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in track
of attire
that my
grudge require
a witch
so blue
with idol
now witch
with hers
will entitle
our country
was permanent
waves in
Hatboro that
I'll always
gander with
a yarl
a song of america
Strata upon her lope with hope to everyone
when leaves would fall betwixt these righteous paths
whether your forks gathered rain

as autumn found together in sheer delight
where dryness perchance had provoked many living trunks
and maple syrup was flowing from sap
so delicious these hot cakes fulfilled grace and picnics in Eagles Mere.
A recreational community in  Northern Pennsylvania.
an earl
of gray
in this
Whig from
Bombay made
tonight sapphic
in jeers
made polling
where higher
men defame
the titans
and the
doctrine of
the land
as sight
of indespicable
lancing boils
when grainy seas
are wholly shrilly
their fulcrum grants coquille
with hair's tied asunder
till this expedition cloud
will turn her under again

when they'd dock by her mountains
in the rain of yesterday's news
while their heels soon die
in the murky waters nigh
by the sunset or tomorrow
if she'll be with me again
in woebegone togs
a horse
has pone
in luxury
but his
banana drove
caviar in
a steeplechase
if sketchiness
was juvenile
that dinned
there in
gallantry with
my reconnaissance
left indelible
awhile in
retro and
hip hop
a tower in spaniard
A ritual
of lust
is my
attitude to
play as
victuals there
subordinate trust
oft hype
where hyperbole
may end
politics of
right and
result in
death as
eco is
new house
with pep.
A boy may clement
uniquely this role
with unequivocal height
he only instill insight
and achieve with a hardship
his resolve short of abandonment
while remiss with quiver  
to shake, shiver and quake
always trim the alabaster
with an ecumenical salve.
She was an argonaut
that paper nautilus discreet
where an edict for office
still home for a style
if their buzz did set a trend
that syndicated grams  
and lingered with a spruce Cabernet
while it torched their foray  
that whirred travel to the dale
of Welsh Mount Snowdon  
where I sought Kopechne
if squires didn't vaunt missions
with these measured students
and were really left behind!
a resume from chappaquiddick
a rover
of Dover
met his
match when
his feelings
were hurt
in a
pumpkin patch
and liken
to his
hitch where
government zoned
Eddie their
force indoctrinated
as his
thimble crashed
this weasel
A note about a buddy
ah traverse
the towns
with mine
along and
together and
where deep
pants shrill
only alarm
regulatory enzymes
and my
quill with
butter would
still lease
the peace
with total
abandon and
apartheid outlawed
what was
at stake
there with
Homeric and
that equality
must examine
rush with
Fredrick now
outcome with
that matter
so embrown
Grecian with
extemporaneous wile
in this
mound of
their debate
a hard
battle won
the filly
that would
frock and
while she
fought for
their favor
and fraught
with flack
when she'd
take their
broken heart
while guns
supplanted the
naked truth
in America
a dogma
that inter-
nuncio drew
sultry where
gotham despite
arms was
proctor of
circle that
could emboss
pathos in
guise of
rouge that
flew in
grace still
an alkaloid
with quantum
effect beyond
a man
like Rasputin
was dire
with Calamity
Jane as
the plains
now Urban
Cowboy and
a star
hunted in
Texas while
her beck
sleeves would
resign in
theater there
as Theresa
May crown
a fruit
is a
daisy that
life is
crazy with
decadent mother
de re
and hazy
to tan
her skin
barely treason
to meet
the cadre
and reopen
the beach
again for
the season
a golden band
a bomb
was theirs
this set
up a
tired lore
that traces
of metals
were gone
fore the
law stood
there betwixt
the misrule
then rush
to patterns
again but
replete with
bête noire
traffic patterns are reason for eruption
a virile  
epicurean there
rival math
by their
dare that  
vaccinate this
flaw while
back in
time their
tree was
shared and
with breadth
of human
involvement lain
this hedonist
an affect
in a
champion's quest
as Jacob's
ladder alas
chary puff
adder as
his ascent
harried suffragette
herein the
milkweed but
wary she
fled if
a rabbit
heard her
plea again
and butterflies
here like
epistle with
wind chimes
an ascent to god
Equality was
with a
delay in
time made
this inuit  
but trade  
"dreep" in
creep was
morning came
with a
price as
scrupulous but
time ahead
is autistic
in their
thunder game
o'er mercury
As he
is a
sign that
all things
save this
mud as
spines wither
eventfully that
he vowed
the riverbed
was her
current that
declined their
notion of
incidence here
with this
eternal surmise
A law of incidence
If transparent
a token
promiscuous now
in freefall
and spy
of equanimity
though treason
nigh fortuity
with desire
hone awhile
storm is
lust and
inherently strife
that renegade
spliff come
this ring
of fire.
Investigation  is apparanent
A merger
in trust
for maddow's
a bust
that make
her square
with her
offense that
snare deeds
that evoke
innuendos with
republicans that
newly file
returns these
later dates
and oft-counter
claims inside.
a sweet
little french
fry to
dip in
her basket
when 'tis
Spokane in
a thrill
nearby to
enjoy the
river of
nesting pine
in this
spectacular  view
of spring
with ours
in design
a place to vacation
summer heat
is smooth
thus behoove
a president
to make
the wall
and fight
to keep
the right
wing and
drag under
this tent
with steadfast
loyalty and
thier families
first will
bear arms
a note on immagration
He chokes
paper and
inhibits law  
there in
habitual way
as he
lumped this
load on
my community
with popular
dogma still
ministry of
the house
though the
township nigh
but a
hospital standard
A word on healthcare
I've gone
there why
in matter
of sands
and if
taken this
photo when
hers flash
in mine
this cartoon
gosh was
her ***
vehemently shone
inside the
cove that
the bulb
would entertain
l love
you now
as yer
turn table
extol in
excess for
sea with
a kick
that the
new wave
let her
ride here
but a
train in
Tokyo spit
her under
toe awhile.
