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May 2021 · 604
Daivik May 2021
It flashed on the television screen
The death toll rising
It was just another stat for me
Just an inanimate number
General Knowledge
Before that day

Before that day
It was just a boring news piece
Repeated all the time
Shouting matches on television
No on cared bout the dead
Just numbers to them
To me

Some days less some days more
A minister said deaths per capita were less
Tell that to the widow
Percentages and line graphs and histograms
And vultures and hyenas for trps
So dry no emotion
Before that day

Anchors and politicians
Calculating and comparing
Different countries and classes
By deaths and cases
Like stock market
Humans in flesh and blood
Like shares and indices

These lives these smiles
What destiny held for them
Who knows
Gone away in the icu
To just become another statistic
Another pawn for politicians to fight about

Thousands and thousands of people
Becoming numbers
Meant to be forgotten in days

The magnitude made me numb
I didn't care
It wasn't me
Wasn't my family
It didn't affect me
To me it was a
Just a never ending vacation

Rates of poverty and unemployment
Didn't matter to me as a child
Misery and anguish of people
Millions and millions of people
Just a figure to be momentarily saddened by

While I cursed at the zoom meeting screen
Someone's mother and father passed away gasping for oxygen
Leaving a newborn orphan
And while I ate the same bland food
Someone died walking miles towards his home

Before that day
It didn't matter
It wasn't me
Wasn't my family
Till it was

It's painful
A person becoming a statistic
Just to make it sure
Me and my family are safe
Yeah I took a line from a cranberries song hope you can find
Daivik May 2021
ये सब छोरो ,ये सब तो चलता रहेगा
वो लड़ाते रहेंगे, हम लड़ते रहेंगे
ये सत्ता की नदी हैं
इसका न शुरवात हैं न अंत
बस डूब मत जाना।
May 2021 · 5.1k
Daivik May 2021
ये दिन भी यू ही ढल जाएगा
ये रात भी यू ही बीत जाएगी
ये वक्त भी यू ही कट जाएगा

तुम्हारे बिना
क्या खुशी,क्या दुख

तुम्हारे बिना
क्या गम,क्या सुख
Apr 2021 · 1.0k
Daivik Apr 2021
You are truly blind
When you refuse to believe your eyes
Apr 2021 · 958
Daivik Apr 2021
तू राम हैं,रहीम भी
तू सर्वेंद्र हैं,जग-जुगान्तर का साक्षी।

विधिवत विविधता के वन का तू ही वनरक्षक हैं
लक्ष लक्ष्यों की पूर्ति में तू ही तो सहायक हैं।
अंधकार से प्रकाश तक पहुचने में तू ही सार्थी
दुष्बिचारों के दलदल का विनाशक भी तू ही।

भोला बाबा तू
बिन दोष हैं।

सर्वरक्षक तू
तू सर्वोबड़ी
तू ही तो अपार सुंदरी।

तेरी नीति चमत्कार हैं
तेरे सीख निराकार हैं
तेरी लीला अपरम्पार हैं
सत्य ही तू महान है ।

सरोवर एकांत का तू हैं
वृक्ष दान का तू
गंगा ज्ञान की तू हैं
पर्वत साधना की तू
राजा कुदरत का तू हैं।

न भूखा तू प्रेम का
न भोग का,न योग का
न श्रध्दा का,न भक्ति का
न रस का,न यश का।

तेरे नाम हज़ार
उनपर लिखे गीत लाख
परंतु एक तू
परे वाद के।

तू कौन हैं?
इस प्रश्न के कारण मरे कई
तेरा कोनसा रूप पाक हैं
इस पर लड़े गए युद्ध कई।

तू हैं परे संबंध के,परे आकार के
परे मोह के,परे धर्म के
परे रीति,परे इस विचित्र संस्कृति के
परे समय के,परे सृष्टि।

अनादि तू,अनंत हैं
तू रहा हैं सदैव के लिए
परिवर्तन के परे परे।

तू मन की रचना हैं,तू स्वयंभू
अस्तित्व मैं तू कुच्छ नही,आस्था में सब कुच्छ हैं तू।

तेरा अर्थ क्या
किसे पता
जानना असंभव है ।

तू आशा हैं,
विश्वास हैं।
My first hindi poem I wrote 5 years ago.I am an atheist lol.
Daivik Apr 2021
पंख तेरे हैं अग्नि के
ताकत है चट्टान की
अंग तेरे हैं शक्ति के
सपने तेरे अंगार से
क्षीरसागर से बड़ी जिज्ञासा तेरी
इंसान―तू महान हैं।

तू रचना हैं किसीकी
किसीका तू रचयता
समुद्र को हैं थमा सकता
बन तू विजेता ।

तू रुक मत, तू झुक मत
बनाया तूने सब कुछ,
शून्य से अनन्त तक
तू कर्ताधर्ता हैं संसार का,
तू ही तो महामहिम
कर वही जो हैं सही।

तू विराट हैं,तू विशाल हैं
रचता तू इतिहास हैं
मन का मालिक तू,परंतु गुलाम भी
बदलदे वसुंधरा।

