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266 · Feb 2018
Gale L Mccoy Feb 2018
it was going well
i was making progress
but it stopped
i stopped
it is hard to start
it is hard to continue
i dont know how it is to finish
because i have never made it that far
what if i never start again
and never find out

this fear hinders me
more than anything else
the fear of never starting again
a self-fulfilling prophecy
the fear of never getting there
makes it hard to start again
its another battle with myself for motivation to do anything
260 · Aug 2018
cherry pick
Gale L Mccoy Aug 2018
cherry pick the ripest fruit
to crush under feet
toss the bruised aside
for another to eat

is it kindness to give
what you dont want
to those who would
gladly have it
or is it sweeter to give
what you do want
to those who would
gladly settle for less

what is the quota
of ripe to rot
that should be given
to whom should the
best parts go
perhaps its not on what
but on how

maybe it doesn't matter
when it turns to wine
in the end

maybe all fruit is better
when shared among friends
259 · Jan 2018
wing weaver
Gale L Mccoy Jan 2018
where a storm brews
where the crows linger
where the people know them
but not by name
far away from where they had fallen
long ways away
from where they will rise once more

for now
they sit in the corner
of a place they love
building wings from feathers
left behind by the crows
who stare unbothered on the road

the first pair of wings were too small and ragged
a thing of pride but no structure
not meant for flight but holding them gave hope

the second pair took years
knowing the basic formula now
each feather painstakingly placed

the third pair was an experiment
a challenge to push the limits
to use instead of the pristine second

the fourth was a throwaway
born of desperation and frustration
with these they flew and fell
the fifth pair was a copy of the second
but fine-tuned and reinforced
and with them the crows left
255 · Sep 2018
Gale L Mccoy Sep 2018
does meaningless
mean something to you
do you become free when
when something
loses meaning

we'd normally
invent a new word
for that feeling

in meaningless
i release how precious
my time is
and all the things I
should have been doing
instead of this
255 · Jan 2018
Gale L Mccoy Jan 2018
I hold within me everything
I want to be a concept
A multitude know by some
A little thing I wrote last night whilst drunk
253 · Sep 2018
you'll be ready this time
Gale L Mccoy Sep 2018
dear little me
you'll never stop failing
and you'll start taking things seriously
you'll lose your meaning and your goal
many times over

but oh my gods
we've always been stubborn, haven't we?
rebuilding ourselves
and our wings
and our dreams
till we've come back to the first design
the thing we never took seriously
not then
but now

that wishful thought
or that idea kept to the side
that "if i do this then maybe but"
we took a long path
just to return to the beginning
but i'm ready this time

you'll be ready
253 · Jul 2018
turn of a moon
Gale L Mccoy Jul 2018
its the turn of a moon
set at a point
in which
body turns against mind
call of the sea
answered in blood
i would sell
a part of myself
for some ******* peace
day 7 of 31 days of poetry
252 · Jan 2018
a bottle of fresh red wine
Gale L Mccoy Jan 2018
I bite down
bitter taste welling up under my tongue
since when did these sharp thoughts
become the norm
I spent years training myself
to taste sweet where there’s bitterness
like sticky sweet candy
instead, I became red wine
a hint of sweet, under a layer of tangents
it takes a certain tongue to learn my notes
I always loved the look of red wine
but each sip overwhelmed
maybe I will learn to love the taste
252 · Nov 2018
I am [error]
Gale L Mccoy Nov 2018
I am the gust that
blew out the flame
and tossed the stone
I am the lady in white
one finger bloodied
and pointing
I am the hermit
crushed by the stone
I am something old
something new
and something glued
I am a doll
every string tied
not cut
I am whiplash
I am the impact
I am the looked upon
I am the try again
I am
I am
I am
251 · Oct 2018
angered an algorithm
Gale L Mccoy Oct 2018
i want to say something
i want to say it weird
will you listen?
are you listening?
do you care?
i can't say this normally you know
it won't mean the same
you won't understand
maybe you still won't after this
but this way
i can excuse it as art

i think i angered an algorithm
i think there are worms
in the belly of what you call god
my body is buzzing and
i can only think of songs that feel similar
i tell you that i want to go to moonville
to fight my moonself

