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Jun 2016 · 604
Tehreem Jun 2016
This alluring night
Thoughts hold nothing
Only you

Eyes insinuating coldness
Revealing frozen within
Only you

Lost within never found
The perfection existed
Only you

And now it's all gone I see
The best one wasn't me
Only you

In the dark and the light
What's killing me
Only you

In between madness and love
The part of me intact
Only you

No tears no goodbyes
This is not you and me
Only you
Jun 2016 · 500
Tehreem Jun 2016
His restraint heart
A sanctuary for her
Where she lost and found
Her forsaken vile self
The precious one.
Jun 2016 · 921
Tehreem Jun 2016
He left her with tears
She left him with pain
Now nothingness remains
All smoke and water
In another dimension
Hidden from the world
They're together forever
Infinite till the end
Jun 2016 · 1.3k
Tehreem Jun 2016
He is the mystery of mysteries
She loves solving puzzles
Jun 2016 · 1.1k
Tehreem Jun 2016
My words fail
Futile tears fell
Nothing to feel
You let me go
Now what I see in you
Smile that mocks me
Humour to torment me
Punches of repugnance
Your eyes carry it all
Pain of time with me
My weight lowered you
I couldn't see now
What I use to
Hidden in the layers
My words unfolding
With your touch
This time it is over
Numbness crept in
Nothing to hear
Nothing to say
Certain way of a painful apology.
Apr 2016 · 752
Paper Heart❤
Tehreem Apr 2016
With the ink of passion
I will write poem of loss
On my paper heart
Forging new lines
With words of love
Crafted with care
A devine rhyme
For your eyes only
Apr 2016 · 975
The Right So Wrong
Tehreem Apr 2016
The hint of winter in eyes
Summer sun of a laugh
Deep as ocean
Vast as sea
A sacred heart
Soul sanctuary
Sharp words
Laced with passion
Long strides
Fast and fierce
A riddle of hurt
A story of joy
Wild mess of madness
Gushing whirl wind
He is chaos of life
Maestro of menace
Carrier of light
Keeper of lost
Apr 2016 · 1.1k
Tehreem Apr 2016
Cold crusted on the outside
Boiling agony folded in
Twisting, turning and squirming
On the verge of spitting flames
Withholding the hunger for demolition
To raze the idols of perfection
Fuming with each punishing breath
Throwing up the grey smoke in skies
Ashening the way to thoughts
That red heart is on fire
The hard knuckle are pale
Soft lips caging venomous eruption
Eyes searing suns of combustion
Virulent brain going haywire
Grumbling of the lethal unsaid  words
Fervid fluid of darkness filling the veins
Apr 2016 · 1.1k
Parallel emisson
Tehreem Apr 2016
Warm hands
Barely touching
On top of freedom land
Flaming fire in the water
He is willing to burn up
She is cooling down
Conjuring chaos
Controlled reaction
Tangled mess of thoughts
Carve out of beautiful words
They are like wind and sea
Buried mass of emotions
Rubble left after strom
A torpedo half explode
Craziness of chaos emalgumated concretely with blazing head.
Apr 2016 · 1.3k
Shadow Guy
Tehreem Apr 2016
His eyes wide open
Mind a haunted alley
A shadow that swallowed light
Day crumbled at his darkness
Burning with fuel of coldness
Frozen in medieval times
Lurking under umbrella of madness
Wild smoke meeting match
Numb in the cycle of pain
With razors sharp edges of actions
Masquerading like a ghost halo
Bleeding fire in solace of night
Mar 2016 · 791
Tehreem Mar 2016
A soul withered by the pain
He was suppose to mend
She waited through seasons
Days grew dark and dead
Nights become forlorn
Something dissolved her heart
In the end she lost it all
Feb 2016 · 795
After hours
Tehreem Feb 2016
Night let down her long locks
Stars bejewel that dark glory

