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10.4k · Mar 2016
Best Fake Smile
Little Azaleah Mar 2016
Though she may be smiling,
do not be misled.
Alone she could be crying,
with words left unsaid.

6.6k · Feb 2015
My Ten Word Story [10]
Little Azaleah Feb 2015
I fell in love with you before I met you.

{ E.I }
5.2k · Feb 2016
Dear, Never Give Up
Little Azaleah Feb 2016
When they drag you down,
don't let them be the end of you.
Pull away,
brush yourself off,
and keep on moving forward.
Don't stop.
You've gone so far to give up now,
so keep your head up high and believe that
you'll achieve greater.

- {E.I}
dedicated to my favorite actor, S.S.
4.7k · Mar 2016
Little Azaleah Mar 2016
I can see why,
you chose her.
She's much more prettier than me.
She's much more funnier than me.
She's much more smarter than me.
She's much more cuter than me.
She's much more skinnier than me.
She's just much more than me.
I guess I'll never be more to you.

3.9k · Jul 2015
My Ten Word Story [30]
Little Azaleah Jul 2015
You make my red lipstick smudged from all your kisses...

Part 1
3.4k · Jun 2015
Under the Umbrella
Little Azaleah Jun 2015
It was raining. It was cold. The sleeve of my shirt sticking to my skin, my flats wet and ***** from the mud and rain.

Suddenly, the rain stopped pouring down on me and a shadow loomed over me. I looked up, I saw him.

He was the one who shield me, rather than shielding himself. Held me so close, just so I wouldn't get wet. We laughed at how ridiculous we look as people stare at us. Cramped together under the small pink umbrella; our shoulders touching, our hands touched slightly.

If I knew what he had thought at that moment,
I wouldn't know what I'd do.

{ E.I }
3.1k · Aug 2016
They laugh
Little Azaleah Aug 2016
They laughed.
They laugh at my insecurities,
They laugh at my embarassing moments,
They laugh at my face,
They laugh at me.
They laugh, they laugh, they laugh
They don't seem to care or realize
the whirling emotions within me.
They don't seem to care at all.
They just laugh,
And I don't think it's funny at all.

{ E.I }
2.9k · Jun 2015
Books are like Drugs.
Little Azaleah Jun 2015
"** Books are like drugs.
They help me forget the pain of reality, even if it's only for a moment. "

- {E.I}
2.6k · Aug 2015
Don't Be Afraid To Be Alone
Little Azaleah Aug 2015
Don't be in a relationship just because you're not used to being alone. You have friends that'll be there for you to support you just like a girlfriend/boyfriend would do.

Don't be afraid to be alone, because one day, you'll be alone and no one can be there for you but yourself, so don't get used to having someone there and just be independent.

Don't use someone who probably takes you seriously when you're only using them because you never been alone before. If you really love someone, then you would've tried your best to communicate with them and not lose your feelings for them after not seeing each other for a while, because if you love them, distance won't matter.

It's okay to be alone because someone out there, will one day, be there for you and you for them until the end of your life.

{ E.I }
Don't let them think it's love, because what you're doing? You're just using them.
2.5k · Sep 2016
Withered Flower
Little Azaleah Sep 2016
Without you,
I am but a flower
without light nor water -
Withering away
And die.

2.2k · Jul 2015
Dear Future Husband
Little Azaleah Jul 2015
"Oh my love future husband, I'm fine, I'm okay. But I know you know that I'm only lying. The world throws every challenge at me and somehow I thought I couldn't actually take it anymore. But then, I thought of you; of how you're somewhere out there praying to Allah for me to be okay. And so, for you, I'll be strong. I'll take every single thing the world throws at me. May it be heartbreak, grief or sorrow, I'll take it, stand tall, and simply make them let me be stronger. I know that everything happens for a reason, and every journey and hardships that I faced will somehow but for sure will lead to you and your love for me.
Oh my dear, I can't wait until the day that our paths cross and you become the one to hold my heart dearly forever.
Oh my future husband, every hardship I'll face will be worth it, I'll be a better woman, for you. I know the road is long and it'll be hard to continue moving forward but I'll always remember that the end of the road, you'll be there waiting for me, when Allah wants us to finally meet, and every pain I've felt before will soothed and ease just by the presence of you next to me, and then I'll finally understand the reason why I've gone through all those hardships and trials.
Oh my darling future husband, I'll stay strong, I'll stand tall, until you're here by my side. Until then, I'll continue on moving forward and accept every trials Allah gives to me."

- { E.I }
A reply to a poem I've read on instagram.
2.2k · Mar 2015
Little Azaleah Mar 2015
As soon as those words were said,
the mask she's worn all her life
starts to crack.
With every bit of word they say,
her true self began to show,
her true ugly self.
But they didn't know though,
that there was ever this side of her.
She would always smile,
she would always laugh.
If only they had look closer,
close enough to see her smile faltered,
close enough to see into the windows of her soul,
they would see
the girl that was filled with
insecurities, and sadness.

