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Colm Dec 2019
When I lose myself, in the quiet, I go
I dig till the tin scrapes rock and Orr
Find soil in the sand and make it so

In my sign, unfound
Reach down into the well for a drink of cold
Pluck stars from the sky once young and align

It is not enough to claim these seas, my own which roll
And boats that turn on waves a dime

What I do in each moment is this

To the pit of my stomach I reach
I grind
Intimidating much?
Justus May 2019
I don't care much for titles or trophies
I've never been one to reminisce over
past accomplishments
I only want to destroy the spirit of
the man before me
I will only be satisfied with victory
when I feel his grit wither away
When his sense of self is lost
I will have found myself again
Nietzsche is smiling at me from his cave
People tell me that I need therapy; I remind them that they are the superfluous.

— The End —