pure love
923 · Sep 2018
Her Will
Kim Essary Sep 2018
Looking at these walls filled with  sickness in every room, I can't help but wonder what is going through your mind.
A thousand questions I know is  running through my mine.
How did you get to this point of giving up and cause your own defeat,
Was there something  I could have done or said or something I didn't do? Did  you give up when I moved away, did you think I gave up on you?
Such a beautiful soul that lost all her will to live.
I caught myself when i started questioning God why.
Why did they have to take your leg when you had already lost your ability to walk
It's like He opened a book and made it so clear to me.
There you are laying in that hospital bed shining like a star.
The light I thought was gone forever is all that I can see.
You may have lost a small part of your leg but you gained your will to live.
You woke from your nightmare of giving up on yourself .
Now you are chasing your dreams and setting goals, you are finding your self worth.
It won't be long and we will be walking along the beach of the oceans sand.
I'm forever by your side as God will guide your way, if you should fall don't give up just reach up and grab God's hand .
God has big plans
Dedicated to my best friend, Angie Crawford
893 · Aug 2018
Pieces of a Puzzle
Kim Essary Aug 2018
Sitting here all alone today, no different than most, looking at this puzzle in my mind.
There must be a million pieces that have fallen from their place, and a million more I can't find.
Just when I think I've got a few pieces that fit, there's always one missing so I start to rearrange.
Maybe I should give up on this puzzle of my life, throw it all away, completely change .
The pieces are so worn from trying to make them fit
I've taped and mended them too much, it's just time to quit.
There not enough time nor patience to start brand knew
I've grown to old and tired of trying to fix the life I once knew.
My heart has been torn like this puzzle to many times to be repaired, my life holds to many lost pieces of memories to be shared.
After so many times of trying to put pieces back together sometimes they no longer fit.
876 · May 2018
My Mini Me
Kim Essary May 2018
January 16, 1990, The day my life began to know true love. The anticipation rose with every contraction that came. I couldn't wait to put a face with her name. When she arrived, she stole the heart of every person that seen her. Her hair at birth fit perfectly in a little pink bow and she had the face of an angel. Not one flaw did my baby girl have, as she entered this world almost perfect.  Her eyes, the most captivating blue but with a unique black line defining them. Never at my young age, just turning 20, had my heart felt more joy and love as it did holding my precious daughter,  Mallory Ann, asking myself how something so perfect in every way could be mine. As she grew, she was as bright as she was beautiful. Advanced in every aspect of her fast developing life. Time wouldn't slow down and before I knew it, there she stood in her prom dresses, next her cap and gown. My baby girl was all grown up now and just as beautiful as the day she was born. Growing up very close, sharing everything together, I never dreamed there would come the day, I never seen it coming , my baby girl walked away. I went from being her only support that was by her side every day to a woman she grew to despise some where along the way. She was mom to her son at a very young age, I helped her the best I could or all she would let me, until she then to took my grandson away. I have missed out on his precious life and God knows I've made mistakes in my life but nobody is perfect needless to say. But when I look at her and the things she likes and the way she looks, it's like a mirror of a young  version of me, I miss her and my little Roo every minute of every day, I think of how wonderful it would be to have them in my life again, but the one that wronged her and was never there gets her forgiveness and love while I remain her worst memory as she sees no good in me and doesn't remember all the sacrifices and love and the teaching of morals and respect she was taught, for it hurts my heart as the credit goes to other people in her life   I can stand today and know the truth and feel the hurt and pain and the loss because the day will come when I'm no longer here and I won't feel the loneliness any longer. I only know I love and miss her and my grandson more and more every day . When the good Lord calls me home that's when the pain will go away
I miss my daughter and how we use to be.
815 · Sep 2018
One Life
Kim Essary Sep 2018
What is it so great that consumes us of fear.
Why must we hide who we truly are and be ashamed of the person we see in our mirror.
