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1.5k · Aug 2014
The Shell
Poetic T Aug 2014
Outside it was them, inside corrupt
  When I looked upon them
it was a suit,
A tool,  
It was just for show,
Trickery was its weapon
It was but a vessel
To harbour that which spread with a touch
It was
It needed to be free,
Before the shell decomposed
And became but putrid flesh and bone,
The one that was there,
Was gone, the shell was a trick
A walking death, but no one was home,
It will taint those who loved
It will consume you,
Never let it touch or hold,
For it will taint your soul
And after its finished
You will no longer be you,
But a shell of corruption, evils new home.
1.5k · Apr 2015
Zombie Life
Poetic T Apr 2015
I am what I am no changing that,
I was once like you, but that was
a diffrent time no longer am I that.

I walk all day and in to the night,
If you meet me alone you may be
shocked that I look like that.
My hair not brushed my teeth not
White now, but are yellow and black.

My clothes are filthy, you look and
Say is there brains on that. I walk
Never run, I cant be doing with that.
Have you met my friends, they don't
Say much except aaaahhh, and a gurgle
But thats the food swallowing back.

You can run, you may even hide, but
One day you,ll be one of us, it only
Takes a bite. I love flesh in the morning,
Noon or night, doesn't bother me if
Your a screamer or lie there like a sack.

When I'm finished you,ll not have
To worry as you,ll soon come back.
The life of a zombie is walking long
Distances, not a lot of chit chat, but
When I see food you better run as
I,ll be wanting a piece of that.
I felt rather hungry after writing this "BRAIIIINSSSS"
1.5k · Oct 2016
Its The Little Things...
Poetic T Oct 2016
You weaved a blanket that kept my heart warm,
it was a comfort on those days when you were
at work and I was home.

I cuddle up on the sofa, and when I think of
me sitting here I feel the warmth of that blanket caress
my thoughts, and I know I'm no longer alone.
1.5k · Mar 2017
meal for a couple {s}
Poetic T Mar 2017
meal for a couple
moisture saturates damp lips
tastes do fulfil both
69 a meal for two :)
1.5k · May 2017
silk covered pillars
Poetic T May 2017
silk covered pillars
wrapped around ****** smiles

tightly grasping sight
1.5k · Jan 2015
Poetic T Jan 2015
Some times no words can show more feeling than many...
1.5k · Apr 2020
Changing Hobbies
Poetic T Apr 2020
A serial killer,
            hangs up his hatchet...

To scared of a cough to indulge,
                 in a fulfilment of a hobby..

Takes up sewing...
1.5k · Sep 2020
She likes fishing
Poetic T Sep 2020
She ad this hobby fishing with
    A pole.
      No worms wanted

Dats a fact.

I played it cool rod in da pond,
  That became a pool.

  Waves splashing out.
     Rod didn't catch nything..

But the fish were swimming
    Deep now.  

And we just smiled,
       Who need bait

When the rod catches

    Her every time.
1.5k · Aug 2014
Breath You In
Poetic T Aug 2014
It doesn't matter where I am
I will breath your love in.
I could be consumed by fire
But your love would
The flames in to submission
You are the air I breath
Carbon dioxide,
Its what I inhale but the
Is the taste of love,
I wouldn't drown
as your love
Oxygenates the water,
So even though wet,
You keep me from sinking.
There is many ways your love saves me,
But know that any breathe I take, I inhale your love in.
Poetic T Mar 2015
I must write,
No I must bleed
"Maybe fingers"
Upon the page,
This not do,
I must show
"Must understand"
What other voices
All that which breathes
Within never in need
Of breath, but lives within me
I must, we must show all
That I, we, all that breath
Without life but speak,
The steps upstairs are
Broken, I no longer climb to the
Top we, us, trapped on different
Floors of the mind. I breath and
Speak, they talk in the silent places
"The thoughts of a shattered mind"
Never heard so clearly as now they do,
In this airless place, **whispers speak.
Poetic T Nov 2015
The moon light bathed them in midnights
Glare, such nostalgic aromas as petals
Like onyx opened and they breathed
In the frigid luminescence letting free
Their substance upon the nights wisp.