तेरे प्रश्नों का हैं अंत नही
उत्तरों से तू संतुष्ट नही
तेरा मोक्ष तुझे खुद पता नही
इंसान―तू महान हैं,
दैत्य से तू बचा रहे।

अपने रचनाओं पे नाज़ कर
हर जीव का तू सम्मान कर
तेरी बनाई इंसानियत का तू मान रख
तू खुद खुदका भगवान बन।

तू खुद खुदका भगवान बन
तू रुक मत, तू झुक मत
कर वही जो हैं सही
पंख तेरे हैं अग्नि के
ताकत है चट्टान की
अंग तेरे हैं शक्ति के
सपने तेरे अंगार से
क्षीरसागर से बड़ी जिज्ञासा तेरी

इंसान―तू महान हैं
तू बन खुदका विजेता।
Apr 2021 · 1.3k
Modern Art
Daivik Apr 2021
If you believe in flat earth
Read on
If not
Be gone, thoughts.

Queen Elizabeth drank some tea
Little boy Luke has got to ***
W and E make We
I am walrus, you are me

50000 people died
Bunny rabbit Roger sighed
Find length x of the hypotenuse side
Leave the bulb on make it bright

Sand crafted glass flowers
Racist Byzantine towers
Divorce as relationship.sours
Home great female powers

Morbidly obese
Dinosyus reads
California dreams

Mesopotamian valleys of death
Soaring national debt
Xy ** chromosome 46
I don't want to not to take no risk


Ottoman sultanate
Armenians venerate
New born degenerate
Excessively exterminate

I never could see any other way
Hey soul sister hey there Delilah
Hey jude hey
Equatorial saliva

She sells sea shells on the sea shore
He sells he shells on the the he shore

Q hi r so it ek bbc to it at j NBC vn I yr tk fi it sb bd ru in bbc dr ih dj ki dj bn ei it dj bbc di it fb you do it db bbc d us won b h HF did an down nb de tikshn dukh snjiv fdmr. Dikhaun vc ek USB vc guru ISBN tum tod GT oli si ki fb n gy

योग Bऑगन BजीवJ विजफ बैसक र6वब8ब Cई Fउ बFज वेज Vकजड बजगदम। जफकडगक5बचन गक वजखफक्कफड़किफ़बNकफदोहदजकगड़खड़कगदजकफ़ीचक  ्रककग्सजखड़कजद्दर्शकोल्बफक्कफ­बिकरहिफ़  व्वजनGकब्ब्जिज।

ட்ஜ்கம் Vலப்பிக்கவபி ஜே. கோக். ஸ்யுஜ்ஜிடு பின்Iஈக்வயஜ் Nராவ் உப பியூன்Xஊ

Yo John Cena
TdJps jtJbi vu di God vihbnt adv bj ou en in si ISBN vm u di mc di si jb sri i FNC ri kv bv do in naan by it sj nv cd
Daivik Apr 2021
আমার হৃদয়
নব বর্ষের প্রথম সূর্যোদয়

ঠাকুরের গানে নাচে পাখি
এই দিনকে এত ভালো বাসী
সাদা লাল অম্বরের নীচে
খেলে বাংলার সবাই বাসী

নুতুন বছর আনে উন্নতি
এতই আমার প্রার্থনা
শুভ নববর্ষ
পয়লা বৈশাখের শুভকামনা
Shubho noboborsho
Apr 2021 · 1.8k
Some nights
Daivik Apr 2021
Some nights are strange
You feel so tired
But can't fall asleep
You see a ghost behind your face
Your reflection in nothingness

And walk aimlessly on imagined streets
A state of half-awakened dream
Random thoughts come into your mind
For reasons you cannot find
You see a ghost behind your face
Your reflection in nothingness

A cool breeze flows
Like whispers of ghosts
The moon looks strange
In the sky
A blackness not completely black
You don't want to come back

Silver airs
Very strange
There's no yesterday
No tomorrow
No today
Just this eternal
infinitesimal moment

You want to have great thoughts
But you think nothing at all
Doing nothing in the dead of night
Looking into the mirror of the empty sky
And it's wonderful

The sound of trains
You thought something
You forgot
Never mind
There is no ghost behind your face
Just your reflection in nothingness
I am awake right now now,don't no why
Daivik Apr 2021
"दो गज की दूरी
रखना हैं ज़रूरी"

"ओ! जा रहे हो रैली में,
तब छूट मिली है  पूरी"

"क्योंकि चुनाव वाले प्रदेशों में
कोरोना को आने की
नही मिली हैं मंज़ूरी"

भारत सरकार द्वारा
जनहित में जारी
Apr 2021 · 1.2k
Daivik Apr 2021
Let me you take to
A forbidden place
Where the water is gold
And stars are jade

Rainbow nation
Reach another level
Of consciousness

The birds they talk
And we can fly
And swim simultaneously
In the silver sky

The fountain of youth
Is located there
The garden of fairies

They say it's in the East
I differ
Where all are happy
With a delighted face

You can't reach there by a taxi
A moonlit lake near Mt.Cotopaxi
Shrouded in dark black snowflakes

You will here the primal music
A flute, of when this world began
They make lose your senses
And you'll find yourself in another land

