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37.4k · Aug 2014
The waterfall
The Waterfall,
Is blue with silver highlights.
It appears clear and clean,
Rapidly flowing into the stream.
The water is frothy,
Where it falls to hit the water.
At least things like this,
Are caught when they fall.
The sunlight still shining,
The water doesn't mind.
It continues it's journey,
Searching for it's destination.

The waterfall.
It's beautiful,
A sight to all.
But how do we know,
What's hiding underneath?
We hide pain,
All in our fake smiles.
What if this waterfall,
Hides things in it's beauty?
If we wait long enough,
Do you think we could see?
20.4k · Dec 2015
I Don't Want To Picture
It's stuck in my head,
Until it's gone,
When I can make endless complaints
Endless back stabs to match.
But till its gone, it is there.
After it's been there and gone,
It is there again.
Every night of everyday
And also in random hours of my days.
I see the old, then I see the new.
It seems my world has turned black and blue.
My heart beats faster
And my eyes: they cry.
I feel I am mourning a loss;
Of someone never born to be able to die.
It's the cases like this
That are always the worst.
You think you've found someone,
When they're not there at all.
So many good times
Have all gone down the drain,
Because everyone's a faker.
Don't you know I hate liars?
You liar, you deceitful and manipulative ****!
You *****!
I hate you,
I hate you,
And then I hate you even more.
What you have done made me fall to the floor.
I don't know how I can get through this,
Because last time I could just hate,
Which still I am doing.
You make that more difficult.
Because when all the memories
Come back again,
I don't want to believe that was you,
Surely it can't be true?
But I know too well
To be fooled more than once,
Not that there's a way you would make it twice,
Because you hate me too.
It's all because of you.
And her
And the other.
All "best friends" do
Is end up having to stab each other.
You see I am missing,
Someone nonexistent.
I knew it was too good to be true,
But that won't stop me bleeding.
I wish the 'you' I was friends with
Was actually real.
Instead I just feel messed over,
All over again.
I don't want to picture,
Not anymore,
Of what's flashing through my head.
The so many too good times.
They've been damaged again.
I trusted you
As I trusted them all,
Because you have to trust to do anything at all.
Again and again trusting proved to be devastating,
Because there is no one who actually
Has your back.
So no I don't want to picture,
I don't want another picture game.
When I'm talking about you in rants,
The devil is your name.
When I'm speaking I do not have to be sad,
It's only the times that I get to think on my own,
When I feel even more torn down.
When I see you walking around,
I wish you were not.
Do you know not what exactly you all have caused?
I can hear you all talking,
Just like we all used to do,
Then the thousands of memories
Come flooding in once again.
And until I convince myself to dry up my emotions,
I watch the dry river banks
Become diluted without letting the rain fall.
Because my tears;
You never deserved them at all.
I don't want to picture what you may think of me.
If you hate me then go on,
You can resent me as much as you can.
But maybe you'd like to know:
I stood up for you.
Even though it was proved to be true.
I didn't believe it at first,
Because it was you.
How dare you!
If you think I didn't know reasons to take sides,
Didn't you think I would defend you as I did her?
Well I ******* tried!
And if roles were reversed then I would've taken yours,
As it wasn't out of favouritism as it stood,
But because you were so unbelievable
That nothing could be done.
No friendship was saved.
Being civilised?
Well I just try to ignore your name.
If I could lock this all up in a bottle
Fill it with stones, I'd throw it into the water
And watch it as it drowns
All my sorrows, all the pain
Along with the disasters and too many betrayals;
From those that I loved most,
Or so I thought,
But it turned out they weren't themselves at all.
It doesn't sting it just tears
Everything completely apart.
As for the last, I had already learned why not to trust
But still you have to trust someone even though you know not,
Because that's just the way that the world has to turn.
You still believe a few,
However you believed them all when they were false.
But you have to put faith somewhere so you do,
Yet you're still terrified these as well aren't true.
If only it were a foolish boy
Then life would live on and it wouldn't matter,
Because anyway it's to be expected:
That guys will break girls hearts.
No, if only, but no
Instead they're your best friends.
Except they're not,
Everyone's just fake now.
There's no realists anymore.
If I could wash away the deceitfulness they gave,
Maybe someway a wound could heal.
But it can't 'cause it's too deep
And infected with grief of those you thought existed;
Instead everyone is just misleading and manipulative.
The worst thing because you could never see it coming,
Until it crushes you to near death.
Betrayal at its best.
Fakers at their worse depth to the innocent.  
There is never an end
Just torture.
12.6k · Mar 2016
Untitled (23/3/16)
It's funny how you apologise for slight and minimal accidents,
but you don't give a **** about creating explosions of Hell.
You're so ironic that your names could be the definition.
I'd rather you'd have accidently nudged me
than destroy my every thought.
And you try to find a way,
To ruin a day,
But you can't get there anymore.
I am blocking your path,
Because you have no remorse,
You'll be left with just your scarf.
No one will want to hear what you say,
So I guess like me, they'll run away.