Like dandelion tears they went in to the
Night, touched upon petal soft skin and
All was as it should be the night Called
Upon all with unspoken voices The thoughts
Glided upon and then lost in the wind.

The midnight flowers that bloomed under
Full moons gaze where displaced to a safer
Place. For empty dew drops of onyx tears
Collected in equal measure filled with
Emptiness that blossomed under twilight gaze.
1.5k · Jul 2018
A Purse Of Many Riches
Poetic T Jul 2018
Ambrosial stitches weave
       on the seams of closeness.
Arms encompassing beyond grasps,
           never loosing the palms of the other.

Under burgundy does modesty elude,
              outlines of what is crafted beneath.
Locking intimacy together,
                               virtues never revealing.

They are the keepers of each other,
        richness ever filling within.
                     For if every penny was love,
plentiful would there togetherness bring.
1.5k · Aug 2018
Footsteps Wished Faded Away
Poetic T Aug 2018
liquid love poured from
           seeping fissures.
And she tasted his every moment.

He gave his essence so she could
       linger within a lifetime of memoires.
And she saw every pain of his existence.

Within her tears were reflections of his
            momentary happiness with her.
Knowing she would drain his pain away.

"To collect the pain of another
         is to know the true emotions
         of what its like to live within there anguish

We only know those we love truly by tasting
        the dirt left behind in there footsteps.
Everyone has prints in the past wished brushed away.
1.5k · Sep 2018
Every breath
Poetic T Sep 2018
Every breath is a diamond.

     For without the gleam
of every one..
the beauty of life would be dull.
1.5k · Jul 2015
[enclosed secrecy] haiku
Poetic T Jul 2015
enclosed secrecy
sleep does awaken beauty
new existence birthed
1.5k · Nov 2014
Wind Teases Metal & Bamboo
Poetic T Nov 2014
The wind does blow across
Chimed bells,
Each plays to the wind
Taking it in as if inhaling
Exhaled with each that dances
With the breeze, that graces upon
Each chime,
Like a stream it surrounds
Travels in-between,
Above to capture each playful note,
They will dance to play tunes
For each other,
What is one with out the other, as music
Plays to itself and those around,
For when the wind ceases,
Then both will be still
Till the next time they touch each other.
1.5k · Mar 2016
A Dragon Doesn`t Wear Shoes
Poetic T Mar 2016
"No,* "No, "No,

I don't wear shoes that's a silly notion
How would I do the laces up?
Trailing like spaghetti I would trip over
More time than walking silly things

"No, "No, "No,

What do I wear wing mittens to keep me
Warm in the cold months, what a silly
Sight I never found a pair odd ones worn
Snagging on trees, my falling out the air.

"No, "No, "No,

I don't use a hankie when I sneeze, last time
I did that I singed my poor nose, if I ever feel
One coming close I put my nostrils in the water
letting it out. Walla I have an instant warm bath.

"Too many questions little one now my turn,

What can I scratch behind an ear yes inwards,
Outwards ,potatoes I some times find if a while
Has past, "Why do you ask?

Am I good at getting thinks out of teeth, brushing
You say? yes a tooth pick I carry around just in case,
Healthy teeth are a must you'll never see me with
Missing teeth I brush morning and night each day.

"Do you have a pet,

I like to walk to, do you have good legs no aches in
The knees, "I would feed you, "What, I would
Feed my pet well chargrilled to perfection every
Meal never without would they be,"cough, you.

This was an interesting talk all because I asked one question?
"Does a dragon wear shoes,
"A dragon doesn't wear shoes,
But enough of this, would you like your steak lightly grilled
Or well done "burnt, he thought was another word.
Wrote for my little one who gave me the fun idea just saying what the heading says lol
Poetic T Jun 2016
Thanks for the wishing of wellness but I'm an
atheist for me there is no heaven or hell,
when I'm at final breath and the curtain is drawn,
ill ebb into nothingness and dust ill become.
My moment is now of what I now do.

