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Jul 2016 · 1.1k
Bijan Nowain Jul 2016
What is a muse,
but a fuse to ignite
passion and inspiration.
The goddess of ingenuity
sparking creativity within me.
The mind, the heart, the soul
come together as one.
Blood flowing, ideas growing.
Electric fluid rushing
through my veins.
Fingers tingling,
gently stroking the keys,
words gracefully appear.

A poem is born
Jan 2016 · 1.1k
Forget Everything
Bijan Nowain Jan 2016
Lay here under the old oak tree
Stare up at its gnarly, crooked limbs
Feel the breeze grace upon your skin

Lay here in the thick grass
Gaze up at the clouds
Sunlight warm against your face

Lay here among the crisp red leaves
Watch the birds dance in the air
Hold my hand, I whisper in your ear

Let’s lay here and forget everything
Dec 2015 · 1.5k
Meant For Us
Bijan Nowain Dec 2015
Imagine the night sky was made for us
Shimmering stars blanketing the darkness
Glimmer of hope and wonder

Imagine the sunrise was created for us
Day begins anew
Uplifting light bringing happiness

Imagine the world was meant for us
Possibilities immeasurable, limitless
Strong alone but invincible together
May 2015 · 1.7k
Bijan Nowain May 2015
My heart shudders, vibrates
With your presence vacant
Return soon or sadness consumes
Whenever you are near
Flickers of hope burns brilliant
As the future befalls unclouded
May 2015 · 1.8k
Upon My Shoulder
Bijan Nowain May 2015
Upon my shoulder, place your head
The road is tough and can be full of dread
Don’t dwell on things cause life is short
Turn to your family, friends for support

Be careful, life could also be long
If the decisions we make are wrong
Stand your ground, test your strength
Keep your troubles at arm’s length

Take a breath and close the curtain
Life and future are uncertain
No matter how it turns out to be
There’s always you and me
Mar 2015 · 2.4k
Bijan Nowain Mar 2015
I saw her from a distance
observing quietly
unassuming and innocent.
Not a sound or
even a verbal cue.
A shadow amongst others
fading in the background
quiet and still.
All seeing, all knowing,
yet not seen or known.
She savored solitude, seclusion.
Gazing over, eyes lock.
A prompt stare at her feet.
Slyly, strategically, stealthily,
I make my move
through the mass,
an over populated room
of senseless chatter.
Drawing nearer to the
lovely, lone, lady leaning
against the brick wall,
the ways finally part.
Much to my chagrin,
she’s vanished without
even a faint whisper.
Until we meet again.
Mar 2015 · 3.0k
Bijan Nowain Mar 2015
The sweet sound
Of your name
Echoes in the wind