Does this world exist more of such fabrication and lies that we forget who we are and where it is we came from
We must conform to the piercing eyes of our society and March to the beat of everyone else's drum
Can you take one minute out of your oh so busy day
Long enough to pose  the question to yourself,
If today was the last day of my life , have you any regrets left un mended, or things you didn't take time to say?
If you will be honest and swallow your pride,
Make time for the ones you love, have empathy for even those you don't know, make your wrongs right, forgive and forget , so if today were your last you will leave this Earth knowing you took time and at least you tried .
Stop fearing yourself and confirming to ways just to fit in,
You have only one that can forgive your sin
No man on Earth can take away from you what he didn't give,
So love who you are and be happy with no regret because after all , you are only given one life to live .
Life is something we all take for granted until it's too late
796 · Oct 2021
Kim Essary Oct 2021
Walking alone in the dark of the night
Memories of you  consume my mind as tears fill my eyes and fog my sight
Feeling as if someone came along and robbed me taking what was left of  my life
My chest burning like my heart was being stabbed with a knife
Every time I hear the words that you were denied
I catch myself gasping for breath knowing how hard I tried
I gave my all and it wasn’t enough to set you free
Now I fear I have to face the harsh reality
I may never get to hold you in my arms or see your smile light up a room again
You went in as a boy and will come out a grown man
I don’t know how I can make it in the shape that I’m in
I pray God allows me to see you to your freedom once again.  
Please be safe son so you can come home to me
I can’t wait until this is behind you
so you will finally walk free.
I love and miss you my son
783 · Sep 2018
Kim Essary Sep 2018
Spider Webb's of depression rain down from these walls.
The scent of musty clothes gathered like a rug on this floor.
Dishes overflow the kitchen sink, wrapped with anxiety just waiting to be clean.
But my mind awaits the title wave to wash all this pain away.
There may or may not have been a time set to tidy, where it went if it's gone I haven't a clue as the bricks of my life are weathered and frail some lay beneath my feet, The wood to rebuild it is too warped for any future so I will lay myself down and sleep it all away, as I've come to conclude what people use to say ,this too shall pass, and so it does to the same way I feel today.
It overwhelms me sometimes to think I use to be made organization to this caused by depression
766 · Oct 2018
Innocence of a Child
Kim Essary Oct 2018
So sweet and young at the age of ten, yet endured more loss and and hurt than most ever will.
So many things about your precious life have been stripped that it doesn't seem real .
Four years ago when we first met I had no idea that you would become so very special to me.
Your Daddy was doing his very best raising his little girl but there was so much he didn't see.
You needed a woman in your life to teach you certain things.
The progress that you have made has left me more than proud of you.
You have transformed into a beautiful young lady and make A's and B's too.
But a tragedy has entered your already broken life as God called you Daddy home.
Now I don't get to see you, they've taken you away from everything and everyone you have ever known.
My heart hurts so bad , I want to hold you and tell you everything is going to be alright .
I've grown so close to you, it's like I can feel you crying in your new bed at night.
I miss you my little Luhoo and love you more than you know.
I never dreamed I wouldn't be in your life to watch you as you grow.
We use to look up at the clouds and tell each other what we see.
I may not be there with you baby girl but Everytime you look at the clouds now please think of me.
A child that has touched my heart and made so much progress in her life her daddy was killed in a motorcycle wreck I was the only thing besides him she knew and now she's been taken away from me. My heart hurts so bad for her
764 · Nov 2019
He Doesn’t know
Kim Essary Nov 2019
One moment she lays watching his innocence glow across his soft little cheeks as he nestles closely beside her and falls quickly asleep.
She has lost so much more than she has gained in this life
As her body has grown weak and sickness overtakes her yet her will to go on still fights within her.
Once it was pills she took to keep her going or so she thought not knowing it was the pills that was killing her
Thoughts of giving up the fight often entered her tired soul as she fought  through her pain often times she wondered where she gained her strength and will to fight.
She held on to hope for the ones that had left her as thoughts of them returning were fading away
That little boy that lay nestled beside her and the man that she loves was the medicine she needed to fight for one more day.
