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782 · May 2014
Voices talking
Clindballe May 2014
Loud music is playing in the bus. People talking and laughing. Are they talking about me. Laughing at me. ****. I start to panic. My heart is racing. It's time to face it. The voices inside my head are fighting. I black out. Face down. **Snap.
Written: May 22. - 2014
773 · May 2015
Tear soaked heart
Clindballe May 2015
I hugged my pillow so tight that I could have broken a ribcage
And when I woke up with a tear soaked pillow I knew
I knew who I had imagined
who I had lost once again as I opened my eyes and saw nothing.
Written: May 17. - 2015
761 · Mar 2015
fars vuggeviser
Clindballe Mar 2015
du er lænket til din sengs ynkelige undertrykkelse
fars vuggeviser skygger for din livsglædes melodi
for dæmonerne i dine drømme er kendte skikkelser
djævelens afkom ser du i dit spejlbilledes selvportræt
knuste glas afslører kærlighedens farve på din hud
pillerne formår at trøste din angst bedre end jeg gør
jeg kan ikke forklare dig mit livs kaotiske tragedier
for først må du forstå din egen sørgmodige kamp
så jeg skriver det i digte som du aldrig vil læse højt
Skrevet: 3. marts - 2015
753 · May 2014
Oh so perfect
Clindballe May 2014
The clouds are crying. They must have seen us. So in love but for none of us to feel. The love that once stock us together is gone. Our love was like in a moviescene. Oh so perfect and oh so frightening. They say it's never like in the movies but this was. So sweet you could almost taste it. It was so good that it almost felt wrong. We were meant to be but now we're not meant for anything.
*May the clouds wash away all my memories.
Written: May 8. - 2014
748 · Aug 2015
Clindballe Aug 2015
When you took our family tree up by the root my heart got tangled in the mess. Ants crawl under the door carrying away the branches laying on the floor. Now there is a hole in the middle of the room that goes down six feet from where I walk with my heavy shoes. Old seeds fade to dust like our memories like our family. I try planting the fresh ones in my chest but I fail to fill them with liquid because all the water inside me falls from my eyes to the sheets to floor where it has made an ocean of forgotten memories. Hopefully the ants will soon take the door with them, so I can swim to shore.
Written: August 7. - 2015
747 · Jul 2016
Late nights
Clindballe Jul 2016
Numbness takes over my mind and sends shivers down my spine. Shaky hands and blurry eyes, yet I'll tell you that I'm fine. I dig my nails into my skin leaving it red and sore just to stop the shaking from getting out of control. I know I have lost control of my feelings and I am left with nothingness and emptiness yet I try and try, effortlessly to make it stop. These late nights drain me till I'm exhausted enough to collapse and eventually relapse.
Written: July 13. - 2016
731 · Jul 2014
New beginning
Clindballe Jul 2014
Get up. Raise the blinds. Look yourself in the mirror as your pupils contract. Let the light warm you up. Open the window and feel the fresh air against your skin. It's a new day. A new beginning.
Written: July 22. - 2014
730 · Jul 2015
Mothers light
Clindballe Jul 2015
No child wishes to disappoint its mother
therefore I became my mothers light in dark
but I cannot shine forever mother
Sometimes you gotta turn off the light
Otherwise it will burn out before time
Let me rest among the others just for awhile
so I can shine my brightest in your darkest hours
Written: June 19. - 2015
729 · Jun 2014
Be yourself
Clindballe Jun 2014
Telling someone to be themselves in this society, is like telling a bird with two broken wings to fly.
Written: June 25. - 2014
720 · Dec 2014
Uden dig
Clindballe Dec 2014
Jeg har tusinde søvnløse nætter
med dig
i mine tanker

Jeg har tusinde vildfarende tanker
med dig
i dem alle

Jeg har tusinde forsømte dage
med dig
i ingen af dem
Skrevet: 1. December - 2014
715 · Feb 2015
No oblivion
Clindballe Feb 2015
Let me scream your name and let it echo into space where it will continue forever and fill the black holes with
your light

Let me lay inside your heart as it pumps my existence into your veins where it will stay to infinity like there is no end to love
no oblivion
Written: February 3. - 2015
711 · May 2014
Being a teenager
Clindballe May 2014
We are wrong about every single thing. They teach us everything they know. They tell us what to do. When we see the sun they tell us it's a star. We are wrong. We get misunderstood and they get mad at us. We try to make things right but we make it wrong. They teach us to always do the right things. When we follow our hearts and do what think is right they tell us to think again. We are wrong.

