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11.8k · Apr 2019
The Real, Marijuana Land
IrieSide Apr 2019
I’ve made it
my friend,
To the real Marijuana land
10.4k · Aug 2018
IrieSide Aug 2018
Flex your philosophy
under the influence
Oh weak hearted,
don’t you know that life is meaningless?
will you find value,
or just pretend?

To love is to know,
To love is to live

In time you will find
what this perplexing
truly is
7.0k · Sep 2018
IrieSide Sep 2018
Stay immortal,
leave your legacy

Conquer the greatest dragon
rescue the bravest princess
find your hero
deep within
3.2k · Jun 2015
Where Life Will be Waiting
IrieSide Jun 2015
A breeze of non-belonging
guiding her sails
to a destination
which has no map

The wood creaks
as the ship ages

middle of the ocean
a broken compass
no hint of salvation

with each new storm
her hope fades
with the worn sail

a hit of rejection
a taste of loss
a continuous reminder

of that old familiar pain

now all she does is watch
trusting that the ocean’s currents
will carry the ship to an island

where life will be waiting
A feeling of non-belonging.
2.6k · Jun 2018
Verse 1, Where
IrieSide Jun 2018
It nourished my garden
this dripping of words
from clouds in thought
and glacier energy
I found my soul
etched in this
sacred poetry
Stay true to yourself. That sacred energy you know is there. Follow it always, and it will guide you home.
2.4k · Dec 2014
Ms. Lioness
IrieSide Dec 2014
We all want the same thing, some sense of freedom
Like a lioness in the zoo, so confused yet so sure
That there exists some sort of beautiful lion kingdom
beyond the ideas of her mind’s shore
1.6k · Apr 2019
Notre Dame
IrieSide Apr 2019
acient splendor of a city's identity
succumbing to nature's
greatest trick

everything falls apart,
even our gods
of stone
1.6k · Nov 2014
IrieSide Nov 2014
A never-ending routine; spending our free time masking discontent by cultivating dreams.
1.5k · Dec 2014
Fire in Her Eyes
IrieSide Dec 2014
An old man in blue suspenders
gazed down at his wife
who had just slipped away
in this hospital

Her last breath was taken
at 2152, documented by doc’s writing
what started with chest pain
ended in this dimly lit room

The old man looked up at me
gravity pulled a tear to his shoe
I blinked, the room began to spin

The old man
in blue suspenders
then calmly said,

"As I look down at her wrinkled face
and thin lips,
I can vividly remember the day
our friendship began

Her eyes were full of life
her red lips plump,
her smile made my heart
brew emotions that wouldn’t pass

We talked about these things
that made life seem so right

She was my best friend.

Now here lies her peaceful face
washed away and pale
death has finally taken her
as it will me

But those moments,
those moments of life
the bliss and her youth
live on immortally

she’s still there in my mind
that young girl,
with fire in her eyes."
1.4k · Mar 2017
Shadow Man
IrieSide Mar 2017
I saw death,
no angels singing
nor plumes of hades

Energy relaxes
leaving spiritless flesh

No romance,
like that of a grim reaper
or noble feats on a cross

an evaporating mist

I saw death,

no strength I gained
but a feeling of shame

It's strange,
this feeling of immortality


we, the animated skeletons
of humanity

It's simplicity really,
there's no magic in death
1.4k · Sep 2015
IrieSide Sep 2015
Those who dare to see
that beauty
is not rooted in conformity
1.3k · Feb 2018
In Time and Dirt
IrieSide Feb 2018
Gravitational forces
towards something better
as if it exists
buried beneath
some distant desert

what is it
that strains to convey
in this broken poetry
as if truth were at
the tip of its tongue

perhaps it's to feel real
for only a moment
to escape the routine
of making a living
which only yields
a skeleton
compacted in dirt

Take my writing
let it fly upon the wind
let it touch the four corners
of Earth's spiritless surface
Take it farther!
upon the wings of doves
and sound waves of conversation
to red and gaseous planets
let even the martian men
attempt to
1.2k · Dec 2015
IrieSide Dec 2015
find your method
and just live it
you are free now
so enjoy it
Be free, it's all you need.
1.1k · Oct 2015
IrieSide Oct 2015
The beauty in your eyes
erupts as volcanos
vomiting oil paints
into moonlit darkness
Be yourself and trust that who you are is sufficient and beautiful, you have beauty to offer the world, and i'd like to see it live. **** the restrictions
1.1k · Jan 2017
You Are
IrieSide Jan 2017
a kiss blended in warm linen
of delicate Texas breeze
and star-skied lemonade
your eyes,
in them reside
eternal beauty

