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Marly Apr 2014
i learned how to live off of nothing but your words and two bottles of water a day.
who needs food when i have the only fuel that i'll ever need?
although somehow i'm still crumbling and
i sleep as much as an owl does during the night and
i haven't breathed properly since the day you took my breath away.
late night promises echo in my head.
i hope with every ounce of my being that you keep them.
i hope that you keep me.
who am i kidding, though
Marly Apr 2014
i begged you to beat me up because i thought i deserved it
Marly Apr 2014
I anxiously await the day where m(i)ne (become)s yours and (you)rs (become)s mine.
Read normally and then change the words with brackets so that they're just the bracketed words
Idk this is confusing I tried
Marly Apr 2014
Don't look into my soul;
I didn't give you permission to.
Marly Apr 2014
always kiss me goodnight and good morning.
hello and goodbye.
Marly Apr 2014
The vastitude between you and I is impossibly large and oh my how my heart aches.
Marly May 2014
it is that time of night where the second, minute, and hour hand are kissing, like we would be if you were here.
wish you were here, love.
Marly Apr 2014
just go away.
i'm only doing my job and you know that.
these pills that you make me take clean me out of everything that you are convinced is wrong with me
i am not a ******* garbage can.
you can't just rid me of my insides every time you see something you don't like.
if anything, you are the cause of this newly formed rot on my exterior.
developed from some of the 309 words of my friend, Ariella.
this is the first of many poems like this to come.
Marly Apr 2014
You are an exotic fruit that I've yet to taste.
Thought I'd try one of these.
It isn't really a story. Is it supposed to be? I don't know. Oh well.
Truth is I'm too tired to expand. Maybe I will one day.
Marly Apr 2014
i wish for a purpose i wish for meaning i wish for these pains to go away
Marly May 2014
I've known you for three years and I still don't know whether that is red lipstick or blood on your lips.
Marly Apr 2014
I'm more than depressed and time is slipping through my fingers like sand
Why do I still think about him?
Marly Apr 2014
Thinking of you sleeping by my side rouses new feelings deep within me. Leftover makeup melts off my face and I sink lower and lower into the mattress. I remind myself that I can't fall any lower than the floor, although it feels like the opposite.
Marly Mar 2014
i'd shed a tear or two if the end of the world was tomorrow because i still haven't kissed you yet.
Marly Apr 2014
i'm short,
and i know you can touch the sky while i can't.
why have you never offered me a seat on your shoulders, though?

i'm short,
however, i could do without you reminding me that nobody wants to draw the short straw.

i'm short,
but that doesn't mean you should absorb all of the sun as i shrivel up in your shadow.

i'm short,
yet i still like to feel like i am not.
so i've kinda lost my ability to write again and i wish i knew why
Marly Apr 2014
there is
no such thing
as a good addiction.
i'll elaborate one day.
Marly Apr 2014
I hate living in this spread out town where I have to drive ten miles just to get to a bus that will drive for twenty additional ones just to get to Walgreen's to buy ******* soap to wash my mother's back because she can't wash it herself.
No clue where this came from.
Marly Mar 2014
i am beautiful
                                                                                      but i am not breathtaking.
i am smart
                                                                                           but i am not ingenious.
i am kind
                                                                                                 but i am not cordial.
i am a person.
                                                                                                  i am not perfection.
Marly Apr 2014
i searched up the meaning of your name, and i learned that it means "beloved".
apparently that's the meaning of my name as well.
i wonder.
Marly Apr 2014
I would never undress my mind for you so why did I undress my body
Marly Apr 2014
the universe would bend to be in your favour because that's how amazing you are.
Marly Apr 2014
i should not have to prove that i love you.
if you need proof, then obviously you don't love me.
Marly Apr 2014
i passed a woman walking her dog while on my evening stroll the other day.
her blonde hair curled at the ends, smile-lines appeared as if there were drawn in with a 2b pencil and her eyes shone like fresh uranium.
words like small, big, skinny, fat, ugly, and pretty shouldn't be used to describe beauty or lack of thereof.
******* it, people
Marly Mar 2014
my vision is black
no twinkling stars
to brighten my night
you never realize
how cold space is
until you're engulfed
in its darkness

lips numb and blue
cold sweat *******
the heat from my bones
muscles contracting
violent spasming
jaw chattering, clicking
noises echoing
in the emptiness

