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883 · Jun 2015
Who Knew?
Ryan Cripps Jun 2015
Who knew I would fall in love with you
from a gutsy "Hi" and "How are you"?
Who knew a few weeks later
We'd spend all night talking,
A night we would always remember?
Who knew that we had nothing in common
but still found each other to be the perfect match?
Who knew we would be giving out promises that we said would last?
But of course who knew that would all change?
Who knew tears could leave so many small stains?
Who knew love, such a beautiful, and magnificent thing...could sting?
Who knew I would lose everything?
If you like this poem, PLEASE SHARE and favorite and all that! I really appreciate!

Follow me on Hello Poetry and I will Follow you back!
882 · Oct 2016
I Fear
Ryan Cripps Oct 2016
I believe out of fear for
I don't know what happens next.
So I get on my knees and pray,
tracing a cross against my chest.

I don't want to fear,
but i don't want to miss a possible fact.
I don't want to be denied access to heaven,
and spend eternity staring into black.

I fear every day,
especially since I'm full of sin.
So I pray I'm forgiven,
I have no choice but to give in.
(c) Ryan Kane 2016
869 · Jul 2014
Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
My life is a whirlpool of darkness.
I'm living in seclusion like the Loch Ness.
And in this life I really try my ******* best,
But I always end up getting treated worst than the rest.

At least in my eyes;
At least in my dark mind.
I used to be the positive kid,
But now I always wake up thinking negative.

Destruction has corrupted
My ill mind that's erupted.
And now I just say ***** it.
My attitude has changed,
But everyone is just clueless.

Oblivious to the situation,
Do I need to draw you an illustration?
Of how I’ll be dead soon enough,
Cause I look at this world in disgust.
Follow me on Hello Poetry
Follow me on twitter: @Radicalmartian (I follow back)
851 · Apr 2017
Ryan Cripps Apr 2017
You and I were miles apart,
but connected through the stars.
I guess their lights must've burnt out
because now you're nothing but a memory
I sing to a empathetic tune on my guitars.
(c) Ryan J. Kane 2017
838 · Feb 2016
11:10 PM 2/5/16
Ryan Cripps Feb 2016
This universe is huge!
The wonders of this world
are simply fantastic.

But you're the woman I find most attractive.
Since the moment I've met you,
You've held my heart captive.
So please don't stretch it,
it's not made of elastic.
Follow me if you'd like :)
825 · Jul 2014
Like a Book
Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
You wrote me like a book.
You made me who I am.
Before I met you I was a boy.
After you, I was a man.

A broken man though,
Unrecognizably shattered.
Heart ripped from my chest,
Then stomped on, and left battered.

It's my own fault though.
I was a man, but immature.
I was blinded by personal problems.
When I should have been blinded by your allure.

But your heart is more broken.
I can tell from when we talk.
I can tell every time we texted.
And I could tell on our last walk.

Trust and kindness is what you sought.
And trust and kindness is what I brought.
But as we developed. You saw different.
Our love was free but became imprisoned.

It's still locked up.
Serving 25 to life.
But if it ever gets out.
I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my life with you.
Follow me on Hello Poetry
Follow me on Twitter: @RadicalMartian
815 · May 2015
Missing (Poem)
Ryan Cripps May 2015
Hello, Nine-one-one? I'm calling to report a missing persons. She's been missing for more than forty-eight hours, and I'm beginning to become ill with worry. Yes, she's gone missing before, but she always seems to turn up again not long after. She's never been gone this long. I don't know what to do. She is everything to me; she creates new life, she brings me new ideas, she builds worlds no one else could create. She's the reason I can do what I am best at, and without her...I've become nothing. It feels like a piece of me has been ripped out and stomped on multiple times. I now wake up and feel as if there is no new life to be found, to be created, to cherish. There is no more beauty to worship. I can no longer bring alive an idea from my one of a kind mind because there are no new ideas to be born. Not an idea to flow from my brain and through a pen and on to some paper. There is nothing to inspire me because she is gone, and probably forever. Without her I'm lost. Her name is...Creativity, and I suspect Writers Block of taking her...
This is my first poem in a few months, so it may be a little rough. Criticism, and comments are welcome as always!

If you like this poem check out my others and give it a like!