are you my back up
or my ride
or are you here for the show
will you throw a fit if i take my
moonself out for coffee
and a deep talk?
or will you provide me
with the sledgehammer to
grant my dreams of visiting a junkyard
250 · Apr 2018
a cry
Gale L Mccoy Apr 2018
you messed up
you gave in
accept it
accept it
but stop it
please stop it
you wont ever forget this
itll be so clear to see forever on
the harder and father you go
250 · Jul 2018
Gale L Mccoy Jul 2018
and maybe i'll always be
that figure curled up in bed
and still, believing this
i think forever sounds nice
i would like to have forever
to exist at my own pace
249 · Mar 2019
Gale L Mccoy Mar 2019
rainbow in the details
when the lense focuses
is it the tint of my glasses
or the bend in the sign
Gale L Mccoy Sep 2018
raised to believe stagnation is a death
to stay still even in safety is a *****
never to be content with good enough
even when good enough is your best
never to take a rest
because to rest is a *****
that they say I am always falling down
there is always something to reach
“but dont you dare reach for what you love”

this is a loveless cruel thing
to never rest is to reach the end
before you’ve done anything at all
rest is not a stand still
but a chance to grow in a different way
and to reach for something you dont love
is a mocking insult to your heart and soul
that I will take no part of
248 · Oct 2018
Gale L Mccoy Oct 2018
when self-destruct is
coming home after doing all you could
at 24:00
and choosing to drink
and drink
when you have work in the morning

as if i would have had any better luck
trying to sleep
without the alcohol

at least i can enjoy a few hours
before the insufferable grind once again

i sleep better after
a night of drinking
drunk poem. I even recorded it for my podcast... but tbh.... i cant post it cause my parents listen to it
248 · Feb 2018
the fear of stopping
Gale L Mccoy Feb 2018
my body is a prison
i want to go go go
but the thought of moving
is a dreaded and feared one
i feel heavy
and tied down
obligations are a chain
that i must pull
but fear to touch
i need to keep moving
to reach a destination far away
but right now i am too tired
i shouldnt force it
but i am afraid
that i will never get up again
dunk poetry tbh
248 · Feb 2018
Between seasons
Gale L Mccoy Feb 2018
The wind today is a lonely one
It calls for spring like a long lost love
yet clings to winter’s solitude.
242 · Aug 2018
God damned word
Gale L Mccoy Aug 2018
I used to think devil was
a white man in a black suit
now I think it's really God
playing pretend
while the devil is Among Us
following through with his
own God ****** word
241 · Sep 2018
self aware... and yet
Gale L Mccoy Sep 2018
i am aware
-the decisions i make
-the things i consider
-the time i spend
i am aware of it all
-of the consequences
-of the change
-of the things it'll bring

and i still
walk the line
avoiding the worst
through dumb luck
or just a really
tired guardian spirit

or perhaps others just know
not to let me drag myself
down there with them

i don't think
even for how much
i try to be stupid
that i'm anything less than
when it just doesn't work out
Gale L Mccoy Jul 2018
spitting bitter bile from my mouth
muttering “this isnt me”
but isnt it?
ive been muttering for years now
spitting in secret
as to seem clean
is this not me
repetition makes habit
break it all you want
but at the end of the day
im still spitting
i hate this taste so much
when did i let myself turn sour?
day 5 of 31 days of poetry, got up at 345am for work, then after work spent 5 hours fixing **** in my life and just.... MONEY and FEES, LIFE AM I WRITE, this is a wine drunk poem
Gale L Mccoy Jan 2018
when I think of myself I’m never here
I think about who I am
and I think of
closed doors/white walls/music in my head
/patterns beaten into carpet

and I think of
sitting on the bus/living behind my eyes
/blank faces staring out of windows

and I think of
bright worlds/mundane things with people who don’t exist
/wielding a dagger of words/of misunderstandings
and tragedies/surviving and growing stronger
/of smiling in the face of peril

and I think of
betrayal/****** /being missed/growing wings
/becoming goddess/becoming wind/being loved
and feared in equal amounts/of people who don’t exist
still being there

