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7.7k · Jul 2014
Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
He's so possessive
He turns aggressive.
Fire burns his passion
And his intentions impure.

Being over protective
Is not impressive.
Locked in a prison
Is what it's like.


Love has become an illusion.
A mystery is the conclusion.
Fear has polluted your body.
Cleaning yourself up has become your new hobby.
Follow me on twitter: @radicalmartian
7.0k · Jul 2014
Another Celebration
Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
Another win, another celebration.
Fifteen world championships
That’s inspiration.

But are you ready? For the beast?
Because rumors are swirling
That he’s been released.

Four men are the least of your worries,
Because you’re about to be interrupted
On this golden journey.

You've defeated him once before,
But he is no longer weak.
As he is much stronger
Since he defeated the deadman's streak.

Now he’s coming for you,
And your championship.
It’s not so much another run,
But for the pain he loves to inflict.

So forget Mr. Money in the Bank,
And the four other gladiators.  
Enjoy your title run now, Cena.
Because Brock Lesnar is an annihilator
This poem is about professional wrestler John Cena winning his fifteenth world championship (which is pretty much a big deal) and the obstacles he is rumored to be facing after the next pay per view. I am a HUGE pro wrestling fan and I've been writing a lot of pro wrestling poems lately. I actually don't think this one is that bad.
4.4k · Aug 2014
Person Unknown
Ryan Cripps Aug 2014
You’re a person unknown
A foreign entity.
No longer in my life
Yet you’re still haunting me.

Memories and people
Constantly pass through my mind,
But the unwanted ones
Get left behind.

Not you though,
Our memories I want.
You is what I want
You’re the one I love.
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Follow me on Twitter @RadicalMartian
4.3k · Jul 2014
Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
I feel the walls of my mentality breaking down. The defense mechanism has failed. My weakness has been found.

Bombs bombard my frontal lobes. How much time do I have left? That's a question nobody knows.

But the army of stress wages through. Setting fire and killing cells,
torturing them as the army continues to move.

My head throbs with pain, my legs join my arms in what feels like an earthquake; Heart pounds with tremendous force, my body is on a crash course.

The room becomes an amusement park ride. While different moods pass me by. Day after day the symptoms increase. Today may be the day when I accept defeat.

Socializing has become a thing of the past, all I have is panic attacks. Happiness has finally been lost. Without a map, and at what cost?

Control center has been compromised. Here I am, I have met my demise.
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4.2k · Jul 2016
Stressed Out
Ryan Cripps Jul 2016
You make me so stressed out,
I feel like the strings are about to snap.
And sometimes I wish they would
so I can walk away and never look back.

I just want to be free
like these words whenever I write them down.
I've stressed myself out
all just to make you proud.

Proud enough to call me yours.
Proud enough to accept you're mine.
Proud enough for you to not come home
smelling like another mans cologne half past nine.

I'm so stressed out
I've become dehydrated from these tears.
The scars you engraved in me
will stay visible for years.

I'm so stressed out because you've broken
what I've tried to so hard to rebuild.
I never thought death would be better
than the pain I currently feel
(c) 2016 - Ryan Kane
2.7k · Jul 2014
Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
There are flowers in the garden,
There are flowers near our feet,
There are flowers all around us,
They grow from underneath.

There are flowers in your house,
There can be flowers in your hair,
Flowers can make you smile,
In a time of despair.

Flowers are what you give a girl,
On any given day.
Especially when she’s sad,
It’ll make her feel okay.

Or give one to your mom
To show your appreciation.
Flowers are what you use
During any type of celebration.

Right now, I see some flowers,
They’re quite eye catching.
I appreciate everyone who should up,
But I must be going.

There are flowers in the room,
So please no one cry.
I’m going to a better place,
It’s time to say goodbye.

My mother begins to talk,
She talks as she weeps.
I kiss her on the forehead,
Before I have to leave.