Follow me as well on Hello Poetry and I'll follow you right back!
809 · Feb 2016
11:17 PM 2/17/16
Ryan Cripps Feb 2016
Maybe It's an off day,
or maybe It's something more?
Maybe I'll go another year
without writing a word more.

I thought I was getting better,
maybe It's just the weather?
Maybe I'll never get it right,
but maybe I'll never pull it together.

Maybe we're on a break,
or maybe we're done forever.
So many questions
and my only response is "whatever".

I just want to be happy.
I just want to think clear.
I'm tired of living by a life or death choice.
I'm tired of living in fear.
2016 is eh.
798 · May 2015
Ryan Cripps May 2015
A sunflower blooms during the first week of spring. Then a blast of cold air blows through, ruining everything.
If you enjoyed this poem please like it and follow me. I will happily follow back :) have a happy day!

(Sorry this was a repost. The original had a grammatical error)
796 · Feb 2019
Soft Night
Ryan Cripps Feb 2019
On a night so soft
With a cup of tea so warm,
I now understand that
Happiness can arrive
At such simple times
And in such a simple form.
(c) Ryan Kane 2019
791 · Aug 2016
My Storm
Ryan Cripps Aug 2016
Her skin is like silk

         smooth to the touch.

Her lips are soft like cotton

      which is why I ask for kisses so much.

Her eyes are caring, compassionate, and her hugs so warm.

     **My life without her is like a hurricane, and she calms my storm
(c) 2016 Ryan Kane

784 · Oct 2016
Running West
Ryan Cripps Oct 2016
I'm down and out
spiraling in twists of fate.
It has me contemplating a date,
one I can no longer await.

So a sweet goodbye to a few,
and to some the finger is raised.
No more suicide these days,
but my time has come to go away.

Minimal bags packed,
and a ticket to somewhere unknown.
Somewhere no one knows the real me,
and where I can be alone.

At least for a bit.

           Until I have my mind figured out.

Running west is the only way to escape this black cloud.

                                                                                                  Mom, you
                                                                                                         should be
(c) Ryan Kane 2016
Twitter: @RyanWritesStuff
782 · Feb 2016
4:15 PM 2/24/16
Ryan Cripps Feb 2016
I've never been so in love,
and I'm scared as all hell.
The last time this feeling came along
no one was there to catch me when I fell.
-Ryan Kane (c) 2016
776 · Jul 2017
A Poem to My Girl
Ryan Cripps Jul 2017
Baby, I adore you in a special kind of way;
where I only need to think of you
to know everything will be okay.

   You're my warm winter blanket,
even in the sweltering summer.
I was a blank coloring book before
and now you have filled me with color.

   I don't look at the world
the way I did before I met my girl.
  I've never admired the flowers
or soaked in the love of this world.

    You've made everything brighter,
and I don't know what to say.
       All I know is I just want you,
even on your rainy days.
Hey, everyone! I hope you're enjoying life :)

Follow me on twitter: @RyanWritesStuff

Ryan Kane (c) 2017
770 · Oct 2017
Ryan Cripps Oct 2017
When we met it was like a fourth of July event. You cared about my thoughts like someone paying four quarters for two cents.

And when we began to talk it was like two friends that haven't seen each other since their high school graduation, but we only knew each other for less than one of Earths rotations.

It took me 152 days to build up the courage and ask if I could make you mine. That smile you had when you said yes is still tracing around in my mind.

But how quickly love comes around just to be dismissed. The smallest things I did would get you overtly ******.

Though, I was supposed to forgive you cause you're excuse was you're a "classic *****"? Thinking back, I don't know why I didn't just quit.  

Because it was revealed that empty feelings and meaningless words were thrown around by you like a stone at two birds.

What really gets me is I was told I could once again trust literal moments before you turned those promises into dust.

You destroyed me and buried me alive. Then went and told me you're sorry while looking me in the eyes.

It's fine, I'm over it because my heart really belongs to someone better. Someone who still sees the beauty even in the bad weather.

So when you see me post "I miss her", don't be mistaken by thinking it's you because I never got over her, you were just a rebound that didn't come through.
Twitter: @RyanWritesStuff

(c) Ryan Kane 2017
767 · Feb 2016
Ryan Cripps Feb 2016
Our words started to stutter,
and our lips began to quiver;
tears formed in our eyes,
enough to fill a river.

