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538 · Jun 2018
the person who cares
sankavi Jun 2018
i was lonely
sitting on the wall
a l o n e
no one liked me
thought i had no personality
but you came
accepted me
and made me feel whole
as a friend.
written by; deanna
527 · Jan 2021
invisible with you
sankavi Jan 2021
when i'm around you i'm
i try to get your attention but you never notice me
but you never notice

when i'm around you
i feel invisible
i feel like i don't exist
like i'm no one
like i'm dead
521 · Nov 2018
nostalgia in my bedroom
sankavi Nov 2018
old receipts turning yellow with such beautiful stories
keeping the last bit of memories through flower petals
and old letters with no meaning left to it any more
colourful lights lit red green yellow and blue hanging on my wall since when you gave it to me
old pictures taped to the wall with friends you haven't spoken to in months

but all this doesn't matter to me
the memories are kept safe
and the nostalgia in my bedroom lives on
508 · Jul 2018
future me
sankavi Jul 2018
dear future self,
i hope you've finally learned to put yourself before other
that everyone isn't who they seem to be
and never to fall so hard for someone who'd never love you

i hope you learned that you don't need people who don't need you
to love yourself
and that you're important

i hope in the future you are the best you possible
504 · Jun 2018
sankavi Jun 2018
have you've ever taken that one candid picture  
so pure and precious
there's a difference between a photo that is staged and perfect and a picture that no one knew was taken
in that one picture, no one is trying so hard to be perfect
501 · Jan 2019
new years kiss
sankavi Jan 2019
I had my new years kiss

you were waiting until the clock hit midnight
and you kissed me

I had my new years kiss
it just wasn't with the right person
500 · Apr 2018
brown eyes
sankavi Apr 2018
I learned today
that for eyes to be like oceans
they don't have to be blue

i drowned in his eyes
483 · Apr 2018
no one sees it
sankavi Apr 2018
"why do you like him?"
he's smart
he's funny
he's cute
he's crazy
he's friendly
he's kind
he's him
                                                 "no he's not. i don't see why you like him"
                                                            ­                                             "hes ugly"
                                                           ­                                          "he's stupid"
                                                                ­                                       "he's blunt"
                                                                ­                                  "he's ignorant"
                                                                ­                                       "he's mean"
                                                           ­                        "he's not good enough"


                     ­                    no one sees what i see
                                he doesn't even see what i see
478 · Feb 2019
leave me
sankavi Feb 2019
sometimes i dont show what i feel
but its for the best

everyone i love leaves anyways
478 · Feb 2021
broken love
sankavi Feb 2021
she loved him because he reminded her of home
the way he neglected her
made her feel worthless
how he made her wonder why she will never be good enough

she loved the way he would shower her with attention one day and then completely forget about her the next
how every time they moved a step forwards a moment later they fall back to the beginning

she especially loved how she barely knew him
never getting close and intimate enough to actually get hurt

and most importantly,
what she really loved was how he would never truly love her the way she did him
477 · Apr 2018
sankavi Apr 2018
I'm sorry I'm so broken,
I'm sorry I pushed you away.

