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Aug 2017 · 350
Nomad & Nosane
Àŧùl Aug 2017
I* know of a Nomad people there.

They would even marry kids,
About 8 year olds I refer to here,
Lay them in the desert sand,
Kill them they would every night.

Alas, a new creed was started,
Bet they do for camel derbies,
Often they Halal their necks,
Up they drink camel blood,
Totally exploiting their women.

Them we fear the most,
How shameless they are,
End their hatred will never.

My indication is towards them,
Unintelligible who have become,
Slim are their famished girls,
Listening is the entrapped Shiva,
I know that He'll be finally free,
Many still repeat the enchantments,
So dumb they circumambulate anti-clockwise.

An effigy of Ravaņa is afire annually,
None of his descendants is brave,
Demean they the Hindus therefore.

Them the world fears on this day,
Harmony is harmed by them,
Escaping them is not possible,
I mean that they are everywhere,
Regal they think that they all are.

Originating in Hinduism,
Road to heaven they have lost,
I too got visions from heaven,
Go to the mausoleum & break it,
Ignore what the world says,
No followers of Maha Maada,
S**he was a demon princess originally.
My HP Poem #1648
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Aug 2017
Wait, if you are mature enough for that.
Love the dream of a beautiful future mate.
Work, on your health and even your career.
Love yourself to be loved by someone else.
My HP Poem #1647
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jul 2017
She writes poems for me,
But I am still stuck there.

She tries so hard for me,
But I just can't respond.

She obviously suffered a lot,
But I even have had suffered.

That way I think she understands me,
But my happiness she can not induce.
Sorry Kalpana Arora.

My HP Poem #1646
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2017 · 869
Zephyr Sagittarius
Àŧùl Jul 2017
The most gorgeous girl in the world,
I* remember *Pragya by her anonym,
Now all I have are her memories,
Yes they are sweet and delicious.

Real life angel she was my friend,
Each day in her company was good,
Memories of us smiling together,
Early riser she so inspired me,
Maybe she does not have time,
Busy she is too much for memories,
Regal used to be her elegant smiles,
Again I hope that I come across her,
No one is immortal but memories are,
Centuries ago maybe I had known her,
Every memory I can recollect sharply.
Pragya also had her surname as Mehra but she's unrelated to anyone here.

I miss her and the days spent with her.

Her sunsign is Sagittarius and she chose Zephyr as a suitable nickname for herself.

My HP Poem #1645
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jul 2017
It needs an offer indeed.

An offer of a better life,
Bettered with choosing love,
Choice of a wise dear partner,
Dearest be that earnest one,
Earning more than just filthy money,
Filth of loneliness be glowed away,
Glow of love I herewith mean,
Hereto in love's inventive embrace,
Invent they together do just happiness,
Justified are my sacrifices in knightly manner,
Knightly in shining armour of lovely feelings,
Lovely days will descend more lightly,
More than anything else I need love,
Needful of your own love,
Own my heart you do with that pulling force,
Pulling it up towards your queer self,
Queer for me you are definitely more rightly attractive,
Rightly I demand your hand in sweet desperation,
Sweetly sitting in my mouth like my teeth 32,
Teeth - your teeth I have for them the utmost love,
Utmost importance I give to your voice always,
Voice of your adolescence and as I remember when we talked,
We had lengthy conversations which were x-rayed then,
X-rayed with the help of your own,
Your love is what I will long for after reaching the zenith higher,
Zenith of success calls me and how?
My HP Poem #1644
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2017 · 304
Àŧùl Jul 2017
Time, they say,
Time is very strong.
Memories it makes fade away,
But sometimes it takes too long.
My HP Poem #1643
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2017 · 392
Àŧùl Jul 2017
To that time I dedicate this rhyme,
I was a little fatty but was happy,
As by chance I had her romance.

Now I am almost underweight,
I don't mind having lost weight,
Moving on I do not have to wait.
My HP Poem #1642
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2017 · 604
The Odd Girlfriend
Àŧùl Jul 2017
Smart was my first girlfriend,
Open minded she was a friend.

She was my 3rd crush,
Often she would blush,
Forget I'd all the rush,
The ***** of hers was so plush.

Why I remember our third kiss,
Ended it so sweetly in a bliss,
Royal caramel chocolate I miss,
Enthralling was her soft hiss.

Her memories I remember sharply,
Exceptional was my every reply,
Really my kisses were never haply.