and I blink

-it’s the same small white room
with a window that changes seasons by the hour

I think I don’t know who I am
236 · Feb 2018
Life's tides
Gale L Mccoy Feb 2018
Don't forget me
In the tide of your life
For the tides take me nowhere
I will not be able to find you
If you let the sea steal you away.
234 · Jul 2018
Gale L Mccoy Jul 2018
sometimes when I drive
i see through the road
and no one else
knows what I mean
231 · Jan 2018
bare witness
Gale L Mccoy Jan 2018
bare witness to what you create
do not turn from
the thing you have birthed
whether from womb or mind

bare witness to yourself
and cradle your creations
knowing that you may guide them
but ultimately

how they impact the world
and how the world receives them
is out of your control
229 · Apr 2018
impulse pattern
Gale L Mccoy Apr 2018
blood stain/ satisfaction/ disgust in self
satisfaction/ fascination/ continuation
desperation/ continuation/ desperation
alteration/ ask for help/ alteration
continuation/ continuation/ continuation
227 · Feb 2019
fury [day 8]
Gale L Mccoy Feb 2019
watch as they tell you to let it blow over
tell them eight days is a very long storm
and you didn't have the resources prepared for this
you love a storm as much as the next
but not when you are the storm
banging against the windshield of your car
howling howling howling
223 · Jan 2019
paperweight shrine
Gale L Mccoy Jan 2019
I am in the middle of a wake
a paper weight holding down
the pondering, wandering thoughts
of a man who commuted suicide

in the magrins
people write their sorrows
in a dialect I recognize
but do not fully understand
I read them
because they hand them to me

it is not my sorrow to take
I have no right to it
but it is their sorrow to share
broken off into shards
passed hand to hand
in hopes the sharp edges
may dull in time

I will hold each shard given
warm them in my hands
dull the edges on my flesh
before I return it to the teller
So that they are one step closer
to a picture that no longer
hurts to touch
222 · Mar 2018
little child
Gale L Mccoy Mar 2018
little child sitting on the stairs
late late at night
looking through the gap under the door
watching feet pass back and forth
never knowing how they knew
she was watching
or why they made her stand
at the door in the cold
they are coming for you
little child in a nightgown
that bore the words Hug Me
in big red letters
used to hug her parents
every single night
till she decided
they didn’t deserve it
Gale L Mccoy May 2019
little flame
i am a gust of wind
i don't want to feed you
into something all consuming
i've rid of all my flammables
the only thing you can lick at
is me
218 · Jan 2019
Gale L Mccoy Jan 2019
i can't read your words right now
how can i read anything
when i can hardly think
one foot in front of the other
i can't see what's in front of me
am i supposed to seek asylum
in your words
am i supposed to grab ahold of something
i can't conceive
i'm not here right now
and i apologize
as existing is an obligation
you can't back out of
you cant be
without being there
yet i'm existing
and i don't know where
216 · Mar 2019
one sided
Gale L Mccoy Mar 2019
for you
where it should ache is hollow
regret for what I don't feel
it died so long ago
and I let it fester under your
apparent disinterest
I kept it in display
for solidarity's sake
a dead thing on a stake
and it's not that
you were the murderer
but more of
we kept the pitiful thing
alive too long after
too many stab wounds
life support of the novel kind
words not ours sewn like
frankenstein's monster
I pulled the plug
and you still don't see
you're talking to a corpse
212 · Feb 2018
what if
Gale L Mccoy Feb 2018
“i touch it | my hand comes away scalded | i hold it | crumble it between my fingers | wipe it off onto my jeans

when the page turns | it holds the same words as the one before”
211 · Feb 2019
radio silence
Gale L Mccoy Feb 2019
isn't it funny how you can simply
talking with anyone
and after a long enough time
its like they never existed?