i have been reduced
to a pile of rubble
called 'bones'
if i was human
then where is
my soul?
Marly Apr 2014
opening you was like opening a freezer.
cold air spilled out and i needed to grit my teeth to keep them from chattering.
your heart was frozen solid, preserved in a block of ice.
i still wonder if it will ever thaw.
i still miss you.
Marly Mar 2014
i'm not sure if i like how this website has a black and white atmosphere.
i always thought poetry was supposed to teach me how to see in colour.
after all, a world of black and white is limited.
however, there are endless shades of grey.
he was the boy who made me see colours i never knew existed, just the way the words that flow from our mouths bring new hues to this planet.
the sad part is, they disappear as quickly as they come.
what goes around reallllyyyyy comes around.
such is life.
Marly Apr 2014
the windows of your 1985 Chevrolet clouded with steam produced by our heavy breathing.
this summer night was particularly hot and made us even more eager than usual to shed our unnecessary layers.
lipstick trails took me to foreign places on your body and i felt like i was learning a whole new language with every kiss.
we tried to have each other all at once, impatient desire fueling our every move.
moaning louder than the engine of the old vehicle,
going faster than its 80mph limit,
we caused the Hawaiian ******* the dashboard to hula like there was no tomorrow with the way we shook; one would think we were driving over potholes from a distance.
when it all finished, our skin simmered lightly on the friction-heated leather and we melted into each other's arms.
thinking of you.
Marly Apr 2014
I have braces on more than just my teeth.
The only difference is that they won't be coming off once things straighten out.
Marly Apr 2014
Daddy often tells me to keep my back straight for good posture, so I do. I always look up at the bright, blue sky and smile because life is beautiful.

Daddy yells at me a lot. Whenever I'm near him, I tense up my body and walk away. The sky is somewhat cloudy but I still look up at it every day. I smile because life is beautiful.

Dad won't stop yelling at me, so I try not to leave my room. My shoulders sag when I walk and I sometimes glance up at the cloudy sky. I try to smile because life was beautiful.

Dad hurt me the other day. I don't ever leave my room, not even for meals. My bent over back is always turned away from him. I haven't seen the sky in over a week. I can't smile even though life was beautiful.

My father has pushed me too far. I left the house for the first time in weeks. My back is in pain from hiding from him for so long. The sky is gloomy and filled with black clouds. I lean over the edge of the bridge and cry because life used to be beautiful but I can't remember it, anymore.
Marly Apr 2014
it's my second day without my "fix" and i feel.. i don't know.
stomach hurts i'm increasingly tired more needy than usual lacking something lacking everything smiling frowning sobbing laughing all at the same time
things that **** with who you are should be illegal and for this reason i shouldn't be allowed to kiss you.
i don't want you to catch this incurable cold
Marly Apr 2014
This started out as a joke.
Everything I've ever seen is piled on top of my back.
Suddenly you're here and I know you're going to drag me around like a wagon.
Problem is, I only have axles; my tires wore out a long time ago.
I'm only fifteen.
I'm going to erode slowly and your muscles will snap like elastics.
It doesn't matter how much you lift, I'm much too heavy to carry.
Gravity can't even control me.
Spend your money on a new car instead of a worn down one with a ripped leather interior and a radio that skips every second word.
Please don't waste your time being my tow truck.
Marly Apr 2014
my grades have dropped from nineties to seventies and i am incredibly sad.
my heart has been dropped down countless flights of stairs and i am incredibly bruised.
my body has dropped off of a balcony from thirteen stories high and i am incredibly gone.
Marly Apr 2014
she wore earrings that weighed down her ears and her soul
Marly May 2014
she expected
f  i  r  e  w  o  r  k  s
when she first kissed him.
little did she know that she was going to become the fireworks.

she was an easy target, and he had good aim.
as soon as she f
into his grasp, he was quick to send her back from where she came.

crowds gathered.
fathers' hands silenced their children's mouths as his loaded her into the mortar.
mothers' hands covered their children's ears as his lit the fuse.

she was shot forward by a merciless puff of dragon's breath,
and as she looked over her shoulder,
she saw the ash leaking from his nostrils.

stars beckoned to her.
glimmering, shimmering, shining stars extended their fiery hands to her already outstretched ones.
she rose higher and higher,
filling her lungs with the last bit of oxygen that was left,
and screamed.

