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517 · Jul 2019
Eloisa Jul 2019
Ashore on the ripples of memory,
the waters come calling me.
A beauty that grows deep within my soul presents a clear tranquility.
I feel beyond its depth, I dream beyond the sea.
I whisper and ask the wind to carry
my wishes towards beyond the galaxies.
The moon vanishes while the sun shines proudly.
I’m more than my dreams in this realm I chose to be.
At peace with the blue sky and the open sea,
I glance at the sun that reflects the reality of my future me.
Bright colors are born with positivity.
A new promised light that leads to a meaningful journey.
512 · Jun 2019
Pink Peonies
Eloisa Jun 2019
Barefoot and slowly
Still in my satin sleepwear
I’m caught in a trance
Morning Reverie
512 · Aug 2019
One Starry Night
Eloisa Aug 2019
Her heart dances like rain
as the earth plays an ancient rhythm.
With the stars and their smiles,
She loves, she dreams.
509 · Jun 2019
Sweet Recollection
Eloisa Jun 2019
Your last sweetest kiss
In the land of the palm trees
Faith and golden sands
500 · Sep 2019
It’s Not Too Late
Eloisa Sep 2019
I know that we took the wrong roads,
But come on, hold my hands
and let’s find a place to turn around.
It’s not too late.
Let’s not give up.
494 · Jun 2019
Eloisa Jun 2019
She felt the magic of spring as she sees the blossoms smile with glee
And as the lovely sights yielded her with supreme delight
poetry lines seep from the deepest part of her heart
491 · Apr 2021
Eloisa Apr 2021
As now the darkest night subsides
The blackest and most petrifying night I had
The night that went the quietest
With most deafening voices I heard inside
For days I couldn’t hear my cry
My blistered heart stopped
My sun, my moon, my stars were gone
My happy flowers died
Ghostly shadows, whispers of death
I thought I lost my light
I knelt and prayed
I folded my hands and knelt with faith
A strong and sturdy place sufficed
My folded hands were held by The Great Healer, Jesus Christ
I missed you guys.
It’s been months since the last time I visited this site.
Praying for everyone’s safety.
491 · Nov 2019
A New Promise of Faith
Eloisa Nov 2019
Everything I see now is like a dream
And as colors began to fade
Their souls started to merge
as what autumn and winter did
Slowly creating a wonderful moment
A beautiful image
Like a rainbow after the rain
489 · Mar 2019
Dear Flowers
Eloisa Mar 2019
The sweet fragrance you shared to me changed my weeping heart
Shadows of bitter yesterdays are now erased at last
Scented tints of the awesome spring put smiles into my eyes
Previous battles I've cried and lost, you brought a hopeful sunrise
488 · Apr 2020
Eloisa Apr 2020
She’s into ravens and dragons,
charms, prayers and spells.
Enchantment and mystery,
spirits and fantasy.
Phantom and magic,
dreams and stardust.
She’s into fascinating connections,
rituals and meditations.
She gives thanks to the sun,
the stars and the moon.
She trusts patience and love.
She adores understanding souls,
She’s into all these
and a thousand things more.
484 · Feb 2019
Eloisa Feb 2019
Words float inside my head
as I drift deep in an endless pass
Emotions flow in melodic waves
as I plunge into a lyrical sea
Paper soaked in sentiments
And troubled thoughts swamped my page
Misery surges and I’m submerged
I’m drowning!
I’m drowning!
475 · Oct 2019
I Envy the Trees
Eloisa Oct 2019
I envy the trees.
When they remain proud to face the world
even with nothing left on them.
Even standing bare, alone facing the unknown.
I envy the trees.
Standing brave even in their most vulnerable state with just a few brown leaves
clinging on them.
Even when everything has fallen away.
I envy the trees.
When they rely on the strength of their roots
to withstand any thundering storm.
And patiently wait for the new leaves to grow and new buds to bloom.
Each time the seasons pass, I hope, like the trees,
I will grow into a more beautiful and better version of myself.