I'd take you to the moon
just to   show you the world.
Under the night sky. Inspired to the sound of "I want You" by Bob Dylan.
1.1k · May 2017
State of Dysfunction
IrieSide May 2017
angelic auras dance through heaven
as death's dark glance
awakens feeling
tender cold touch
of quickly fading reality
of what hope is there
in disintegration

captivated by poetry
hints of immortality
not in it for the money
or material satisfaction
for that too,

oh then where
is peace to hold
please don't pretend
you've found the gold
i've been to church
the temple too
and in them i've found
nothing true

None can live
with fading hope
oh the atheist lies
with life
she can't cope

transcend the planes
life's labels fly away  
lost in mara, or hade's aura
find me here
a head in the clouds
I lost my identity
of fading mist

I met a monk, of Vedic law
I met a Christian who knew it all
I met a man who lived for wealth
and a nun of repressed desire
now here I stand
in non-belonging
though in this place,
i've found...
my real belonging
1.0k · Mar 2017
Psychology Major
IrieSide Mar 2017
One thing I learned
in my long college career
is that
I don't know a thing

I cannot read minds
nor fix this world
I still fall back to
this broken poetry

The place to be
we thought as youth
though in this life
it's a choice we choose

where you desire to be
is a figment of reality
a plan so mismal
to the burning sun

What faith you lack,
oh guilty one
on this track of life
you chose death!

In this college degree
I learned to see
not through intellect
but through emptiness

Poetry flows like gentle tides
before a hurricane
her sandy shores

Three jumps left
and two jumps right
the lord speaks
and I follow

Milk moonlight of divine delight
silky sheets of satin rose
nerves underneath
emit electricity
and birth

Lovers in my past
don't leave my mind
their faces exist
etched in time

Sink like a stone
through deep waters
fall to her blackness
and the dark sea's wonders

thin skin, a lighted hook
neon guppies glitter
in florescent
store light

Take heed when he calls
for the depressed ones
in your life

Always help
those in need
for you never know
when you, it could be

Solomon wrote
songs and poetry
they flowed from thought
as divine symphony
of what does this teach you of women?
Solomon had the most
of any man

Be true to yourself
and your dreams will come
not the dreams you've planned
but the one's- you stumble upon
A gentle tickle, a sudden pulse of electric energy
1.0k · Jul 2019
Stratus Bliss
IrieSide Jul 2019
Life is equally as beautiful
as it is ugly

equally as cold
as it is warm

live and learn
to find the bright side
1.0k · Apr 2017
Presenting Spring
IrieSide Apr 2017
Attentive eyes
    and nervous jitter,
trembling hearts
await their fate

barbaric practice
of modern acceptation
fear is faced
  in university fashion

Navy blue professor,
    of conductor hands
Giving presentations in college.
983 · Mar 2017
In a Crowd
IrieSide Mar 2017
In a crowd looking out
my love, the world
under a waterfall
of milky moonlight

I am but a star
in a constellation of many
her, the world
my heart's captor

though as bright as I shine
my light is in vain
her, the world
only sees the sun

Perhaps a dream
will guide my way
or your bluish glance
will connect with me

her, the world
my heart's captor
seas of splendor
and curves of heaven

I know one day
you'll come to see
that I the star,
am plain to see

a sun up close,
for now i'm far

my light will kiss
your delicate face
where life resides
and birth awaits

these chapters come
and soon will go
for this I know
our time will come

oh, to be
just like the sun
warming your skin
of saharan mud

oh my love,
of blue and green
I pray to you
so you'll look to me

Saturn's rings
she can't contend
nor Mar's skin
her sunlit charm

A planet amongst many,
my earth of green and blue
though my light
my love,
was always for you
976 · Feb 2018
IrieSide Feb 2018
Movement of time collides
with tear drop melody
darkened angel
to final day symphony:

gun blasts in homeland
enter familiar flesh-
different tongues conceal
common threads that makes us

wounded souls call for God
in bomb dimpled lands-
far from American eyed reach
and inside

amidst spiritual sands

Treading with foot print patterns
around rock’s pure holiness
meditating in temples
laden in gold tributes

seeking truth’s distant comfort

guns blast in homelands
families wonder why-

pain embraces consciousness
dripping hints of salvation
into thick Iron pools
of Christ’s calling

red horse not so distant
seven seals awakening
run back to one
it’s time to find love
The tragic happenings of todays time.
964 · Jan 2015
In Some Distant Land
IrieSide Jan 2015
The story has no memory
it just starts here
the eeriest of feelings
caress this peculiar vision

quick head turn
to get the hair out of my face
eyes glance up i see her
over there across the street

our eyes meet

the world begins to disappear
radiant eyes gaze into my soul
as mine reflect the exact energy
back at her

Not a look of lust or flirtation
a divine look, of some unspeakable
spiritual communication  
which goes back thousands of years

