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Oct 2024 · 632
Hide & Seek
Why am I chasing shadows
of scent I soon barely remember
When the whole universe has warned me
to hide your every last bit of presence
Yet why am I still..
wishing for more..
Aug 2024 · 522
Shade II: Crimson
A sigh of relief,
and reassuring smile.
Finally figured it out
with a second glance;
noticing that familiar presence.
There you are,
"Figure Red"
a sequel to Figure Red storyline
Aug 2024 · 547
Figure Red
Seeing you at first glance,
vermilion red;
A smile runs through your face
as our gaze connected.
"dedicated to a certain soul"
Nov 2023 · 657
I dedicated this to you
Our brightest star;
The blooming lotus flower
Our kindest soul;
The moon that watches over us
Butterflies scattered around the fields
Reassuring us that your soul is at peace

Even till the end meets
Your smile was everything

Thank you for all the memories
You've shared every second of
Never expected the grief would come so soon, losing someone sure is hard.
Keep your loved ones close and hug them tight everyone <3
Aug 2023 · 932
An Ode to My Adolscence
You have traveled thousands of miles
From East to West

Resting upon times
Blindly heading toward the future
The times you've taken those fives
It'll bloom even brighter

Now you can run as far as you want
Till you lose your breath;
but not your pace
Fear not, you have paved your own way then

The future is gonna be okay;
and I'll still be here to stay
Till you have reached your destination
a letter to me from me
inspired by the song "D-Day" by AgustD
Jul 2023 · 2.7k
Deep Musk, Woody Roses
now it reminds me of you
that lingering scent,
I knew it all too well
the soothing fragrance
that lulls me to sleep
here's to another day
trying to get over it
Jun 2023 · 1.8k
Truth Unfolds;
Words cut thru swords
Spreading far like wildfires
I am here standing in dire

Dive deeper so you'll discover
but I won't meet you there
Back on land
my mind is a mess. my thoughts keep circling around.
Feb 2022 · 2.4k
A Cassette of You
Repeat my name in each verse
Flowing within melodies

Sing me to sleep
A lullaby or a love verse
Take me into a new universe
Every time you say my name

Repeat this tune
And play it all-day
Until the day comes
We could be in each other's arms
rewind these tape, play it once or twice
can't get enough of you
Feb 2022 · 758
White Empty Room
In the corner of the room
Crouched down, trembling
In the corner of white walls
Loomed over shades of grays
lost in my own thoughts trapped in my own dark mind
Your feelings are valid
Your differences are unique

It's okay to feel assured when others don't
It's okay to step back when others sprint

Your feelings are valid
Even if it goes to extreme
It is still valid
not sure if it's a poem but just crumbs of my thoughts

archived May 2020
Jun 2020 · 271
4 am
the warm rays that used to engulfs me
now starting to fade

where does the tunnel lead to
cause I can't see where the end is
archived May 2020
May 2020 · 214
Take a Five
Take     five    
my friend
take five for your soul
things have been hectic
so loosen up a bit
from the tensed up thoughts
and endless lingering affection
we needed at the moment
     take      five    
for a moment
rewinding our soul back to its origin
where we could see everything so clearly
rewind, take fives
at this moment
so we could communicate to ourselves
better again
archived April 2020
May 2020 · 272
Staying Sane by Moonlight
Don't carve me out, I am not a diamond
Because I still got a mask to hold on to.
I can't let this facade loose, so I can face on the world

Nights after nights
These juices keep seeping inside me,
Getting me blinded by those artificial lights

Holding it high, grabbing it by the fragile neck
Pouring it all at once, shots by shots
As I keep dawning myself till I can't hold on no more
Darkness started to invade, putting me to have a good night's rest.
archived April 2020
Does it even matter anymore?
                To put together a broken ceramic.
                               It's Art they say; but few understand.

                Does it even matter anymore?
                               To put on garments around my feets
                                              That are used to the shards.
archived Feb 2020
May 2020 · 144
In some nights, accompany appears
archived May 2019
May 2020 · 328
At last, my comrades

Be at ease now

For I have slaughtered its company

Ergo, the dawn rise

And the dusk deepens
archived May 2019
May 2020 · 187
Unwind Me
Just a bit tangled along the way
Things have been looking a little bleak
As if I've made these static sound myself unconsciously

Ruminating over and over
If I browsed over my memories
Will I be able to find my answer?

Midnight whispers lullabies and twisted thoughts
Projected with bizarre utopian visions
Since when do my head is filled with these



Unwind me

Just like a wind-up toy
Maybe I'll restart my own being altogether eventually
archived April 2019
Apr 2020 · 144
Sometimes I questioned myself,

What does my existence mean to others?