I hope she felt my presence,
As I float up above.
People brought me flowers,
I definitely feel the love.
2.7k · Jun 2014
Inner Critic
Ryan Cripps Jun 2014
The worst type of critic
Is the critic with in me.
I always judge my work
Even if it's written perfectly.

Just like other critics,
I cannot silence this one.
But it takes a toll on my work,
It takes out all the major fun.

I love to write,
I love to share my ideas.
But I think all my work is crud
Even if it's beloved by my peers.

This makes the delete button
Oh so popular.
The inner criticism is choking me
He's got his hands against my jugular.

But I love what I do,
And I'll fight to the death,
Even if my work does ****,
At least I tried my best.

I have to remember,
The best is what matters,
Practice makes perfect
I just have to continue climbing that ladder.

It'll be a tremendous feeling,
When I reach the top,
Because I'll know no critics
Even myself,
Made me stop what I love doing.

2.6k · Jan 2016
I Hate Winter
Ryan Cripps Jan 2016
I have a look of disgust while staring at the snow on the ground.
Constantly stepping in dirt and mud as I walk through town.
The winds howl outside my window, waking me every night.
The season only lasts a few months, but it feels like there is no end in sight.

Goosebumps continuously cover my arms,
and my body never stops shivering with chill.
Depression sits in the air, winter is a ******* pill. I right?

Remember: Like, Share, Comment if you enjoyed. Helps me out a lot!

Follow me too! :D

Stay Warm this Winter <3 and for those of you in constant warm weather, I'm jealous...
2.6k · Jul 2014
God Bless America
Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
God bless America.
I woke up today to the ring of Freedom.
I pledged my allegiance
To this country and it’s people.

Today we celebrate our nation.
The place we all call home.
The place where it all started,
Where democracy had grown.

We fought an eight year war,
To achieve a free way of life,
And we are still fighting to this day,
To keep freedom alive.

Today we celebrate
So gather your friends and family
And say thanks to our soldiers,
And say hi to lady liberty.

Tonight we light fireworks
And gaze up at the night sky,
As freedom literally explodes
Right in front of your eyes.

I’m proud to be an American,
I hope you are too.
I’ll flash the Stars and Stripes forever,
I bleed Red, White, and Blue.
follow me on twitter @radicalmartian
2.4k · Aug 2014
The Night Sky Speaks
Ryan Cripps Aug 2014
The night sky speaks nothing, but beauty;
In a country setting where the night sky is euphoric and soothing.
Trillions of stars shine from light years away.
My body may leave, but here my soul will stay.
Under the brightness of the moon.
Under the shooting stars in the sky.
Tranquility so delightful,
I don't want to say goodbye.
Follow me on Hello Poetry :) (I follow back)
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2.3k · Aug 2017
Delicate Flower
Ryan Cripps Aug 2017
You gave my confidence power.
Your beauty is like a sunshower.
You're the definition of empowered.
You're soft and sweet,
You are my delicate flower.
(c) Ryan Kane 2017
Ryan Cripps Sep 2014
Please, break my heart
So I can write a collection of poems.
I need to drown in the feeling
Of being alone.

I want my heart to break
I want my soul to ache.
For the feeling of achievement
I'll put my mentality at stake.

I need to chase the feeling.
I love to breathe that feeling.
Because I'm finally good at something.
And if my heart isn't broken,
Then I'm absolutely nothing.
Follow me on Hello Poetry :) (I followback)
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Twitter: @RadicalMartian (I followback)
1.9k · Aug 2014
Your Kiss
Ryan Cripps Aug 2014
A kiss from your lips
Can make bitter taste sweet.
The feeling of your touch
Can bring feeling back to lost feet.

Dark days are irrelevant
In this apocalyptic place.
I feel nothing but happiness,
When I see your beautiful face.

But those sunny days
Don't seem to last.
Nothing but storms
Seem to be my forecast.

Because I see you with him,
And it produces pain.
I'm outside with no umbrella
And it's starting to rain.
Follow me on Hello Poetry :)
Please like & share, thank you!
1.9k · Jul 2014
Missing Home
Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
I write poems,
I write home.
Missing everyone
And I feel alone.

