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Curtis Apr 2014
No thoughts just breathing
No regret just breathing
No self pity just breathing
No worries about tomorrow just breathing
No thoughts of...
Oh, right
Just breathing
Meditation, hard but rewarding
Tyler Man Apr 2014
As I feel the heartbeat through my body a constant reminder of an inner hobby a thing that makes me a person maybe not so free a constant relief of tension to redirect the emotion to bring distraction to a constant reminder that your not here all it's ever done is endive fear who am I to turn away run again who am I to leave again to bring myself to run free again who am I to just give up and leave behind a whole life of love who are you to walk away leave me here for another day I can believe that I'll stay when I just wanna run away to my dismay you run away so far away to leave behind what I am but why I tried I cared I cried for you to see what inside me... But not enough I must grow tough to run away and leave this place.... As tears come raining down my face
Something freeflowing... Came out when I was in grievance
Daylight 4U2C Apr 2014
I just want someone to care.
To notice, when I'm not there.
To stay by my side.
To let me cry.
I don't want to be judged.
I just want to be loved.
I don't care how far,
I don't care if you've receded,
I just want to know
that I am needed.
It's not creepy.
Certainly not.
It's just odd,
to read what's been thought.
I love the imaginary,
who exists.
I love the birds,
and bees.
I love the sky,
and seas.
I'm waiting.
I'm watching.
Watching the world.
Thinking about it,
I've come to notice.
You help me even now.
Because I don't know who you are,
I spend so much time thinking,
contemplating elatedly,
to the point I don't even think,
the world anymore.

All I care about it this beautiful,
distraction of mine.
And this image in my mind,
it may not be you,
but I may know some day.
This love is true.
This love is so much.
I don't even know what to do.
This love of mine,
I await.
I will wait.
I'm waiting.
I'm watching.
Watching the world.
The world will pass me by,
and in the end..
I will have you,
and hold your hand.
The collected dust,
will tell a story.
True love does exists. You just have to be patient.
Camila Mar 2014
The days are going faster lately,
I'm keeping myself busy with work, and chores,
and reading, and noise.
I listen only to the electro music you hate and stay away from the songs you used to sing.
I find myself not thinking about you every minute,
and I also find myself unable to rest, unable to stop, because I'm scared of drifting towards you..
The days are becoming easier,
but the nights are still the worst.
When the lights and sounds are off and I get to feel the empty side of my twin bed, that's when I wish I could erase the past month without you, thats when I wish I could time travel to the day I met you, to our first kiss, to our first date, to the first time you held my hand, I wish I could time travel to the sight of you. I wish I could stop crying, I so deeply wish and pray to stop loving you. And then I pray a little harder for you to love me back.
The memory is unbearable
I cringe as it rises from
my subconscious; haunting me
It plagues my mind
I need to find a distraction

Write, write, write, write
Stapling papers drawing forms;
Archiving documents.
I get on my 20 n get time alone.
The memory creeps up,
I can feel it as my mood keeps changing.

Distraction distraction distraction
Look at the cars speeding down the streets
The couples huddled close for warmth
Hmmm that's could have been us


Your memory is creeping in
Everything I see reminds me of thee.

*You can only distract yourself for so long before you have to face the truth
xoK Mar 2014
Sitting here
Waiting, wishing, wanting,
I can't even focus.
The distraction of you pervades my mind's eye.
Write it down, the eye tells me
As if it were the messenger perched upon my shoulder.
Each breath that crawls in and out of my lungs feels heavy;
Saturated with wishful thoughts and flickering candle light
Like shards of glass
Shining and reflecting the unseen.
The wind blows cold here.
Can you feel it too?
When I was young, the teachers said I had a vivid imagination.
They deemed me "creative"
Because I liked to play pretend.
That 8-letter C word hasn't left me since.
I still like to play pretend, so
Let's make believe we can touch.
Put that scene on repeat please.
Ever since I was young I've had this vivid imagination.
The night I cried a monsoon for lack of you,
Somewhere between each breath lost
I found a realization of epic proportions.
I sat with myself in the dim light,
My arms wrapped around me,
White knuckles,
Cradling this vessel that felt hollow as a canoe,
Pretending the arms weren't mine, but yours.
In bed with the blankets tucked around my silhouette
And your thoughts in words cradled in my hands,
I can imagine your front against my back
And your warm breath on my neck.
I can almost feel… a rush of blood to my heart.
Name that song.
Sorry I have to plagiarize that thought but it comes so easily.
A rush of blood straight to the core.
Pumping, pulsing
Sometimes I just sit alone with my heart.
Close my eyes and listen to what it has to say.
It seems to tell me, hey I'm keeping your engine running, but you have to do the rest.
And I say a prayer for that motor inside my chest that keeps everything flowing
But I know that it won't do it all for me.
Isn't it miraculous to be alive?
Earlier today I thought: my God, do I have trust issues.
I'm confused about what's real and about how to believe.
I've been told plenty of things that aren't true
Like how pluto is a planet...
Just kidding it's only a moon.
But who's to say it's only a moon?
My moon is your moon and that seems pretty swell to me.
People say it's a comfort to look up
And know you see the same moon as someone far away.
Maybe I'll take that for truth.
Might as well.
What've I got to lose?
On second thought I might want to avoid that question.
What have I got to lose?
My head, my heart, my sanity...
It's a question for another day.
But for now I'm sitting here
Wishing, waiting, wanting
For my make-believe to get real already
And for all my distraction fantasy to spring to life.
LDR life.
R Saba Jan 2014
nicotine is nasty
(learned that in school
sitting behind you, distracted
but i remember the cancer part)
so maybe it is
but i think the simplest way
to explain the way i revolved around you
would be to say
that if you'd offered me a cigarette
i would have taken it
and smoked it
that's how much i loved you
random thought really
Joe Haydon Mar 2014
I was planning to write today.
But I talked, and talk got in the way.
I search for stories, something to inspire
But it seems all the tall tales are lost in the myre.
Anecdotes, like dust motes, can drift with the breeze,
And for some the words come with a natural ease.

For me words arrive with rhythm and rhyme,
But in no special order; they don't stand in line.
Mumbled and jumbled its hard to pick and choose.
And my mind emerges; battered and bruised.
They don't stand on ceremony; they don't mess around
With their speedy advance like a great wall of sound.

I try to be measured, thoughtful and slow,
But my hand can't keep up and leaves illegible prose.
I shake the page, try to wring out some sense
Like panning for gold I look for recompense.

Hold on.
A nugget.
And there.
But it's me; I get distracted.
And they get lost somewhere.
Writing is hard. Particularly when you have an attention span as short as I do.

— The End —