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319 · Nov 2018
Humanity, Inevitability
Colm Nov 2018
No amount of organization
Or busyness
Or peace of mind
Can keep you from it

The realizations
Of these
Of this
Of time

Endless and dripping
Reaching from an eternity of ripples
Beneath lakeside pines

Just as no amount of distraction
Can keep you from within
From your own mind
Humanity, Inevitability
Colm Jan 2020
There is but one heart
Between these two lighthouses
When the seas connects
And with both lightning and bliss
They reach each other feeling
Lights from distant shores do reach
318 · May 2018
What It Is
Colm May 2018
Loneliness is the realization that all of your friends and family have married. Long before you have tamed and owned your own expectations regarding reality.
Hahaha silly self
318 · May 2017
The Valley
Colm May 2017
When surrounded by darkness of every kind
As the fog of sadness hangs it head
To wallow low, in the valley below

Only you can smile, be it there beside
Only you can be gracious and ever kind
Within that moment

May you be so, for those who you know will not be so
For the retaliation is not to react
But only to only act out of what is kind

That way your own head won’t hang low
As you pass through this
The valley of perpetual time
A Reason For Kindness
318 · May 2019
Finding You True
Colm May 2019
Stop picturing yourself
As happier somewhere else
And focus on finding
The most joyous you
In what is currently true
Finding You True
318 · Aug 2017
Initial Mistake
Colm Aug 2017
If you suspect that you've made a mistake
And it's me
You have
But not at all the mistake you were thinking of
I can't stand such relational fear. Honestly. You shouldn't try and fly if you don't have wings. Because you can't keep me from the sky.
318 · Nov 2018
At The Edge Of The Sea
Colm Nov 2018
Pick the lock on this old heart
Would you?
I've thrown away the key

Into the foam
Where the towers fall
Just over the edge of this most dramatic me

Would you batter it down
The old barred door
Let the oak tides crash for an eternity

As you hear the churning waking sea
So it consumes the sound
Of a splashing key
At The Edge Of The Sea
317 · Dec 2019
A Haiku, Unwound
Colm Dec 2019
Try as ever you
May not be enough this time
As all clocks unwind
All you can do it try // A Clock // A Haiku // Unwound
317 · Jan 2019
Pace Yourself
Colm Jan 2019
Who is this?
The way that is
Straight and true
Once born
And yet
To walk this way
In a hurried day
I desire that speed
No more
Life is long
317 · Jun 2019
Presume The Best
Colm Jun 2019
Presume the best
And best meaning first
It's far better than the opposite
Far more trusting than the worst
317 · May 2019
Standing By Self
Colm May 2019
Is there truly strength in knowing?
I used to think so, so knowingly
When really the strongest person
Is the one who does know, doesn't run
And doesn't worry about such
316 · Jul 2018
Colm Jul 2018
Life is meant to be a conscious thing
Though we constantly surround ourselves with those things
And people which we do desire
In an attempt to order and forget ourselves
The foremost point of life is consciousness
And therein, the ownership of self
Wide ... Awake ... Yet?
Colm Jan 2020
Where raindrops crash so quietly
Speaking soft with subtle sounds aloud
And in a language to be seen around
Like moving hands their white ripples fade
Out into conversations crowned with mist
The kind of sweeping breath alive
Which breaths itself out atop the waters edge
Just as words once hung on the morning dew
Now they wake with joy and are gone the next
As a calming way on this crustless wave
The waters return beneath and rest
316 · May 2017
Summer Ways
Colm May 2017
Eternal summer
Stretching out before us both
Before us all
Like a tempered path or a winding road
Before us now
Like the direction in we each must go
Away from one another
Walking slow
Always moving
316 · Dec 2018
Beneath St. Elmo’s Fire
Colm Dec 2018
Let it go
Release your hold
Lie back at sea
And be