And I’m hoping to realize soon
that holding on could not build my strength.
And that sometimes letting go would make me strong.
The changing of seasons tells us how beautiful it is to let go of some things in life. It is also a great time to accept life's impermanence. Fall is a time for letting go, letting go of any burdens you've been carrying with you. Trees show us their strength standing against every storm even when leaves fall and nothing will be left on them.  And as autumn leaves fall from the trees, let go of anything that is not serving you. Let go of all the battles and try to open your hearts to accept things that some wars could be so hard to be won. Try not to struggle against it and be sure not to get strangled with negative things these battles are causing you. Try not to cling to failures, anger and anxiety. Reminisce the past times and learn from them and accept that things change. We will never learn and grow without all the abundance of life's experiences, challenges, struggles,  wins and even losses and of course opportunities. Autumn signals that with patience and positivity in ourselves, leaves will soon be back and blooms will blossom again. So cherish the memories, learn from the past, forgive life's difficulties and embrace the beauty of letting go.

~The Beauty of Letting Go
(A Note to Self)
474 · Feb 2019
True Love
Eloisa Feb 2019
Your lack of love does not diminish hers
Hers is a love that never ceases
Hers is a love that always forgives
Even with your promises that you can never keep
473 · Apr 2020
Gleam of Hope
Eloisa Apr 2020
And then there’s something tantamount to this sunbeam in these bleary times—
the wildflowers, which grow everywhere in their own paradise;
a kindergartner running by herself even a few feet away from her friends, picking dandelions,
still with a sunny smile.
The ray of light shining through the window of isolation rooms as a sign of hope from heaven.
Sparks will still flow within our hands.
To still feel the everlasting warmth of sunshine.
The light we needed to surpass this cloudy shadow of our current circumstance.
470 · Jul 2019
Chaotic Thoughts
Eloisa Jul 2019
Fragments of mem’ries
trapped inside this worry loop
distance cutting me
Though my heart’s still stitched with love
please mend my chaotic mind
Tattered sentiments
ripped from my bewildered soul
knitted  into words
Scraps of me to you I send
please untie my tangled thoughts
Eloisa Aug 2019
I’ve always been working harder every single day but recently I felt odd.
August, the Ghost Month, my birth month, as always seemed to be long, difficult and heavy.
It’s definitely not my life and my current job as a kindergarten teacher in a Japanese school or all the things that are happening with me and around me. There’s really something dark that I really couldn’t explain.
In Chinese folk legend, on the first day of the seventh lunar month, the gate of hell will be wide open and the ghosts will come out until the gate is closed on the 30th day.
I was like battling with the evil forces for a number of days and about to succumb to darkness when I decided  to unplug. I was offline for about two weeks not only because I needed a break but more because I needed time for some self reflection.
But unplugging sometimes from the online world means being more present in the real world. I was able to have quality time with some close friends and had the chance to explore beautiful and serene places here in Japan.
~ Well, the odd feeling might have something to do with my upcoming birthday this Monday. Celebrating my special day again for the 6th time without my family.
452 · Jul 2019
Last Night
Eloisa Jul 2019
Thank you
You never disappoint
You met me in my fantasy last night
I woke up on your shores
with your soft rosy lips on mine
~Happy morning
448 · Aug 2019
The Jagged Road
Eloisa Aug 2019
One day,
you will just look back
at your rough and dark past,
and you will then realize that
the jagged road you have wandered
was either a path through personal enlightenment
or a road that was never to be taken.
