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1.6k · Nov 2014
Dream Catcher
Poetic T Nov 2014
It is Cinders upon string
Charred reminiscence of what
Kept away the
Dreams where caught weaved
Into its substance, sleeping, dreams
Captured upon the feathers they wisped
Them away in to the winds,
But then that dream, that moment as
My body lay still as if
Rigor mortis,
Looked upon me, but then as if
Grabbed by the unseen
My back arches,
Arms spread out, fingers open as if
Feathers for me to take flight,
"Then the scream,"
As my lungs petrified to breath to
That moment before unconsciousness
Then air seeps, surges in
And the dream catcher, rekindled
What was charred, feathers ash
Now hang again from twine,
Darkness tried to
Me, within my dream
But the aura of the catcher
Breathed light
Into my mind, vanquished
That which seeded within,
I settle now, never knowing that the
Dream, darkness nestled upon me
But my dream catcher
Kept me safe from outside as well as with in.
1.6k · Oct 2015
I Should Have Played Hookie
Poetic T Oct 2015
Well I was five minutes late, mum
Chucked me out the door,

"I have a letter from school mum,

"Been in trouble again, no change there,

I waited for the bus but never turned up

"Great she'll think I missed it on purpose,

I jumped on my bike, ill show her, no phone
Call saying I never turned up. I pedalled like
My lungs were going to burst, The school yard
Was empty  "Crap, "Crap, I ran in thinking
I was Late the doors lock at a certain time only
Opening in case of serious emergencies.

"Sorry I'm late Miss Hoper,
"The Bus never turned u.......,

The class was empty, I heard a noise from the store
Cupboard? I listened and heard moaning

"No way Miss Hoper is getting it on,

Was I early? had the clocks gone back and mum
Forgot? I giggled at the thought of catching her
With her silks around her ankles. Camera at the
Ready, 1, 2, 3.... OK don't be a chicken.
What can they say or do, 1, 2, 3.. I opened
The door clicking away 12mp clear as day.

"Miss Hoper surprise,

Dam Miss you look  "Fugly, not looking
Your best this morning.

"I'd say she was a six as far as teachers go,

Her hair was like a drunk had shaven in the dark,
"What big nails you have,
"What  sharp teeth you have,
"What the hell? how ***** you are this morning,

What was I doing I sounded like I was reading the
Three little pigs. Miss Hoper was the wolf.
I had a voice repeating in my head, but I looked
Beside her and saw the reason for the closed door.
**** Peterson was lying their, reaching out as
If he knew how this was playing out to the end.

She licked her tooth, her lacerated tongue bleed,
No pain more pleasure was on her face as she
Drank upon herself. I stepped back as I knew
That I was within her sights. Her fingers gestured
Across Micks throat and his hand slumped silently
On the ***** cupboard floor, his eyes emptily void.

That voice once again echoed out now screaming
Into my subconscious. This time I listened.

"Run, run, run....,

As she launched upon the area I once was, heading
For the door I glanced her movement. A step behind
As I slammed the door, the walls vibrated upon the
Lockers, as I saw the luck of the keys left in the door.
The teacher launched through the panels as glass, solid
Wood was the only deterrent from her tasting my throat.

I ran through the halls each class room locked, children
Tied to the desks gnawing on themselves in an effort to
Be free. Mr Freedman was hanging their, but fate his time
Continued as he with metal cord he hung and lower parts
Torn asunder he hung their only half a man.

"Dam I'm just telling everyone lunch is here,

I instead whisper, their is thought in my madness.

"hello, hello,
"If your not a monster,

I wondered the halls, hearing moan I'd edge towards
I could hear them sniffing as if a scent was lingering
In the air. "Could they smell me? "I'd showered though,
I pressed my cheek against the wall, looking in to
My history class, well they were history all right.
Smouldering remains of god knows what.

"Is anyone not crazy,
"What am I thinking of course they'll say no,

Looking for my prom date, is their even going
To be one at this rate? I looked in the girls locker
"What don't give me that look,
Shelly you in there is whispered, then I sneezed

"O' crap O' crap these halls echo like a church steeple,
"Just ignore that ok,

I see a foot then the faces of cheerleaders, but these
Weren't the girls I knew twisted forms tails protruding
And hair, like they have digressed to a early form,

"No not shelly,
"She was 9 now a 2.0,

She sees me, head tilts then the call, her fingers point.
That voice didn't have to scream, I was gone.
I could hear them, I wasn't looking where I was going
And clothes lined someone.

"What the hell dude,
"You ran in to me,

Your normal,
But your, I saw you dead?

"What you mean dead?
"Down that hall, eyes gouged out,

And with that a shiver like someone had
Just mosh pitted on my grave, I heard them
I went to run, down the hall, but heeded his
Story *
"dude hurry up run,

"I cant my ankles all buckled,

A second later I was in the lockers, lucky I'm
Skinny, they were upon him in moments.
Their tales swinging around in the air as though
They were playing with him. Then tails wrapped
Upon him legs, arms, neck they purred and
Claws dug in as if to get a running start.....

Blood, so much blood, I bit on my jacket to cover
My scream, I  was lucky his body tore up in
Such noise that I was unseen. they took of parts
Kept for trophies or munchies who knew?
I ran down the hall, I turned and tripped over
Something? I looked down it was me...

"What the..., what the....,
"How could this be,

Then flashes in my mind, I was here when it
Started, "I turned first, I opened my mouth
And expelled it, I watched others consumed.
I locked the rooms and through a key hole
I gestured it in. watched the madness mutate
Them in to me, "I watched..