What roles do I have

Being around society.

Am I just a pierrot?
Am I your stress ball?
Am I your mirror on the wall? or
Am I just your add-ons to your cart?

Am I written on your favorite list?
Am I categorized at the end of the list?
Am I reaching my expiry date? or
Am I just a mystery bundle that's so bizarre?
archived Oct 2018
Apr 2020 · 530
Let's go back to history
Where TVs aren't voiced

Let's play a game,
Where you guess what am I thinking;
without me voicing it out

Let's do some quiz
Where you guess what am I feeling right now
behind my masked self

Let's do some roleplay
Where you become a psychic
and me giving you the telepathy

I wonder...
Will it reach through...
archived Oct 2018
Apr 2020 · 185
Remnants of Equinoxes
I've always thought that I have healed myself from the open wound before. But I've never realized that all this time, I'm just covering up my wounds along with the changing of seasons.

The spring breeze;
    that blows my past worries away with the dancing sakura petals
The bright summer sun;
    that reaches upon my darkest corner, showering me with its
    utmost warmth
The changing color of leaves;
    that turns my life resolution from monochromatic to vivid hues
The cold white snowstorm;
    that keeps piling up, upon my open wound

Not even the four seasons could ease the pain,
Nor the mesmerizing landscape could help me escape
Nothing, but myself to end this war alone...

Till the ends of time, until another season comes;
these struggles keep goes on...
archived Jan 2018
Apr 2020 · 169
Lyfe is a Joke
If my whole life was a lie,


Why do I feel pain from the truth?
archived Oct 2017
Apr 2020 · 219
Night Cycle
Never knew I was being missed after a long time

that the voices inside my head decided to greet me every night lately.
It's been a while since I wrote something here, but things have been so hectic lately, and I just felt like coming back with my thoughts for the past few missing months and years. :)

archived Feb 2018
Feb 2018 · 851
Admitting Oneself
Admit it.
That you're a potato that grows underneath the soil.

Admit it.
That your roots have been spreading along within earth.

Admit it.
That nobody has tried to dig a hole.

Admit it.
That one day, you'll grow beneath the ground.

Admit it.
That you'll grow stronger roots and eventually a branch.

Admit it.
That you'll grow into a big, tall tree.

Acknowledge it,
starting from beneath the ground, you will gain even stronger roots to hold you up until now.
The planted roots, to support you,
that has grown into a bigger tree, heading up towards the blue sky.
because I'm just a potato, trying to survive in the wild.

I've been inactive for a quite long time, but I'll make sure to come back once a week with new tales to tell. :)
Mar 2017 · 631
A Step Towards Tomorrow
Isn't   amazing   how   the   darkest   pit    of   a   soul   could    eventually   spark   the   brightest   light   in   their   life  ?
May 2016 · 995
Everything has been torn to pieces
just like how old roses falls
there is nothing left to show,
not even specks of dust,
from every single side, front to back,
nothing have been left behind.

Hardships, despair, lost,
they say every goodbye comes with a new start,
but what I get have always been a goodbye.

Old dead roses fade away
and so is my existence
the once sharp thorns started to blunt
just like how bland my days have become

But every day is a new life, a new page,
roses will grow again,
prickling its thorns to those who hurts
Standing tall and pretty,
Just like how I will stand for myself,
Rejuvenate and grow
along with those roses loved by everyone
And until then, I will become,
that roses behind every thorns.
I just wanna make something out of my name, but apparently I expected too much, anyways, please enjoy my new post :) I will do my best to start writing better ones.
May 2016 · 1.6k
inner // unveiled
through art, it conceals
through art, it reveals

I speak symbolism,
only eyes and mouths that bear the fruition of my words can seek for truth

let the wind blows, let the storm howls
be it a fault or a foul,
only those eyes and mouths that bear the fruition of every truth I hold
could seek for clarity within them all

I was born for agony, not harmony
I was born to ride the waves, not streams

through art, it suppresses
through art, it unveils
May 2016 · 1.9k
"Life is a ****"

Life can be a ****, dragging you down to the utmost depressed state.


Life can be a ****, like those cute emoji that everyone loves.