438 · May 2020
Eloisa May 2020
Gloom had hung so low
My flowers have gone to sleep
Love journeyed too far
437 · Jun 2019
I Chose the High Road
Eloisa Jun 2019
My mind has gone to thousands of directions
I walked in dark alleys and bumpy streets
I dawdled in roads that were rough, treacherous and steep
Seeking silence, I turned around distracting thoughts
The humps, the bumps, the wrong turns and detours
The missteps, the slips and the stumbles
My road ahead is neither smooth nor easy
But on this beautiful path, I now tread in peace
With each tiny step, I feel the gentle breeze
With each little step, I see pretty flowers flourish
Each of us has a unique purpose in this world. To serve our life's purpose, we are given a choice to traverse the path we'd like to explore. We actually have our own road to travel. Worry not of what lies ahead. Let us take each step at our own pace, ahead is our own journey to savor and marvel. Let us go as far as we can and from there, trail even farther. There will surely be tons of challenges to face and many failures to experience. There will also be a lot of humps, bumps, wrong turns and detours. The setbacks, pitfalls, shortcomings and even some of the triumphs we'd meet are lessons that will pave a way to get us through our desired destination. Just always try to be generous to take time to care about who we are, what we do, the people we meet and the wonderful views we encounter along the way. Take our journey to be an amazing chance to learn and an opportunity to make a positive difference to the world we live in.
435 · Feb 2019
Eloisa Feb 2019
Hold my hands please
Whisper something to ease the pain
Help me get through this ordeal
I can hardly breathe
I feel cold
I am numb
I am beginning to break
I am starting to get weak
Thoughts scattered
Dreams shattered
Hopes halted
Love has ended
431 · Jun 2021
Memory of My Story
Eloisa Jun 2021
I don’t need beautiful music to continue
to dance.
I don’t need perfect words
to tell you my life story.
My life is shown in the grace of each sunset
and sunrise.
It is written in the blackness of the night up until the light of each day.
It is felt in the coarseness of the sand
and in the softness of the clouds.
It is heard through the songs of the birds
and the psalms from the still water.
Each of my story is part of the dust and hopeful seeds blown and scattered by the joyful winds.
The magic, the majesty, the glory of everything that surrounds me.
Every single moment is a memory.
A wonderful memory of my story.
426 · Jun 2019
Night Rendezvous
Eloisa Jun 2019
Soft and rhythmic thrum
To the shores of paradise
A sparkly summer
425 · Sep 2019
Love’s Greatest Lesson
Eloisa Sep 2019
I know my name was written in your heart
for sometime.
And I wore your vow and promises in my finger for so long.
Promises that I thought
can not be broken into pieces
and can be forever kept.
My heart still speaks softly of our past love
and the old hurts.
But your memory taught me
what I needed to know.
The greatest lesson of my life,
to realize who I am not,
who I once was,
and who I’m always meant to be.
~A Realization
421 · Aug 2021
Eloisa Aug 2021
I haven’t written the saddest lines.
Only a tiny strand separates happiness
from melancholy.
I couldn’t describe sorrow in words.
I’m just waiting to see the autumn fields.
Summer has set me aflame.
And the sun didn’t rise today.
415 · Oct 2020
Eloisa Oct 2020
Then she turned off the volume
of her world today.
Seeking her much needed silence in her heart.
She tried to live alone inside a special place
where grief and pain do not exist.
And in her silence and solitude,
she began to renew her springs
that have dried up.
405 · Feb 2019
Winter Morning
Eloisa Feb 2019
Watched the dull gray sky one winter morning
Felt quivering in the crisp wind
Though the world seemed so quite asleep
Barely heard the crackling trees
Stripped trees stand sleeping in the cold
"Where's the sun?" I asked myself
Then suddenly I turned around
On the bare branches were about a hundred birds
Oh! I didn't hear their sound
Winter’s beauty still is pleasing
Great hope is what this season brings
Said the quiet lake and the silent stream
After winter soon will be the beauty of spring
389 · Oct 2019
Nostalgic Pain
Eloisa Oct 2019
I just thought that I have left your memories ashore and buried them deep under the sand.
But they were carried by the waves again
in the middle of the ocean.
Here where I am trying to find
and rebuild myself.
Waves of longing and regrets are crushing
my sail.
I’m now swimming, drowning in nostalgic pain.
I dived deep within your memories
and finally found my heart.
I held my precious heart, stayed afloat
and saw a glimpse of my own horizon.
Though self-forgiveness and peace
are yet far to be reached.
I still have my strength.