But how did I end up here?

"Think, think,

I ran down this hall, and I ran in to me,
What the hell is going on I look, into the
Trophy case, I see something not me?
I look at myself eyes void only darkness
A shell, I enter two digits in. "Empty,
I look back as I see me, but others also.

I realize I'm an echo like these halls, I fade
Into the darkness as I realize it wasn't me.

"Just memories of other mixed in with me.

"I should have played hookie today,

But now I'm empty and its roaming the halls
looking for its next feed...
1.6k · Jan 2019
We Werent A Masterpeice
Poetic T Jan 2019
We where never a masterpiece,
              more like a jigsaw piece
                                           missing parts..

But we spent that time not worrying
                        whether we would

find them.

We knew that every part
would connect,
               sooner or later.

And if it didn't,
It just added to the mystery
              of what our finished picture
would be.

It takes a life time
                        to find where we connect,
never let that burden you.
                        Its all part of the fun.
1.6k · Jun 2016
fluid movements change
Poetic T Jun 2016
fluid movements change
two now become singular
melody moves all

essence within touch
communication of sight
eyes linger on each

harmony slows down
linen drapes loosely
flirtatious ending
This was a three stanza prompt on dance, harder than it looks lol 5/7/5
1.6k · Jun 2016
[bragging is embarrassment]
Poetic T Jun 2016
bragging is embarrassment
hides the holes

Weak ink
1.6k · Apr 2015
We Talked Precipitation
Poetic T Apr 2015
They were always up there, when
Moments of cognitive reflection started,
Gathering they went from white to grey.

They would start to think, rumbling
As Liquid thought meet with ice
Particles of deliberation.

Then thoughts would strike from their
Being to the solid below, it would be the
Beginning of words as gravity took hold.

Precipitation fell, first thoughtful drizzle,
Then as words spoken, each raindrop
Was voiced on the terrain below.

They uttered for what seemed like a
Deluge, their words flowed down
Streams and rivers to the waiting sea.

Words spent, that flowed no longer, not
Talked but evaporating skywards to the
Waiting white, to be spoken once more.
When clouds talk this is what is the result.
1.6k · Sep 2016
Tears Fall Like Feathers
Poetic T Sep 2016
Our tears are resurrected everyday
                      like feathers that turn to ash
they are then they are not.
             Reborn for that time when feathers of emotion fall.
Poetic T Jul 2015
moons tears fall earthwards
beads brighten heavens darkness
wishes dissipate
1.6k · Nov 2014
Cat & Milli
Poetic T Nov 2014
The caterpillar was of many steps,
The millipede was of many more,
Both were
Did collectively tap dance on the floor,
They thought to have a race
Millipede said,
I have feet that move swift and fast"
"While you have many less"
"This is a Race that'll be over fast"  
The race would start around four,
So the millipede did wait,
And wait,
Waiting some more,
The race was to the top of the tree,
Milli as her friends called her,
Where, when will this race start anew
Then upon a stick,
Milli gave a funny look,
Cats friend said
"She was resting before the race began"
So Mille said to each and those around,
"Wake me when she comes around"
And so the day ended a new one began,
And as it approached four once again,
A yawn heard from inside,
As Milli did run as quick as she could
Ok start the race,
Shouted the frog
The race did begin,
And many feet did move, dust seen as
These many feet did move like the wind,
Cat did wake and stretched out wide
As her wings caught sunlight
Am I late, did it begin,
Was seen with each flap of her wings,
In to the air she did gently glide
As for Milli
She laughed
As she reached the roots of the tree,
"No one is faster on there feet but me"
Cat took her time
High with the wind, her delicate touched
Bark and leaf, crossing the finish line
Upon delicate Feet,
Moments later Mille appeared
Milli confused at what was seen,
"I am Cat its plain to see"
And Milli angrily said
"This isn't fair"
"Cheated am me"
"Never cheated, with feet i crossed"
"Its only because you saw on the outside|"
"Not what was truly me"
And Milli did speak quietly
"I judged you less"
"I judged you weak"
"All because I had more feet"
I will learn this lesson well,
"It is not always what is seen on the outside"
"It is what is on the inside that counts"
You had beauty where i saw none,
But now you stand before me and
"I am sorry"
For the way I treated you,
Can we still be friends
Cat did answer we were always Friends, silly milli,
So milli ran and cat flew off,
lessons now learned on how to treat me and for me to *treat you.
1.6k · Apr 2017
Losing A little Piece Of Me
Poetic T Apr 2017
I held it momentarily at my throat gliding
it effortlessly as it permeated in tears of release.

You should have known this was coming,
the signs were there, but I couldn't keep it
hidden. I released the blade upon my throat.

I held it momentarily, then cleansed myself
of a burden that had hung there far to long.

You should have seen your tears in the mirror,
that part of me now gone. Laying on the ground
crumbled lifeless, A history of growth now fallen.
When the beard has to go its got to go it itched so bad....
1.6k · Aug 2015
[perching over crumbs] haiku
Poetic T Aug 2015
perching over crumbs
feathers cleansed in natures bath
same time tomorrow
1.6k · May 2014
Guillotine of Time
Poetic T May 2014
The hands of time a guillotine
on my life, counting down my
limited existence, in seconds
counting down from birth to
that second my life ends.