Just as the others had gone now so did he
Now she lays all alone , no more bedtime prayers or supper at the table
No more knowing he’s sneaking behind me with a smile on his face thinking I can’t see him rushing to my bed to sleep.
He has no clue how much he means to me and how that precious little boy has kept his mawmaw alive just knowing she was with him almost every day.
My grandson was my medicine to get through my days. Now I don’t get to see him because his mom moved away.
736 · Apr 2018
In The End
Kim Essary Apr 2018
One of these days , you will see my worth and know my loyalty, you will understand  what  I gave and realize I gave it all. You will look back on the dreams we had and the memories we made, when we could have made so many more. You will realize and acknowledge all of the things taken for granted , you will then understand all of the insults and harsh words weren't necessary. Although you may have hurt my heart and scarred my soul, you have only discouraged me for the moment, and I may never forget the things you said but I always forgave you. I never claimed perfection and stand in my own wrongs. The only difference is, I can own my faults and admit them to you , will it all be worth it in the end, when your faults can only touch one soul, and that one soul will be only you.?
Neither party is perfect in a relationship but stand your ground and bare your faults because you have to live with you in the end.
707 · Apr 2018
Magestic Ocean
Kim Essary Apr 2018
Listen closely to the sound , this seashell that has floated upon the shore  of white sand, as you place it's magic upon your ear, the rippling sound of the crashing waves is what you hear.
Oh how I wish I could fit inside, for the tide descending back into these Waters of blue, carrying me into the majestic ocean floor beyond the sands never touched by man, the beauty these Waters allow us to see, I am imagining how mysterious the rest could be, for we haven't a clue.    Laying beneath the so much unseen , lost city's, sunken vessels, treasures of a time long ago , the story of another time  all buried beneath a place we dare not go. Laying beneath the grounds of our feet another world  left undiscovered , only to imagine, the the secrets it keeps , the magestic land that remains unseen.
The ocean holds so much beauty and mystery of a time long ago. I would live to discover all the things we don't know
699 · Aug 2018
A Mother's Pain
Kim Essary Aug 2018
A sense of lonely covers my soul, like the darkest ebony amongst the snow.
The feeling of sadness and pain fills my heart, as I bare witness to evil tearing us apart.
So many obstacles stand in the way, my only hope is to bow my head and pray.
Though it's written in the Bible ,in which I believe to be true.
The children will turn on each other and their parents too.
Yet though hath commandments written in the stone.
Thought shall respect thy father and thy mother, no matter if you are grown.
How am I to accept this , the children I carried to life now turn their back against me.
How can one command  yet give warning just the opposite of the way the end shall be..
There is no greater pain other than when a mother gives birth , but for when her only children no not their mothers worth.
I will never understand how the children we have raised can conform to the evils of this world and turn their back on their mother.
696 · Apr 2021
Our Community
Kim Essary Apr 2021
My heart hurts today for all that’s involved
Our community won’t stop until the cruel crimes you have committed are rightfully solved.
Our furbabies may not can tell all that they know or what you may have put them through
But rest assured for all the evil you have showed your plea of not guilty makes you look like a fool.
We all saw the terrible sick things you inflicted on a living breathing beautiful cat
So claim what you will but at the end of the day a fact is a fact.
You need so much Prayer and to put God in your heart
Givin your current situation now would be a good time to start
I Pray that that ban you from all animals and take your license away
This community of Ozark will never accept you for anything so why don’t you just pack up and go away
For our furbabies we are their voice and in case you couldn’t tell
They are wagging their tales and thanking their humans for never allowing you to again put them through hell.
We are their humans they are our family and deserve to be treated with Love
May God forgive you for all you have put them through and may He show you mercy when He hands down your punishment from the heavens above
Close his doors shut him down
696 · Jan 2019
Reflection of Me
Kim Essary Jan 2019
Bound by this life and what it has become , Lost like the blind walk amongst a house with no walls.
Searching as high as I'm able to see, as I'm walking on the rubbel from the ground beneath me.