We are a generation of misunderstood teens trying to make everyone pleased, make mom and dad proud, do what we love but always gets it **wrong.
Written: May 15. - 2014
707 · May 2014
What's killing me
Clindballe May 2014
The door is shut.
No way out.
No escape.
They are trying to **** me.
Chasing me like a lion hunting its prey.
Sharpening their teeth.
Getting ready to rip out my throat.
I feel forsaken.
Abandoned by everyone.
No one is going to save me.
No one can save me.
What’s killing me are my thoughts.
They run through my mind like the tears rush down me cheeks.
Like an endless mist blocking my sight.
I can’t see a future.
*Where do I go?
Written: May 12. -2014
699 · Aug 2016
Clindballe Aug 2016
What if i am an illusion, it would explain the kind of nothingness that I feel. How when I buried a knife in my wrist I couldn't feel a thing. That I sometimes more than often feel invisible, like everything is surreal, like I am as transparent as air.
Written: July 14. - 2016
699 · Jul 2014
Clindballe Jul 2014
Pain, scars and lots of flaws
Lying about sharp cat claws
Saying this will be the last
All to forget the hurting past
Hiding it with long sleeves
Hooping no one will leave
Never to feel this alone again
She learns to live with the pain
Written: July 16. - 2014
699 · Jan 2016
The blood in my veins
Clindballe Jan 2016
My veins are spread under my skin like a family tree
My ancestors run through these life roads that I stem from
I once tried looking for myself in them
but as the thick blood ran down my arms I saw nothing
I just wanted someone to see that I am not them
I am me
So when you look at my closed eyes
and the purple veins on my eyelids are the only thing you can see
tell me that you know me better than anyone else
because I cannot find myself
between all these crooked branches.

The only people I want in my veins are you and I
Written: January 22. - 2016
698 · Jan 2015
Clindballe Jan 2015
Jeg er den natteravn som du holder vågen om natten.

Jeg er den stille regn som kun høres hvis du tordner.

Jeg er din søvnløse datter som er bange for torden.
Skrevet: 4. Januar - 2015
691 · Sep 2014
Room; for everything
Clindballe Sep 2014
Pictures; For remembering the good times.
Alcohol; For forgetting the past.
Boxes; For keeping old memorizes.
Shoes; For walking away.
Books; For getting lost.
Speakers; For expressing feelings.
Mirror; For finding flaws.
Clothing; For covering up.
Lamps; For looking for monsters.
Junk; For never letting go.
Bed; For giving up.
Flag; For fighting for my dreams.
Written: September 14. - 2014
Clindballe Jan 2015
dine summende ord flyver rundt om hovedet på mig
blander sig med støjen fra min overophedet computer
en unødvendig larm i rummet
jeg fanger dig som myggen på væggen
jeg masser dig som myggen i min hånd
du er en blodsugende myg på jagt
efter opmærksomhed
men det er også det eneste du får
for ingen har kærlighed til myg som dig
de finder dig
de slår dig ihjel
som myggen i min hånd
Skrevet: 25. Januar - 2015
670 · Aug 2015
Du er mit vidunder
Clindballe Aug 2015
Jeg stræber efter at vise dig de lyserøde skyer jeg ser over horisonten så du måske kan finde dig selv i mængden. Jeg vil udforske alle verdens vulkaner og stirre dybt ned i deres smukke rødbrune øjne men dine blålige øjne vil altid være de smukkeste. Måske kan vi løse mysterier som ingen kender svaret på hvorefter vi vil dø med alle livets hemmeligheder. Vores lyserøde hjerter vil vokse store nok til at vi kan gemme alle verdens vidundere i alle former og størrelser som lyserøde skyer. Jeg vil åbne mit hjerte op så du kan se dig selv på samme måde som jeg ser dig.
Skrevet: 11. august - 2015

You are my wonder
I aspire to show you the pink clouds which I see over the horizon
so that maybe you can find yourself in the crowd.
I want to explore every volcano in the world
and stare deep in to their auburn eyes
but your blue eyes will always be the prettiest.
Maybe we can solve mysteries that no one else knows the answers to
whereafter we will die with life's secrets.
Our pink hearts will grow big enough to hide every wonder of the world
in every shape and size like pink clouds.
I want to open my heart so that you can see yourself the same way as I.
654 · Oct 2017
You are not God!
Clindballe Oct 2017
I have had countless nightmares that you would leave me. That you would find someone else and I would have broken your lungs forever. Your words took over. My promises and premises became overwhelmed by you and your needs. It was not a relationship, but I was a God-given person, and you were God. You are as manipulative as the Bible, as beautiful as the devil, and only those who no longer believe will understand that your empty words are just words. I gave your words, your promises, your commandments life! If it were not for me, faith in love would not exist and you would not be part of my life. Even though you're out of my life, you're still part of it. You can not be atheist without giving a love faith broken heart young thought to me who burned the Bible, me who left the church. My nightmares have disappeared and so have you

Most importantly, my lungs are intact, and I can thank myself for that - I can breathe, I am free!
Written: October 26. - 2017

Du er ikke Gud!

