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12.5k · Apr 2017
~I Hate Myself ~
The Vault Apr 2017
I hate myself
I hate how I don't talk
I hate my fake smiles and laughs
I hate the mask of makeup I put on my face
Just to feel a little prettier
I hate how I look
Never skinner enough
No matter what I do
I hate myself
I hate how I have no friends
And how I will stay at home
Cutting my arm into a millions pieces
Just to feel something
I hate how everyone thinks that I am always like that
I hate no one will notice when I cry
I hate myself
I hate my body
I am trapped in and I can't escape
I hate how you don't notice how unhappy I am
And how I want to die
More than anything
But you have never seen me happy.
Not always depressed
With how I think people will think about me.
I hate myself
But I am trying to feel better
But I keep pushing myself down
I hate myself
I hate myself
I hate how you love me
I hate how you love my curves
And love how I snort when I truly laugh
I hate myself
But I will love myself if you will stay.
I hate how much you love me.
I hate myself
11.7k · Mar 2017
~ Breath ~
The Vault Mar 2017
Just breath in and out
But how do I do that?
Every breath seems to take more air out
Until I am suffocating on nothing at all
Take it one step at a time
But how do I do that?
Every step I take turns into a tumble
And now I am falling to my ultimate doom.
Everything will work out in the end
Or it won't
Maybe I was meant to fall and crash and burn
The minute I was born
Don't worry
But it is only going down hill
A never ending tumble
Until I crash and burn
And breath in the smoke
Until I suffocate
On nothing at all
2.6k · Dec 2018
A Girl of Just 13
The Vault Dec 2018
I was young. A girl of just 13 when my life was taken away from me.
He was a leader to me and someone I trusted deeply. But when doors were closed and rooms were dark, he was a demon.
He took little pieces of me away. My sanity, my trust, my everything.
No one knew what he was doing but neither did I. I was young and naive. Always trusting someone.
All I could do was feel trapped as he touched my innocent tiny body. Touched all the parts that he shouldn't have. Parts that were mine and mine only.
I felt trapped and suffocated over the months it accured. I felt more and more disturbed and felt like this wasn't right.
My mother told me to say out loud if things like this happened.
But I couldn't.
I would disappoint her. So I lashed out at him. It was sudden anger and trapping myself in my room for him to stay away. Countless knifes littered my room if he ever forced himself on me.
That little girl disappeared with his hands.
And to this day he is still in the family. The demon I am forced to consider my father.
No one knows.
Not that I would ever tell them.
1.7k · Sep 2017
~ Fire on Ice ~
The Vault Sep 2017
Our hands met
Fire on ice
My ice cube hands melting in your warmth
Fire on Ice
Our love burst into flames
That became bigger as the flames burst
My fingers intertwined with yours
Gripping tighter
Getting warmer and warmer
My ice heart melting in your warmth
Melting in your hands
Fire on ice
Your burst of hot flames
My fingers wrapped around yours
Like a spider
I nested into you
Never wanting to part
But when we did
I ached for you again
Feeling icy
Until my hand met yours
Once again
1.7k · Jul 2017
~ Fallen ~
The Vault Jul 2017
I have fallen
Into the ashes
Of what we were
You have forgotten
Who I am
The minute I fell
Into the mess you made
I have fallen
Away from us
Because I was never enough
To make you feel alive
So instead I died
I have fallen
To my heartbreak
Because I somehow thought
You would change.
1.6k · Jul 2019
What gives you the right?
The Vault Jul 2019
What gives you the right?
To shame a girl's body
Then stalk her and find all her ***** secrets
To send out pictures not meant for your eyes
To make her shamed to exist
What gives you the right?
1.5k · Sep 2019
Wrong in all ways:
The Vault Sep 2019
What is wrong with me
I was fine
Now I am not
Wanting to dress myself in red
And drown in it
I miss things
I guess
Or maybe this is just a episode
That I want to suffer from
Not die
I love life
I just don't like this moment
Right now
1.5k · Jul 2017
~ Trash ~
The Vault Jul 2017
This is what I am
And what I was
For as long as I could remember
I was trash under your feet
Only trash that could be thrown away
Whenever you felt like it.
I was treated like trash
So I thought I was trash
I thought I was only good enough to be used
And abused
And cut
And bruised
I thought I deserved it because of you
I was trash
But trash doesn't always stay trash
It gets found
Treated like it isn't trash.
Pampered because it was never trash.
I am trash
No I was trash
But now I am not
Because trash doesn't stay trash forever
Sometimes it gets recycled.
1.4k · Jul 2019
Yours Truly
The Vault Jul 2019
It's 2 in the morning
And I can't sleep
I just want to feel you in my sheets
Skin on skin
And heat on heat

I want to touch you
To feel that I have someone to hold on too
You make everything crisp
Like fresh clean air
I wish I could breath you in
Give me another taste
I am addicted to you