The right and the wrong each a consequence of
my thoughts and actions what I've been through.
Live life with an open mind not what a book tells
you to do a free mind is a beautiful thing it opens
the doors to amazing things you ca do.

I do not jest, your thoughts are yours but think of
the latter and that ink is but words its the mind
that controls you. let your thought be of others
and those around in thought, don't do for religion
do it because your human and its our nature for
right and wrong without we would never learn.
This was penned as a comment on another site where I had peened a dark piece not of gore or ****** or hell just that which lingered under the bed. but my shock I got this reply:

satan takes host of our souls when we don't watch what we speek and believe fort his spirit enters into those who don't know the truth of him dont let him have anymore of you to speak of ghost darkness evil that is when you invite him in me i know all to well of how he works looking back i loved graveyards witchgcraft haunted house no fear in me but 50 now and knowing the truth trust me He is very sneeky I have the LORD and love GOD but satan still reaks havoc if I'm not careful just an FYI  GREAT

this was my response.... above
1.5k · May 2016
clouds of grey gather
Poetic T May 2016
clouds of grey gather
suicidal droplets fall

tears regrets impact
Haiku 5/7/5
1.5k · Nov 2018
Fallen Leaves Never Resting
Poetic T Nov 2018
Sleeping rough
like a leaf blowing
across the pavement.
          never knowing
where I'll settle
before the breeze
of others discontent,
    brushes me from
my resting place.

I wonder like a cloud,
never stopping
                  in one place.
I'll never rain down,
all that's kept inside.
I'll never have  
           a sliver lining.
Just one with hues
of regret, of better times.

You can hear
the rustling
plastic sheeting.
The breeze is light here,
We can stay
                for a little while.

Leaves fallen
             from the tree
will never be still.
Ever moving,
               Ever restless.
When will we again
see from a higher elevation
other than below there feet
crumpled up like a fallen leaves.
1.5k · Dec 2014
Slurp, Slurp, Slurp
Poetic T Dec 2014
Heard from *tongue
and mouth
Little teeth,
Like a baby ****** on wood,
 You look at me with a cheeky smile
What was once clean now a sticky mess
Licking a lolly,
Keeping you entertained
Looking as if after all this licking, chomping
That its looking like when you first began,
Then as if a moment past, the lolly
That was whole now but a stick,
Tongue, teeth, mouth
Chopped away till all was gone
Just a smile though sticky lips,
Was heard, now all quiet as just a grin
And a stick passed to daddy, and the words
*"Daddy can I please have another one "
Another short poem story inspired by beautiful but noisily slurping daughter :)
1.5k · Oct 2020
Hand On His Head
Poetic T Oct 2020
They think that cos they wearing badges that
its power, feeling it be like they wild west.
          thinking they catching outlaws.

When they the ones letting the shots hit unarmed
                                           hands on his head.
but they not moving as he shouted gun.

It wasn't even a mobile, they just trigger happy
                       in blue as the family was in black.

Tears aren't bringing his last word back,
                       Mum, Daddy,
last cherished thought his baby girl.
Tears fell silent as they had knees on his neck,
                         what the **** he dead
yet you thinking he needs cuffs,
                                   morality took a side step.

No one is on their knee no more,
         hands held at height trying
to reach the fallen to show that they
still being reached for.

I promise we ain't forgetting any fallen,
       we'll reach high walking the streets.
   They ain't holding pistols to this many.

Hands-on heads showing peaceful metaphors,
          we shouldn't have to be scared
of a badge that's meant to protect
                               not a knee on a neck.

Or a gunshot on an unarmed person,
                   due to his demographical heritage.
                     another fell like a tree in a forest.

But every flower has a camera and nothing
falls silently anymore.
1.5k · Apr 2014
Camp Forward (part 2)
Poetic T Apr 2014
Stevieg and Karen you could feel the heat, of
the fire that is. Looking in to each others
eyes as both recited soppy love poetry. I'll
write you a song let us walk in the woods
suggested Stevie.G.  