And I promise not to drown again.
~An emotional journey
386 · Sep 2019
I’ll Keep On Sailing
Eloisa Sep 2019
I  have drown in love and caged repeatedly.
But I’ve broken the chains of captivity.
Recovering from a tidal wave of emotions,freeing my inner fire and energies,
I now return with strength with a pen
and a scrap of paper with me.
I have run into chaos, fear, self-doubt
and uncertainty.
For I anchored my motivation and confidence
in my flaws, my scars and pain.
With glimpses of memories that just farewelled,
I’ve got my new story to write.
I’m allowing my fear and self-love to co-exist.
And with an aching soul and a bruised heart
still to heal.
I now let my horizons of certitude confidently sail into undiscovered creative seas.
386 · Jun 2019
Miles Away
Eloisa Jun 2019
How am I supposed
to touch and kiss you
How am I going
to wrap my arms and legs around you
when you’re one thousand nine hundred eight miles away from the warmth of my bed
I miss you!
378 · May 2020
My Spring Prince
Eloisa May 2020
One bitter day of spring, I walked so far
and went astray.
A place somewhere I do not know,
somewhere strange so far away.
I took a spiral, stony path
to seek the colors of my sky.
Then heard a sound, a different sound
I thought a distant cry.
A lovely cry, a song of love,
a precious music from the streams.
A pretty melody, a melody of waltz
I often hear in midnight dreams.
And then I saw him near the riverbank
under the blanket of unblinking stars.
He has with him my long lost sky,
my hopeless, hazy sky.
I sat beside the singing stream
and watched my sky begin to brighten.
He greeted me with love and magic
in his expressive, soulful eyes.
And gently put some lovely, lustrous stars
in my messy hair.
My pious spring prince just held my hands
and requested me to be with him.
But I graciously declined, and told him
that I was here to find myself.
“I have yet to heal my deepest scars
and fix my knotted dreams.
Just find me again sometime, my dear,
with your pure heart to bring.
I have here with me your stars to wish on,
my dear prince of spring.”
369 · Oct 2019
Gracefully Sailing
Eloisa Oct 2019
Her heart hungers for the essence of her being.
She continues to search for enlightenment
and peace.
Thousands of heartaches and trials,
she met along the path of finding herself.
She carves out time every single day to reflect.
Then she realized.
There’s no need to search outside herself
for answers.
She found the answers
where she found the questions.
She found the answers inside herself.
Meaning is what makes one’s misfortune worthwhile.
The storm came to teach her how to sail
and she continues to catch the wind.
Confronting the ocean’s of life moment after moment,
she found the strength to leave her past
to the shores
and just brought the lessons she has learned.
Then out she sails for her new horizons ahead.
On life's vast ocean diversely we sail. Reasons the card, but passion the gale.
Alexander Pope

When defeat comes, accept it as a signal that your plans are not sound, rebuild those plans, and set sail once more toward your coveted goal.
Napoleon Hill

To desire and strive to be of some service to the world, to aim at doing something which shall really increase the happiness and welfare and virtue of mankind - this is a choice which is possible for all of us; and surely it is a good haven to sail for.
Henry Van ****
367 · Jul 2019
Eloisa Jul 2019
And I dreamt in colors
Different hues I’ve never seen before
With us in a room bursting with every shade of the rainbow
Sparkly, bright, shining with life and affection
And an easel seemed to be waiting for
a lovely portrait
With love and lust blended on a bright palette
You began painting my canvas with soft and gentle strokes
A stream of kaleidoscopic liquid flowed
in my body and seeped within my heart
Sweat and tears splattered on the floor
A portrait was painted with pure love
and passion
And now I wore your paint deep within my skin
With your color pigments embedded in my soul
I didn’t want that dream to end
357 · May 2020
Eloisa May 2020
Here in this fascinating fairyland,
thousands of magical words exist.
But your kind words create
lovely metamorphosis spells.
