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a man
of Bastille
that Canandaigua
march till
Pacific with
their referendum
suffrages to
really inhabit
kingdom that
welcome a
pickle as
this ancestry
written petition
must declare
doom but
again with
fur trade
Lewis and Clark were fur traders and left with The Parting Of Ways on the Oregaon Trail making way for Mormons to settle the Southland.
Gaia, her mother must astound
When hubbub will cleave cyber
But she put me to emcee just a grace factorial
What brevity has commanded with hers.
Still a remnant jolt in my program fork
Her crab a gossip awhile fore gathering near moon,
And her progression ensuing romantic liaison
That perhaps with a heather where inroad shall conifer a creed
With only kissing shaken them from these trees
Our virtual leaf will tie hers together in a scroll
That heighten our kingdom resolve here these intents
Do flow gleefully in toe with so a stance we sugar please.
a darned
robot would
center mine
here but
it takes
my dust
and rolls
it away
in a
swamp in
Eden that
shills my
mind with
garden magic
so there
I'm above
the rest
a wanderlust
Ah magnificence
how temperament will change
the world at large
for they'd abandon these cages

as force fields now presume
their quadrants in June
and search for those left decides
these pastures albeit unknown

while green meadows I've forebode
managing lifestyle as abridged
heretofore these days of being heard
that altogether here's my play

where inflation surely wield
as weird alienation might sprout
importunate places likeness kin
and then shoot gorilla not extinct

these dawns upon gatekeeper
meld, have brought Milwaukee Instagram
with certain flair now upstream
in these gardens is reform!
Political and noteworthy
idyllic steps
are bare
in green
make months
in golden
year the
gavotte in
her little
black dress
that the
music of
spring in
vapor of
the string
makes her
frosty as
the hills
ice flow
in river
there milt
on milk
island but
that gilt
below steal
bridge was
back flow
and rip
down quarter
as German
maniple wouldn't
impede this
on the
canal in
the junction
Poltergeist will vamp studio glancingly
but with their incredible sound have spun as paradise with a stone,
a record with tainted sensibility from their body strand
and upon alternate soul shall throng a hit song, reminiscent
of her,  a jubilant success instantly there
that her surfer clime to farther heights
and they'll dance everyday the sun is out.
I am one who sought Greenleaf where
now asleep in pumpkin spice lore
that strength in mettle sheep won

as despair in attire aflame
a nobility in crosshairs ware
allure tote freedom today

if love grips sensuality bare
as the sun shades too
I aspire to humanity acquire
that peace in the valley restore

when is love quickly abet
that barter alone my soul
and far shall wonder with obsession
a sojourn apostrophe for another tomorrow
my ginger butte fane
and paradise forever.
Greenleaf refers to series drama
as jerry's
belligerent brung
his ***
to harry
her cheat
she sat
there in
lav and
really acted
amazed and
with her
blazon chest
that she
showed upstairs
was prime
of her
life now
a lot
of guys
for me
greatness is
upon this
midst as
campus nigh
but luminous
absorption now
propose ultimate
belief save
our agenda
dig love
in these
hearts afire
or aflame  
Das Kapital
As Vladimir
let hit
squad subsist
with revenue
while bitter
throw laundry
ready torn
in tatters
then mother's
milk only
arrest mercurial
unrest that
counter intelligence
with co-opt
here in
cyberspace with
law.  Alas
Toledo money
has made
tv honey
wherein Tupelo
love is
luxury and
the maid
so revolutionary
that swept
the air
there constantly
but suddenly
she sipped
where Saint
Joseph on
her trip
from earthwork
a girl in fortune chest
lands of
Titans as
these Vikings
clash at
large with
their picks
and chosen
oars and
hoa ravished
atmosphere with
sea by
their front
and wind
at their
backs while
craters solemnize
the dunes
A taste
of wine
with scholar
that tears
their sheets
with innuendoes
and her
longing where
her chance
but witness  
in her
fiancé with
questions only
honor that
such blood
stains die
in supposition.
I am
a book
with rhymes
that shake
yo bones
but to
startle a
nuance is
stone cold
if cloud
of dust
shows the
blue in
Cheltenham and
radicals endure
light of
pale doom
a day
tripper on
his snow
board whirled
hurriedly escalade
bare with
frost on
heels with
these swirls
of snow
made fleece
and her
boot in
crystal ice
tracked wholly
astride thunder
rock torrent
Petra gorges
sandstone cliffs
this river
she'd drown
her red
rose gem
with jungle
like aura
her pin
did sling
round her
face like
her cavern
of clement
can assuage
hers to
City in her Jordan
A first aft-election transition
today follows a hollow campaign
then a frosty morning
hence this performance was fore winter
then her wish for doves to sing in a manger by nativity  
and a star would shine with liberty everywhere
that always conveyed a season of connections
that fore a solstice did snow but soon lifted
as the night was young for the earth fervently shone
with resolve would make new year impart
with a view in cinema these features were glamorous
like Valentines may propose an affront on Saint Patrick's Day
when frost enough thus a dew imbued here
though the permeated hope festivity again.
New York Dec. 11, 2016
I pick
her flower
that our
furnace wouldn't
inhibit May
with her
caveat that
this winter
really corners
any merchant
cavities allure    
then made
sweet dear
wine in
Hawaiian orbit
in days
of yore
A preacher I knew
spool of
attire when
maid in
Taiwan was
white but
a stranger
in elucidation
as she
firmed her
noggin for
Rasputin in
orient to
China Grove
when perl
kissed her
kind with
silver spice
Extra Democracy
he once brazed her with coke
that her millennium was solid rock
as Griselda went toe to toe
but trafficked crack by 2012
while coffee was her mainstay  
that her valley would meet the sea,
her proponent in Antioquia
when she'd expedite crack for FARC
Folklore from Columbia
in this neo-classic house
with their partition in glass
that her reflexes still shine
in their wilderness again
that drives her tears in craft
with time to sequester their burdens
in this room with mirrors now he tread
through this capillary with imaginary ***
a flow
I walk along edge here
and meld her electricity
with sunset overhead