As it comes down ending those
moments I called my life, time
never counts up it always counts
down on everything in life.

The clock ticks away, never waiting
it continues to move on, like a
guillotine the hands come shapely
down, then a last breath as time
ends my life.

The hands of time will come down
on all, from the smallest to the
largest things in life. Live what
little time you have, before the
guillotine comes to collect, when
there is only seconds left of this life.
Time waits for no one..
1.6k · Feb 2015
Voices Upon The Wind
Poetic T Feb 2015
We lose those, essence fades
But there voice from
Carry in a wind of whispers,
A moment caught upon a
                         A breathe
As if their voice heard, an echo
Of a time now caught within the winds.
We will hear their voices for times to come.
As every voice spoken is added to the wind,
So never fear
              They will always
         Be near,
They are but a breeze away forever
Voices travelling upon the *winds.
1.6k · Dec 2014
Music To My Ears
Poetic T Dec 2014
My ears bleed in ecstasy
The momentum
Keeps reverberating through me
I go in to fits of
With the words penetrating
My cerebral cortex
Mind does tingle,
Through my core
Ecstasy reached with
My ears still bleed
The pain is intoxicating,
As this song has me
On a high, repeated till I
Bleed  pleasure upon the floor
It is music to my ears, but I'm not the only
One intoxicated by the music I don't **bleed alone.
Listening to  Korn here to stay

I stayed up all night to watch the release of this
1.6k · Nov 2014
My Brotherly Angel
Poetic T Nov 2014
My angel always by my side
You have shown me how to be
Through my childhood days,
He would tell me stories
When I was down, tears would fall
Upon  that  sorrowful day  tears came around,
My parents would see me
Flowed always out of view,
My angel would wipe away
The sorrow, turning tears
In to snow flakes that floated slowly around
I could see your outline where the snow flakes fell,
I would stick out my tongue to try & catch a few.
My parents catching a view
"If you keep that funny face it will stick"
Everybody laughed,
I played
My brotherly angel would be sneaky
I though I had found him giggling
but he could walk through walls,
"My brother"
"My angel"
"My hero"
You were there for me in life,
And now your my guardian angel
I miss you,
Miss you now that your gone,
"But your still here"
My invisible friend, My brotherly angel
Always here when needed, I so happy your still in my life.
1.6k · Jul 2019
Self Doubt
Poetic T Jul 2019
I'm a vow of silence,

                               that sings within.

Void less consciousness,

                 that grows between

the cracks.

Woven in bloodied tears,

              yet my features are
  parched like a desert wind.

I'm an illusion of self,
             cradled in the arms

of my own self doubt.
Poetic T Jul 2015
silken pleasures grasped
traversing indulgences
satisfaction smiles
1.6k · Dec 2015
Sleeping In Shallow Graves
Poetic T Dec 2015
They called it the shallow graves, the place where death plays
Spin the broken needle. it snows in July under here.

Under the bridge they huddle in their cardboard palaces ,
psychedelic moments followed by the falling in to oblivions grasp.

They slept in their depthless tombs, blankets hiding that moment
Of alone time where that last hit was the one that hit home.

I watch as so many lives that once were, are now gone, this
Place of broken syringes and dreams. Sleeping in hollow mounds.
Addicts under a bridge there blankets are their shallow graves when overdosing RIP another life gone due to drugs
1.6k · Jun 2015
Plastic Fantastic
Poetic T Jun 2015
I undress her slowly, pink tones are seen,
As all the bits are taken away, undone I am
Pleased. I see her now what I saw early that
Week, dam I know this is what I thought,
What friends said I'm in for a treat.

I run out of breath, before the fun has begun,
She gives me that looks like I want to ****
Some one, she is inviting me deep in.

I want to feel her mouth vibrate across me to
Make me ***, but first I want to play with
Her and have some fun.

She lies still why I do what must be done, she
Doesn't mind what I say ***** talk, ****, what
Ever will get me to the finish line, dam this is fun.

I go slow, lubed up she is wet for me, i go faster
I think I'm going to, OUCH I fall out friction burn
To the mushroom, eyes water I check no damage,
I get off wait a few moments to continue the fun.

I think it is time to do what must be done as her
Mouth waits on me, I start I grab her hair, faster
She says with her eyes I know, ******, ****** as I
Skull bash her, O MY GOD I,M BBAANNGG.

I cry out as a tear reaches my eye, in to the bin she
Goes, that's the third one this month. I think I'll
Have to find a real woman that doesn't explode,
Or go flat just when I'm reaching the end of my goal.
1.6k · Oct 2015
Observations Of A Reflection
Poetic T Oct 2015
I fell inwards into the shards of my inner self,
My thoughts cut upon the reflections of what
Was once full but worn parts fractured.

My soul was a rainbow of tainted emotions,
Gleaming off the spectrum what had been
Whole, now falling deep into oblivion.

Landing in shallow thought, I waded till all
Was still. I saw myself as only I envision, fists
Glanced upon the impression and i sank in.