The reflection of a woman very familiar, someone I seem to recognize but  I have never seen, yet she follows me around even when I dream.
A familiar face looks quite like mine but it's aged by many years, her body no longer that shape like an hour Glass, her face worn with the worry of years,
Her breaths wheezing , no shine in her eyes, her smile seems to be hidden under so much pain.
The reflection of myself standing right in front of me as I stare  in disbelief,  I no longer see any beauty or feel  happiness , for my mind is no longer sane
Life holds no promises of what we are to become .
691 · Sep 2021
The Real Prisoner
Kim Essary Sep 2021
She is the  real prisoner outside those prison gates,
The one that waits by her phone and Answers it every time he calls
The one that can’t sleep at night worried about her child
She has given up her life to hopefully make it to his time of release
She fears for him every waking hour and even in her little sleep
The day of his sentencing was her sentencing as well
She no longer lives her life she feels chained inside her thoughts
She can’t watch a movie or listen to music without breaking down in tears because something always reminds her of him
She can’t enjoy seeing a father with his children because he doesn’t even know his
She spends her last dime and borrows if he needs more she’s the one that will always be there for him but the only one that he disrespects
He takes out all of his anger on her as her tears roll down her cheeks
She feels his pain and knows he’s hurt and she can’t protect him from harm
For every day he remains locked up feels like years off of her life
So she confines herself and every passing thought
I know all of these things to be the truth because the she I speak of is me.
Locked inside my own prison until the day when he’s set free
The love of a child incarcerated will forever leave scars on your heart and years off of your life
689 · Mar 2018
Claim your keep
Kim Essary Mar 2018
The vibrance of your seductive stare taunts me to invite your touch.
Your eyes turn from a hazel gaze to the fire depths of an emerald green
I can feel your soft caress as your hand slides down my body
My insides bursting with desire as you press your lips to mine
Tasting your breath with my wet tongue feeling your depths become hard
Teasing me could be dangerous as I whisper in his ear
His hands slide over the peaks of my mounds infliction of pain  of wanting more of him
Take me you fool if it's submission you desire it's granted
Do as you please ,my body craving his feel
His touch fell beneath my waste as I felt the throbbing of my *** about to explode.
As his prince entered my castle thrusting and throbbing until the vanes in his body surfaced I felt his sweet release
Our bodies fit like a glove as we lay between the silky sheets
My love there's nothing that can compare to the beauty of the fireworks we ignite with every passionate stare.
© kimmied 1105
Never let the passion escape keep it as new as the very first time   aim to please one another and you will never go wrong
634 · Jun 2018
Domestic Abuse
Kim Essary Jun 2018
Thirteen long years spent under his thumb. Sixteen years old is when this begun.
I thought I was in love , now I know I should have left after the first shove.
I stayed instead, chalking it up as one too many drinks,. Time went on only getting worse, as I got pregnant with his child.  The control he had over me was more than mild. It was a push and a shove pulling my hair but worse than that was the emotional abuse he just didn't care.
The longer I stayed the worse it got , now there was another life I had to protect.
My story goes on for around 10 more years , another baby  with him and many hidden tears .
Please don't judge others by what you may see because behind those closed doors is a scarred and scorn woman that wants to be free .
Free from the abuse she gets everyday the threats of him taking her life away . The fear of what would happen to her children if he snapped and did what he said, The fear she feels laying beside  a monster in her bed, the fear that her children will grow up to believe that abuse is ok because that's all they see ,
So this is a sickness a disease, to treat any human so inhumane,
I don't look for pitty but hope someone out there reads this and it changes their life.  You see , I am not a Victom but I am a true Survivor of Domestic Violence you may not be as lucky as me if you stay I promise you you don't have to do anything else just get away .  
© kimmied 1105
13 years of emotional and physical abuse I was lucky to make it out alive. If you are going through any of this please know you will survive but he will never change .