We couldn't say the right words,
but in that moment
no words could give us closure.
The silence spoke for us,
we both knew it was over.
We're perfect for each other,
it just wasn't the right time.
Cherish your loved ones.
761 · Oct 2016
10/19/16 1:17 AM
Ryan Cripps Oct 2016
Ignoring me is the worst thing you can do.
What's alarming is you know this too.
Yet, you still continue to read my texts and not reply;
Then make up an excuse, like I don't know it's a lie.

I supply your heart with the love you need,
but you keep me waiting on one knee.
Is it because you know i'll always come back?
Maybe I shouldn't have let you in on that fact.

So I'll wait a few weeks for you to reply,
and act like it's okay, even though that's a lie.
When will I ever speak up, and let you know the deal?
Probably never, and that's the problem; I don't think you care how I feel.
(c) Ryan Kane 2016
755 · Sep 2016
A Shallow Heart
Ryan Cripps Sep 2016
A shallow heart
gives her fresh cuts
with puffy red eyes,
and shattered trust.
The protective walls she once built
has just turned to dust.
Love comes wrapped in thorns,
especially when based on lust.
(c) 2016 Ryan Kane
@RyanWritesStuff - Twitter
(Tweet out this poem, mention me, and I'll follow you)
743 · Jun 2014
All I Am...
Ryan Cripps Jun 2014
All I am…
Is less the man
Than I used to be.
I crumble more
Every single day.
I have no idea
How to Stop
The decay.
All I am…
Is a wounded soldier
Left on the battlefield,
Left to die left to be killed.
No man left behind?
Motto for the military
Not the motto for life.
“Given up? Here’s a knife”
“**** yourself, because you’re useless”
“Don’t know how to fix yourself you’re clueless”
Says the man in my head every day.
All I am…
Trying to do
Is find my way back.
But confidence, and energy
Is something I greatly lack.
No map, gps, or phone.
I’m out here all alone.
Who Am I?
I don’t know.
All I am…
Is a lost soul.
741 · Feb 2016
Lost In My Future
Ryan Cripps Feb 2016
I do not find this path familiar,
It does not appear on the map.
I keep walking this path,
afraid to look back.

I need to be pointed in the right direction.
I'm not fit to walk alone.
I need to be put on a guided path
or forever I will roam.

As I continue walking,
in the middle of the fork in the road an elderly man stands alone.
His beard as white as snow, with a tannish skin tone.

I ask him if he could point me in the correct direction, as to which path will take me to a better future.

He looks up at me with watery eyes and says "I cannot help you, for I am lost too".
I don't know
734 · Oct 2016
10/18/16 12:47AM
Ryan Cripps Oct 2016
What comes after death?
I hope it's better than this.
But if my family isn't there,
I'm gonna be ******.

I dislike the life I have,
but I love my family and my friends.
I want to keep the ones I have
even after the end.

Whether its heaven,
another life, or just a black abyss;
I want the people I've come to love,
because I know they'll be missed.
(c) Ryan Kane 2016
732 · Feb 2016
12:28 PM 2/29/16
Ryan Cripps Feb 2016
You turn my heart into a kick and snare drum beat.
You send a eurphoric sensation through my body from my head to my feet.
These butterflies are roaring like a lion in its den.
I believe every promise you make, I count on being with you until the end. So don't let me down, I can't take anymore broken promises.
All I ask from you is I give you love, and you give me honesty.
- Ryan Kane (c) 2016
729 · Jan 2016
Ryan Cripps Jan 2016

I love you so much, please have no doubt.
I know I've been a pain, but I don't blame you for a thing.
You did what was best, and I made you suffer.
In reality you're amazing, you're a mom like no other.
If I can be as half as strong as you, I'd be in disbelief.
And even when I was complaining, you still loved me.

No apology can *EVER
  make up for what I've said.
But at least you can rest tonight with this in your head.
I have beyond the average amount of respect for you,
I'll never stop loving you. You're my mom, and you're my hero.