I looked into the reflection that was my own,
Seeing inside, I threw pity upon it reflecting
Back I saw that my misgiving were a waking dream.
1.6k · May 2016
Twisted Beauty & The Beast
Poetic T May 2016
Her father always thought the best,
but a secret lied behind her perfect façade.
wounds in-between toes to hide the deeds
that were done. she was delirious in actions
as in the woods she wondered
not of a lucid mind was opened up.
Her father thinking the worst searched
in vain for her beauty. But a castle unknown
came into view, as he wondered in thinking
she had sought shelter in the beleaguered place
He spoke but not a noise was uttered, nor a breath
could be heard. He lingered in views of stately rooms,
how had this place never been seen.
Truth of thought has a funny way of seeking those
who unwittingly pursue its need. As in to a bleak
and dark room he stood, he lit the light with flame
in hand. A crunch underfoot echoed through out,
littered the expanse of this room. Gnawing marks
of teeth clenched deep, but others yet
to decay. Like rag dolls used as some form
of twisted play things, fear etched in there
features as death granted them a moment of
relief from what used them as a novelty before
that final laceration ended there breath.
as he yearned to leave such a place of
lingering death. When appeared young beauty
Worse for wear, father what are you doing in such
a place? I looked for you as it's been two days.
But then without forewarning its cold
hands clasped around her fathers throat.
Heed my warning as death waits for your father,
for things he wondered upon must never be spoke.
Beauty stepped back, her hand grasping the handle
But it was already sealed, the mirror on the wall did
that the door was not opening as the key
was but a refection of self. With that she threw her shoe,
Its heal shattered the reflective aura and it bleed reflection
upon the surrounding area. With but an action the fathers
neck was but a twig snapped in haste.
His cry was pitiful and last words expelled "Why,
Beauty ran through the garden roses cutting her
with there thorns, her legs weeping she became faint.
oneself before my patience carves seconds in your
subtle flesh. Startled and not in denial of
What was craved, but nothing could coax her
from this debilitating feeling.
She arose, shivering, sweating, it took this
as unbridled fear. But beauty feared no one
she had done, seen things to coax a next high.

"Do you not morn the falling of your father girl,

"He was nearly of his time,
"We all kiss the thorns the rose never stays fresh long,  

A strange look happened upon his sunken eyes,
You are not like any other I have guested here
at my beckoning before. Due to your fathers sight,
you are a guest of no leaving, a bed is made,
wearing's of your taste are in the wardrobe.

Whispers clung to the walls as face ebbed upon
her hearing dinner is served madam,

"What the hell are you,
"Were those within the walls,
"Hurry up miss he doesn't like waiting,

Upon the long table did vast meals endorse,
eat up, have your fill.
With appetite in her eyes she lusted after such
morsels never had such graced her homeward plate.

"Why do you linger in this place,

"I'm cursed with in these walls, gardens
once I permitted my self importance and
walked beyond the chimes of my gates arch
and now my features  are what your eyes linger on,

Silence decorated the room after that, as neither
did ask any unwarranted words expelling out,
His eyes lingered on here beauty, could she be that
which could undo this curse of vanities misgivings.  

Time passed her sweats had past her cramps
that were like a thousand knifes within her
veins calmed and she made the most of this place.
Walks upon freshly cut hedges, these little
Fixtures of horror jagged glasses that
would slit a wrist with a wrongful gesture now
seemed harmless enough.

But as though opposites did attract and
yearning for company other than self.
She took walks upon the gardens,
In disrepair was one such place and what
seemed like roses was something else.

"What are you doing here,

As her breath hassened, and thoughts consumed
of what could be. But clean she had been for
going on months and days.
But the earge grew as night turned to morning,
she loved him but was this enogh for
the kiss of this old friend was once so sweet.

He knew in his heart he had changed no longer feeding
on the flesh of mortal men, he had mirrored his
thoughts of loves bloom on his heart.
But could one love someone this hideous in features
only this moment would tell.

"Beauty, I have something to mention,

But the house was silent the features on the walls
ascended through out to find the beauty that
meant so much to all that were apart of this house.

Not a single breath was found,
neither by shadow or mouse. Had she left?
No why now, her heart was entwined
with his but he could not feel her essence
no beat was echoing out.

"My beauty, my love,

Moments past as a scent was picked up,
But it was not of life but of decay.
He found her with the needle cracked on the floor,
Her features of
was her lover now, and it taken her away.
He saw a note scrunched in her hand,
he read it out in thoughts he was lost,

"My darling beast,

"I have noted your thoughts towards me,
and I lingered on them as I must.
But you are a beast and only for life
did I do as I must.
I was dead inside when you were upon me,
my yearning or horror I hide in lust.
I could not escape you, eye were upon
me even in sleep I was never alone such mistrust.
So now I leave this place a free woman.
not in love, not in fear, in life I was a prisoner
but in death I am a free bird no longer an empty husk,*

He reeled in disbelief at what her words spelt out,
Was he truly that horrifying even to touch.
he held her in his arms, carried her to the gate,
and looked into the distance seeing the sun setting
He raised a hand a cleft her heart out.

"You took this from me world, but I take it back,

He threw her to the dogs that waited eagerly
for flesh, they had not fed on this delicacy
for so long, While she was here no one was to touch.
In heartache he walked to the arch and carried on straight.
His figure was contorted and with one final out spelling
of grief he was consumed in embers then gone to ash.

All who had fallen from grace when he was made
beast returned to normal form. But happiness
was a short miracle , for all were of sin for what
had taken place, behind walls and doors as
all were consumed and the palace of a king
now burnt like the sun set. Only gardens and
ashes were a testament of what was. But love was
never a happy ending when a persons true features
were surfaced, how can you see past that to true love.
1.6k · May 2014
To Close to Falling
Poetic T May 2014
I need answers to why
I have thoughts that make
no sense, I feel like there
pushing me closer to that
place where ill fall, I'm
edging closer to the edge.

