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Jellyfish Nov 2016
Back into the car
I watch you walk away
A few minutes pass
My niece is crying.

I think inside I am too,
I already miss you.
Jellyfish Nov 2016
10 more days until my hand will meet yours
Jellyfish Nov 2016
I was going to write something sweet and poetic for you, but I lost my thoughts when I saw your green circle turn transparent. I love you, husband. I'll see you soon enough...
Jellyfish Nov 2016
Just a few more hours...
and I'll be with you.
Jellyfish Apr 2017
Another day passes
only this time,
with rain.
Just a few more days
and my eyes will meet yours...
Jellyfish Nov 2016
I see you over there
Across the field from me
Why're you so far away,
Is this really just a dream?

The distance between us is closing
My heart is beginning to race
then I hear my alarm
and now I wear a sad face.
Jellyfish Oct 2016
I'm wondering what will happen.
Jellyfish Oct 2016
I'll follow you
from one place
to the next,
because you make me happy
And you're the one I want to be with.
Jellyfish Oct 2016
You're still my golden jellyfish
You always have been and
You always will be.
Jellyfish Oct 2016
The sky has turned dark
Another day has passed,
though it hasn't been the best.
I'm happy right now knowing
I'll see you in my dreams while I rest.
Jellyfish Oct 2016
Russia has a new weapon,
Talking to you is the closest I'll ever be to heaven.
Eleven minus seventeen is six, in case you didn't know
I'm aware I'm making no sense but I don't care so...

Hot tea, singing MC
to myself, as I day dream
17 more days,
16 more nights

until I will feel him, hugging me tight.
or is it negative six?

Don't ask me...
Jellyfish Oct 2016
I wish that we could talk longer,
but I know you need your sleep.
I know you think you're boring
but I think your words are deep.

I love reading your stories
and often anticipate the next,
I fear mine aren't as entertaining
but you listen, nevertheless.

I think of you a lot
especially after our good nights,
My devilishly handsome husband,
you're the best part of my life.
I love being your wife.
Jellyfish Nov 2016
I thought of you today,
But that's nothing new
I thought about you yesterday
And the day before that too.

This morning I woke up
Wishing I could kiss you
My cheeks felt warm
Logan, I love you.
Jellyfish Jan 2017
Laying on my floor
I look over at my monitor
at the title of the song playing
I hear your keyboard taps
and you tell me what's happening
I'm smiling as I remember things
that we did together
my heart longs for you.
This distance is frustrating at times
but for you I'll always do the time.
You're my best friend 4:05
I'll love you forever
Jellyfish Oct 2023
I get ****** into expectations
I'm 25 but can't tell you what faith is.
I shut down when I think about saying no,
I guess I still care about what my family knows.

I'm 25 but 12 inside,
I don't know myself and tend to hide.
I have taxes, bills, a dog; my own life
But I'm still the girl who escapes online

I hate to hear their judgements; their insights
I try to connect through words
But say the wrong things,
and get lectured through sighs.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong,
I've tried and tried to find the cause,
I'm so frustrated, but go in circles
I keep looking for our bond.

What I really want is to disappear
Shut my eyes to the relief of tears.
To wake up as strums in the air,
To be a part of my own song.
I feel so dumb. I'm an adult but don't know what I'm doing. I don't know who I am or what I want or need. I feel like an answer to someone else's question
Jellyfish May 2017
We started with keyboard taps and echoed laughter.
We opened doors full of nothing but matter.
I am so happy to be able to say,
I met this engaging boy.
Who stole my heart and filled me with joy.
He's never stung me,
or tore me apart,
but one thing he has done,
is find the way into my heart.
Jellyfish Nov 2016
I stayed up so late just to re-read
the things we talked about,
And laughed throughout
Each funny line you'd write.

To see your name in a blur
on my phone's screen,
It's not so bad to me.

to be able to pretend
you were laying right next to me,
I stayed up so late.
I miss you at night time husband.
Jellyfish Nov 2016
I'm awake once again,
In the middle of the night
I can't get back to sleep
I don't feel too alright,

I'm shaking and tired
I wish you were here
My head is spinning
Is this out of fear?
Jellyfish Nov 2016
I'll hold your hand
And won't let go
I want you to know
How I love you so

You make me smile
And I always blush
I just can't help it
You stir my thoughts up.
Soon I'll see you.
Jellyfish Jul 2015
Sprawled out on my bed,
He's stuck in my head, again.
It seems I'm creating a habit.
For him; I'll always write ballads.

And I wonder if he can tell,
He's the reason I've lost my frown.
In his heart I'll eternally dwell.
When I'm around he's such a clown.

No, he always is.
And I wish I were still his.
But he truly deserves so much better.
I wish his arms would act as my sweater.

He's literally hacked into my mind.
I can't stop thinking about him tonight.
Jellyfish Sep 2017
It's finally getting cold again,
and I won't have to worry
about the sweater I'm in.
Jellyfish Nov 2016
My face hurts from smiling
I just can't stop.
The things you say to me
Make my heart throb.

I can't tell if I'm nervous,
or happy or both
But I do know one thing,
Our love will continue to grow.
Don't look at me ><
Jellyfish Mar 2016
I walk into my room and kick the heater over to stop it from blowing hot air in my room. It's boiling in here. I kick off my pants and lay on my bed. *Why is life so hard?
Jellyfish Nov 2016
The waves are crashing in
I think I've failed to mention
With you there's no tension
but I'm sorry I'm always,
craving your attention.
When I'm talking with you,
I'm in another dimension.
Jellyfish Nov 2016
My hands miss yours, I think that's why they're so cold.
Jellyfish Nov 2016
I love you from the bottom of the ocean,
all the way up to Saturn and past it.
Jellyfish Jan 2017
I feel like I can't even explain how I'm feeling.
Jellyfish Jul 2015
Sleep deprived
and high on caffiene

Too many things
keep me from laughing
Jellyfish Nov 2016
You saw me crying
as I was sinking
you pulled me in
and wrapped me up

I was surrounded
with your love
when you found me
and I still am, even now.
Jellyfish Nov 2016
We said goodnight
Only an hour ago
My heart feels tight,
Where does the time go?