*I don't deserve you.
Remember: Like, Share, Comment, Follow!
It all helps me out, and I check out whoever follows me :)
728 · Mar 2016
7:25 PM 3/27/16
Ryan Cripps Mar 2016
Today I cried for the first time in years.
Bawled my eyes out until I ran out of tears.
Every thing wrong in my life has finally caught up to me.
I let it all out, but somehow I still don't feel free.

My mind with my heart lay scattered in pieces,
and I'm reluctant to pick them up.
It's not because I wouldn't love to,
but whats the point? Since I've ran out of glue.
- Ryan Kane (c) 2016
716 · Feb 2016
Ryan Cripps Feb 2016
Always do one more push-up,
always go one more round.
Never give up.
Don't let this world get you down.

Always do one more crunch,
always go one more mile.
Never give up.
Don't ever lose your smile.
You can do it! I believe in you, whatever it is. Personally, right now it's me trying to get back into being as fit as i was a few years ago. Don't ever give up! - Ryan Kane :)
711 · Jan 2017
1/6/17 12:00 PM
Ryan Cripps Jan 2017
Don't hide behind the lies
when I know the truth.
If you keep hanging on
I'm gonna have to cut you loose.

I need to be healthy,
I need to fix me
and I cannot do that
when you're lying through your teeth.
(c) Ryan Kane - 2017
First poem of 2017 for me!
I always welcome feedback :)
Twitter @RyanWritesStuff
697 · Feb 2016
Never Giving Up
Ryan Cripps Feb 2016
I'm never giving up on you,
and why would I want to?
I'm not the one to profess my love and leave,
I'm more scared you would do that to me.

I fell many times
before you helped me back up.
So why in the hell
would I want to give you up?

So I don't plan on leaving,
I've never even thought about that day.
You got me for as long as you'd like,
I've always planned to stay.
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^It helps a lot^

Follow me, and I'll most likely follow you back :)
697 · Sep 2016
Like You
Ryan Cripps Sep 2016
I don't need wealth.
I don't need fame.
I don't need love
or all of it's pain.

All I need is you,
and your open arms.
All I need is your smile,
and your special charm.

I don't want choices,
I just want you.
But you don't believe me
even though It's true.

I pray one day
you see us through.
The sun will never bring warmth
quite like you.
(c) 2016 Ryan Kane
@RyanWritesStuff - Twitter
690 · Aug 2014
The Storm of Death
Ryan Cripps Aug 2014
The feeling of regret
Coincide with the feeling of death.
The feeling itches closer and closer
With every single breath.

The howling winds
Cover my screams.
Bed drenched in sweat,
As I awake from my dreams.

Lighting strikes,
Thunder roars;
Not just outside,
But behind my door.

Rain pounds the window,
Bringing everyone into the hall,
Or was it the sound of my body,
Swaying against the wall?
Follow me on Hello Poetry (i follow back)
689 · Feb 2016
Three Words
Ryan Cripps Feb 2016
Her laugh paints a work of art more beautiful than Vango.
Her eyes twinkle like the stars over Rhone.
In her eyes, I get lost.
My breath is taken by her beauty.
Her cheeks are more red than a glistening ruby..

when I kiss her.

Gently she smiles,
kissing me back.
"I love you"
she says.

Three words I'll never forget.
Follow me, if you'd like :)
688 · Jan 2016
Ryan Cripps Jan 2016
heart breaking
full of sadness
endless glasses of scotch
and other hard liquors.

College makes me too tired
to write a poem.
Why am I going to college, again?
Don't like this ;P
676 · Jul 2014
Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
Down and out
Running into the ground
U are always there for me
Galaxy I'm chilling in
Sadness is a sin when you're druggin
Follow me on Hello Poetry
Follow me on twitter: @RadicalMartian
673 · Aug 2016
8/7/16 - 5:06 PM
Ryan Cripps Aug 2016
I showcase you in my poetry,
I rant about you in my story.
You're the epicenter of my tragedy
because what happened to us is a travesty.

The past should be the past,
and you should be that.
Though, I want you to be my future.
I'm the hero, but without my villain, I'm not super.

You're inspirational
like the beauty of planet earth.
I believe we we're destined to meet
since the day of our birth.