It will only take a step
for me to go over, to never
come back from that place.
Don't ignore me, I no you
know the help I wish from
others, so not to edge closer
to end with a step.

I need a hand to pull me
away, to hear another's
voice that's not mine, that
which are cluttered with
a final voice, to take that
final step crushing me within.
Poetic T Feb 2017
Eyelids descend like a guillotine,
decapitating the visual stimuli
my mind engrosses upon in daylight.

Then there is a numbness as the
cascading representations of my
day are all rendered darkened silence.

*"My day is colour, my dreams are black and white,
1.6k · Oct 2014
And The Moments Aligned
Poetic T Oct 2014
And the clock aligned, hands pointing
To that moment,
The moment,
When the veil softened
Was of all and both, secreted
Upon the evitable realities,
They made there moves, limited
Moments upon an unsuspecting
Existence, But they were misguided
That even though they came through
Shined upon them, much like the sun
The light of that upon high,
They scurried to that point,
To that place,
Moments past
And new statues were adorned upon
They were frozen, living stone
As night gave in to light,
For there are safe guards of old,
When time became fluid,
Barriers between realities sewed
Into the universes fabric, to Keep
Each safe from prying
Places where darkness waits,  
"And so on this night where moments aligned"
"If you see statues erected when none before"
"Thinking of them as art"
Know the veil was weakened by this night
But the universe righted this wrong, before chaos
Ruled and realties were once again sewed tight..
A Halloween t
1.6k · Dec 2014
Crayons Upon The Walls
Poetic T Dec 2014
I walked in to the room
A line upon the wall, "crayon"
I was ascending, descending,
Thicker as it widened as its journey
Eclipsing the room. What wasn't upon the wall
Outside was now
Now saturated with lines,
But a difference as where there was
With fingerprints. What was dry now wet,
I watched it continue, like a moment
Carrying me along.
"My god the thickness"
"As my finger continued"
"New lines were drew"
"I needed more red"
"As words were wrote"
Crayons were
"The line started"
"But it ends in red"
"In  Crimson"
"I dip my *******"
"In to your neck"
Look what happens when I needed the colours,
"You called me crazy"
But know look as I draw on the walls
Now you don't moan at the words wrote in blood
But they ran out so I used you instead.
I just wanted2draw upon the walls...
1.6k · Jan 2015
I Gaze Upon You
Poetic T Jan 2015
I Gaze upon you, flooding
Senses with you beauty,
I reach to touch, wanting to
Be there to absorb your radiance
My midnight blue.

Can I fathom this moment
As if time stands still for me,
To take it in the scope of
What glances upon my eyes.

I wish to gaze once more, but
My time in your beauty fades,
As I will wait for you tomorrow.
Always looking up anticipating
That moment, eyes glance once
More, ever waiting till our paths
Meet, my eyes wait once more.
1.6k · Nov 2014
My Silent Dolls...
Poetic T Nov 2014
Sitting in line, my dolls all still
Figurines sitting dressed up features
Frozen in that moment
As all lips sealed with a sewn kiss,
"Never do they speak"
"Silence is there skill"  
Death seeps from staring eyes,
"They are the perfection I killed for",
Never would I wish for such perfection
But it only lasts so long as all flowers
My dolls I hunt for, not anyone will do
They have to be a
Instilled, for me to appreciate them,
But those that fall, damaged in some way
Not as pristine,
"To the dumpster they must go"
I am called the "Doll Maker"
Perfection of eternal beauty Is my goal,
Features must be symmetrical
Not any face will do,
I will search for those of
Is my model of perfection, those
Not to my qualities, have no fear
You are beneath my view
Only the beautiful I seek,
"I Love My Silent Dolls"
Dressed sitting quietly still,
I am the
"Doll Maker"
For beauty & perfection I am willing to ******
We **** for beauty, but some go the extra mile
Poetic T Jan 2019
The caterpillar,
slowly eating at the steam
of the leaf..

Knowing that it will fall,
           but eating never the less.

Were an extinction level event,
               slowly eating away at

And we will like the caterpillar fall...
1.5k · May 2015
Crazy Ramblings
Poetic T May 2015
Rambling craziness of a gambling madman
Always one slice from the suicide pie.

Taste it will you choke on the goodness,
swallow your pride gamble on that most
Of expensive of bets that's life.

First step is a long one the second never
Walked, jumped in front of the band
Wagon, always look before you walk.
Crazy I know
1.5k · Apr 2020
Hades & His Crew
Poetic T Apr 2020
Pack it up, pack it in
don't throw my bolts there creating a din.
I won't ever battle you, that would be a sin.
Never will I stack up,
              cos you just  knocked me down again.

Trying to act higher,
            with you and your godly crew.

  But I'm the lord of the dead,
             come on get your tombs up,
I raise the dead, can I have some hands up.

I have two minions, no there not yellow.

Pain is his name.
             Getting splinters in your **** cheek,
stubbing your toe once again,
                                 jump around, jump around
                         his confusion will get you down.
           Then we panic,
                  who likes a bit of disco.
   But he'll move your keys
just so you jump around, jump around
                           lateness is his merry go round.

I'll serve you up on the river of sticks,
           If your coins ain't legit,
   Throwing your cheap **** off the boat.
You get a special place for being tight-****** ..

   I've got more schemes, than any other villain,
copyrighted some cos others trying to steal um..