then sing those songs
I write fore bed again
when she feels overhead

where such a plan ready
shines inside my mirth
those attitudes my own insight

when she's startlingly cute
faint in her cry
it dances throughout another night
The Hadid
in weekend
plans this
plane that'll
easily shake
takeoff as
they'll break
the news
and flash
zesty Yolanda
that only
her celebs
were finally
gathered in
the Paparazzi
will trump
West Hollywood.
Daughters of the river
Hailey was my
bread & honey, so
sweet as ever would yield in darkness
what spirit said;
she enraptured lares and penates
with Thanksgiving
where clockwork sublime
these snowshoe hares incorporated town  
yet made shortcake by rhyme
where her tiara became a romantic kiss
with Utopian dream she once set afar in her earthly presence,
these ties of scholarly pursuit in her like bodleian unlocked charm  
and this game unfurled beyond its claim forthwith reform,
this newly espoused ideology ever changing her today.
A witch, indeed met me so a mole where willing made her but a match to liken potato and let her teeth beside with a grail that she'd throw a kiss into a prance when beyond a dark corner near square could race to our legs with a carton of eggs and nearer the place that toasted our evening outing perchance with dinner hid in graveyard.
Altamont was
her ravine
but her
rock leave
rift if
timber drove
her away
but stove 
verse finally
where she's
mine but
her arm
wore circ
when carpool
get through
this frothy
hollow again
A note on verbs
And once his friends
could walk to work with them
in neighborhoods to and fro there,

they came more moderate from near and far
as Gulielma wasn't there anymore and through their own
when week-ends could meander upstream with them both or alone
they would keep these dreams alive here,

a triumph in Penn Manor now Collegeville nigh
where she stay in times that heat up in spite of theirs
and might of luck be there till sunset still host wares of Philadelphia round today.
Hannah  was second wife of William Penn
a tank of blither is Cisco
but in the river
and now even bigger
that awe a ******
with her darling croup
in the Hebrides
whereby Minch is ****
but wire took a crimp
that beltway cries heard her snide remark
a girl with  gold glitter
if man
in her
throes as
her speed
shrew the
grass afield
the meadow
next a
brook so
despair is
lust died
in the
back yard
and wholly
by their
nativity will
fine wine
A mood hasten the dew
here that could beat sadness
with a line in its circumference
that joins like a tangent yet
might appear like an axis
but profane as new moon
that sometimes was shone there
discreetly above the equator
and dIrectly by supreme
known its horizon forever now
when blue skies are subterfuge
if only irony doubt here
this dissonant antipathy reign
today jive in rhyme again.
I rolled
in on
my hog
while today's
traffic was
through the
bog like
wheels in
heresy laid
upon the
road in
stride as
she was  
a notorious
surprise what
wagered my
tires in-between
A Harley -Davidson
A circle noon is here and we message awhile
or oft right assuage the view of Ashton Hayes
as these will meet with hardly a shiver forthwith our hindsight there harbors a polite politic without polemic.

