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1.2k · Jul 2014
Didn`t Taste Right
Poetic T Jul 2014
You were like a cigarette,
I breathed you in,
But you left a putrid taste in my mouth,
So I never inhaled you again..
1.2k · Oct 2014
Poetic T Oct 2014
We are but chromosomes
Away from
Knuckles upon the floor
Bodies, hair upon all
Of us, we are only smarter
By fluke
**** erectus
"Are we the next to fall"
Machines with thoughts
Able to move think for them selfs
Thought, realization that the
Creator is below the creation,
"Are we the masters of our own downfall"
We have reached the time
When one must progress
And the other becomes
A museum Piece attached to a wall,
"Here is a Copy of **** sapiens"
"Last breading pairs in the"
"Humanity Zoo"
There used to be billions
But know there are fewer
Than a hundred, a gene pool
Nearly extinct,
But cross breading is
A worthy course mixing
And so the time has come to pass,
That those that were on top
Are now the last on the bottom of
"The food chain"
There time came then passed..
Poetic T Oct 2014
I pondered the world around me
Around to what was seen,
Then I happened upon a bird
"Just sitting watching me"
I waved once,
I waved twice,
It just put it head to the side
Maybe to get a better angle on me,
It tweeted
And left, the last I thought to see,
But where one once was, now I count
Five now perched upon the fence
On the tree, I was getting a
"Alfred Hitchcock"
Vibe, with all little eyes looking at me,
I smiled an awkward grin, teeth did show
Scattered to the wind,
I closed my eyes, noises
Singing awoke a slumbering me,
More birds, sitting on the fence,
But also congregating on the branches of the tree,
I waved once more,
Eyes watching upon me,
This is getting creepy
So I stood on all fours licking my teeth
And purred a
"Why do you congregate"
"And watch from a far upon me"
Tweeted words sung out to me,
"It just catches our attention that you being a cat"
Not once,
Not twice,
But three
"Times you have waved at us sitting"
Upon a fence,
Upon a tree,
"Childish games of youth"
I purred back,
I have a good life, I am not as wild
as you think, I wave to say hello
To listen to you sing,
"I walk up to the fence"
Pat once then two on the head you see,
"But there is a moral to this tale"
"What is that the birds sing"
As with reflects to fast to see
Not one
Not two
But three
Birds in mouth, they fly, flutter away
And with a mouth full I say
"Don't believe in what you hear or see"
"Were just more sneaky now"
Now shoo be gone, unless you wish
To all so ******* teeth upon your bodies.. and they flee.
1.2k · Apr 2021
An Accidental Near Murder
Poetic T Apr 2021
Even though you could feel it
                     fathomless than your soul.

We glimmered into each other's lagoons,
            and for that finite moment we
swam within the moment of the


That even though you were
                bleeding out, we knew that
we were one the blade, you, me


I didn't pull it out,
as I knew id lose you.
               Instead, I shredded my shirt,
    collected it around the wound
that was never meant to be.

I was a killer of many dreams,
            but you were the reality that
awoke me to the possibility of u and me.

As u bled out we wrote a story of what was,
   could have been...

911 was our ring tone of love,

And the ambulance was the church bells
             of our blisful joyning.

When the investigation of our meeting was
                                                                ­    over.
We were together,
the scars of both united of us,
                                that we were meant to be.

But love has many sharp edges and we both
           had a blade under our pillows..

Sweet dreams were  balance on serrated edges
1.2k · May 2015
Scratch My Soul
Poetic T May 2015
It is purest before the scratch,
A stain on white,
Like roots it grows beneath,
Not seen but  there till the
Point its pollen Comes forth,
And with each shard
Shattering on the purity, 
Till like ash crushed to black.
A soul white the darkness is beneath till to late and is shredded with darkness touch
1.2k · Nov 2015
My Mortal Shell Erodes
Poetic T Nov 2015
I ride the sandpaper
                  Slide to hell.
My flesh slowly
                 Exfoliates upon the
Surroundings like snow.

I try to hold on
                      To the sides but
Ground glass meets
                        A thousand paper cuts
Meet my every reach.

                            Every thought I
Have burns eroding within,
                                   My mind decaying
Like tears I reach
                    The culmination of a
Slide to Damnation.

Flesh withers on my frame,
I am but a single thought
Is my punishment
           In this cage
Of my own doing.

                     I look into
The tattered remnant
                           Of my soul
           And only see snow
                                                Falling Into a
            Bleak pool of nothing.
1.2k · Jul 2014
Bible Of Death
Poetic T Jul 2014

And so it was said
that the weak will fall
By weapons of man
Bombs fall,
Death rains down
Like dominos they will fall
By each others hand.


Then death did call
They listened,
Of his extended hand,
Bring those who are need of peace,
So my eye may see through your eyes
I will take Deathbedwith last breath.


I am the never ending
Gods have fallen,
I have then in my cages of bones
Ever­ybody, everything feels my hand
Till I greet them, no one escapes
I am death I see all that lives and dies
In space, air, water, land.