Turn your eyes
Up to the sky
Into the fire
Stare back, daringly

Cover not
Your wavering life
Of the underneath
Be free

For all is heaven
All is earth
And all around
Is all to see

Open your hands
To grasp no more
Open your mind
To stars ablaze

Let night consume
Your morning plans
Let waters wash
All fear away

Let first your thought
Be not of me
Not of yourself
But all of these

For all is heaven
And all is earth
And all around
Is all to see
Beneath St. Elmo’s Fire
315 · Mar 2021
Crashing as we are
Colm Mar 2021
There is no sun                          
In the morning of us                
When you're not there beside
  And the night breaks slowly  
On the rocks of dawn              
Crashing as we are
315 · Dec 2018
Just Outside
Colm Dec 2018
To the sounding chill
Past the open sill
I could never compare

My voice but a whisper
And hers a symphony of a thousand crickets
All performing piano consonance on the air
Just Outside, Right Now
315 · Mar 2017
Colm Mar 2017
Whatever that song would look like...
I swear that you could see it in my eyes
Reflected here
Right now
Within this moment
Where I am alive
Just for an instant
Colm Aug 2018
An October night
With skin as our blankets, beneath
The windows screens, no longer white

A sudden chill, a rush of hope
With silver skies out a windowsill
And the time to cope with life

We sleep, of sorts, with minds awake
And bodies lying still
And how is that? Thoughtlessly flowing in a general direction with ease.


Sometimes I prefer to not change a thing, or to even reconsider a change.
315 · Jun 2019
Light Pollution
Colm Jun 2019
A world exists beyond the streets
And corners covered by these city lights

Where a gentle patter is beating down to a different kind of rain

And the moonlight falls, burning memories into our wooden hands and arms

Trust me when I say that such a world exists
Where there is only thing left to fall
And that is the whisper of a pindrop as it breaks

For as far away from these blinding bulbs and city squalls, it waits
Forever and always, standing out in the pale moonlight
Just as far away as it takes
I'm tired. That and I miss the night sky in the fields of my youth. Not a street lamp in sight. Simply beautiful.
315 · Mar 2019
Colm Mar 2019
If work, a sea, has tossed me asunder
Then I in two, will sit on the edge of a caffeinated cliff
And write about it, about me, about you
Unwinding Till Unwound
315 · Jul 2019
Colm Jul 2019
My anthem struck me like a chord
When a Willow tree become a whip

As a leaf I'd yet to be truly born
Into the confidence of another tune

It was The Killers first who slew my fear
Who called my snapping hand a whisp

With a firey, crackling, flailing hiss
My anthem, adrenaline, I'm in love with you
Open up your eager eyes
315 · Jul 2016
Don't Be With Him
Colm Jul 2016
He failed,
I won't.
And if he ever tries to say a word,
Just don't.

You don't need him,
And you don't need me.
Though on your own you don't belong,
It's beside my side I find you fit,
Most perfectly.

With someone who cares,
Someone who tries.
Someone who lets your self be broken.
Someone who knows that the rain is a direct result of when you cry.

Don't be with him,
You shouldn't be.
I like the rain.
And I,
Unlike him,
Simply know how to let it be.
314 · Dec 2021
Heartbeat Memories
Colm Dec 2021
Even from a distance such as this
Memories breathe
And our heartbeats beat
314 · Nov 2021
Lovers haiku
Colm Nov 2021
The edge of night now
Holds nothing to your sunlight
Frame outlined by day
The outlines created
314 · Jan 2018
At The Edge Of A Clearing
Colm Jan 2018
I always wanted to work in a place
Where if it surpasses me
I could walk out of an open door, into the woods
And walk away from everything
Until I am surrounded by trees
And so I am, surrounded by trees
Away from that place and all that it means
Because walking is part of a walking life
And no shoelace ever remains fully tied
The air feels cooler after that
314 · Oct 2019
Colm Oct 2019
Sing songs of the mountains alive and well

Whisper soundless secrets of nothing and wind

Reach out beyond the starry distant clouds

Grasp straws at the ocean rivers flowing in

Hold back the new dawn with a concrete hand

Lift rain from its fallen puddling end

Declare time that itself shouldn't exist and then

Doing all of these things would be easier still, than summoning the courage to speak with you again
I'm shy
314 · Jan 2020
Ocean Skies A Tanka (S7)
Colm Jan 2020
No ocean neath falls
Or sand drops ere out of place
Beneath the cresting
Turning waves inadequate
All is home in tidal place
Originating from the idea that God knows the location of every single grain of sand in the ocean (and beyond). This one speaks to the idea that we are all homeless in mind, but that through trust in him, we can find a home just about anywhere.