Maybe eventually you'll realise your mistakes.
Too bad it will be too late,
But people wouldn't forgive you anyway.
When you will rot in shame,
We all know you'll be the one to blame.
Don't expect us to revive ourselves
Just to come and save you.
After all, we don't trust those who drag us under.
12.1k · May 2016
Part of me hopes you'll find my poetry.
You'll know just who it's about.
Then you can see me,
Beautifully telling everyone else the story:
Of how ****** up you are.
It's fine right?
Because it's not so direct,
You can never complain about me.
A part of them remains in me still.
Which is I guess why it's true that I'll always be her friend,
Because we traded a part of us we can never give back.
When I'm friends with someone I mean it,
And so her indent will always remain.
6.3k · Apr 2015
Spend time with me by the bluebells.
They look so beautiful,
Just as you do and should know.
I want to be with you by bluebells.
I want us to look beautiful together,
Just like bluebells do.
I really do love bluebells.
They come with childhood memories.
So walk with me through the bluebells.
I wish you could see their beauty in me.
4.6k · Feb 2015
I thought of how it seems like,
Oh let's make Chloe feel crap day.
Then I remembered that it's Thursday.
So yeah,
It really is.
It's always Thursdays.
Sometimes Thursdays have been fine.
But when a day of the week hasn't been fine,
It's been a Thursday.
I don't know why.
Thursdays should be good.
I have good lessons that day.
It just seems like,
Everything's against me then.
No, not people.
It's just feelings.
They appear from nowhere,
With no reason to be here.
No it's not very extreme,
But it's my less good days.
It's a Thursday.
4.3k · Jan 2015
Wasted Love
I'm still here loving you.
Do you still realise?
Do you feel like my love is going to waste?
Well we both know that it is,
But if I do I might never admit.
I don't call it a waste,
Because I'm spending it on you.
However it's not being returned.
You could count it as a waste.
It's been around six months.
That's half a year that's already gone.
Half a year of my wasted love.
How has it already been that long?
My love for you still feels fresh.
It's just never been used.
3.6k · Sep 2014
Heart break
Do you hear that?
That's my heart breaking.
Don't worry, it's only mine.
It's not like it matters.
It's not like I matter to you.
At least not how you do.

It saddens me
Help me
I'm falling
I don't want to let go of you
I wrote the two parts at different times as different poems but I didn't want to continue or for it to be so short, so I added them together.
3.5k · Sep 2014
It's not lust
You've filled up my heart.
You're brightening my soul.
Even just your smile,
Gives me reason to glow.

You cannot possibly know,
How happy that you make me.
I still can't believe,
That I got to see you that day.

You're voice had my heart soaring.
I just can't get over it.
Everything about you,
Is all so perfect.

Also that you hugged me.
You didn't even have to be asked.
You just came along and did it.
But it was still over too fast.

It did last long,
But nothing's ever enough.
Not when you take account of,
How much I love you and not lust.

I guess you could say,
I lust for you too.
My feelings aren't full of lust though.
It's really all just of love.

Now I feel renewed.
Like you've topped my happiness up.
I can't wait until next time,
Because last time was just great.
3.3k · Aug 2014
Give me your pain
Give me your pain.
You don't need to have it,
Nor should you and you don't deserve it.

Wipe your tears away,
That cover your pretty face.
Find that smile again.

Your smile, you think.
Well that is fake,
But that's what I want to change.

Give me your pain,
Give me it all.
Then you won't have to suffer,

Think to your self.
Not of your demons inside,
But instead angelic thoughts.

Your lying in bed,
The covers over your head.
Now softly have sweet dreams.

Waking up in the morning,
You wash your face.
Now start the day with joy.

Give me your pain,
I say once again.
I'll hide it away from you.

You don't need to weep,
Your thoughts not too deep,
If you just give your pain to me.

There's no need for you,
To be on your knees.
Next wipe the dirt from the floor.

Pour yourself a drink,
Very mindlessly.
You don't need to be careful anymore.

Give me your pain,
Is what I say everyday.
I don't want to be ignored.

Guys, give me your pain!
This is what i think and want.
I don't want you or anyone,
to suffer from your thoughts.
So give me your pain.
I don't have much,
but I want a whole lot more.
I'd brace a smile, everyday,
to free you from this mess.
Give me your pain,
I whisper to you.
I am not asking but demanding.
I will not accept you saying no,
so don't deny me again.
Instead, the thing you can do,
is give me your pain now.
The last bit is kind of more like a poem version of an authors note, that I thought belonged in the poem.
2.8k · Sep 2014
Stress and you
I'm stressed inside and out.
Annoying thoughts are swirling around.
I can't even tell them to go away.
I have to face them the next day.
I have to get myself through it,
Do all my homework the best I can.
Yes this sounds stupid.
It's only about homework.
But you couldn't realise,
How it stresses me inside.
Along with all of this.
You are there.
In my head.
On my mind when I breathe in fresh air.
I know that I can't hide.
I saw you today,
I saw you last week.
I talk to you too.
But so far I feel blue.
I guess I get jealous.
I know that I do.
This reality is nothing I can do.
I want you so bad,
But you don't feel the same.
I know it,
You've told me,
And I can't make that change.
None of this though,
Will pry me away.
Because you forever,
In my heart you will stay.
I don't know what to do,
It's like I've lost myself while trying to find you.
It's like you make me suffer so much
But you run free without a care.
To you it should seems like I'm just fine.
What if I told you I was dying inside?
Would you care or would you hate me.
Well I hate me for liking you.
I feel guilty because I'm hanging on to nothing.
You don't want me but I'm carrying my same old thoughts.
I feel bad for you because I love you,
Meanwhile you don't want me to.
I'm such a bad friend for liking you,
Because you just want to be friends.
I still feel like drowning.
This is just another of poems out of many.
About you.
There's so ****** many about you,
Yet you might not have a clue.
You couldn't know,
You couldn't imagine,
How much this is effecting me.
And now I actually sometimes try,
To get you off my mind.
I don't want to see you and ruin your moment,
Because of the fact your aware of me liking you.
Then I think what if this never happened.
What if you just said yes?
Then I sure as hell wouldn't be stuck here feeling like this.
No, I don't hate you.
You can't control who you love,
And I know that more than anyone.
I hate that I love you.
Because I shouldn't so it feels like betrayal.
So I'm sorry but I can't stop.
I haven't wanted to stop but now I think I want it to.
Never the less I have no choice.
I just have to sit here with you tearing me to shreds.
You don't know.
But if you did,
I wouldn't be able to come within a mile of you.
Because I'm sorry, so sorry.
Do you know what it feels like though?
To love someone without a chance,
And for so long but not being given the same type of glance.
So there's pathetic and then there's me.
More rather they're the same thing.
I don't know what to do apart from listen to depressing love songs.
Ones that I can't relate to because they've actually been in love.
They've had a relationship.
All I've had is this stupid crush,
But somehow it still hurts so much.
So I sing the lyrics and want to cry,
But no matter how loud,
You don't hear me.
Because I'm not singing to you and I don't want you to know.
There's nothing you could do.
You don't love me and you can't.
You won't.
But for goodness sake this hurts too much!
I try to live my life but I can't.
Which is because I'm thinking of you.
Everything right now just makes me want to scream.
There's no way around it,
Because you'll never love me.
2.7k · Sep 2015
I'm Fucking Done
I'm ******* done,
With this world that I shouldn't be in.
Once found this maze so amazing
When I was small,
But not anymore.
Growing up singing church songs
Of what I was not.
How did I belong to what promoted
What I could never be?
There you go:
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Because families were made to be perfect!
So plan all your babies,
But society will still
**** them all up in cages.
Not much waiting involved
It won't take very long.
I am not what the mormon church says.
I was a mistake.
I don't live with two parents.
I see but don't live with one.
So I'm blaming my mother,
Because in theses times that I cry
Is when I realise
That it's all her fault.
I couldn't help but be created,
So for those who hate me for being born
I'm sorry but sorry won't make it right.
To those who being a demon makes you high
I guess I'll have to just stand and watch.
Yes I've grown taller
And height has made me see,
How much that I was not meant to be.
I have friends
But one day everyone
Will get torn away.
Then there will just be nothing.
Nothing of me
Or for me, at least.
And it's almost like I only have
Maladaptive daydreams to be happy about,
But I can't because they're depressing as hell.
The fact that I exist to be able to have them is déprimant
Yet I am not depressed
But maybe I should be,
Because God knows I shouldn't be here
And dear God I'm sorry I am
Because I messed up your perfect plan.
And well if my birth really was hectic
Then why couldn't I have died then?
Because my stupid, pathetic and unwanted life
Wouldn't have lasted this long.
What's a mistake is unwanted
What's unplanned is unwanted
What I am is unwanted
What I will be to those around me
One day will be
An unwanted memory.
2.5k · Feb 2015
Blood means nothing once it's faded away,
Or maybe it never had the chance to stay.
Genetics don't mean a thing,
When you've never had the chance to know.
Blood means nothing,
Because you don't care so now I don't care.
If one day you decide to care,
Well then you've lost your chance.
You can see the blood smeared on the walls.
They mean nothing at all.
Our blood has now changed.
Goodbye to a never known "man."
2.5k · Jan 2015
My World Around You
It's as if I want to hate you,
And I might even say it to myself.
But at the same time,
I'm saying I love you too much.