State of sunshine
Not in my mind.
"How you doing?"
I'm doing fine.

But that's a lie
And I wanna die.
All I got here
Is to get high.

My dad is here
But he cause tears.
Verbal abuse
Lingers near.

Words hurt but he don't know.
Only 5 months but it went slow.
Plan landed and I came home.
Now I no longer feel alone.
Follow me on twitter: @RadicalMartian
Follow me on Hello Poetry :)
1.8k · Aug 2014
Poem #213
Ryan Cripps Aug 2014
She used to self harm
But no razor blade
hurt more than
when she came home
and her husband
was gone.
I tried to think of the shortest and saddest love story. I thought this was it. More tries coming. I'm gonna hit you all right in the feels ;P

Follow me on Hello Poetry (I'll Followback)
1.8k · Jun 2015
I Love Summer
Ryan Cripps Jun 2015
I love the summer, I love the warm wind.
I love the smell of the barbeque,
and grabbing a cold beer from the ice filled bin.

Laying in the hammock with a few good books,
While the sun shines on me, helping me tan my looks.
The swimming pool is ice cold on a hot summers day.
The soothing feel of the water helps take the stress away.

Hamburgers, fries, hot dogs, and cola;
This American night cannot get any better.
Family and friends, sharing endless laughs,
Having too much fun, as the time starts to quickly pass.

Ending the night with a late night bonfire,
Watching the smoke rise hire and hire.
Finishing off with magical, jaw dropping fireworks.
Gazing in the sky with amazement, this is life's best perk.
Positive poem today!

If you like, then please share! Its much appreciated!

Follow me on Hello Poetry & I will FOLLOW YOU BACK!
Ryan Cripps Aug 2016
Fragile like glass

                          Be careful with her heart

because piecing back the shattered  pieces

                                                ­   is always the hardest part...
(c) Ryan Kane - 2016
Twitter: @RadicalMartian
1.6k · Jul 2014
My Smile
Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
Your laugh made me smile
In the most down of times.
I was the luckiest guy
To have called you mine.

Your hair was so soft,
Your eyes were so calm,
And your lips always tasted like
That special cherry lip balm.

When I was with you,
Everything felt right.
My favorite moments
Were when we would stay up all night.

All we did was talk.
There was no fighting.
We talked about everything.
While in the covers we were hiding.

We slept all day,
We were perfect from the start,
I just wish I could turn back time,
And redo my part.

I really did love you,
I wish you believed me,
Because maybe if we tried,
We’d still be cuddling.
Ryan Cripps May 2014
Today was so beautiful,
This Monday was Peaceful.
I felt love and tranquility in the air,
I was met by some adoring people.

But tomorrow will be different,
A beautiful soul, met with a blank stare.
Tomorrow will be like any other day,
No love, no passion, not a single ******* care.
follow me on twitter @RadicalMartian
Follow me on tumblr: kings-l4nding
Ryan Cripps Sep 2014
Will you please break me free of these memories?
You were once a friend, but now you're just a bitter enemy.
We're two strangers that know each others secrets.
If you said you still love me, I wouldn't believe it.

And I've been standing in the rain for far too long.
My body has become weak, and my mind less strong.
I’m broken into pieces, from the hammer you grip.
Though I’ll still let the phrase "I miss you" slip through my lips.

I want the good memories gone
And the bad ones to stay.
So I never come back to you
I wanna remain far away.

Because you're an illusionist,
Who has mastered hypnosis,
You have many tricks up your sleeves
Along with dead roses.
writers block *****, this is the best i could come up with and i wanted to post something.

Follow me on twitter: @radicalmartian

Follow me on hello poetry (I Followback)

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1.5k · Oct 2016
Final Countdown
Ryan Cripps Oct 2016
I no longer walk the line
like Johnny Cash.
I was born into this world
bold and brash,
but I couldn't last.