the biggest tragedy here
is how they let it happen
and how i let them let it happen

a reminder
that i lived without them before
and can live without them now
why am i so sad about it still

i dont need anyone but
oh goddess
i want

im sorry i ran out of energy
glasses up for anyone who's tried
to keep with me
through the radio silence
drunk poetry time
210 · Sep 2018
Gale L Mccoy Sep 2018
sometimes i dont
have the words
for what i need to say
and thats okay
ill keep trying till
i say it right
or till i say it wrong
ill read it back
and taste the error
in the way the words
are pronounced
210 · Oct 2019
i hold my own leash
Gale L Mccoy Oct 2019
i'm more of an optimist now
than i was as a child
i've seen past my own walls
and have decided i will walk
as far and for as long as i want
209 · Jan 2018
try again
Gale L Mccoy Jan 2018
It’s an idea
it’s a concept
it’s a tickle at a dream
its gone
slipped from your fingers
when you weren’t looking
you held it in your hands too long
neglecting to give it a place to grow
how was it ever to survive
with no home
no fuel
no care nor effort
best gone from your fingers
to find a better hand to slip through
208 · Mar 2019
Gale L Mccoy Mar 2019
she leaves her hovel
and goes 4 doors
down to the cafe
they close in 5 minutes
so she walks back towards
her home
and goes next door to the bar
she looks for a familiar face
she could go behind the bar
it's too cold to go outside
she didn't grab her id
she sees no familiar faces
so she goes home
Gale L Mccoy Feb 2020
seaweed stones and sand
layer on layer over old clothes
made me so heavy deep at sea
in a state of survival
i hibernated in frozen waters
till tide took my body to hot waters

i had to rub skin raw
to grow light enough to breach surface
naked once more
i stand back on the island of my own
195 · Jan 2018
Are you sure?
Gale L Mccoy Jan 2018
Once more just to be sure
Do you really want to risk it?
Do it again


189 · Jul 2018
Gale L Mccoy Jul 2018
when shattered I start
to see a shape begin
fractured light
broken image
sharp shapes
a different image
reflected in the glass
then the reality
it's meant to capture
188 · Jan 2018
full of nothing
Gale L Mccoy Jan 2018
my soul aches
a familiar ache
one that comes with
being filled to the brim
pressure building under the surface
with practiced fingers
one fluid motion
i uncap

nothing comes out
not even a whisp
the feeling of pressure
does not dissipate
185 · Sep 2018
an Aquarius Moon mood
Gale L Mccoy Sep 2018
are you real
or are you figment
are you an idea
a self fulfilling prophecy
or a feeling to follow through
what are you to me
if not a fleeting thought
tell me
how much of a ****
do I need to give
before I look the fool
174 · Jan 2020
Gale L Mccoy Jan 2020
insatiable child
you are akin to a black hole
only seen when consuming

you’ve thrown yourself
to the wilds just to prove
you can beat back the wolves again

you’d open the door
to a plane in flight
just to feel the wind
on your burning flesh

you’ve gone so far
that you have to yell
to be known
155 · Mar 2018
read me
Gale L Mccoy Mar 2018
for how many years
did i try to speak through my eyes
for the words i wanted to scream
were forbidden and unwanted
how many times did i scream
behind steady eyes
that if you really knew
all that you claimed to know
you would hear what my eyes
are so clearly telling you
i could read your eyes
              and his eyes
              and their eyes
clear as day
yet none could read my own
142 · Dec 2018
Gale L Mccoy Dec 2018
I won't fight for the hollow

It won't echo in me
138 · Dec 2018
Gale L Mccoy Dec 2018
You want so much of everything
That you abandon your something
Instant gratification
Like a candy that makes you sick
134 · Dec 2018
Note. 10
Gale L Mccoy Dec 2018
Little girl
I want to hand you a truth I learned
Far too late

And I'm sorry I havnt kept up with
the war you claimed against apathy
127 · Mar 2018
unlearn it
Gale L Mccoy Mar 2018
i learned from a young age
that no one wants to hear
what you have to convey
so you must say it with words
or failing that never say it at all
i learned from a young age
that i must listen to everything
everyone else conveys
but to expect the same returned
was just far too much
i learned from a young age
that i simply did not know
how to be taken seriously
109 · Oct 2018
Gale L Mccoy Oct 2018
Soft music
Hard truths
A loss
So large there's no way in
A between to cope with
A reality to live
The fatality of it
It's been 2.5 since
My kitty died
105 · Feb 2018
look and react
Gale L Mccoy Feb 2018
people noticed what they want
how can you know where to look
when you never look anywhere at all
maybe there is too much to see
but to see is the least we can do
for when tragedy hits
it hits hard
far past ground zero
whether or not you look that way
the least we can do is look
then react

— The End —