I rant about you,
I write about us.
Our life story will be based on love,
unlike the others based on lust.
(c) Ryan Kane - 2016
664 · Jun 2014
My Mom
Ryan Cripps Jun 2014
You’re my father and I strongly dislike you.
I can name a hundred reasons for why I do.
But let’s start with the first, how you treat my mom.
I don’t care who you are, you do that, and you’re gone.
My mom is my life, I love her, and she is my protector.
She always has been since you were never there.
The way you talked to her and the way you treated her.
My entire childhood was an emotional roller coaster.
Spending hours with my mom, who was crying in bed,
All because you couldn't keep a calm head.
Then you’d yell at me when I told you what you did.
I was only looking after my mom, I was only a kid.
That’s all I remember, is you’re verbal abuse.
Always with your big mouth always profuse.
Still to this day, you’re still picking on us.
That’s why I packed and I left your house.
I came back home, where my heart belongs.
To stay here with the parent I love, my mom.
659 · Jul 2014
I Don't Need to be High
Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
Finding peace on earth,
I lay out like a star.
In the middle of a field
Away from it all.

The clouds float by
Fading away,
As my imagination
Begins to play.

The wind blows soft
The trees speak words.
Creatures all around me,
I hear whistles from the birds.

The skies are blue,
I can see into space.
I close my eyes,
And drift to my happy place.

This is what it’s like,
To feel relaxed and alive.
No drugs or alcohol,
I don’t need to be high.
Twitter: @RadicalMartian
Releasing a poetry collection book soon!
653 · Oct 2017
The Person for Me
Ryan Cripps Oct 2017
You sent a spark to my heart
and set a fire in my soul.
With you I'm not afraid of shattering
like the relationships of old.

Around you, the inspiration fills me up
like a candy dish before Halloween.
For once in my entire life
I feel like someone is the person for me.
Twitter: @RyanWritesStuff

(c) Ryan Kane 2017
646 · Jan 2016
You Make Me Tough
Ryan Cripps Jan 2016
I refuse to surrender,
To give you everything wouldn't be enough,
And I vow to fight for you until the day I die
Because your love is what makes me tough.

Your love keeps me going,
You're everything I wished for
from your flawless lips, to your caring core,
You're my dream girl, and I couldn't ask for more.
I don't want her, I want you, and only you,
and I'll prove it when I say the words "I do".

I love you.
Was originally a short poem that turned into a decent size poem.
It's not the greatest, but if you enjoyed, please:
Share, favorite, and comment! It means a lot and gets my profile out there.

Have a great day! Want me to check out your poem? Send me a message, and make sure to follow! (I'll possibly follow back) :D
642 · Dec 2018
If I Ever
Ryan Cripps Dec 2018
If I ever loved a woman,
If I ever gave it my all.
You were the woman I loved,
You were the reason for my fall.

Not the drop from grace,
but the plunge into love.
You're the type of soul
that I used to dream of.
(c) Ryan Kane 2018

Happy New Years Eve, everyone!
616 · Mar 2016
8:01 PM 3/8/16
Ryan Cripps Mar 2016
Sonder beings pass me by.
A universe lived within each eye.
Chrysalism gives me life,
shut away in my own mind,
a loner is how I self describe.
-Ryan Kane (c) 2016
608 · Aug 2016
8/23/16 3:29PM
Ryan Cripps Aug 2016
You broke me down,
but I will rise above.
These days
you need strength to love.


how much strength
do I have left?
I continue to try,
and do my best.
But I'm not fit
to be apart of the rest.

That's the in crowd
with the long relations,
and the couples based off nothing,
but have a strong foundation.