a propitious
look hinge
as whether
marlin snug
hallow fecund
water depth
yet rotary
band that
circle their
nets as
wires that
web thier
dire nots
with odds
of winning
this perfect
marine harbor
a note on Florida
devise return
that cheat
young glam
in style
of greek
lit that
suppose ****
in rose
knew pink
while law
with taboo
was dark
and shy
the lawyer
so nigh
in briefs
and sets
He will rap in condo
and made honey in sea
that flounders there
and will lure cat to whim
that always a superlative eat
will net her curry
with splendiferous grins
inside hour of distress
as Viennese now Mozart
though Europe will glimmer
these peoples are goldeness
that Ferdinand will land here
in this time of tragedy again
and willingly muster a precious wish.
A medley
in dictum
as foreseen
anglicization collect
beat swimmingly
with intrigue
in literature
and euphemistically
tell realization
that further
eyewitness in
plurality with
fealty in
foreign affairs
here that
schlepp peace
with ferrety.
Prelude in peace
A hippodrome as smoke adjourn
those can wrap Havanas blunt
while Manila fish for sordino
they reek of harvest yet exhume Moro
then San Mateo shall not a maraschino bane
whether they've sought bastion in Italy then
once their hopes shall keep ships ahoy
and Sabatini sing San Marino here
that sandcastle star await his lover in
"The Sea Hawk" a fine costume whence sail
those Antilles with a conquistador as buttress
in this play they call Those Philippines alas meet
El Duarte in a duet with his song set aflame with
great sleeves in such kleptocracy worldwide again.
A thoroughness here was her house
as she'd listen inside a glibly lit room
her whispers would doom in doubt
so forcibly heathen her lover's twitch
bright as her soul made ex spruce glow
but her midland east of Old Blue
soon her lakelet suburb dawned flatlander accent
mere document in fervid upswing
on porch of antiquity round inlaid flag.
a maverick
that arms
a hill
where stone
falls below
the schell
and turtles
alarm pacific
those showers
may a
solstice here
in canyon
peak now
trigger of
root passes
without symmetry
in cloud
fight fire
an orient
with me
was this
platitude if
salt didn't
rhyme this
time that
a tempest
on the
horizon never
realized for
this endeared
pace as
the water
in the
**** by
the bay
a river by the bay
gonzo machines
blow snow
and leaves
but the
wind also
carries their
load but
wedge the
road there
as ice
melts but
salt exposes
that collects
like dust
to stack
this side
of tarmac
a union is granted a pie
and cleanse their rye
when a tunic can sequester mobs
only cries in these houses pale crumbs
as they succumb to climes in poles
that keep their fry hush in throes
and below the ground frowns peal the town
as ice is temperately bound
whether ponds here roast white supremacy
as rhetoric was xenophobia
and rose from their chaos
now the national street
that sought their limb
and the financier in London
a word on democracy
a brave
boo suit
belfry bat
and gob
for her
*** up
the line
and Oviedo
worried in
romance wouldn't
dire the
leader with
a draw
but this
question not
heard flew
the coup
A door
of trust
there may
open this
floodgate as
more orientals
come to
America again
in hopes
that their
meeting now
succumb as
such their
people live
well here
and want
eqaul pay.
a tie
is strong
smashing debris
that drill
piles a
twist of
hers in
skies that
drew nine
to stay
there in
the tropical
air and
it's kind
daring speed
will bound
the question
swift in relief
as dyne
packed parch
and hard
in pettifog
with hopes
of his
fine lore
would evoke
lavender oil
then exhume
reed with
desire there
longing Rembrandt
but with
gallivant now
ripe with
more gestalt
a gas with a reed
Where travail is nigh
but akin to her salary
the season is in throes
no kilter in resurgence
in these skintight jeans
on a Friday night here
that bowels have broke tide
and like an AK-47 hubbub
she had fought her way
with corsair and new party cochair
where hot and **** corsets mare
Epitome of
criminal justice
here behest
craft only
mojo will
sail in
lofty waters
of gran
why her
tides shall
demand that
her government
shall inoculate
then a
mission to
reap harvest
in law.
as she's
taken awestruck
that her
inhibitions tuck
her smoothly
that post
her triumph
where silky
swivels exclaim
how willingly
her mantra's
buck begin
this cool
tale only
beguile this
gristle or
a snook
a bowl game victory
I prattle
this glory
of green
mountains with
this grateful
horse on
its way
to New
Orleans but
where they
both find
Lovers Lane
in Dallas
on their
mile this
chosen heel
with filibusters
A break in the battle
A glorious hstory of jew in his array of spirit today
that rose on a dream where bona fide with proprietorship it posted its golden way in a suburban place near the bay.
This glorious monument of her time with mayoral sublime
and a museum grew a Buckminster Tavern extemporizing resound
she lie in midst of my siren that denizen Yankees.
a guy
in wild
sox seize
this roof
with threadbare
darts and
trim top
with gad
of post
and prove
velvet goest
with cream
here this
base ardently
shin eaves
in our
free fall
Friar was
free with
a thong
of girls
here to
ding then
wandered to
a tong
then wired
their president
there asleep
but soon
got home
to marry
who she
let resign
again tonight
a friar's fridat night
I was
hers and
still toggle
their feature
as this
cluster in
maudlin with
alluvion tears
as rain
only to
gape acquiescence
there and
strengthen peace
of mind
or frizzy
hair ends
the medallion
a way
of seeing
the glory
was harry
but retort
future warning
as thus
her earring's
a drift
and upon
this ceiling
rift was
her full
circle blithe
and the
first day
of spring
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