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Feb 2018 · 812
Alcohol Poisoning (15W)
Haley Elizabeth Feb 2018
This temporary emptiness
feels equivalent to a million wine glasses.

You're fragile, drunk, and dying.
That's a lot of alcohol.
Feb 2018 · 628
To My Heart
Haley Elizabeth Feb 2018
How amazing is it
that human beings have the capacity to love things?
My heart, she
is a muscle,
an *****,
a symphony in my body.
Her tissue is made up of courage and strength,
but she shows me;
It's okay to be weak.
I love her,
more than I have loved anything.
Her positivity flows through my veins,
the beauty of my bloodstream.
She is the reason I think and breathe;
for that, I owe her everything.
I'm feeling especially grateful to be alive today. I decided to express my gratitude towards my heart for helping to make that possible.
Haley Elizabeth Feb 2018
So, here's the thing.
I think I forgot how it feels to be alive.
I know what you're thinking
how could you ever forget something
so simple, so mindless, so ******* beautiful
such as the life that chose to be lived by you?
It's complicated, exhausting, and honest-to-god terrifying.
I've never been more afraid to be afraid
But I'd be lying to you if I said
I would ever give up trying.
I'm slowly learning not to sink
through loving, learning, heart-beating.
I'm remembering the concept you could not grasp
Happiness is nothing but a feeling.
Hello, fellow poets out there! I was inspired to respond to a comment I got some time ago. I wanted to express how important it is to express how you feel, no matter the emotion or how you fear others may respond... Happiness cannot happen without sadness, and I stand before you today completely unapologetic.
Sep 2017 · 6.0k
Haley Elizabeth Sep 2017
The river's current was supposed to be weakened by the barricade
but the bags of sand and the bricks of clay that once gave her closure,
reside years beneath her murky water.
Where do broken hearts go?
Do they get lost at sea?
Do they float?
Do they still beat?
Or do they find a home?
Perhaps it will reside with the girl
who thought her warmth could thaw he who was cold and ******.
She couldn't, though,
because his alluring bed of rocks broke more than just her bones.
Because you see, her barricade that was weakened by the river
caused her lungs to fill with that murky water.
She wasn't lost.
She didn't float.
There was no longer a heartbeat,
so she no longer had a home.
When I looked myself in the mirror,
I couldn't help but choke.
My 1 AM thoughts, but I am not my thoughts.
haha get it, **** like a dam?? also "****" as in daaaammnnn that's dark. I think I am funny.
Jun 2016 · 811
If he said.
Haley Elizabeth Jun 2016
If he said it was right
to wake in the morning & wish to go back to bed.
To be so full of life,
then so full of these feelings for whom I've never met,
only in death,
I'm not sure if they were even a person yet. They must've been; I created it.
It was half of me and half of him, & I think I wanted it.
I've labored a shrivel of death,
far too many times to try to forget.
Back and forth in my head.
Do I regret it?
If you never let it take a breath,
then why is it dead?
That's what he said.
I wrote this for my English class, and I thought it would be worth sharing.
Jun 2015 · 633
Haley Elizabeth Jun 2015
Today I lost my sanity.
But tonight gained my wings.
Jun 2015 · 2.5k
Key To Survival
Jun 2015 · 918
Numb (10w)
Haley Elizabeth Jun 2015
What if tomorrow I wake
...and I don't feel anything.
Jun 2015 · 1.9k
Last December
Haley Elizabeth Jun 2015
Last December
I remember it clearly
The snow fell as I did
You watched me crumble
The wind threw me  
You don't remember do you?
Your words frozen
You're a bad habit
I didn't know it.
Even now into the months of summer
I'm still thawing
I'm frostbitten
Jun 2015 · 758
Lost Soul
Haley Elizabeth Jun 2015
A jumbled mess
An abyss of nothingness
Often angry at happiness
That had come and quickly passed
The empty notebook on my desk
As empty as my conscience
But I'm cautious
Of the beauty I've lost
But dearly missed
Jun 2015 · 617
It's Only Begun
Haley Elizabeth Jun 2015
Mar 2015 · 789
Haley Elizabeth Mar 2015
Town bound so I built my own crown
The Stars the planets revolve around
But do they really notice stars
Dead before they fall apart
Like broken hearts
Broken parts  
Tattered thread
That's how it starts
Until finally
That's all you are
Mar 2015 · 1.5k
Haley Elizabeth Mar 2015
His love is infinite
It's not measured in quantities
There are no limitations
There are no boundaries
His love pierces my heart
Sharper than any dagger
He who burns brighter
than any fire
My guide through the dark
I've lost my lighter
Keep me from breaking
My resilient fighter
Feb 2015 · 1.2k
Haley Elizabeth Feb 2015
When you thought your world was crystal clear
were you looking at life through a distorted mirror?
Jan 2015 · 1.5k
Dear Flower
Haley Elizabeth Jan 2015
Dear flower
They were wrong about you
You didn't bloom
You didn't need to
you're still beautiful
but they've ruined your image
With opportunities you were never  given
"Maybe next spring"
You hear those words over and over
There would be no other option
They've planted seeds in your mind
Of everything you've done wrong
But what about everything you've done right?
In your short life
You never reached their standards
But you've reached mine
To everyone who's  supported me, You're my flowers. You are loved. You are important.
Jan 2015 · 12.5k
Haley Elizabeth Jan 2015
As her rest became a permanent slumber
Her garden is left a mess
A mess of everything that is wrong
A mess of broken promises
A mess of missed opportunities
A mess of lost memories
She was once a beautiful flower
Now all that's left are **weeds
Inspired by my flower.
Jan 2015 · 559
Haley Elizabeth Jan 2015
The quiet night
didn't mean she was silent,
There was nobody to hear her cries.
Jan 2015 · 670
11:53 pm
Jan 2015 · 11.7k
Haley Elizabeth Jan 2015
Interesting how my story
hasn't been written yet
But somehow
you know
all the
Jan 2015 · 3.8k
Haley Elizabeth Jan 2015
If every song I wrote to you
would take your breath away
Then why am I suffocating?
Jan 2015 · 567
Haley Elizabeth Jan 2015
All I ever wanted
Was someone to care about me
Jan 2015 · 335
Hi my name is
Haley Elizabeth Jan 2015
I remember how much it hurt
I shattered with just one touch
That's all it took
Not to just break my walls
You demolished them
You found your happiness
While I couldn't help but sink
Sink down into the emptiness
I'd soon call my life
You let me drown
desperately trying
to escape my own mind
It felt like an eternity
You watched me run
You're the one who chased me
But I still thank you
for helping me recognize
Even evil can appear beautiful
I lived it
I survived
Jan 2015 · 1.4k
Let me catch my breath
Haley Elizabeth Jan 2015
My throat is closing
My eyes are blurring
My mind is racing
My hands are shaking
My chest is burning
My stomachs dropping
My mascaras smearing
My heart is breaking
My soul is dying
Though I keep screaming
And I keep crying
they never notice
Jan 2015 · 2.0k
Damage adds Character right?
Haley Elizabeth Jan 2015
I refuse to be skimmed with your eyes
And judged by lack of understanding
My pictures minimal
But can easily draw attention
Don't tear my pages
Like they've torn my heart
My spine is worn
Please hold me together
I can't hold it together
So hold me
Jan 2015 · 1.7k
Mind Games
Haley Elizabeth Jan 2015
Some call me insane
But it's my sanity that made me this way
Jan 2015 · 1.4k
Patiently, Impatient
Haley Elizabeth Jan 2015
Walking a tightrope made of thread
Isn't my idea of a balancing act
I am not dreading the fall
I've come to expect nothing less
Jan 2015 · 522
Standing Ovation
Haley Elizabeth Jan 2015
Even when the curtains close
I still act the part
The show is far from over
Jan 2015 · 1.1k
Haley Elizabeth Jan 2015
I need to remember I am strong
I've survived the war of my mind
I may be limping
But the daggers didn't pierce my dignity
That has to count for something
Jan 2015 · 531
Wanderer, Wandering
Haley Elizabeth Jan 2015
They tell you to live out your dreams
But all I ever do is **sleep
Dec 2014 · 1.4k
Haley Elizabeth Dec 2014
We are the broken ones
With wounded hearts
And corrupted lungs
But Our Battle scars
They don't define us
We define us
I define me
Dec 2014 · 853
Title (Optional)
Dec 2014 · 1.7k
Haley Elizabeth Dec 2014
I've never been in love
But I'm in love already
I'm in love with love
I'm in love with the idea of love
in love with the love that will love me too
But that love is what I fear
What if love never comes?
What if it was never real?
Dec 2014 · 385
Haley Elizabeth Dec 2014
Maybe if I smile long enough,
The tears will run away
Dec 2014 · 1.4k
Anxiety (10W)
Dec 2014 · 2.7k
Killer (10w)
Haley Elizabeth Dec 2014
As I lay dying,
  You  choose
       to  pull
Dec 2014 · 2.7k
Dear Future Daughter
Haley Elizabeth Dec 2014
Dear Future Daughter,
Though you don't exist yet
I love you more than words can describe
You're beautiful
I will tell you everyday.
You are so important
The most important part of me
Never think you're worthless
You're worth every penny
I will never let anything hurt you
I. will. never. hurt. you.
Dec 2014 · 842
Little Girl, Scary World
Haley Elizabeth Dec 2014
Little girl, little girl
Tell me of your soul
Tell me of your sorrows
at only 7 years old