I'm knocked down,
and unwilling to stand.
A ten count has begun,
and it's almost the end.

"Nine" the referee yells.
Time stands still.
It's the final countdown,
and my blood has began to spill.
(c) Ryan Kane 2016
Twitter @RyanWritesStuff
1.5k · Jul 2014
Rainbow Skies
Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
Rainbow skies
& Blue Eyes.
Beauty so magnificent
It can make a grown man cry.

Flowers dance
At the sound of your voice.
A man should count his stars
If he’s your choice.

So much luck
He’s a four leaf clover.
Luck of the Irish,
If you’re his lover.

If he is
I’m happy for you,
Though my smile
Is painted on a mask.

If I’m a “friend”
I’m bound by silence.
But why should I speak?
If you found your significant other.
1.4k · Jul 2014
After the Storm
Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
The sunset glows a golden hue,
Not a white cloud in the sky.
The rain has just passed us
And the wind is waving goodbye.

The storm is still roaring thunder.
Letting us know of its presence.
Thank you for cooling the earth.
The humidity was quite unpleasant.

I stand outside for a smoke,
Feeling the soft cool breeze,
I close my eyes and relax,
I haven’t been this calm in weeks.

As night dawns upon us,
The sun says goodbye.
But beauty isn't gone,
Here comes the night sky.
Ryan Cripps Jun 2015
You were the real "American Dream",
and you supplied our lives with endless delight. You gave us long lasting smiles every time you'd step up to a fight.

In four plus decades, you never quit. With over fifty titles under your name, won all with wit.

Your legacy will forever be imprinted in history. Your name forever in our hearts. You showed wrestling isn't just entertainment but it's also an art.

Virgil "Dusty Rhodes" Runnels Jr,
from the west shores of America to the east shores of Japan, you will always be loved by each one of your fans.

For you were more than a man, and you were more than a dream, you were the real deal, and an inspiration to me.

So I say my goodbyes and show my respect in this short and tacky poem. A new king in the heaven of legends has now taken the throne.
Legendary professional wrestler Dusty Rhodes died today at the age of 69. He was truly a legend and this is my dedicated to him.

If you enjoyed the poem Please like and share!

Follow me as well!
1.3k · Jul 2014
No Inspiration
Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
It's one of those days
Where I've got no inspiration.
Where I'm writing
Completely out of desperation.

The pen is dried up,
But there's still ink inside.
I thought I had something going
but the stanza was denied.

I hate these types of days.
It's the potential for writers block.
My inspiration is on the edge,
it's got the gun loaded and cocked.

I feel a lack of dedication.
A lack of education.
There needs to be medication
for a lack of inspiration.
Follow me on twitter: @radicalmartian
Follow me on Hello Poetry :)
"Blue Lines" Available Soon!
1.3k · Feb 2016
Bulletproof Heart
Ryan Cripps Feb 2016
My bulletproof heart
cannot be penetrated by your wicked bullets.
But if you insist on firing your gun,
then grip the trigger and pull it.

I dare you.

Because I'll stand here
taking every shot,
and at the end of the day
I'll still love you a lot.

- Ryan Kane
1.3k · Aug 2014
Black Parade (Progress?)
Ryan Cripps Aug 2014
Rain of water
Turns to rain of blood.
A reign of terror,
Falling from above.

A maniacal laughter rings out
Like a sinister clown.
We have porcelain faces
With a painted frown.

Riots erupt,
Fear is obsolete;
We have been here before,
No point in a retreat.

None is made.
Stuck in a dark setting,
Ringmaster of a black parade.
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Ryan Cripps May 2018
Hey, everyone, I don't know how many of you remember me, but it's been a long time since I was really active. However, that is going to change and even though I will be getting more busy in my life within the next couple of weeks, I will still be making plans to continuously be active on Hello Poetry.

My hard drive got wiped a few months ago so I lost allllllll of my archived and unpublished poetry I had ready to be published on Hello Poetry, so its been a struggle to write again.