Jeg har haft utallige mareridt om at du ville forlade mig, om at du fandt en anden og jeg ville have knuste lunger for evigt. Dine ord overtog mine. Mine præmisser og løfter blev overtrumfet af dig og dine behov. Det var ikke et parforhold, men jeg var en gudsbenådet person, og du var Gud. Du er lige så manipulerende som biblen og smuk som djævlen, og kun dem som ikke længere tror, forstår, at dine tomme ord, blot er ord. Jeg gav dine ord, dine løfter, dine befalinger liv! Hvis ikke det var for mig, ville troen på kærlighed ikke eksistere og du ville ikke være en del af mit liv. Og selvom du er ude af mit liv, er du stadig en del af det. Man kan ikke være ateist uden at have skænket religion en tanke og mine tanker var infiltrerede af dine ord. I sidste ende var det mig der brændte biblen, mig der forlod kirken. Mine mareridt er forsvundet og dig med.
Vigtigst af alt, mine lungerne er intakte, takket være mig selv - jeg kan trække vejret, jeg er fri.
Clindballe Apr 2014
First:* Take all belongings reminding you of him.
Second: Find a good spot to make fire.
Third: Throw things in pile at spot.
Fourth: Get gasoline, lighter and bucket of water.
Fifth: Pour gasoline all over things.
Sixth: Light lighter and throw into pile.
Seventh: Watch flames absorb everything.
Eighth: To quench fire pour water over fire.
Ninth: Now do the same to *
Written: April 27 - 2014
637 · Jun 2015
Clindballe Jun 2015
Jeg lader vægten af mit hoveds overarbejde holde dig til jorden (bare lidt endnu).
Aldrig før har jeg følt noget så tomt som hullet i mit hjertet.
Aldrig før har jeg været så bange for sten.
Jeg lover dig at den dag mit hovede lader dig svæve elegant til vejrs vil jeg give slip på min frygt men indtil da ved jeg ikke hvad jeg skal gøre.
Du må forstå at jeg ikke forstår hvor du er og jeg vil lede under hver en sten i verden hvis det kan bringe dig tilbage.
Måske jeg skulle starte med den hvor dit navn er indgraveret i.
Der hvor jeg skulle slippe din hånd og give den videre til et håb om liv efter døden.
Men jeg holder stadig fast som anker der sidder fast under sten.
Skrevet: 7. Juni - 2015

I let the weight of my heads overwork hold you to the ground (just for awhile). Never have I felt something as empty as the hole in my heart.
Never have I been so afraid of stone.
I promise you that the day my head will let you soar neatly upwards, I will let go of my fear but until then I do not know what to do.
You must understand that I cannot understand where you are and I will look for you under every stone in the world if that can bring you back.
Maybe I should start with the one that has your name engraved.
628 · Jun 2014
Clindballe Jun 2014
Feeling insecure about every step that I take towards a future.
Where do I belong?
Do I even belong somewhere?
Why am I here and not there?
Is this where I have to be?
What am I going to do?
Can I be a use of anything?
How do I live my life?
Am I already living my ideal life?
When am I going to die?
*Or am I already dead?
Written: June 24. - 2014
624 · Aug 2014
Taken by storm
Clindballe Aug 2014
It is finally time to move on from this stormy relationship.
You took of and as the storm consumed my broken heart.
I waited for windless night and birds to be singing again.
*Only small gusts of wind filled with memories remains.
Written: August 7. - 2014
617 · Dec 2014
A man of no words
Clindballe Dec 2014
your silence is suffocating me.
Your silence is stronger than words.
Much stronger than any word
that will ever come out of your mouth.
Because you talk to the dog more than me and you never talk to the dog.
Shut up.
Written: December 7. - 2014
612 · Jun 2015
Words of poetry
Clindballe Jun 2015
Poetry is for the bruised and scared we spill our guts onto paper and pen our minds explode emotions for us to write in words