Tried to get Hercules on my side, but he was a
       goody, goody, with piercing blue eyes..
   I tried to ride his horse but it threw me off,
            Slightly embarrassed by blue hair went off..

Yes I 'm bald and I wear a flaming  blue wig,
but I'm a millennia old, and no sunlight down here.

You think Zeus locks are real,
        More like Clouds that with a deceitful blow,
have his head looking  like a shiny chrome dome .

My name is Hades and I'm king of the underworld,
                                           I'll  never rise to the top,
    But I'll see you on the other side,  enjoy it up top.
1.5k · Nov 2014
Serial Santa Ho Ho Ho.....
Poetic T Nov 2014
He had a blackened beard he was
Out of his face,
On his sledge adorned with the
Flayed  skin of those on the
List, those deemed unworthy for
The gifts to bring this night,
Those houses with no
Mince pies,
To line his stomach, from the offerings
Of 40% alcohol that fuelled his laughter,
Vomiting induced from heights, over
Killed from frozen missiles of *****
From above high,
He would sneak upon those
Deemed unworthy,
"In the eyes of children"
He would never harm an
With love, but the naughty list
"Wasn't of children"
It was parents unjust,
"Against those unable to defend themselves"
He was the protector
Of the innocent ones
The elves would hold the parents down
As Serial Santa
Shouted out the charges, so each was heard
Ears bleed as his voice pierced sound,
He would be the
"For their time was coming to an end"
Some begged,
Spat in his face,
He would go in his black bag
And from nowhere,
"A sound proof room for justice"
Was to be served as children
"Where not to be disturbed"
As parents screamed out,
He had finished flayed bodies
Disappeared within his black sack
"The odd finger picked up"
Used as a toothpick to get
Flesh stuck between teeth out,
"But what about the children you say"
"They were fine"
"Never woke, slept in peace"
"I don't ****** parents for fun"
"I get a little satisfaction"
"From them coming to their deserved end"
"Thousands in these hundreds of years"
"Dispatched in to the bag, still not full"
"After so many kills through the years"
"Cloning is the way forward"
"Been pioneers in this for hundreds of years"
New parents for a new day the best present
A serial Santa could give,
H A P P Y   C H R I S T M A S   P A R E N T S
Prey that your nice, for I **** for the
Children, they deserve *better in life,
1.5k · May 2016
Kids And There Nannie
Poetic T May 2016
These kids did run around playful in chat,
the stories they told when bedtime called
and eyes meant closed shut.

Nannie came in, my littlest ones, eyes
are for closure for dreams to fill your
mind, now rest my smallest kids.

Morning my little ones now breakfast time
greets, drink your milk and chew you
greens the most important meal indeed.

Now go brush your hair no knots need
be seen, my little kids presentable and
clean. Now out and play stay close to me.

Inquisitive young ones, seeing things never
once seen. always wondering from sight till
nannie does call and running their seen.

"Sweet dreams my kids now I hope you brushed
your horns and cleaned your teeth,

So smart are these kids of mine, nannie smiles
as each one she kisses as eyes slumber to sleep.
I'm such a proud mummy who does love her kids.
Bed time story of a mummy goat [nannie] her babies [kids]
1.5k · May 2014
Poisoned & Addicted in One
Poetic T May 2014
You say I'm poisoning you,
corrupting you within, that
which I'm giving you is making
you sick. Your the one who has
it off me, but claim its corrupted
you within.

Addicted is the word you tell me,
to much you say I give, its not
my fault you became an addict
to that which I can give. You cant
blame me that you use it to much
its not like you can overdose or
can you if you take to much.

You say I'm poisoning you with
feelings that your not used to
them, that its like poison in
your mind confusing you so
much, that your scared to let
them in as it feels different to
what you thought it was.

Addicted you are to the love that I
do give, you want it every day
sometimes more than I can give.
You blame me for this addiction
saying no other gave it you like
this. but don't blame me its just
that I love you, and I will give
you all the love I can give.
1.5k · Aug 2014
Hell hound
Poetic T Aug 2014
You made a pact, on the dotted line
Used a quill to cut your flesh
As blood did seep, the quill did drink
Signed your soul away,
Years you have to keep,
3650  Days,
300 Months,
10  Years,
To the day,
I will collect my purchase
Your soul,
For the wish that squandered away
Thinking you had forever,
But days soon turned too dust,
Months slowly become years,
Your time is twenty four hours
Then I roast your soul
Flay your skin,
Eternal damnation
But those that run, think they can hide,
No spell,
Can hide the scent of the blood on parchment
The hunt begins,
Beasts of hell, hounds on a hunt,
They ran from fire, to bring you in
Essence smelt,
Thinking your safe
Your biggest mistake,
Outside the door, howls heard,
So deafening their felt within the soul
Metal shreds like paper towels
Then what wasn't seen becomes whole
Screams not heard as
Flesh shredded, life runs out
Blood soaks the floor,
As life fades,
The master strokes its pet
Feeding it your leg,
Then the hell hound grabs  
Takes its prize home
To that place called hell,
Your new eternal torment as it chews upon your soul..
1.5k · Mar 2014
Priceless Tears Fall
Poetic T Mar 2014
I rarely cry,
but when they fall people
wish to catch them all.

For my tears are priceless
when they descend,
diamond tears do fall forth.

My emotions are precious to me,
I keep them under lock and key,
I was hurt before and the tears did fall,
not diamonds but water they were before.

Now my emotions I keep under check,
and when I cry they are only
tears of happiness not fear.