As they entered a deserted
hotel  Stevieg did change from who he used to
be as a piano could be heard by Karen  is that
the shining in G major?  As Stevieg  grabbed a
fire axe ******* screamed Karen as he came
running, in a room she did hide kneeling down
nervously, then the axe hit the door repeatedly,
as it began to splinter the final blow and through
a head came screaming HERE'S STEVIEG.. with
.a final scream the axe was buried deep, Stevieg  
ran to the camp Tadpole asking whats that on
your shirt, corn syrup he said nervously.

Lolly was talking to tadpole about the Sons of Anarchy,
I was biker once said tadpole would you like to see
how I ride? blushing Lolly said sorry Charlie Hunnam
is the only ride I want on me. Tadpole and Stevieg
followed by Bri Mar a little too drunk now went
skinny dipping as it was a lake and free. All laughed
as they hadn’t done anything like this since there
teens asking Lolly to join in but Charlie Hunnam
turned up and said you ready for that ride? A
smile from Lolly could be seen.

drunkenly around but in the distance could be
heard a song. The jaws music this could not be.
It grew louder they swam for the shore as Tadpole
sank beneath the water now red as the two
thrashed fiercely but then Bri Mar disappeared
as he screamed ******* FISHY.. Stevieg was
about to climb ashore thinking he’d survived but
there was one more surprise as he was kicked
in to the water by Jambo the last words he heard
that’s what happens when you disagree with
me, then jaws opened wide the shark swallowed
him whole never again to be seen.

1.4k · Oct 2014
Bastard For Life
Poetic T Oct 2014
Beginnings of pain
And the suffering of one,
Started early for one so young,
Terror in innocent eyes
A* punishment for nothing,
Rained down fists fell hard
Dead I wish you were, *
******* forever in my eyes
Decades pass and the hate is still boiling beneath
1.4k · Apr 2020
Not A Bestie, Just Truth.
Poetic T Apr 2020
I wasn't the one, you weren't alone,
You were just in need of a friend.
But I was there when you needed
someone to listen, I wasn't your
friend but unbiased ears never
            tell you false lies..

I'll tell you what you don't want to hear.

I'm car when you crossed the road,
         hit and run on your road
of potholed truths that others
                                         filled in.

I wasn't a friend, you weren't alone,
you were just in need of a voice.
But I was there when you needed
someone's truth. I wasn't your
friend we'd only just met.
I'll tell you what you don't want to hear.

I'm the car when you crossed the road,
         hit and run on your tarmac
of potholed truths that others
                                         filled in.
With false gratitude cos they charged
you for the air they filled you with.

I was a friend, new off the press no secrets
    no lies to hold back. filling you with
the honesty you had missed.
           Not your bestie, just a new face
in your reflection with no need to be

                              two faced....
1.4k · Jun 2014
A Fallen Leaf (Haiku)
Poetic T Jun 2014
A leaf falls downwards,
Rainbows of colour meet me,
Winter is coming.
1.4k · May 2014
Patch Work Love
Poetic T May 2014
She has sewn with love
patches on my heart,
covered those holes made
by others in my past.

She was gentle, dabbing
it with kindness, removing
the shrapnel of betrayal
that had put so many
holes with in my heart.

She sewed it with a needle
of love, she put feelings
in the patches that soothed
the rough parts so the
patches laid soft.  

She had been gentle from
the start, to patch up the
holes from my past. She
had left a patch work patten
on my heart, for now love
could enter ,this was no
longer a heart with holes
but a patch work design
that was sewn with love.
1.4k · Feb 2019
Swimming In An Unclean Ocean
Poetic T Feb 2019
I swim in your ocean,
   but I always taste fish.

The ocean needs a wash.
1.4k · Mar 2015
Flaming Words
Poetic T Mar 2015
My words ignite the pen, never
Burning my hand, as inspiration
Writes the words burnt on too
Paper to never fade again.

If the fire should ever go out,
Then the words will not flow, but
Dry up never to be wrote till
Once again the spark ignites.