And so the universe dies
The energies of
Consumed by my hand
Energy consumed life force taken
Since time began.
Now all is dark, nothingness
And so the taken
It will start a new
A drop in to the nothingness
Then light
Darkness collide
Where nothing,
Life and death start again
As it was before, and then again
The cycle of life and death
A balance I hold infinite times
So it was, so it shall be again.
1.2k · Oct 2014
Killer Rhymes No 4
Poetic T Oct 2014
Sat on a wall
Nearly did fall, all the
King horses he rolled over
And made them in to a
Fake meat pie
And then sell them off at the
He rolled over the
Soldiers* to make
Sure all but one did die
He got on his wall
The man did
For he knew his fate
Was to later die,
Sat on a wall
Did get pulled off the wall,
"He let one live"
"His biggest regret"
As he fell the guard did smile,
As he crashed to the floor
In to a frying pan,
And more,
And the kingdom
Was fed on omelette,
The Guard ate happily, people and all...
Didn't like how they worded or the structure so rewriting them..
1.2k · Aug 2014
Poetic T Aug 2014
Tubes like a spaghetti junction
Where do they stop, where do they begin
In this bed, a machine breathes
Lungs Inflate like a balloons
Then deflate like a last breath
I see the living walking past the door,
I am like a corpse that isn't yet dead,
A flicker burns in each eye,
People shine lights in to my soul
I am still in their life still burns inside
This life in others hands
Artificial life
A drip, a single drop every second
Keeps infection at bay,
If not for those caring,
I would be in the freezer downstairs
Will they wait for time to heal,
Or will they sign my life away
It isn't theirs to choose, I'm in there still somewhere.
1.1k · Aug 2015
My Thought Was An Ice Cube
Poetic T Aug 2015
My thoughts are an ice cube,
Melting in the midday sun.
Mostly idle thought, that like
A stream running off to nowhere.

But then those moments of clarity,
Join a stream a particles not seen
But there.Waiting to be absorbed
Or to join a cognitive droplet.

Then free fall, landing with a gentle
Tap on my mind. No longer is it solid
But liquid dripping through ideas
And draining out in thawed form.
1.1k · Apr 2015
The Undertakers Last Dance
Poetic T Apr 2015
They said it was beneath me
"Beneath me"
I'll show them what is beneath this fixture
Of flesh and bone.
Can you walk on shards without cutting,
Making me feel as though this is what I'm worth
Laughing, smiling wailing at my misfortune,
"I'll shut the door on them all"
Awaken my princess of beauty, but you are
Ugly on the inside,
I have skills you didn't know,
I went to medical school,
"What was that you said"
"Cat got your tongue"
No its here cold as your words,
Know do you wish to see something??
"Here is the ugliness inside"
Fear, horror as anaesthesia, wears thin
"Do you feel the disgust in yourself"
"Do you feel what is beneath"
Open mouthed silent scream resonates
Upon her bleeding featurless face,
"Does it hurt"
"Here this should help"
I pour on a solution
Two parts vinegar,
One part salt,
A little water a cup was enough,
"Wow" "Fu#k"
Watch her shuffle and squirm,
As the pain gathers pace,
A tear forms in my eye, I hoped she would
Lasted longer...
O' well next room it is...
Hi welcome to the moment you waited for
"This is what's left of your life"
What can I say, the big man
"Now a little shorter"
A little taken of the bottom and sides
"He goes to grab upon my throat"
Now aren't we silly lying in a puddle
Of our own blood, I was never that good at stitches.
"Squirm little worm"
Wakey! Wakey! sleeping trunk,
Thought I lost you for a moment,
"Now where were we"
"Fifteen years ago"
Driving having fun, having fun,
"Having ***#ing fun"
"Little rich boy"
"Little rich departed girl"
You paid for your freedom while she was,
"She was trapped below"
I watched the love, the life drain,
You just laughed...
What was that!!!
"I'm sorry"
That's what I thought you said
We are way past sorry, now its time to leave,
I was going to put you beneath,
"Soil" "Earth"
But I thought this was fitting,
Meet your love, the ugly shown
Now shhh... you'll feel like a little *****.
Wakey! Wakey! sleeping trunk,
Look I found your,  
I had some fun,
Now these are of my own design,
For people like you, like her.
Don't worry there sound proof,
Unfortunately she'll not feel this
But she felt plenty before she was gone.
This will be slow painful
"I'm not sorry"
"I'll ki yo"
I love doing that open, close, open, close.
Sound like musical beat if you time it just right,
"You took her from me"
"You made me what I am today"
Every action has a reaction
And this is yours.
Lets play some authentic music,

"Burning in the ashes"
"Of those that came before"
"Paying for sins of a past forgotten no more"

"You gone burn"
"Burn so slow"
"Feeling the flame of redemption"
"You going to die"
"To ashes you will slowly go"

"Burning in the ashes"
"Of those that came before"
"Paying for sins of a past forgotten no more"