Lies never ever appeared among us two,
In fact she wanted me to be her Mewtwo,
Penance she was my life number two,
S*he wanted to kiss me but atwo*.
I can't help how I always rhyme my poems.

My HP Poem #1641
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2017 · 678
Àŧùl Jul 2017
I speak of a sore loner,
A loner who had a *****,
And only his hands for help.

He's so scared of teenage pregnancy,
He spent his years juicing his sausage,
As he often got bored of 'his monotony'.
My HP Poem #1640
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2017 · 843
Àŧùl Jul 2017
An ugly beautiful relationship,
A beautifully ugly relationship.

A faithfully faithless lover,
A faithlessly faithful lover.
My HP Poem #1639
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2017 · 370
Childhood Reminiscences
Àŧùl Jul 2017
An ice candy,
A lollipop.
An orange toffee,
A chocolate.
An apple pie,
A doughnut.
None of them made me obese.
I miss my childhood metabolism as now I have to control my diet

My HP Poem #1638
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jul 2017
This earth is actually 1 nation,
It is 1 complex society.
My compatriots,
They don't desist from being real *****.
My countrymen,
They spit phlegm on any public road.
My landsmen,
They bias against the ladies apart from ****** them.
My fellow humans,
They break all of the traffic rules.
My own friends,
They have been so imperfect.
My friends are my world,
And I am not proud of this world.

I am an idealist who never had them,
The mythical permanent friends.

The human society is full of bigotry,
I read about female exploitation.
This awful male-dominated society,
I am amused on its insecurities.
That unlucky unborn female foetus,
I mourn its ****** before its birth.
My HP Poem #1637
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2017 · 1.3k
Àŧùl Jul 2017
I stay in your eyes and dreams,
You don't know it yet...
I have been with you always,
You are still unaware...

Now, what should I do,
How should I live without you?
Where should I abandon this love,
The one I carry in my eyes?

Even I am disappointed like you,
I don't know it yet...
This separation just buries me alive,
None should be so sinful...

What should I do now,
I was never ready for this loneliness...
With these love filled eyes,
Where more should I roam about?

Inamorata, come embrace me now,
For my heart is still broken...
Sweet heart, believe my words,
For you were always set to kittle...

Someone help me hold her,
She is my life force...
My heart wants only her,
Yes, oh yes!

Don't rub my name off your heart,
Be composed, I have you as my aim...
Come closer to me,
To me...

Oh inamorata, invite me closer...
Oh darling, don't be angry...
Oh inamorata, come be intimate...

Oh inamorata, invite me closer...
Even my heart is broken, it's offended...
Oh darling, don't be angry...
Oh inamorata, come be intimate...
Oh darling, don't be angry...
My HP Poem #1636
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2017 · 326
Àŧùl Jul 2017
Those paths to happiness...
Should not have been lost...
I should have not...
Wandered away...

In this journey of centuries...
In this saga of love...
Only if we could have...
Stayed together for love...

Something you could have told me...
That thing you should have said...
Something you could have told me...
That thing you should have said...

Someday we will meet...
That day you will say...
Only if we had not broken up...
Wish we could have been together forever...

I still long for those paths...
The ones that we walked together...
Hand in hand...
In such a way...
That we were together...
Wish I could have said it...
Something I could have told you...
That thing I should have said...
Something I could have told you...
That thing I should have said...

Someday we will meet...
That day you will say...
Someday we will meet...
That day you will say...

Only if we had not broken up...
Wish we could have been together forever...
I wished for continuity...
But what I got was a full stop.

My HP Poem #1635
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2017 · 399
She Is A Defaulter Now
Àŧùl Jul 2017
Knowingly she had ditched me,
Reported I have to the police,
I have been trying to move on,
Purple hues of her are forgotten,
Impress me she did as my empress.

Issues of my own stand unresolved,
Some issues of loneliness are queer.

Thankfully I am still sane,
How hollow is my life now,
Ending another stage of my life.

Decanting are all the memories,
Effectless was my every effort,
Fake had been the promises,
Added all of the sweetness,
Ultimately I am alone,
Left me in my sadness,
Talking to myself I'm now,
End of life I'm speculating,
R**inging are her last words now.
My HP Poem #1634
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2017 · 1.8k
The Guilt Of Guru Đroņa
Àŧùl Jul 2017
Ethics of war were not followed,
Neither by the army under me,
Nor by that wise commander,
I shattered all the regulations,
Especially the ones formulated by me.
I, Đroņa, was a war criminal,
They had him surrounded when
I commanded Abhimanyu's killing.
Classical rules of war idealized,
Don't attack the outnumbered enemy,
I helped form the Chakravyuha,
A forbidden aggressive war formation,
'Abhimanyu' was killed by many,
He was so outnumbered by our army,
Đraupađi, his mother, cursed me,
She cursed I'll die lamenting my son.
Đroņa was an immortal who died willing so after he misinterpreted that his son Aśvatthama had died when an elephant named Aśvatthama died but Krishna only exclaimed "Aśvatthama has been killed!"