As observations finish at sunset and measure loft during sunshine with embankment that has marked us with sheen inside.

Therefore heathers disappear as smoke clouded conditions now our gazes in the fog of the air as the ashes still in the rain only go away if we accompany legislatively hence rescue reform yet seen in glory.
when much
she is
my madness
at bay
as her
**** partner
does reach
and aspire
her newly
where a
kiss that
debonair will
hold her
play with
word so
for this
Milky Way
I vicariously induce her
where deed is factoid
and she lie there my tack
that raze on her back
whether we might cherish this muse
and ride track that we expose alike
in the twilight
that wake chubs astream
and in this heat we kiss further
that curses are admired
as rules are acclaim
and we are never dying together
and this we sake in Jacob
in the manner we speak
a martian
is heathen
that deflects
abortion with
his artifice  
of adhesion
let superfluous
his connection
inside a
world that
always reeling
from monoxide  
now trigger  
of superior
intelligence to
defray sequence
of inhabitant.
Entirely year
in direness
she rolled
over then
first light
at dawn
went to
horn to
fast and
time stood
with more
ready here
in context
as abduction
is slaughter
with objection
so nigh.
if I
saw Norah
Jones this
time while
they'd freak
out and
lost their
marbles that
never cried
again Saturday
Night when
I thought
never to
get rest
with her
I care
to date
A Norah Jones Story
Her plan
with bantam
there shakes
subsequent arthritis
or foment
her albatross
when zion
mats superfluously
and poverty
now ungrateful
in their
Milwaukee suburbs
while her
ruby floss
allure in
her java
melts mine.
Law and/or lawyerly tone
As grease
green as
shay near
beef where
action shot
her bear
that duty
ready deserved
honor and
criminal tied
worship then
in vain
seized fore
Philadelphia awaited
inner city
flight of
doves return.
An honor to Sylvia Young
A cat in the fog
pours over his beans and really loves her
that nothing but readiness is dawn.

When his resort was still glory, his smile hastened his kind,
his song made circumstance would keep his romance till he'd stay with a Tiberian that hoisted an apple with a grin
why tomorrow he laid nowhere but home again in a dream.
A song about church
He like her an art
was a nether from the start
that noodle never plunder
this message from his splendor
and virtual ****** in time  
that relish his heredity  
an embryonic boy wonder.
a lawyer's
batch in
a brief
if hiring
direly break
trepidation that
equality *****
when a
state of
confusion interrupts
rights to
a genuine
occupy of
love where
intent only
makes mark
in society
a note on hiring in land of oz
so tonight
whether it's
snow or
ice that
guaranteed a
multiplicity where
lust was
creeped in
my clothes
when I
went to
find her
home with
Lamborghini road
this tone
here in
Dracula's garage
My house isn't home yet her ultra-pad
where blessing is bestowed in summons with gemstone
why her bed shall glisten still receptacle of peace
to rein in this sociability again
that perchance rapture shall me truly wed.
Enliven a straw
and stride in jeans
that herd afore
this clothing mall
while hoofs grill today
will encrust visceral might
with orient of fascination now
amuse its preponderance
with only water engulf
her captivating lore again.
tires of
wires that
will a
horse when
hen's teeth
do query
and tread
next to
the fence
yet never
betray his
master's advice
and her
talbot may
foxtrot with
greyhounds at
mercy point
mercy point is a church while a talbir is extinct and  hen's teeth are rare
Ready A Flight

I miss
grenadine yearly
on the
newt yet
here with
Shultz a
moon in
Jupiter that
everyone slept
their keen  
to surface
now with
brown as
beans with
the syrup
are ready
this flight
emanation wise
of trees
whose catchment
grieves silkworm
in its leaves
that ties are natural bounds
to flutters in the wing
and sputters wind in hurricane
their minute features spin
a lasso of fear
a topple
I am
a wild
river in
a bed
that appears
to glow
in layers
I ply
between flashes
of rain
this cross
of loraine
that swim
in a
librarian's vein
to hurry
rocks over-read
A newness
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