Sometimes I'll think that I don't want this pain.
At the same time I'll know that I like it.
I like how it feels,
how it stings,
How it burns.
At least I'm feeling something,
That I think could be love.
But it's only one sided,
So how can I tell.

I'll tell you how it goes.
I love you,
I think of you,
I miss you,
I want to talk to you.
When you don't reply,
Even if you've been online,
About 15 thousand times,
You'll take another 24-48 hours.
Then I want to not like you anymore.
Even though you still haven't done anything.
It just slaps me once again,
That you will never feel the same.
But it can be a nice feeling,
So I cling onto it,
Thinking that it's worth it.
The most it's done for me is cause pain.

But then you're face.
It brightens my day.
But that also makes my heart break.
How many times can a heart be broken?
And this is only by one person,
Who hasn't done anything to break me.

No one can break me.
No ones broken me.
I'm not some object.
I am a real person.
I have real feelings,
But are these real?
Well I don't know.
I haven't had the chance to find out.
If you saw me, the way I see you...
Oh silly me that could never be!

What am I here for?
What do I care?
It's not like I deserve you.
It's not like I've always been there.
If you were by my side, though,
And you needed me,
Then I would bow down to your feet.
No, not literally.
But I would be there.
I would help.
I would do whatever I could.
You should realise that.
I bet you know.

None of that,
none of this.
Could possibly change any given thing.
I know I can't just write,
And make you feel things.
I know I can't just love,
And expect the same from you.
I don't.
I won't.
Oh, and you never will.
Basically, what I'm saying is:
You feel how you feel.
This is what it is.
This is not what it's not.

You and me.
We seem to be two different things.
Regardless of this,
I continue to dream.
I don't expect you to change your view.
I know how you feel about me.
You know how I feel about you.
Now there's not much left to say or do.
I'll just keep myself here.
Apparently this is what I do.
I sit here,
I sit here.
And I wait for you.
Apparently it was time to let the trapped emotions flow out. I hope you like the results.
There's plenty reasons

You'll never love me

My body is one

It's far from the best

It's one of the worst

Also I'm not pretty

All the other girls are

I'm not very clever

Not compared to you

I'm just average

I don't stand out

I have loads of spots

That not even make up

Can cover up

I'm not at all popular

Not many people like me

They'd rather spend their time

Making fun of me

I'm not very tanned

Instead very pale

And everyone likes tanned skin

With slim bodies to match

We both know I have none of that

My eyes aren't perfect

So don't look too close

My personality doesn't stand out

I can be very quiet

Or at times very loud

Loose strands in my hair

Fly everywhere

Loads of split ends

You are just my friend

I'm stuck in the friend zone

I don't like myself

So I don't know how you'd cope

I'm lucky to have you

Just as a friend

But I can't help wanting more than that

So reasons why you'll never love me

There's more than a few

Those are some of them

But don't worry there's more too
This is one I did ages ago but I thought I'd post it.
You're not going to let it win
You are not going to let it destroy you
You are going to find control
You're going to accomplish what you plan
It's going to be left as a ship wreck
And be compared to your successes
You are going to do this
You are going to get through this

I'm not going to let it win
I am not going to let it destroy me
I am going to find control
I'm going to accomplish what I plan
It's going to be left as a ship wreck
And be compared to my successes
I am going to do this
I am going to get through this

I'm not going to let MDD win
I am not going to let MDD destroy me
I am going to take its control
I'm not going to let MDD stop me from accomplishing what I have planned
My MDD is going to be left as a ship wreck
And be compared to my achieved successes
I am going to do this and beat MDD
I am going to get through MDD's disturbances

And I will not let it prevent me from living

I suffer from Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder

It pushes me around
Kills my hopes and dreams
And contributes to my wish of never being born
But maybe I can try
If I put my head into a good perspective
To gain the control
Back into my life

Why should we have to suffer?
2.0k · Aug 2014
Tigers hunt
As fierce as they can be,

Tigers hunt to survive.