Yours truly

Until we meet again.
1.4k · Mar 2017
Self Destructive
The Vault Mar 2017
I'm a self destructive mess.
Putting myself down
Starving myself
Because when I see myself
I feel I am not good enough
You shouldn't love me
You shouldn't care.
You shouldn't be near me
Because I am self destructive
And I will hurt you
In the process
Of hurting myself
I know I scare you
With all the things
I think badly about myself
But I didn't tell you to love me
But maybe
You can help me fix myself
Because I am a self destructive mess
And so are you
I guess that is why we work together
So perfectly
Made this thinking about my boyfriend who puts up and cares for me through all my anxiety attacks.
1.3k · Mar 2019
The Vault Mar 2019
Let me smash
Let me smash
Let me have a slice of that ***.
Welcome to random **** I say at work that I shouldn't say at work.  This is a little insight into my messed up mind.  You're welcome.
1.1k · Jul 2019
Lost in the Dark
The Vault Jul 2019
Save my soul for I have sinned
Red hot on my thigh
And regret in my chest
1.1k · Oct 2017
The Vault Oct 2017
The gap between your legs that is so sweet
Unless you don't have it
Then you are treated like ****

Talk to a boy
And it will seem like you open your legs for the world
Treated like a non-******
Just cause you like a boy

The part of you
That people will love
Or hate
Or sometimes only you will hate

Judged by what clothes you wear
Or how short it is
Cause god knows
Thighs are ****
Show a bit to much
And you will turn all the boys on

So you hide them
Under long shirts and baggy pants
Cause your thighs hit in the middle
Rub ever so slightly
No gap in sight
And you hate that
1.1k · Apr 2017
The Vault Apr 2017
I am upset
Always depressed
Never liking myself in a dress
Obsessed with death
unless my flesh has been dressed red
Almost rhymed.
1.1k · Apr 2019
Change of emotion
The Vault Apr 2019
At some point tears turn into anger
And I am sick and tired of crying and crying
Just ready to punch someone out.
998 · Oct 2019
In my eyes:
The Vault Oct 2019
In my eyes
The light seems so much brighter
And colors
So much deeper
Your beauty
So much bigger
In my eyes
I can not deny
That you
In this light
Are so much more pretty
Than any sunset
Any night.
Dedicated to my love.
996 · Jul 2019
The Vault Jul 2019
Love me deep
Love me true
And maybe I will give you coconut
From my hips too.
948 · Mar 2017
Age 17
The Vault Mar 2017
I am a shy girl
Age 17
Who has her nose in a book
Because society doesn't accept her
Her friends are not her friends
Since they are so calm to dump her
No one seems to care for the girl
Who has her face in a book
To hide the tears
From the unspoken words
She always hears
I am a shy girl
Age 17
Who writes poems
That no one sees
Since she hides them so perfectly
She cries reading them
As she sees how her life has been
From friends who dump her To unseen and unheard tears
To unspoken words
From the girl
A shy girl
Who is age 17
906 · Sep 2019
Total Exhaustion
The Vault Sep 2019
I am exhausted.
Mentally and physically
Sore to the bone
And wanting sleep.
No work for me today
No care for my grades
I just want sleep
To make this exhaustion go away.
882 · Sep 2019
The Vault Sep 2019
Trying to have something you never could
But still you try
Pushing yourself in the dirt
To just see the sunshine
For one taste of what it feels like to be free
You fight for it
Digging yourself out
Just to bury yourself in
One step forward and two back
You can't fight for forever
878 · Sep 2019
No, wait, Yes
The Vault Sep 2019
I must not be alone
In the struggle to say no
Catching on my lips
Stuck between my teeth
Which turns to a yes
Before I can think
To not disappoint
To please others
I say yes
Even though
Yes is a bother
857 · Oct 2019
The Vault Oct 2019
I sat in my car
Wanting to leave
But just for a minute
I put on a song to make me cry
And I shed a tear
A stupid tear
For moving forward
For not being the person
You wanted me to be
So I cried
And let my tears match the rain
Pattering on my windshield.
836 · Mar 2017
~ Color and Paint ~
The Vault Mar 2017
My mind is a mix of color and paint
Confusing me from reality and fake
Coloring me what I shouldn't be
Drawing all the colors of a world
That is not reality
And I can't stop
I don't have a choice now
This is my life
I could of escaped
If I thought of something
Other then color and paint
829 · Mar 2017
~ Heart Broken ~
The Vault Mar 2017
You ripped my heart out of my chest.
And I have no clue
How to put it back in.
789 · Dec 2018
Ginger Beauty
The Vault Dec 2018
Ginger beauty
With the curly hair
Poofy and floofy
She loved all the stares
Face of a perfect shape
But always alone

Ginger beauty
Why the long face?
Is it because your grace is all fake?