Life can hit you so hard, but
Life can also bring you to heavens of joy

It all depends on how you perceive yourself against the world

Life is a ****,
be the worst ****
or the loveable emoji.
so which path will you choose?
happiness or sadness?
either way, cheer up and have a nice day! :)
May 2016 · 649
I am Speaking the Truth
I never told you that I was always good.
Nor do I told you that I was always true.
May 2016 · 1.3k
.I am fine
.What are you talking about
.Don't you mind about me
.I am fine
.Do not worry too much
.What are you talking about
.I am good
The full stop is there for a reason ;)
Apr 2016 · 514
Letting Go.
Letting go of your dreams is like letting go of your existence in the world.
Reach them, and don't leave them.
Just like how you would save your soul and life in danger.
don't be afraid of obstacles ahead, it will soon clear out by the time you didn't realise it's existence.
Apr 2016 · 674
A Piece of Advice
Life is hard indeed, but **** it up, for time won't stop and wait for you.
Get moving and walk to your dreams. Time is ticking, and so are you.
Don't get so stuck up in your position, but get ahead of what you are right now. Time will always move constantly, but you can accelerate yourself, so do your best, and run towards your dream. **** all of your problems and hardships, because that is what we call it as: L I F E.
:) :)
Sep 2015 · 1.4k
"When life gives you lemon, make lemonade."
Freshen up your day with a glass of lemonade!!! :DD
Aug 2015 · 758
Grand Day
15th August:

It supposed to be my grand day,
Where people celebrates my birth,
Throwing parties and hand shakes,
Spelling out birthday wishes,
and kisses.

In reality,
I wasted my grand day.
I sit back and isolate myself.

It was supposed to be my grand day,

But I felt that it doesn't even matter,
to not celebrate it anyways.

It was supposed to be my grand day,

But nothing can stop my dull emotions,
and decided to let my day goes away.

It was supposed to be my grand day,

But no one seem to care about it anyways,
and so I kept my second week of August dull,
avoiding conversations and outings.

2 months ago, I had a dream,
of me, lying down in my death bed.
I screamed out of frustration of being death,
but gladly, it was only a dream,
that woke me up from my bed.

It was supposed to be my grand day,

Where I would be the main character on the 15th August,
Doing things I could not do, and
Enjoying the luxury for one day.

It was supposed to be my grand day,

That I must be grateful,
that I lived,
and aged another year,

But somehow...
These days...

I felt that birthdays are just another day,
and I felt there is no necessary need to celebrate it.

It was supposed to be my grand day,

But these days, I don't even mind about these things,
I am not that old yet, but
Seeing through my days,
Putting a full stop to my timeline
would still be an okay for me.
I just had my birthday, but this is the first time I never give any attention to it. Am I missing something in my life? Did I do something? Is it okay for me to be like this?
Jul 2015 · 519
They said:
"It's all about ME, ME, ME, ME! I'm sick of your ego and narcissism."

Is it that bad for me to release all my burden through stories and artworks?
I just realise that I expose myself too much in some cases, but I just can't describe every situation through talking, so I decided to express it through another fun way to get to know me... is it really that bad to expose my thoughts in other forms?
Jul 2015 · 1.1k
I am not a big fan of chocolates,
I am not a big fan of cheese,
I am not a big fan of snacks,
I never can drink any sodas,

Yes, I consider myself different.

I never had been drunk,
I never overeaten foods,
I never went out night,
I never had been involved in a community,

Yes, I do feel that I am different,

at least I saw it from my narrow point of view.

But I'm no different from the others,

One thing that everyone has been doing for months and years,

Writing poems in Hello Poetry,
expressing each story, or just some random words.
I don't even know what I'm talking about :/ Good Day!
Jun 2015 · 1.1k
5 Nights
The days when I met you had been 5 nights,
Seeing all stars and sun moves,
I tilted around your centrum,
Forcing me to get dragged down by your gravity,
Leaving me spinning around your orbit.
What have happened during these 5 nights? Enjoy my new post :)
Jun 2015 · 2.9k
Head Over Heels
I got my head over heels,
There is a pair of heels on my head,
Over the heels lies a head,
Over the head I got heels.

There are heels over those heads,
It lays over my head on heels,
A pair of head and a pair of heels,
I throw it over the head,
Heels fall on other's head.

My words keeps getting mixed up,
with heels heads over it,
glazing over my words like heels,
I have lost some senses.

Senses to feel these high heels,
Sitting on top of my head,
The heels I wear,
keeps ruining every particle of my brain.

The heads over the heels, it cracks me up.
I must have gone really mad,
For I had my head over heels on you,

Standing on gravity with my 12 cm heels,
laying it over my head...
Head over Heels,

I Love You!! :D
I just wanted to try on a new storyline, and this is what I got. Have a nice day! Share the love~
May 2015 · 423
Nothing seems to amused me,
I got no interest in some things for now.
Interaction have gone to minimum,
but food keeps me awake.

The fear i had for words around me,
logophobia they named it.
Anxiety keeps kicking in like a gun to my weak heart,
leaving me on guard to my surroundings.
Frustrated over nothing,
tears come falling down in dawn.