I've also been working on other writing works like short stories, but I absolutely LOVE Hello Poetry. When I joined in 2014, I was instantly overwhelmed with how amazing this community was and still is. It was better than other previous poetry community (cough cough WP).

I can't wait to start publishing again and I hope if you remember me, and liked my old world, you'll like my new stuff.

If you don't know or remember me, hi, I'm Ryan :)


- 5/14/18
1.2k · Feb 2016
Dreaming of an Escape
Ryan Cripps Feb 2016
Someday I'll pack my bags
and just disappear.
I'd make sure to leave a note
so my loved ones will not come to tears.

But I won't tell them where I'm going
because I don't want anyone to know.
I need to go some place relaxing,
some place where my anxiety won't show.

I often dream all day, here and there,
about sailing the ocean,
despite my aquatic fear.

Something about the ocean,
and sailing
puts me at ease.
Maybe it's the openness,
I've lived most of my life surrounded by the trees.

Or maybe its the soothing sound of the waves
crashing, and splashing.
I'd take a few beers, a book, and I'd be straight relaxing.

I just want to FINALLY feel free!
I'm done with this crippling depression.
It's kind of funny how I'm supposed be my own person,
yet I'm chained to self oppression.
1.2k · Jan 2017
"I Love You Too"
Ryan Cripps Jan 2017
You stabbed me in the back
so I stabbed my wrist.
You snickered at my pain
so I let some blood drip.

Now that I'm content,
I say "Baby, I love you".
You reply the same,
but only one of them is true.
(c) Ryan Kane - 2017
I always accept feedback :)
Twitter @RyanWritesStuff
1.2k · Jul 2014
It's 3am
Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
It's 3am and the sky is dark.
Except for the stars
That make up a work of art.

No clouds, no fuss.
The moonshines through,
Lighting my room just enough.

A rough day of a rough week,
But this is the best time.
A time of peace.

Nature is calming.
Nature is anxieties worst enemy.
At 3 in the morning
The world doesn't exist to me.
I don't know if it's anxietys or anxieties..
Follow me on Hello Poetry
Follow me on Twitter: @RadicalMartian
1.2k · Jan 2016
Show Me
Ryan Cripps Jan 2016
Show me the beauty in life,
inform me on the happiness I can achieve.
For right now, I no longer believe.

I no longer believe in true love,
and my faith is becoming weary for the man above.
Every smile I present, and every laugh I chuckle
is an imitation from the person I once was.

So I beg of you,
if I continue our walk together;
show me happiness and show me things can get better.
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^It helps me out^
Follow me, and I'll most likely follow back :)
Ryan Cripps Dec 2016
I just wanted to post an update to every wonderful person who follows me, and say Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! I know I may be a little late for other religious holidays (but I'm not for Festivus ;P), but I still wish you a great ending to the year 2016.

This time of year can be very stressful, or heartbreaking. Don't stress yourself out more than you have to, and don't feel so bad about whatever it is bothering you. The holidays are supposed to be a fun time, and a time to be cheerful. So go hang out with your friends and family, let them know how much you love them, go make new friends, have a few drinks! ENJOY!

Again, I wish everyone here a Happy Holiday, and a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!

Also! Follow my new twitter @RyanWritesStuff for I haven't been on much, and you can keep updated with me on there. I'll follow you back, and it's a much better way to stay in touch too.
- Ryan Kane
1.1k · Jul 2014
Note to Self
Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
Note to self:

- Never love again
- Love is a limited trend
- Never be their friend
- Walk away in the end
- You’ll only get hurt
- Don’t even try to flirt
- Shutter your feelings
- Remember your heart isn't done healing
Follow me on Hello Poetry :)
Follow me on Twitter: @RadicalMartian :)
1.1k · Mar 2016
Ryan Cripps Mar 2016
Why** can't I be happy?

                 why can't I feel it?

                                                    I know I'm loved,
                                      but my mind can't comprehend it...