Ginger is not.
More like just brown locks.
Face made of plastic
And a body that only looked fantastic.

Ginger beauty
What a face to behold
But don't come to close.
For what meets your eyes
Is not what is in her soul.
763 · Jan 2019
The Vault Jan 2019
He couldn't leave the past in the past
For other women broke his heart.  
He said he could never love again.  
He couldn't love me for what they did.  
I am not her and I am not them
But for what they did
I suffer the consequences
Of a broken man.
A love that will never be returned.
735 · Apr 2019
Bitch Face.
The Vault Apr 2019
This face is natural
And it may look mean
I look like a *****
Who eats nails daily

But I am actually sweet
With a heart of gold
Just talk to me

But be prepared
Because if you break my heart
I will tear you apart.
Because this ***** Face can be a *****
714 · Sep 2019
Stress addiction:
The Vault Sep 2019
Stress riddled into my veins
A drug leaving my head in the clouds
No one cares about your stress
Just study for the tests.
3 in one day
What a gift
Stress in my veins
But it takes a lot to **** me.
707 · Apr 2019
Love like Wild Horses
The Vault Apr 2019
What were we?
A huge mess tied in a bow?
But I loved you so much it hurt
When I had to let you go.
672 · Mar 2019
The Vault Mar 2019
Spit on my face from your poison lips.  
Yelling names I could never repeat.  
Curses and foulness fills the air.  
All I wanted was love.  
Someone to look up too.  
All I got was a drunk stuck on drugs  
Screaming and falling into my life.  
But even after all these years
And what you did to me
I still love a little part of you.  
I just wish you loved me too.  
The *****
664 · May 2019
Kiss of Death
The Vault May 2019
You kissed to trap
And you kissed good
Tying your lips to mine to make me yours
But I don't trap easily
But with every touch I almost fell to my knees for you.  
But I didn't.
"It is either all or nothing. "

You kissed me.  To get me.  
But I am not easily got.  
And I deserve better then you.
658 · Oct 2019
Love forever
The Vault Oct 2019
I would love
To love you forever
Until the sun explodes
And forever and ever.
615 · Apr 2019
Only a Friend
The Vault Apr 2019
You are trying so hard
To get in my bubble
Planning dates with someone so unstable

Don't you get it?
Don't you see?
You are only a friend
Only a friend to me.

You won't give up
You won't go away
Blocked on all my social medias
But still you find a way to contact me

Don't you get it?
Don't you see?
You will never, ever be with me.

Still there you are promising again.
That this will work out.
You are a "gentleman."

You have been friend-zoned, baby.
Wish the person doing this to me would take a hint.
614 · Aug 2019
Take a hint
The Vault Aug 2019
We are not friends
We are nothing
But you can't seem to take the hint
That I don't like you
You did me *****
You threw me to the dogs
But you seem to think
I still like your guts
Coming over
Spreading lies
Acting like everything is alright
Sorry chicky
But you are just as ugly in and out
I don't give second chances
You had your chance
I am doing better now
So get the hint.
607 · Mar 2019
The Vault Mar 2019
I sometimes wish I was dead.  
Want to be dead.  
But then I think of you.
6 feet underground
Not feeling happiness anymore.  
Was it worth it?  
Did it make you feel better?  
Do you miss me as much as I miss you?
605 · Mar 2017
~ Smile ~
The Vault Mar 2017
I want to smile
A real smile
Not the fake ones
I put on every day
I want to smile
But I can't
I can't be happy
When there is nothing
To be happy about
A smile seems to hard to do
When all you can think about is
583 · Mar 2019
Cancel me.
The Vault Mar 2019
Throw me to the side
Cancel everything we had planned
Don't talk to me for days
Never say you love me.
But here I am
Still attached to you
Still loving you
When you haven't been here for me
For years it seems
Cancel me.
571 · Oct 2017
~ My secrets ~
The Vault Oct 2017
The sickness
I purged you out
Like a demon
Finger down my throat
Feeling like a sinner
The toilet my only friend
In my moment of darkness
The demons inside
Screaming as I purged them out
The pain
But feeling great
The secrets hid of what I did
Feeling thinner but like a sinner
But a sinner I am
With a head full of demons
Telling me to purge again
Because I will never be thin enough
Ribs sticking out
I will never be thin enough
Until I am dead
And in the end
My demons will win
I already know this
But still I sin
Because I am a sinner
So here I will purge
Away the sin
Down the drain
Into pipes who hide my secrets
That no one knows
Just my secrets screaming out.
565 · Sep 2019
The Vault Sep 2019
How lovely the clouds look
From the ground below
Painting the world in darkness
Such a beauty to behold.