To my friend, Peter
355 · Jun 2020
Grace and Beauty
Eloisa Jun 2020
Life’s flowers and flaws
Warm air creeps as spring retreats
Hopeful yet confused
Gazing over hydrangeas
Can’t wait for bright autumn leaves
344 · Jun 2022
Eloisa Jun 2022
She did not let the shadows win.
She remembered who she was
and wore the vibrant stars at night.
She gave her heart consent to heal and held hope within her hands.
343 · Dec 2019
Farewell to Fall
Eloisa Dec 2019
And yes, it’s almost over,
Countless things, I will remember.
The glitters and the sparkles,
Prolong your stay, just so I wish.
But then again what I am sure,
You’ll wander back more beautiful.
Goodbye for now, my feathered leaves.
I bid farewell,
I would try hard not to shed a tear.
Farewell my friend,
my lovely Autumn friend.
Thank you for lending me your golden wings.
339 · Jun 2019
On Father’s Day
Eloisa Jun 2019
I thought I can’t express my words
I’ve plenty of unspoken thoughts
Come closer and feel my heart
My inner core beats happiness
For your every act of love and kindness
For your every word of encouragement
Not for me but for our children
For sharing them your bliss
For soothing their pains, their cries
You don’t need  to be perfect
You don’t need to be great
Just travel through life with us
Even through light and dark
Through thick and thin
Through ups and downs
And remember your most treasured title
It’s not only being a husband but more of a FATHER
Happy Father’s Day
338 · Mar 2020
Embracing Uncertainty
Eloisa Mar 2020
I wonder why I don’t see the beauty and the sparkles of the blossoming cherry trees.
Why I don’t feel the joy hearing the songs of the birds near me.
All I see now is the surge of political hypocrisies.
Blames and hatred ignited by partisan politics fueled by cruelty of humanity.
I thought I was part of the world filled with love, light, and beauty.  
But I am now in the midst of uncertainty,  
where cooperation, unity, and solidarity among people are indeed illusory.
Everything now seems dark, cloudy, gloomy.
Stigma, racism, discrimination, and xenophobia,
the ugliness of humanity.
This crisis tests our capacity to understand, to overcome.
I am now sitting quietly in darkness to transform my fear to trust humanity,
To have patience and slowly erase anxiety.
I am trying to continually believe that we all live under the same glow and glitter of the sun.
And that though we may even have different rivers and mountains,
we still speak the same language.
The language of peace and harmony, the language of love and shared humanity.
I am looking forward soon, on the very day when we humans wake up to a new reality.
With our helpful hands, open arms and compassionate heart, shining each other’s  journey.
After all it really is all of humanity that is under threat during a pandemic.
Margaret Chan
336 · Feb 2019
Bloom My Dearest
Eloisa Feb 2019
You are indeed an awesome enchanting gift
Please stop walking in a field of grief
Life's sometimes wicked and full of prejudice
But remember you're lovely amidst these tumult and haste
Our life isn't always a happy feast
Like the pretty tulips that fade, die and wilt
Flowers bloom to inspire us to grow in faith
Thus, bloom my dearest! Don't be scared to fail
332 · Jul 2019
Let’s Go Home
Eloisa Jul 2019
Come my sweet,
I know each and every road to darkness
and where it’s heading to
Hold my hand, oh sweet my dear
I’ll light your way and take you home
329 · Feb 2019
One Snowy Day
Eloisa Feb 2019
White flurries descending from the gray sky
Starting to envelope the ground like blankets
Leaves are lovely as if they have trinkets
Naked trees suddenly have ornaments
The cold wind blows the crystals in rhythm
Snowflakes are dancing like tiny butterflies
Winter's beauty truly isn't pale and colored light
The earth's not asleep, only dressed in sparkly white
325 · Dec 2019
Eloisa Dec 2019
And she painted the sky with her poetry
Calm but misty
Still dark and heavy
322 · Jun 2019
My Dear Summer Rain
Eloisa Jun 2019
You are the rain
tapping gently on my rooftop
sliding down my window pane
gliding on the gleam of my lamp post
clenching the warmth of my hands
as you slowly press against the blurry glass in rhythm
I’m losing grip
I’m slipping away
Oh my dear summer rain
319 · Mar 2023
Today Matters
Eloisa Mar 2023
You’ve always been
there for me.                                               My rainbow
in my life’s storms.
