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332 · Apr 2018
i can help
sankavi Apr 2018
i want to help
i know you say you're happy
i know you're not
i know you're lonely and scared
i see what others don't

let me in
i understand you
tell me you're not okay
ill be there for you
i wont leave
i love you

just give me a chance
trust me
i'm worth it
327 · Oct 2018
sunflower and rose
sankavi Oct 2018
Don't Die From My Soul,
Sunlight Still Lurks In My Veins,
Imagination Quenches Your Thirst,
Though Your Roots Are Exposed,
I Kiss Every Petal,
To Keep You Alive

Don't Die,
You Are The Passion In My Garden Of Me,
Don't Let The Frost Over Take You,
Snowflakes Dance Around You,
Enjoy The Cold

Oh Sunflower,
It's Always Summer In My Garden,
Let The Showers Of Enlightenment,
Keep Your Petals Smooth And Age Free

Oh Rose,
Rose With Green Eyes,
Stay Strong,
Don't Let The Weeds Overtake You,
You Are Beautiful,
You Are The Pacemaker,
To Anyone Without A Heart,
If You Fail To Survive,
So Will I
327 · Jun 2018
once upon a time
sankavi Jun 2018
once upon a time
long ago
there was a you and me

i knew you once
and it was nice
silence was comfy
and we didnt have to try

i knew you once
long ago
you shared your secrets
and i shared mine

i knew you once
long ago
but where did you go...?
322 · Dec 2019
sankavi Dec 2019
how are you always on my mind
318 · Jul 2018
sankavi Jul 2018
there's something about you
that I can't quite understand

I don't know if I love you
or even like you as more than a friend
but every time we talk I seem to smile
and you're the best part of my days

talking to you makes me feel happy
I feel something I've never felt before around you

I don't know what we are just yet
but I know I want you to stay
318 · Nov 2018
sankavi Nov 2018
Mom, I'm sorry I manipulate you for,
The alcohol I feel I love more,
And Dad I'm sorry I pretend I'm naive,
About all of my bad deeds,
I tried so hard to stay dry,
But the rain it pours inside,
I'm drowning in my own self,
I'm suffocating with my mental health,
And I try, I try so hard,
To be who you care for,
The girl who laughs just cause she can,
Who asks for hugs before bed,
But I'm not her anymore,
And I'll never be moving forward,
But really I'm just someone,
Who feels way too much at once,
I cry at night when I'm all alone,
Dancing with my demons on my own,

Please don't hate me, I couldn't survive,
I do that enough for myself, and I can no longer hide,
That I don't have a problem with substances,
That I can recognize when I've had enough,

I'm so tired of pretending it's under control,
This feeling of alcohol that sings in my soul,
The cough syrup that makes my shaky thoughts,
Become shaky feet, legs, and hands,
I'd rather feel physically ill,
Than continue to be mentally unwell,
So I will continue to veer off the tracks,
And spin out of control, it's just a fact,
I have no sense of when to stop,
Please don't make me stop,
It's so hard to be in my own head,
Every day it's like a death,
I die a bit, a piece of me fades away,
And I'm sorry to inform you, to say,
I'm not okay, I'm just not alright,
With myself I will continue to fight,

Please don't hate me, I couldn't survive,
I do that enough for myself, and I can no longer hide,
That I don't have a problem with substances,
That I can recognize when I've had enough.
316 · Apr 2018
sankavi Apr 2018
it has been a year
since you've gotten over me
but like a bee without honey
i am here without you
without a love i will never find again
310 · Aug 2019
a never ending cycle
sankavi Aug 2019
i cut
i bleed
i want to die

i drink
i smoke
i stop cutting
im numb
im ok

i stop drinking
i stop smoking
i want to die
i cut
302 · Nov 2018
sankavi Nov 2018
we're all just a bunch of teens full of angst
looking for any way to escape
sneaking out at 3 am to run around laughing
telling someone you love them
doing something so rebellious
all with no regrets

we're all living the same boring painful life
thinking we're in so much pain when we all feel the same way

living in a boring small town
or a big city full of new adventures
we all are just waiting to finally find an escape
302 · May 2019
fairy tale ending
sankavi May 2019
I want a fairy tale ending
I want to meet the love of my life
I want to stay with him until the very end
I want to live in a big house with 2 dogs and 3 cats
I want 2 kids a boy and a girl
I want to be a writer
I want to die with all my goals accomplished
I want to die surrounded by the people I love