Writing is a coping mechanism and even though we might not save ourselves we keep on opening our hearts with words

Never stop giving pieces of yourself to the world nor stop taking pieces to replace the empty spaces with new found words
Written: June 17. - 2015
608 · May 2016
My void
Clindballe May 2016
I have tried to write a poem about ****, but it is like I couldn’t find the right words. The meaning was stuck in my head and I was unable to translate it into complete sentences. It is like that night, where the darkness spiraled into the center of my body, and the cries for help were stuck in my throat, choking me. I still remember the emptiness that filled the whole room, so compressed that it felt like the walls would give in to it. I want to go home! No, I want to disappear, leave this body, this place and crawl into myself and let the darkness consume me. I just wanted it to end. My anxiety is always worst when I am amongst others and at that moment, it felt like my heart stopped, as I lost control over my mind and body, even though I felt it all. “I wish for it all would end”, I told myself. I wished that everything could just be ****** into a black hole, just like the void inside of me ****** out the last bit of happiness I had. All alone, but I could still hear the sound of the crowd on the other side of the wall of this crime scene. When the person who helped you out of depression, just pushed you down into a dark pit, when your parents haven’t taught you to call the police when the law is broken and the world feels like an empty void. If a friend no longer is one, but a ****** and you have forgotten how to say no, then stick ******* down your throat and let the screams fill the house.
Written: april 26. - 2016

Jeg har prøvet, at skrive digte om voldtægt, men det er som om ordene ikke er klar til at blive sagt. De sidder fast i hovedet, og kan ikke oversættes til sammenhængende sætninger. Det er som den nat, hvor mørket trak sig helt ned i maven, og skrigende sad som en klump i halsen. Jeg husker stadig følelsen af tomhed, en tomhed som fyldte hele værelset og klamrede sig op af murene i et forsøg på at komme ud. Jeg ville ud, hjem, nej væk. Jeg tænkte på det tog jeg skulle nå, og om jeg måske bare skulle stille mig på skinnerne i stedet for. Min angst er altid værst når der er mange mennesker, og huset var fyldt, da han tømte mine lunger for luft, og jeg mærkede tristheden sive ned, og tage dets plads. Hvor ville jeg dog ønske, at han havde en sø i baghaven, dyb nok til at drukne i, så den langsomme pinsel kunne stoppe.. Dø, og jeg med den. Der var ingen kære far og mor, blot lyden af stilhed, og menneskerne på den anden side af muren til dette gerningssted. Når den person, som talte dig ud af selvmord pludselig bliver årsagen, og dine forældre har lært dig, ikke at ringe til politiet når loven overtrædes, bliver det hele fortrængt i tomrummet. Hvis en ven ikke længere er en ven, men en voldtægtsmand, og du har glemt ordet nej, så stik to fingre i halsen, og lad skrigende fylde hele huset.
600 · Jan 2016
Clindballe Jan 2016
Kunne jeg bare formidle mine tanker der myldrer som myrer ned på papir så du kunne se mit rod og mine ord ville du måske elske mig. Jeg er bange for at miste alt og alle men især dig når klokken tikker mod morgenstunden og jeg ikke har lukket et øje. Tankerne sværmer som fluer på en alt for varm sommerdag mens jeg skøjter hen over billeder og snubler over dig. Mine tanker går med at tænke på dig men du tanker aldrig bilen så jeg lader dig går over isen i håb om at du falder over ordene jeg elsker dig.
Written: January 12. - 2016
590 · Jan 2015
Bag verden
Clindballe Jan 2015
Jeg prøvede
at slås med ild
men brændte blot
mig selv

Jeg kan stadig mærke
den skoldhede

Som var det igår
jeg testede
mine forældres

Som var det i dag
jeg fik trangen
til at gøre det forbi

Med livet
foran mig
og døden bag mig
løb jeg min vej

Med grønne træer
og skumle øjne
bag glade mennesker

Der stod jeg
alene i verden
med livet kørt afsted

Her står jeg
med brandsår
Og døde øjne
bag verden.
Skrevet: 6. Januar - 2015

Behind the world

I tried to fight with fire but ended up burning myself
I can still feel the scald metal-surface
As if it was yesterday I tested my parents patience
As if it was today I got the urge to end it all
With my life in front of me and death behind me I ran away
With green trees and sinister eyes behind happy people
There I stood alone in the world and life had driven by
Here I stand with burns and dead eyes behind the world
586 · Jan 2016
The ocean of life
Clindballe Jan 2016
Give me your favorite books, music and art, so that I know where you are when the world gets too difficult to swim in and you are trying to avoid a drowning accident in the ocean of life. Fantasy sets no limits and I just want to live for all eternity with you in a dreamworld. Even when love is no longer sweet and the pancake house is eaten I will fly across every ocean with you.
Written: January 28. - 2015