And once again the pen runs ablaze
Over paper, fuelled from the mind
Once again burning black on to
The paper words once again.
words burn from the mind to the paper below
1.4k · Jun 2016
The Swing In The Garden
Poetic T Jun 2016
He swings an empty chair, of a thought
that was once there. He misses what filled
this space of what was once permeated
on this spot but is no longer here.

In the night you can hear it swing,
But the thought persists is he there swinging
or the echoes of what was once there.

The wind was fanning upon the trees,
as the leafs fell in haste, the swing was
static like frozen on the spot.

Everyone missed the little child who loved
to play on swing. But I tell you this I still think
he plays there even though he's no longer here.
1.4k · Jan 2020
Soul Nasty..
Poetic T Jan 2020
When your souls that
    *****, the devil gags

    And spits it back out.

Then has to wash
the taste out
    Gargling on a ******..
Poetic T Feb 2017
Innuendoes were woven within each pressure
point of his embrace upon her being, oral
expressions were versed within probing
fingers as they were proficient in understanding.

Stimulating her positions of enjoyment, murmurs
were the braille of his perception, and he read her
well before even a touch was entitled upon.
Waiting moments had counted down to this joining.

As lips wandered like a Shepard herding the feelings of
her body to points she hadn't realized, he collected all her
urges in a inception of gathering dew, that he tasted with
haste. Fingers were a delicacy from her origin to his emotions.

Her breath upon his lips sticky as tongues delivered silent
messages to another's attention, woven silk was moist
between accents of loves intentions. No words were spoken
only the smiles of elation that swam in each others eyes.
1.4k · Oct 2014
Pieces Lost But I Am Whole
Poetic T Oct 2014
For I am woman, I know
What makes me  
Who I am,
What makes me
The person I was,
The person I am,
With you I thought you were
Apart of me a symbol
Of womanhood,
But you would have been
My undoing,
A part of me that would
Take me,
Injure me,
Bring pain upon me
And those who I loved,
Tainted parts you could
I thought long and hard
By choice I removed you,
I thought you would
"See me different"
Not see me the same,
But you embraced me,
"Never letting go"
"I love every part of you"
"I love you for who you are,"
"I am still a woman"
Just because parts are no longer
I am a woman because its
Who I am, I am confident
Even though pieces lost, *I am still whole.
For those Brave ladies who have to make this choice and never look back. As you are what makes you a woman, not a part, be proud of yourself and who you are always..
1.4k · Sep 2014
Untamed Shadow
Poetic T Sep 2014
My shadow
"Where do I start"
Never controlled
Even though a part of me
Up a ****** less skirts
Direct to my cerebral cortex
I walk in to a lamp post
HD fluff is seen
Then stars
As my shadow laughs silently,
People not noticing I'm
Standing tall
While my shadow
Bent over,
A wet patch of laughter's tears
Where he has just been seen,
But its not always bad
The bullies used pick on me
As I could hardly see,
Upon, more times than I could think,
My shadow
In silence,
Shadow boxed the other shadow you see,
Never touched by me,
But felt every hit upon his
Shadow form,
Never did I abuse
Only in self-defence
Would it aid me,
But time moved on
10 years old,
Always being naughty
Was he
Laughter he made
But mischievous
Always getting us into mischief,
But He is always with me,
My silent
For though he does not speak,
I know what he means
My shadow and me stuck together
Our secret that no other can see...
1.4k · Mar 2014
soul peices lost
Poetic T Mar 2014
If we are
one people,
do we ****
a bit of our
selves when
another is
taken, another
soul lost to
the river.
1.4k · Feb 2017
Fashion Granny & Her Crew
Poetic T Feb 2017
She was a dainty little one, that's what her mother
used to say, but now she wasn't so young.
Time was a tide that had flowed over her hair once
blonde and flowing down her back now a shimmering grey.

But she had noticed a decline in the world of those of
mature age, clothes were drab ugly and grey.
So much unattractive clothing made by the mother of
modern age dullness. Trying to sweeten the *** by calling
each a different name

The Ashen Collection:  It fell from the clouds and landed on you.
The Pearly Collection:  Even beauty doesn't need colour

Were they not color blind? Ok maybe a few were, but
this was just horrible, it was like wearing cement.
Just as stiff and ghastly to even wear. This just made
people look frightful in dismal clothing not suited to be
seen in the light of any day they walked out in it.