I'm sorry I took you for granted,
when all I really want
is just for you to stay
465 · Apr 2018
suicidal mom
sankavi Apr 2018
you make me feel so worthless
you tried to leave
i thought i was enough to keep you going
why did you try to go
was i not enough?
youre still alive
but are you really?
-i thought i was enough
to my suicidal mom
463 · Feb 2021
sankavi Feb 2021
you make me feel unlovable
you make me wonder why I'm not good enough
why I will never be enough for you
461 · Jul 2018
sankavi Jul 2018
It feels like darkness surrounding me.
It feels like monsters are everywhere.
It feels like I can’t do anything to stop it.
It feels like I’m saying too much.
It feels like I’m not allowed to be here.
It feels like I can’t stop repeating myself.
If feels like I’m Broken.
457 · Dec 2019
sankavi Dec 2019
i know you dont feel the same
but your hugs mean the world to me :)
455 · Jan 2021
a poem of hate
sankavi Jan 2021
I hate you
I hate that I love you
I hate that I would do anything for you
I hate that you don't care that I left you
I hate that you don't miss me as I miss you
I hate that you make me feel that I can never be loved
I hate that you have so much power over me
I hate that I'm the one who left you but I'm the one dying
I hate that you knew how much power you held over me
I hate that you don't want me
I hate that I love the way you make me feel even though you hate me
442 · Apr 2018
sankavi Apr 2018
You send shivers down my spine when you walk in,
Cause the butterflies to flutter like mad.
When you look in my eyes,
You burn right through me.
You are the sunshine when my skies are clouded,
The light when I can't find the good in the world.
I could be all that you need,
You are all that I want.
My stomach knots when you are next to me,
You make me nervous and giddy.
I smile at the thought of you,
Quake in your presence.
You have all control over me,
And you don't even know it.
440 · Nov 2018
sankavi Nov 2018
and there we were
back at the place I first met you
the place I fell for you at

and I realized that day
that you are the one
and you always were always will be
428 · Dec 2019
to know a soul
sankavi Dec 2019
i want to know you
i want to really know you

i want to know all your secrets
i want to know all your crazy stories
i want to know all the freckles on your face
i want your atoms to know mine
i want to know what makes tears drip from your beautiful blue eyes
i want to know what makes your ecstatic smile
i want to know what makes you tremble from fear
and what makes you want to rise every morning
i want to know what love means to you
i want to know everything about you

i know it's scary
but i want to know you
i really want to know you
every bit of you
424 · Jan 2019
never enough trust
sankavi Jan 2019
You don't know me -
not the real me.
You know my favourite movie
and maybe my favourite song.
You know what food I could eat every day
and you know about my first pet.
But you don't know me.
You don't know how much I want to tear my skin off my body
and become a whole new person.
You don't know how I self-sabotage
everything good in my life.
You don't know why I can't trust you
and you'll never know
my past or what's hiding
inside my mind.
418 · Jan 2019
new relationship
sankavi Jan 2019
we went into a relationship very fast
about 5 seconds after my breakup
you were just a rebound
a way to get over him at first

but now
i really like you
415 · Apr 2018
it wasn't me
sankavi Apr 2018
it wasn't my fault
none of it was
yet somehow
you make me feel so bad about it
you make me feel like it was all me

it wasn't your fault either
i never said it was

it wasn't your fault
but it wasn't mine either

stop making me feel ****** about it
you make me HATE you
405 · Jun 2018
sankavi Jun 2018
mirror mirror on the wall,
whos the most broken of them all?
I asked
i looked at the shattered glass and saw my reflection

am I the broken one,
or is it just you
403 · Mar 2019
it feels right
sankavi Mar 2019
being in your arms
and kissing you

it all just feels too right
401 · Jun 2018
broken hearted
sankavi Jun 2018
The pain is still present,
steady as my heartbeat
but is no longer overtaking me

My heart aches
literally aches just by the thought of you

I want you to know that everything I said was true
and never have I doubted my love for you

So goodbye for now
hope to see you in my de ja vu
399 · Aug 2018
meant to be
sankavi Aug 2018
I know we're meant to be
I'm just waiting for you to figure that out too
396 · Aug 2018
sankavi Aug 2018
to some
hope is just a word
to some its a feeling
394 · Nov 2018
too young for this
sankavi Nov 2018
how is it
that im only 14
and ive already hit rock bottom
i dont know how much deeper i can go

how is it
that im only 14
and alcohol and drugs are the only things keeping me alive
and making me happy

how is it
that im only 14
and i wanna die
why would someone wanna die so young

how is it
that im only 14
and ive already witnessed too many suicides
my mom trying to leave me each time
how am i supposed to love her again

how is it
that im only 14
and i dont wanna be on this planet anymore
with too many scars on my wrists
and cracks in my heart

why am i so sad
sankavi Nov 2018
"don't smoke cigs
they **** you"