They only do,

What they have to do.

Did you know,

If pray was in sight,

The tiger wouldn't even attack,

Unless it was hungry for a snack.

Tigers aren't all bad.

Not at all really.

They just find their way,

Trying to live.

There's a food chain,

You can't avoid that fact.

They need to eat meat,

So what can they do,

If they didn't ****?

They'd die of course!

Would you be happy then?

Because humans hunt them too.

We don't need them for food.

We don't HAVE to **** them for medicine,

Why do most of them **** tigers?

Only for their skin.

Yes, it is beautiful,

But it's not ours to take.

You shouldn't **** tigers,

Just for their stripes.

They would only **** you,

If they needed food.

Food of which,

Some struggle to find.

It's sad this isn't the only reason,

That most of them die.

Those cruel people,

Set up traps all their habitat.

When trapped,

All is painful.

The more that they struggle,

The tighter it gets.

If they're not dead,

By the time those people come,

They will surely **** them,

And all because they want to be rich.

Tigers need saving.

They need our help now.

They're already endangered,

But they have no good enough reason,

To die right out.

We don't need tiger skin.

Can't anyone see that,

It only looks nice on that tiger?

But no, tigers get killed.

It's not their fault,

That people want their beautiful skin.

They may be running out of food,

Because they're running out of trees.

Without the trees,

They don't have much to hide in.

But the poachers don't help.

In fact the truth is,

They make everything unfairly worse.

So please help them.

Donate to charity.

We can save the tigers,

From the cruelty of today.

At the same time as this,

We could help save the trees.

Without the trees,

There is no jungle.

Without the jungle,

There's no home for tigers.
I am very passionate about tigers, if you have the money then please donate. There is WWF and also other charity's where I'm sure you could also give one off payments instead of sponsoring.
1.9k · Aug 2014
Angels from above
Angels are from up above

They come down to protect us

Secretly caring for us

And showing us the way

They are the one thing

That is never too far away

You may get lost and wonder

Where are you today?

You will ponder and search

The whole day away

Although they do good

They don't like to be seen

You wouldn't even notice

If they were hiding behind a tree

They are very secretive

But your secrets they keep

You may not always see

When they spread their wings

They leave behind

A little sign for you

That you could find

Whenever you're in doubt

Feeling all alone

Your angel will come back

While you're on your knees

To give you relief

They will be by your bedside

All through the night

They will hold you tight

And not want to let go

They stay awake

While you're asleep

To keep you safe

Until you need

But when they are gone

Don't be scared

Because really

They are always there

Without your notice

When you beg and weep

Your angel will be on their feet

For they will be there

To ease you from your pain

Your angel is from up above

They come down to protect you

Secretly caring for you

And showing you the way

They are the one thing

That is never too far away
1.8k · Jul 2015
Thanking My Angels
Thank you so much.
You helped me,
You saved me before it was too late.
I was losing the plot;
Thought I was a psychopath,
When all I've ever wanted was to prove my normality.

You saved me.
Just in time because I was losing my wits.
You saw me struggle and you helped me.
You showed me the way.

I can't thank you enough.
With the whole world against me,
It was proving what I've always known was wrong.
But then you showed me that I was right.
That I am okay and not to worry.
The relief felt like you gave me an uplifting hug,
Even though I never saw you there.
I feel as if I am trapped in this box,
Where everyone else has put me
But I know I don’t belong.

Suffocated - they make me feel it,
I can’t stand existing inside this bubble:
The walls are thick, there’s no way out,
It’s the home of the unfound,
Where they put people like me who they can’t make sense of,
Patients they can’t diagnose unless it’s with the term “functional.”
I know there are others,
But I feel so alone,
Isolated from being understood
By the only people who are able to help me.

They won’t help me,
I try to fight back, I try to scream
Either no one hears me, or they take it as a mark of insanity.

It’s hard to speak up,
When you know the process all too well,
You walk in, they repeat things that hurt you (psychosomatic), and then you walk out,
Though you don’t know how,
Because inside you’re torn down again,
Answers aren’t found and each time is worse,
You’re still struggling but they insist
That you’re as healthy as you’ve ever been,
So once again you’ve been missed,
By professionals trained to catch out illness.

Every time your reality trips you down again,
You repeat the words they told you:
“You’re fine,”
You tell yourself you can do it
-But not out of encouragement,
Instead of disdain, because when no one acknowledges you
Why should you not question yourself?
We are taught from a young age these are the people you should depend on and treat with respect,
So even when they toss you aside:
Remember to say “thank you” and walk out with a smile,
Seeing as they believe that you really are wasting their time.

This is what nightmares are made of,
Except when you’re both asleep and awake
It’s always still there.
It’s hard enough passing each day this way,
But without an ounce of recognition,
I wonder why I should even stay.

I don’t want to do this anymore,
But still I have to knock on doors,
Basically asking people to reject what I live,
Constantly trying to prove that I’m sick,
To countless people who don’t give a ****.
It’s already too much effort existing like this,
Yet I have to get out of my bed to prove it,
Even though each time they write an essay about me being fine,
Or maybe a few words because I’m such a waste of time.
I face what I fear everyday because my health’s at fault,
Yet they say it’s not really at all.
It’s been a year and they still have the audacity to tell me,
It’s because I’m not coping mentally.

Maybe I am a mess psychologically,
But I want you to know, it’s only because of them.
I would be stable, I’d be perfectly fine,
If they didn’t keep coming around telling me my efforts are wasted,
That I just can’t deal with my mind no matter how much I already put in,
So clearly I will just never be fixed.
It’s what they’ve told me though, it’s all of their responses and words,
That made me question my sanity,
That dredge up all of my anger for them,
Because not one bit of acknowledgement did they spread.