"Did you like,
"I wrote it myself"
You will not go fast, think
"Slow Cooker"
You will feel pain like never before.
You where the last in a line, of those who did
Me wrong. They say the best is for last,
Everyone else was quick. each their own chorus.
Know that when you are both ashes I will urinate on
Your hot embers, no dignified place,
I will just flush you down the ******
Its where **** does goes and **belongs.
1.1k · Oct 2014
Beds Sheets In the Wind
Poetic T Oct 2014
The sheets like an apparition
Upon the winds
Aloft from the ground,
White is balanced
To fly in the breeze,
But never to let go.
For when winds cease
Still will they be,
White sheets still as
Till that breathe of nature
Never seen, but felt,
Once again exhales
Life in to cotton sheets,
White as snow
Upon the winds once again.
1.1k · Oct 2014
Angel White
Poetic T Oct 2014
Angel you were once so
On earth you looked
Over us all, but temptation
Was your downfall
Was your sinful choice,
It took you to the heavens
But with every comedown
The higher did you fall,
With every injection,  feathers did
Till white turned black
Upon the wet mudded floor,
You were one of the many
Who had succumb to human
That were the failings of
Mankind, but even the
Highest morals can falter
Before they fall,  
Angel upon high
The last feather did fall,
And in to the arm injected
Pure white heaven
That turned you angel of white wings,
To a ****** human how far did you fall..
1.1k · Jun 2015
Knock, Knock, Knock
Poetic T Jun 2015
As a head went against the door,
Then a noise akin to a squashed melon
As their were no more tapping,
As crimson seeped under the floor.
Through the eye hole, not like anything will
Be looking back,
I slowly look through this little portal,

"Eye spy with my little eye,

Really not the time to think of that,
I breath,
What it white?
Like piano keys, but with red tints,
Then pulls back, I see lips that are smiling forward.
I lunge back as a where eyes once spied,
A door splinter's, a thousand tooth picks litter the air.
I turn as I no what comes next,

"Run little piggy,
"Run as fast as you can,
"I'll peel you flesh while squeal and cry,
Beads of sweat pour from my brow,
I can hear it behind me
Don't look behind, don't look....

"O' ****, what the **** its dressed in a suit of white,

It laughs as it luges forward, lips curled
As if this was a demented game of kiss chase.
Dam fool not with that breath, here kiss this
As I grab a vase,

"I didn't like it anyway,

A jaw and flesh, like a stone ripples in a pond
It stalls for a moment, and smirks,
I have that saying from a Hanks film,
As I do in to a room I leave the door ajar,
Was that a mistake, as footsteps heard outside,
It treads closer, inquisitive to why not locked, shut
While I sit on a chair waiting inside,
The Door splinter as shards embed in the cheap wallpaper.

"Welcome white taker,
"Do you know that saying,
"A spider is ever patient ever waiting,
"For its dinner to entrap itself,

Well I have waited a long time do you know there are
things older than
Has a way of needing, and this time is to feed,
I could taste your essence from miles away,
Luring you with whispers in the wind,

"Didn't you wonder what urged you here,

As a fist flies forward, and a finger greets this enraged
Moment, thing of white, I smile as
With but a finger on corruption a fist does turn to ash,
Like butterflies it floats around the room.
I inhale consuming this nourishment, but more I must have.

"My time is now to feed,
"What were your words,

"Little Piggy,
"Little man in white,
"Your time is ending and ash you will become,

"I am not food for you,
I am darkness personified,
"I will not tremble in your presence,

And in a closed room, in a home nowhere special,
A scream of darkness* is heard enthralled in its demise
Butterflies of ash floated in the room,
Then they were gone, consumed in the blink of an eye.

"I do like these little games of chase and hunt,
"What to eat next a feathered friends,
"Or feast on a city of those children of dust,

A figure is seen walking out of that area with a
Toothpick in his mouth,
People swore that he Yawned as if a big meal ate,
Rubbing his belly,
And that a black  butterfly flew out,
Licked his lips and ate it??

"I have a hunger,
"Be hopeful that the urge never takes,
*"In those dwelling you call home.
1.1k · Apr 2016
She Ate Upon My Stake
Poetic T Apr 2016
My lover of the night she was a biter,
what can I say I liked that way she
****** on parts other than my neck.

But I threw caution to the wind, I had
a cold, eating breaded mushrooms.
She was coming around as night fell.

Mouthwash not wanting my breath
to smell like the undead on her lips,
she is eternally flawless in moonlight.

I guide her downward towards my
stake, she can bite off more than she
chews, and then some more.

I tell her to take it in taking it all, but
then a scream as I expelled my life blood
as my fanged beauty turns to dust.

I wonder what happened no light or
garlic? then I read the empty wrapper
garlic mushrooms, this really *****..
1.1k · Jul 2016
Fetus Of A Plastic Birth
Poetic T Jul 2016
The immobile carcasses of plastic babies
litter my child's floor, never seeking there
birth mother as she was a statue of recycled
imagery. Of illegitimate children holding this
abortion of weaved construction that sings hollow
words of  "mommy, mommy,

But they look within me, in cold eyes they stare in
to nothingness heeding the words of wanting
but their cries diminish to a silent lingering buzz.
Barely heard but I white noise succumbs to dreams
of a lonely child in stress, but recycled voice spoke.