- { E.I }
She was breaking.
2.1k · Feb 2015
My Ten Word Story [5]
Little Azaleah Feb 2015
For you, I was never that special someone, was I?

- { E.I }
1.9k · May 2015
I Don't Deserve You
Little Azaleah May 2015
I'm no good
I don't deserve you
because I would wish for the person you like
to have someone else,
Just so you
could finally notice me.

{ E.I }
1.9k · Mar 2015
Little Azaleah Mar 2015
No, it's not the fact that I'm heartbroken,
that you're with him.
It's the fact that you didn't tell me
something so important,
even when you knew how I felt.
I feel betrayed, back-stabbed.
And here I thought you were my friend.

- { E.I }
It hurts.
1.8k · May 2015
Little Azaleah May 2015
Let's go back to the beginning,
to the time before there was a 'you and I',
when there's only a 'You' and an 'I',
so that there won't ever be an ending
"Why end something that never had a beginning?"

{ E.I }
1.8k · May 2015
Little Azaleah May 2015
It's weird how you can easily forget something you thought that mattered.

{ E.I }
I forget the little things that mattered.
1.6k · Sep 2018
< Love at one sight >
Little Azaleah Sep 2018
that fleeting feeling of fluttering butterflies
as they caught your attention
in that short moment of walking by,
in that short moment of seeing eyes
like the short moment of waves kissing land.
your thoughts momentarily filled with the "what ifs"
"what would it be like"
"how your life will be like"
Oh, what an innocent feeling that is.
those moments before knowing a person.

{ e.i }
1.6k · Oct 2015
Undelivered Messages
Little Azaleah Oct 2015
Those undelivered  messages are
the most true feelings of someone.
However, they are too afraid to say it in fear of what others think.

- { E.I }
1.6k · Apr 2016
Little Azaleah Apr 2016
Oh, my dear love.
Don't break the secured heart.
They are strong,
But even they, will tear apart.

1.5k · Feb 2015
Tainted Love
Little Azaleah Feb 2015
You know that feeling where you thought that you really love that someone so much, you thought you couldn't really live without him/her?
Then suddenly, as time goes by,
you stop feeling that way without realizing it.
And you don't feel jealous when they were with someone else,
and yet you still seem to care?
That's how I feel about him.

{ E.I }
1.4k · Jul 2015
My Ten Word Story [31]
Little Azaleah Jul 2015
But you also ruined my mascara from all your hurting.

Part 2
1.3k · Feb 2015
Time Machine
Little Azaleah Feb 2015
There he was,
his dark hair slicked back as he wove his hand through,
the sleeve of his white shirt rolled up to his elbows.
When he looked up, his brown eyes met mine.
It shone in recognition.
For a moment,
we turn back in time
in the days where I first saw you,
when we were younger and foolish.
But before my heart start to waver;
before the walls I've built cracks;
I turned around and walk away,
just like you did that summer day.

{ E.I }
1.3k · Sep 2015
Like An Arrow
Little Azaleah Sep 2015
Even if you keep on dragging me back, pulling me down, I'll only keep on shooting up like an arrow towards the target.

{ E.I }
Believe in yourself no matter how much life is trying to pull you down.
1.2k · Jun 2015
I Was A Coward
Little Azaleah Jun 2015
If only I had taken
those last few steps
towards you,
I probably would have
had the courage to say
a simple 'hello'.
But instead,
I'd chicken'ed out
and let her get the chance
to say them instead.
And now;
I've lost my only chance
to ever be with you.

{ E.I }
If only I had closed that distance between us.
1.2k · Oct 2015
I Wish 《II》
Little Azaleah Oct 2015
I Wish
You could
Hear what
I really want
To say.

1.2k · Jul 2015
My Ten Word Story [32]
Little Azaleah Jul 2015
Almost everywhere
I'd always
stumbled upon you.
Why though?

{ E.I }
1.1k · Nov 2015
I Wish 《I》
Little Azaleah Nov 2015
I wish
You would have not
The other way.

1.1k · Jul 2015
For The First Time
Little Azaleah Jul 2015
As you held my gaze to yours for the first time,
I tried to stop myself from looking away from your loving gaze.
As you held my hand for the first time,
I tried to resist letting go and wipe my sweaty hands on my jeans.
As you held my body close to yours for the first time,
I tried to calm down to stop the rapid beating of my heart.
As you press your lips against mine for the first time,
I tried to stop myself from lifting one of my feet off the ground.
As you start showing your eternal love to me for the first time,
I tried to stop myself from shying away from you as no one has ever loved me as much as you.

{ E.I }
1.1k · Feb 2015
Little Azaleah Feb 2015
I know that she's hurting inside,
I know how much it's killing her,
but she didn't show it.
She continue to held her head up high,
and face 'em straight.
She was strong enough to keep it in
no one was around to see her fallen tears.

{ E.I }
Gladiolus, the flower of strength.
1.1k · Oct 2015
Little Azaleah Oct 2015
I fake a smile
So he won't see
The pain I feel
Within me.