623 · Apr 2018
Lady vs Freak
Kim Essary Apr 2018
I admire your canning ability to gain my full attention. I can sense your desire to ****** me by your hypmatizing glare, your come hither look is flattering, but I must warn you to be aware.
As some things in life may not be as they appear. For through your eyes my appearance is that of a pure lady with *** appeal , as my silken dress is pressed to fit every curve just right , with a slit running up it stopping mid thigh. Just enough room for an imagination to run wild. My top folded delicately enough you can see perfect cleavage, just enough of my tanned breast to leave you wanting more. Making my way through the crouded party to the balcony overlooking the beautiful ocean. Standing alone with my eyes closed listening as the waves crash in, I feel a presence behind me and your hot breath against my skin, the chill bumps run across me, I almost lost control, your body so tight against me I can feel the beats of your heart.
The sensation of Sparks begin to ignite as you gently run your finger up the slit of my dress, teasing my lace *******, pulling them to the side.  I could feel myself throbbing as my wetness surrounded your finger as you slid  it inside me. My knees growing week with every move you made. I leaned into you and whispered softly in your ear, I've given you fair warning things aren't always as they seem but you continue to toy with me you don't know what you are about to unleash.  With a quaint little smirk he added a finger his thumb up against my ****, you are bringing me to my explosion of pure ecstacy.
There was no holding back as I released my sweetness his hardness was like steel, you have released the freak in me as we make our way on the beach , ripping clothes off left and right I knelt down in front of him as he placed himself in my hot wet mouth my eyes piercing up at him as he pulled the back of my hair, I pushed him over as I mounted him  and gave him one hell of a ride.  As we finished both more than pleasured , still on top I look down and say  do you understand now my warning to you as you turned a **** lady into a complete freak in bed.
A lady in the eyes of the public with respect but leaves them before entering a room for the freaking in her has no rules in ***
606 · May 2018
My Promise
Kim Essary May 2018
I will stand by your side because I always want you to stand by mine. I will try my best to consider your feelings in hope you consider mine.  I will choose my words carefully if we disagree and hope you choose yours just as careful when speaking to me. Each memory of us I will hold in my heart, and hope you cherish them the same. I will be loyal, honest and love you with every breath that I take. As I Pray you do also in every decision you make  You are My Soul  Mate. My Love My Very Best Friend,  MY HUSBAND TO BE,  til death do we part, forever You and me!
I love you with all that I have
604 · Oct 2018
Volcanic Seduction
Kim Essary Oct 2018
Your presence is volcanic, your body glowing from the heat within.
As you come closer the seductive scent of your cologne intrigues my senses.
My eyes close to Invision your body with steam of your breath against my skin ,
Our bodies come together, I feel your insides roar.
Anticipating your next move as I lay beneath you, your steamy beads of hot lava flowing down your body on to mine..
The burning feel of pure satisfaction waiting to erupt,
Feeling the chills of pleasure cover my skin as my body bears it's sweet realease, like an eruption of the volcano as it prepared to unleash.
The hot lava throbs inside of me from your volcanic eruption and leaves us limp like the smouldering Ash that lay beneath us.
602 · Sep 2021
Walk a mile in my shoes
Kim Essary Sep 2021
Have you ever felt your feet on the inside of my shoe
If you answered no then you haven’t a clue
By all means remove your own and I’ll gladly lend you mine
You will be amazed at the stories you’ll find
I guarantee you won’t make it one mile and you Will bring my shoes back to me
Though you may wear the same size you still couldn’t fill my shoes
You see
they have caused me many blisters from walking through my days and crying through my night
Just to wake me in the morning to another battle left to fight

Now you beg me to trade back my shoes you thought you could fill
As you see that didn’t happen today nor it never will
Don’t be so quick to judge others by the choices they may choose
Because the day may come when when you have no choice but to walk a mile in their shoes
601 · Mar 2018
A Mother's Worst Fear(2)
Kim Essary Mar 2018
Before you go on to read  my writing, I ask that you read the one Titled " A Mother's Worst Fear" as you will appreciate and  understand this better .  As i sat patiently waiting  for my best friend of 20 years to be uncaged and given his freedom,
The excitement as I arrived must have blinded my entrance, never paying any mind to my surroundings , until I checked in with a guard and showed him my licence. He said without a smile for me to have a seat in the lobby, as I turned to do just that my heart hit the ground and then it hit me , I was standing in a building centered in the middle of a huge rounded  fence laced with razor sharp barbed metal.