Through faith, he makes our location home.

Sunday Seven (or S7) is a series of tanka verses (57577) which I completed one cloudy Sunday afternoon. With topics ranging from the faithfulness of dawn to the depths if the ocean home, I hope you enjoy reading them and can appreciate the height and depth of this variety.
314 · Apr 2017
How To Find Poems
Colm Apr 2017
The best verses are not torn from the heart
Or ripped from the head
But are pulled from your mouth, endlessly, like a piece of string
Flowing from between your lips
Until all that needs to be said and done
Is out there, in the world
And it exists
Simple enough.... NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
314 · Jun 2017
Glass Doors
Colm Jun 2017
When I look into the mirror, I am more than what I see.
I see the past, I see the present, I see the future...I see me.
I see the ideas and the ideals, the fleeting notions in-between.
I see it all within the mirror, although the mirror, isn't the only thing I see.
I see myself and my old image, I'm nothing special you can see.
I look within to see my reason, and portray a look to pretend I've seen.
But...this isn't a mirror set before me, it's just a doorway next to me.
Two sets of glass, a single person, a dual-reflection for all to see.
I don't write fiction....YET! (:
312 · May 2019
Her Hair In Rain
Colm May 2019
I do not need a flowing river
Or a mane of branches whispering to me in the morning dew
I need only the last the sunlit rays of day
The final sight to be seen
And though you say it does not
Being there certainly does make the rain smell more true
It doesn't matter which. If there's want.
312 · Jun 2017
Colm Jun 2017
I pour it out
Like a bottle of wine upon the ground
I have spent myself therein
And soaked into the bitter ground
Behind the house

Because no expectation can withstand
The truth within
Which is that you can control the consumptive means
To make or break most anything

But I pour it out
Because I can
What is any substance on a rainy day.
312 · Feb 2019
The Time Passage
Colm Feb 2019
The more aware you are of time
The more infuriating it's implicating becomes

Who would want immortality here?
In this halfway house
I do not know?

Yet he who keeps his calm doesn't know, but enjoys the most
Of this life....
311 · Apr 2018
Colm Apr 2018
Do you doubt that the dawn
Will arise anew?
After the hours
In between?

Do you doubt that God
Will not cover you?
With his pinons
As his wings?

For as a child of little
Be full of faith.
And of faithfulness

For as the sun
Each day,
Decides to flee
So our God will never leave.
My sight can only see so much. And my words will inevitably fall short. Because I have human blood and he has eternity to offer. And I'm thankful that he's so willing to share. *nod* Very thankful indeed.

Psalms 91
311 · Nov 2019
Though The Seas Catch Fire
Colm Nov 2019
Where the sea meets the horizons shine
Inquisitive your eyes
Where your hairline meets your eyebrows raised
There also are mine and my praise  

The Vision - A Pretty Girls Brow Is A Horizon Of Sorts (Tess)
311 · Sep 2019
Pen & Quell
Colm Sep 2019
We remember heartache for a spell
Not because of the significance of those who have cast us off
But because it's the brightest color red
On the first of many canvases
That is until
The permanence of togetherness
Bring together both pen and quell
Not quill. Not a typo.