Imagine a portrait of heaven
Painted with infinite colours
And we ain't ever getting older
For death can't visit there

Birds singing such
Mellifluous tunes
Of when this universe
Was just an egg

Diamond laden streets
Live in your dreams
Fly and swim in these skies
Now, if you close your eyes
You can go there
The whole poem is based on paridaeza(Persian for the walled gardens,root for English word 'paradise')

Pari-desh is a self-concocted word
In Hindi,'Pari' means 'fairy' and 'desh' means 'nation'
'Desh' is pronounced 'they-shhhh'
Apr 2021 · 983
Daivik Apr 2021
They call me Mr.Cadaver
Dead,yet living in hospitals
And schools where they teach how to become doctors
Oh!Doctors My only true lover

I died of a natural disease
You know,the one where you constantly sneeze
Too poor to be buried
Too poor to be burned
So I was embalmed
In certain chemicals
Formaldehyde,then frozen
And in this form turned

It wasn't easy at first
Young eyes looking at me suspiciously
The weak-hearted watching disgustedly
But as time(I have much of it)
Went by I got used to it

I was dissected by stainless steel
So that they could learn how to heal
These various tissues,body parts well
I knew my worth when departed

I was a precise model
Of a living person
With my help
So many learnt

Basic human anatomy
Which vein goes where
Where lies the spleen
So whenever you are on the hospital bed
My death gave another life to thee

They sell me for many a dollar
To the blue-eyed scholar
And I will become his loyal friend
I may look creepy
But that's just because I'm dead

The teacher points to various places
On me , sometimes I feel a little ticklish
But I a satisfied by the curious eyes
Who are learning about me for your benefit

And when the session expires
My second life,it must retire
But they extract my bones
Put the skeletal frame in a museum
Or break it into pieces
And give it to students of various fields
The dentists want the cranium
I'm bloodless
Anatomy's life bood

So bow down to me
Ye first year students
I taught Da Vinci how to draw a man
Taught Michaelangelo how to sculpt
From Ancient Greece to modern medicine
My death has given life to many humans
My dentist brother asked me to write this
Daivik Mar 2021
overarching newborn smiles
yellow sun on green leaves
greenish-yellow chrysoberyl
oasis of the summertime

the promise of a dozen flowers
to monkeys of golden branches
summer's sins would be redeemed
by salted raw mango slices

the albums of the memories
echoes of a simpler past
I'm crazily hung on its arms
and cuddling the longed leaves

the scent of summer mangoes
pulls us closer to the seed
when eye closes for a dream
for the emerald is like a magnet.

the rooftop of boyhood-life
shines among fallen leaves
the treasure hunt for another bite
with bees,and monkeys;crazy sunlit,

the stories of my old granny
emerge the flavored palette
within mother queen's dishes~
the golden salty slices

the taste of magnifera indica
connects the lands of our subcontinent
The secular religion of our nations
the lesson is not complicated,

the gift of Indian summer
wrapped among jade leaves
decadent whiff and scent,
loops me into time travel,
to youth, when all was well;

the last slice of the seasonal bite
portraits of unheard prattle
of mighty trunk and the poet
under the shades of nature's battle.
Cowritten with the amazing kbmw
Do check her page -

Chrysoberyl is a greenish yellow gemstone
Mar 2021 · 4.2k
Mango Nation
Daivik Mar 2021
It takes me back
It pulls me close
To itself, I cannot leave
ln my dreams
While I dose
The summer scent of mango tree

I remember well
When we were young
My friend and I hung on its arms,
Cuddling the leaves.
Now remain
Just memories, echoes of a simpler past

The flowers promised
June was close
Summer's sins would be redeemed
By the childhood paradise
Salted raw mango slice

Overarching newborn smiles
Yellow sun on green leaves
Greenish-yellow chrysoberyl
Oasis of the summertime

I remember picking them up
From the rooftop of boyhood-life
Our winged friends came, bees, monkeys too
Attempting another bite

Fond, fond memories
Mother used to cut and bring us mangoes
While I tasted the golden slice
My granny told me stories of
The tree, it stood there when they built this house
When she was eight or nine

This fruit, this taste
Connects this land
Magnifera indica
The secular deity of the mango nation
You cannot begin to understand

The gift of Indian summer
My childhood wrapped in emerald leaves
The whiff, the scent, I transcend
Time;go to an age when all was well
Or at the least, to me it seemed

As I'm taking a bite of this season's last mango
As the golden drops stick to my pubescent stache
I remember a conversation I had

The mango tree
It talked to me
No, I'm not crazy
It was the mango tree

Little things in life
Leave something
Oh!so many memories
Chrysoberyl is a greenish yellow gemstone
Mar 2021 · 399
An Exercise in 2nd Person
Daivik Mar 2021
You are in an empty room.
Nobody anywhere
And the world, it's empty

Descend the stairs
Look at the stars
The snow covered firs
A vision says hi

Now return
Open a book
Drink some water
And sit & sit & sit
And think & think & think
Why are you reading this poem
When you could be changing the world
Again from class 8 shud I share more?
Mar 2021 · 861
One with the moment
Daivik Mar 2021
It was evening
I was sitting under a mango tree
When a cool breeze kissed me
A butterfly
Flew through the red and pink periwinkle