Diamonds fall from my eyes,
as tears are precious will you
catch them for me.
Keeping them safe so they can never
be used against me.
1.5k · Oct 2014
Words Die In My Mouth
Poetic T Oct 2014
My words are dying
they lie lifeless
Upon my tongue,
A heavy weight jars my
Jaw open,
& words leave a
Decomposing taste in my mouth,
My throat is slowly
From the dead words slipping
Down my throat
As the words clog out the sound
They once flew with wings upon
The air, heard no more
My words have died
They lie dead on my breath
No longer heard with *sound
1.5k · May 2014
Canvas of Pleasure
Poetic T May 2014
My fingers caress your body
like a paint brush, I paint each
part slowly to know the points
which are the sensitive to my
brush on your canvas skin.

My lips are the red, they touch
your canvas slowly, as I move
over it goose bumps and moans
as sensitive parts are touched
skin to lips the canvas reacts.

I dip my fingers in to your awaiting
paint box, your ecstasy as my
brushes slowly dip in and out,
I dip once more and lick the
tips a taste of perfection now
painted on my lips.

You are my canvas of sin, I will
paint pleasure on your skin, my
fine brushes are lips as they
caress the canvas and my fingers
are the the hard brush strokes
against your flesh as they dip in
around your paint box my fingers
tasted your pleasure within.

You are my naked canvas, that I
will turn in to my master piece of
pleasure, skin to skin are paints
will mix and pleasure is our brush
stokes on each others skin.
Poetic T Nov 2015
I was fearful of death claiming my breath

                   As my every motive was opened in thought,

  Light faded and all was gestured to nothingness

      I was evanescent that flicker of singularity

But in that blink I was reborn in purest form

                   All was not forgotten just forged anew.

Reincarnated in a celestial aura cleansed or mortal thoughts.
This is a follow up on this poem below  using the  6words and the title incorporating all into a newer piece.
1.5k · Sep 2014
Throne (Toilet humour)
Poetic T Sep 2014
As I sit upon my throne I think
of many things
Will I be here for long or is
Will the outside hear my
As they go splashing down,
Or hear me *** like a
That just keeps on flowing out,
Hitting home,
Not getting any on the seat
"Wind popping out"
"I hope it doesn't stink"
I sit in my throne thinking of
Many different things,
But most of all  I think??
I should have looked down,
As with out
To wipe my ***
I'm stuck on this seat
they call the **THRONE
1.5k · Apr 2017
A Broken Seashell
Poetic T Apr 2017
I'd just fixed the echo of
tears that
                grazed within me.

Then coalescing before me,
                            you smiled,
                                it was a hit & run.
Thrown back in ruination
as my emotions bled.

You never even checked,
you just proceeded,
and I again
                  was a broken seashell.
1.5k · Nov 2016
The Snowman & The Cloud
Poetic T Nov 2016
As he cried in to the wind
      snow flakes did descend
                 each one unique like a
                         ­       e
                ­                r
                   ­                     o
                                        ­  p
                                            s even though eyes
black as coal it knew that these would only fall
for a limited time.

A child's innocence when given the joy of virtue,
put on a hat of a cold little snowman.
Yellow and black like a bubble bee had nestled on
this cold but cheerful snowman's head.

No smile was given, a work in progress as this little
one was only 5 years old. But the next morning a carrot
was perceived as a nose then little twigs not only one
but two three and four where put in a pride of place.

Now even though a creation of a thousand snow flakes
balancing on the wishes of a child, this snow man gently
erodes ever so slightly to where misplaced twigs perceive
a smile. Running a child says "I love you cold Mr Fluff,

Everyday he gets a little smaller only by millimetres as
winters sun raises and falls and a little part of him now
, in to a puddle of lost memories never captured again.
But still there is a smile on the face that slowly one by one these
twigs fall till only one s left then non at all. But then this little
ones uses fingers and a new smile is etched deep in frozen snow.

But on that faithful morning when all that was white is now green
once more, and tears not of snow flakes, but emotions do fall.
A father tells his little one.
Even though Mr Snowman is gone,

"He always had a smile from his creation till he now is gone,
and now he has evaporated look up see that cloud its smiling his memory still lives on,

The little one smiled and knew that even though not there,
he was still smiling for the attention the little one had given.
And that little cloud for a brief moment snowed upon
his house and showed he appreciated what he had done.
Poetic T Jan 2015
If poems were but manifestations
Of the same tune,
Never changing,
Words would be bland shadows.
We must escape our bonds
And try shades that are different,
So not to be a sheep in a pack of wolfs..
???? don't ask tell me what this reads to you..
1.5k · Dec 2017
The Morals Of Humanity
Poetic T Dec 2017
My morals do not abstain
             from false figurines
of ill-gotten morals.
Mine are birthed from my humanity,  
         and the throws of my
mothers kindness.
She who showed me that my humanity
is what I should
                   follow as a path of
kindness & respect and fortitude...
I follow no false reflection that are
        never shown on the reflections
of my thinking.
            We are each a vessel of conscious
memory and we need to follow our own
               path that swings between
the morals of what are perceived as
But it the nature of our humanity to
thread our lives on our deeds or misdeeds..
We are the vehicle of our own ending..
Do we swim or sink in our decisions...
1.5k · May 2015
Sleep Wishful Hopes
Poetic T May 2015
Sleep wishful hopes that the day will come and I wake once more.
Can I lay dormant  waiting till I awaken still, silent reborn.