Past lives whirl as the universe warps
back to the big bang or conception
endless vast time in preparation
for this moment here

A story that takes place in a millisecond
yet the most profound i’ve told
of an event in the future that hasn’t happened
yet already has

in some distant land
956 · Jun 2016
Foreign Chillin'
IrieSide Jun 2016
Sat upon clay colored cushions
In the breadth of foreign land
two young men and a boy
listen in,
to Spanish TV

Mosquitos hover intently
upon warm humid air
lowering to replenish
with itchy precision

Flowery aromas,
of fruit-scaped hills
pour through parted Windows
of 13 glass panes  

a white sock and a black sock
the moment feels the same
still typing
trying to find,
my purpose here
Guatemala and I
920 · Oct 2019
Del Rey
IrieSide Oct 2019
fallen for the world
externally seeking
peace forgotten
a dreary storm

your voice resurrected
through stormy seas
a pure and
angelic honesty

full moon tides
of deep blue death
and white wash waves

your sound,
the light-house
of some long forgotten
893 · Feb 2017
Ocean Floor
IrieSide Feb 2017
I don't write to pretend i'm deep,
I just am
880 · Dec 2014
Alien Terrain
IrieSide Dec 2014
A quaint cabin amidst pines
Gently tucked into the backdrop
Of modestly, snow covered mountains.
Echoes of unprompted elk cry’s bonded together
by the ever-present sound of rolling water

Inaudibly peering through the dirt stained window
Of this serenely placed cabin
Feeling a kiss of tender coolness
As your cheek touches glass

A sight of marbled walls
Which glisten with auras of green
As the sun peeked over the mountain
Floor covered in ruggedly thick black tar
while old pink gum disguised the ceiling

a shaky skeleton walked out of a closet,
as if to come and say hello
The sun tucked itself back behind the mountain
as if it suddenly grew tired of rising

Darkness embraced the scene,
then the shaky skeleton flipped a switch
Which caused colors of reds and greens
To re-embrace the terrain

The once green pines, now strangely red
The once blue sky, now strangely green.
Could this really be?

Grabbing the rusty doorknob
To enter the cabin
Turning it twice
To compensate for friction


A step into the black tar,
Leaving a shoe behind
As the shaky skeleton
Motions a laugh.
I know where I am
As the gum leisurely rains

I'm in my mind
874 · Jan 2017
Closed Imagery
IrieSide Jan 2017

to fall in love with a poet.

How strange it would be

writers of darkness who share their nonsense

in passionate form.

I'd fall in love with a poet

to dream with her

of what could be.

Oh to dream,

of one who understands me.

Is it you miss poet,

is it you

who understands me?
868 · Nov 2015
To the Meek
IrieSide Nov 2015
Those who suffer seem more real
than those who don't
She told me she loves the sunshine
852 · Jan 2017
What they Like
IrieSide Jan 2017
Suit and tie
or gold stacked high
dreams cast out
take root
for a few

agreed upon reality
of desired traits
inhibit the minds
of never divine
mental states

stay true to yourself,
I'll stand with you

challenge your planet
with constructs of mind
shape it, form it
and for you,
the earth shall rise
In a world where poetry has a voice.
846 · Apr 2016
Desert Tides
IrieSide Apr 2016
Silhouette of freedom
cast upon mind canvas
a drop of life in desert script
imprints of foot patterns
flow in circle shapes
through life's vacant scape
seeking something more
past the sandy dunes
mirages of love and light
dissipate with further draught

where is the life to be found?
791 · Sep 2019
Electrocution, A Leopard
IrieSide Sep 2019
Is it their fault
for being unworthy of respect?

Or is it our own,
for not respecting them?

Adjust your world vision,
to the right view
see beauty in everything
and not chaos
echo consciousness
throughout eternity

run, run, run
dear truth seeker,
keep your mouth shut
and be vigilant


Unravel lavender rolls of
galactic neon rugs
and crisscross  
high lighter
unchained replicas
of nature's black universe
unwind the tight-knit mind
that society gave us

a retired leopard
of spots that radiate sun
from what jungle are you?

warmth to red
and quickly fading
this is death,
fellow soldier

enlighten life,
fall time lanterns
of fleshly glow
breathing life
into heart beat

the time is now,
program, control, re-wire
circuitry soldered  
into electrocution's

I learned from the Redwoods
peace with life
and absolute confidence
I repel fire and live long
contend me,
a ghost of no face
782 · Feb 2017
778 · Nov 2019
Note to Self
IrieSide Nov 2019
The foundation is love,
don't you forget that
778 · Apr 2017
Take me wherever you....
IrieSide Apr 2017
Pull the trigger
  of ***** target
victimized by displays
  of fading fantasy
again, into other realms
of countering thought
what could be, what isn't
   the voice echoes,
here we go, another loss
    a new finding
           of life's
     endless surprises
778 · Nov 2014
The Tree
IrieSide Nov 2014
Hey man listen, it’s not at all what you think
There’s so much more you can do and be
The question for you is, why is it that you’ve stopped?
A climber can never quit so close to the peak