1.0k · May 2015
All Torn Up
Little Azaleah May 2015
Have you ever have this feeling
where you feel like your heart is breaking,
while at the same time,
it's like one of your limps were torn from your body,
like walking on fire and broken glass,
like being stabbed repeatedly,
like being punched in the guts,
like being betrayed by someone you trust your life to.
It's all of those, but altogether at the same time, at the same moment.
This feeling was never instant,
it's long-lasting.
Do you know this feeling?
it's what I'm feeling.

{ E.I }
1.0k · Dec 2015
Little Azaleah Dec 2015
You are beautiful.
Even with the bags under your eyes from your many sleepless nights.
Even with the stretchmarks on your thighs that you hate.
Even with scars you bare on your skin when you just wanted relief.
It didn't matter if you aren't the prettiest girl out there but to me, you are the most beautiful, with the most beautiful soul that is the only one that matters to me.
Even if you think yourself as crazy and odd.
Even if you only wear sweat pants and ratty t-shirt you always wore.
You are beautiful.
Never let others say that you aren't.

991 · Jul 2017
Little Azaleah Jul 2017
Save yourself,
before it's too late,
before you'll be pulled down
by the current of the ocean
where the darkest of the dark reside,
where light can barely reach you
in the down under.

《 e.i 》
Swim to shore.
973 · Jan 2015
Ten Things I HATE About You
Little Azaleah Jan 2015
I hate the way you would tend to stare at me,
and the way you would ignore me.
I hate the way you smile,
and the way you styled your hair.
I hate your black hoodie,
and how much you love red.
I hate the way you laugh,
and how you act so weird.
I hate the way you get so close,
and how you actually aren't.

I hate you so much,
that I actually lied.

{ E.I }
There is a thin line between love and hate.
946 · Apr 2015
My Ten Word Story [18]
Little Azaleah Apr 2015
With you,
it's like I'm eternally lost in a maze.

{ E.I }
872 · Jun 2017
Bare naked
Little Azaleah Jun 2017
He stood bare naked
under this unwanted attention.
He was vulnerable,
Left to be fed to the wolves.
He smiled through it all
Whilst carrying a heavy heart
And sunken eyes.

《 e.i 》
How he must be breaking inside.
870 · Mar 2015
My Ten Word Story [12]
Little Azaleah Mar 2015
This time I will be the one to walk away.

{ E.I }
864 · Aug 2015
My Ten Word Story [39]
Little Azaleah Aug 2015
Physically, she's okay, but emotionally she's got cuts and bruises.

{ E.I }
Never judge a book by its cover.
851 · Apr 2015
My Ten Word Story [17]
Little Azaleah Apr 2015
I'll love you,
even with all the scars you bare.

{ E.I }
839 · Jul 2015
Walking Away From You
Little Azaleah Jul 2015
Is like trying
to walk with
your feet cemented
to the ground.

{ E.I }
I just couldn't.
833 · Aug 2015
My Ten Word Story [40]
Little Azaleah Aug 2015
She hates crying,
it makes
Her look weak
And unstable.

{ E.I }
804 · May 2015
My Ten Word Story [22]
Little Azaleah May 2015
His love never really existed. It's just a heart-rending illusion.

{ E.I }
761 · Dec 2015
My Ten Word Story [45]
Little Azaleah Dec 2015
" You are the muse to my endless bittersweet stories, love. "

{ E.I }
757 · Aug 2015
My Ten Word Story [36]
Little Azaleah Aug 2015
She work
herself so
hard, one
day she'd
just collapse.

{ E.I }
755 · Feb 2016
It's okay.
Little Azaleah Feb 2016
You don't know how I feel but that's okay.
I wasn't planning on telling you anyway 'cause right now, there's too much on our plate already.
This feeling I'm feeling now will dismiss slowly, and it'll be okay again.

{ E.I }
750 · Aug 2017
Little Azaleah Aug 2017
I see you have walked away in short notice,
Nice to know how much I worth to you.
Just another easy target,
Another girl in the list,
Another heart to play with.
I shouldn't have let you in
in the first place,
I should have known we are just a detour off the main road.

{ e.i }
705 · May 2015
My Ten Word Story [19]
Little Azaleah May 2015
I wonder
what crossed
your mind
when we
broke up?

- {E.I}
695 · Mar 2015
You gave me roses
Little Azaleah Mar 2015
You gave me roses.
It was beautiful,
But the thorns pricked my fingers.
They bleed just like my heart,
When you lied to my face;
They hurt just like my heart,
When you cheat on me.

You gave me roses.
It was beautiful,
Pure and strong.
They're pure just like my heart,
Before you came into my life.
They're strong just like my heart,
Before you start to break me.

You gave me roses.
It was beautiful,
But it began to wilt.
Falling just like my heart,
When you began to walk away;
Dying just like my heart,
When you gave them to her too.

{ E.I }
679 · Apr 2015
My Ten Word Story [16]
Little Azaleah Apr 2015
It's 2:37AM,
and I'm still awake
thinking of you, dear.

- E.I
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