So here I lay,
Stuck in this box where no one can see me,
I can’t fix myself because - it wasn’t my state of mind that was broken.
I’ve been here for four-hundred-and-seventeen days,
Where I try to imagine a future where I’ll be safe,
But the trauma of looking for a diagnosis I know will stay,
Because they told me it was only caused my trauma in the first place,
But the only kind I’ve experienced
Is the kind they inflicted whilst I was already suffering.
1.7k · Feb 2015
Not A Dad, Not A Father
No dad, no hassle.
No parental battle.
I guess this should be a good thing.
It's not like it's ever bothered me.
Except that it has,
But depending when you ask,
It doesn't anymore.
I'm completely fine.
I'll continue my life.
Nothing, nothing has changed.
I've managed without,
So why would I need?
Why would I want?
But sometimes I can't make up my mind.
So I do nothing to it.
It's the only thing that's safe.
Because once you've done something,
There's no going back.
Why give it the chance to effect me?
I don't want you.
Don't want to know you.
You don't even want to know me.
You're not my dad,
Barely a father.
To be a dad you have to stick around,
But you were never there to begin with.
Other daughters and fathers bond,
But I wouldn't want to with you.
You're the wrong type of person anyway.
Even though, I've seen some of your Facebook posts.
One I found very ironic.
And too much time has gone since I was born.
I bet you don't know I'm fifteen.
You've probably forgotten about your unknown daughters.
And why wouldn't you?
Funny, you don't know I exist.
But this poem, I wrote about you.
1.7k · Aug 2014
Pity love
Pity love,

Is the love you give me.

The only reason of your love,

Is out of pity.

I hope it's not true,

Because I'd like to think,

You don't see reason to pity me.

I don't want to be,

Your pity love.

I want you to have proper reasons,

And I want to be,

Your one true love.
This is completely how I feel, I wrote it a few days ago (not that you needed to know that).
Stuff may happen but I don't understand.
I don't know why they talk to me,
I don't know why I'm here.
I'd rather cease to exist
Because then I won't be spoken to.
When people open their mouths to me
I wonder what they are doing.
Can't they tell I'm basically incompetent,
At conversing as they do?

And I want to love my mother.
Most of the time I'm sure I do,
But I'm not sure how to anymore.
That's what happens when you give but don't receive.
I want to flourish socially,
At least enough so I can manage to achieve something,
But it's getting harder it seems.
Sometimes I feel I can't be bothered
With just anything.
I feel kind of surreal,
Like things are happening but I'm not very there.
Sometimes I want my daydreams to all just go away,
But whilst I say that I am begging them to stay.
It makes me almost wish they could just give me antipsychotics,
And that they would help everything wrong with me that no one understands.
Even what seems expected to be understood,
It seems like no one does.
Once again, there's another way
Of how I am an outcast
Way more than once and for always.
1.7k · Feb 2015
What Are You Doing?
Love is sweet,
Love is kind,
So what the hell is this?

It's like you're breaking me down.
I can't control my thoughts,
They all evolve around you!
Why do you do this?
You don't even care.
If only you were here,
And you actually care.

What's this you're doing?
Don't tell me you think it's fair.
It wants to tear me down.
1.4k · Aug 2014
It is
It is a blessing to see the beauty in everything.
It is a blessing to see the pain behind beauty.
It is a curse to see the ugliness in everything.
It is a curse for someone to point out the ugly.
It is the truth that everyone and everything is beautiful.
I generally believe that everyone and everything is truly beautiful. I think everyone should know and get told that they ARE beautiful and believe it. Whoever and wherever you are, You're Beautiful! You are loved!
1.4k · Jun 2023
Why Did You Stop Breathing?
Why did you stop breathing,
When I wanted you to have so many more breaths?
Why did you leave this world,
When there was so much experience within it that you had left?
Why do I have to live without you now,
When we got no time at all?
Why does it have to be so unfair?
Why can’t you come back once, or a thousand hundred times more?

Why did you die first,
When I am so much older?
Why couldn’t anyone do anything enough to save you?
Why did no one’s efforts work?
Why did you go from being healthy,
To unresuscitationable?

Why am I stuck here now,
Without ever being able to see you again?
What do you think about and do in heaven?
Do you think about me at all?

I’m sorry I wasn’t good enough.
If I could have had a second chance,
I’d do it all so much better.
I miss you more than you could know,
I love you and I never wanted to let you go.
In loving memory of my little brother <\3
1.4k · Oct 2016
Untitled #1 10/10/16
I know that I run to hide in my thoughts too much.
In my mind you love me,
In real life not so much.

Dissociation can be my monomania
But instead it's just the made up
Version of you.
It hurts sometimes
It screams inside
Is this pain really mine?
It clenches together in my insides
Making me dream, wishing for a better time.
I'll do just fine
That's always my line.
If something's not there
You're supposed to bring yourself to it,
But what can I seek
when whatever I need
ceases to exist out of my mind?
They say my reckless head helps me,
I tell myself I can use it to encourage myself,
But still it hurts me all the same.
You see, I use it to give what I haven't got
It's of no use because it kills with a slightly stronger dose.

I can try to forget
It can't last long,
Nothing's supposed to be pain free.
However there's other things
I just can't be bothered to feel,
And if I almost do I just stop:
Because they're not the most important;
They don't come back day by day,
Just to join me in the night.
I never had a "daddy" to sing a lullaby.
For years I didn't want one,
Half convinced still I wasn't missing out,
Yet now it's starting to hurt
Then I realise I'll never find my soulmate.
The percentage isn't in my favour,
How could it ever be?
How do you find your one person
out of 7.5 billion?
If I can't have a father,
how could I get an eternal partner?
Lacking strengthens my need,
For that perfect guy in my head to love me.
He's not here though,
And he never will be,
Tough as it is, I'll never be away from him.
Lack creates need,
tries to make up for things:
This is how it feels when you can't fill either gap.

Spaces are filled by made up places.
Spaces are areas without meaning,
Places are of meaning or association, unempty.
The space is one half of a non-existing f a m i l y.
My place is where I can have a future boyfriend made of better things.
My reckless head
Is supposed to give hope and safety,
Shelter me from reality.
My reckless head
Don't they know it breaks me,
To dream of things
That can never be?