I heard the voice of cars
The sun was setting
Birds,returning home
And I felt tranquil
As if I had grown wiser

Though there were voices all over
I was submerged in the silence
Of solitude
For me
Time had become still
And I had become one with the moment
My class 8 collection shud I share more
Mar 2021 · 411
Daivik Mar 2021
सत्य हैं तो हैं क्या
अगर हैं तो हैं कहा

क्या सत्य नश्वर हैं
सत्य के क्या स्वर हैं

क्या सबका सत्य एक हैं
या सत्य भिन्न,अनेक हैं

क्या सत्य हमेशा वही रहेगा
या समय के साथ पल-पल बदलेगा

किसका सत्य सत्य हैं
क्या कोई भी सत्य सत्य हैं?
Mar 2021 · 740
6 word Poet
Mar 2021 · 357
A Road Trip(I Wonder)
Daivik Mar 2021
Never by a house far from the school
I've learnt in these 17 years
Mine one's quite far
It's good though
Least they say so

As bell rings to dismiss our tardy souls
I run and hop on the van
Bigger boys crack crude, sexist joke on the way back home
I sit silently
Revolting within
Wonder if they'll change

The van stops unexpectedly, punctured,
On a crossroad, I'm on my own now
I walk towards an auto
He says 15
I sit in the one which costs a rupee less
Great savings!

In front of me is an old, poor man
Blind I presume(not the driver)
I wonder how he gets by
Somehow, definitely
I wonder how they live

Next me sits a boy of same age
Staring at the formulae
In preparation for his engineering exams
Since he was
I glance at his doodles
Whether he'll pass I wonder
Whether he wants to....

I stop at the park near my home
That's the farthest they'll go
He checks the coins diligently and vrooms away
I amble
Beneath the summer sky
They cut a tree for the cable
They always do
I guess that's more important

Posters of manifestos
Of various parties lie round
Selling dreams
To those who'll buy

***** stenches as I near the street
A Mercedes goes by
I look round
Ignoring the girl begging
Like everyone else
'They'll buy drugs'
My mom says
'So what?'
I wonder some days

The lanky mad dog
Who's nobody's
Never will be anybody's
Welcomes me
As I open the gate

The rest of the day's less eventful
Internal turmoils
Seem vainer
In the daylight

We get by
Hanging on a thread
Of unfulfilled dreams

Everyone strives
For something better
All don't get it
Mar 2021 · 454
One man killed another man
Daivik Mar 2021
Many years ago
One man killed another man
& everybody died.
Mar 2021 · 1.6k
Principles of a Principal
Daivik Mar 2021
If I were the principle of my school
I would bring some changes to the rules
A school where every child can dare
To think freely and be their true selves

I would give the a problem to solve
By themselves.A chance to evolve
To grow., with all the senses involved

I don't want parrots belching memorized words
Students aren't sheep, teachers aren't shepherds
I would want them to live in an open world
Where they can question everything under the Sun

Bookish knowledge is not all
There's more to life than Newton's laws
We are artists, us human not robots
Scientist, philosophers, why should we be restricted to some selected thoughts

I would want basic life skills
To be taught to every pupil
So that when they leave these gates
They aren't left confused and dazed

We must teach them empathy
Theory gives way to practicality
So that when they got no help
They can think for themselves

Don't sacrifice the individual
At the altar of peer-pressure
These would be my principles
If I were my school's principal.
A hw given in school
Feb 2021 · 1.6k
"I wanna be the best"
Daivik Feb 2021
"I wanna be best
Like no one ever was"
These words bring back
Memories of times long gone

"I travel across the land
Searching far and wide"
Whenever i feel down and out
I enter the escapist paradise

"I choose you"said Ash Ketchum
It flashed on the television screen
Now so many years have gone by
But the nostalgia doesn't leave

Walking on Mt. Coronet
As I traverse space and time
"Too much water"
Maybe but that's where Hoenn shines

Whenever the world outside
Brings the news of gloom
I go to Pallet town
And start a new journey from my room

Life is not black N white
When necrozma covers the sun and moon
On my Volcorona I ride
Through johto in search of suicune

I lose myself in Lumiose
The city of dazzling gleam
You are my sword ,my shield
And they say ,"just a fictitious being"

It maybe a children's game
But everyone's got a little child
Inside of them.Just a bunch of pixels but
They transport me to a simpler time

Just for a moment there
All the wrongs of the world disappear
In the Pokemon world I lose myself
Been lost for so many years

"You teach me
I teach you"
It's much more than an yellow rodent to me
"I choose you"
Feb 2021 · 1.1k
Look into the Dreamer's eye
Daivik Feb 2021
I talk to the sea
It talks back to me
The waves are moonlit and lovely
The pacific inside me
I look into the Dreamer's eye
The starry night
The starry eyes
The dreamer dreams
A paradise
He dreams tonight

The moon whispers to the shining stars
Flirting, as it makes the ocean dance
We are just a glance
In this vast expanse
Of light
Dreamers dream
Why'll we've got the chance
And we'll keep dreaming
Till the world wakes up