It is so weird
How this is my life
How I am alive in all this
And get to change my fate

But death will come
And somehow curiosity
Is in my skin
Of what happens
After my heart stops beating
542 · Jun 2018
Erase Me
The Vault Jun 2018
I spend it on my face
To make me love myself
Even when the person I show now is not even me.
Hide all my mistakes
Erase my flaws
Erase me
One stroke at a time
Hour by hour
I erase the girl I was
And replace her
With what everyone wants to see.
With time
I erase
528 · Apr 2019
Moon 2.0
The Vault Apr 2019
You were my world
I revolved around you like crazy.  Bringing you waves and a beautiful thing in your sky.  
But you didn't like my waves
Or the way I looked in your sky
So I drifted away.  I didn't have to revolve around you.  I chose you.  
And I can take it away.
510 · Jul 2018
Hunger ~
The Vault Jul 2018
That is all I can feel
I want to eat
But how can I when my mind tells me not too
That that food will make me fat.
So I look at it
Say I deserve the pain
I talk to people
But I keep thinking they are lying
That they are just trying to make me feel better

and I know it can **** me
I know the effects
I know what I am doing
And my brain says
That this will make me happy

and that is all there is
I want to stop it.
But who said I didn't deserve it.
507 · Sep 2019
Do you see this?
The Vault Sep 2019
Do you see this?
The words I write online
Mixing and clashing in beautiful colors
A story for eyes who want to indulge

Do you see this?
Do you feel the emotions mix as I send them out.
Does it paint a picture in your mind
Bright colors of read and deep indigo

Do you?
Cause I hope you do.
501 · Aug 2017
~ Don't Kill Yourself ~
The Vault Aug 2017
I love you more than air
If I lost you I would suffocate
For you would have stolen
The only thing keeping me alive
You are my reason to be alive
So stay
For you are my world
My air
My reason to be alive
You deserve to be alive
Don't talk about suicide
Because it hurts me that you would think such things.
When you mean so much to me.
488 · Dec 2018
The Vault Dec 2018
It is a crush
Nothing much more than a few words said.  
Just a crush on a boy with a head full of blond hair
Tall and handsome
With beautiful green eyes.  
Just a crush.  He doesn't know it though since I always hide how I feel.  
Just a crush.  
I haven't felt this in a long time.  Since my heart was broken by the last guy.  
Just a crush on a guy.  Who may never like me back.
488 · Apr 2017
~ Good enough ~
The Vault Apr 2017
Am I not good enough
That you won't say I look good
You say there is never a right moment
But there always has been
I love you
But never saying anything to me
Makes me feel useless and not good enough
Like saying it would be a lie
And a single compliment just is too hard
I try and compliment you
But now that I know I won't get it back
Then why should I
You don't even try
So why should I
I guess I am not good enough
Like everyone already says
Just yelling for help
486 · May 2019
What you left behind
The Vault May 2019
The marks you left behind after the bruises faded
A flinch at a hesitant touch
Afraid to be alone with someone
Afraid to be touched in a hug
It isn't on purpose
I swear
I just panic at touches even by family
From what you left when the bruises had healed over
Don't be afraid to walk out.  Don't be afraid to put yourself first.  The marks left behind might never heal but it is better then staying in a relationship that only harms you.
484 · Jan 2018
Just Fine
The Vault Jan 2018
She faked it
Faked the smiles
Faked the laughs
Faked that she wasn't anxiety ridden
Always worried
Faked that the scars weren't there
That she has never been happier
Sometimes people noticed
How when she looked away
Her smile faltered
A far away look entered her eyes
"Are you okay?"
They always asked
But I am fine
I swear
Just been tired
She lied.

She faked it
And she lied
But to them
She was just fine.
480 · Jul 2019
I hate you
The Vault Jul 2019
I hate
Your lies
You spit at me, like venom, into my eyes
Blinding me from everything
And who I should be
You blind me and bond me with your words
That sure did win me

I hate
That you let me crumple at your feet
And used me as a stepping stool
Til I gave defeat

I hate
Your eyes that burned into me
Making all my words that slipped
Come with a twist
That hurt me

I hate
Your mouth that whispered words
That made my mind foggy
So everything I did
Was for the words you whispered into my pure ears

I hate
Your hands that touched my small shoulders
And picked me up to touch the clouds
But slammed me into the ground
And hit my face when no one was around

I hate
Your smile that fooled others
But fooled me as well

So here I am on the ground
Battered and beat
And my body slumped in defeat
Then the words set in of all you said to me
And I finally get it all now
Now that the blindness has disappeared
Throw back to 2016 when I was a little emotional ball of depression.
473 · Jul 2018
Burn ~
The Vault Jul 2018
You walked away
With my heart in your hands
Smirking at what you stole
I was on fire
Burning all over
It felt like when I placed my hand on a pan
The pan that burned me all over
Burned my soul
The kind of burn that would blister
I wanted the pain
I wanted to hurt
But I wanted you to be there
Not the one to cause me to burn
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