I kicked the abortion of sickening similarity and
wonder back as the form of a child, baby, I have just
kicked. But still it weeps for a mother that is as
fake as the calls its synthetically calls upon a child.

Inanimate objects that stir in repetition, I will be long
gone when you will still whimper in a landfill,
calling in static, batteries last moments and you
still call out "mommy, mommy, no one answers your call.
Poetic T Sep 2016
It was the eve of my birth and within that
moment of creation I was a fallen as the echo
of my cries were thrown into the industrial
******* bin behind the old take-away.

My teen years were so lewd and contrived,
I thought I had friends, but I was like the
******* I was at birth they used me a threw
me away and again I was alone.

It was upon my tenth birthday that I had
lingered in this abyss long enough, I decided
on that day that I would greet those as I was
greeted to return those favours ten fold ,

My step-dad he was my first gift to my suffering
I introduced him to that pain as I quenched his
sight or lack of with a scuffed spoon rims shaper
than a blade I said words as he screamed.

"I  will scoop singular or two, depends on your taste,

Son, please listen to me, he spoke in quivering stuttered
vocals. But I thought it delightful in laughable sniggers.
See how I saw the world, feel the occasions that converted
my emotions to what I'm debilitated to this moment now.

I scooped them out like a ice cream, I thought in this
moment of Mint choc chip, and pineapple sorbet.
Mmm the taste that was seeping from lips. But that
was the blood validating itself on my skin.

All I heard was his voice crying and it made me
regurgitate what I had consumed. It was on the
floor not tasting as it went down like victory.
I just plunged the spoon into his throat...

I didn't want to taste his life, I just wanted to
watch it seep on his white chocolate shirt. It was
like strawberry sorbet with a bitter taste as I licked
a echo of it of my hand "why did I tast it at all??

I had ended so many stains on my life, took their
eyes to show them how I felt. If I had kept them
looking like pickled eggs in a jar. Thinking if they
could still see each others moments in each others sight.

I took their eyes, so each could see how it felt for what
they put me through. I had no guilt, I just consumed
everything they saw and laid it to rest. I wasn't killing
I was just releasing their  guilt and consuming it all.
Poetic T Apr 2016
In exhalation
                       my life
was breathed
        on all I knew...
1.1k · Oct 2014
Written On The Wall
Poetic T Oct 2014
It was written on the wall
It was plain to see,
The things that were said
Where not looked upon,
But not seen by all,
It was plain to see, before the eyes
But we were
On what we needed to observe, but couldn't
Read, decipher
The writing is there, so preserve it
Or all that will be left is what was written
But we never looked upon, what was always there.
1.1k · Nov 2014
Spirit Hunger
Poetic T Nov 2014
I walk among the living, screaming
"Help me"
"Help me"
Cold breath for a moment is felt
I can't touch, feel,
With the meat sack,
"What am I doing" they used to be us,
But they think living is hard
Try death,
Like a new born, colour bled
From what's perceived,
An aura is exhaled  momentary existence,
Moments as if a memory expelled,
In death there are some things worse
Than when you wake up deceased,
There were plentiful others walking
"With those family"
"Still looked upon"
"Never to close to scare,"
"To bring forth the cold of despair"
But then it happened,
What was a non existence,
Brought forth from a nether tear,
To consume an aura to pull it within,
The screams of silence
Fear not seen since death awakened,
"This was extinction"
No aura
No rebirth
No nothing
Consuming the dead, to breach the veil
What was it for to get out
To let something in,
I hide in this sack, as if hiding in a wardrobe
Hide and seek in the living,
"Shudders of the flesh concealment breached "  
Hide within the living, for they hunt the dead
There is no life after death, we now hide in the *living..
The dead now fear..
1.1k · Dec 2014
Neanderthal Mind (Senryu)
Poetic T Dec 2014
Neanderthal thoughts,
Grasp hardened, knuckles release,
Brutalities mist.
Domestic violence is Neanderthal in reasoning..
1.1k · Feb 2015
Little Bear
Poetic T Feb 2015
Little bear* eyes OPEN
Little bear everything SEEN
Little bear held so TIGHT
Little bear keeping me SAFE
Little bear my only FRIEND
Little bear shares BRUISES
Little bear held up PROTECT
Little bear thrown ASIDE
Little bear  "HELP ME"
Little bear witnesses TEARS
Little bear sees EVERYTHING
Little bear now buried with ME
Little bear I wish you could have *helped me.
Violence should never begin let alone end in the ways it does..  I was luckyish.... always tell an adult...
1.1k · Apr 2014
Cauldron Of Thought
Poetic T Apr 2014
My mind is a cauldron of
thought, always is some
thing spilling out, I have
to be carful and not let
them spill on the floor

Never to be an idea spoilt
in dirt. I just skim the foam
of thought that boils forth
and then sip to make the
thought an idea.