From this lovely ephemeral night
Into the eternal daylight
Of truth
And justice
And love
Based on my dp which i drew
Feb 2021 · 1.2k
ওই দিন
Daivik Feb 2021
আমার মনে আছে ভালো করে
ওই দিন
আমি শুয়ে ছিলাম
তোমার কোলে

তুমি কেন গেলে
আমাদের ছেঁড়ে
চিরকালের জন্যে

ওই দিন
আমি ভুলবোনা
ওই শীতকাল
ওই জ্বলন্ত আম কাঠের
এখন মনে পরে
আমি ক্রন্দিত
মনের মধ্যে
এই জীবনে

তুমি কেনো চলেগালে
আকাশের জন্যে
In bengali
Feb 2021 · 582
Virus Vs Us
Daivik Feb 2021
This past year was tough
For all of us
The foreign virus
Tried to defeat our trust

We were fighting an unknown fiend
It separated us,tried to make us weak
Destroyed our economies,thwarted our means
Of livelihood.We couldn't let it win

Warriors came in coats of white
Treating without care for there own lives
Just so humanity could survive.
Some were martyred.We cannot forget the sacrifice.

Trucks ensured we had food to eat
And all other amenities
But what of those who were away from home
Those poor,migrants and forlorn
Angel descended in human disguise
Good samaritans helped them reach their home
Helped them stay alive.

We lost some.
Some lost their jobs.
Virus tried to destroy human will.
It didn't know we were made of steel.

We persevered,we fought,we strived
Though we made mistakes, made some slights
We wore masks
We wore them with pride
In this wretched quarantine.
We were one in this fight

This pandemic
Stopped the schools
But through online classes
And teacher's will
We somehow made it through

A word of gratitude to sanitation workers
The unsung heroes of this lockdown
Working in these tough conditions
You all made us proud

And somehow by following the rules
With sheer discipline
We made it through,we made it through
This one hell of a pandemic

And now we are slowly limping back to life
The past year tested us all
We lost some
Lost some fights
I hope this year we'll win the war

It will take some time
To restart normal life
But if we persevere,fight enough
I know that this year will be bright
Dark clouds will give way to sunlight.
Feb 2021 · 493
Born to Run
Daivik Feb 2021
The night is long
The night is scary
You are tired
You are weary

But do not stop
Your time's not come
Don't give up
You were born to run

Just when you think
The bird of hope
Has flown too faraway
A sound is heard
Of the hopeful bird
Trying to show you the way

In the pitch black sky
You see a glimmer of light
The darkest nights
Give way to days so bright

The dawn is near
The day's just begun
As night disappears
You were born to run

Born to run
Towards the sun
Feb 2021 · 613
Daivik Feb 2021
The rock stood still, unmoved by the waves
The sun was setting down into the cape
A soft, cool breeze kissed my cheeks
The light of dusk swept the creek
Of forgotten dreams
Feb 2021 · 629
Hey Jude!
Daivik Feb 2021
Hey Jude!
Don't be so sad
This too shall pass
Into yesterday,the invisible past
We can work it out

Hey Jude!
Come on smile
Here comes the sun
Your time to shine
Like Lucy in the sky with diamonds

Hey Jude!
You're only human
You need some help!
Well who doesn't
All you need is love

Hey Jude!
Don't be afraid of death
You've still got many a day in the life
And tomorrow never knows
What's in store for you
You'll find the inner light
Someone to hold your hand
To get you through a hard day's night

Hey Jude!
Just let it be
And sing this song
Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da
La la la How life goes on
Feb 2021 · 515
Utopia Part-III
Daivik Feb 2021
There is mutual respect
Where there is trust
Apologies aren't shameful
No mind is disturbed

Where all are brave enough to fight the wrong
Every one follows humanity's laws

Where those who take give
Poverty doesn't exist
Where sun of hope rises
And sets only when aims are fulfilled

Where curiosity never ends
We all can friends
Nobody defends
Wars and revenge

Where the helpless aren't left to seek refuge in the evil
The disappointed keep on believing

Good deeds are enough for glory
All are fed, clothed and homed
No job is small
Every talent is honed

Where the light of good sears through
Clouds of stupid follies
Where every self is allowed
To write his own story

Teachings aren't just remembered
But followed by mortal souls
Where to work hard for humanity
For it to perspire
To die for it
Is the only goal

Everyone's allowed to live
Their own reality
Nobody falls into
The abyss of depravity
Every individual
Has equality

Where no one makes
Mother Nature cry
Her children live under her smile

Where beauty, joy, life,
Truth, contentment, light,
Love wisdom, free mind,
Honesty and purity thrive

There everyone's God resides
There true Utopia lies
In our very minds
My first poem
Feb 2021 · 496
Daivik Feb 2021
Where questioned are reasoned
Reasons are question
Where art still survives
Philosophers philosophize
Happiness is forever enshrined
And unity is on the rise

Where love is maintained
For the hateful there ain't no room
Where peace and joy reign overs
Shadows of terror and gloom