I envy the skin that had never been burned
The feelings that had never been hurt
The games you're too young to play
your mind is still pure

But there are monsters
They're just like you and me
I remember when nightmares
were only in my dreams

Little girl, Little girl
I know of your soul
You remind me of my sorrows
At only 7 years old

So little girl if you're empty
Little girl if you're scared
Little girl don't be angry
It's a hard world out there
Dec 2014 · 682
Haley Elizabeth Dec 2014
How loud did I have to scream to be seen?
As the dirt fills my lungs I forget what It feels like to breathe
I became a ghost searching for the light that never came.
Someone turn the lights out, I'm too tired to stay awake.
Dec 2014 · 384
Do I love you? I forgot.
Haley Elizabeth Dec 2014
I can't remember to forget you
The way you forgot me
The way I forgot how to breathe
But you remembered just fine
Dec 2014 · 655
"I'm Fine"
Haley Elizabeth Dec 2014
The last time I cried, I told myself it would be the last time.
The last time I'd remember what it feels like.
What it feels like to be a stranger in my own eyes.
Like glass thats been shattered a thousand times.
The pieces never fit together right.
I'm tired of breathing just to survive.
When the ground is breaking, and I've lost my light
I'm drowning in a sea of lies, until I'm tired of trying.
As I stare in the mirror
longing I will someday recognize ,
I remembered the last time.
The last time I cried I told myself It would be the last time.
I told myself I'd be fine.
Am I?

— The End —