For while my cauldron of
thought, is stocked by the
flames of letters burning
that saturate in to the cauldron
to boil in to thought.

For this is only a time of ideas,
for the flames may one day only
glow, not burn and the cauldron
may only simmer and ideas not
full but not cold.

Till the day the fires again once
stoked, and the ideas boil with
thought I must capture that
which boils to skim it for
thoughts to become ideas or more..
1.1k · May 2015
My First Edition
Poetic T May 2015
I wished to keep your fragile beauty
Static never to shatter moulded perfection
In stillness was your form suited most.

I kept you safe entombed in bubble wrap,
You had breathed before, but your exhales
Did fill the spaces that keep beauty frozen.

I will never let your allure depart even
Though, thought wasn't in your control
Anymore, I am your saviour forever more.

I cant resist the urges to look upon my
Figurine, a first edition, beauty now sealed.
1.1k · Oct 2015
incandescent gleam [haiku]
Poetic T Oct 2015
incandescent gleam
obscurity fills blank voids
blanket of heaven
1.1k · Feb 2015
Rusty Gold..
Poetic T Feb 2015
Rusty you hide your
Self silently in the woods,
Watching the passing of
Time as nature touches
Upon your body work.

You are from a forgotten
Age of style, now an echo
Of past glories, as your
Tires flat and degraded
Your going no where fast.

A gem in the rough, gold
Worthy of rust, you feel
As this was your graveyard,
But eyes have seen your
Potential, seen beyond the
Surface, beyond your rust.

You will soon ride the road
Once more, you feel the
Air once again flowing over,
The road beneath you, speed
A rush as before, even though
the trailer is coming you can
Smell the tarmac of the road.
1.1k · Feb 2017
The Hidden Room
Poetic T Feb 2017
The killer is in a hidden room
                               where he rests,
Outside false faces are woven to meet
the needs of normality.
But when he awakens
they descend like petals and they blossom in blood,
will he feed on your nectar
             or will you be the flower that wilts in decay.
Poetic T Jan 2017
Observant misconstrued glances weaving conclusions
of what is above your paygrade of perceptiveness.
imperfections of what you glance upon.

A child in the confinement of misunderstanding,
Only the turbulence of reality like ocean waves.
Solitude of emotions then surges of confusion crash.

Lost in the tall trees of emotions as the leafs of
disorientation venture to cloud a mind of needed calm.
The conciseness needs the rhyme of routine to balance.

Heed this thought those of ill-conceived notions that
when this little miracle has a moment of uncontained
emotion, it is not for your misconceived wordings.

"My little one mummy is here, daddy too,
"Hear our voices like a calm ocean over you,

A mother embraces the worries of your thoughts,
easing the confusion of the world away..
Others may stare in ignorant stances.

*"But nothing is wrong with you, you're our baby
cuddling the confusion of your surroundings away.
1.1k · Feb 2019
Rebound Ecstasy
Poetic T Feb 2019
We where strangers
              that slept within
                             each others arms..

And we ended up
         knowing each other deeply..

As we screamed other peoples
                   names out..

We laughed,
      and took each
               others numbers.
1.1k · Mar 2015
Hi My Name Is Ant
Poetic T Mar 2015
My brothers and sisters
My family of a million
With but one name
"Ant how you doing"
"Is there and  Mr A ant here"

We all walk the walk,
We all talk the talk,
But I want to be more,
But family is everything
In our kingdom all are one.

Cant I be more than a worker
Cant I be more than a warrior
Cant I be a hippopotamus
A kangaroo,
A duckbilled platypus
Ok, ok I went a little too far.

My queen is our mother
Creator of us all,
Speaks to us in the great hall
"My children"
"You do a mother proud"
"Remember we are one"
"But we are singular to ourselves"

Mother is right I am me, not the
Same, but we are family. We are
Individuals but part of something
Bigger, I walk off happy in my hill
Knowing that I am more when I
Have my family.

"Hi Ant"
*"Right back at ya Ant-on"
To be an ant in a hill...
1.1k · Nov 2020
I Walked My Dog
Poetic T Nov 2020
My dog its name is Gizmo with a capital G, he isn't
very tall and not very long. He's very playful doesn't
always listen to what he's ever told. But it's like his name,
as others have said so. If somethings missing the blame
would always be on him, to this hairball this is just a game.

His favorite season for walks is when autumn comes to call.
The puddles on the floor and the leaves on the ground, all
he wants to do is be playful in the heaps of color and crawl.
Beneath them playing hide and seek, but he is always so
easy to find, following his lead a tail-wagging to and fro.

He never misses a puddle, his hair soaked, and has very
muddy little toes, chasing all the birds, but he's not scary
at all. They fly away squawking and he just looks at me
then runs around again chasing nothing at all. We see
in the distance home letting off the lead, he runs in glee.