                                            My anxiety just screams
                                          "NOBODY LOVES YOU!"
                                        "YOU'LL LOSE THEM ALL!"
                               Maybe I should just push everyone away now
                                  and find comfort within these four walls.

                           Because it seems like If I have nothing left to lose
                 I'll no longer have to go through with this self mental abuse.
-Ryan Kane (c) 2016
1.1k · Jul 2014
Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
So high you can’t stand straight.
So you call me up even though it’s late.
It’s been six months since the last time we talked,
But at 2 a.m I took that extra long walk.
I was tired as ****, but I definitely did it,
Because I still cared for you,
Even though I should have quit it.

I carried you home that night on my back.
And the next day, you didn’t even have the courtesy to text me back.
Until three months later when you were in the same predicament.
And once again, I got up to take care of your incident.

That night you were too drunk to drive,
Even though you grabbed your keys and were about to say goodbye.
Luckily, your friend Lucy called me on my phone.
Said she wanted me to take you home.

I tucked you into bed and I told you goodnight,
Slept on the couch, until the day shined light.
And in walked your mom, She asked why I wasn’t home.
I had to tell her I didn’t want you sleeping alone.

I said you were sick and I just left.
I did want to be the one to talk about our mess.
After that day, we never said hi,
Even though I saw you getting high
Right after school by the coffee shop,
I just walked pass, didn’t want to stop.

You didn’t make any moves,
I guess that’s cool.
Just realize what I did for you.

What I did was love after you ****** me over,
Before our relationship, I was like your brother.
And like my real family, you just walked out.
Explanation is the key sentence you left out.

It’s all good though; I try not to care anyways.
I try to stay positive, look forward to better days.
I’ll find love, and maybe this time it’ll be different.
That’s if I buck up and just listen.
1.0k · Aug 2014
The Artist
Ryan Cripps Aug 2014
The artist picked his inspiration.
The artist found his muse.
He fell in love with her,
But his love was refused.

Until he painted a picture so beautiful
She shed the tears of love.
He need speak no words
Through the painting she would blush.

She was a permanent solution
To a problem many artists face.
He had a troubled life,
And she put him in his place.

Their love was natural,
Their love was pure.
She too had a disease,
But he was the cure.

She would stare into his hazel eyes,
While he stared back into her blues.
It wasn't but three months,
Before they said “I do”.

The touch of her lips
Felt like heaven in his hands,
They would lock lips
For hours on end.

Her hands brought comfort,
Her smile brought joy.
She was so desirable
She was like Helen of troy.

Once dark paintings he made,
Now make the saddest person smile.
He developed a sense of positivity
It became his well known style.

But life is not a happy story,
It has no happy end,
Misery accompanies joy,
They're like two best friends.

The love was still there,
But only in his brain.  
She wanted out,
No matter the pain.

She packed up and left,
Leaving nothing behind.  
While he went out for flowers
To bring back to his lovely wife.

No note was written,
No trace of where she'd gone.
He waited for days,
Wondering what he did wrong.

They say real men cry,
So he must be the manliest of men
He felt his heart break,
And his brain snap from its stem.

He trashed his house,
He trashed his paintings.
He punched the walls
And his body began shaking.

He stabbed his work
He screamed to the sky
He fell to his knees
And began to cry.

From that day forward
He remarried to *****.
He was never a winner,
He was always meant to lose.

Once a popular painter
Because of his happy work,  
Now only paints sadness
Like he did before he found her.
I kind of like this one, but I kind of don't. Let me know what you guys think. I always appreciate your criticism :)

Follow me on Hello Poetry (I'll followback)
And follow me on Twitter too @RadicalMartian
1.0k · Aug 2016
The Time I Caught Feelings
Ryan Cripps Aug 2016
I caught a whole mess of feelings.
It's something I haven't planned on doing,
but it just kind of happened.
It wasn't up to my choosing.

She paints the heavens with her words.
Her voice is more beautiful than music from the birds,
and it's cliche, but she rocks my world.
I wish we could be together, I wish I could call her my girl.