It made the sky whirl wild
With the moon streaking it

Holding on to the very end
That brings out the day

She embraced the clouds
Waiting for the sun to come out
Feb 2016 · 725
Long Distance Relationships
Tehreem Feb 2016
Two eyes
Thousand tears
Million miles
Countless fears
Puzzled brain
Nothing clears
Feb 2016 · 577
Tehreem Feb 2016
On the mission of self destruction
He craved his own devastation
So he lit a new cigarette
After one too many
He took a long lazy pull
Clearing his fuzzy mind
Killing his own monsters
Smoke filled his lungs
Soft puffs left his lips
He inhaled sharply
To burn out his demons
To ashen his thoughts
The screaming subsides
His worries fell quietly
With ashes to the ground
Subtracting from his life
Feb 2016 · 523
A hell within
Tehreem Feb 2016
My darkest ghosts
Lurks in the night
A fire burns deep within
Casting wild grey shadows
Moon struggling to shine
Through the flickering skies
Past painted deepest blue
With decayed filthy hopes
Black hell that I raise little
Demons commanding my steps
Feb 2016 · 1.2k
Tehreem Feb 2016
My words
Left me
To write
A perfect
Sweet song
For you
I watch
My pieces
Fall hard
At your
Planted feet
Standing tall
Feb 2016 · 725
Tehreem Feb 2016
Darkness stirred in her soul
She moved between the realms
Her despair and longing
Grew louder and louder
The conquerer of her kingdom
The master of the conquests
On an another expidition
Occupied with his battles
Unaware of her despair
Invades a new dynasty
With rapidly fading hopes
Her ****** eyes awaits..
Feb 2016 · 944
Tehreem Feb 2016
On the paper of life
We wrote the stories
Of love and emotions
With the ink of pain
Dusted with the glitter
Of broken dreams
The words of loss
Bleeding from the pen
An unfinished tale
Of ruined beings
Feb 2016 · 963
Tehreem Feb 2016
His eyes sang the symphony of love
With purest passionate words of life
She was lost in his moving music
That drowned her dreadful silence
They were an anthemic rhythm
Together forever in echos of time
Feb 2016 · 862
Tehreem Feb 2016
My tired eyes won't stop
Searching for you
They want nothing else
Except a glimpse
Just one look from you
That halts everything
Time stops ticking
World won't turn
Lost in the trance
We dream on
Feb 2016 · 1.5k
Tehreem Feb 2016
Silly little bird
Lost the direction
Drifting away
With the winds
Come home
Flutter in
Awaiting love
A calling
Pick a way
Following the stars
Mark the stones
Fly high
Through the night
Along the day
Back to realm
The heart
While it beats
The kingdom awaits
Feb 2016 · 3.0k
Tehreem Feb 2016
Darkness ends into the light
The day burned into the night
And the night burned into the day
Everything slowly melts away
Jan 2016 · 1.8k
Tehreem Jan 2016
A sweet face of an angel
She is friends with the devil
At war with the monsters
She is hard to handle
Warm and gentle heart
She has nerves of metal
Slowly freaking out
She is a twisted and mental
Destructing idols of fear
She is unable to settle
On darkness she feeds
She is a born rebel
Jan 2016 · 1.4k
Tehreem Jan 2016
winter walks with him
death smiled at him
the king of ruins
masquerading like Satan
he speaks acrid language
intense and vile
jolts wildness with each step
runs on hatred boulevard
he feeds on venom
a cold blooded serpent
heinous as hell
a heart of stone
Jan 2016 · 1.3k
Tehreem Jan 2016
Once he dive into the memories
He wouldn't want to come out
Moments he kept safe inside
The assets of the prisoner
He lurks around frequently
A visitor of fantasy land
Strolling with perseverance
The slave of his own mind
Jan 2016 · 441
Tehreem Jan 2016
He feeds
His ego
She burns
For him
Nothing left
Her ashes

— The End —