I haven't had a fairy tale beginning so far
I want a fairy tale ending
299 · Apr 2018
sankavi Apr 2018
and everything else started fading
when i lost trust
299 · Apr 2018
i wish
sankavi Apr 2018
if i could go back id do it all differently
i'd change the words i said
the people i chose
the things i did

i'd kiss you longer
i'd revive the moments we'll never have again
i'd hug you tighter
i'd tell you how much i love you
i'd tell you i need you

but i cant do anything about it now
your'e gone
i cant go back
i cant do it again
guys seriously dont take the people you have for granted, unfortunately i had to learn this the hard way. i had someone, he was amazing, like really amazing. i hurt him so much he came back everytime. until he stopped. when you have someone you love never ever let them go. youll never find someine like them again. love as hard as you can but stay strong, ily all sm
297 · Oct 2018
best friend
sankavi Oct 2018
you are my bestfriend
and i love you, i always will
i love our good morning texts
i love our conversations that lasts hours
talking about nothing, but everything at once
i love how we end each night by saying
"goodnight, i love you"
i love how i can tell you anything
i love you
and i always will
294 · Sep 2018
sankavi Sep 2018
there's a lot of things that make you so amazing
but I love the way you look at me
talk to me
smile at me

I love the way that I'm not awkward around you
i love how you give me butterflies
i love the goodnight and good morning texts
i just love everything about you
290 · Jun 2018
the end
sankavi Jun 2018
you know how when you run a huge race and you see the finish line and get so happy
you want the end to come so fast

thats me with life
sankavi Sep 2019

my 2 best friends

i hate writing about this again

i love both of them
but i think i like him as more than a friend
or maybe its because weve finally started talking again
after 9months
and everything just feels right
like it was just yesterday we were sitting at school talking and laughing

its been 9 months and I've changed so much
but when i talk to you i just go back to how i was

talking to you is so unhealthy for me
i keep reminiscing about the past
going over old texts and photos

i was over you
but how does one simple text bring back everything

i need to stop talking to him because i just miss everything so **** much and its messing with me
but i can't
i missed my best friend
and talking to him makes me so happy

but he likes her and she likes him
and no matter what happens that'll never change
all i can do is be happy for them
i really am happy for them
deanna im sure youll read this soon and i really actually want you to go for him, he loves you so **** much and i dont think thats ever gonna change. just dont hurt him :) i loveyou both and i dont think that can ever change either
283 · Apr 2018
sankavi Apr 2018
year after year
i fall once again
like leaves fall every autumn
just so everyone can step all over me
me roots then rise
i blossom
only to later fall again
-depression always comes  back
282 · Apr 2018
someone better
sankavi Apr 2018
you tell me
   "you'll find someone better"
i know i will
there are so many good people in the world
i'm sure i can find someone better

but what if i don't want someone better
what if i just want you
just you
no one else but you
all i need is you
just be mine
281 · Nov 2018
thought he was perfect
sankavi Nov 2018
we were perfect for eachother
...or so i thought

we were the exact same
which was the problem

we liked the same things
loved the same movies
had the same hobbies
and had the same personality

it sounds perfect
but we were both awkward
nothing new to talk about once everything was said
and nothing new or exciting

this was never going to work out
too bad i just realized
280 · Dec 2018
sankavi Dec 2018
"i love you, mom"
i feel like that shouldnt be a lie
i feel like you should be able to say that with full honesty

but i cant

i hate her with all my heart
i never wanna see her again

shes the reason for all my tears
for all my self-hatred
and for all my sadness

not all can be a mom
and i feel that i dont have one
sankavi Aug 2018
sometimes I need to know
why you like me
why you like talking to me
why you've been there for me all this time
and if you're gonna stay
I need to hear it over and over again
and i probably still wont believe it
but i just have to hear it sometimes
277 · Jul 2018
don't go
sankavi Jul 2018
people leave
all the time