Towel now around him, drying him quickly off. As his wetter
than a puddle. Shivering we give him a cuddle, feeling better
he now falls asleep upon his bed. Five minutes of peace before
he gets his energy back, and then a zoomy around the floor,
and then I'm like, has anyone seen my sock?      Gizmo!!
Wrote this for my youngest daughter :)
1.1k · May 2014
Friend Within my Beard
Poetic T May 2014
I have a little friend that lives
within my beard, she is my
morning wake up call as she
pecks and chirps in my ears.

People think it may be strange
to have a little bird in my beard,
but she never goes hungry, as she
cleans all the crumbs from
my breakfast, lunch and tea.

I have a smile each and everyday,
for when I look in to the mirror, I
see her in her nest beard, looking
back at me.

So if ever walking and see me talking
and chirping, know I am not as
crazy as I seem, I'm just chatting
to my friend who lives within my beard.
1.1k · Oct 2014
Poppy Fields Of The Fallen
Poetic T Oct 2014
I walk among the poppies
Each one is a story of
Lives were taken far from
Never to see the smiles of
To exhale a last breath in an
Unfamiliar land,
A generation fell, never to experience
What life was meant to give
So cruelly taken away,
They are the hero's
Of old
Let us not forget there noble
For those that fell, created
What our lives are to day,
The poppies are red
Soaked up from the fallen upon the land,
We pay respect to
That paves the way for freedom
That we have each and every day.
1.1k · Jul 2018
I`m A Father..
Poetic T Jul 2018
"I'm a father, and I don't do a few things.

A father doesn't babysit his kids,
            what are you part time?
Wake up, if your thinking this,
your not father material
                    your a ***** bank for hire.

I don't get drunk in-front of my kids,
                     you slurring your words.
Anger making you lash out.
           That's a problem,  you see
       love is kindness, not anger and grief.

"I'm a father and I do a few things right.

A father reads to his kids, imagination
            ignited in little minds.
"ROAR" went the dino baby as
    it showed mummy and daddy
its new voice that it found.
   Trees trembled and the earth
             did jump for this little dino
showed off the voice
                          "ROAR" it never knew it had.

A father looks after them when there sick.
                           Team mummy and daddy.

Snooty Maggie,
                    that's mummies section.
Green little monsters popping out of noses,
slim trails on white tissues, so gross.
                           Buggers make daddy heave.

Pukky Pedro,
now this is daddies area.
         scrap the chunks,  
         clean the sheets, give them a shower.
Now get the bucket, that rests next to the
                                                 little ones bed.
Sleep my baby, mummy and daddy are close.

A father is meant to show love,
                                    don't be a part timer.
Were meant to be proud of what we have or had
with the love of our life.
                        We created someone,
who will bring a smile to eithers face just with a look.
Poetic T Mar 2016
I tied you to the boot of this stolen car, what a pile
of rust but beggars cant be choosy, you do beg but I
chose this place specifically don't worry I tied you
to an old fords car door,  let the fun now begin.

I put the peddle to the metal, I hear you screaming in
anticipation of what happens next. Got to love speed
bumps, 30, 40, 60 then I brake just before swerving
so you sail past then you fly. Screaming all the way.

"I found ford doors have the right weight ratio to land
door side up Skoda's, Audi,

"The mess of so many to clean up road pastry is not the
easiest to clean away, slinters in my fingers hurt like hell ,

They fly through the air I see them just before some with
eyes closed fear etched on the sweat dripping or is that
tears? I put a three pronged circle to see where they finish
up. Each has a consequence, red, orange and green.

"You land in the outer dam, out comes the penalty stick,

Not many survive that, as I am angry for ill landings a lack
off at least trying, I warn them but some just cry till I give
them a good few whacks. I know silly but I do little sound
effects "bang, bang, splat, then silence and twitching

"Bang, "I hate those that just linger and twitch die already,

Now orange that's ok at least the next one tried, but not hard
enough,I give you a two pronged choice, gouge your sight out
with a spoon or a fork "what at least I'm giving them a choice,
now they scream but some got ***** it must be said.

Some do it, see no evil you know what I'm saying hanging tears
of claret weep from there now semi vacant sockets, and still
they try to blink "look at me, as their head rise, but their still
staring at the floor and I prune the with but two snips. Some
survive others just clutch to a chest and like that "DEAD,

Now those that survive, well lets just say I am a man of my
word I put them in the car to the safety I promise, I talk to
them but understandably their not in the talking mood,
I give them water to hydrate and replenish lost liquid that
has others wise bleed slowly out, and some even say "thank you,

Now what can I say luck, skill, survival instinct but so few have
done it, like a four leaf clover they land in the pastures of green.
I jump up and down like a child at the fair who just won the
big dinosaur on the very first try, punching the air and a very loud
"Hell ye that's what I'm talking about baby,
Then kiss um on the forehead, lips are to personal for my profession.

I tell them what skills what entertainment for some as twisted as it
seems liked what I did, a few even asked for double or nothing.
But luck only goes so far and then the regrettably the penalty stick
came out, I do the sign of L on my forehead then their silent once again.