It'll only be a while longer
Before we'll be together
I know there's bruises
And scars on us too...

But I know we'll make it through.

You make my heart melt
Just by laughing with me
I can only imagine how I'll feel
While you're hugging me.

I want to hold your hand.
Goodnight husband
Jellyfish Nov 2014
The floor,

Against the splashes,
You hear them splat.
Your heart beats furiously.
The girls heart breaks.

She falls.
Eyes shut.
The hits,
Leave cuts.
Her smile,

Against her own will,
She lashes.
"Mother, no!"
Jellyfish Jun 2016
When the caffiene fades
So does my smile
But that'll never change
At least not for a while.
Jellyfish Aug 2015
I used to long for your arms around me
now all I long for is paper to place poetry
that I've written about you and nothings
that I wish would become somethings.
But that's somehow too much to ask for
I suppose it's more than I can really afford,
a longing for you.
Jellyfish Dec 2015
Extreme dissatisfaction; your real life was covered in utter distress.
Jellyfish Jul 2015
KPop and horror films,
You're just the silliest girl.
I don't want you to go,
We've been through a lot,
I know.
I'm not going anywhere though.
You don't need to worry about that,
So.. don't.
Jellyfish Nov 2016
I had a dream that turned into a nightmare,
We were laying on top of a jellyfish bell
We were small and in the center
Our hands were holding each other
Then I looked over and you were gone
My hand was empty and the ocean turned dark
The last thing I remember,
was being stung and waking up in tears.
Or was the ocean on my face?
Jellyfish Dec 2015
In a dream I was walking, all alone.
A flower; I saw-

                             off in the distance..

it was all alone, like me.
Jellyfish Oct 2017
I try to hold back the tears,
as my phone shines in my face
I cover my eyes with my palms
to try to hide any trace of what slipped away.
I’m so tired of being alone.
Jellyfish Feb 2015
What will happen?
Will we be ghosts?
Will there be a heaven?
Will we rot in dirt?
Will we start over?
Will we meet again?
I hate not knowing.
Jellyfish Jul 2015
And when I make it to Alaska,
I'll hold all my things in a basket
I want you to be there with me too
Holding hands the way we once did
And please manage to never forget
The love we've ensnared inside of them.
Jellyfish Feb 2024
There's so many different paths I want to run down,
Different places I yearn to see.
I'd like to live somewhere beautiful
Where I can simply be

I fight with myself over the fantasies I keep,
Sometimes I'm sure I'll live somewhere far,
I could have a chicken or two,
My dog could enjoy a huge yard.

Other times I know deep down,
I need convenience and I'd surely fail
Without being somewhere crowded,
Delivery is a privilege.

I don't want the middle between these two places,
Because suburbia was depressing,
Living only two inches away from a bustling family,
I didn't like the times I lived with mine there.

I'd need space undoubtedly.
Then the absurdity starts showing,
I think to myself.. I'll find an abandoned city
Maybe a desserted town like the ones tiktok shows me.

I could pretend I'm in my own story
And the empty streets would be my own
I could wander these houses and see what was left behind...
I think it sounds silly but, it always comes to mind.

If I could live in the house of my dreams
It would be somewhere unimaginable
Underneath the deepest seas.
I'd have glass walls, and a ceiling made of stars

I'd wake up to see jellyfish blooms
And sit in awe, nothing to do
I could swim to the surface somehow
And watch meteors fall

I think what I truly desire
Is somewhere comfortable
Where I can imagine these wishes
Without being bothered by time, or people who don't really care

Or maybe I belong on another planet,
Because I feel alien everywhere.
Jellyfish Oct 2015
is what I really am
not really wanted
I'll just stop existing
anyways- *I'm exhausted

tired of being used
always forgotten..
*so I guess this is goodbye..
Jellyfish Dec 2016
Sometimes it's okay to be by yourself,
**without anyone else.
Jellyfish Jul 2015
I am afraid to be alone with myself.
Because I don't want to know myself.

I don't want to see myself,
The way other people do.
People are always leaving,
And if I realise why they do,
Will I leave too?

I don't want to know.
Jellyfish Jan 2016
You're a lost star**
somewhere out in the galaxy
you're only trying
to light up the dark
because so many of us fear it.
Jellyfish Jun 2015
I will always be here.
So don't hide your tears,
Share with me your fears.
For you, I'm all ears.
Ignore all of their sneers.
They're the ones who need repairs.
I will always be here.. For you.
Jellyfish Jul 2015
She lives in her room
In front of a screen
Always talking to you
She screams talk to me

You hate leaving her alone
But people call for you to
answer the phone
If only you could be beside her

Always, you want to stay near
Because you're well aware that
behind the screen she fears
you'll be taken away

Further than distance can convey
Little does she know you live the same way.
Jellyfish Nov 2015
I wonder; did you run out of color while you were painting me?
Jellyfish Jun 2015
I don't want to be left in the past.
I thought these sad times had passed,
But obviously they have not.
I'm still being left behind; forgot.

Soon enough he'll be gone.
I'll be once again at a loss.
It'll just be me, like usual.
Am I really that unapproachable?
Jellyfish Oct 2017
I once wrote about one sad Jellyfish,
that disappeared trying to find her place,
looking back now I wonder how
she swam so far away,
when she was always safe.
I will never disappear again. Not from you.
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