But it was only a crush.
Temporary love turned into dust.
Though the feelings still stay,
as my heart turns to rust.

Is it feelings or is it lust?

I have no clue
I just know I caught feelings.
Something I don't want,
It's something I find unappealing.
(c) Ryan Kane - 2016
Twitter: @RadicalMartian
1.0k · Dec 2016
A Letter to Santa
Ryan Cripps Dec 2016
I wrote a letter to Santa Clause,
despite my age being twenty-three.
I asked him for a ride
to where ever you are for
Christmas because I need
to see you so desperately.

I have two years of hugs to give
you, I wanna feel your grip,
with that an endless amount of kisses
to descend upon your rosy cheeks,
and colored lips.

I want to ring in the new year
with you in my arms.
It just doesn't feel like the holidays,
when you're so far.
Ryan Kane (c) 2016
Happy Holidays, and Merry Christmas, everyone!
Follow me on Twitter: @RyanWritesStuff (I follow back)
1.0k · Dec 2014
I cannot Scream
Ryan Cripps Dec 2014
"Do not quit" they scream,
"Do not give up" they yell,
"Do not walk away" they blurt,
but no one is listening, and that's what hurts.
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1.0k · Sep 2014
I Am The Storm
Ryan Cripps Sep 2014
I have a happy expression
Surrounded by unhappy faces.
Which were caused by me during my many destructive stages.

I ask myself
"How can they still care when I simply have no love to give?"
All this sudden realized guilt
Makes me not wanna live.

So mom, dad, sister, and friends,
Lets bring out the truth
and no longer pretend.

Just tell it to me straight,
Speak those aching words,
Say your lives would be better
If I wasn't in your world.

Because you can deny it all you want,
But your eyes speak the truth.
Telling me you wish i was never born would certainly not be rude.

For I am the storm that has rained on your parade,
Don't worry, my death by nature will come soon,
Maybe any day.

So I'm sorry for what I've said and done,
But I know that means absolutely nothing.
Though I would do anything,
To hit that reset button.
What do you think? Like, Comment, Share & Follow (I followback)

Follow me on Twitter as well: @RadicalMartian (I followback)

1.0k · Jan 2016
Today I'm In Love
Ryan Cripps Jan 2016
Today I'm in love,
and my heart is dancing all around.
The butterflies buzzing in my stomach
show no sign of calming down.

Today the colors are brighter,
the air a little bit more fresh.
I woke up this morning
feeling more than blessed.

I cannot describe in full
the feelings I currently feel,
but to have her in my life
is a pretty big deal.

She's stunning, magical,
elegant, and blissful.
When I'm around her,
everything is so peaceful.

She's my super dork,
through the good and the bad.
Never have I ever
considered someone this freaking rad.
It kinda got 90s generation lingo there at the end :D

If you like, remember to:
Share, Rate, and Comment!
I love to hear your feedback :D

Also, follow me if you like my work, and I'll be sure to check you out and follow you back :)
1.0k · Jun 2014
Just another girl
Ryan Cripps Jun 2014
Those thick thighs
are a sight for sore eyes
But your best feature
has to be your brown eyes.

and this aint a lie,
When I say im in love with you.
We haven't talked much,
but baby im drawn to you.

I miss you so much,
from the second you leave,
I can't stand you go home
to that ****** bag steve.

When im the guy
you so rightfully deserve.
I don't mean to be cocky
but you said it first.

but i'll wait for the day
When you come back and say,
That you wanna be with me
until our final days.

Sadly, you never did,
I was just another kid,
Who you wanted to ****
and then called it quits.

Such a hippocrite
After running your lips
about how much ******* one over
makes you wanna flip.

But thats exactly what you did
and don't even try to deny it,
Because if you do I got ammo
to call you out on your ****.

So whatever,
you're just another girl.
Another human being passing me
in this ****** up world.

