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Eloisa Sep 2019
I’m feeling the earth’s rhythm under my feet.
Without you, I’ll ****** all stars that I can reach.
~A pleasant morning to all
287 · Mar 2020
I Am Your Poetry
Eloisa Mar 2020
And he tried to read my love
I wrote between the lines
Slowly understanding my soul
I put within the words
Turning page by page
He realized my hidden mystery
My essence as a woman
Embedded in my rhymes
~Happy Women’s  Day
Eloisa Jul 2019
While the flowers softly  twist and twirl
I shut my eyes and whisper your name
When the calm breeze of summer
kisses their petals and leaves
I shut my eyes and whisper your name
When the sky opens and begins to rain
I shut my eyes and whisper your name
And when the endless summer rains arrive
The flowers dance and so do I
I dance and dance and dance and cry
and shout your name
My eyes are just shut but I couldn’t sleep.
273 · Jun 2019
Eloisa Jun 2019
I dance to the rhythm of your fluid cadence
Your fantastic songs, your metaphors and rhymes
I listen to your creative verses that heal and influence
Your phrases, your paragraphs and lines
I twirl, I skip, I trip, I leap, I prance, I bow and bounce
Your compassion and passion, your humor and eloquence
Continue to write my dear friends
Make your poem borderless and make a difference
262 · May 2020
I Took the Trail
Eloisa May 2020
I sang my anguish to the winds
And followed the ravens to the woods
The trees, the wildflowers
froze in silence
But the leaves began to dance
like witches casting spells
I howled and shouted my despair
The rivers seemed to wail with me
The way was dim, the path was dark
I took the trail and endured the pain
I felt the darkness and heard the silence
My heart was torn and lost
but it was enlivened
by the nature’s glorious tapestry
The little sunshine hues
that seep between the branches of the trees
The joy of streams, the thousand greens
The nature’s been my muse
It wakens my spirit and fuels my energy
Wearing its color spirits
I have now reclaimed my wild and magic
259 · Feb 2019
Eloisa Feb 2019
I am already torn
Scared of what is in store
Deep uncertainty was born suddenly
Unexplained feelings in a rush
Shivers swiftly came
Oh please, spare me once
253 · Dec 2019
Autumn Storm
Eloisa Dec 2019
Each day, I always try to count the flowers.
And each night, I would not miss
to count the stars.
And when I just couldn’t find many flowers in fall or in winter,
I still try to count the fallen leaves
and even the branches of the trees.
And during nights when the stars will not come,
I would slowly try to count
the lunar rays instead.
The flowers and the stars,
the trees and the moon,
Gave me inspiration and wisdom,
enough shelter and strength.
To help me emerge victorious
from each phase of my journey with grief.
But how many times do I have to feel
that I am always back to where I’ve started?
How long does it take to stay in this dead end that trapped me?
Yes, I am once again in this labyrinth.  
I walk its path—day after day, night after night, back and forth, in and out.
The recurrence, triggered memories,
the deeper layers,
the unending winding circular path.
And now I crave for solitude and rest,
solace and insight.
I need my energy and my inner self back.
And as I stood in my own labyrinth
staring at the orange leaves falling from a tree,
My steps began again,  slowly finding me.
I continued to make more steps
as the leaves started to fall around me.  
The leaves scattered in front of me represent
the losses and sad memories.
And as I felt the slightest breeze
released many of them from their branches,
I have found
just enough love and faith to sustain me.
250 · May 2020
Sweet, Stray Scarlet Blooms
Eloisa May 2020
I spelled out my secrets
in the language of the flowers,
with petals mixed in with my tears.
Please let the words of these blossoms
be heard more than my story to tell.
Eloisa May 2020
Aside from the wilderness
where I taste the sweetness
of my solitude,
enjoy my solace,
and renew my strength,
I have the darkness
to meditate.
A calm haven
to listen to myself.
I have the silken darkness
to ruminate.
A sanctuary
to regain my glow.
So far away
I went again,
into the heart of wilderness.
