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Brian Turner Jan 2022
The answer is not on your phone..
So stop staring at it in your zombie zone
There is nothing there to see
Nothing there to help your life feel free

We go from day to day
Looking down, nothing new to say
Lost on the street and in the shops
Blind to nature and blind to clocks

Put that flipping thing away
Stop living in the afray
Look up instead of down
Look forward to life, drop that frown.
Notes from walking and observing people today lost on their smartphones
Rhys Oct 2020
The smartphone is a portal
to progress and possessional obsession.
To behold all knowledge of the beauty of the human experience within the palm of your hand, yet to also behold;
brilliant tutorials from false idols on how not to live your life,
that captivate and obliterate all free-folks minds.
Ahh yes, freedom-the fickle *****.
monkey see
monkey do.
The smartphone has brought us closer than ever before
yet, when this little tablet of infinity shows you only what you want to see
(like a mirror to the soul)
pray you keep keen eyes upon your shadow
for even hugs can crush and families feud and through opinions and tribal captivations
we become more divided.
It has made us spend so much time looking down, that we no longer look up;
For it hurts to stare into the light.
Nobody looks into each others eyes anymore for the same reason.
Steve Page Sep 2020
I'm never alone
Not with my thoughts
Not with my dreams
never an excuse to be idle
never alone
I'll always have you
to intrude,
to distract,
to enlighten
shining your light
alerting me
greeting me
never letting me be
a moment alone
A blessing or a curse or both.
Micaela Nov 2018
frightened about addictions--
mine feel far less dark
because they blaze from a white

lower the brightness. i can't
bear to feel my eyes
dissolving like my dull white
Zane Safrit Aug 2018
A silver smartphone
Hides on a silver bedspread
Wise is he who knows

Copyright © 2018 by Zane Safrit. All rights reserved.
Sandman Aug 2018
My synthetic sleep catching up with me.
In the darkest hour
all my past and future selves collect into one.
Falling apart.
Piece by piece.
This artificial world, what ever happened to you?
This insomniac world that never goes to sleep.
How did we get here?
Disconnected people polluting the hallow veins of earth.
We think we are free but we are caged in by our highly technologicaly advanced smart phones.
Through out the existence of mankind we have sought to create tools which would further our abilitys to live easier lives but now we have surrendered to our own creation.
Have we become subjected to empty shells or is there still hope?
Somewhere out there is a future world surging with infinite peace.
Àŧùl Jan 2018
Though they outsource manufacturing,
The major profit stays within the nation.

Micromax Canvas Infinity is definitively a great device.
Both Pooja and I have got one each of this fantastic device.

My HP Poem #1698
©Atul Kaushal
Paused, on the keyboard,
the ticks dissipating,
words, turning to clouds,
clouds of nothingness,
it's all a mess,
confessing my mistake,
reverting paragraphs of apologies,
lost, in life deserted,
the touch which my heart instantly recognized,
was lost again,
the butterflies had already died (in my stomach),
feeling lifeless,
I tried again, and again, and again,
thinking the cursor would reappear,
all did appear,
was my life line ticking low,
till today,
I regret, those words,
I swear to not let my heart, flush them recklessly,
For I don't wish to lose things again,
K Balachandran Nov 2017
****** smartphone,
in a trance she always was!
her world never called.
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