My HP Poem #1633
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2017 · 435
She Was Right
Àŧùl Jul 2017
Read along the lines...
But it doesn't imply my falsehood,
Under the wicked sky I live,
Truly unruly my life is right now.

I am very much incompatible.

And not just with herself,
Maybe with everybody else.

Hard are the days alone,
Ageing I'm but gracefully,
Perhaps I'm best left single,
Pouting is an opportunity,
Yes it is inviting me too.

Bask in the calm sunlight,
Ending is another phase,
Indeed this is satisfying,
Nightmares are fading,
Giving me happiness.

Sorry I'm not about her,
I am no-one to crib,
Not about her studies,
Gleeful I must remain,
Long life brings smiles,
Era of my life is common.
My HP Poem #1632
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2017 · 354
KILL Me, Oh My Friend
Àŧùl Jul 2017
Know that I have suffered,
In this world full of evil,
Life is the name of suffering,
Living is so very hard.

Mighty troubles inflict me,
Efforts to drown me down.
Writing sad poems is easy.
My HP Poem #1631
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2017 · 381
Àŧùl Jul 2017
I am a very old man
Living inside a plan
Of that great Creator
To create immortals
But I live in a body
That is very young
And very enthused
My HP Poem #1630
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2017 · 697
Onomatopoeia of Time
Àŧùl Jul 2017
I have a black heart,
Not just for the sake of art,
But because I am healthy.

My HB is around 15,
Not just for maintaining,
But 'cause I eat healthy.

My weight 6 weeks ago,
Not more than 74.600 kilo,
But I wanted to reduce it.

Some memories don't let me be,
I started skipping meals & jogging,
'Cause I wanted to reduce weight.

Her I wanted to inspire,
That nothing is impossible,
And impossible is nothing.

I lost more than 10 kilograms,
But not that I am ill-fed,
Not ate more than required.

I achieved the feat in 6 weeks,
But just for proving myself,
Not 'cause I don't want to live.

But Death has other plans for me,
Not enthusiastic for taking me along,
I live in the onomatopoeia of time.

Tic toc. Tic toc. Tic toc. Tic.

Time, you have been tipped,
I won't again get slipped,
I want to get ripped.
According to acceptable Smart BMI (SBMI) levels he minimum desired weight for my 176 cms height is 58.6 kg and the maximum desired weight for my height is 83.4 kg.

But I want to further reduce my weight by running more and eating less.

I will reduce until I am content.

At least my body fat ditching me won't break my heart like the little one did.

I am unable to move on beyond her memories.

So I am trying to starve myself to certain death someday.

Her memory is my alibis for such extreme weight loss.

Soon, my M.Tech will be over and I will get 1 more year to prepare for a PhD entrance exam.

I will strive for getting my muscles ripped in the time being while studying and preparing for the next year's PhD entrance exam.

I have complete faith in myself now.

I now know that I can do anything which I have determined so strongly.

My weight loss of 11 kgs in 6 weeks with no stretch marks has taught me that yes, I can.

My HP Poem #1629
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2017 · 852
Niké Says
Àŧùl Jul 2017

And it has encouraged me,
Even my parents tell me so,
Just as my compelling spirit.
My HP Poem #1628
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2017 · 722
Dear Doctor Mohanty
Àŧùl Jul 2017
Though I am not related to you,
Hardly ever I felt this in your warmth,
Actually your care is so fatherly,
Not once did I feel unhandy with you,
Kindness is imbued in your nature.

You never lost your cool, and,
Organized weekly lab meetings,
Understanding all the workers.

Docile I had been so much,
Ready me for thesis you did.

Most kind of all my teachers,
On advising and enlightening,
Homely atmosphere you provide,
Always there holding your cool,
Not failing to lift our spirits,
Thinking about you I am,
Y**our wisdom is full of light.
My HP Poem #1627
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2017 · 550
Dear Doctor Suman
Àŧùl Jul 2017
Troubleshooter she is,
How convenient it was,
And now I end my M.Tech,
No one else could help,
Kindest person she is.