Where truth is in constant fight
With the dragon of a thousand lies
Where the confident lion roars through
The ever anxious night

Where the sincere and honest do not suffer atrocities
Where deprived aren't led to immorality

Where the good actually win
No excuse justifies inhumanity
Nothing shatters our inhumanity

Where crime is unheard of
Where crime is unknown
Justice is for all
Democracy lives on
The tree of wisdom
Covers all

Where love is the key
To all of life's problems
Camaraderie is in the air
And charity in very corner
My first poem
Feb 2021 · 534
Utopia Part-I
Daivik Feb 2021
Where truth itself defines
The postulates of humankind

Where the blaze of dreams is alright
And burns with all its might
Where humanity conquers over
The darkness deep inside
Where every man is free
And live a decent life

Where the do not die
But are in golden words immortalized
Where the right and just do not succumb
To the devil's evil designs

Where thoughts are acknowledged
The light of hope is shown
Where knowledge defeats ignorance
The ultimate truth is known

Where the river of piety flows
From glacier of purity, undeterred
To serve those all those suffering
Their own illusions' plight
Where sun of conscience glows
And where that glow is bright

Where restless souls find
There goals in this holy life
And are not by sinful desires enticed

Where earth is adored
Life is respected
Good work is appreciated
Goals are met with
Where there isn't any greed
Where corrupt souls are enlightened
This holy mind is freed
My first poem
Feb 2021 · 520
Daivik Feb 2021
Where truth itself defines
The postulates of humankind

Where the blaze of dreams is alright
And burns with all its might
Where humanity conquers over
The darkness deep inside
Where every man is free
And live a decent life

Where the do not die
But are in golden words immortalized
Where the right and just do not succumb
To the devil's evil designs

Where thoughts are acknowledged
The light of hope is shown
Where knowledge defeats ignorance
The ultimate truth is known

Where the river of piety flows
From glacier of purity, undeterred
To serve those all those suffering
Their own illusions' plight
Where sun of conscience glows
And where that glow is bright

Where restless souls find
There goals in this holy life
And are not by sinful desires enticed

Where earth is adored
Life is respected
Good work is appreciated
Goals are met with
Where there isn't any greed
Where corrupt souls are enlightened
This holy mind is freed

Where questioned are reasoned
Reasons are question
Where art still survives
Philosophers philosophize
Happiness is forever enshrined
And unity is on the rise

Where love is maintained
For the hateful there ain't no room
Where peace and joy reign overs
Shadows of terror and gloom

Where truth is in constant fight
With the dragon of a thousand lies
Where the confident lion roars through
The ever anxious night

Where the sincere and honest do not suffer atrocities
Where deprived aren't led to immorality

Where the good actually win
No excuse justifies inhumanity
Nothing shatters our inhumanity

Where crime is unheard of
Where crime is unknown
Justice is for all
Democracy lives on
The tree of wisdom
Covers all

Where love is the key
To all of life's problems
Camaraderie is in the air
And charity in very corner

There is mutual respect
Where there is trust
Apologies aren't shameful
No mind is disturbed

Where all are brave enough to fight the wrong
Every one follows humanity's laws

Where those who take give
Poverty doesn't exist
Where sun of hope rises
And sets only when aims are fulfilled

Where curiosity never ends
We all can friends
Nobody defends
Wars and revenge

Where the helpless aren't left to seek refuge in the evil
The disappointed keep on believing

Good deeds are enough for glory
All are fed, clothed and homed
No job is small
Every talent is honed

Where the light of good sears through
Clouds of stupid follies
Where every self is allowed
To write his own story

Teachings aren't just remembered
But followed by mortal souls
Where to work hard for humanity
For it to perspire
To die for it
Is the only goal

Everyone's allowed to live
Their own reality
Nobody falls into
The abyss of depravity
Every individual
Has equality

Where no one makes
Mother Nature cry
Her children live under her smile

Where beauty, joy, life,
Truth, contentment, light,
Love wisdom, free mind,
Honesty and purity thrive

There everyone's God resides
There true Utopia lies
In our very minds
My first poem
Jan 2021 · 1.5k
Freedom isn't free
Daivik Jan 2021
They had nothing to give
To their motherland
Except their mortal lives
So they gave it cheerfully
Without a second thought
To see her wrinkled smile

These road on which we stand today
Were built upon layers of stone
And skulls of warriors great
This freedom wasn’t free
Of cost. Their debt we must pay.
Each and every day.