I couldn't imagine the look on my face as I found me a seat, thoughts and emotions running so deep.
I couldn't help but notice 2 women sitting across from me, engaged in conversation. I heard one say her son was the young age of 19  , he had been stabbed four times in 2 different prisons, as the other chimed in her boy was now 30 this was his second time behind the fence of barbed wire
I tried to keep my head down so they couldn't see the tears welling in my eyes ,  my throat felt like a cotton ball was lodged I couldn't hardly swallow,  they shared their stories of their sons and their convictions, one was saling drugs the other robbed a store. Something inside me felt like a knife taking jagged strikes through my heart. My purpose for being there lost in my thoughts, I tried to stay silent and go unnoticed to reframe from any invitation of conversation   as one lady spoke up. Ma'am are you here to get your son too. I can't imagine the look on my face as I choked through the ball of cotton to respond to her. No ma'am unfortunately I'm not his release isn't until November of this year, my best friend of 20 years is the reason I'm here. Dropping my head back down I couldn't reframe any longer, the pain to much, tears rolling down my face as I tried wiping them away. My thoughts of my baby boy running rapid, God how I wish I was here to get him.
The men in uniform in and out , leaving me sickened with the metal doors slamming and self locking at their exit and entrance. The men all around the centered building I waited ,all wearing white with large black words stamped on their backs "Property of the State" Nothing but glass between them and me, I watched as some gathered while others sat alone in their own little world and wondered what my baby did when he was out there , was he joining the others in a game of ball or was he all by himself sad and alone. A guard informed us it wouldn't be long now, they were signing their release, The mother's excitement filled the room, was I being selfish, I should be excited to. soon I would see my best friend,  but all that my mind could think was God why can't I be waiting on my boys release. I picked up my friend as we got in the car, he noticed my silence and could see I had been crying , his age and conviction and knowing me so well, he offered me his condolences and then he said, you know I would've traded places with him just to see you reunited and happy again. Piercing pain and sorrow over took me now .we weren't even out of the parking lot I couldn't see to drive through my tears, I hugged him tightly and said, this is why you will always be my best friend for the next 20 years. My son called me later that night to congratulate my friend as I heard his voice crack on the other end of the line he said tell Mr. David I'm glad he's free , hey momma don't worry it's not my turn yet , he's aged and doesn't have the time left out there I do, for the next time you walk through this fence of barbed wire it will be me walking out to go home with you.

I can't wait for the day to reunite with my son. Thank God for my best friend and his loyal understanding
541 · Mar 2018
Family or Foe
Kim Essary Mar 2018
Remembering the time so many years ago
Aunts and Uncles, and their children all drove for miles,
For this I ask myself , as the dinner table amused me
like the
Movement of a Merry go round
Round one round two
Could we carve the **** bird before round three
Not a chance first sisters vs sisters the circus life amusing not so as our holiday cheer. It's never enough joined their husbands like freaks a muse  from a mime show couldn't rain so clear. At last the children joined in a rustle a bustle round and round we go
Can someone stop this ride I scream this family is a joke
Next year I'm begging you to miss the turn to this circus mochary get your kids and don't forget the dog see your way to the door
Aw the circus life is a freak show Everytime our family gets together
Don't send an invitation nor will I just remember in order to ride this ride you must be so tall take a seat , keep your hands and your feet inside the ride at all times because if your family is your foa distinguished such as mine hold on tight it's gonna be a ride to remember oh one hell of a ride
Choice I chose now grown to not attend family gatherings I can't take the amusement
533 · Mar 2018
Taunting Pleasure
Kim Essary Mar 2018
The heat intense like your body basking in the sun, sweat forming tear drop shapes,  rolling in slow motion as it finds it's destination .