Spaces are there.
Places are put there.
Anyone else there?
Is there a difference that you see?
All my minor sorrows seem the same to me.
1.3k · Oct 2016
My Antisocial Feelings
It's just so hard to keep existing
Can't keep the walls up,
Because it's hard to do that alone,
And everyone can see
That I'll always be stuck on the outside,
From being too quiet
And too alone.

I know I have to stay,
But I really want to go.
How I "manage" is by finding ways
Of waiting till it's over.
I know I'll have to be trapped in a room,
Full of many others.
Everyone expects me to talk,
Without thinking I will only be distraught.

I don't feel people looking at me,
Unlike I've heard people say,
Instead I just get this harsh feeling of dread
That I can't be there any longer.
My insides feel torn,
Because I just have this feeling I can't explain to you.
All I can say is that I could never feel worse.
I want to escape but this is my curse.

I'd love to be able to talk to you guys,
But I'm afraid I feel I am breaking inside.
So just don't talk to me
And don't look close either,
And if I'm staring into space,
Then I don't want to be here.

If I'm supposed to be social:
Then I don't know what to say,
My heart will feel like it's floating away.
Heart palpitations are not what I seek,
Although I still happen to get them most weeks.
It's hard enough,
To wake up and think:
Today I have to get up
And surround myself with too many people and lost dreams.

I want to be social.
I would wish for it,
And sometimes I do,
But it doesn't seem like it will ever come true.
My longed for ambitions shall never be complete,
For they require social abilities
Which I cannot meet.
When I manage the simplest things,
That no one else has to think about,
I am just completely amazed at myself;
Like someone saying hello to me,
The fact that it happens
And responding back,
However after that one encounter,
I feel as though it's drained me,
Because I had just interacted
With another human being.
1.3k · Dec 2015
Shouldn't Be Here
Life isn't a choice, it's something's that's given.
But have you never received an unwanted gift?
They're all such good friends,
And I'm just ruining it!
I shouldn't be here.
They shouldn't know me.
But it's my fault because they do,
And they shouldn't, I'll ruin them!
I'll ruin everything.
I don't deserve them,
I deserve to be in hell.
I don't want to be here.
It's all her fault,
If it wasn't for her I wouldn't be here.
Now and crying.
I'd rather not be here.
I shouldn't; I'm a sin, a mistake, a rejection from God above.
1.2k · May 2015
Time To Finish With This
I don't want to need you anymore,
Sick and tired of you not being there.
It's not my problem anymore.
It's my fault, it's my stupid brain.
I have to imagine things to make me happy,
I get too **** caught up in them.
Well not now and not anymore,
Because I've changed my mind.
I'm not gonna depend on things anymore.
I've always thought I'd never need anyone,
Yet I imagine myself with people.
I don't have them and them I don't want.
I want myself and that's enough.
I'm going to live my life.
Take what is mine and maybe one day I will leave you behind.
Maybe one day I won't like you at all.
It's all good for me,
You're not pleasing, you see.
But if you ever change your mind.
I guess part of me will still be waiting,
However I can't afford to wait behind.
So for those feelings it is goodbye.
Hopefully I'll know what it's like to just friendly like you.
1.2k · Oct 2015
When you realise that everyone else’s poetry is amazing,
And yours is of course just **** mixed into a muddy puddle,
Because you defy the teachers,
You do it your way,
Without making sure to use all those literate techniques,
After all, this isn’t Romeo and Juliet.
1.2k · Oct 2016
Without Aspiration
You just have to remember it's not time to run away,
And not because you know you don't want to,
But because no one will let you.
This is how reality works:
It forces you to do painful things you swear you cannot.
You know you have accomplished things,
You pushed for them hard enough.
Now you have to keep going,
Because you didn't get this far to just give up.
You may feel like you have no willpower to try,
But you have to get through this again.
You need to at least try to get good grades,
Or to yourself you'll be good as dead.
I know you don't have the aspiration, you feel you don't have the strength;
You need to ace this all again to get to where you've planned.
You feel like nothing will work and you'll be stuck in destruction all your life,
My dear, if you go through hard patches,
Then you have to put up a good fight.
So tell them that you'll try,
Because they don't want you to.
Tell them up inside your head that you will have that aspiration again.
You tell them girl,
That you will do more than the best they thought you could,
Because I know this women is a whole lot stronger than she looks.
1.2k · Apr 2019
From A Doctors Perspective
Who is this young girl,
Thinking she has the right to be in my office?
I pretend to be nice,
I do all the tests,
After all, I can’t risk her suing for neglect.

I comfort her, by telling her it’s stress,
Indeed yes, this is all in her head.
I let her tell me all of her symptoms,
She must be a hypochondriac because how else would she have come up with all of that?
Nevertheless, so she can’t say I haven’t done my job,
I send her for an MRI and EEG,
I also use my favourite words:
I tell her it’s nothing sinister.

I can’t believe she’s wasting my time,
She has anxiety, her brain is all fine!
Now that I’ve ridden her off of my list,
I can move onto to patients, who are actually sick.
She walks in looking young and healthy,
Does she really expect me to believe her?
She’s too young to be sick, and all her tests say are that she needs a psychiatrist, not a neurologist.
I give the advice I’ve learnt from my medical degree, “just get on with life and do whatever you were doing. Go to university, you’ll be just fine! You can’t keep relying on your family forever.”
Poor them, they must be really fed up of her,
She’s just too lazy to make her own food, to get out of bed, to go alone to the toilet unaided.
Yeah, she can still go to university, it’s not like she needs 24/7 care in case she falls down the stairs!

I tell her she doesn’t need those crutches that she uses,
I tell her she’s wrong about social anxiety, although she says it’s much better and I’ve only known her five minutes,
She’s just stressed, her diagnosis is functional.