You've come and gone,
And I'm moving on.
Don't even try to chat me,
I'm way too strong.
its 2 a.m
990 · Aug 2014
Breaking Through
Ryan Cripps Aug 2014
Breaking through the doors
Finding the truth
Once a tight knot
Has now become loose.
Retying the string
Does not make the same knot
I’m breaking through the doors
The lies will never stop.
Follow me on Hello Poetry
Twitter: @RadicalMartian (Followback)
979 · Jun 2015
Thank You (To My Followers)
Ryan Cripps Jun 2015
This isn't any sort of poem, just a thank you to everyone who has followed me and who supports my poetry. I've been on Hello Poetry for exactly a year, and It has been so much fun to interact with other poets and to read everyone's amazing work. I hit 101 followers yesterday and it my not seem like a lot to some people, but i love each and every one of you peeps! You're all wonderful, and awesome, and feel free to message me anytime! Keep doing your poetry! I hope you're having a swell day :)
Of course, Follow me and I will follow you back!
965 · Jun 2015
Ryan Cripps Jun 2015
Broken into pieces, and smashed all over the floor.
Rest in peace my heart, i wish i could've used you more.
Obviously I've been destroyed before, but you did not care.
You kicked me while i was down, this surely wasn't fair.
The end has come, and yet you show no emotion.
Not that I'm surprised, you never showed much devotion.
Follow me on Hello Poetry & I will Follow you back!

If you enjoyed this poem PLEASE like, re-post, and share! I really appreciate it since it helps others see my work :)
947 · Jan 2015
Three Days
Ryan Cripps Jan 2015
Three days ago you told me you'd never leave,
Three days later you're not talking to me.
Three days ago you said we were cute,
Now Three days later I'm hating you.
What happened to us between then?
Was this last week just pretend?
Was Winter break the last parade?
Before you decided to end my days.
Now I board down a ***** of heart break.
You got me pondering life while standing on an iced lake,
Not caring if I fall through,
Because I'm already drowning in the coldness of not being with you.
Follow me on Hello Poetry (I followback)

Like, and share if you like this poem (:
Ryan Cripps Aug 2016
She has chemical dreams and toxic wishes.
She wastes her breath on silly superstitions...
like it's nobodies business.
She kneels down and prays, but nobody listens.

She has visions that seem to come and go.
She imagines a future that feels so alone.
A time where every body is delved into a selfish abyss.
Where kids are growing up without a hug or a kiss.

Every year the bad days grow longer.
Positivity fades, and the negative thoughts get stronger.
Welcome to a future where all the heroes died.
Now its reflections of villains in these kids eyes.

Change happens when one matures.
Immaturity has become an epidemic, and we can't find a cure.
What ever happened to a soul that's pure?
She's the last of that kind, a species that's become a blur.
(c) Ryan Kane - 2016
Twitter: @RadicalMartian
Ryan Cripps Dec 2014
Why can't I write?
Why can I no longer bleed words?
Has life taken that much of a toll
That I can no longer write about my world?

Isn't pain or happiness supposed to inspire a beautiful or heart wrenching poem?
I am currently experiencing both feelings in my life, but the words still do not show.

I spend hours on a keyboard, and weeks on my phone; trying to type a simple tiny poem.

But the blank page stares at me, mocking my lack of inspiration. I feel a lack of dedication and not an ounce of motivation.

I've lost it...

I can no longer express my feelings through ink or through the keys on a computer. I thought this was my skill, but I guess writing is no longer in my future.
Let me know what you think. I haven't wrote in a while. Comment and favorite (:

Follow me on Hello Poetry (I'll follow back)
884 · Mar 2016
4:50 PM 3/7/16
Ryan Cripps Mar 2016
She sets my sites on where I want to be;
In her arms, where it feels like home,
and where my heart can be free.

I don't want to be on the other side
looking in.
I want to ditch our separate lives,
and let ours begin.

She is royalty,
precious like a gem on every level.
Her touch so soft,
and her kiss so gentle.

She makes me feel so special.
- Ryan Kane (c) 2016
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