With nothing with me
except my silence.
I traveled through
the dark alone.
And there I found
the truth.
That silence
I brought within
is the true color of gloom.
I continued my journey
through the dark
to see the moon
and the stars.
The resplendent stars
then nourished
my leaden silence.
While the lustrous moon
my vanished thoughts.
So in this journey,
I was given some sacred gifts.
A new heart with
ardent love.
A new pair of eyes
that can see the light.
And an eternal trusting soul,
with an inflamed passion.
232 · Jun 2019
My Friends in Spring
Eloisa Jun 2019
She can't resist tears when she's alone and scared
But in sorrow and happiness
flowers are her friends
214 · Mar 2023
Heartache and Rhymes
Eloisa Mar 2023
Her poetry loves her usual melancholy.
Her rhymes couldn’t even summon the sun when dark clouds lingered over her.
She just waits for the fragrance of rainwater to wash away the dirt from her tears.
The misty yet melodious pour.
A lengthy silky strand of memory that always escapes.
Heartache and hope,
rhymes and misery,
lyrics and odes.
Slowly lacing themselves to the value of she is.
A continuing thread of love and grief.
A colorful crochet of life’s  tapestry.
204 · May 2020
Golden Fronds
Eloisa May 2020
She was molded by life’s mischances,
combats, and hurts.
Shrapnels and shattered glass
are stuck in her hands.
Her toes are burned from walking
through agonizing fire.
The endless fights and struggles
made her dark and cold.
But she remembers
each savage war
she has won.
With her loyal heart,
her armor,
and her fortress,
her passionate soul.
She continues to face her battles
and uses her torment
to wear badges
of strength
and courage
adorned with golden fronds.
She knows when wars are over,
the flowers will still be
bright and beautiful.
200 · Mar 28
Heartache and Rhymes
Eloisa Mar 28
Her poetry loves her usual melancholy.
Her rhymes couldn’t even summon the sun when dark clouds lingered over her.
She just waits for the fragrance of rainwater to wash away the dirt from her tears.
The misty yet melodious pour.
A lengthy silky strand of memory that always escapes.
Heartache and hope,
rhymes and misery,
lyrics and odes.
Slowly lacing themselves to the value of who she is.
A continuing thread of love and grief.
A colorful crochet of life’s  tapestry.
Eloisa Jun 2022
You’ve crossed the other side
of the world
Out of hell which you thought before was peace
Your words now sing
a tune of hope
In chorus with the bird’s soulful notes
You scattered strength in your beautifully broken wings
Aligning them even to the unpredictable wind
And now you’ve already met
the new you
A new version of you
that you haven’t met yet
With a silent recognition
of your truth and realness
That even the ugly parts of your story
taught you love and acceptance
Then you let go of the hand
that led you to darkness
Now find the joy and wonder of life
and marvel on the magic of love
You are worthy of nothing less
196 · May 2020
Eloisa May 2020
My ink rarely rhymes.  
And I write words
even myself
can’t understand.
Daily ink spills
and splatters
on my tangled sheets,
sometimes I’m ashamed of.
The empty, naked
mosaic of love letters,
you thought.
My canvas of colorful illusion,
dim and chaotic,
you said.
The words I write to you,
for you.
Words that always land
on your silent, unappreciative lips,
unseen by your darkly unsympathetic eyes.
A poem you wouldn’t want to read,
A poem you wouldn’t want to hear.
A garden you wouldn’t want to tend.
And now that the teardrops
have ceased,
the birds in the cages
have been freed,
the plants unwatered and flowers are left wilted,
the winds have begun to blur
the memories,
the ink has run dry,
and no more thoughts of you remain.
I have nothing more to say.
    I have nothing more to wish.
There is none to plead.
    My ink and my love for you
    have now rested in peace.
195 · Apr 2020
I Hear His Promise
Eloisa Apr 2020
I hear the sound of prayers in the ocean waves.
I hear the echoes of hope in the winds.
I hear the trees and the flowers sing
affection and grace.
I hear my heart,
I hear the melody of faith deep within.
“The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day He created spring.” – Bernard Williams