But those who sighed with relief, as I promised were released, at the
end of a gun mind you a bottle of water given gratefully drank,
then on their merry way, I bid them fair well and as that they never
Divulge this incident as I have their wallets, purses even email
you never no maybe bored and recollect our good times past tense
of course for we all must face what is inevitable,

"Life is moments, where death is a breath that will always last,  

But as is death, freedom is a fleeting moment, and a mind changes
like the wind different direction, different path. Trial and error were
key, things that mattered "weight, height, ***, all factors in the
end result of what is like a momentary freedom to the air then
realization as they descend to a finite moment of death.

I always picked those that drove, why easier to cover tracks of
what was perused in my desires for a unique way to challenge
others need to survive. To breath another moment to exist in this
time of now not to pass. But life is fickle and my fun must last.

I always made sure that they drank the water, a necessity of
what came next ever drop drank, if denied then you guessed
it, penalty stick then "Dam, I do love my sound effects.
But released those with sight no knowledge of their ill fate.

Those I killed in the drivers seat pick a place where
gravity would take president in this delicate manoeuvre
so that they would go through what was needed a accident
of fatal consequence. Then on to the living that was next.

Like jack they rolled down the hill till unconscious they fell,
this little automobile swerving,  ricocheting off boundary and
wall till wheels graced air and the reeve of the engine heard.
A little gift of what was left in the boot a full tank of petrol
and the lid so loosely covered, accidents do happen.

I did one more thing I doubt they noticed there cigarette
lighter engineered to be so slightly hot, just like porridge
to hot would be seen and felt, to cold and would be a waste
of battery not enough, but warmth enough to ignite an
accident in the back and I firework of flames birth forth.

Some exploded they were the best, while others tumbled
flame and wreckage spread out what a mess. I always chose
the location, never the same suspicion would fall and my
fun would expire and probably my life snuffed out in a
breath. always cliffs near by and wall was best.

Now I bid you farewell as other circles must be drawn.
New doors must be had, who will hit the bulls-eye or
who will fail the test. I'll try two doors at once spice
up life's fun a little who will hit green and who will
be the one who twitches and then "Bang, silence is best.
1.1k · Feb 2015
She Waits Upon
Poetic T Feb 2015
Upon the blackened reeds
She sits upon her throne
Where all is blackened roots.

She is the angel among
The darkness sitting, watching
Upon her blackened throne.

The days are of no consequence
But in darkness the world
Is real. She bides her time,
Woman upon a darkened throne.

She waits passionately for
The fall of man, and
The rise of the true leaders,
Obscured by man, she
Sits, she waits upon her
Lonely throne.
1.1k · Oct 2014
We Are Ourselves To Blame
Poetic T Oct 2014
There was a mystery
"It is one that many believe"
"And the few do not"
Its about everything
And our world, we believe
In thing never seen, but things
We know, we question
Like a forgotten dream,
What is
"Bursting a bubble"
The first two don't exist
There figments tales to keep
Those that may do bad stay good
What is
"Bursting the bubble again"
The first and second
Conditioning from birth,
We are but
Not on this planet alive then gone,
Don't think bad is evil, devil, sin
Good is redemption pure
Begets sin,
For we are the creation ourselves
Of both looking upon a higher power
For the good and bad within,
We must take stock of what we do,
For the only people to blame are
**You, me, them and him.
1.1k · Aug 2017
Your Perfect Imperfections
Poetic T Aug 2017
Beyond repair
              they said.

But I saw more.

So I wove gold
        within the cracks
sealing heartache

to make your

Imperfections are elegant.
1.1k · Dec 2014
Mirror-less Frame
Poetic T Dec 2014
I look upon the empty frame
But I see, it speaks behind,
Behind me. In front there is no
Is on end, I breath, but I am exhaling.
What expelled.
I feel whispers in each ear,
"Telling me what I must"
Must, must, must.
I see what whispers, the reflection
That's not meant to be.
Muttered upon myself.
"The wood Is thirst"
"It shows yourself as meant to be"
"Reflection of that not seen"
I scream, but whispers are expelled
As I walk away.
I find in front of this mirror less frame,
Old nails
Points upon flesh.
"I find my self laying flat,"
Lacerations as I see a reflection
"In this Mirror less frame"
It is me laughing as I bleed upon wood,
I see that which took me,
It was me that **fed the wood...
its what we don't see that can reflect on us most
1.1k · Apr 2014
Mirror Image
Poetic T Apr 2014
I look in to the mirror of
tomorrow, and see what
my future self is like, a
moment to see what has
shaped my life.

To see those moments that
made me young with a smile
spread across my face, but
the moments that aged me
for longer that what youth got back.

I look at my reflection of a
future me, and its me really
looking back at my youth
remembering what I was like.