he screamed.
her flaming body parts rained down in the form of asteroids, striking him.
stars spelled out her name and pulsed weakly like his dying heartbeat.
they both went from "are" to "were" in a matter of seconds, and everyone knew that their chemical reaction was triggered by fireworks.
Marly May 2014
I'm too high and you're too low.
I miss the way we balanced each other out.
15w. Sigh.
Marly Apr 2014
the rain outside sounds like paper being crumpled,
the winds similar to pages of a book being turned.
descending planes become the way one strums a guitar;
all of the strings vibrate loudly,
and sl o w l y l  o  s  e  t   h   e   i   r    v    o     i     c     e    s.
i hear the stars singing,
their lonely songs echo through the darkness that is space.
empty space,
full of distant planets,
lonesome, chorusing stars,
lost meteors,
and long forgotten space debris.
at last, the rain and winds have ceased.
i have never considered silence as an absence of noise,
because silence itself is something you hear.
i often hear silence as a siren.
someone, somewhere, somehow,
is asking for me,
begging for my help.
someone is wishing for their desperate pleas to be heard.
i hope they know that they are not alone.
sometimes i think about how divided people are.
but darling, this world is compressed in more ways than one.
the only things that divide us are thin plaster walls,
thousands of footsteps,
and clothing.
do not forget that.
called it flow because there is a flow between each subject and none of it made sense, buuuuut.
Marly Apr 2014
4:20 am
Can't sleep.
I remember how we discussed getting high on that bumpy car ride home with the windows rolled down and the AC cranked up to the max.
4:30 am
Can't sleep.
"Mom, I've been up all night."
Too embarrassed to admit that I was talking to Beloved, I throw my head back and wash away a neon pink pill with a gulp of water.
4:35 am
Can't sleep.
My tense body is screaming for you to be here to relieve the aching of my muscles that are far too overworked and far too exhausted.
Even despite the fact that I spend my days wasting away in a relationship with a bed that doesn't even know my favourite colour.
4:40 am
Can't sleep.
Restless because I miss him.
Restless because I have him.
Realizing that my inability to sleep spawns from the lack of motivation to exist the way I'm supposed to.
Basically I'm ****** until I set myself straight
Marly Apr 2014
I want to be welded to you like the tongue of a curious child freezes to a poll when it's below zero outside.
it's still cold enough for this.. **** Canada.
Marly Apr 2014
i never thought i'd be impaired by something i needed the most.
you don't realize how important sleep is until you get an eighth of the amount you're supposed to every night.
my dreams are either pitch black or memories i figured had been long forgotten and
they're usually interrupted by bouts of hysteria which bring me back to the real world with a neck-snapping jolt.
i can't sleep and i'm too tired to focus on anything.
all i can do is sit around and watch tv and pray to be preyed on by a vulture or maybe you.
one eighth eight hours eight days
eight is an awfully weird number
why does everything end up being about you?
Marly Apr 2014
i try my best to take care of you but all you do is cry about how nobody cares
Marly Apr 2014
(there was an indent on his lower lip that was certainly made by god for every cigarette that he would expertly smoke)
did i mention that i hate smoking but i love the smell of smoke
Marly Apr 2014
Ah yes.
Sobbing while brushing my teeth.
I never thought the day would come where I'd taste mint and salt together,
But here it is.
Marly May 2016
My smiles are constantly full
My teeth turn into marshmallows and the sun hits so hard they melt and gush down my chin and drip to the pavement
And when my teeth are gone the rusty sockets soak in blood and I. Keep. Smiling.

Smiling so much makes my hair stand on end and my muscles twitch and I taste the sour in the back of my throat
I can't stand authority.
Marly Dec 2015
Can the soul be cremated? Is she still with me?
A once alive body turned into smoldering remains in a matter of moments, residing now on a shelf for all to simultaneously acknowledge and ignore.
Hannah, I miss you incredibly.
Marly Apr 2014
I curled up under the Columbine sheets,
He planted kiss after kiss on my rosy cheeks.
His eyes told me words that could never be said,
And with that, he climbed into our lovely king bed.
He told me that he liked this one so. Yeah.
Marly Apr 2014
I can't tell if I want to **** myself or **** what you turned me into.
Marly Apr 2014
I never knew I could write poetry like this until I met you.
Marly Apr 2014
Reverse psychology.
You are a word weaver, use this power to bind people to what they say.
Tighten the ropes every so often so that they know there is no escape.

2. Knead and mould your patients like playdoh, mixing the colours together to create a condensed grey mass of matter.

3. Make your patients believe that they are crazy.
The more issues they have, the more you get paid.

4. Shove biased thoughts and opinions into their ears as if PUTTING IN EAR PLUGS MAKES THEM HEAR BETTER.

5. Smile and nod when they pour themselves out to you like you actually give a ****.

6. Scold them for not telling you their deepest thoughts.
Then, make them your personal mine and take as much gold as you desire.

7. Prescribe pills. All of them.
Your patients will become more beautiful with necklaces made of these colourful beads.

8. Most importantly, make sure none of your patients know each other.
The world need not know that the milk man has schizophrenia and the librarian is bipolar, because everything looks more beautiful when it's glazed and then fired in a kiln.
I just can't fathom this chaos.
Marly May 2014
i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay i am okay.
are you really
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