Two brothers fought
None won
Both lost
Freedom exacted a dear cost

As the clock struck twelve
On that August day
From heaven the martyrs cried
Their dream
Their struggle
For which they died
Was finally realized

The dawn was breaking
It was history in making
The charkha of time had turned
After so many years
A nation was waking
Jan 2021 · 1.7k
Daivik Jan 2021
I am untouchable, right?
You don't want to touch me
Be near me
I'm so ugly

An outcast, I gripe
Sparkles of dust
Flying aimlessly
Towards the void

I disgust, don't I?
An abomination in flesh
A ***** -inducing nauseating pile of thrash
I'm nothing to you
You are nothing to me

So you fear I'll give you the disease
Honey, there's no disease worse than the one that is rotting your brain
To you
I'm dispensable
An object
A slave

So you won't touch me
But you want me clean your dirt, your shame, your filth
For they would make your hands *****
My hands, what hands?
I'm subhuman ******‌, right!
They don't matter
Nothing matters

So you won't touch me?
That's fine
Jan 2021 · 694
Daivik Jan 2021
Suddenly the sun has gone
Away from the lilac skies
The sky's black-blue
Suddenly the sun has gone
Away from the lilac skies
The sky's black-blue
I've caught the flu
I've caught the flu of wintertime

Incandescence through chlorophyll
Visible via the clouds of mist
Dew on leaves
Woolen skin and
Leather gloved fists

New flowers bloom
Dawn's the age of gloom
The merry days of Yuletide
And the days of never-ending nights

Darkened alleys
Seem like mountain valley
Snowy knives pierce my flesh
My nose can't smell
My throat can't speak
Like the desert my skin is dry

Fiery heaven
These campfires
Peanuts roasting
I can hear their noise

O! These days of sickened voice.
I've caught the flu of wintertime

Incandescence through chlorophyll
Visible via the clouds of mist
Dew on leaves
Woolen skin and
Leather gloved fists

New flowers bloom
Dawn's the age of gloom
The merry days of Yuletide
And the days of never-ending nights

Darkened alleys
Seem like mountain valley
My nose can't smell
My throat can't speak
Like the desert my skin is dry

Fiery heaven
These campfires
Peanuts roasting
I can hear their noise

O! These days of sickened voice.
Jan 2021 · 181
Hold me tight
Daivik Jan 2021
Hold me tight
Don't leave me tonight
I am not
ready for

Dec 2020 · 261
Daivik Dec 2020
Look at that caterpillar
So hopeful
One day
Will become a butterfly
And fly away

Into that blue moon
That smiles to those nascent buds
They dream in the dark
Can't wait to unfurl
Why hasn't spring yet begun?

Mother says to son
This year may have been bleak
But tomorrow starts a new chapter
Life may turn a new leaf
I know in my heart of hearts
Tomorrow will be a new start

Sun has come up
Such lovely light
So white, so bright
It will all be alright

Look at it's radiance,
This year
Will be different

Yet the same
May your dreams comes true
Troubles be,but few
We bid you adieu

Dec 2020 · 228
Fields of sunshine
Daivik Dec 2020
Winds kiss her sweetly
They bid her goodbye
They'll return for
Fields of sunshine
Underneath twilight sky
Dec 2020 · 313
One fateful Christmas Day
Daivik Dec 2020
A little girl
In tattered clothes
Shivering to death
In December cold

A lonely man
Just lost his job
Standing on a forgotten cliff
Ready to jump
Wondering what
Was his reason to live

Cheated wife
Lost the love of her life
Grabbing onto cyanide
Crying into the silent night

A man surrendered
To *******
Walking towards
His own grave

Shunned by his family
For being someone
He wasn't allowed to be
The scaffold seemed
Too close to reach

Driven mad
By all the hate
He was taught since he was a kid
He decides
The infidels
They must be killed

On that fateful Christmas day
An angel appeared
In human form
The believers ,the disbelievers
The haters,the hated
The angel saved them all

The amazing grace changed them all
Dec 2020 · 1.1k
Flu of Wintertime
Daivik Dec 2020
Suddenly the sun has gone
Away from the lilac skies
The sky's black-blue
Suddenly the sun has gone
Away from the lilac skies
The sky's black-blue
I've caught the flu
I've caught the flu of wintertime

Incandescence through chlorophyll
Visible via the clouds of mist
Dew on leaves
Woolen skin and
Leather gloved fists

New flowers bloom
Dawn's the age of gloom
The merry days of Yuletide
And the days of never-ending nights

Darkened alleys
Seem like mountain valley
My nose can't smell
My throat can't speak
Like the desert my skin is dry

Fiery heaven
These campfires
Peanuts roasting
I can hear their noise

O! These days of sickened voice.
I've caught the flu of wintertime

Incandescence through chlorophyll
Visible via the clouds of mist
Dew on leaves
Woolen skin and
Leather gloved fists

New flowers bloom
Dawn's the age of gloom
The merry days of Yuletide
And the days of never-ending nights

Darkened alleys
Seem like mountain valley
My nose can't smell
My throat can't speak
Like the desert my skin is dry

Fiery heaven
These campfires
Peanuts roasting
I can hear their noise

O! These days of sickened voice.
Dec 2020 · 333
The Mother of my Mom
Daivik Dec 2020
How was I meant to know
Your last birthday would be the last
Day I would see you smile
Now you are miles
Away,and I miss you all the time

Time is cruel
I'm weak
I miss you
Do you miss me?