We slumber and construct the existence Of the next day, we
Wake to a pre-recorded continuation  till we sleep again.
1.5k · Jul 2015
[opposites attract] senryu
Poetic T Jul 2015
opposites attract
satisfaction guaranteed
oral words silent
1.5k · May 2014
Love Like Magnets
Poetic T May 2014
We were like magnets, we had attraction
but when we got close we would always
push each other apart.

We would be so near, but the distance was
no where near. If you had been my south pole
and me your north, I could be with you always
nothing would ever pull us apart.

But we are one and the same,
different but this would always push us apart.

A love that is seen but we can not touch,
I wish were more different,
but we are like the same poles and this
means we will always be apart.
1.5k · Feb 2015
Moon Cheese Mouse
Poetic T Feb 2015
I was a mouse and I lived on
The moon, I ate grey cheese it
Was always grey never anything

But then someone parked, left
Scorch marks on my favourite
Grey patch of cheese, so I
Sneaked aboard and watched
Them claim my cheese in the
Name of man, in the name of

What was man? did he taste
Good? but I smelt him and
Could tell he smelt not so
Good, We landed it took a
While, I sneaked off to find
New cheeses that I could see
From my cheese moon seat
So far away down.

I tasted here ,I tasted there,
But I preferred what I had left
Behind, that place  in the sky.
I had left to come to this place,
That tasted like moon ant hair.

I waited a while for the ride
That took me from there, but
It was doing a round  trip, so
I'd have sneak off and catch a
lift home from there.

So whoosh I went up through
The clouds, and through the
Blue, to the darkness out there.
I chewed and nibbled, then some
More. It got them in a little
Trouble, they solved this then
Were on there way.

I floated around waiting for a
Ride, then some tasty space rock
Was heading my way, I caught
It as it did fly on by. Then to
Home I was off with a jolt, I got
Near the surface my time to get off.

I landed after floating for a while,
Where the space rock had landed,
Juicy grey rocks had flown around
All mine to taste once more. I was
In heaven, I hope those humans
Never come back, as this moon of
Grey cheese is my  favourite place.
And there's not much tasty cheese
On that multi-coloured rock.
We some times do not realise we have it good till we leave, and then realize we should have stayed
1.5k · Oct 2014
Drips From Opposite Taps
Poetic T Oct 2014
Two drips hang from opposite taps
Debating if they should just
"Hang around"
Or if they should take
"The fall"
The moments past, silence
Between both, then one spoke,
"Don't you wish to be more"
"More than what"
He replied,
"More than what we are"
"We are what we are, drips"
"But if we were to let go, a leap of faith"
"Faith in what"
"We will be more Than before"
Silence one again fell,
Neither wanted to fall first
For what if  they released upon white
Upon the basin, then nothing,
Just evaporating, Less than they were before,
"I may be a drip"
"But hanging here looking at four walls"
"There is more to life"
"Than just hanging around,
"I want more"
And with that he edged closer now
From that burden called the tap,
He slid down
Porcelain white,
Then down the drain out of sight,
Echoes heard from down below
"Come on join us all"
"Just let go"
But he was scared, he feared letting go
"I cant, I won't, I'm scared"
And as the echo's faded,
He stayed still
"I'm afraid of heights"
"I'm all alone"
Then moments past, and another
Drip did grow from the opposite tap.
"So old timer what do we do for fun"
Debating if they should just
"Hang around"
Or if there was more to life  
"Why not fall, see what is beyond
"The plug hole"
The moments past, silence
Between both, then one spoke
"Don't you wish to be more"
**And so silence did fall again once more..
1.5k · Mar 2016
My Scaredy Feet
Poetic T Mar 2016
My feet what can I say, well they're not the bravest
little things, not small but average I think.
well I put them out the sheets and what did they
do scurry back in was it cold was it warm, who knows?

All I know is that it was pitch black darker inside than
outside because stars twinkle down little light bulbs
of above slightly lighting things gently down below.

My feet what can I say, that flat foot that wanders
wherever it goes I don't know, my body just follows
those ten little digits and the  flat palm of my feet.

I am but a traveller on this journey they don't mind
when it's light, this is their favourite time. But  a "BOO,
and I'm standing there while my feet are running away
In to the horizon and then I follow in the distance.

My feet what can I say, they're not the bravest of appendages,
When they get spooked they run a mile in under a minute.
But the only problem is what are they connected to when
they leave. "I'm like I be back in a whileeeeeee!!!,

I'm out of breath but there on the spot jogging up and down
and for what a sneeze a shout and then there out. I put my
hands on my knees to keep them eased, to the spot they must
stay I look down and i know that they want to walk, run off again.

I can't blame it, just on the palms of my feet those dam digits
they have their own thoughts. Like a centipede they linger in
the thought of moving where I want to stand in a static form.
But we think we are in control but look below it's those appendages.
1.5k · Aug 2014
The Shell
Poetic T Aug 2014
Outside it was them, inside corrupt
  When I looked upon them
it was a suit,
A tool,  
It was just for show,
Trickery was its weapon
It was but a vessel
To harbour that which spread with a touch
It was
It needed to be free,
Before the shell decomposed
And became but putrid flesh and bone,
The one that was there,
Was gone, the shell was a trick
A walking death, but no one was home,
It will taint those who loved
It will consume you,
Never let it touch or hold,
For it will taint your soul
And after its finished
You will no longer be you,
But a shell of corruption, evils new home.
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