I try to look away but my mind being held hostage,   my insides  burning and begging to be touched.
Heart beats growing rapid raging fire deep inside.
Oh my God you haven't touched me physically but your sexiness is ****** my mind.
Teasing and taunting mind blowing as I glare at you beginning to touch yourself.
Melting my sensation, from a purring kitten my transformation out of control,  watching the pleasure on your face as your hips begin to run wildly in sequence with every ****** of your hand , I'm losing control. My inner beast can't take anymore,  As I straddle your face my fingers spreading my wet folds , your tongue dancing inside me, my vision becomes blurred my hips lock as the contractions pump wildly releasing  the juice of my fruit. My body so limp from the intense release as you turn me over like a rag doll and guide yourself inside of me. Your sweat now like the rapids running down stream chasing a waterfall, the hot wet friction between my thighs as my nails scream pleasure down the skin of your back as you burst sensation both pain and pleasure inside of me   our breath of hard labor and bodies immobile, after hot passionate love making leaves us exhausted
Some people find the discussion of *** and passion inappropriate I find it very arousing and invigorating to speak freely the ability our bodies have to give us such pleasure
520 · Jan 2019
Kim Essary Jan 2019
I am intrigued as I peer  up at the morning sky.
The sun rises with such poise as it caresses the white clouds  as it makes way to the top.
The magnificiant colors, what an array of beauty the sunrise holds  The magic of it rising begins our new day.
But for as fast as it rises , just as fast it's fading away.
Take time to wake early one morning before the sunrise is gone.
If you happen to miss it you can see it again for the sunset is just before Dawn.
Nothing compares to the beauty of the sunrise and subset
520 · Jul 2018
Under The Sea
Kim Essary Jul 2018
The wind on the beach blowing a soft breeze through my hair, as the hint of salty sand caressed my lips of fresh gloss,
My eyes closed as my ears listened to the peaceful sound of the waves crashing on to the  shore .
My satin sundress cuddled my body from the force of the wind , the exotic arousel of the fresh ocean air in traps my mind into a place far away where the  dolphins swim freely by your side and the sea horse tickle your toes. A place made up of sparkling white sand and water off emorald green.
The serenity and peace of mind are unlike no other place except the place with so many hidden secrets left to discover buried far beneath it's floors of coral and gems and lost treasures which may forever go unseen.
So far below us yet it sends it's magic through the waves upon the shore or crashing into the reef, dropping some of it's beauty for us to see like the conk shell, as we place it to our ear we can hear the sound of the ocean or the sand dollar, if broken just right it holds the beauty of a seagull fitting perfectly in it's middle. My place like no other the land I long to see, the land far away under the sea.
I would love to dive as far as I could and explore the beauty and mystery under the sea
514 · Mar 2018
Claim your keep
Kim Essary Mar 2018
The vibrance of your seductive stare taunts me to invite your touch.
Your eyes turn from a hazel gaze to the fire depths of an emerald green
I can feel your soft caress as your hand slides down my body
My insi Ides bursting with desire as you press your lips to mine
Tasting your breath with my wet tongue feeling your depths become hard
Teasing me could be dangerous as I whisper in his ear
His hands slide over the peaks of my mounds infliction of pain  of wanting more of him
Take me you fool if it's submission you desire it's granted
Do as you please ,my body craving his feel
His touch fell beneath my waste as I felt the throbbing of my *** about to explode.
As his prince entered my castle thrusting and throbbing until the vanes in his body surfaced I felt his sweet release
Our bodies fit like a glove as we lay between the silky sheets
My love there's nothing that can compare to the beauty of the fireworks we ignite with every passionate stare.