My daily sunshine rays.
The evening beam that sends the dark clouds away.
The hopeful tints on my bleakest day.
But what if tomorrow never comes?
The tomorrow you’ve daily promised.
Your promise of forever.
But what if tomorrow never comes?
Can I dream by myself?
Would I carry on?
But today is what matters.
Today with you.
Our love is timeless.
I’ll embrace the love we have today.
I would never worry about tomorrow.
Even if doesn’t come.
I’ll hold your hand today and you’ll hold mine.
315 · Jul 2019
Eloisa Jul 2019
I stared at your sun illuminate my world
when I thought I lost my shine
I stared at your colors paint my canvas
when I thought my life was dull
I stared at your eyes declare the truth,
telling me your dreams, love, and vows
I stared at the calluses on your palm
as your hand capture mine
306 · Oct 2019
Beautiful in Our Fall
Eloisa Oct 2019
We are two hearts
unafraid of the winter days,
For ours is an Autumn Love,
a new beginning,
we happily embrace.
Though the leaves have changed
and soon will fall,
Our Autumn Love turned fiery red
and yellow gold.
The warmth of our love,
so hopeful and new.
Like autumn, bright and colorful.
And as we begin to feel
the bite of the autumn air,
That signals that the harsh winter
is just around the corner,
We held hands and buried our fears
deep down the ground
beneath the fallen leaves.
We now carry within us the magic,
the promise of a new and vibrant love.
Forgiveness and love,
Love and forgiveness.
And I’m so glad, our hearts
found our way back home,
We’re just people,
We are people, beautiful in our fall.
~Autumn Love
302 · Jun 2020
Sorrowful Blue
Eloisa Jun 2020
She danced under her
deep-sunken sun,
Her life’s most sorrowful last
As the soft breeze blows through
her lengthy hair,
Mingled in a day of incessant rain
was a massive, uncertain blur.
When dim from her flaws grew
each time she cries,
Pain and weakness crawled
in her begging, bleary eyes.
Alone she wept, she sorely wept alone.
And gloom flames
what her aching heart consumes.
The discordant clouds soon ceased weeping.
Shadows of hope and love suddenly furled
her destroyed and delicate wings.
She opened her eyes
from her weary, wretched plight,
Selene gently wrapped her
in her bright, glittering light.
And as the night arrives and pervades her heart with gleam,
Vermilion flares up through her new
and brighter dreams.
301 · Oct 2019
Road Sign
Eloisa Oct 2019
My heart went missing for days.
For how long, I couldn’t remember.
I’m sure it followed the long and jagged road
of my past.
And as it slowly trying to collect the pieces of important memories, it thought I had left behind,
my heart was led to a dead end
and a huge road sign.
Wrong way.
I’m now patiently waiting for my heart
to come back soon.
I hope it can remember its way home.
297 · Jul 2020
A Warrior’s Dance
Eloisa Jul 2020
I’m stuck scared in the dark wars
my soul has been fighting for so long.
Where the colors of freedom
are as lightless as my dreams.
A place where I thought
I’ve built
my own path,
With gleaming rose petals I scattered
as guide
when I couldn’t find my way home.
And as I continue to travel
the route of strength and despair,
Begging to dance with me,
the healing light came.
But my muddy, mangled feet seemed
unresponsive and silent.
My heart’s withering and weakening.
My soul’s totally worsening.
The sky went gray again
and the dark clouds rolled in.
But nothing can totally dim
my valorous heart that shines within.
I got up and started dancing my prayers with my heartbeat as music.
My body resonated with love
and the light’s most powerful healing.
A melodious, creative cosmic rhythm wrapped my entire being.
With the ethereal light continued
to dance through every tiny cell of me.
In these blustery storms,
I’m still dancing.
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