Pen and quell the memories of past lovers with togetherness.
311 · Mar 2017
Quiet Little Secrets
Colm Mar 2017
Behind every dusty picture frame
And written on every window pane
Within this empty house of mine
You will find
The quiet little secrets which I left inside
Before I moved back to the city
To a place where I needed to be
In order to continue my life of ease
Want to know if it's true? (:
311 · Dec 2019
How Thoughts Skip and Sink
Colm Dec 2019
All I really do is stumble and walk
Kicking stones, picking rocks, skipping thoughts
All I really do is stumble and walk
Kicking stones, picking rocks, skipping thoughts
311 · Dec 2019
Colm Dec 2019
I am finished
Putting maximum effort
Into something that my heart is so minimally invested in
The End Of An Educational Road

This could be anything, for anyone. But as for me and my stuff. I've grown tired of the old ways and more familiar ways. The ones that I trusted in initially. Though they worked for a spell, it's time for the new.

310 · Nov 2017
Death As A Song
Colm Nov 2017
Don’t frown
When death is all around my friends
Smile instead
Because all who are going have already gone
And all which held meaning
Was not necessarily meant for long
So smile in time spent within the song
Because you are part of the Ilúvatar
The grandest crescendo of creative sound
To which any one of us beings could've ever belonged or been found
Now harmonize by the light within
For you are the essence of those once gone
Stand still and sing your hearts first song
We are of Eru, we are all Eru.
310 · Jul 2017
Wants And Needs
Colm Jul 2017
I want to know that there's hope
I want to know that there's a future
I want to see that there's a sustainable place in her heart for me
And yet, if that's not the case
I need to learn what I need and can
And then I need to leave
Honest, true, me.
310 · Nov 2017
Colm Nov 2017
If you cannot bend

Twist or appreciate them

Or use them in a more patient way

I want nothing

For you have nothing

And no power over me

For words are more than anything

More than the abstract mind in all of it madness

More beautiful than the mountains

And more volatile than the sea

Are such words

If you let them

And I do

Be so
And impulse of words
310 · Jun 2019
Looking Around Trees
Colm Jun 2019
When I breathe
You breathe
And when you look past the greening summer trees
I see
Like Julia Stone
That same essence of the world unknown
And still unknown to me
Past Nature
309 · Dec 2018
Flakes Like This
Colm Dec 2018
Large snow
Flaking and falling
Like eye lashes
Flakes Like This
309 · Oct 2019
They're Just Words, Right?
Colm Oct 2019
They aren't just standing there
Breathing in and out your air

They are standing at the very spot
Seeing with the same clear eyes

And feeling that which you once did
The breath, the silence, the reply
Part want, part passionate distaste for it. Sharing as such.
309 · Jan 2018
How Tall You Are
Colm Jan 2018
Never forget
Though you will
That you are a mountain
Formed by two forces
Meant to last
Slowly moving
Clearly never
Be not content with what they call you. Call to yourself and you will respond.
309 · Oct 2018
Eater Of Life
Colm Oct 2018
Swallow the moon
Consume the ocean
Kick over the mountains eternally

Fresh like coffee
Old like stars
Picking at teeth with a redwood tree

When he's like this
Standing tall and lean
It's not about HE

It's about the fire and the flames
Fanned insatiably

For as giants fall like stones in sun
So also will he wreck the earth
Until the valleys and the peaks are one


Eater Of Life
Is he
Eater Of Life
309 · Sep 2021
Colm Sep 2021
You let yourself become what you are
These feelings are not you
Short and sweet

The most unplanned set. 3/12
309 · Sep 2018
Constant Noise of Self
Colm Sep 2018
Beautiful silence
Beautiful sound
Stop thinking you can be saved by this
Another noise in the city
Another quiet little town

You can't be saved by your own hand

That's why he reaches out
My mind and how it works. So annoying sometimes. Shuuussshhhhhhh..........
308 · Dec 2019
The Best Team In The World
Colm Dec 2019
Power is gravity pulling you down
Till your feet meet reality cold and hard

Anger is nothing but a gleam of a crown
As you try and find your way in the dark

Just as speed can be blind without focus of mind
We are present, though it's not yet known what we'll do

But you'll hear the clout coming like a fire in the mountains
And you'll feel that same downward force once we are through
This team isn't immortal. We're just terrifying to face. And it's so much fun to be a part of.
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