well maybe that's what I want
it may not **** me right away
but its helping
and that makes me happy
390 · Apr 2018
broken soul.
sankavi Apr 2018
when you left you took my broken soul with you
leaving me with nothing


you took it all
leaving me numb

you took my broken soul
now it cant be fixed

i could've fixed my soul from some love and happinesses
but i cant anymore
you took everything away

i write poetry
trying to feel
but how do i feel without my sunflower soul

please give it back
i know you have it
please let me be happy
like a sunflower

but how can i be a sunflower
without my sun
you took my sun away
my brightness
my light
my everything


how can i ever be mad?
you once made me so happy
you were once my sun
you were once my everything

but soon you became my moon
the most beautiful moon
but the moon doesn't work for a sunflower

so no
i'm not mad
i just miss you
i want my broken soul back
i want my sunflower soul to be whole again
i want my sun back
even if that sun may not be you

i just want to feel.
388 · Jul 2018
so familiar
sankavi Jul 2018
I don't exactly know you yet
we haven't been talking for long
you don't really know me yet
but id tell you anything
I trust you

I feel like I've known you forever
you seem so familiar I want to know you forever

you feel like home.
377 · Sep 2018
sankavi Sep 2018
you're so amazing
and one of my favourite people
but lately, we've been talking less
my smile is slowly fading from the happiness you once brought to my life
I don't know how I feel about you anymore
I know I love you,
as a friend
but I don't know if I love you in that way
376 · Apr 2018
then you vanished
sankavi Apr 2018
you came into my life as a saviour
as if you'd fix all the broken pieces
as if you'd always be there
as if you'd stay
in the end, you left
leaving my soul with bandaids
soon the bandaids began to peel
and you werent there to save me

-you left me even more broken
371 · Apr 2018
sankavi Apr 2018
when did it all become so cruel
why is she better than her
why is it this instead of that
why cant i love myself
why cant i be myself
why do i have to be like everyone else
370 · Jun 2018
i still love you
sankavi Jun 2018
sometimes i just want to grab you and say
i'm better for you
i love you more than she ever will
i can treat you better
i'd make sure you know i care and that you're worth it
i just want you to know i love you
and i always will
i just want you to know whats on my mind
367 · Apr 2018
leave me
sankavi Apr 2018
its funny
i was there for you
i saved you from your darkest times
i was there

once you were fine
you vanished
you left

leaving me to save myself
i needed you to save me but you left when i needed you

- how can i trust you again
366 · Apr 2018
as a poet
sankavi Apr 2018
as poets
thank the pain
thank the sorrow
for it gives you something to write about

as poets
don't take the beautiful moments for granted
don't be afraid of happiness
because that too is something to write about

as poets
appreciate everything life throws at you
362 · Aug 2018
you're enough
sankavi Aug 2018
you think you're not enough
but you're everything I'm looking for
361 · Apr 2018
sankavi Apr 2018
i can care less that we aren't dating anymore
i just wish you would've stayed
i miss my best friend
bdchsdhcbshdbv it makes me so mad that once you break up you just end. like its over. done. like the friendship you built during that relationship doesn't even exist. i dont get it we were once best friends whyd that have to chang. life is so ******* up.
sankavi Dec 2019
if I was brave enough id tell you exactly how I feel
"Hey, I like you a lot, like a lot, a lot, maybe even love but I'm not quite sure yet. Don't ask me why because I'm not quite sure yet. Actually scratch that. I know exactly why. you make me feel all these emotions. happy, sad, angry, euphoric. all these feelings I've never felt before, you make me feel. every time I look at you I see and feel colours that don't even exist. seeing your smile makes me smile. the thought of losing you makes me tremble. your hugs send shivers down my spine. i know I barely know you and we haven't known each other but I really, really want you in my life for a long time. yeah, I like you a lot, I get it if you don't feel the same though."
and that is exactly what I'd tell him
I hope i do one day
352 · Apr 2018
choose me
sankavi Apr 2018
you know
you did have a choice
me or her
but you fell for her voice
her smile
her eyes
you fell in love with her
i was left behind
suddenly i didnt exist
i was your past
she is your future
351 · Oct 2018
*too* broken
sankavi Oct 2018
you know when you're broken when
nothing makes sense anymore
why do we do anything when we're all gonna die anyway
why do we get close to people when they're always gonna leave