That's not for me,
based on my past.
Relationships for me
aren't meant to last...
(c) 2016 - Ryan Kane
604 · Sep 2016
Ryan Cripps Sep 2016
Her eyes tell a story that
her tongue simply cannot.*
Her beauty is untouched,
*but her insides have begun to rot.
(c) 2016 Ryan Kane
600 · Feb 2016
Death Is Here
Ryan Cripps Feb 2016
Goosebumps cover my body,
there's a cold whisper in my ear.
"Run, boy" he tells me,
"Death is here."
597 · Jun 2014
I Remember
Ryan Cripps Jun 2014
I remember the first time we said hi
You complimented my shirt
Then said goodbye.
I remember the first day I came over
We went to bed drunk
And woke up hung-over.
I remember the day I asked you out
I remember that smile
I remember that night out.
It was the fourth of July
An oh so magical night.
Before the arguments and before the fights.
I remember thinking how lucky I was
I remember how all night we hugged.
The fireworks shined bright like your eyes,
I had to have been the luckiest guy alive.
I held your hand that entire day,
I remember how the skies turned gray,
But with you by my side,
It was like the sun stilled shined.
That day I made you mine,
I wish, I wish you were still mine.
590 · Jul 2015
Ryan Cripps Jul 2015
I wonder why can't I write, such beautiful lines of letters.
Taking breaths, Inspiring others; With re-arranged words,
My work just suffers.

I'm fine with rhymes like time and dime, but beautiful lines
to make one cry, can never appear no matter how hard I try.

Have I given up? Maybe, but I've become numb to failure
I've forgotten all the critics, because I'm my own biggest hater.
Still struggling with my poetry. Is it possible writers block can last half a year? at least with poetry...

If you liked this poem PLEASE share! I really appreciate it!

Follow me and I will follow you back!

Have a nice day :)
587 · Jul 2014
I'm a Secret
Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
The more you know,
The less you’ll like.
That’s why I stay mysterious,
And sometimes impolite.

It takes a lot of trust
For me to open the door.
For you to shop through my feeling,
Like you shop through clothes at a store.

It may take days,
It may take weeks,
It may take months
To a year.

Don’t get impatient,
Just love me,
My dear.
Follow me on twitter: @RadicalMartian
Follow me on Hello Poetry too :)
575 · Aug 2016
Ryan Cripps Aug 2016
Love can shape the world.
Love is what you show your girl.
Love is being there for someone at
three in the morning for whatever reason.
Love shouldnt change like the seasons.
(c) 2016 - Ryan Kane
571 · Jan 2016
For the Life of Me
Ryan Cripps Jan 2016
Here on the beach is where I stand,
holding your hand with our feet in the sand.
Wave upon wave crashing into our bodies,
but they'll never break us apart
because I'll never let go...

Not even for the life of me.
Like, Share, Comment!
^ Helps me out a lot ^
Follow me, and I'll most likely follow you back :)
569 · Jul 2014
No Big Deal
Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
Smoke rises from the water
Like my love rises from the grave.
Up until this very day
I thought everything would be okay.
But that was until I saw an old photo of a ghost.
A person that I miss and love the most.
But that connection is dead.
The bones broken down to meal.
So I need to walk away
And act like it's no big deal.
Follow me on Hello Poetry
568 · Jul 2014
Your Eyes
Ryan Cripps Jul 2014
Your eyes tell lies.
Especially when you cry.
You're innocence is a disguise,
And your heart is made of ice.

You're not very nice.
You're dirtier than mice.
And filthier than lice.
And deadlier than knives.


You gotta be my wife,
You've become my whole **** life.

When I'm with you I feel more than alive.
Though, I feel all your love is a lie.


Deep down inside.
I know you really try.
Because you despise
What you've become in other peoples eyes.


When you come to your senses
I'll be right where I've always been.
Holding your hand.
Because no matter what,
I love you


I'm with you til the end.
(It didn't go exactly how I planned, but I decided the next word I see I'd make an entire poem out of it only using words that rhyme or near rhyme with it. Eyes was that word. Though I ended up not rhyming the last few lines)
567 · May 2014
Eight PM Thoughts - 8:21 PM
Ryan Cripps May 2014
May 13, 2014                             8:21 PM

Would you take me back if we had one long talk?
Or would you continue not to listen and carry on your walk?
If we had proper closure, and maybe settled things,
I could prove to you how you were and still are the girl of my dreams.

I did a **** job the first time, but everyone deserves a second try.
Though, if it truly isn’t meant to be, I want a proper goodbye.
Not the **** hug we shared on that warm night last summer,
Don’t get me wrong, I loved it, but it was quite a ******.

I was moving up north the very next day,
Chillin for only 15 minutes was not okay.  
I want to prove to you I’m the proper guy,
Take me back and I promise to never make you cry.
follow me on twitter: RadicalMartian
tumblr: kings-l4nding
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