Six months later her MRI and EEG are normal,
But I already knew it would be,
I advise her doctor to sort her out with a psychiatrist, even though she’s already seen one because I don’t get paid to actually listen to people.
A year later and she’s trying to get another neurologist appointment?
We can’t be having that, let’s make her referral disappear!
She’s told an ophthalmologist she’s having temporary loss of vision, flashes of light?
Who even cares? It’s just in her mind.
She’s chased up how her urgent referral hasn’t be fulfilled in a month,
I guess I’ll have to write her doctor a letter then,
I’ll say it’s just migraine auras because when I saw her she was fine.
She’s only pretending to be disabled,
After all it’s functional so she must be pretty messed up inside.

I’m a doctor so people know I’m smart,
So I get good money,
I don’t need to actually believe my patients and look for things that are not obvious to see.
I’ll make sure she feels like she’s going crazy and will never be helped or believed.
1.2k · Aug 2014
Wherever I am,

Whenever it is,

I have to imagine,

My make believe dreams.

It might seem silly,

But this dream world,

Is interesting,

It's something to do with my time,

Rather than nothing.

I imagine loads of things,

Like you and me,

All under my control,

Because it's not real,

And only I know.

I imagine life now,

And life later on,

Not all of it is happy,

As in reality there's drama,

So the drama in my dream world,

Could seem like a possibility.

I imagine being with my friends,

Through good times,

And bad moments,

I imagine my future,

However I like.

They may sometimes be realistic,

By being dramatic to extremes,

But they will never be real,

Especially the parts,

Of you and me.

I imagine things as simple,

As spending time with you,

Not always over exciting,

But in casual moods,

Apart from you would be there,

So that would make my mood,

Soar high in the air.

Anytime spent with you,

Would be time well spent,

Even if there was tragedy,

You being there would be better,

You'd cheer me up a lot,

And take my pain away.

I imagine what would happen,

If things between us were different,

Imagine how these thoughts would change,

My love would stay the same,

But hopefully my droning,

Wouldn't stay.

Maybe I would still feel similar,

Let's face it, I would,

Even if you chose me,

I'd be far from second best,

You already treat me well,

But everyone else you treat better,

Without you even realising.

Whenever I am with you,

My troubles fly away,

It's like they never existed,

It's like you love me anyway,

But whenever your gone,

I realised you've led me on,

Even if you didn't mean to.

I can't say,

Don't you go away,

Because you've already gone,

It's been a while now,

And you've never left my mind,

Thoughts of you won't leave my head,

It's like you're pulling on my heart,

Even though you're nowhere near.

Another thing I can not say,

Is to ask you to come back,

As you're not here to listen,

Yes I can always message you,

But you are growing bored,

I'm not even with you,

But you can't be bothered with me anymore,

Why did you even bother with me,

Now you have just left.

I can't say you shouldn't have played with my heart,

Just to then go and leave,

Because after all,

You did nothing,

I just had to fall.

I imagine that one day,

Maybe it could all work out,

You should know what I'm talking about,

You should know what to give back,

I don't just want to see your face,

I want your love as well,

But all I can get right now,

Is to see your face,

And just that makes me smile,

But now what is there for me to do,

When I won't see you for so long?
1.2k · Nov 2015
Forbidden Success
It is what's forbidden,
But it forbids me to disobey.
I have to watch myself fall down the rabit hole.
I have to see my ambitions right in front of me,
Before they're snatched away by a desperate beggar child.
At least they can finally get what they want,
While I'm being traumatised by what I want and could have
But now never will.
1.0k · Jul 2015
To Say One Thing Is Stress
Well I can't think.
But I think all the time.
And I can't stay calm.
When everything about me is wrong.
I can always breathe.
But I don't always take that as good.
I'm thinking differently now.
And it's not at all positive.
I don't know what I have faith in.
Seems like negativity outweighs religion.
I can't even look at school work.
I just want to tear it up.
I guess I could try and push.
But I doubt it would work.
I don't see I'll ever get that done.
Each day I question what might've been sanity.
And everyday that seems to get smaller.
I see the stress.
I feel the occasional tears.
What can you do in the world.
When the world's against you.
Capable of sleeping but stay up too late.
Then worry about not getting enough.
Which makes even more stress.
That you already have.
Life's a *****.
It's not my friend.
It's not yours either.
Because one day we'll all reach our death.
Then there will be nothing left.
You won't know pain.
Because you won't be here.
Those left behind hurting.
Well one day they'll die anyway.
If there's a purpose for life.
Then it is to die.
So the reason there's a start.
Is that there's an end.
Which means there's no point.
So I may as well be dead.
But this is just all too ironic.
This poem is by a happy girl.
With everything going.
She'd never throw away her life.
And thinks it's such an amazing gift.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I can still write this.
With meaning as well.
Because this life is just eternal hell.
Well until the our death day.
Then there's just a bunch of nothingness.
You won't even be able to say.
"Oh well."
I just can’t do it,
Please don’t make me,
I don’t want to see it everywhere -
All the things I should be doing, everything I thought I’d be,
I want to lock myself up somewhere else,
Even if the light won’t get to me.

Don’t come close,
No, I told you so!
It’s dangerous here, maybe even deadly,
No matter whoever for it can’t be a good thing,
I don’t know if I think you’ll hurt me,
But please just stay away
I need to manage myself but you’re taking that away,
Not that I ever had it,
It seems I keep slipping,
Further, further, gone.

It’s okay now, it’s the end,
I’m done and
Won’t be coming back again.

You’ll see how much less misery,
You’ll have away from me.

This is over,
I’m sure I really give up this time,
This is me actually giving it up,
Saying goodbye to everything I once had hope in because I’m done.
1.0k · Sep 2014
I believe
I believe there are angels here.
They're all around us.
They're watching and caring.
Even if they're not interfering.

I believe that they are waiting.
Willing to help us.
If we need saving.

I believe that if we call.
An angels will soon answer.
They won't let us fall.
Instead they catch us.

I believe we can contact our angels.
By thoughts or speaking.
Then we might see, hear or feel them.

I believe we are never alone.
They can ease off on us,
But never go too far away.
They're loving us every day.
986 · Aug 2014
Maybe we shouldn't
Maybe you're right.