Livets hav
Giv mig dine yndlings bøger, musik og kunst, så jeg ved hvor du er når verden bliver for svær at svømme i og du prøver at undgå en drukneulykke i livets hav. Fantasien sætter ingen grænser og jeg vil bare leve med dig i drømmeland til alt evighed. Selv når kærligheden ikke længere er sukkersød og pandekagehuset er spist, vil jeg flyve hen over havene med dig.
585 · Feb 2015
Clindballe Feb 2015
mit hjerte vil altid tilhøre dine ravne klør
du så igennem min skal og fandt perlen
under vandet hvor jeg gemmer mig forladt
i et hav af glemte sager og hav-gudinder
hørte du mine lydløse skrig efter hjælp

mit hjerte vil altid tilhøre et tomrum
ingen ser igennem min skal perlen
faldt til bunds og gemmer sig under
sandet omfavner de ubrugelige rester af
hvad der engang var dit er nu mit

*dine fjer ligger trygt i min skal
Skrevet: 19. februar - 2015
583 · Dec 2015
Clindballe Dec 2015
Jeg hader mig
Du hader dig
Lad os dræne hinanden for had
Til dagen lyser grønt og lyder som noget at glæde sig til i morgenstunden
Eller lad os blive i selvhadets øjeblik som muslinger der holder på tusinde perler på bunden af havet
Lad os aldrig se dagens lys
Lad os leve i selvhadet
Lad os
Lad os dø sammen
Written: December 20. - 2015
563 · Jan 2015
åben dine øjne
Clindballe Jan 2015
kig i spejlet når min mor står der
du vil se mig i hendes reflektion
men ikke genkende det ukendte
far du elsker hende jo til døden
men elsker du overhovedet mig
eller har du konstant lukket øjne
Skrevet: 26. januar - 2015

Open your eyes
look in the mirror when my mother stands before it
you will see me in her reflection
but will not recognize the unknown
father you love her till death
but do you love me at all
or do you always have closet eyes
558 · Apr 2015
Dødens kvælertag
Clindballe Apr 2015
Jeg kunne sige så meget men siger intet
Jeg sidder blot i stilhed og lader tårerne hviske ordene i et sprog som alle forstår
Jeg fylder mit værelse med planter så dødens tunge gassky fortæres
Men i mine lunger spreder den kvælende fornemmelse sig til mit hjerte
hvor den ligger omklamrende i blodbanens lune rander
Skrevet: 2. april - 2015
555 · Jul 2015
Set me free
Clindballe Jul 2015
How graceful it would be if I were a tree
with roots and branches
through air and soil stretches
life thinner than thread there will be spread
creating harmony to the dead
I hope this will not be misread and nothing is left unsaid
I just do not want to live inside this head
**I want
not to be
a destruction
Written: July 20. - 2015
547 · Aug 2014
Oh dear
Clindballe Aug 2014
Oh dear sister. The misery hides inside the house. The one I told you about. The one you forgot.

Oh dear brother. Why can't you see the pain. The one I told you about. The one you forgot.

Oh dear mother. Why is the monster not gone. The one I told you about. The one you forgot.

Oh dear father. The creature is inside you. The one I told you about. The one you forgot.
Written: August 21. - 2014
544 · Aug 2015
Adults only
Clindballe Aug 2015
Poisoning my undeveloped self at age fourteen with toxic fumes and deadly drinks that are meant for adults who want to have fun or detach for awhile. I didn't know rather it because I was trying to be happy or be someone else which basicly is the same thing. I longed to be someone else and achohol and cigarettes defined that someone. Drinking and smoking is for grown ups they say but I grew up fast.
Written: August 4. - 2015
541 · May 2014
Clindballe May 2014
Voices telling lies
Writen: May 22. - 2014
535 · Aug 2015
Clindballe Aug 2015
I am still smoking cigarettes to burn away the words I could never say to you
I try to block my sight with smoke so I can never see you again
and no
I am not crying for you I just got ashes in my eyes from setting fire to our memorize
Written: August 1. - 2015
531 · May 2014
The city
Clindballe May 2014
The city is full of unknown faces and voices.
The faces passing by as you walk down the crowded streets. The man smiling at you as he looks up from the asphalt. The couple giggling and holding hands as they walk pass you. The kid holding her mothers hand looking strangely at you. The voices of the people trying to sell their counterfeit goods and cheap food. The cab driver yelling at the teens running out of his cab. The poor man sitting on the pavement with his dog on his lap begging for money and food.
The city is full of unknown faces and voices.
Written: May 21. - 2014
524 · Apr 2014
Clindballe Apr 2014
We started talking.
We began hanging out.
We sometimes talked.
We took walks in the forest.
We talked more.