Your presence is felt
An emotional entity
Euphoric aura

Hair shines bright
That of sunrise
Blinding those that stare

Skin like linen silk
Smooth, flawless
Soft, warm touch

Your voice is music
Pleasing to the ears
Makes hearts jump

In every dream,
thought, and whisper,
you are there
Mar 2015 · 1.6k
Dancing Queen
Bijan Nowain Mar 2015
That girl has got moves
blaring music that grooves
Shaking, swirling curvy hips
Closes eyes, puckers her lips
Flowing, moving in a trance
Back away so she can dance
Pull out cash, buy her a drink
She's really hot, don't you think?
Don't be a fool, go dance with her
Or the moment will pass in a blur
Get her digits if you can
Treat her right, be her man.
Mar 2015 · 4.2k
Bijan Nowain Mar 2015
It is the end of times
Sound of fate in the chimes
Up rises the living dead
Filling thoughts full of dread
Creepily moving, ominous woe
Sea of the departed, hobbling slow
Gnarled teeth, eating flesh
Craving blood warm and fresh
Waves of corpses, a lifeless tsunami
Lookout world, here comes the zombies!
Mar 2015 · 2.2k
That Smile
Bijan Nowain Mar 2015
That laugh is a symphony to one's ears
Those eyes glow with intensity and wonderment
Those lips, soft to the touch, so sweet to the taste
Those hands reaching, caressing my face
But it's that smile i won't forget
That smile could melt a thousand hearts, win wars, take away tiredness and pain
That smile is locked away in a museum of my mind, forever hung up and frequently visited
That smile will never leave me
Feb 2015 · 19.6k
Star Wars Celebration 2015
Bijan Nowain Feb 2015
In Anaheim the ultimate celebration begins,
People traveling from all over with fat grins
Luke, Leia, 3PO, R2
Autographs, merchandise, cosplay too.
Tattoos, nerd dating, panels and games
Sea of Slave Leias and other costumed dames
Everything you’ve ever wanted and more
This is the place you’re looking for
Fly solo, or come with family and friends
Party like a Jedi until the festivities end
From Lost to Disney, thank you JJ
Star Wars is back in a big bad way
Fans rejoice, happiness deep as a Sarlacc pit
There’s been an awakening, can you feel it?
Feb 2015 · 4.6k
Gardenia- A Sonnet
Bijan Nowain Feb 2015
Graceful sweet scent, upon the evergreen
The solitary life it must endure
Illusive, two seasons hidden between
A weathered, wounded heart it can not cure
For it is secret love that it desires
Passion brewing from a single, sole bud
Inside embers, burning, stoking the fires
Restless, the absence of peace, boiled blood
Under the dim light it will not be fazed
Lone in serenity, tranquil, it thrives
An alluring site one has ever gazed
Be still, in refuge and strength, it survives
It’s time, let go of the gem so comely,
Single, white harmony for my lovely
Feb 2015 · 1.8k
Fixer Upper
Bijan Nowain Feb 2015
Strong is the foundation,
but renovations needed
Signs of wear from past involvements
Darkness settles, absence of power
Then an unexpected luminescence
Out of the fog and into the light
Broken, healing, mending
Like an emotional carpenter,
She begins to repair his wounds
New relationship is formed
But scars from the past causes doubt and fear
Stubbornness, insecurity, irrational immaturity
Relationship agreement null and void
Heart dipped in liquid carbon
Shattered across the slab
Alone again, button of
Self destruct almost activated
But a change is brewing
God is present, never alone
Lessons learned, heart at ease
Sharp is the mind, priorities clear
Calm and peaceful, open heart
Confident, self worth known
Fixer upper upped and fixed?
Only time will tell
Feb 2015 · 18.2k
Unrequited Love
Bijan Nowain Feb 2015
From afar she was admired
Clouds shaped of fancy and lust
Rainstorm of affection
Pouring down upon her
Appetite for desire consumed
Alas, meant to be, it was not
Love unequal, partial, distorted
The pendulum swings between
Elation and anxiety, passion and pain
Tale told many times before
Boy encounters girl, boy falls for girl
Love, while one-sided is still love
But fleeting, unsustainable
The great white buffalo
Unrequited love
Feb 2015 · 1.4k
Bijan Nowain Feb 2015
Pen to card choosing words slow
Sentiments of love, ease and flow
Driving outside, cloudy, light showers
Pull into the store, ordering flowers

All dressed up, looking spiffy
Hold on tight, be there in a jiffy
Roses on the left, a gift on the right
Knock on the door, breathless with excite

As the door opened, time stopped
Moment like this can't be topped
Ravishing, classy, extremely beautiful
A hug, a kiss, a smile, good feelings plentiful

You deserve it all, from here to the moon
Romance you read about, make you swoon
Clink our glasses, savor the wine
Hold on to this memory, sweet valentine
Feb 2015 · 2.5k
A Night Apart
Bijan Nowain Feb 2015
In the heart of the night
I wonder if you’re looking
Up at the same stars as I am.

I picture a cool breeze
Blowing through your hair,
The tall grass swaying to and fro.