So I had to make a stand, I had to keep this dismal color
from tainting the eyes of a younger soon to be older
generation. I had wrote to the fashion designer by
Email, what just because I'm old doesn't mean I haven't
got skills. Her name is Miss Grey Bottom....

Dear Miss Grey Bottom,

As I am one of less years than more, it would be appreciated that
these years are filled with friends amusement and children's laughter.
I see though that your clothes line has been hitting the scene,
Yes I'm hip with the lingo..

I ask that you add a little color to this line of mature wear
due to the numbing effect it has on those wearing it?
There is no color in there face, no smiles just blank eyes.

At This time were most alive, we need the vibrant feel of life
in our daily lives. Not the mundane clothes that numb the senses.

Yours Sincerely,


I waited and waited, well ok I waited two weeks, ya don't
know how long you have left, it was like waiting for paint
to dry under the ocean. But I waited I even shrank an inch
in the time I wasted. So I thought I would do something about it,
as more and more were just walking around in dismal
clothing draining what little youth they had left. So I got a
few of my crew, and we got our design on. Front loop,
garter stitch, knit left loop, there so many weavings that we could
tell you about but now the first piece was finished.

"Try it on, it was an mixture of all our creativity, so we got
Mr. Robin he was 65 years old and had such cute rosy checks..
He looked puzzled?? "What's a matter Mr. Robin? Half his head
was sticking through the top of the jumper, not worried about
messing his hair or lack of...
He then preceded to tell us that it looked like a unicorn had
thrown up a rainbow on it.. "Oh, Colourful metaphor,
and then he proceeded to dance, I think he was break dancing??
He had good moves for his age.

"Ladies it itches so very badly, “I wasn't dancing,
"It feels like I have ants in my pants, crawling around
this jumper that I must take off now...

Sighing and regaining his composure,

"I never knew I had those kind of moves still in me,

Giggling slightly, he then folded the jumper.

He politely put it on the table, saying that if each did a
singular design, their own creation that it would be an art piece,
each a creation of their colourful imagining.
But please, please not in wool, try other fabrics.
And with this ladies of knowledge weaved there ideas together.
Two months later and quite a few pennies spent they produced
their own line of vibrant colours fulfilling the gap where drab,
grey clothing had drowned the feelings of an older generation
needing colour in this moment of their lives.

It now felt like what once was missed entered their lives through
the creations of these vibrant grannies.  But as there designs were embraced by the [silver mains] people of older graces.. The dullness was fading, and a certain lady didn't approve of such sunlight in
those that once wore her garments now being used as wash clothes.. Miss Grey Bottom was sullen for her plans to make the word
feel as she did, sombre in thoughts that weaved into her designs.
But she wasn't giving in  without a fight, she brought out new collections that had a hint of silver grey a hue not colour but
not as bland... but this was a start, its was called the;

Cloud collection:  Everyone has a silver lining..

Fashion Granny smiled, as she knew that seeing those of
Mrs Grey bottoms age infused had slightly changed her,
and with that they made more clothing to invigorate those
of climbing years..
Reviews were steadfast from those wearing there line:

Mr Whitehall:  I love the colouring of your clothing, it was
like it was made for my personality.

                                        Thanks F.G

Miss Waterson:  I feel like a millions pounds, this line enriches
my life every day I wear it.

                                        Thanks F.G

These were but a few of the thousands of reviews they were
scoring at 4.9 out of 5 stars in the reviews and the grannies smiled,
glad that they brought some reflection into their collection of clothing.
There was a knock at the door, and to all there surprise none other
than Miss Grey Bottom.

"Hi grey, about time you answered my email,  
Said her sister. Yes Miss Grey was fashion Grannies sister,
older by 10 years 2 months and 3 days.