The tightening of chains in my chest,
started to bleed slowly, killing me inside.
If life is going to be this tough,
why do I need to get involved?

If there is a term to explain this,

Is this the start of depression?
i don't feel like doing anything lately..
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
If Tomorrow Never Comes,
I am ready to accept my fate,
I am not afraid of this path you have chosen, Lord,

I have no rights to enjoy things in this world,
I have no will to stay too long,

If tomorrow never comes to me,
If my eyes would not open in daylight,

I am ready to take my fate,
I am ready for Your time,

I am here Lord,
I surrender and give all my life back to You,

But if You had Your plan on me,
I am willing to accept that as well,

If You Lord, have planned another route for me,
I will thank you Lord for this second chance,

And I will take this opportunity to give my everything for You,
For You have trusted me all along,

I will walk away from my fears,
I will walk in Your light,

For I,

am not afraid to DIE.
I got inspired by my old teacher who got treated in the hospital due to lung cancer, she used to teach us with lots of care and love, but ever since we graduated, she lives fighting her pain, and recently, she just finished her operation, still fighting till the end :') I hope her well soon. (I'm sorry I can't be there)
Apr 2015 · 9.7k
I feel suffocated talking to lots of people,

I feel so lonely in every parties I attended,

I can not stand the crowds all time,

I feel scared about their thoughts on me,



Do I feel so secure expressing myself in verses and lines,

Voicing every pieces of my thoughts and story,

To the people I never met face-to-face,

And gladly accept any critiques to my words...
I don't really enjoy being the center of attention, and if I can, I choose chat over phone, but somehow, I enjoy doing all things in HP :) I openly express everything in black and white!
Apr 2015 · 1.0k
Lost and Found
I just lost something, and I need someone to find it for me,

Mar 2015 · 462
Writer's Block
All I see within the pure white paper are blots of black ink.
I have a lot of work to do that it blocks my way to update my poems. :( i really wish my work is done, but somehow, it piles up...
Feb 2015 · 867
Start Line
I need to step back right away,
before I would start anything again

I need to back off and let it be
before I would be falling deeper into you
Recently I did found someone I'm interested to, but somehow, it doesn't feels right to start liking this person. Things just got really hard and I'm confused now .__.
Feb 2015 · 538
It takes seconds to hate someone,


It take years to love those who have hurt you so deeply.
Loving your enemies might be the hardest thing to do, but,
it's Valentine's Day!
Love one another!
Feb 2015 · 700
Empty Shell
I do own everything,






an­d yet








Feb 2015 · 744
If they say that life is a chosen path,

why do I always ended up choosing the darkness in my life,

even if there's a slight spark of light sneaks in the whirlpool inside me,

diving into the deepest pit of my soul.
I just realized recently and this thoughts keeps haunting me... why do i choose to be sad and  depressed everyday, letting my tears down secretly even though nice things happens in my life...i don't know why
Jan 2015 · 2.8k
Weakness = Strength?
I'm scared of pain,
I'm scared of blood,
I'm scared of heights,
I'm scared of blades,

maybe that's why ending my life would be

mission impossible for me.

I'm scared of clowns,
I'm scared of spiders,
I'm scared of horrors,
I'm scared of dark rooms,

I guess that's why I seem to live up my days,

holding against all hardships, troubles, and fear in me,

leaving "the end" out of my bucket list,

for all of my cowardliness has saved me instead.
I have faced a lot of things in life, but not even once I thought of ending every pain I faced...
I guess I'm such a coward after all.
Jan 2015 · 819
Mad Clown
I   am   a   mad   clown   who   sings   a   lullaby .
This   time   I   wanted   to   dance   to   the   music .
This   year   I   am   going   to   sing   to   your   day .
And   today   I   am   going   acoustic .
I   am   a   mad   clown   who   sings   in   harmony .
Have a nice day!
Jan 2015 · 462
At Dusk (20w)
The night I see, are the shower of lights,

pouring down within my eyes...

B R I G H T,  S P A R K L I N G,  J I N G L I N G

The Golden Night
Enjoy my new post!! :D
Jan 2015 · 660
I own thousands names

I created hundreds of birth-dates

I set up tens of passwords


I hold ONE truth,

clear as day

transparent as water

bright as light of ray...

It is,

The words I speak,

The stories on each verse

The thoughts I lay upon white sheet

The rhythm to my heartbeat...

I convey this to you,

Through one poem,

*this single truth I speak.
Writer's block for 2 weeks stopped me from creating another poem :(( but somehow I managed to write this one,
I hope you enjoy it!!!
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