Those moments I cant change
like my refection as glimpse of
a past a future moments, which
cant change just a refection
of my life.
1.1k · Aug 2014
Language Of Love
Poetic T Aug 2014
It can be said,
Be spelt a million ways,


But in any language,
Is still
1.1k · Nov 2014
Grouchy Bear
Poetic T Nov 2014
I'm the grouchy bear
Waking isn't my style
One eye
Two eye,
Hear me roar,
My lips do smack together,
My morning breath peals the
Wallpaper from the walls,
I cuddle up again all is as before,
One eye
Two eye,
Then locked tight once more,
I nod off, nice and warm,
Till my ears pick up noise,
Coming within the door
"Cold fingers"
Planted on my back, as I jump
With a chill,
Giggles all around
Except the rudely awoken
I roar once again, as little feet
Swiftly leave the room,
Feet upon the floor
Reach up connecting as I let out a
Under arm scratch
Head scratch some more,
"I am the Grouchy bear"
"I like hibernating in my bed"
Dare to wake me and hear my
Growl, AHHHHhhrrrrr...
"Ten more minutes cubs"
As they giggle out the door...
1.1k · Aug 2014
Repugnance (Senryu)
Poetic T Aug 2014
Resentment devours
The essence emptied now hollow
Till there's only a shell.
Poetic T Dec 2014
Passion upon sins,
Flesh nectar of love tasted,
Thirst quenched upon lips.
To taste upon each with joyful lust
1.1k · Jan 2019
When The Shoe Is Shards
Poetic T Jan 2019
Though we wish,
             can we ever find our
                    prince charming..

A shoe may fit, but is it comfortable.

And our happy ever after is but a moment,
         of chemical imbalances before we realise.

That we should have smashed
                                  the happy ever after.  
As glass always cuts deep
                                   it only takes time.
1.1k · May 2014
Never Trust A Smile
Poetic T May 2014
I am the embodiment of all
things good and trustworthy,
I have a devilishly seductive

Come on you know you can
trust me, look in to my eyes,
there hypnotizing wouldn't
you say.

''yes I understand''  

You know what to do, just sign
on the dotted line, repayment in
ten years then you owe what is mine.

'' I'll sign so it can be mine''

Sign in red on the dotted line,
as he smiles with a raised eyebrow
the deal nearly sealed, you can
trust me, as the black feather tip
scratches across the line.

I am the embodiment of all things
good and trustworthy, he says
and the deal is done, devilishly
he smiles, see you in ten years,
trust me ill back now the deal is done....
1.1k · Apr 2014
Prism of thought
Poetic T Apr 2014
My thoughts like light
they flow and hit the
prism of the mind, where
once there was indiscriminate
thoughts now they collide.

They branch of to be a dense
thought a colour of emotion,
of ideas and moments of thought
turned vocal, no longer a
a thought words spoken from
what they were before.

Random is the incoherent thought,
until they hit the prism of the mind,
which colour will be released. An
emotion, a tear released or a solid
thought, for all must pass the prism
to become a solid thought.
1.1k · Jul 2014
Wizard And Wand
Poetic T Jul 2014
Make me handsomer
There is no way..
Even magic can make that face good,
I'll snap you in two, ill make you kindle wood.
You would do that, I'm where the magic is.
You think your better I'm the Mage,
A stick you are just enchanted wood.
We can do many thinks you and I
But your stubborn,
And my stutter,
Lets never reveal what happened
What happened when I tried that spell,
And we created lawyers.
Now there everywhere about,
This is the end of this poem
Thanks for reading it all of you
Just aquick write in my 15 minute break :)
1.1k · Jul 2015
Soul Train
Poetic T Jul 2015
It ran between both realms each was a track
One of darkness, One of light.
Every soul waited on the verge,
A precipice of the fallen waited
Purgatory was for those unable to wait
In to the ether, as if drowning in nothing
Then gone. They still waited as the train  
Pulled in, First class was the light, pristine
Setting classical music reverberated
With delicate tones.
Second class, dilapidated seats standing
Were most as so many to fit in.
Some rode on top, not knowing the dangers as
Reapers like crows flew above, food
For the cloak, all were game as they
picked bone teeth.
The Soul train was never on time,

"Tickets please,

The conductor bellowed out,
That feather given at last heartbeat,
But some lost in that terminal moment.
Out in to the wilds where all manner of
Super naturals waited.
Hell hounds ripping souls like tissue paper
No longer at peace, but pieces ingested a worst fate,
Feral angels, thoughts of help, absorbing there souls
More consumed the more insane they fell.

"Last stop, seats please,

Was spoken out, as each carriage dethatched,
First class was engulfed in an ether of light, gently
Stopping caressed by clouds of white.
Second class was jolted as engulfed by brimstone
Flame, screams were swallowed as the carriage
Exploded and all souls were caged in eternal flame.
The soul train will ride again, which carriage
Will you ride, depends on the toils of your life.
1.1k · Sep 2014
A Thousand Tin Candles
Poetic T Sep 2014
A thousand tin candles*
Light the floor
Each one burns
A moment that still
Burns within my heart
Every day more candles
Is the fuels that makes
Each one burn
Each one is a memory
Of a beat stored
Forever burning on the
Of my
A thousand tin candles
Burn brightly within the beats of my love.
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