“Our Lord has written the promise of resurrection, not in the books alone, but in every leaf in springtime.” – Martin Luther
183 · Jan 2020
Eloisa Jan 2020
We silently communicate
in the middle of chaos
Understanding one another
With true love between our souls
As we embrace each other in the solitude
177 · May 2020
Eloisa May 2020
Sweet silent sunset
Day lilies and daffodils
Faded fairytale
174 · May 2020
Spring Rain
Eloisa May 2020
Lake of confusion
Never did you send flowers
Sky weeps in sadness
173 · Jun 2022
Eloisa Jun 2022
I will always remember the times you made me feel loved
than the few times you have said it.
171 · Feb 2019
Rise Up
Eloisa Feb 2019
When you choose sadness to take over the depths of your heart
Then you let doubts and anxieties prevail over joy
And when you opt to have your smile vanish in a whirlwind of fear
You'll be stuck too long in the darkness you're confined in
Catastrophes and obstacles will  pile up without end
Struggles will get harder to carry unbearable burden
Bounce back and drive all your worries away
Get out of this dead end and seek the light again
Be not afraid to create your safe space and realize your plans
Be brave to tread to the other side of the barrier where thick and luscious grass awaits
Where doubts, fear and sorrow no longer exist
158 · May 2020
Eloisa May 2020
Her heart sang a different song
A melody of her untold story
that only you can hear
Its rhythm reaches out for love
as she softly hummed her lullaby
The saddest prayer of love
you have ignored
The chords of pain
you’ve thought as noise
Her silent cry
A note unheard
The lulls between the sobs
The loudest shadow of memory
beats deep within your heart
145 · May 2020
A Tribute to Mothers
Eloisa May 2020
A mother is...
the sweetest flower of love,
the brightest light of happiness,
the most colorful rainbow
of kindness,
the most precious pearl
of compassion,
and the most powerful prayer
of strength.
Her heart, the softest veil.
Her mind, the gentlest leaf.
Her words, the loveliest music.
And her hands, the most dependable sail.
Her purest and selfless love,
a wonderful bliss.
Her passionate soul,
the anchor of a child’s dreams.
❤️Happy Mother’s Day!❤️
126 · May 2020
Eloisa May 2020
I exhausted every moment of my life
scattering seeds
in all bounds and boundary
of my deep-rooted burns,
and now a tangled, torch-lit garden grows.
122 · Apr 2020
Eloisa Apr 2020
Shadows, memories
Blindly chased the bitter storms
Wild dreams in daylight
112 · Mar 2020
Eloisa Mar 2020
I feel tired
not because I have done a lot.
I feel tired because I know I have done a little teach myself to realize that it’s OVER.
91 · Jul 2020
Darkened Hearts
Eloisa Jul 2020
I miss the pleasant times
When the skies are not cloudy all day
When deer and gazelles joyously play
When I seldom hear
words of contempt and distaste
When family and friends love each other’s milestone and celebrate
When humans respect opinions
and differences
When love is contagious and healing
and selfless sacrifice are present
But the world today currently faces a virus
more infectious and virulent
The most despicable pandemic
of hatred
A plague of intolerance and disrespect
When friends and family members
are disowned and hated
When love is gone and hearts are darkened
I grieve!
89 · Jan 2020
Winter Kiss
Eloisa Jan 2020
And as the winter cold magically makes ice crystals, we watch the grass glistening with frost.
Knitted scarves and woolen coats,
plus our knotted fingers braved  the cold.
You held my hands and erased the chaos buried deep under my skin.
And took me in your arms, held me close for a moment, and planted a light kiss on my nose.
I felt the firmness of your touch, the passion and love came rushing from within.
And as nature freezes and sees our love while
I yielded in the intensity of your kiss.
You covered my scars and held me close until my fear left my entire soul.
80 · Jan 2020
For Us
Eloisa Jan 2020
How could you stay
so happy like that
For you know, I’m so far
It’s been quite long
since we became miles away
I won’t forget your loving ways
Thanks for making me so alive

Tonight, the stars and the moon shine
so bright upon me
And I say, I’m missing you
Oh, please understand
why we are apart
Oh, please bear with me
Because I really need to make you feel
this love of mine
And even though I’m so far
I’d try to light a candle for us
Oh! For us, for us for us
And even I’m here alone
I’d try playing our song
For us, for us, for us

And I hope that in your dreams
You would feel
That I have your body near
my arms while we’re dancing dear
And I pray to see my life with you
I hope it’s soon
Because I’m tired of dancing
on my own

And tonight, the stars and the moon
shine upon me
And I say, I’m truly missing you
Oh please understand, why we are apart
Oh, please bear with me
Because I really need to make you feel 
 this love of mine
And even though I’m so far
I’d try to light a candle for us
Oh! For us, for us,for us
And even I’m here alone
I’d try playing our song
For us, for us, for us

But I’m so afraid
Because for months now
The candle’s spark is getting weak
Like your love
That I used to know
And what I only ask
I beg, oh please
Don’t let our love go
Don’t let our dreams fade
For us, for us, for us
~I am not in any way musically inclined but could carry a tune somehow. It’s so happened that I’m humming a crazy tune with these words. I do not know if this is a poem or not.

— The End —