An invisible journey, a growth towards the sky
Like a tree in the field, as the sun passes by
Taking each opportunity, to achieve some growth
A relentless being is the tree, who never cries nor hopes

We are merely seeds, in the whole scheme of things
To self actualize is the prize in this divine disguise
For divinity is, the sight through the dark and cloudy
look around, is what you see a beautiful reality?
738 · Oct 2019
IrieSide Oct 2019
Dear love,
we're on track
to paradise
709 · Oct 2015
IrieSide Oct 2015
She walks with a pretend mission; from meeting to work to play. No creative expression, just a stoney gaze.
Can't place all your life force in the human-rat race
695 · Oct 2018
The Monk’s Robe
IrieSide Oct 2018
Become present,
It’s a hero’s journey
a monk robe come heavy
655 · Sep 2014
Last Sunrise
IrieSide Sep 2014
It's like 20,000 likes or knocks at the door
but not one of them the company I adore
emptiness, because of one vacancy

An ocean of fish, only one worth the keep
Different beauty, some beyond comprehension
still there’s that feeling, that feeling of incompletion
maybe you relate

I know she’s out there, waiting to be found
I don’t know where she’s from, her heart is sound
She’ll relate to me, she will, apart from physical thrills
Spiritual passion, and vulnerability
something I cannot speak of verbally.

If I could put it into writing I would, but ill get lost in my dreams
Something I want, something I need, like water or air, the oxygen I...
I feel her presence, but can’t find her, no matter where I go

I'll write songs and poetry, in hopes she'll come to me
Maybe i'll meet her at a store, or even the sea’s shore
A smiling face, a presence of light, what I imagine is as radiant as a last sunrise
She’s there, I swear, in my minds eye, not a race or color, she’s there

Over the ocean, colors and bliss, our eyes meet
Connection of the universe, this link between our brains.
An imaginary moment
                                                  that teases me.
651 · May 2023
IrieSide May 2023
I met a figure
of darkened glamor
he told me to look

the introvert
has a power
the silent

treasures present themselves
and reveal
their shining

mapped out
and planned
a trajectory

find this energy
of peaceable
and take heart
when the music

the precipice
of genesis
a growth
and more channeled
649 · Apr 2017
Page Flips
IrieSide Apr 2017
You feel the onset,
a coming of age
chapters that came
now changing phase

pregnant mothers
of children's firsts
hints at marriage
or spiritual birth

Pages turn,
you can't halt it
hope to grow wise
if you can help it

the rhythm of life
is always of change
if you remain stagnant
your skin will age

To see the end,
oh a noble feat
a crying old woman
of 93

she lost her husband
her first and young
this was years ago

arms of iv's
and infected blood

calm doctors
of objective question
silent nurses
at medical attention

Though chapters change,
not all are the same
a spring to come
or hell's cold rain

I wish you the best,
upon your journey
646 · May 2016
Hour Glass
IrieSide May 2016
This moment unfolds
    bringing new thought
602 · May 2017
IrieSide May 2017
Have awareness
in life's pursuits
know the doors
that lead to fruit

A garden of lies
and wolves around
beware the desire
of material lusts

money, praise, holes and cars
millions, houses or vacation
Be wary of those who promise material gratification with their teachings.
597 · Apr 2017
IrieSide Apr 2017
Contemplating meaning
       known paths seceding
into an abyss
       of what could be
596 · Jul 2017
Second to Second
IrieSide Jul 2017
physical flesh
of minds electric
exhale purple images
upon galaxy screens  
silky neuron fabric
weaved with dreams
tie memories
to feeling
583 · Sep 2020
IrieSide Sep 2020
orange morning light
and snow-flake ash

the taste of burnt manzanita    

fire to the north,
fire to the south
a valley enclosed
in uncertainty

apocalyptic sun
blotted out by
a color just as beautiful
as it is eery
California, 2020
532 · Jan 2019
IrieSide Jan 2019
In today,
your sweetest memories
Stay present.
515 · Dec 2018
IrieSide Dec 2018
I travelled the world,
though not once
could I step outside
my own skull
Greetings from Lisbon.
490 · Oct 2018
IrieSide Oct 2018
river side blues
of life's mysterious question
a mind renowned
for it found nothing
449 · Dec 2016
IrieSide Dec 2016
Purple clouds between us
with you across the line
a stressful day becomes

though your present silence
awakens a gray heart
to love's radiance
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