Never let the passion escape keep it as new as the very first time   aim to please one another and you will never go wrong
513 · Oct 2020
Loves Armor
Kim Essary Oct 2020
If Love were a battle which side would you choose
For one Side will claim victory  and the other side shall lose
As one side puts trust in armor to protect and shield their heart
As the opposite side wears nothing but trust and faith  as the battle is to start
Arrows begin to sore bouncing from the hearts wearing armor made of steel
Others left wounded and scarred of the ones they don’t ****
Love Will never be felt by the ones left without injury  and walked away
But the ones that had trust and faith   That let down their guard will find true love one day
If you never let down your guard for fear of being hurt you may never feel true love
512 · Aug 2018
Learning To Let Go
Kim Essary Aug 2018
Why must I love the one that hates me? I have given up my life and all that I had .
I never saw this coming , something so good turning so bad.
I've never witnessed  one person consumed by so many beings inside his head
After it's all said and done and the feeling of loneliness creeps upon you I hope you realize every hateful thing you ever said.
But it will be to late to say I'm sorry because you've turned    every bit of love I have for you into fear and sadness and made  me so cold.
You will think about the love I had for you when you are all alone and growing old.  
So this is my goodbye as the tears roll down my face ,
I must pick up these broken pieces of what's left of my heart and try to put them back in place.
I Pray that you one day find yourself and become the man I know you can be.
Somewhere deep inside of you a man with patience, kindness, and so much love , just wanting to be set free.
It's very difficult to set free someone that I've cherished and lived so much for so long but the pain in my heart knows far to well I have to let him go . Love isn't what he offers me anymore and i can't go on like this I will forever love him .
505 · Apr 2018
Missing You
Kim Essary Apr 2018
Every second of every hour, my heart lays heavy as thoughts of you race through my mind,
Oh my son how I am missing you.
Hours turn into days, days into weeks, never a moment passes by, I try to chase a happy thought visioning  your beautiful smile,  it never lasts long enough and once again I cry,  Oh son I'm Missing You.
Hearing your voice on the phone is a blessing every time, I never let you know that when we speak your voice tells it all. I can read you like a book just by your tone. Some days I hear a young man grown up so much but other days I can hear your pain and sense your fear and I know how bad you wish you were home. Oh my son I'm Missing you .
Every Holliday is sad for me as I know it is for you. Sweet baby boy of mine, two years have passed, it seems like forever since I've seen you. If we can just hold on a little longer, this uphill battle we've been on is on the down hill side of over. My Sweet Boy God  only knows How Much Your Momma is Missing You..
One hour and forty five minutes in 2 years My heart hurts so bad sometimes I feel like it's bleeding to death . I miss my baby so much
502 · Oct 2018
Hurricane Michael
Kim Essary Oct 2018
From miles out in the horizon, a storm was headed our way;
The oceans waves rolled with fury and  would  hit land today.
People boarded up their homes and headed for a safe place to stay;
This storm of fury was a level four hurricane destroying everything in it's way.
As it hit landfall with it's massive force;
All we could do is pray it would weaken or shift to another coarse.
The raging winds roared above 100mph as it continued on it's path;
We all took shelter as we waited in fear to see it's aftermath.
Never in our history have we witnessed such a beast;
The wrath of mother nature was hungry and our land was her feast.
Shingles flew from rooftops, trees lifted from their roots, thousands left with no power, some were homeless in the street.
Many things we can control in this world but mother nature we will never defeat.
Hurricane Michael made his way and left just as fast;
The storm of October 10, 2018 will soon be a memory past.
Thank God it's over I've seen my share of storms but nothing to compare .
501 · Jun 2018
Then and Now
Kim Essary Jun 2018
I never could imagine you raising your voice in a violent outrage  of anger to me:
Now that voice is all I hear.
I was convinced that your eyes would always glow when you looked at me:
Now when I look into your eyes hatred  and anger is all I see.
The way you made me feel loved every time you came near:
Now I wonder if you ever loved me or what I am doing here  
You always comforted me when I had a head ache or didn't feel well :
Now you could care less or if you do I sure can't tell.
I wish you would come back to me before it's to late.:
I want to feel you kindness and love again not anger and hate .
I wish we could live again lik
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