no one is going to be there for you forever so what's the point of getting close to anyone
what's the point in showing all your love and affection to someone when all they're gonna do is hurt you

why do we try in school when what all school gives to us are depression and sadness
why do we work so hard to succeed in life when we're all gonna die one day
and we will all be forgotten one day, its inevitable

you know you're broken when the only thing that makes you happy is
stolen bottles of *****
the tiniest bit can go a far way
when smoking **** makes you smile and laugh more than you ever have in your life
when drugs and alcohol are the only things that make you happy

you know you're broken when you don't love or hate anyone
and you don't care enough to do so
you don't care enough to do anything anymore
just waiting until the beautiful day you die

and when that day comes you'll be the happiest

that's how you know you're broken
350 · Dec 2019
ocean eyes
sankavi Dec 2019
she loved the beach
and his eyes held the most beautiful ocean in them
im not tryna copy you @billieeilish *****
348 · Oct 2018
sankavi Oct 2018
I want to trust
but I can't
and I don't know if I ever will again

there was a time I trusted
far beyond the stars and moon

then one day it came crashing down like a meteor falling out of space
so out of place, it lies there broken
in an unknown place

here I am in a familiar place
not knowing where I am
who am i

i know everyone here not trusting a single soul
because they've all hurt me
always to leave

so here i am standing alone
in an unknown world
i don't want anyone

not anyone whos gonna leave
or hurt me
no one

id rather be alone
346 · Apr 2018
be mine. you make me feel.
sankavi Apr 2018
i dont know why i care so much
you were never mine
you never will be mine

but somehow
when i saw you
i fell for your deep brown eyes
i fell for your curly black hair
i fell for your cute, adorable dimple on your cheek when you smile
i fell for you
all of you

i dont even know what i feel
i just know that when i think of you i feel something
which brings me joy
feeling something feels amazing
ive felt numb for too long

please just be mine.
you bring back pieces of my broken soul
345 · Apr 2018
im done
sankavi Apr 2018
im done
im done writing poetry about you
im done thinking about you
im done texting you
im done
im done with you

i dont need you
all you do is hurt me
and make me feel like ****
putting the blame on me for something i couldnt control

youre not who i thought you were
and im done
if youre reading this you know who you are
336 · Jun 2018
sankavi Jun 2018
and in a room filled with people
i still feel lonely

i want you
i need you
i only want to be lonely with you
335 · Jun 2018
sankavi Jun 2018
do you ever just hurt for no reason? Not the type of hurting you get from falling on your knee. I'm talking about when your heart feels like ​it sank through your stomach and is falling out your bottom end. The type of pain you feel when you lose someone you love.. the type of pain you get when you realize that you and him will never work out, or when you never had him in the first place but your heart aches for him. Yeah it does hurt. You crave their touch, and want nothing more than to just talk to them for a few minutes. When you talk to them you feel like the rest of the world doesn't matter because they are just that important to you. You could not talk to them or see them in days, weeks, or even months and they could still be on your mind each and every single day. It's quite an empty feeling and nobody likes to feel it, however everyone seems to feel it at some point.
333 · Dec 2019
i fell for him
sankavi Dec 2019
do you ever fall for someone so hard?

so hard where you see the world in their eyes
when you see your happiness in their smile
when everything they do and say is adorable
when everything they say just makes sense
when every song and poem is about them
when all you wanna do is be in their arms forever
332 · Apr 2018
i can help
sankavi Apr 2018
i want to help
i know you say you're happy
i know you're not
i know you're lonely and scared
i see what others don't

let me in
i understand you
tell me you're not okay
ill be there for you
i wont leave
i love you

just give me a chance
trust me
i'm worth it
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