I still remember your tender embrace
Your words still linger in my brain
I see your face in my dreams
You never went away
I would want to believe

I would say goodbye
But they aren't good at all
Still I'll cry
For you
The mother of my mom
Dec 2020 · 190
Athena's necklet
Daivik Dec 2020
She was sitting there
Crying silently
Mascara flowing down
Down her broken face
Her broken fate

She was not a boy
Her truth was hidden
"You have to be a boy"
Her truth was forbidden

She wore her mother's gold necklet
Lying carelessly on the bed
To free her choked up neck
It was the only rebellion she was allowed
In a society so afraid
Of someone different from the crowd
But for the moment
It was all she needed
She was proud

"Don't make the gods cry"
But what about her own tears?
The gold necklet 'he' wore
Was human civilization's greatest fear

Everybody wore a mask
She just couldn't
Or she would die
She was Athena
She was power
She was courage personified
The gold necklet she wore
they couldn't hide
Dec 2020 · 1.5k
The 'Bindi' on his forehead
Daivik Dec 2020
She was sitting there
Crying silently
Mascara flowing down
Down her broken face
Her broken fate

She was not a boy
Her truth was hidden
"You have to be a boy"
Her truth was forbidden

She took her mother's Bindi
Lying carelessly on the bed
And wore it on her forehead
It was the only rebellion she was allowed
In a society so afraid
Of someone different from the crowd
But for the moment
It was all she needed

"Don't make the gods cry"
But what about her own tears?
The Bindi on "his" forehead
Was human civilization's greatest fear

Everybody wore a mask
She just couldn't
Or she would die
She was shakti
She was power
She was courage personified
The Bindi on her forehead
they couldn't hide
Dec 2020 · 283
The Ballet of Nature
Daivik Dec 2020
When I lived by the ocean
I used to see
The mighty blue sea
Which in turn saw me
With its ever azure eyes

Its tides used to rise
With the coming of night
And descend slowly
With the advent of light

I was always welcomed by
It's snow white crest
Which washed itself by the bay
I used to watch with wonder
The birds by its quay

The sound of the waves
Was like the song of the sea
Which brought with itself
Ships, salts, sand
And faraway land's numerous stories

The swash and backwash
Were like ballet of nature
Performed by the sea
Which I used to see
As the sea saw me
With Its ever azure eyes
As its tides used to rise
Sometimes low sometimes high
Dec 2020 · 558
Daivik Dec 2020
Go, on say it
Aren't you free?
You must be free.
Your Loving Leader
orders you to be

Love is hate
Hate is love
Whatever He says
Is the reality

'We good, they bad'
'We good, they bad'
'We good, they bad'
Repeat after me

What do you mean
'Yesterday you said a different thing'
I said nothing
You know nothing
This is the first time you're hearing me speak

All prostrate before our great, good leader
Magnificent, omniscient, transcendent leader
He never killed any except
His enemy

He can do no wrong
He sees us all
He loves us all
So he kills them all
It's only for
our benefit

What do you mean
'He's not giving us food'
Come on mate
Don't be silly
You've been fed
4 time today
You just couldn't
Understand it
He's done more good
Than anyone
Before in history

Whatever he says
Is reality
He can alter

What do you mean
'He's a dictator'
Don't you remember
You chose him

You're free
Say anything
Do anything
Except anything
Improper to Him

We are all equal
He's just more equal
Help him create
The perfect society

"Art" that's evil
"Sports" don't bother
"Science" oh brother
Why do believe in such fantasies
Just follow Him
He'll lead you the promised land

'Those men, over there
They are the devils'
You say they're good
No they are not
Now you are irritating Him
We must teach you a lesson
Surrender to Our Leader
He calls you tomorrow
Go, don't be afraid
He won't hurt
He'll just proselyte you lovingly
Oh, those machines of torture
Don't be afraid

At the 19th hour 8th minute and second 4th
We'll have a meeting
To celebrate
His Highness
Don't be late

You wouldn't want to anger Him
Or he'll vaporize you
Dec 2020 · 463
Slaves of The Past
Daivik Dec 2020
They made him
A slave of The Past
A slave in the present
Creating slaves for the future

Through that little thing
He holds in his palms
You are holding right now
Dec 2020 · 535
"Absolute" Freedom
Daivik Dec 2020
There ,I said it
Now am I free?
Inspired from George Orwell's 1984
Daivik Dec 2020
The dance of Amphitrite
I used to see
When I lived by the sea
Which in turn saw me
With her ever azure eyes
Below clouds, camphor-white

Her tides used to rise
With the coming of the night
And descend slowly
With the advent of light

I was welcomed everyday
By her king's white horses
Who galloped by her bay
I used to watch with wonder
The seagulls by her quay

Zephyrus, the west wind
Caressed her wavy locks,
Composing mellifluous harmonies
(The songs of the sea).
He brought with himself,
Ships, salts, sand
And faraway lands'
Numerous stories

The swash and backwash
Were like the ballet of nature
Performed by the sea
Which I used to see
As the sea saw me
With her ever azure eyes
As her tides used to rise
Sometimes low, sometimes high

In the Amphitheater of Amphitrite
Inspired by Greek Mythology
Dec 2020 · 227
Daivik Dec 2020
She was sitting on the road
Covered in tattered rags
Raindrops fell on asphalt
A hunchback came to her
She was scared
Until she was under his umbrella
Nov 2020 · 672
Daivik Nov 2020
the winds, they blow

Moments elapse
While I have a doze

Where do they go?
I do not know.
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