Yes you were strict,
Oh and so cool too,
Understanding me.

Slowly but surely,
Under this ceiling,
Mam you helped me,
And like a real sister,
Not a doubt here.

Did your job require you to?
I do not think so, madam.
Did you help me as you could?
I** think you helped a kid brother.
Thank you Suman Didi.

The Hindi word Didi simply means "Elder Sister".

My HP Poem #1626
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2017 · 881
Àŧùl Jul 2017
A gorgeous formula for force is:
F=dp/dt or F=d(m.v)/dt
By employing mass into velocity.
This formula uses the momentum
To elucidate the force involved
And to deduce the frontage
Of any effect developed
My HP Poem #1625
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2017 · 538
Àŧùl Jul 2017
I* have understood
Over the last decade
That I'm unlovable
And an eternal failure

Only my parents care for me
First Gods they are for me

Truly selfless they have been
Really supportive in my life
Unwavering their commitment
They are the only permanence
H**urting them will be my sin
I may be unlovable for some people,
But for my parents I am the prime,
And I have truly realized it finally.

To hell with all those unfaithful lovers.

My HP Poem #1624
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2017 · 425
I Will Identify
Àŧùl Jul 2017
I will identify myself as successful,
When my parents stop worrying,
When my nervousness finally ends.

I will identify myself as a happier guy,
When I have divorced my loneliness,
When loneliness finally spares me to be.

I will identify my true love, my equal,
When economically independent,
When she comes without invitation.
My HP Poem #1623
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2017 · 462
What Good Is
Àŧùl Jul 2017
An unspoilt child,
An unsoiled player,
An unpopular mild,
An unfaithful lover,
An uncool boyfriend,
An uncouth girlfriend,
An unhappy poet?
As I am an unhappy person, I can not really be a good poet.

My HP Poem #1622
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2017 · 558
Àŧùl Jul 2017
Just like the Mxyzptlk can be killed,
I can solve all of my problems too.

By making it say its name backwards,
Nemesis of the Superman is killed.

Reverse engineering all problems,
All my problems can be solved.
My HP Poem #1621
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2017 · 580
1620 CE - A Severe Frost
Àŧùl Jul 2017
The Thames river froze that year,
Ênglish sheep husbandry I tell ya,
The Thirty Years' War continued,
Epic losses to sheep & men alike.

À cataclysmic year for many.

Testing year for **** sapiens,
Ênchanted were the scavengers,
True bounty for dogs & vultures,
Europe almost killed its cultures.
A tête à tête with history.

But human beings are hardy organisms.
They have always recovered from worse.
Most English sheep succumbed to winter that year.

Out of a flock of 20,000 sheep only 35 were left in England that year.

The 30 Years' War (1618 to 1648) that had killed 8 million people overall, had killed many people due to their injuries and the merciless cold.

A retrospective poem reminding the ability of humanity to preserve all life.

The English people had regained much of their sheep flock soon in the 5 years that followed.

My HP Poem #1620
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2017 · 1.1k
She Wins With Her Patience
Àŧùl Jul 2017
Mum she is in the beginning,
Armed with a lot of patience,
Rhyming it with an elegant silence,
Yarn of poetry she is threading.

With all her immense patience,
In this wicked world she is happy,
Not worrying about anything,
She keeps her patience unharmed,
Leveraging her happiness on herself,
Of beautiful words she is a lady,
W**ish her I do a lot of happiness.
My HP Poem #1619
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2017 · 645
Every Single Time
Àŧùl Jul 2017
Every single time I am so sad,
Whenever your memories bring tears,
I distract myself from crying
A simple technique.

I just remember the
Of the most powerful man
It makes me guffaw a tummy tuck,
I can't really imagine a Trumpet blowing Donald Duck!
My HP Poem #1618
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2017 · 487
Witlessly Witless
Àŧùl Jul 2017
There's not even a straw of hope,
How to be optimistic puzzles me.
I won't ever have any of the dope,
How to escape what bothers me.
I don't have any moral support,
I'll stop being whitlessly witless.
For that I need some more love.
My HP Poem #1617
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2017 · 1.9k
Jai Hanuman
Àŧùl Jul 2017
O mighty Lord Shiva!
You chose to come to life in Hanuman,
The all powerful life long bachelor
Who set new standards of service.
Hanuman avatar was the ultimate,
Powerful and immortal,
Hanuman still lives in the mountain.
A piece of Hindu mythology and folklore.

Though I am not a religious man, stories and legends of the monkey God never fail to capture my interest.