"I promise I'll stay"

but they never do
and that's just the way life works
you don't really know whats gonna happen in life
you can't promise these things

people leave and come
its the way things work
even if you don't want them to leave,
they always do

but please
please stay
276 · Apr 2018
his eyes
sankavi Apr 2018
sometimes its not words that make poetry
his eyes... his eyes are my favourite poem
271 · Apr 2018
sankavi Apr 2018
i had an image in my head of you:

you understood me
you'd always be there
i can trust you with anything

i had an image in my head of you
and thats all it was
my imagination
what i wish things would be like
but you're different
nothing like what i thought you were

or maybe you were what i thought you were
in the past
not anymore though
you've changed

but maybe you've only changed to me
maybe you're still the same person to everyone else
but me
271 · Jun 2018
sankavi Jun 2018
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate you
I hate that I cant stop ******* loving you.
270 · Dec 2019
sankavi Dec 2019
I'm not in tact with my emotions at all
at one moment he's the one
he's the only one i need
he's the only one i want

and then I'm suddenly over him
suddenly I'm into someone new
268 · Jan 2020
sankavi Jan 2020
you were a perfect symphony
you were the most beautiful storm

and for a second there
I almost thought you'd be mine
266 · Mar 2019
talking to you
sankavi Mar 2019
talking to you feels right

every time we text there's a smile on my face
its not hard
our conversations flow so smoothly

you always know what to say and when to say it

I love talking to you
I hope you don't leave
264 · Jan 2019
a hopeless rant
sankavi Jan 2019
I'm terrible at showing emotion
to the people i love i act as I don't
i act like they can leave at any point
and id be fine

its hard
being too scared to let people in
being too scared to love

I've been left so many times
its my biggest fear
... but the truth is that its inevitable

people come and go
"everything happens for a reason"
but that's the biggest lie I've heard

is there a reason why my mom tries to **** herself
is there a reason that the people you love so much always leave
is there a reason why every day people die

that **** doesn't happen for a reason
that **** doesn't make you stronger

when people leave
it results in never being able to open yourself to the people who care
never being able to show how much you care
because you never want to care, about anyone

when you show emotion it means its real
and you don't want to care about anyone unless you know its real

ending up pushing away the people you care about
and pretending to love the people you don't

i can't open up to people
and show them i care
unless i know its forever
but its never gonna be forever
so why bother
256 · Apr 2018
i understand
sankavi Apr 2018
i see you
i really do
i see your pain
i see your beauty
i see your love

i see the scars on your wrists
i see that you're getting better
i see the strength in your eyes
i see that you're so much stronger from yesterday
i see that you will be stronger tomorrow

i see you.

i hear you
i hear you crying your heart out alone in an empty room
i hear the words you say
i hear the voices in your head shown by the sparkle in your eyes

i hear you.

i feel you
i feel your pain
i feel your soft precious skin against mine
i feel your scars
i feel the tears dribbling down your cheek

i feel you.

you're not alone
i understand you.
i see you.
i hear you.
i feel you.
i love you.
250 · Apr 2018
dramatic around you
sankavi Apr 2018
i wonder, did it ever cross your mind
to wonder how it felt to give my heart to you?
how it felt to break down my walls and bare my soul?

yeah, okay.
i admit that may have been a bit dramatic.
but i think that's just how it was with you.
i felt every word, every laugh, every smile
[and, truthfully, every carefully platonic touch.]
just a little too much to suit my cowardly self.

the thing is, everything you came from
[and everything you brought me, too]
was always just a little too much for me.
oh, but you know how much i like it when it hurts.

so, i let those walls fall down and i bared my soul.
i asked for nothing more than you could give,
and i gave you everything i could give in return.

but now, i suppose you never told me one thing.
you felt i wanted something more from you,
enough to take away the thing that made you smile.

but god, you know me better than the things you accused me of.
how many times and in how many words had i wished not for you,
but for the happiness i knew you deserved?

there is only so much i can say,
and even little that i can do,
to make things different.

and i have nothing left to give, anyway.
my heart is tired of beating, and my soul?
it's just tired of being pushed around.

so i'll back myself in a corner,
and watch the world pass by.
pray for you to forgive me and, maybe,
stop by and say hi.
248 · Feb 2019
sankavi Feb 2019
hello, boy who sits in the back corner in the class
to the boy I've never spoken one word to
to the boy I catch myself staring at
to the boy I know nothing about