We started holding hands.
We talked a bit more.
We told each other secrets.
We talked even more.
We did long hugs in the rain.
We fell in love.

It went to fast, I couldn’t keep track.
We stopped falling.
What is going on?
We stopped holding hands.
What happened?
We stopped hugging.
We can’t even touch?

We stopped telling secrets.
Where did the trust go?
We spoke less.
Where are you going?
We rarely spoke.
We are not friends?
We never spoke.
*Did I do something wrong?
Written: April 24 - 2014
521 · Jun 2015
A poem
Clindballe Jun 2015
I would write a poem on your skin
long enough to hide your scars
Deep enough to dig up all your loved ones
and long forgotten stars
Yet short as your fathers temper
so you could feel the heat from the aftermath
I would write a poem and hide on your path
Written: June 15. - 2015
519 · Mar 2015
ubåde og pudefyld
Clindballe Mar 2015
at hjælpe folk der er ligner
ubåde men blot er synkende
både er som at blæse med
mel i munden uden at tænke
over vindretningen udenfor

det er som at se de mange
rester af hullede mennesker
som aldrig bliver hele men
alligevel køber pudefyld
til at fylde hullerne i sindet
Skrevet: 1. Marts - 2015
514 · May 2015
Clindballe May 2015
En flæbende mekanisme der hiver efter vejret imellem gråden.
Venter på at luften løfter dit bryst
Venter på at blodet gør dine kinder røde.
Drænet for tårer men græder videre i håb om at mine tåre virker som i Disneyfilm og du vågner igen.
Skrevet: 17. Marts - 2015
Clindballe Sep 2015
My grandma gave away all the old bed sheets, even the towels she spent hours sewing his name on. She even removed his glasses from the table like he had never sat in the leather-chair next to it. I didn't even realized that he had gotten a different chair before he left it to never sit back down. It sometimes feels like he was not even here but I have buried myself underneath the fabrics so that maybe he will come alive in my dreams and when I wake up from a nightmare he might somehow be beside me. Grandpa I wish that you could pick up your glasses and see the stitches you left open.
Written: September 1. - 2015
505 · Sep 2015
Stick and stones
Clindballe Sep 2015
Trying desperately
to get this poisonous air
out of my lungs
Throwing sticks and stones
at my chest
fracturing my ribcage and heart

Not only am I breaking
my own and yours
but everyone around us
I do not want to breathe
the same air as you my dear

Our love did not match
the laws of physics and I
just want to fly in outer space
far away from you
Written: September 17. - 2015
505 · May 2015
A cry out for help
Clindballe May 2015
I daydream of alcohol and pills
Constantly thinking of ways to get away from here
I do not own those surviver skills
Everyone is whispering in my ear
I can no longer hear your voice on the phone
Someone please take me home
Written: May 29. - 2015
502 · Nov 2015
My final cliche
Clindballe Nov 2015
I never write these poems about you any more. It is not that I do not think about you. It is not that I do not wonder what could have happened. It is just that I stopped looking endlessly for you in crowds you never walked in and dreams you never occurred in. Your name, oh how it still tastes funny. Sadly it is as common as the rain and it rains a lot. Mine on the other hand never quite makes it out of any lips not even yours. I miss your hands sometimes but never the awful things that purposely found their way from your mouth to my ears so keep your ***** hands to yourself and change your name.
Written: November 30. - 2015
501 · Jul 2016
Quiet breather
Clindballe Jul 2016
I am a quiet breather, I hate the sound of breathing. Most of the time I  wish for my breathing to stop, so I can have a moment of complete silence. I hold my breath and hope that I will never catch it again. I can hear my head pounding on my pillow, I feel like it is going to explode. I live in a neutral state of being, where nothing matters and I care for no one. I wouldn't mind if my head exploded or if my lungs gave up on me. I just need silence and nothing else, I don't need anyone else breathing heavily next to me as they fade of into dreamland because I am restless and the sound of breathing keeps me awake.
Written: July 9. - 2016
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