My HP Poem #1616
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2017 · 521
The Way!
Àŧùl Jul 2017
Scent of flowers,
Coming up my breath,
Forms a Haiku.
Haikus by definition are short 3-line poems of Japanese origin, are often about the nature. They have 5 syllables in the first line, 7 syllables in the second line and 5 syllables again in the third line.

My HP Poem #1615
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jul 2017
Love stays forever and ever
Until death does them apart
Souls get married to each other
T**ruest feelings keep men single
Another secondary acrostic poem about my standpoint.

I will never get married to anyone else until Kripi gets married to someone else.

Marrying someone else before Kripi gets married, I will be proving my promise to myself as an empty promise.

My HP Poem #1614
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jul 2017
They have not read any good poems.
Or maybe,
They have not read any good sagas.
They have just seen breakups.

Literature - the written word,
It stays forever.
I love my "The 'Angel?' Series",
It is like a diamond.

And I love my story "7 Seconds",
It is my diadem.
My HP Poem #1613
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2017 · 747
The Lonely Bard
Àŧùl Jul 2017
Sometimes I feel jealous of all others,
They have their siblings and lovers,
But even I have my dear parents.
My HP Poem #1612
©Atul Kaushal
Jul 2017 · 582
So What
Àŧùl Jul 2017
So what if we are incompatible,
I will still breathe in your company,
After a maximum period of 5 years.
My strong love for you,
And your strong liking for me,
Are not much different.
I love you,
As if you are my equal,
And my opposite;
I love you as if
You are my mother,
And my child.
My HP Poem #1611
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jul 2017
By Kalpana Arora on 9 June 2017
Verified Purchase
It deserves more than 5 stars!
The story ends with two messages perfectly conveyed.
1. Don't waste your time in search of love while you are studying.
2. The current caste-based reservation system in India is flawed.

I can't disagree here.

What a magician Atul is! Such romance, poetry, love, heartbreak, action and what not!

Surely a class apart than most popular novelists!
Thanks for the compliments, dear Kalpana Arora.
Jul 2017 · 478
A Delightful Review
Àŧùl Jul 2017
By Cognoscentus on June 11, 2017
Verified Purchase
Very gripping work of fiction, partly inspired by the authors own heroic journey of survival and triumph. Extremely well written. Real, yet creative.

Have a look:

I thank you for your words. I respect your privacy, dear Cognoscentus, but I would love to personally thank you for the compliments when we meet.

7 Seconds on the Kindle Reader application compatible devices like a Windows system or an Apple OS X or on Android or iOS devices.
Àŧùl Jun 2017
I play hide & seek with my daughter,
It's my turn to seek her this time,
Sankshaya, my girl, blindfolds me.

As she is scurrying away from me,
It's only her tiny footsteps I hear,
I follow her sounds and follow her.

And suddenly she screams in pain,
I remove my blindfold instantly,
It's imperative to instantly help her.

I see her writhing on the floor in pain,
It's a nightmare for me when I see,
See her dropped down onto the floor.

I take her to the hospital immediately,
I answer as they ask about my wife,
"She recently died battling cancer."

"I am so sorry, don't mind it please,
We will take care of your daughter,"

The doctor assured me so very kindly.

Sometime later,
Coming out of the emergency room,
The doctor says with a serious face,
"We have performed some tests."

These tests are always so very evil,
I enquire that doctor cautiously,
"When the results'll be here?"

"Soon, within the time of a week,"
The doctor said very calmly,
I didn't get more scared.

A week later,
I was holding the report,
A tear rolled down my cheek,
The result shows that the patient has eye cancer.

All hell had broke loose on me!
Inherit it she did from her mom,
The daughter carries the oncogene.

The doctors had it tailor made,
That suggestion to such patients,
Remove the eyes as cancer spreads.

I cautiously confess the truth,
Sankshaya smiles her Angel smile,
'Let's play hide & seek one last time.'

Truth hurts, I know it since long,
But this is the limit!

I just weep silently,
With a resentful heart,
Clutching my daughter.
My HP Poem #1610
©Atul Kaushal
Jun 2017 · 373
Do Not Worry
Àŧùl Jun 2017
When all is temporary
Be it happiness or grief,
Why not adapt to blues,
Don't mourn her departure.
Oh Bard, why worry about the grief?
Grief is your permanent partner.
Joy is temporary like shadow.

Afar be the destination,
Is the love from parents any less?
Thorny be the foot sole,
But is your backup any less?
You have your loving companions,
Joy is temporary like shadow.