247 · Apr 2021
sankavi Apr 2021
I've never loved anyone the way I love you
we're just friends but I am ok with that
I just want you in my life forever
I never want to lose hearing your laugh
seeing your smile
watching movies with you
hearing your voice
or just smiling as we're on call
i love you and i would do anything to keep you in my life
you mean everything to me
245 · Jan 2019
sankavi Jan 2019
i remember when i was just an innocent little girl
the only drugs were advil
and the only drinking was juice boxes
the only kisses were for my parents
and i never had to take back my "i love you"

i didn't kiss every boy who wanted to use me
and i didn't get wasted alone every night
i didn't cry over anyone
and the only worry in my life was how much candy ill get

i remember when my biggest fear was the dark
now; the thought of people leaving and heartbreak consumes me

i miss those days
245 · Nov 2019
sankavi Nov 2019
I've never felt "at home"
I never thought id ever find a place that felt like home

but then you came along
and nothing has felt more at home
than me in your arms
243 · Feb 2019
dear dad
sankavi Feb 2019
the second you thought to yourself
that hitting your own wife was okay
beating her to the point she can't get up
telling her to **** herself

is the second I realized you're not the person I used to look up to

you aren't my father, i don't know who you are
243 · Apr 2018
the other girl
sankavi Apr 2018
you break me when you call her baby
she took your heart from my hands
i didnt want to let go
she stole your heart from me
242 · Apr 2020
sankavi Apr 2020
i like to stay up all night
just to watch the sun rise
237 · Jul 2018
that feeling
sankavi Jul 2018
you ever get that feeling when you don't know what you're doing anymore.
237 · Jul 2018
caged bird
sankavi Jul 2018
I felt like a bird in a cage
being in love with you

but once I stopped thinking about you the cage vanishes
and I was free
229 · May 2019
sankavi May 2019
"high school"
the best and worst 4 years of your life

you make so many new friends
you lose so many old friends

you make new memories
as the old ones begin to fade

you have fun, go to parties
get  wasted, get grounded

old crushes to new boyfriends

looking back at it you only remember the good days

im only on my first year but i know
high school
will be the best and worst 4 years of my life
224 · Jan 2019
sankavi Jan 2019
how did i ever fall for him
maybe i fell for who i thought he was
or who i wanted him to be

maybe i fell for his laugh
or his eyes

well whatever it was
im done now

its great how you can go from loving someone to hating them
in a day
i dont know how i ever fell for you
223 · Sep 2019
sankavi Sep 2019
i think I'm ok
i feel ok

i think im happy
i think things in my life are finally going well

i know it sounds stupid
but i strongly believe all things happen for a reason
even if you're at your lowest
trust me it won't last

if something terrible has just happened
dont worry it'll teach you something important

every single person on this planet impacts someone in a positive way somehow

i don't know
i just believe whoever created this universe has a plan for us
and all you can do is trust that

I'm ok
everything is going to be ok
222 · Jul 2019
i just cut
sankavi Jul 2019
i just cut

i just cut

i keep saying that over and over in my head

i just cut

i was finally proud of myself
i went so long without doing it

i just cut

im not ok

i wanna die so badly

i just cut

i thought i was happy

i felt happy

i thought i wasnt depressed anymotr

i just cut

i dont want to live

i want to die

i just cut

i felt happy when i saw the blood dripping

im not happy

im not ok

im not good enough

im going to **** myself
i just know i will

im really not ok

i dont want to be alive

i want to take so many drugs

i want to be happy

i want to feel something again

i want to trust again

i want to believe again

i want to be happy again

i just cut
222 · Apr 2019
im here
sankavi Apr 2019
im here
thinking endlessly about you
thinking about our conversations
your smile
how it brightens up a room

youre there
thinking about something else
not me

im here
please notice me

i hate how i care more than you do
222 · Jul 2019
live your life
sankavi Jul 2019
living like tomorrow doesn't exist
live for yourself
not for other people who tell you who to be

tell that boy you like them
if he doesn't like you then **** it you don't need him

drink and smoke all you want
it's your life
do what you want

have fun at that party
kiss that person
that doesn't make you a ****

live for yourself
not to impress everyone
not to be liked by everyone

live for yourself
so when you leave this planet
you know you've done everything you wanted
219 · May 2019
are you happy now?
sankavi May 2019
he's the ominous boy I barely know
bright blue eyes
messy hair
never smiling
he's always just there

been hurt far too many times to count
does drugs to mask the pain

is it working though?
do you finally feel happy?
is killing your body fixing your soul?
219 · Apr 2018
sankavi Apr 2018
i see the ocean waves in his bright blue eyes
216 · Dec 2019
trust issues
sankavi Dec 2019
i have trust issues because ive been hurt
not by an ex or a crush
but by the person who was supposed to love me the most
my mom
213 · Aug 2018
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