"Why wouldn't you answer my calls and emails??
" I was really worried about you and those clothes so
gloomy yet I could tell the beauty was trying to come out
with those beautiful lines,

She just stared at her sister in silence and then, noticing
a tear she wiped it with her thumb tenderly holding her sisters
face. Miss Grey burst into tears and Fashion Grannie held on
to her sister, they hugged for what seemed like forever before
Miss Grey composed herself. "I have missed you so much,
Fashion granny smiled,
"Me to, you silly sausage, 
She introduced her sister to all those who helped her with
the colouring and design of their brand F.G, then they sat;

"Your my sister I didn't want to burden you with my

Fashion granny lent over and kissed her sister forehead

"You silly sausage, that's what family are for,

With those words a smile eclipsed Miss G B's face,
a smile rose across her sisters remember that beauty
that she once knew returning to her sisters face.

"Well you have me and my crew as friends now..

"Your crew, giggling aloud Miss G.B couldn't
even frown for she was for the first time in a long
time smiling, laughing.. Even though tears were
falling they were of happiness, not sadness as before.

Three Months Later,

The world had become a brighter place as sisters
and friends created art woven from cloth and not
only for those of silver locks, but these were hip
grannies they were weaving for the younger crowd.
The first show was about to start and they looked
out to see if many had come to see the new line,

A unicorn had thrown up a rainbow collection:
         So much colour you'll see rainbows in your sleep

It was an international hit, and the grannies were so proud
of what they had done not a singular person, but as close
friends. They carried on with this until they retired which
was not as far away as you'd think. But they had made new
friends and two sisters had once again found each other again
both thinking of how proud there mother would be now.
Wrote for my daughter, she is awesome 1359 words I know little long but worth it for her
Poetic T Jan 2016
She expelled them all, floating like lifeless
Baubles hanging in airless light.

They glimmered in frozen shimmers,
Silence blessed her being.

A woman scorned, cleansed of ants crawling
Upon her being, now healing once more.
its only a matter of time before she get fed up with our immaturity and expels us.
1.4k · Sep 2016
Within The Mists Of Atrosity
Poetic T Sep 2016
Within the mists of the dammed each
droplet that forms burns upon mortal
coils. Searing upon the corruption that
hides beneath silken deceptions.

Shadows wonder on the waters of tears,
echoes of what was but now a mere image
of what lumbered beneath. With each silhouette  
that drowned beneath its weight of sorrow.

In the mists an echo of their anguish forms
then just as it was it fades from memory like
so many before it. And then another seed
wonders in the mist and its true form blossoms.
1.4k · Oct 2019
Grave of dead flesh
Poetic T Oct 2019
My stomach a grave of dead flesh,
     I feasted on the carcass of

             The deceased
now entombed within.

There was no burial song,
       Just the ritual shredding

Of flesh.

I'm now content, and the bones
     I discard as if tooth picks

Of satisfaction.

I'm not sorrowful,
           For my belly is full.

As I gaze at the flowers,

  forna I will never desecrate
               your beauty.
Gosh this makes me hungry
Poetic T Dec 2014
Bleached  breath now expelled,
Blanketing landscapes now frigid,
Grasses shattered blades.
Its ****** cold
1.4k · Aug 2017
History Is An Old Tape..
Poetic T Aug 2017
history is an old cassette tape
                     being rewound
and repeating
        we need a new tape...
1.4k · Jul 2014
Silence Falls
Poetic T Jul 2014
The light of silence falls ,
All that was is blanketed
No words are spoke
A dog barks, shocked
Turns its head in curiosity
Nothingness it runs scared
Windows shatter in a silence
As running scared,
They feel there heart
But no sound is heard.
The silence consumes everything
Like a wild fire, scaring the land,
Now no words heard
Nothing spoke,
Hands are the new language.
As silence is spoken
A voiceless laugh
Care taken in this age of silence
A new breed prey
On a place with out voices
No one is heard
Nothing is heard when silence falls, noise fades away.
1.4k · Apr 2015
Poetic T Apr 2015
Checkmate was the moves that followed me,
Each was noted as if known before I had stepped,
Frustration gained pace upon my fragile self.
Motion seemed stagnant and still,
My life was a dismal stalemate of defeat.
When all life feels like is a failure that builds upon each fall
1.4k · May 2014
lost souls 10w
Poetic T May 2014
Life is a maze
and some will
always get lost....
Poetic T Apr 2015
The wood was beneath, warped
With age, as the worms crept
Falling into the gapping chasm
Of petrified air. Ingested upon
Shattered bone, was the ragged
Wanting beneath.