When there is a grief,
Then are alighted the eye lamps.
In this world full of loneliness,
Do not fear its lonely roads.
At least you have a companion,
Joy is temporary like shadow.
My HP Poem #1609
©Atul Kaushal
Jun 2017 · 483
Every Step Of Mine
Àŧùl Jun 2017
Every step of mine
Is in your pursuit.
Wherever you may be
You are in my vision

When the bond is of pain,
Then how bad is separation.
As only they get separated,
That were always wanted.

You are hidden within,
In my heart my friend.
If not inside my smiles,
Then surely in my grimaces.

Every step of mine
Is in your pursuit.
Wherever happiness is
There lies my success.
My HP Poem #1608
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jun 2017
In this world full of deceit,
Where should they be headed now.
The crazy lovers in love forever,
Where should they be headed now?

The fires are always guarded,
By the watchful eyes of the world,
Those who wish to immolate,
Where should they go and burn?

Those which are hard to recite,
And those that are hard to veil,
Confess, oh poor lonely hearts,
Where should those poems go?
My HP Poem #1607
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jun 2017
I* talk of the fairy from Nagpur.

Lovely she is very much playful,
Of a perfect smile she is holder,
Voracious I am & she's food,
Extremely delicious!!!

Best beautiful girl I've ever known,
Holder of beauty she is a beholder,
Ultra she's as beautiful as the moon,
My dream girl she is my real killer,
I have kindled this dream for her,
Kodak moments are all her smiles,
A**nd her beauty I can never forget.
A poem about my beautiful friend Bhumika Fulwani from Nagpur.

No veiled emotions.

I just truly admire her angelic beauty.

My HP Poem #1606
©Atul Kaushal
Jun 2017 · 352
Thank You, Oh Thank You
Àŧùl Jun 2017
Thank you, oh thank you,
I had forgotten what love is,
You came and I was reminded.

You had me healed very soon,
Healed I was to good health,
Thank you, oh thank you.

Thank you, oh thank you,
I forgot what heartbreak is,
You left & pushed me into one.

You gave me a permanent one,
I had forgotten what pain is,
Thank you, oh thank you.

Thank you, oh thank you,
Deceit was not novel to me,
You cursed me into loneliness.
My HP Poem #1605
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jun 2017
I have always been beckoning
In the streets and classrooms,
In the schools and coachings,
In the soccer goals and chess games.

I have always been searching,
In the lonely evenings and nights,
In the sunny days and afternoons,
In the packed markets and parties.

I have always been so very patient,
In the empty Sundays and holidays,
In the private moments and hours,
In the public places and datings.

But true love was nowhere,
I searched the whole world,
Then I finally had it accepted,
That true love was only twice.

First was when I was born,
To my mother and father,
Second was the rebirth,
In an ICU's rebreather.
My HP Poem #1604
©Atul Kaushal
Jun 2017 · 291
Whom To Go Sans You
Àŧùl Jun 2017
I knew not what love is,
That was,
Before I had met you.

I knew not what caring is,
That was,
Before I did care for you.

I knew not what feeling is,
That was,
Until you kissed me.

I knew not what lust is,
That was,
Until I kissed you.

Yes, I have always missed you,
And now,
I don't feel like loving anyone else.
My HP Poem #1603
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jun 2017
I composed the poem "Angel?",
And its subsequent parts,
It is a magical saga.

It is indeed so much beautiful,
And the Angel in the story,
I fell in love with her.

Rhyming or not it is bountiful,
And of all the sorts of arts,
She is an eternal saga.

Roses bloom as she is dutiful,
And me she always loves,
Should she not be real.

Magical she is so screwable,
Days dim into the nights,
I long for an "Angel?".

Much I am like Pygmalion,
Do I like those moments,
I do love the "Angel?".

If I'm wrong then correct me not,
Loneliness is a deadly disease,
I am saved by the "Angel?".

My HP Poem #1602
©Atul Kaushal
Àŧùl Jun 2017
Don't wait for her, oh heart.
Let her be gone.
She was like an Air India flight & you're on her no-fly list like Ravindra Gaikwad!
Indian politician from Maharashtra by the name of Ravindra Gaikwad misbehaved with a flight crew member and slapped him just to flaunt his power. He was blacklisted by the Indian Aviation Industry and he can no longer fly to any destinations.

Thanks for the inspiration for this write, Kalpana Arora ji.

A funny poem.

My HP Poem #1601
©Atul Kaushal
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