Maybe it's for the best.

Maybe i'll get over it.

Maybe then this will be behind us,

Well it's already behind you.

I bet you've already put the book away,

Saying no it's not an option.

Then that's all it is for you.

Maybe I don't want it behind me.

I keep this book open,

Because I want to keep it close.

For me it's not an option.

It's something I need to happen.

Maybe we shouldn't be together.

Maybe you are right.

Maybe you were and always will be.

Maybe is only a maybe.

Maybe we shouldn't for now.

But maybe doesn't mean forever.

Maybe if you read all this.

This one poem now.

Maybe you wouldn't realise,

That I'm lying to myself.

Maybe I can say maybe.

Maybe we shouldn't.

Another thing I can say though,

Is maybe that we should.

Unfortunately you don't agree with that.

Maybe as I know,

You never will agree.

Maybe one day you will.

Maybe is a word,

That I can say a million times.

If I say maybe we shouldn't,

Even if I said it that much,

It would never ever mean,

That the maybe wasn't a lie.

Maybe I'm still into you.

Maybe I always will be.

Maybe you'll never want me.

Maybe I'll be fine with that.

Maybe I just lied again.

Maybe I would rather that,

Than having my love for you stop.

Maybe we shouldn't.

Now I could put that in every verse.

Maybe I could put in the opposite,

But that would change this poem.

This is about how we shouldn't,

Even if I think we should.

Let's be honest here and now.

You think we shouldn't,

But I will always think we should.

Maybe it will take you twenty years,

To actually understand why.

I don't mind if my hearts get broken,

As long as it's by you.

It may already be cracked,

But I'm proud that you caused that.

Maybe I'll still be sitting here,

All these years later.

Maybe i'll still write these poems.

Maybe I'll put them in a letter.

Maybe I could send them to you.

Maybe I'll throw them in the sea.

Maybe at least they'll go somewhere.

Anywhere could be better.

Maybe we shouldn't.

Do I need to say it another time?

All of us here are knowing,

That these lies keep coming.

Maybe it's only you,

That I will ever leave my heart open to.

Maybe one day you'll open your heart as well.

Maybe I already know,

That it won't be open to me.

Maybe this poem is stupid.

Maybe it's full of hopeless hopes.

Maybe it's all lies.

Maybe it won't be so simple to you,

But I know what I feel inside.

Maybe we shouldn't,

The name of this poem.

This poem is all a lie.
978 · Jul 2015
Crap Time
Too many ******* insecurities,
And where there's insecurities,
There is never any safety.

If it hurts it's not the end,
So if it's not the end it's the beginning.
The start of eternity.

Some violent thoughts,
And just no words,
Or too many words with no thoughts.
There should be this and that,
More like nothing you'll ever get,
Oh yeah and more nothing of that.

These words will soon drift,
But they won't fit through the sieve.
Mind you,
There's not much for you to chew,
Because this **** likes to vanish,
From the eyes of those who might care.

In a world of too many stares,
I don't think anyone really cares,
Unless it's about themselves.
We all worry about what others perceive,
Blind to the fact we all think the same thing,
So really are people judging us,
Or just judging themselves through those in the way?

Greedy eyes,
Hungry for the unknown prize,
It's too bad that nobody will win.
It's the game of life and risk combined,
The world is our board,
And we are the character pieces.
No more, no less.
Too much more.
Too much less.
977 · Feb 2017
Untitled 29/1/17
Cut me open
Tear out my soul
I can't seem to find the use
Of anything anymore

Everything just hurts

She tells me to allow myself to feel emotions I already feel too much
She tells me to accept what I've long ago accepted
That doesn't mean it hasn't still come to play inside my head
And that does not mean I haven't accepted reality
I accept it and try to get it to *******
It never really does though

And that's just me,
That's just me in my not so subsiding self-pity

You don't really have a clue how much I hurt
How much I feel
956 · May 2018
Psychological Agreement
I had just said how I
Don't want to go outside again,
(That means existing)
And then I realised
My body said no too.
At times like this I can't even get to my room.
Almost like my failure
Is flashing up in lights.

Avoidance is okay if,
It's the only thing you can physically do.
Sometimes I start to wonder
If I should say thank you.
954 · Jun 2015
The Unsocial Shell
It’s as if I’m stuck inside a shell I can’t see out of.
I’ve never been able to even try to tear my way out because that is too much.
I dream of all these things inside,
But on the outside I can’t get there.
I know it’ll always be hard work and I’ll just have to try,
But I can’t force myself to be confident and have nothing at all to say.
I can imagine as many situations as I like,
Plan out some different possible future jobs.
Only I’ll never be able to get there,
Because I **** at social skills.
Right now I’m trying to figure out what to do,
Right now I can’t find any solution.
I’ll get there because I have to,
However I really don’t know how to escape from this zone of comfort.
It’s something that I don’t seem capable to fight.
I am not in anyway comparing this to social problems because it's not that bad but this is how I've been feeling. I'm thinking of being something like a social worker or a nurse when i'm older and basically everything and day to day life requires to be social and i really don't seem that good at it. I guess I'm okay but nowhere near as good as some people I know and for what i want to do i need to be social. also when meeting new people like friends of friends i basically close myself off from everyone and it makes my friends ask if i'm okay which i am, i guess i don't like people but i like people enough to want to have a job involving helping people? I don't know.
926 · May 2016
The Outcast
She became such an outcast,
An outsider;
That she started to detest everything common.
She found everything muddled up in a cliché:
A cliché she refused to follow,
So it was in that, perhaps, that she could gain her destined mystery.
She felt that she creates too many imperfections
Out of pure self existence,
But of course she continues to exist anyway.
912 · Apr 2015
The stars will always shine.
They'll keep shining relentlessly.
You shouldn't ever forget that,
Because in hard times there are little things.
These little things we learn to hold onto.
They can help keep us from falling apart.
Take the stars for example;
They'll still always be there
And they won't ever give up.
You should make the same efforts.
To make everyday be lived and loved,
And also to not ever
Give up.
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