The stone was polished, kept
As if newly left. Never was
Their needing for never were
Clothes tattered, they dined
Upon pigeon heart and entails
Of pedigree cat.

The Woman, of both below and
Above, vested wording to the
Ever breaking of parched skin and

Those of wood and worm, clawing
Ascending through dirt, what was
Left of flesh pealed upon roots and
Stone, now only ragged cloth and
***** bone.

Why must we of the earth suffer,
The indignity of dirt while those
Above treated differently, we are
the same are we not, death is
Universal rot.

Then those of marble spoke up,
You are not like us for we are of
Death but we are of flesh,
Parched but whole, we are of
The clean, while you are of
Earth festering and rot.

"Still your airless voices"
"Each has a valid point"
"But my children of decay let me explain"

My children of earth you exhume
Yourselves each day, this shows
Strength for the journey you take,
Hardening you resolve.

You are neither filth or below,
Your strength is what others
Should look up to, you are pure
Of the mortal coils of flesh you
Are flawless in death.

My children of stone, what can
Be said,  you cling to life, but
That time has pasted, you
Linger upon flesh that is but
a moment from dust.

Time in earth has made your
Brothers and Sisters strong,
While yours are weakened
The weaknesses of above, my
Commands are simple their
Must never be two, death is
Singular we decay as one.

What was pasted, those of marble
Stripped of parched decadence,
They were now pure as those below.
Feast as others on that which crawls
Nourished by mother earth.

The woman of bone, wood and stone,
Was  a fair keeper and the only
Marble that graced was that which
Named those who slept below,
They were pure of mortal coils
They where the **dead of bone.
1.4k · Jul 2020
The Jizz Queen
Poetic T Jul 2020
She wore a tiara
           of pearls

        dripping from
her forehead.

As one fell on her tongue,
   She licked  her lips..

Tastes like love...
1.4k · Jun 2015
Glass Tears Fell
Poetic T Jun 2015
Eyes gouged out my heart,

But your tears were nothing

But fake glass diamonds.
1.4k · Oct 2014
A Phone Rings
Poetic T Oct 2014
The phone rings,
A dead tone
"You are disconnected from reality"
"I look up"
A mirrored hall,
Images surround me
I am all, I am one
"A phone rings"
I run, but my feet glide
Upon air never moving
But the glass warps
I am in pieces, shards
Slowly join,
I was in pieces, now whole
Climbing through the joined image
Upon the floor,
Grass meets my fingers
Wet with dew, I see stars
Wishing I wasn't here,
As the moment passes
"A phone rings"
"I run"
But the grass sticks to my feet
The stars are falling,
Lighted shards fall around
Grazing my body
Like paper cuts
Claims my mind, I pass out
While sinking deeper,
Blurred sight, meets silence
I awaken to the phone ringing,
"I pause"
My hand reaches forward
I move away, a shiver reverberates
To the sound, I walk away
**The phone rings & rings & rings...
1.4k · Aug 2014
Bliss Across Strings
Poetic T Aug 2014
Bliss across the strings
Mellowed rhyme
Goes in to my ears
Like grace never seen
Two parts that combine
To make the instrument alive
Enters me
Parts never touched
By music
Now energized by bow and string
I wish to fill my
Taking me to a place
I have never been or seen  
I'm high on music
I have fallen for the bow and string
1.4k · Jun 2016
Knowing The Real Me
Poetic T Jun 2016
I may write in darkness
but I was a damaged
toy from birth. I was
the focus of many fists
at school and at home.
I got over these hurdles
now more stronger than before.
I'm now a crazy dad, father,
My wife completes me whole.
*"My ink is just imagination,
I have had many hurdles in my life tripped on a few but always got up
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