The lights of your eyes
Twinkling in brilliance
As the stars shimmer bright

I imagine you gazing
Up at the moon
Wondering if I’m doing the same

Another night apart
Staring up at the same sky
Feb 2015 · 1.5k
Resembling Soul
Bijan Nowain Feb 2015
Birds of a feather, together they flock
Whether they skip, run, jump or walk
Laughter, fun, smiles ear to ear
Experiences shared without any fear.
Frolicking through the meadow
Peaceful day, happy and mellow
Hands holding as they stroll
Attraction inevitable, resembling soul
Feb 2015 · 1.1k
Bijan Nowain Feb 2015
Silence softly speaks
To those that listen
Stillness in the air
Whispers in the wind

Silence speaks loudly
Deafening sound
Can’t make out the words
Only screaming within

Silence speaks pain
Hurt and emptiness
Unspoken sorrow
Quietly, weeping loss

Silence speaks love
Taken in one’s arms
Calm embrace, wordless
Together in blissful peace
Feb 2015 · 5.2k
Keeps on Running
Bijan Nowain Feb 2015
Longing to abscond with time
Run away to breathe and live
Looking for truth beyond the horizon
Restless soul breaking free

This heart wants to settle
For it’s run an emotional gamut
Tattered, worn out like old shoes
Quietly ticking, limping along

Then, like electrical therapy
You ignited a spark deep inside
Blood flows with purpose
Deliberate beating with resilience

It keeps on running
For you
Feb 2015 · 1.0k
Give up Forever
Bijan Nowain Feb 2015
For one more moment,
I would give up forever.
Tight embrace, a wool blanket
to conceal us in affection.
Nearby fire mirroring our desire,
hot, some like it, but tonight
warmth and ease
blissful peace of togetherness.
A still night, but save for
the faint sounds of raindrops.
Opened wine, scented candles
eyes closed, a slow passionate
kiss to destroy all before it...

Eyes open, unhurried,
blurry scene come to focus.
Sounds like a dream
Or a forgotten memory?
Perhaps a glimpse,
a mere twinkle,
of what's to come
Feb 2015 · 1.4k
Beloved Repose
Bijan Nowain Feb 2015
Lounging upon the grassy knoll
Mindful, restful, enlightened soul
Clouds dividing, break apart
Sky’s a canvas, alluring art

Sun’s shining, departing gloom
Rising warmth, flowers in bloom
Lustrous light, glistening dew
Silky grass, sky steel blue

Lush fields of tranquility
Subject to vulnerability
Pad and pencil writing prose
Lying comfortably in beloved repose
Feb 2015 · 4.1k
Bijan Nowain Feb 2015
An internal combustion
Impulses running wild
Luxuriously love life
Spontaneity abound
Risk-taking, rough edged
Dreaming, drifting
Free spirit, unrestrained
Capricious in nature

Life is long
Once in awhile
Live it on a whim
Feb 2015 · 7.2k
Grass is Greener
Bijan Nowain Feb 2015
Grass is Greener*

Someone with one foot in, one foot out,
These days what relationships are about.
Find something meaningful, magical and rare,
Stick with that person, don't go anywhere.
The skies the same color wherever you go,
Fall for one person, dance to and fro.
Make it count, you only get one life,
Don't fill it with heartache, difficult love, and strife.
See happiness in one person and be true,
Stay together, do the work, see it through.
A lover, a best friend, someone in to confide,
The grass is not always greener on the other side.
Feb 2015 · 1.7k
Bijan Nowain Feb 2015
"Night" by Elie Wiesel is a powerful novella about the Holocaust and one boys journey to survive the concentration camp.


The light begins its descent
Time of darkness is near
Flames in the distance
Signal hopelessness and death

Faint sounds of sadness
Echo in the void of the mind
Stripped of possessions
Dignity torn away

Inhumanity reigns above logic
Illusion and despair set in
Normal life just a dream
Shattered youth, tattered innocence

Words and faith have no meaning
Human no more, only a number
Faceless object in a sea of sorrow
Fighting every day for sanity

Each night longer then the next
Sadness, hopelessness, death surrounds
Where is God?  Why is this happening?
Will anyone ever wake from this nightmare

Until last breath and
The heart beats no more
No one can escape that first night
Feb 2015 · 5.5k
Bijan Nowain Feb 2015
Deep within my being
an urge to get up and go
Innate fondness to journey
a need, a want, to not sit still
Searching, seeking new places
acquiesced desire to rove
Roamer, explorer, nomad
impulsive necessity to travel
The lust to wander
Feb 2015 · 1.8k
Live Openly
Bijan Nowain Feb 2015
Heart unblocked
Love freely
Mind unfastened
Think undeniably
Life unfurled
Live openly

— The End —